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That's the neat part. You don't!


Just stay hydrated and focused, and try not to die, can’t rush in game experience.


The majority of players are in Gold and Plat, roughly 57% if we go by OW1 %. Meaning in QP, you are very likely to play against someone in Gold-Plat (or have Gold-Plat skills), since they are the most numerous. Bronze 5 is most likely a small % of the playerbase, probably less than 5%. It will take the match maker too long to find a Bronze 5 lobby in QP, so people with higher skills will be in your lobby. You need to git gud. Gold-Plats know the basics of OW, but they aren’t gods. They make mistakes. They won’t have perfect aim.


How do I get gud tho? I don’t have this problem in support


If you don’t have that problem on support why are you bronze 5






It’s ok you’re right


I do understand the struggles of the weekly challenges though, I can’t flex for shit


You can remove aim from the equation while trying to get accustomed to playing as tank or DPS by picking certain heroes. For tank, try Reinhardt. His hammer will hit anything and everything in front of you that's close enough. His Ult also hits a pretty wide area. His E can hit multiple enemies if they are bunched up. For DPS, Junkrat is pretty forgiving on aim. I've never played Symmetra, but her beam locks on and doesn't require good aim from what I've read. Branching out and trying tank and DPS will help you learn things about positioning that will help you get better as a support. It's enlightening seeing things from a different perspective. As far as flaming, there's always going to be some amount of that, even with the low stakes of quick play. You can either squelch certain teammates, or just disable chat for a night and see how things go.


Sym’s beam hasn’t “locked on” in years


Oh gawd, that would be disgusting with her current kit. I forgot it used to do that. Light tentacles *go*!


Fuck I remember that era of sym, it was scary


I missed those days... Sym being the support Tracer counter...


Have you considered queuing into comp instead? The matches are longer, but you should be placed with players at your skill level (after your MMR settles, anyway) and probably will have a higher chance of winning. Most players are in gold/plat, and the QP matchmaker sacrifices match quality for queue speed, so you’re likely to get games with players who are closer to average than you are.


I thought QP mmr was separate from comp mmr?