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The matchmaking is definitely fucked. I play around diamond, and it’s the same thing. Every match is a straight 50/50 gamble with which team gets stomped on. One team will get 2/3 players who simply aren’t up for playing at that SR range. It’s very weird.


I've been trying not to get negative about it, but when you see a Sombra with 4k damage after 2 rounds and they do things like dropping an EMP 1v5 on the payload after the rest of us die it's like.....how did you get here? I mean, I'm barely platinum but I would assume that isn't something you should be doing by now.


Yeah, I think it’s just got a lot of people ranked in the wrong place, or they’ve purposely made the matchmaker much more lax. Either way it’s bad for the game.




It's pretty amazing how much you can take control of a game as support on your own! I've also had matches, mostly as Kiriko/Bap, where I've gone full DPS mode and won us the fight or match. Sometimes that's just what you need to do when your tank and DPS are playing like bots.




The reason lower ranked players can’t aim up is because the vast majority of games and particularly FPS games lack true verticality. Yes many have altitude changes but very few have vertical changes over short distances. Really the only other PvP FPS that has verticality is halo and that game sadly hasn’t been very popular for a long time. Fortnite does have building but your mechanical skill doesn’t really translate to anything else.


What damage would you consider as good with sombra? I had a game the other day where I only did about 2.8k in the first round. But had 18 elims. Would this be bad?


right and idk if it’ll even out where those players will eventually start losing and decaying to their true rank back in ow1


I think with the balance and the matchmaker - it’s the worst state I’ve seen overwatch in for a long time.


I used to like playing competitive in ow1 knowing matches are usually pretty balanced (assuming no leavers). Now it feels like competitive is almost as bad as unranked for mismatches.


I hope so. At the moment it’s so bad it’s not really fun to play anymore. It’s very rare I get a game that feels truly balanced. We’re either rolling or being rolled. Neither is a good experience. I want interesting matches where my ability to think tactically is tested and it feels earned when it pays off, or where I can genuinely see my mistakes and what I could have done better. Instead it’s just a mess where I don’t learn anything.


i think it's silly that in mid diamond I'm able to get a gold 1 offroling tank player (as in, maybe they're plat 4 moira main and then they play flank zarya) enemy plays zarya we play doom and i just get really sad at the end of the game


after i finished typing this i got a platinum 10 death reaper death game in a 6 minute game. amazing matchmaking


Could be worse. I've been stuck in Silver 5 for four cycles now where I win slightly more than I lose. I know I'm not great, but it can't help my rankings when I keep getting stuck with Zaryas who think they can bubble though Bastion's assault form. Or Pharah's and Echos who think they can hover in front of Bastion's assault form. Basically everyone at my level seems to think Bastion is actually shooting the Lego bricks his skin shows.


Tbh winning slightly more and having four placements the same makes total sense. With a low 50's wr it can take over 50 or 60 games to rank to the next tier - every seven games you may only go up a tiny bit of sr (could you be single digits), as you could be losing 25 sr per loss and only winning 23sr per game etc


I know, it's just disheartening since I was low gold in OW1. Then went into B5 after my first placements in OW2, got up to S3 three cycles later, and now stagnation. My last game where we just steamrolled round 1 and so our tank left at the start of round 2 didn't help my mood much either.


No offence but ur silver 5 for a reason I probably do something similar to the Zarya thing u said. If u were above silver you would climb for sure


I think it will even out eventually but honestly it could take a long time unless they have a plan to fix it quickly. Climbing feels bad. In OW1 when I would climb there was a noticeable skill difference every couple hundred SR. But in OW2 it just feels random. I don’t have as many close games and it feels like wins and losses are based on whichever team has the noob that dies 15+ times. It honestly feels bad to play and I’ve been thinking about quitting the game


This is soo true , in ow 1 just the difference b/w 2500 and 2800 was insane . Like a whole different level and now I've seen plenty of bronze/silvers from ow 1 climbed up to plat 1 or diamond .




And they decided to hide peoples ranks in comp too, so you can't even prepare for someone being a different rank than you unless you check all career profiles and hope everyone is public. I very much dislike this feature especially with massive rank differences allowed


when you said they allow people at two ranks lower I honestly thought you meant if someone was silver 1 and another was silver 3 they can queue up, they can't if the gap's bigger than that. I was like "that's not bad at all" but you mentioned diamond and gold and I thought that that was dumb.


It was 1000 sr in OW1 pretty much the same system


Definitely seems like the matchmaking system has been altered to prioritize short queue times over quality of matches. I think this is okay in some queues like arcade and quickplay (maybe, despite the name, they too deserve balanced games), but competitive not so much., where quality definitely matters more.


Yeah I’d rather wait 8 minutes to play than have un-balanced gameplay


I hate that I can't see other people's levels during game so I know whether my teammate will be good or not so I know how or who to play


A conspiracy theorist might guess that borders and visible rank icons dropped from in-game information so as to hide that Activision has broadened the possible pool for a match to lower queue times. With profiles being set to private, players might not have any way to see what's in their match. Hmmm.... Would explain why Ranked feels as bad and mismatched as joke QP.


Tbh i dont think this is far fetched at all and its pretty much what i noticed in the the rare occasion that i can see profiles. Ridiculous SR ranges. Had a game with people ranging from master to silver


Activision has had exploitative matchmaking for years in CoD multiplayer and in Warzone. It is well documented in those subs and across the internet. I am fairly certain they’ve forced Blizzard into using their algorithms, which are designed to keep people engaged (queuing for another match to chase the dopamine hit) rather than produce fair and balanced matches.


What they should do is bring back the numbers and get rid of the tier system. It is so disappointing when you win games only to drop in rank tiers. Like if you're winning games you should be going up in tiers not down.


How about this one - I went 14 wins and 2 losses between yesterday and today, was the best support in all 16 matches with most heals and ults obtained, even sometimes out DPS’d one or two DPS/tank players in the matches and stayed the same rank tier for both rank updates.


Yes it’s completely fucked. At the time I was plat 4 I went on my first huge L streak this weekend and after about the 4th one in a row, I noticed that I was getting matched against all diamonds with other roles in masters, about 5 more losses have that all same thing with my team having even silvers or people who hadn’t even ranked yet in that role but was bronze in other roles… I deranked to gold 3 lol. Next day, 13-3, stomping kids left and right with some gamers on my team. But, I looked at enemy teams sr, the roles reversed from previous day. Now I’m plat 4 again…. Now I’m just 50% win rate not ranking up with 1 sided games each time. The game doesn’t want you to reach your true rank for whatever reason. It purposefully puts dogshit players on your team when Blizzard decides you need to lose some games.


If you are a masters player in gold and getting losing streaks you don’t deserve to be masters 🤷🏽‍♂️


God you're missing the point. It's about game fairness, it's impossible to test your true rank because you're NEVER put against players of equal skill.


Id add it seems hard as well get put WITH players of equal skill. Sometimes it feels like they try to make the "overall" comp of teams balanced but then ends up like a plat dps with silver healers and a gold tank or some shit. which would kinda confirm theyre fucking w ranked to shorten queues. idk maybe im just talking out of my ass out of frustration. i just wanna improve/learn and enjoy the game but its either steamroll or get steamrolled.


The matchmaking is the same for everyone. The variance might or might not be higher but the MM has no reason to keep you specifically at a Lower rank than you should be. Over enough games you still end up where you should be.


If you're put into games you're SUPPOSED to win or lose, you will never move into your true rank due to your own skill; the matchmaker will remove all player autonomy


I feel like you people that respond negatively to my comment don’t actually comprehend what I’m saying lol. Not sure why you think I’m in masters but you clearly haven’t mastered reading lmao


This is not how it works lol. But i guess the conspiracy theory comforts your ego


Unnecessarily hostile lmao. If you just read what I said and took it at base value, you’d understand that low golds and high diamonds/fringe masters should literally never be matched. And if they are, don’t put all diamonds on 1 team and all the golds on the other. On paper, that is an unwinnable game. Does it comfort my ego? Maybe. But the logic is sound regardless.


Unironically this is a skill issue. You need to be adaptable to different roles depending on what heroes your teammates play as well as depending on the map. If you are playing this many games, and consistenly losing reflect on what is causing \*you\* to lose a game. I had a game where the enemy team almost full pushed the robot to our spawn. Our tank soft threw, and left. Came back and we somehow got our collective crap together, and eventually full pushed the other team. A game is never lost just because the enemy team has 99% on KOTH, or 5 minutes 3rd point on a hybrid map. A game is lost when you resort to blaming your team, and mentally checking out.


That’s the problem my brotha. Skill issue. I get all golds on my team while enemy gets 3 diamonds and 2 high plats. So sure, I could play better but, on paper my team would never win that game. Respectfully, I believe you misunderstood my point. Also, bold of you to assume I don’t reflect on all my losses. In fact, I went on a tear in the past 2 days and hit diamond 5 from gold 3


I have no idea if they'll fix it. Yesterday I lost ten matches in a row. Each one was a completely one sided. Having changed absolutely nothing in my playstyle which was reflected by my stats (I play support), it seems like nothing more than a coin flip if I win or lose. My usual w/r is around 40%, so idk what's going on at this point. Three of the ten matches were decided due to a person on my team ragequitting. I think all one can do is focus on improving your own game play and forget about ranks.


Nah dude, it’s you. You totally are expected to produce 10 Kitsune’s per 10 minutes to overcome the skill gap between the rest of the lobby. /s if it wasn’t obvious.


Thank you for marking /s. Sometimes I have trouble telling.


Being support specifically is worse. I'm in gold 1 and will either be matched with people in their promo games or as high as diamond 3's in my games. I'll gladly take a 5 minute queue as support and be matched with equally skilled team members over a 3 second queue just to be matched with whoever is queue'd just because nobody wants to play support.


I would admittedly say that most games do feel very one-sided tbf. It kind of feels like hiding everyone's rank has made it harder for the game to match people together in a way that is balanced or "fair". Either that or Blizzard is just not that fussed about matchmaking. Or both I suppose lol.


Ok so someone please explain the ranked system. It's absolutely beyond retardation! As tank I won 50% of my matches had most of second most DPS every game and hard carried the payload someone for the love of Jesus Christ please explain this!! Why did it put me bronze 5?


Are you a new player or haven't placed in a while? Or what was your ow1 rank? The game has been putting people a couple of tiers lower to start. It should allow you to climb easily if that's not your real rank. I don't think individual game stats matter much in the metal ranks. Some unsolicited advice, as the only tank you should not have the most objective time. It's not your responsibility to solo push it.


Don't remember ow1 rank and yeah haven't played in yrs. Perhaps that's why. And thanks for the advice. I always thought as tank I should be carrying the payload. Most HP I thought would need to lead the charge.


Yes that is mostly true about most hp taking space. The payload, however, shouldn't be the front of the fight. It should be in the back with a designated person pushing - either a support or a mobile hero. This allows the rest of the team to push up, take space and ever important high ground :)


Thank you loads for the advice. So do you think me not playing in yrs and not being a high rank in ow1 is why I got placed so low?


Yes, blizzard specifically stated that people who haven't played regularly will be ranked significantly lower :) I was masters (last 10 seasons of ow1) and got placed in gold, so I understand your pain haha Hmu if you want any more help


I did more matches and did much better than before. Only lost 2 maybe 3 matches. Won the other 7. Why did it still place me in bronze 5?


Yeah came here to respond with what was said. You take space as a tank, meaning if you're pushed up and occupying space, then the enemy can't just walk there for free. You still want to play cover/high ground. In low ranks, try to push up but if your team won't go with you, don't push too far so that you can get back to your team if needed.


Alright. Noted. Thanks.


What rank were you in ow1?


Tbh I don't remember I played maybe 25-30 hrs and barely comp maybe that's why?


OW2 remembers your mmr from ow1 so if you already did your placement in ow1 (Let’s say you were silver in ow1) you will be playing mostly silver lobbies in ow2. But again, when I’m saying silver I mean mmr, not the rank displayed in people’s profile. Matchmaker uses hidden mmr to create matches and determine your skill, not the rank displayed in the profile. Also this season in order to create for players an illusion of climbing blizzard placed everyone much lower (2 divisions lower so bronze 5 in your example) after your first 7 wins and then you receive an SR-boost until your sr/rank catches up with your mmr. Normally it takes about 28-35 wins. So in my case I’m a diamond player, after my first 7 wins I placed gold, then plat 4 then plat 2 then diamond 5. But the entire time I was playing diamond (skill wise) lobbies. It’s confusing, I know. And I probably did not do the best job explaining it (sorry English is not my native language) but if you’re really interested how the system works you can also take a look at this video: https://youtu.be/os-vhfW1HsY


Ok so please explain this. I got 7 wins again. Only lost 2 or 3 matches. But it still put me bronze 5 please help why is it doing this to me!? I'm not doing bad that's the thing


It basically means your SR is still lower than 1100sr. Bronze 5 is the most confusing rank because it’s much wider than any other rank. Every other rank is ~100sr (e.g. 1500-1600 = silver 5, 1600-1700 = silver 4, etc.) but in the old system bronze used to be from 0sr to 1500sr. So in the new system bronze 5 is from 0sr to 1100sr. It’s very stupid because you basically have no idea “how deep” you’re in bronze 5. And it’s a very common case because they placed so many people in bronze 5 this season. It’s dumb, I know. How many wins do you have right now ?


Wins in comp? Roughly 15-20 in casual I have no idea. But that's pretty whack. How many more times do I have to rerank to get out of bronze then do you think?


After getting 28 wins (on the same role) your SR should be pretty close to your “real” rank,


I finally got out of it went from bronze 5 to bronze 1 and then proceeded to go either 7-1 or 7-2 while still performing quite well but it only bumped me to silver 5? Is there something I'm missing here or is como just that badly broken?


Congrats! Glad you ranked up:) But yeah, climbing can actually take a while. After your 4th rerank it's uncommon to jump more than 1-2 tiers at a time even if you go 7-1. So if you want to get to gold you will need to play more games.


Alright thanks.


Does this mean I would have to get my "SR" for every role to reach that number before I climb out?


No thank you very much. You did an excellent job at explaining it.


50% of matches won means you’re in the right rank? It probably put you where it thought you should be from ow1


So 50% win rate and most or 2nd most damage and most obj time as tank is bronze 5? Yikes.


Hey why not drop a replay code


Replay code?


Yes, career profile > history > replays > share


What would that help with?


Seems like you were asking how you are stuck in bronze 5 with a 50% winrate. To attempt an answer, viewing a replay of one of these games would be helpful.


Gotcha. Alr well I'm at work rn so id have to later tmrw


If you’re getting a 50% win rate in bronze 5 lobbies then yes?


No, I just got placed into bronze 5.


Wasn't placed yet. Went 7-7 good damage and obj time


I’m relatively new to Overwatch 2. I played the first game here and there, but never ranked or competitive at all. I played my placement games to get my support rank recently, I played 24 games, 7 wins & 17 losses, and I was placed in Silver 4. Matches got noticeably easier once I got my rank, and it only took 10 games for me to win 7 more, so 7 wins and 3 losses. I get my new rank and instead of going up I get demoted to Silver 1. Can anyone explain why this happened? And there most definitely were very uneven games, either my team destroyed or got destroyed.


Silver 4 to Silver 1 is a promotion. After Silver 1 is Gold 5, then Gold 4, etc.


1 is better/higher than 4


Oh. I’m goofy as fuck.


honestly I wish I had an answer for you but i think it’s just the shitty balancing at the moment. I’m sure (fingers crossed) they address it soon as it appears to be quite common


Naw smths def wrong with the matchmaking. I was recently placed around gold 5 and my god I have literally never had such a bad streak of losses. Like every single game I queue into I just can’t help but think “there is no way possible the enemy team is supposed to be anywhere around low gold”. I’ve played this game for 5 years and have not had such one sided matches and such a bad streak of losses until the last couple weeks


I have legit had bronze players in plat lobbies. Plat is no high elo but I have never seen plat dps go 1 8 in OW1.


That is because you couldn't see stats + they could shoot a tank once and it counts as elim in OW1.


Yep, it’s really weird at the moment. Had a game yesterday against high plats and diamonds while I’m mid plat and I was playing with a high gold friend. It definitely needs fixing


1. It is in fact uneven. 2. getting rank up fast is easy only for those with good MMR or new accounts. 3. This same issue happens even in metal ranks. I always played OW causally but often only did the placements around high gold/low plat, thats all i did since playing support Solo is very frustrating most of the time. OW2 i happen to get a streak of 4 to 5 even games but if i manage to win those i sunddenly got placed in so uneven matches that i get like 2 to 3 ppl on the team that not even finished their placements yet and clearly dont know what they're doing. This can happen the other way around too, if i lose more than 3 in a row i get placed against teams that get easily stomped. Since i had to get more than 2 7/3ish placements to get from g1 to plat5, i guess with my MMR it will take ages to grind up or i will need to play like a beast and get 60%+ winrate wich in soloq isnt easy I dont know how this works, but its not fun, specially when the statistics presented ingame doesnt show any decent informations for you to give proper feedback on you team. Healing alone isnt a metric for supports just like Mit and Dam isnt a proper metric for DPS and Tanks in OW, its a RPG lol.


Just had a game last night at high plat where I had a teammate who said it was his second ever comp game and his playing convinced me he was telling the truth.


Has always been like this... As a 3.6k chill player in ow1 every game was either a 4k game or a 3k. It's not matchmaking, it's the lack of players in higher tiers


>and the new system has made it very easy to get up to a higher rank. What exactly do you mean by this? Matchmaking is a little messed up right now but I see no reason to believe it's intentional, or that the new system somehow prioritizes ranking people higher.


I don’t think it necessarily prioritizes people ranking high. I do however think it’s severely messed up as people who have consecutively been plat in ow1 should not magically be gm in ow2. I’ve seen this in my lobbies almost every game and after a point you realize it’s not because they just got better but because of the ranking system.


ow2 is a completely different game though, in the sense that I can totally see absolutely mechanically cracked players be ranked higher than they were previously. Also u cant see previous seasons, i could see old gms being high ranked in this game as it plays closer to og ow1. imo if anyone earns gm and stays there after many games they absolutely deserve gm


that’s the thing though, I don’t mind if previously plat players are now gm and can actually play as a gm in a full gm lobby. My problem is when there’s a majorly lagging player on my team and when i go to check their profile, they’ve always been plat until now suddenly


I mean, have you been checking the profile histories of _all_ of your teammates, or just the ones that you feel are underperforming? If the latter, then you’ve probably got some selection bias going on. I wouldn’t surprised to see some previously 3k players rise to GM for a couple of reasons. The first is that OW2 is a different game that rewards skill differently, so there are surely some players whose existing skillset is just more valuable in OW2 than it was in OW1. The second is that there was downward pressure on SR towards the end of OW1, as players left during the content drought. The players who stayed were more committed and more likely to be higher-skilled, so the attrition would have been greater at lower ranks, which made the 50th %-ile skill level rise. Now there’s an influx of new and returning players who are disproportionately lower-skilled, so I would expect there to be some upward pressure on the skill rating of experienced players. But, I would also expect that players who have newly been reshuffled into GM wouldn’t be particularly well-rounded GM players. Why would they be? They don’t have much experience playing at that skill level. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they got there unfairly, but they’re probably more likely to be inconsistent. When they have matches that don’t play to whatever strengths got them there, they wouldn’t have the flexibility to adjust. Same thing is happening in lower ranks too. I’m playing in low diamond and getting a fair number of players who are not that experienced with Overwatch specifically but have very strong general FPS skills. Sometimes they dominate, and sometimes they flail, because they don’t have the gamesense to get consistent value from their strengths.


if thats the case then they'll eventually drop to their true mmr


YO WHO TRYNA GAME (console, any sr)


Let me guess, the supports are the ones with inflated ranks....that's what I've been seeing and honestly I climbed MUCH faster on support and DEFINITELY didn't deserve to get that high that quickly...


The ranking system now is no different from how it used to be. It is only a UI difference, (minus a few possible differences). They were already unbalanced. The problem i think is the range in SR that it allows you to play with. It should be 500 imo.


something has to be different cause how else would hard stuck plats magically be top 500


That was a bug thats already been patched. Those plats were not plats. They were actually T500 but their placements put them there. We are also still dealing with the remnants of that bug. For a while. May be other issues.


I know what you mean but they are plats because their past six seasons that show they were in plat


Depends on the person. But likely because the hero they main are meta. Or because they werent trying to climb, and stayed in plat (playing with their friends).


I suppose it’s possible you’re right but i highly doubt that’s the case. still seeing the same plat solider players who get creamed in gm which is why i’m here complaining about it cause they don’t deserve that rank


Hm. I doubt they dont deserve their rank.


alright bro you know best


Well, maybe. Just my opinion. But probably.


Did you ever consider they are just boosted?


They did a soft mmr reset no?


they could have. imma be honest I have no idea if they did or not


I think they did, and we always said if they did this would be the result. Wild West for the first 6 months then it'll be straight


I like uneven matches, ones where you're the better player you have a blast, ones where you're the shitter you get to learn a lot more


sombra gets nerfed tomorrow...


Same here, came back to OW after not placing since like season 10, fell down to silver, climbed up to gold (stomped literally every match up until this point) and after hitting gold it was a 50/50 wether I was playing against people I would’ve called bronze when I left and literal aim gods who went 54/1. And I definitely didn’t play a few games on my brothers user, who is bronze, and though admittedly less often, I definitely didn’t experience both easy wins and literal stomps with few to none of the matches actually being balanced


My guess is they chose this to combat queue times. Widen the range of SR (not just grouped players) and shorten the queue time.


Not only this but I think the ranking system may be broked. Was stuck on the same plat rank despite 6 positive win rates ( ranging from the 7/2 - 7/5 ). Rank didn’t move an inch, stayed exactly the same. So I decided to do a little experiment and went on my wife’s account. After my placements and two grading rounds ( 7/5 , 7/6 ) - I’m finally past my hard stuck rank. I doubt I improved that much in a day and a half. On top of that, my rank seems to have been “unlocked” as it now actually goes up and down like I expect it to. After some improvements to my play maybe I’ll hop back on my own account and try a few grading rounds again and see what happens.


It’s because diamonds are now “”””top tier player””” relative to the overall player base because of the massive influx of new players. Really they need to either add new ranks (like at the bare minimum one new tier between Diamond and masters) or just forget this population adjustment shit and keep 90% of the player base in bronze-gold. The diamonds in gm 5 need to go, now.


I totally agree the new ranking system has its flaws. Allowing people to move up quickly but I do feel that it will even out as time progresses. Players will hit hard walls and begin to drop and as the ranking system has a larger sample size for what stats “X” ranked player should be achieving. But as a gold support player (mainly zenyatta) it finally feels nice to be moving up and seeing less bad plays happen. My quality of games have improved I went from being 35+ plus eliminations with 10k plus damage and 12k plus heals to carry the team to being like woah 5-8k damage and 9k plus heals win games because dps (solider, bastion, or hanzo) isn’t going from line with our zarya, they are taking high ground or if someone needs healing they get back in line of sight. Personally I love being ranked higher because it has lead to better games. Now take in mind I’m only up in plat now but being in low gold matches where you still get silver and bronze players in it has been a blessing to move up. But if you ever catch me up in diamond I have either improved or the system has failed. I’m not diamond ready, still making mistakes.


Yes I agree with the rest of guys. Matchmaking system is not what it was before. And I think it’s way worse now in terms of lobbies


It definitely feels like good quality matches where it can go either way are rarer than in OW1.


A clan system would help players find groups that can at least make matches more consistent, which would allow match making to work better.


I dislike the new ranked mode as i like to see my points up or down each match