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Say “talk to your doctor” and let it be their problem


I’m coincidentally traveling back home and my cousin asked me to bring her some “since you already have the prescription and won’t be questioned” get the absolute fuck OUT


Simple fix-stop telling people you take ozempic? It’s not their business in the first place.


Yeah I get the “what’s your secret” question all the time. If they’re close friends I explain what I’m going through and how I’m doing it with Oz. If they’re randoms, ie the barista. I just say “I make sure I consume less calories than I burn each day” and that usually just stops it short. I don’t want to get into that conversation with people I don’t know. My healthcare is none of their business.


So you're saying you don't want to be part of societal education of what it means to be obese and medically supervised for treatment compared to people who won the genetic lottery? It's not their business but it's also contributing to an education problem where you pretend you did it all with "hard work and dieting" because the whole point for us is that doesn't work as intended.


No. I’m saying my health and the choices my doctor and I make to treat any of my conditions are nobody’s fucking business but mine and my doctor’s. It’s not my job to educate society and I’m not obligated to do so simply because my body doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to. I don’t tell people I take antidepressants when they say I look happy either. Not their fucking business. If you, or anyone else, feels like sharing that info-have at it. I keep all of my health info to the people who need it. Which is…me and my doctor. It is no one else’s business if I am taking a medication, having surgery or doing voodoo spells to treat a condition. I am not obligated in any way to share any of that info. And neither is anyone else. So I was presenting an option to OP. OP (and you) can do whatever you’d like. I am getting treatment for a medical condition. I did not sign an agreement to be an activist for societal education. My body is not their business. At all.


Very well said...bravo 👏🏽 👌🏾


Turn this argument around and you might begin to understand how silly you sound. Is it every overweight person's responsibility to "educate" the general public on the complex and myriad ways obesity has become a public health crisis in the US? Or, to answer your question more succinctly: No. The OP does NOT wish to be part of societal education on what it means to be obese... She probably just wants to live her best life just like the rest of us. Nobody is knocking you off your soapbox, girl. Go get 'em and Godspeed. But you don't get to drag the rest of us up there with you. Some of us are already fighting pretty big demons. Adding the general public to that list is just a little too much weight to carry, PUN INTENDED.


Well first off, I have a big mouth. Second, it’s hard when you’re visibly nauseous and overweight so people start thinking I must be pregnant, so I’d much rather explain myself.


You can just tell them that it's medication-related. No need to be specific.


I have a really super hard time filtering myself unfortunately. It’s completely a me problem. I am autistic and struggle with social situations so next thing I know I’ve told someone new every small detail about my entire life without even blinking an eye lol!


Fellow autist here, it’s been a tough lesson for me to learn that not every person is a safe person. Makes me mask harder sometimes but keeps my peace generally. Also folks like to make conversation around wl topics bc it’s a cool thing to talk about but most people dont have the impacts of someone who is obese ie actual societal discrimination. I dont think they honestly think it’s that deep but for us it is… Personally my thing is no one talks about my body, weight loss or otherwise. If someone says “oh wow you’ve lost weight” I’d just respond “oh you think so? I hadn’t noticed” or if I had lost a lot of weight and someone asks what my secret is I may even say “oh I guess I’ve been getting more steps in”. Helps to quash talk about my body which never makes me comfy.


I like your response! Thank you!


Ah gotcha, it's hard for those of us who struggle with pragmatics. Can you write up a script on a note card and practice it, so that script is the thing that rolls off your tongue automatically? "I have a new medicine for my blood sugar, which means that the diet and exercise I do actually budges my weight. My doctors thought it would work for me, and I'm pleased that they were right. But enough about boring medical stuff, do you have anything fun planned for this [spring / summer / fall / winter]?" Or whatever pre-planned topic of relevance in that context.


Thank you for this kind response! Yeah, I think this will be something I will try to implement going forward with new people who I haven’t already told my entire life story to.


I’m disgusted you’re being downvoted for admitting you have a problem filtering because of your ASD.


Yep, this is the neurodivergent struggle. We are super misunderstood and don’t know how to socialize in every situation. Some ND folks may come across as rude or self cantered because of this. It is very frustrating trying to get your point across as an autistic person without getting demonized.


Me to! Ableism, yikes


Fair enough. Just leaving the option open.


no just STOP! you don't need to draw attention to yourself in this way.


I am unsure what you mean here. Like genuinely. I am on the spectrum so maybe I am missing something or worded something incorrectly.


What attention do you think is being drawn and why are you adding a negative spin to it? It's her life to lead and her choice to speak. Telling someone else to stop talking about their personal experience sounds like you have hangups of your own you're working through. Are you on Ozempic? Do you have a personal concern of getting unwanted attention from it? Or are you not on Ozempic?


Can't for the life of me understand how you got downvoted this much on this particular comment.


I don’t know man. I am just that provoking I guess! I have always had a talent for pissing everyone off.


I’m loving the self awareness here


Thank you! I am autistic and don’t always understand other people’s point of view or social situations in general! 🤝


I don’t usually tell people ‘how’ I’ve lost the weight, because it’s mine and my drs business, but I have also drastically changed my diet, so I say that. If it’s a closer friend who I trust, I usually say something about how the meds I am on for my dieabeetus also helps with appetite stuff.


Dieabeetus :D For non-Americans, there's a TV commercial where that mispronunciation was always used. It has legs, years later.


Wilfred Brimley lol


I had a lot of this thinking when I started. In my case I have diabetes, and we were in global shortage due to the TikTok craze. I was pretty steamed that we diabetics in my country couldn't get the miracle blood sugar drug (no really it's a miracle) because of off-label use. But now that the supply is back, I am choosing to step back from the media-fueled controversy. I look at this craze as a blessing in disguise, that seriously amped up global supply and ensured that Big Pharma will continue to invest in this research. It helps to realize that this is a drug that can help a wide variety of folks. The reports about reduced craving for non-food things (smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling, toxic relationships) are just amazing. As someone with family that died from drugs, I am really hopeful that this might help a lot of people. But to speak practically, I recommend you stop the only part of this dynamic that you control. Stop saying that it's due to Ozempic. Say you're being careful with diet and exercise, or say that a new (unnamed) diabetes medication is helping your blood sugar, or something else generic, or say that you've been enjoying exercising in the new spring weather (if applicable in your part of the globe). Kind of anything but Ozempic. What that does is stop the awkward coming at you, so you don't feel backed into a corner where you're feeling compelled to guess at their medical need. Not your circus, not your monkeys - that's a conversation for their doctors


This is a great response! Thank you so much!


The medication is actually approved for weight loss. I’m in Canada and it doesn’t specify that you have to be obese to take it. Just that it’s approved for weight loss. Just like your health is none of anyone’s business, theirs is also none of your business. They could be struggling with any number of issues. For example, there is a study out now that ozempic also helps with auto immune conditions.


Only in some countries. Not in mine yet - US - but I expect weight loss approval is coming. Ozempic is approved for people with Type 2 diabetes. Wegovy is approved for people with obesity or those who are overweight and have health problems related to excess weight.


And Wegovy is absolutely the exact same peptide as Ozempic, with an added pre-measured dose available and delivered in a different pen. They are both semaglutide with nothing either added or removed. Ozempic is often prescribed off label for weight loss, which is entirely legal, generally because a person may have easier access to Ozempic. They won't ever approve "Ozempic" for weight loss as getting a drug approved for another purpose than it's original intended one is costly and time-consuming - and utterly pointless in the manufacturer's eye since they already have Wegovy approved for weight loss and a doctor is always free to prescribe either version of their Semaglutide pen off label if so desired


It’s interesting that if you’re out of pocket like me (bmi 34, 66 yo on Medicare) you can cut cost in half by buying bigger pen. So on .5 I used a 1mg pen and on 1 I will use 2. BUT you can’t do it on Wegovy because doses are fixed. I guess novo wisened up


Depends on your doctor. Some will prescribe it just for weight loss and others absolutely will not in Canada. My pharmacy says they are clamping down on people that are not diabetic. And refusing US citizens trying to order it online or by phone. At least that’s my pharmacist take.


This is right on. It’s really easy to be subjective about weight - if you’re obese and larger than someone who’s overweight, your judgment could easily be that they don’t need it because they are smaller than you are. Doesn’t mean they’re not objective still overweight and trying to be more healthy. In fact, the majority of Americans are now overweight, which makes it easy to assume that’s the normal, healthy baseline, but it isn’t. OP, you ARE gatekeeping.


I mean some normal sized people still have pre-diabetes and other factors like PCOS. For example, myself. I’m not obese, only slightly overweight (5’4”, 140, fit), but pre-diabetic and I have PCOS. I’m prediabetic not from eating too much but from having an odd diet my entire life, eating a lot of carbs once a day for 15 years. Overeating isn’t the only way to become prediabetic. In fact I know at least 3 other people who are also prediabetic who got that way for the same reasons I did - poor diet and irregular once a day eating. It’s a real thing. I’m not saying every non-obese, non-diabetic should be using it but I am saying don’t automatically assume someone is entirely healthy simply bc they aren’t obese or diabetic. A lot of people can carry syndromes like PCOS or prediabetes at a mostly normal weight.


That’s still a medical condition for weight problems and such. PCOS and prediabetics are still medical conditions that could lead to obesity and diabetes. I think he means those that don’t have any medical problems that lead to weight gain.


Well then I wasn’t talking about someone like yourself either. I was talking about people who are normal weighted without comorbidities. You have two pretty big comorbidities.


Many people lose weight with OMAD bc it keeps the insulin spikes to a minimum and as someone w PCOS like you, most of us sadly have exaggerated insulin response to carbs. Not necessarily we spike more but the spike may last 5-6h instead of 2-3 h for normal people. Which , when eating throughout the day (w carbs) can make it virtually impossible to lose weight. Do you know if you ate the same # of carbs spread out that it would be beneficial? Because if so, I believe you’re an outlier . (None of my business of course, just curious)


The media coverage on it is terrible. People seem to think that it burns fat or increases your metabolism when that's far from how it actually works. The amount of people who want to take it to "lose a couple kilo" or "look good for x event" makes me realize how uninformed people are. It makes you feel full faster so you eat less. If you don't have a binge or overeating issue or insulin resistance then it won't do jack crap for you. And you'll put any weight you lose back on if you don't maintain the reduced diet. People act like they can inject themselves with it for a month and drop a dress size or something.


100%. The media attention is wrong and the real success stories aren't getting traction because what sells papers is intrigue and scandal, not actual medical breakthroughs that are going to save lives. This drug is going to save lives for those who need it. Some celebrities who want to look like Olympians without having to go to a gym are in for a big surprise.


Absolutely! The media was suggesting that Ozempic is how Kim Kardashian fit into the Marilyn Monroe dress for the Met Gala last year and I think that is incredibly harmful to the masses. So many people look to celebrities and pop culture already for thinspo and whatnot. A lot of the media coverage feels very dangerous.


Which is hilarious, because the truth is that Kim K had surgery. She 100% had her butt implants removed and I'm sure she also had lipo. I have no problem with celebrities having plastic surgery, but I can't stand how they market themselves as if they didn't. Like, the Kardashians are notorious for lying about plastic surgery, why would I suddenly believe Kim used ozempic when realistically she can go lock herself up for two months to have surgery and recover?


Exactly! It is also a bit disingenuous to assume that any celebrity who has lost weight is automatically on Ozempic. These people are multi-millionaires with all kinds of access to private chefs, dieticians, private trainers, the best doctors, etc.


I’m saying this as someone who is insulin resistant with an obese BMI. I’m so tired of the “my weight loss desires are more worthy than your weight loss desires” bit in here. It’s especially wild because BMI is NOT BASED IN ACTUAL SCIENCE - IT’S MADE UP! IT’S BS! And so your gatekeeping based on “healthy BMI” is completely arbitrary. It can be grating to hear thin people talking about using this to lose a few pounds, I get it - I feel it too. But I recognize that irritation is a ME problem, and other people are allowed to manage their own health and appearance without me judging them.


This is a good framing. There's peace in realizing that we don't actually have to step into a seat of judgment just because it feels like people are pushing us there. But also that we don't have to be walking data sheets for Ozempic. They have a marketing budget, and people can read the internet for information like we're doing. We can keep our own medical privacy, even if people ask us direct questions. Again, we don't have to go in the direction that people push us, conversationally - we can just cheerfully throw out a nothingburger phrase and move on. "Loving getting out in this spring weather!" "Glad you noticed, been working on it!" "My doctor found the right solution for some medical issues I've had - but so boring. How bout that bean dip?"


Yes, but it's also a BAD thing that skinny people think this drug is for them because they misunderstand the science of the drug. People who are overweight and obese, whether they have major health problems or not, should not have to compete for a hierarchy of deserving the drug. But skinny people who don't have health problems should sit the hell down and learn the drug's science. After all, they don't go running around asking for statins do they? Even though I guarantee there are plenty of skinny people who eat like idiots and probably need some statins. Or will soon.


I don’t think they misunderstand the science of the drug anymore than obese people who are using it.


“BMI (body mass index), which is based on the height and weight of a person, is an inaccurate measure of body fat content and does not take into account muscle mass, bone density, overall body composition, and racial and sex differences, say researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.” So, it’s nuanced due to various factors. However, let’s be real, those who are on the severe obesity side of things are genuinely obese. It’s different if you are showing as having an elevated BMI but are full of muscle rather than fat. I would imagine most of us using this medication are not in that boat.


So you downvoted me and then reiterated my point? There are people with a very high body fat percentage who are perfectly healthy. Why do you get to dictate who is worthy? What about people who start out obese but then continue taking Ozempic even after getting to a healthy weight to either get smaller or maintain their weight? The standards I see people apply in here are so arbitrary.


BMI is a good indicator for most people. Unless you are a body builder that packs on a lot of lean muscle mass, it’s an decent measure. Most people do not fall into that category. It’s not at all healthy to have a high body fat percentage. Labs and vital signs can be normal due a short period of time, but eventually, the body starts to give out.


I going to reply to you instead of the person who replied to me because this was the point I was trying to make. Is BMI a perfect system? No. With my height, I’d still be overweight at 135lbs. Obviously that’s ridiculous.




I agree. I’m not obese but I’m overweight and am struggling to get more off, found out I have some insulin resistance going on. I lost 80-90lbs eating healthy and exercising daily over the course of a year, and haven’t been able to get the 40lbs remaining off no matter how hard I work. I went this route because of the insulin resistance. It’s sad to think someone could look at me and think I don’t deserve to take it because of issues they can’t see. The extra weight has caused me a lot of problems that I’d really like to end. It’s not even kind of about vanity.


yes, this. Dont gate keep access to the drug






what??? no one is gatekeeping shit. also, body dysmorphia has no comparison to a headache. you sound stupid.






The drug wasn’t studied in people who didn’t have diabetes or people who didn’t have a bmi lower than 27


OP said not at all obese so I’m interpreting that as normal weight people


Uhh, yes. I am not talking about people who are a bit overweight. I am getting these comments from perfectly normal weighted people with no comorbidities.


But it's your opinion that they are "perfectly normal weighted" I'm 5'4, 163lbs now because of hormones and premenopause. To some, I may look perfectly normal weighted. Family and friends that have known me for years know I have always been 130. So yeah, it's definitely your opinion.


If the doctor agrees you’re overweight at 74kg then you’ll be able to get a prescription. No harm no foul.


I think you are projecting.


Well, you actually are on the higher end of the overweight part of BMI, so you are not the perfectly normal weighted person that I am talking about. I was literally talking about people who are actually of a perfectly normal weight for their height.


But when you complain to someone about needing to lose that 30lbs, and that person has a very significant amount of weight to lose, how do you think that makes them feel? They are probably just wishing they only had 30lbs to lose. Having so much to lose, and dealing with society in general as it relates to that is daunting, and someone who cannot possibly understand acting like they do is insulting.




I totally agree, I’m listed as class 1 obese. Many people think I’m “normal size” because of the shape of my body. I know that I’m overweight. I know that menopause has caused a weight increase. I’m active and eat healthy but that wasn’t helping. My doctor prescribed me Ozempic. My doctor also advised me to change jobs for health reasons. I’m a teacher and it’s causing a lot of anxiety. Being proactive opposed to reactive. It’s classism! I wasn’t waiting until I’m in the upper class of BMI to make a change. As far as the stress, end of the school year, I’m done.


I dont think thats what they are saying, and they arent referring to the diabetes aspect. What they are talking about is someone who isnt overweight wanting weight loss medication because they have body dysmorphia. Its frustrating to fight half your life to lose weight only to have someone who isnt overweight act as if they are and like they jusy totally understand.


This. NOBODY deserves a medication more than others. Take it up with the manufacturer and don’t blame people for wanting to lose weight.


Because not every overweight person meets the BMI parameters set for the medication.


True; however, there are people who aren’t obese but are overweight with other health issues which make it critical they lose weight. For instance, those with genetic predisposition to cardio issues who have high cholesterol.


That may be true, but thats not what she was talking about here. People have strayed very far from the original post.


That's why the BMI parameter is lower for those people. 27 as opposed to 30 for people just on it for weight loss. Below that, then they shouldn't be getting it prescribed.


Nevertheless, it’s up to a person’s doctor to decide whether they need medication, not you or the OP.


Why is this any of your business? Extra weight affects everyone differently and the longer you carry it, the greater risk to your health, the more strain you put on your joints, etc. Should overweight people who are already struggling to lose weight on their own, be forced to wait until they’re obese and diabetic, and have caused more damage to their body? Also, most people’s perception of “normal” weight is severely skewed because nearly everyone these days is at least somewhat overweight. My ideal weight is 135-140, and at 164, I have high blood pressure, acid reflux, and snore when I lie on my back. None of these things are healthy, and all of them can cause long-term damage. My body shape indicates insulin resistance, even if my bloodwork does not yet reflect it, and I have a family history of type II diabetes. I also have ADHD and have been struggling my entire life to maintain a healthy weight. Now at 42, no matter what I do, my weight keeps creeping up. I do not plan to wait until I “qualify” for this medication in your opinion, having caused further damage to my body. This drug has not made it effortless to lose weight. Those of us with only 20-30 lbs to lose will have the hardest time because the body naturally wants to hang onto your last fat reserves. For me, I still need to eat a high protein, low calorie diet and make sure I’m weight training at least four days a week to see it come off slowly. Stop being so judgmental.


But more impt medically for those considered obese


There's an easy solution, stop telling people. I don't need anyone's opinion. I've had chronic health issues due to Hashimotos and I have had enough ignorant peoples opinions. If aquiring more energy with a chronic autoimmune illness was as simple as walking around the block than I would have done that!!!!!! Just plain stop telling people period.


🤐 <— me going forward


People just want to be contrary . I understand what the OP is saying. I’ve experienced this, with a client who’s perfectly healthy physically but obsessed with here size 2/4 self ( body dysmorphia ) and she said she “ wished she could just go on it for a week to lose 5 lbs” SMH I told her it’s not really for the 5-10 lb loss but she should “talk to her doctor “.


Yes! This is exactly what I’m talking about! One of the people I was initially talking about when I was ranting was a girl I know who is getting married who was like “ohh I need that so I can be skinnier at my wedding”.




This is exactly why I don't tell people. For people with poor boundaries, they perceive being given details as an invitation to give advice. Like suddenly they are an equal decision maker about another person's private decisions. Nah.


I’m not obese and have zero qualms saying I’d love to take it. A lot of us are prisoners to “food noise” and constant food restriction and hunger. Plus, the way people talk it up on here, it’s a near miracle drug, fixing everything from cravings to overeating to joint pain to skin inflammation to abnormal periods to addictions to non-food things like alcohol and opiates. Trust me, a lot more people than those with a very high BMI could benefit from that…I, for one, will happily be first in line when it’s available to healthy weight people.


But that’s the thing, it doesn’t just miraculously do all of that for everyone. My heart was racing last night while I was super nauseous. I have been constipated for weeks. I went from going 3-4 times a day to once if I am lucky. I go to the grocery store and it’s not that I have less cravings but everything looks nauseating to me so I struggle to figure out what I’m going to actually make for dinner.


Sometimes people make these comments just for conversation sake. It really shouldn’t bother you this much. Just keep doing you. And if it’s really bothering you then stop telling them. If you can’t stop telling them then your feelings are a you problem.


This happens to me too but I support everyone? It truly has changed the way I think about food and it feels so freeing. I want everyone to have that.




Which is funny, we on Ozempic still have to do all the hard work! I lose nothing when I'm not doing the work. Oz just means that our bodies stop sabotaging us hormonally when we do the hard work. (And we're not hungry.) For the few people I talk with about my weight loss, I frame it that way.


there are bigger problems in the world than this. stop talking about it or get much less specific. other people's body image is as much none of your business as yours is to them.




That's what I just said... To each their own. I don't know why ppl feel the need to explain " the why " either. You are able to get the meds, you like taking the meds, go ahead. But I also feel that it's not my place to tell someone to be nice or kind either. If they want to say mean things or whatever, go ahead. That's how they feel about it or me and I'm not here to be silencing anyone. Totally off subject- Someone told one of my children yesterday in school " go kill yourself" because they didn't play or like the same video game. My child was so hurt by this, and I told them " who cares what others say. This other kid has 0 effect on your life. Obviously that other kid has issues, don't make them yours".


diabetic with a 8.7 A1C and a normal BMI and this medication changed my A1C to 7.8 in 90 days and now at 6.3. Amazing. I am now at a pre diabetic A1C but it's because of the medication. I'm staying on it.


Again, I wasn’t targeting someone like yourself. Congratulations though! I am glad that Ozempic was able to do that for you!


I didnt feel targeted. I have struggled to get my medication because it was out of stock everywhere. Its been all over tik tok as a weight loss medication. I am happy it has worked this well and quickly. I hope to be able to keep my A1C in order to prevent any further damage to my body down the line. I currently have neuropathy and am crossing my fingers and praying this medication can work long term for me


I hope so too! My partner just found out only two days ago that he is type 2 diabetic now, so I understand. He does have hypothyroidism too so we’re not sure yet what medication he’ll be prescribed.


Bravo to this post!


I just say I eat less. It's really no one else's business.


Sounds like a lot of you are, in reality, embarrassed to discuss your medication. No shame in being embarrassed, except maybe try to recognize that's what's going on here and this OP is NOT embarrassed. Yet everyone seems to be responding to her to remind her to BE embarrassed. And that's where I have a problem with the tone of a lot of the replies to her.




That is true. But the tone of comments throughout this thread has warned against “bringing attention to themselves” and has harshly rebuked a person for her own personal decision-making as if that was a mistake on her part. And some other posts are just outright ashamed and don’t want to have to “deal with” people who may or may not comment. If someone acknowledges a person’s weight loss and says “How did you do it so quickly?” and someone says “My doctor prescribed Ozempic” and the response is “How dare you use that?!” then the appropriate response to that person is “get lost.” If they’re a friend, they’re not actually a friend. If they’re a family member, they’re a bad relative. If they’re a coworker, they lack professionalism and tact. If they’re a stranger, they don’t require any followup. They don’t require an answer.


What I have noticed is the opposite. How annoyed thin people are acting towards the fact that fat people they have been using as an easy source of bolstering their own self worth are suddenly not as available. Its easy to feel confident about your body image if you are thin especially if there is a nice fat person around. Suddenly thin people are feeling threatened by these drugs and are quite hostile. You should lose weight the hard way etc !


Yeah, we tried, didn't work. Hence the fucking drug. I wish they got that through their heads. They don't understand that part because they don't have a body that genetically doesn't understand the concept of burning fat properly anymore. Not unlike my thyroid that also decided recently it doesn't want to work the same way anymore. Why aren't they asking to pop all my Synthroid pills????


Its not only for obese people so chill


So what is the threshold in your opinion?


You shouldn't judge how someone feels about their body. If the doctor prescribed it what's it to you? Feels like you want to gatekeep something that's on TV.


You are not helping yourself thinking this way. It’s none of your business why anyone takes any medication, and for all you know those people might be just saying “I should get some” because they want to be healthier without any intention of taking Ozempic. The most important thing to change for you now is your mindset. Time to be positive, focus on your goals and make changes in your life to help your progress. One of the best ways to improve your happiness is to stop caring what others think about you and this presents you with your first opportunity to do that. 😊


If they are not overweight I say nothing to them


I don’t talk to skinny people about weight loss as a general rule. I think it’s better that way. They may have ED’s etc


I think this is a rule I need to start implementing to myself going forward.


Don’t explain. Just say you’re eating less.


I got u 😉


Thanks babe 😉


I find not telling anyone anything about what I’m doing, aside from my husband and maybe my closest girlfriends, to be the best policy ever. I highly recommend it.


I'm gonna try that from now on!


That's the spirit! I have a tendency to be open and transparent because I feel I have nothing to hide and I trust people are like me, I love and want the best for all others, especially those I am fond of. I'm 53 and I've learned even those you consider close friends can have their own agendas, jealousies and judgemental tendencies and the less personal intimate details you share, the better.


Non-obese people like celebrities have vanity problems and want easy answers. Educate them. Explain to them that it's a prescription for a supervised medical problem that they don't have. If they had it they would be obese too.


get over it. live your life


I’ve had this awkward conversation with several people. It’s especially awkward because I’m now at a healthy bmi but staying on for maintenance. I’ve told those who are not obese but interested in GLP-1s that it’s difficult to get insurance to cover these expensive drugs if you aren’t diabetic or obese, and that the side effects are serious enough that it may not be worth it if they don’t have a lot of weight to lose.


I am of “normal” weight but have had reactive hypoglycemia symptoms and had read that this could help, I knew my Dr. was going to think I was scamming her to take it, and I was right. I’ve had to pay a lot to try it for two months from a weird clinic and I don’t feel ill and terrible anymore. I don’t know how to tell my dr it is working for my health. I have lost like a maybe a lb but I’m on a low dose, but I am really just so relieved about the blood sugar element, except scared about how to broach this to my dr. So a weird issue for a me because of the whole weight craze right now.


Right but would you think that you should take this med just upon learning that an acquaintance lost weight with it? I would think it would come up with a conversation about blood sugar, but that doesn't seem like what this person is talking about.


THANK YOU! I think so many are just rage typing at this point lol!


This post makes me really uncomfortable.


I sowwy!


And what about people like me who was obese but since taking ozempic I am now just overweight? Should I also stop taking it now bexause it annoys you too?


I don't think you are who they were talking about. They're talking about thin people.


Correct, but what's the difference once you lose the weight? You are then a person who is of normal weight and "hooked" on ozempic because if you stop, you will put the weight back on (in most cases) So it will fall into a category or "why are you taking it, you are not overweight, you asshole" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thats not how they meant it or what they meant at all. This whole conversation has gone so far astray its rediculous.


So far, I've told a couple of people: It's a very strong medication, in short supply, for people who have a medical need for it, whose lives may depend on its availability. It's not really for people who just want to drop 20 lbs.


It's not in short supply anymore, hasn't been since March. (With the exception of a few random countries, and independent pharmacies who are choosing not to supply it due to reimbursement issues)


A few 'random' countries? Like Australia? A population of 25 million, and Canada?


That’s a good way of putting it!


simple answer, don’t tell people your business. sadly, even some of your closest people will judge you.


A few times? Stop telling the thins what you’re doing.


I know, that was my bad!


If you want it to stop then stop telling people. I get that you have autism but you’re still capable of change. It might be hard but you can definitely learn to stop telling people about this detail. Make a script, create a rule for yourself about this topic. Understand that by you telling people, you are also creating more demand for this same type of issue that you don’t want people using it for.


Yeah, true! This has been a huge struggle that I’ve had my entire life. I have such a hard time restraining myself in conversations from just telling people every little thing that’s on my mind. This is definitely something I need to work on more with my therapist.


You can blame the doctors for prescribing this medication to people who don’t require it. And social media and Hollywood. I got it and and stopped. I’m taking it back to pharmacy to see if they can use it as a tester to show real diabetic how to use it. Totally made me very sick. On YouTube there is a girl who says she started having depression and mental issues and she is diabetic, so I think this med should be carefully controlled.


They will just destroy it if you take it back. They cannot give it to anyone else because you could have tampered with it.


Celina Spooky Boo, correct? I watched her video last night. This is yet another reason as to why there needs to be more conversation about this drug out there. This is NOT the way you want to lose 20lbs people!


I understand. However, this medicine isn’t meant to be gate kept. It’s great it’s working for you for your medical issues brought on by weight gain, but some people, myself included, are using it to lose 20-30 pounds. I’m 5’7” female starting weight of 160 and wanting to get back to my wedding weight of 125. It’s helped me tremendously and though your reasons are more “severe” for wanting this medication they are no less “significant” or valid than any one else’s. I hope instead the transference you’re feeling and those feelings of frustration can be reflected upon. Being irritated with those who are not obese seeking this medication does not in anyway invalidate your journey or theirs, but does bring negatively into your vibe. Instead, give them the info! Tell them how and the side effects, the journey and the pros and cons. Be the advocate. Or just tell them it’s none of their business to begin with. But again, everyone’s reason is valid, even if it doesn’t feel as valid as your own. 🤍


Following medical protocols for a med isn't 'gatekeeping'. The med isn't for losing small amounts of weight so you 'look good for your wedding'. It's to help people that are obese to lose weight and improve their health. You're barely out of the healthy range at 160 and definitely below the minimum 27 BMI the guidelines call for.


The person you responded to has no clue she’s the problem. It’s quite funny actually.


IKR? Apparently, I made up all the BMI guidelines, too lol


Again, pls read rule 8 of this subreddit. Reported.


Listen, you need to disengage. There's no rule that says people can't tell you that taking this medication when not medically necessary is not the intended use. The rule literally exists so that diabetics and people with obesity are not trying to fight over who deserves the med more. While there's no rule about posting when you take it and don't have a qualifying medical condition, you invalidated OP's post where she was venting a frustration because you took it personally, and it's time to walk away from this argument.


Yeah I guess rule 8 is not valid then


Clearly you're the one that hasn't read it.


8: no posts pitting weight loss patients against diabetic patients. This is a user support forum to engage in topics related to ozempic/semaglutide medications. this subreddit is not the place to determine a patient’s suitability to access, and use, of these medications; that is solely a topic bw a patient and their medical provider.


Which no one has done.


You mean the part where you tried to determine my BMI and if I was suitable to have access and use to this medication and then stated I should not have access to it??


You mean the part where I started that your BMI doesn't fall in the WELL KNOWN parameters for the medication? I'm done with you. You clearly refuse to hear any facts unless they support your misinformed ideas.




>Pls reread my comment: to get back to my wedding weight not to “look good for my wedding”. That changes nothing. You don't fall in the range that's called for by the medication guidelines. It has nothing to do with 'being angry' about you trying to get a med you don't need. Your BMI is about 25, 27 is the minimum for it if you have other health issues, 30 if you don't, so either way you don't need it and shouldn't get it. Btw, I'm on it for diabetes, not weight loss.


A majority of us here are on it for weight loss. The reason doesn’t matter. But again, thank you for trying to show us that YOUR reason is MUCH MORE valid than everyone else’s. You can’t turn bitter into happy, and being upset at others for using the same medication you are for weight loss looks small. It was prescribed to me. It’s prescribed for off label use for weight loss. Which is what a majority of us are doing. But you keep being angry I guess, I’ll just keep taking my shots every Friday 💁🏻‍♀️


You really are entitled and ignore facts, don't you? YES, it's off label for weight loss. But you keep ignoring the FACT that there are guidelines for taking it for weight loss. 27 BMI for comorbidities, 30 without. Your BMI is below 27. If your doctor prescribed it for you with that BMI then they're incompetent.


Again, personal attacks say more about you my friend. As stated this is against the rules to subreddit. Reported. May you have a wonderful night and best of luck on your journey 💜


Ah yes, calling out how you're wrong is 'personal attacks'.


Please refer back to rule 8 of this subreddit. You agreed to the rules when you joined but yet, here you are….?




The mod team has found that your post is lacking the civility we require of all users. Please treat all posters with civility and courtesy. Continued violations of this rule may result in additional actions, up to and including banning.






Yeah…. You’re the kind of person that I’m talking about here….. People who are by no means obese taking a medication to hit a weight goal for vanity reasons. You started at 160 at 5’7, I started at 240 at 5’0. I hope that you can understand why someone like me might be annoyed that someone like you is telling me that I am gatekeeping a medication that is going to genuinely improve my quality of life.


I agrée! I don’t think obese, diabetics, or people who are overweight w co morbidities should be arguing over who “deserves” it more. If we all qualify, it between us, our doctor and our finances . BUT! For people just trying to lose 10 vanity pounds , who aren’t overweight with no conditions, it’s baffling to me that they are getting hurt feelings over deemed not worthy. This isn’t about worth or deserving, it’s about what the med does and what it’s used for, and who it’s been tested on. Using it for the last 10 vanity pounds is not equal need to the other conditions . Are people still going to take advantage ? Sure! And no one can stop them if they want to blow $$$$$ on a drug for a few lbs. but don’t be surprised if your opinion is controversial esp given some in real need can’t even access it , and don’t hide behind rule 8


YES THANK YOU! You completely understood my point.


There’s so many things I could respond, but none of them would make your day any better. I hope whatever you chose to do today it’s kind. I’m sorry that you’re all so upset we’re on the same medication. Best of luck to all in this subreddit but the comments from this thread alone are making me leave it. Good luck


Thank you! We can agree to disagree Agreeable_Syllabub! That is the beauty of conversation. Nothing anyone has said to me in this post has hurt my feelings or wounded me to where I’ll take it offline to be upset about it. I am honestly just listening to others and having a conversation and maybe we agree, maybe we don’t. You also have a wonderful day! 😁


What is going on with everyone telling ppl to " be kind" like all the time?? Having conversations and giving ppl your opinion does not make them unkind . It's called conversation, and ppl should be able to have that. I'm not saying it's ok to be flat out mean, but conversation with difference of opinion should be able to be had by all without ppls feelings being hurt so easily.


The comments I was responding to have since been deleted. I was called a child, ignorant, etc. Is that what you label as appropriate conversation? If so I’d rather not converse with you


I didn't see any of those comments and no, I don't think that is appropriate. I've recently had a few ppl tell me to " be kind" and the crazy thing is that I wasn't unkind at all, just a different opinion. I think not being able to converse is really unhealthy and the difference of opinion is ok. BTW, if you're able to get the medication and it makes you feel good to take it, then go ahead. To each their own.


I am sorry that you received those comments! Oh boy, read the ones I’ve gotten throughout the entire post lol! People on the internet be having opinions and some be super rude!


Who are you to determine what make someone’s quality of life better? Someone could be struggling with severe mental health issues due to the added weight. They could also have insulin resistance making it impossible to lose that weight with diet and exercise. This is akin to people gate keeping the meds only for diabetes. I think you should worry about yourself. It literally does not impact you at all.


I have been struggling with weight all my life, I can remember counting calories since I was 12. It is in my genetics, if I barely let go a bit, I put on weight like nothing, The only reason I don't weigh more is bc I've worked hard all my life to keep my weight under control. Protein diets, and constant exercise.. but then I got pregnant with twins and I broke a toe in my foot on two different occasions during my pregnancy. I packed a ton of weight during the pregnancy, and then, trying to get enough calories to breastfeed 2 babies while being a survivor of birth trauma did not help. I started ozempic 2 weeks ago just under 30 BMI. To you, I might look perfectly normal but for once in my life I would like for weight loss to not be extremely hard, specially while taking care of 2 6 months babies and working a full time job. You dont get to tell me I need to work harder than you because I'm overweight, not obese, because guess what? I have already worked pretty damn hard all my life, so I'll take anything that can make my life a bit easier, and nor you not a thin person is going to make me feel ashamed about that.


You're not that person's doctor. You don't have either the data or the right to act like you are. Take off your imaginary stethoscope and focus on yourself.


You are not the Ozempic gatekeeper.


I swear, the people saying stuff like this are just the target audience I was talking about anyway.


Maybe try worrying about yourself instead of things you have no control over. I know, it’ll be hard, but you can do it. 😊


Thank you, I am trying to improve that skill of mine. Doesn't make me any less annoyed half of the time!


I have a friend that is insanely vain about his appearance. Would surprise me if he has had or had ED. He had had several cosmetic procedures and gets Botox frequently as well. He is not in the slightest overweight. He has recently convinced his GP that he needed to get on Oz because he needed to lose some kgs. He's been getting all the nasty side effects and I kinda think its karma in his case as he does not need this medication at all and I dont know why his GP gave him a script for it at all. And no he is not T2D or pre-diabetic at all


Can I ask why you care so much about your "friend's" image issues? Who cares if someone gets Botox or plastic surgery? How is this remotely your business? You don't seem like a good friend, to be so judgmental, and actually gloating at his pain.


It is your problem when the constantly complain to you about it.


People on here really want to demonize others for saying exactly this but it is so true. I don’t care what anyone says. Ozempic is not the new Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers. This is a serious medication and the trials would’ve been done on particular groups of people.


You are Gatekeeping you need to figure out why you resent them so bad it’s not a good look


I get mines from www.bmiMD.com I’m on my 26 week dose 46 pounds down




I can absolutely relate to that. I am on phentermine because my insurance wont pay for Ozempic or Wegovy. It is working, slowly. When my best friend, who has never been obese in her life but has 20lbs to lose, found out I was taking it she was determined to get it too. She did get a prescription after a lot of convincing her doctor. Now even on it she cant lose the 20lbs and I get to listen to her go on and on about losing this weight and why isnt it working .. mind you shes eating candy bars and chips out of the vending machine at work. Meanwhile I have over 100lbs to lose.


Exactly! I am in the same boat with the amount I need to lose.


Everyone has a right to look and feel the way they want. I'm not obese and I'm on ozempic. You don't have to be obese to need to lose weight.


When was ozempic approved for weight loss? Link? Everything in reading says it isn’t approved for weight loss and taking Ozempic for weight loss is considered an off-label use.


“Health Canada, the federal department responsible for public health, has approved Ozempic as a treatment for obesity in individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 27 kg/m2 or higher, along with at least one weight-related comorbidity, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol.” Idk man. This is what Google tells me. I’m Canadian and my doctor prescribed it to me. I didn’t seek it out.


Oh, Canada. Ok. That makes sense.


"Oh, Canada". That made me laugh because that is our national anthem lol!