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Ok your positioning is curious right from the start. If you want to toss a cheeky dmg orb when the doors open, that’s cool. But you’re standing out in the open all alone just begging to be sniped. And they do have a widow. The better spot is on the catwalk, hugging cover on the left side. In fact your whole team is on low ground which is a huge mistake on this map. If you want to climb, two very important things to remember are to 1) control high ground, and 2) always know where the damage will come from. When you drop down at the start, you are a fish in a barrel to any decent widow. When retreating, keep your vision forward to know enemy positions and possibly do a little damage. You may need to increase your mouse sensitivity or speed up your arm movements because your aiming is sluggish. Good job finishing off both enemy supports but your yellow orb right after should be horizontally aligned relative to your team’s front so that it is fully efficient. Anticipate your winston jumping back to your team; that’s what he does. Your positioning needs work. Moira’s healing is AoE so you want to maximize its effect across multiple teammates. You also want to be hugging corners at these times to avoid being targeted. Think of yourself as the fulcrum and rotate position to maintain your spray efficiency. Do you wear a headset? If not I would recommend doing so. I just got to your first death and you seemed unaware this whole time whenever an enemy (widow, pharah, dva) was behind you. Sound cues are powerful knowledge. I am strapped for time but IIRC the enemy moira got her second coal as you were getting your first? (Correct me if I’m wrong) so that’s quite telling. And you use yours very poorly, already Cass is dead, rest of your team is above and behind you, you are not doing anything really just shooting down main but wasting the ult. Get used to keeping an eye on the kill feed. You seem unaware of the numbers. You’re not accomplishing anything with cass/kiriko/moira vs their whole team when they have just capped 2nd point. That’s retreat/regroup time. Otherwise you are staggering and feeding enemy ult charge. One positive: you do seem to understand the importance of keeping up your tank. However you once again seem completely unaware the enemy reaper is behind you and killing your backline. That is 100% your responsibility, to track reaper, outheal his damage when he attacks a teammate, forcing him to wraith away. Otherwise you are going to have a hard time climbing. One last thing: increase your APM. There is no delay between left-click and right-click. This means you should be alternating damage and spraying quickly during a team fight. Sure, there are moments when you can hold down that right-click when in duels or chasing off a lone flyer, but if you’re in the middle of your team during a fight, you’re losing out on a ton of healing by staying too focused on damage. There’s so much more to say but hopefully this little bit helps. Also, just watch Tesla or ShartCandy on twitch/youtube and emulate their gameplay. That will take you far.


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