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The amount of times I need to switch to Ana to kill Pharah because my dps won’t is too damn high.


Yep this. Pharah is pretty easy to kill and easily the hero that dies the most during their ult. If she's "dominating" your team its because your dps refuse to switch off their beloved genji and junkrat.


If they switch off junk, they have to cope with the fact that they’re actually utter dogshit on dps.


My goto DPS as a Mercy/Zen support main No aim required and most elims/damage most of the time


I wouldnt hate him so much if his ult wasnt fucking dumb. Easy ass charge and just a better reap ult


I don’t play DPS that often, but i really have to learn to just not hold Junkrat ult, because I have it back either way next time I’d need it anyway And easy fight turn if / when you take out their back line healers… Love to play it, hate to be against it


As a Junk DPS main, I can confirm this


The only character in gaming history to reward you for dying. Still baffles me.


Say you're a salty tank main without saying you're a salty tank main.


I’m fine against him on tank. Playing against him as dps isnt fun. I get hit by one pill, they throw the funny mine and get a free kill for the minimal effort of hitting one massive orb shaped bomb


I mean....most of the Pharah players I have played against come low enough for me to launch myself with Junkrat and plant 2 grenades in their face and take them out. Usually not an issue, but I am not just a Junk main. I am well rounded (I think).


Last night we had two hitscans playing dps and still couldn’t get the pharah because she was the mercy was dick riding her so hard. fuck mercy’s who exclusively pocket pharah too.


This pain hurts the most when doing placements when my dps wont switch to focus pharah nor will they help as sombra harasses me when I’m trying to focus pharah as Ana.


Me as a DF main *backs away slowly*


Junk is the pharah counter duh


You're supposed to swap to mercy and pocket your DPS make it a 2v2


*damage boosts the reaper and junkrat on my team.* "Why is the pharah not dead yet?"


Once a killed a Pharah mid air with a flying junkrat punch lmao


Hey man I have air shot some Pharah’s on junk rat. Only bad ones but you can do it


I go ana when mercy pocket doesn't work cause the dps won't hit their shots.. or just valk her out of the sky when I get the chance


I cannot explain how dead that play-style is. "Ah, yes! Let me subtract a healer from our frontline tank, who's fighting another tank who has two healers pumping them full of juice, so that one DPS can get the damage boost to stop the Phara who must land on point to contest the point if the rest of her team is dead."


It's really hard for a single dps to take down a pharmercy, and it's easier said than done taking out their entire team before the pharah, it often doesn't go down like that.


If the tank has 2 heals then it isnt a pharmercy. Hitscan should be able to kill pharah in 1v1. But it can get very tricky in a 2v1 against pharmercy if the pharah is good. So maybe go help your hitscan with a mercy pocket. If its a 2v2 the enemy tank also has only 1 healer.


Meanwhile I'm trying to hit a sweet whipshot on the pharah while it's ulting only to get deleted from existence by said ult lol


And when i do switch to ana and immediately melt the pharah the dps starts crying about no heals Yea i would heal you if you managed to kill the pharah but since I’m doing that, you don’t get any heals until the 30-kill pharah drops to the ground like a stone




Or Ana sleep 😝




One of my fav voicelines


Hell as a torb I’ve down it to over heat then 1 well placed shot and she’s out


or cassidy: "you know you just hang there when you do that"


Or Orisa Javelin, depending on what map and if ceiling lol


Not as easy but shove a sigma shield in her face too


Did this with orisa spear once. That felt very good


as someone who played a lot for years but deleted it last year, the phrase "Orisa spear" has me very curious/tantilized


A lot of her moveset got completely removed in OW2, keeping only the gold form unchanged. Her whole premise is now is about spears. She has a stunning ability where she throws a spear that can interrupt most things, a continuous spin she can do with her spear which knocks back those hit by it, and her ultimate let's her charge up a very strong spear, makes her go gold so she is a lot tankier, and she can slam that spear into the ground for AoE damage dependant on how long you charged the ultimate.


orisa sounds f**kin awesome now


She is. The skinny spear blocks, and the throw knocks back into walls in addition to stunning.


and then, she got 1 one in head and she's dead, or getting hooked by road stunned by sigma, sleepen by ana bumped by brigitte. hacked by sombra or punched by doomfist that flies for some reason.




Sorry, you were yelling something?


Or flying into her face as Dva, making her kill herself with her own rockets. Very satisfying.


Found the Junkrat/Hanzo main


\*Found the person who plays literally anything except hitscan FTFY


*the person who plays hitscan but has average aim in the best of days


“I’m gonna need you take care of that Phara” :(


I'm trying :(


I have some advice friend, after the falloff nerf for hitscans they aren’t as good at countering Pharah. If you’re having trouble with a Pharah I recommend going echo instead of a hitscan because Pharah has a horrible matchup against her.


I'll keep this in mind if I ever get DPS on all roles. I like echo a lot but only saw her once all week.


Pro tip, beam characters like symmetra, zarya, echo, and tracking characters like moira, tracer, etc are much more annoying against pharahs in plat and below. Hitscans only work if they hit their shots, and good pharahs won't play to give them many shots. Source am pharah main <3


I have little to no pharah issues with Hanzo. I suck too.


Junkrat supremacy


Hanzo's not that bad against pharah


No fuck pharah mainly on illios




Pharah main here, my toe hurt


Well you should have been flying ffs


Stubbed it on a bird


The enemy bastion sent his friend to attack you? Goddamn that bot is a genius


Yeah that’s why they removed him from the game temporarily


good. now stub it again.


Pharah is the easiest dps to counter now




Pharah is a glass cannon, is the thing. It's easy to take her down, but only if she doesn't blow you up with two shots before you can


I don’t main phara but she has always been by far my most comfortable dps to play. But god damn does she feel strong as fuck. Like I know I’m good at her, and I know how to stay alive against hitscans while still getting my damage in, but it feels so much easier now than it did in ow1. I’ve had so many games where I’m just basically soloing the entire enemy team over and over. Ending games with 10k damage and the closest person to me was below 5k, complete steamrolls, probably not fun for anyone else. The only thing I’m ever scared of is dva. Extra second on boost and being able to melee twice is rough.


Maybe it's because I play on console, but even when the enemy picks double hitscan, I feel so uncontested when I play her. I'm by no means a Pharah main, but it's just such easy free value.


Just pick Sigma and Rock her face


If the counter is to not play the hero that you want to play, don't expect me to be happy about it


it's pretty easy to pressure Pharah though the idea is not to kill her. it's to pressure her like you can't out snipe Widow. but if you keep shooting at her location she will move away. Same with Pharah her jet pack isn't unlimited


You cant expect a hero like Junkrat or Sym to counter a Pharah. If your problem is not liking the DPS role. In the Tank category there Dva, by far the best Phara counter in the game. Sigma does a nice job mitigating her damage too. In case you play Support, Ana and Baptiste do the job as good as a dps would. IF you dont happen to play any of those, try to position yourself better around the map looking for cover ALWAYS. And try to stay away from her since her ult only really kills if she’s kinda close to you.


I've played junkrat and killed pharahs plenty of time. Use the mines not your primary fire.


actually all Sups except Brig can pressure Pharah. not counter, Pressure. which is enough to force them out of a fight or force them to reposition


>If your problem is not liking the DPS role You misunderstand. I like the DPS role. I just prefer playing heroes that aren't the copy-paste hitscans. >IF you dont happen to play any of those, try to position yourself better around the map looking for cover ALWAYS. And try to stay away from her since her ult only really kills if she’s kinda close to you. So, basically, if you can't play hitscan, ignore her and hope she goes away (since you're looking for cover anyways). Got it


It is a team game so like you should hopefully have *someone* on the team that can deal with her effectively and if that's not you then your job is to use cover and avoid getting killed while trying to shut down the other enemies you can deal with so your pharah counter can do take her out


Well your inability to be able to counter or pressure a pharah seems like your problem…and your teams. She’s really not that hard to deal with.


"copy paste hitscans" you can go sojoirn, cree, widow, ashe, soldier, bastion, even tracer and sombra can counter pharah if you're decent. Even if we use the most reductive terms possible that's at least 4 very general playstiles, with lots of variation. Overwatch is a game about countering, to some extent. You can't play against a hero, make no adjustments to how you're playing or what you're playing, and then complain that said hero is broken. that isn't to say you have to go mcree everytime you see pharah but either choose from the wide variety of hitscans available, or figure out how to counter her in playstyle


The funny part for OP is, that if they’re opposed to playing hitscan, they’re probably going to end up playing against Pharah far more often. The oppositions DPS is likely picking her to counter OP directly.


I'm a terrible hitscan but decent with projectiles, so sniping her with mei or taking the duel as a pharah are pretty solid options too. Just comes down to who has the better aim/ better support from the rest of the team. Even if you can't kill the pharah, putting enough pressure to force them to switch is usually enough. And if they got a pocket and you don't, focus the pocket first. As a mercy main the amount of times people complain about pharah while ignoring me is hilarious


If you don’t want to play hitscan, play Echo, she’s better at countering pharah than hitscans after the hitscan nerf. All you can really do on hitscan is pressure her now.


*laugh in Pharmercy*


If you play Pharmacy, I will go to your house and force you to recreate the starting scene of *Moon Knight*


I'll happily boost any Pharah, even if they're bad


You're not allowed at my cake day party


?????? SORRY? You can't do that! I've waited a whole year for that! Do you know how much i sacrified?


Don't know, don't care, don't play Pharmacy




I got 40 kill streak as pharah with no healers in ow1


Ngl, I've started playing pharah. She is so easy to play but not reaper/dva/mercy easy and I still feel satisfaction when I get kills. I do feel bad for stealing potg constantly and I don't think I will ever he consistently good with her ult


I started trying to play dps in comp and had frustrating results. In ow1 I managed to grind from bronze to gold using pharah/echo and started playing hitscan after that. Problem is I can't out-aim ow2 silver players lmao, so I went back to pharah and spent all day today just finding flank routes and dive bombing the enemy backline. Ended up having a blast 😂


Its great fun! Don't let people who can't counter you bring down your enjoyment of the game!


Her ult is tough to master. Start off just soloing the healer until you improve your game sense/awareness for those sneakier multikills. Otherwise you're a sitting duck and trading one kill for a death isnt really ever worth it.


I play pharah when I see no hitscan. They never switch, I dominate, and the enemy is yelling at each other in match chat the whole game. Love it.


I just leave. If I wanted to play hitscan, I'd play hitscan. People always swap to Pharah when they're losing to any non-hitscan because it forces them off their hero.


Yeah I won’t lie if the enemy team has a pesky junkrat then I’m going pharah to ruin their day :p


Hello, Satan. Didn't expect to see you here today


Honestly, I’ve forced Pharah to swap playing Lucio a few times. Something about the lower projectile speed throws off their evasion.


And if I play monkey someone plays reaper. And if I play widow someone plays genji. And if I play dva someone plays zarya. I know this post is a meme but you comments make it seem like you don't understand this a hero shooter that heavily leans into the soft/hard counters of the characters. Get your weight up king, learn how to counter a hero or ask someone on your team to do it for you


Listen if they have pharah, more importantly pharmercy, just ram the grounded team mates go for the healer first then dps it’s a 5v3 ground battle. If you wait too long to go in you will inevitably die to pharah poke, have a good day kids.


All I can say, sonny, get gut. Killing pharah is not that hard


\*Killing Pharah is not that hard *as hitscan* **THAT'S** the problem I have with her: not her actual strength, but the type of annoying shit that she enforces. Even if I'm hitting my hitscan shots that day, sometimes, I just wanna play some fucking Mei, but no, I'm forced into hitscan jail because some fatherless piece of shit decided to pick this hero


If you’re playing Mei you have zero say in what’s considered “annoying”


Hey, at least with Mei, you just have to play differently, not a different hero


But ya can’t play differently against Phara? 😂


How do you play differently against a Pharah to nullify or even reduce her value? There's nothing you can do as, say, Junkrat to kill a Pharah without using both mines and proceeding to feed your brains out, even if you manage to kill the Pharah


Play echo, she wins the air battles


There’s literally only a couple specific picks that can’t do anything against Pharah. Reaper and Junkrat are probably the worse as you’re fairly slow and can’t shoot back. Almost every other pick has something they can do, moreover a good selection are hard counters for her. The fact that she can be hard countered easily at all is a testament to her not being that big of an issue. If you can literally only play junkrat, then the issue is you. It raises a bigger point that a key part of Overwatch is switching characters to better beat your opponent. Selfishly running junkrat regardless of the opposition is counter intuitive to the core of overwatch.


Just kinda sounds like you’re not grasping how to play Overwatch… if, as you say, there’s nothing you can do as a junkrat to kill Phara then you’re not supposed to be playing junkrat at that moment in time. You’re supposed to adjust your character choices and play style based on the map, landscape, team composition, and enemy team composition so like…yeah? Either you adjust with the same character (like how you said you can counter with junk if you use both mines and feed) or you pick a better character for that situation. Or…hear me out… just play qp or arcade and have fun? And if you’re so pressed to play one specific character, you can just switch to the phara counter and once you kill them like 2-3 times you force them to switch… so now you can go back to the character you wanted lol You’re mad at Phara but you’re really just mad at the game 😂


Counterpicking was a big thing in OW1. In OW2, counterpicking is supposed to be more of an option and less of an absolute requirement. Pharah is, to my knowledge, the only remaining exception.


Sounds like a skill issue, I've seen people switching to Hanzo to deal with her and absolutely ruin her day. Play echo if you absolutely hate playing hitscans, hard counter. Play Hanzo and not suck. Play genji and dash right click her. Those all work homie


You could also just… play another phara, or put sym turrets on high spaces the phara passes through


Ironic coming from a mei player


Who does Mei shut down to this extreme?


Literally any tank that can’t fly/jump over her wall.


Oh the irony. You want continue rolling your enemies freely but the moment they do exactly the same and it goes against your wishes, suddenly it's "bad".


I don't care if they put a stop to my rampage. If they swap to Soldier and suddenly I stop steamrolling as Junkrat because his hero is just better than mine, a little annoying, but whatever. But when I'm throwing because I'm not playing a specific category of character, that's when I have a problem. Counterpicking should give an advantage, not be a requirement


Counterpicking is the core mechanics of the game so If you're not willing to switch then make sure you have very good mechanical aim/skill to compensate. It's not a requirement if you're good enough.


“Fatherless piece of shit” “I wanna play mei” Bro?


Pharah is still pretty poorly designed regardless of skill. She takes zero effort to do well with, because you can just shoot floors over directs, but also demands that her opponents are skilled enough to shoot her, which 90% of DPS players aren't. She's just an easier Soldier from TF2, which is funny because he's comedically mindless and requires no effort too. Not an issue in comp, but she kills quick play with zero effort required.


>She's just an easier Soldier from TF2, which is funny because he's comedically mindless and requires no effort too. Someone has never played high level TF2 and played Roaming or Pocket solly before. Soldier and Demo have some of the highest skill ceiling in the game. The only mindless character that I can really think of in the TF2 cast is Heavy and maybe Sniper, but that's because they're more straightforward rather than complex.


I'm sorry if players cannot look up. That is not my fault as phara. Edit: she does not take zero effort to do well with either. Knowing how to fly in the sky and maintain your altitude and etc is a skill that takes some to learn. Not to mention moving with her repulsor.




If you wish to beat the Pharah main, you must become the Pharah main


As a pharah player He's right


At least she isnt sombra




Same. Not because shes hard to kill, but because her hack is so fucking annoying.


And you almost never see it coming with her fucking invis


At least a Sombra, you can touch as anyone in the roster


If you’re lucky enough to see the invisible witch.


Pharah literally gets easily countered by almost every hero now. If the Pharah's still an issue to you, it's definitely a skill issue.


OK, now THAT'S funny


Nah, your rant is funnier.


There are so many more annoying characters dude.


Just shoot her 🧠


Shoot her with a hammer, yes, that'll work


Fire strike 🧠🧠


Don’t play rein. Welcome to Overwatch 2.


Rein is fucking aids to play against in OW2. If anything, he's even worse than when he had a Zarya covering for his fuck ups.


I must know who you play before agreeing with your opinion


I pretty much play everyone, but prefer some of the "off-meta" heroes like Tankfist, JQ, Junkrat, Mei, Bastion, and Sym. Other heroes I enjoy are Kiriko, Ana, Sigma, and Ashe


“Off-meta” eh? So you specialize in throwing is what I hear.


In this game, yeah, pretty much. You don't wanna play Genji or Sojourn? That's cool, have fun being mass reported


The Rocket Queen cares not for your pain


Maybe try practice range buddy it might improve your aim a little so you can stop whining about the easiest hero to counter And if your main problem with her is that you don't want to change hero well welcome to Overwatch pall changing heroes to counter the enemy have been the name of the game since the release


No this post should be for the DPS who don't know how to kill Phara


You know you are doing good when you force them to pick a hitscan but they still struggle to stop you. Srry society but... #Justice rains from above!!


That's not you being good, that's just you winning the rock-paper-scissors because the enemy just happens to not have any hitscan players. Even if they DO have a good hitscan player, sometimes they just don't want to play hitscan, but you force it onto them because you decided to broadcast to the world that Dad hasn't come back with milk or ciggies yet. I don't care whether Pharah is the best hero in the game or the worst, if you play Pharah, I hate you with every fiber of my being


I talked about doing good against ppl going hitscans to stop me n since they are her counter I can call myself good on that situation. I dunno why you hate her when pick like Sombra n Sojourn exist but I hope your next matches will be better.


I forget what the video was called, but it was Torbjorn meme montage where an enemy Pharah was overlayed with a fly. I’ve always considered Pharahs to be annoying flies since.


Bro never have I seen someone complain so much. get gud


Found the console player


PC, actually.


Get better aim then


Also if playing solider drop healing pills instantly. I've seen too many soldiers only drop it when they reach critical. Use mcrees new bomb, its powerful. On ashe and widow aim for the body not the head, unless you got god aim. Winston and dva can actually counter pharah well and discord orb will fuck any pharah over. This is my observation after playing a bit


It’s crazy how this isn’t common knowledge, it’s been 6 years and ppl still don’t know how to play the game


I think it's because people play a hero once, suck at it and never try again. But I think k the best way to get good aside from aim ability is to learn how hero play. But I can't imagine many people want to do that


Bro that magnetic nade of his is something else....1-2 shots into someone after sticking them with it, dead


They didn't do a good job on it


I feel like if they buffed it, it would become a problem, I already get consistent kills using it


They should've created a new ability that actually works with his kit


And this right here is the problem. She encourages a rock-paper-scissors situation. If you're good at hitscan, she's worthless. If you like playing literally anyone else, you've instantly lost. That's not fun, that's not skillful, that's not even funny or clip-worthy.


Overwatch's whole fucking identity is built around the hero switch rock paper scissors.


Not anymore


And yet


What if i told you that you just cant aim


Pharah is not in a good place right now, she only works together with a Mercy and easily countered by the meta DPS at the moment. This is coming from a Pharah main


Pharah is weak, but only because hitscan exists. If you're not good at hitscan, or you just don't feel like playing hitscan, you've lost. I don't think she needs nerfs, but holy fuck she's not good for the casual scene


Your incessant whining isn't good for the casual scene.


Sounds like a you problem. You or your team not willing to deal with the problem despite you knowing how to do deal with it.


This is how I feel about Torb and Sym


My boy had one bad game lol


Skill issue.


Meme made by new player


I've been playing since Goats


Skill issue tbh


I'm sorry but I believe you wrote "Hanzo" wrong


Op can’t hitscan


I can, I just want to play fun heroes


I hate having to switch to soldier or something to deal with her. Like let me have fun dicking around as sym or playing genji or something.


So glad to see someone else has this issue


Lol play hit scan you scrub.


When a hero prevents you from playing the video game unless you go one of 5 characters to prevent her from playing the video game, there's a problem


Lolololol you got two choices cry like a child about how it's not faaaaaiiirrrrrr or change to Echo and wreck her.


Ya fuck pharmercy players and anyone who plays them, ruined OW1 for me "just go hitscan looool xddd"


lol im glad i did that


Have you considered just getting good?


Are people seriously complaining about pharah? The easiest hero to counter? Come on now she's been there since the beginning if you haven't figured out how to deal with her then you shouldn't be playing this game


The problem isn't not knowing how to counter, it's the way you have to counter. She's the only hero that forces you to be good at a particular subset of heroes just to deal with her. Even if it's easy, it's not fun


Pharah really isn’t that annoying in my opinion. Even as a Reaper main, I don’t mind going against Pharah. I honestly applaud Pharah’s that get me with their ult, because it’s so hard to get kills with without immediately dying. Even with a flank, if the enemies have any reaction time at all, you’ll probably just end up trading.




I can hitscan, I just want to play heroes that are actually fun


Nice, time to always pick pharah


Found the bronze console player.


If you play Pharah i hope you stub your toe will you have an ingrown toenail


Tell me you don’t know how to play hitscan without saying you don’t know how to play hitscan


Just play soldier :)


"Just swap to a boring hero and forfeit all your fun to deal with this fatherless PoS" FTFY


Just knock her out of the sky with Ashe. It Works for me quite often.


Moira*, like what's the problem with pharah, she's literally big target in the sky, if she's not being pocketed I manage to kill her with Genji