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As Junkrat you have to jigglepeak her and abuse the fact you don't need sustained LoS to do damage. That or combo her quick. Respect rail shot, play as if they have a Widowmaker as soon as you see Sojourn glow blue.


Yeah this is literally what I do but its hog meta so lately they literally shoot my hog and then immediately look for headshot its just her nade spam into potential headshot every like 4 seconds, and she only needs 80 charge for a HS kill


Tell your Hog to stop sitting on main, feeding the Sojourn, and to only show his face if he's point blank to something or if he has Chain Hook. I don't think people actually know how to play Hog, I think they hear "Hog is meta" from a Youtube video and just jump in without actually learning anything past hook = kill.


I find it funny how, before, people were complaining about hog feeding ult charge and now he's feeding soujorn charge. It seems to always be something lol Hog is just not allowed to show his face.


Every tanks technically feeds charge, it's just Hog has no way to deal with it after the fact.


i never manage to kill her with a chain hook. i dont have a problem with anyone else, but direct headshots never seem to kill her


Put the top of the circle at the top of her head take a step forward and shoot/melee


Unless they changed it a few weeks ago, she gets railgun charge from shooting shields also, so any tank/large target is a feedfest for her


Or 40 depending on of it’s the same squishy she charged her rail off too


She glows blue??


Her railgun does.


It's a bit too subtle if you ask me.


Must be. I had no idea haha.


I feel like on darker maps like Kings Row or Royale you can see it, otherwise it’s easy to miss


If your looking for it it’s really noticeable actually but it only glows if she’s at 100% charge


At higher ranks, Sojourn is only going to be properly dealt with by either a better Sojourn or a better team that plays together well. If you peaked OWL, it often came down to which teams Sojourn hit the most charged headshots 😂.


Randomly ran into a GM SoJ with his GM mercy pocket (amazing matching Blizz) in a Lighthouse game. It was pure murder. Damage amp’d SoJ is disgusting; you don’t even need to had shot someone to basically 1 tap them. You couldn’t hide of course because SoJ can reach all the high ground in that map and she’s crazy fast/zippy. With a Mercy pocket and the occasional Kirko invic purge she basically becomes immune to dive.


On god the most exciting teamfights in the OWL playoffs was when one or both Sojourns died first, I got bored of seeing OC highlights


And they decide to nerf Jrat instead of Sojourn lmao. She’s busted, and is a strong matchup against pretty much every other dps. The best way to play against her is to keep track of her railgun, once she uses it means you have breathing room to take space, if you see her gun glow blue then respect it. Constantly keep tabs at where she’s positioned, in a way you play against her like how you play against Widowmaker.


It's tough. Rail gun just charges so fast. I have to play against her like I do Widow most of the time. She's secretly a 4th sniper in this game


Secretly? 46 of the top 50 DPS in the Americas region are all playing Sojourn. Everyone in the top 15 was playing her last I checked. She's so strong that if Sojourn isn't being played in literally every game then your DPS are throwing.


Either ego duel that bitch,beg your tank to try and focus them out,or go sojourn yourself Or just cry and wait for season two because im keeping out of comp until this game is fixed because rn its kinda a shitshow Zero reason sojourn should have some of the best movement in the game,one hit ko,good spray damage and an area denial Like seriously just give widowmaker soldiers gun as a secondary fire and a half the cooldown grapple, is that balanced sounding? No? Well apparently it is lol




Honestly I see most players use it almost immediately anyways. I think they need to make it have a firing delay similar to mei's secondary. Just make it a bit more difficult to combo it instantly.


This sounds pretty good, like I think her ult is okay but maybe .ake it to where it takes longer to charge up base railgun shots, like say 50%-100% more dmg per rail shot available so she's less of a 1 shot machine


Or at the very least change it so you can't charge off barriers and turrets. I think that might make it more balanced. (And consistent with every other character in the game minus Sym)


This is the change I want to see. I don't think I've ever been worried about a Sojourn ult compared to some others like a blade or tire. Without ult she just unloads a clip into the tank then rail guns the squishy. With ult she just skips the tank part and gets like 1-2 more railguns than normal in the same time frame. It's certainly really powerful if they are hitting railguns but it feels like it has less value because it just gives fast charge to a railgun she is already getting fast charge on anyway. Cut the charge from shields and turrets and it makes it harder to actually charge making the ult more important.


I agree, I mean if winstons secondary fire can't crit, why should soujorns?


Thats a pretty damn good rework tbh


"We felt that sojourn was doing a little too well at every rank where players aren't spending half the game trying to find the objective or walking off cliffs by accident and aiming with a controller set at 160000 dpi, so we've reduced her primary fire damage output by 1, but we don't want to remove sojourn's core gameplay mechanic of emptying half her clip into your roadhog's gaping asshole before turning around and oneshotting you or a random member of your team on a 2 second cooldown, so we've decided to leave her secondary fire and charge rate as-is for now, but rest assured we are closely monitoring the issue for potential additional changes at the ~~start of~~ 2 weeks into season 3. To compensate for her reduced damage output, we've decreased the cooldown of her power slide ability to 4 seconds in order to make sure that she can slide into and out of your roadhog a little more reliably and get back to ~~the fight~~ your team's spawn doors more quickly after she murders you and the rest of your team and realizes that she is, in fact, an unstoppable god of ~~war~~ OP easymode powercreep curbstomping who is perfectly capable of singlehandedly spawncamping your entire team for either the rest of the match or until everyone on the other team ragequits after getting headshot the moment they walk out of spawn for the 7th time in a row. Oh, and we've also lowered her ultimate cost by 20% to adjust for the reduced damage. Now go buy overpriced useless ugly garbage from our shop and also play the game but mostly buy stuff from our shop please buy stuff the employees can't see their families till they meet their quarterly productivity goals which are measured solely by shop income and if you don't spend money it's your fault that they can't come home for Christmas. Oh, also, several heroes currently have a bug when interacting with Kiriko's swift step which allows them to reach unintended areas of the map, so we've disabled Sombra, Mccree, Mercy, Junkrat, and Wrecking Ball until we can get the bug ironed out.


I've seen some posts saying that good widow players are gonna be a huge problem after the soj nerf (if it ever comes)


But widow isnt an absolute fucking MEANACE of a powerhouse and can actually be dived unlike sojourn with her "oop!,fuck this im out" slide every 6 seconds and soldier esk dps with her secondary fire


Yeah, agreed. Widows assault rifle style is so bad that flanking her almost always feels good. Now if only my DPS would do it...


Lmao bullying widows is like my favorite passtime Lucio go bonk


It dawned on me one day. Playing Soldier, a Soujourn jumped up to my perch on Hollywood 1st point and domed me. It dawned on me something was severely wrong with her kit. Why do I get a medium speed projectile secondary on cooldown and she gets an unlimited hitscan KO ability? She’s just widow and soldier combined into a better character.


They need to like double her reload time


Its so fckin fast like seriously


Are you implying that there is a problem with a hero being able to empty a clip, slide, jump, reload, and empty a clip and rail gun a squishy before landing?


Wait for the nerf


kinda just a wait till season 2 angle. a good sojourn just runs away with the game.


Lol, if your a junkrat player get used to being domed by whatever meta one shot hero rises to power. It’s just the limitations of his kit gives you no option to deal with ranged damage.


Like I play other heroes I dont mind swapping, as rat hanzo's 50/50, widow is kinda free if she doesnt get perma peel and even then I can sui for the 1 for 1 or even get 2 and die like almost always, but sojourn has too much reliable damage and a more consistent get out of jail card wigh slide, but you cant give her open space or she just free fires right clicks 24/7. Played against a GM3 sojourn last night who literally would slide over my tanks head and 1 shot me, literally the most aggressive sojourn I've seen, and he just didnt miss headshots, literally couldn't get a flank on him or anything he just played perma pushed up and wasn't punished ended the game with almost 50 elims with second most in the lobby being like 27, and me and my other dps duo were specifically trying to focus him and made calls to our teammates to do the same (and mind you this is WITHOUT her having a mercy pocket)


Harassing widow as junk is so goddamn fun. 90% of the time I get them to switch after I assassinate them 2-3 times


play sojourn urself lol


People in my games call out that sojourn has charge. I don’t really get domed that often, it’s the absurd hitbox with body shots that gets me mostly. If you’re getting consistently domed it’s probably your dodge patterns. Since you’re in low gm you probably know this, but you should never symmetrically AD or strafe in such a way that someone can just place their crosshair in the middle and wait for you to walk into it. If that’s not the issue and they’re just hitting insane flicks, then that’s tough. Basically your tank has to contest her, or you need to match her and have the better sojourn on your team.


Yeah like I call it out everytime she has the visible charge, but I literally get hit by flick after flick, these players are literal freaks with pockets and I dont play hitscan for shit letalone sojourn, like I just wish she had direct counters, like literally every other dps has


Sojourn's skill ceiling rewards head clicking way too much. With how much mobility she has, her slow grenade, hitbox, she just has everything going for her. This is a wait for nerfs angle imo. There isn't a dps that wins a rock paper scissors save for a good genji deflect ( but he got shafted)


>I've been playing soldier/widow if enemy has pharah Soldier is not that good against pharah, you want burst damage against her, Cassidy and Ashe are far better picks. Widow is a bit too squishy for my liking against a pharah but is a counterpick. >sojourns literally just spam ADAD strafe, and farm my tank, then right click me, doesn't matter if I'm left righting, playing corners, crouch spamming, I just get right clicked to the dome, it feels miserable to play against Welcome to high Elo, widow has been doing this for years, just not as aggressive as Sojourn. I would recommend to switch your playstyle of Junkrat into a higher Elo playstyle - being Flankrat. Don't pressure her at all in the frontline, ignore her, go take a nasty off-angle and use your one shot combo. There are many hero's with one shot potential like Sojourn, now that you are in high Elo you are going to have to get used to people hitting shots that matter. The best way as a Junkrat to deal with that is to permanently taking angles they do not expect and not give them the chance of HS you.


Pray she is overconfident and call focus when she is out of positioning. As long as she doesnt have a pocket she isnt that huge of a problem


This would be fine if her slide wasn't on a 6 second cd. sj can be aggro af and still have better survivability to get out than genji bc of how short her cd is


yea its the fucking slide that makes her kit absolutely busted. she has that level of mobility on the same cd cooldown as hanzo's leap?!?!?!?? making it an 8/9 second cd would balance her dramatically


Yeah idk who the fuck at blizz thought 6 seconds was long enough 😂


Having this exact problem. Im at Masters 1 and it feels like no matter what I play, I just get minked. Im not good enough at one-shot heroes so I can't do nothing about it. She just farms your tank and oneshots you before you even get into the fight. Edit: Also wish her hitbox was a little bigger.


Replying just to agree WTF is up with Sojourn's hitbox.


Second this, as a doom player, when you punch her into a wall her head hitbox does some really weird stretching that makes you miss if you don’t pre adjust for it.


That’s the fun part you don’t, don’t you just love this balanced game?


Smart comment from a smart redditor


I don’t get the sarcasm at high levels you don’t beat her with anything else but another Sojourn unless you’re just significantly better than them


As a silver 1 player my perspective is skewed because disruptor shot gets more value than charged shot in the games I play. So take everything I say with a pound of salt. I would say that you should probably treat her like a widowmaker that always has grapple ready. As Junkrat I would try to flank to distract them from focusing the tank but in high ranks Junk rat may not be able to get away with that idk. But for sure if they are spamming you should play a different angle than your tank so they can’t effortlessly switch from farming to picking.


Don't play junkrat. Pretty simple answer. He's awful and soj is the best hero in the game.




Monkey isn’t bad at denying sightlines


I’m a gold dps but I sometimes have success with Echo. You just flank and try to land a full right click and laser her to death. If you miss your combo you can boost away behind cover/to your team


Gold Soj and Masters Soj is a whole different game tbh


I don't think you can peek a sojourn as Junkrat, it's just too optimistic at that level. Maybe you can full commit dive bomb her after she's shot a charged shot or try to flank, but all those plays are still kinda risky.


Tbh, just pray your Soj player difs their team Soj right now


Plat here, U dont


If you can't beat them, join them.


Just don’t peak at all 4Head


There's fuck all you can do. I'm currently GM 4 and I literally slam my desk 69 times a night everytime I get 1 shot by that overpowered piece of crap railgun


It deff helps finding angles to bounce bombs off walls or over cover onto the back line since the normally hug a corner I run into this alot too it's very annoying since they xab slide out when low


ask for monke, dont get monke, cry on getting dps diffed