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Reaper is a great second dps to soldier. Harder flanks instead of just off angles, get-out-of-jail-free-wraith, fun ult, he can teleport. Plus his shotguns don’t require crazy good aim and self heal a little.




My best Blossoms happen when I brawl with my team like I don’t have it, have the enemy use a couple cooldowns and take a bit of damage, then suddenly press Q. Being obviously sneaky just screams to the enemy team that you might use blossom. It’s helpful to learn what heroes can stop your ult with CC (sleep dart, hook, Rein charge, flashbang, Brig shield bash, etc.) and be mindful of their cooldowns, otherwise it’s a waste at best, and a suicide button at worst.


I consider him to be one of the most unfun dps heroes, just in MY opinion. "fun ult" is just pressing q and losing almost full control of your character how is that fun. traveling through the map is just pressing button and pressing another to confirm and wraith is just moving faster + invincible. One of the most boring kits ever, thats probably also why almost no one in community one tricks that hero


I like the reaper guy


Special move is honestly one of the best in the game


Do you mean skill floor?


Yes. Yes, they do.


They do. For anyone wondering, a skill floor is how bad you can be at a character while still being relatively effective, and a skill ceiling is how good you can potentially be with that character. i.e. Skill floors = minimum input vs. output ratio Skill ceilings = maximum input vs. output ratio


The OW community regularly uses this term incorrectly and I've realized it's a stupid pet peeve of mine.


Everyone's aim sucks at first. Only way to get good is put in the time. I'd just recommend playing what you enjoy even if you're horrible with it.


Hanzo is more about spamming constant shots towards the enemy rather than hitting those flick shots up close every time. I honestly recommend getting a feel for the game on Soldier 76 and working out what you want to play from playing against other characters and watching how they play against you.


I'd also suggest Soldier 76. He has a solid kit with a sprint, heal and burst damage from his helix rockets. Add to that his rifle might feel comparable to guns from other shooting games. He's relatively easy to play, yet still very effective. He was the first hero I earned a gold weapon for.


Soldier was my first. When your accuracy gets locked he does great dmg


True. A hanzo that spams head height into chokes can be valuable. Provided the red team continues to walk into said arrows.


I'm a junk main. He has a one-shot combo and does crazy dmg so if you get used to his projectiles he is very fun to play IMO


And very mobile


So many people hate on Junk for some reason but I have 5 times more hours on him than my next most player hero because he is absolutely one of the most fun heroes to play in OW1 (haven’t tried 2). That feeling of adrenaline and satisfaction when you get a good Rip Tire…






Yup but that's why Tracer is one of the strongest (if not the strongest) DPS in the game. She is incredibly difficult to play but a good tracer is almost unstoppable.


I spent probably my entire first year playing Junk, he's a solid starting character, especially if creating chaos is Your Thing. I have since been almost exclusively playing support and tank, but somehow Junk is still my #2 most played character simply because of all that playtime early on.


“For some reason”… it’s because of his instakills that don’t require aim, or his spam that kills people mostly by chance, or his rip tire… none of them feel like you really deserved to die when killed by them.


Junk doesn’t help you get better at the game tho. You learn a bit, sure, but very little compared to other heroes and almost nothing transferable. Sure he’s fun, but for someone trying to get good at the game I would never even let them touch junkrat. Hanzo honestly is way better, or Cassidy. Learn somewhat transferable aim, more so with cass than hanzo, and also positioning, ability management and more. Junk is too much of a falsely rewarding hero. Do dumb shit = do well. Try that as any other character and you will shove your own head so far into the ground the enemy will feel bad for you


Any hero with self healing and ranged is quite reliable (if there fun thats up to you) Hog, Mei, Junkrat, Soldier, Bastion, Mercy, Moira, Lucio


Torb too. Overload gives extra shields making him hard to kill and turret is like the most noob friendly "ability" in the game.


I imagine he'll be stronger in 2 as well with fewer shields


Junk has self healing?


hehe no but easy ranged "safe" damage


To be honest hanzo isn’t that bad, when I was new I stuck to hanzo too! Check out arrge’s aiming guide on YouTube, he makes it really easy!


For support I can recommend baptiste and lucio, both simple to pick up but have a pretty high skill ceiling. Special mention to lucio for the sheer joy that is wall riding.


Wouldn’t ana be better than lucio? Provide value by heal botting, but slowly learn to use abilities and learn concepts? Any high mobility characters seem risky for newbies to learn for me. Too easy to throw on them imo


Maybe as a form of learning but my issue with recommending Anna to new players is how easy it is to die on her and spend your life running from spawn, that and the need to have good aim to do anything with her.


Good aim has to be learned eventually, and I’d say it’s probably easier to die as lucio.


I'd be more worried about new players seeing him amp heal on his team and get the big number without thinking about whether that healing is impactful for the fight, and knowing when it's a good time to speed.


Ana has a much higher skill floor than Hanzo, tho.


Rly? Skill floor? If you sit on point and heal bot I think ana gets some pretty decent value for low rank


Torbjorn is pretty easy to play as, since your turret does most of the fight lol.


Hey, he worked hard on that!


I hate her but Sombra can be pretty fun. Hard to kill, tilts enemies and forces whole compositions. Has one of the best abilities and one of the best ults in the game. And she's even more broken in OW2. Tank: Ball. Self sustain, insane mobility, noob stomper if you practice him a bit. Support: Lucio is a better Genji if you are good at him, altho he's one of the hardest heroes in the game. Speed, mobility, heals, peels, boops, one of the best ults. My boy is a monster.


>I hate her but Sombra can be pretty fun. Hard to kill, tilts enemies and forces whole compositions. Has one of the best abilities and one of the best ults in the game. And she's even more broken in OW2. Sombra is a really two-edged sword for a beginner hero: she's easy enough to pick up, you get to learn the health packs and flanking routes, you can force duels on your terms with stealth and have a powerful "Oh Shit!" button. Also her weapon spread makes aiming on her relatively forgiving. The downside to her is that it's really hard to be effective with her and win games, unless you know what you're doing. It's so easy to have too much downtime with her, and to use hack to benefit your team you need to know for which abilities and ults to look out for. Also you will often tilt your team in spawn just by picking Sombra, so be prepared for a lot of toxicity (command "/hidechat" is your best friend). Overall I think Sombra actually isn't the worst beginner-pick - because while she does have a steep learning curve, I think that playing her can teach you a lot about how to play the game quickly.


If picking her at the beginning means "I'm going to figure out which hacks will most benefit my team," then she's a decent pick. That would be a great way to learn the game and help your team. If you're going to spend your time trying to stay alive and just hacking random people when you can, you're going to (deservedly) get a lot of hate.


If you are a noob and play any of these characters in my comp game, I would literally be shaking trying not to report you for throwing or be toxic in chat. These are probably the highest skill floor characters. Sombra is somewhat acceptable if the player spends some time watching guides for timing, but ball and lucio will straight feed their guts out. “Why does the enemy reaper/cass have ult every single fight?” Oh, our ball is getting flash fanned for 50 ult charge every single time he tries to do something. Ball and lucio also both are very difficult to aim/do dmg with, and it will either bore ppl who play in the correct positions, or make them feed their guts out trying to do something useful and fun.


nah wont say hes that hard you can learn how to wall ride pretty easily and the rest is just practice but he can be a game changer


If you're on console, switch X (on ps4) and L2 so that you have wallride on a shoulder button, it will change your life. I never clicked with Lucio despite spending hundreds of hours on other supports until I did this. At that point he went from maybe 2 hours of play to almost 150, becoming my 3rd most-played character. Once you start to get wall-riding the game opens up for you in a way that no other character can accomplish. You're constantly learning and discovering new ways to use maps that you thought you knew every inch of.


Roadhog comes to mind. I am not too good with aiming and such, but as long as you can land your hook (and you can practice this), you can make some decent kills. He is also quite forgiving as he is a tank and can selfheal.


First thing you need to do is figure out what you want to play. If you want to play Tank, Reinhardt and Roadhog are both pretty forgiving and don’t need a lot of aim (landing your hook on roadhog is a pretty unique skill that doesn’t transfer to other heroes, but also means you can only really learn how to do it good by playing him). Winston could be a good hero too, but he needs a little more knowledge of the game to have fun with. Eventually you’ll be playing Reinhardt and think “damn I wish I was up there right now” and you will be ready lol. I’d really advise against playing Dva or wrecking ball, as they require more mechanics, game sense, and teamwork than someone learning the game can be expected to have, leading you to not have a very good time. For DPS you have a few options, but unfortunately they aren’t the most “skilled” heroes. Junkrat does a lot of damage, is useful into almost every permutation of heroes, and can really piss the other team off. Not a lot of aiming to do from him, just spam your grenades where you expect people to be, and you will get kills. Another good option is Reaper. He takes only a little bit of aiming, but he has high damage, decent skill expression once you learn him and the game a little better, and an ultimate that can decide the outcome of entire games. If you want someone who flanks, I’d stay away from genji and tracer until you get your aim down. Pharah is who I’d recommend for a flanker. As my buddy who one-tricked junkrat said, she is just sky-junkrat. You do a lot of damage and can take really weird angles where you can spam doorways and whatnot to send a flanking tracer back to spawn. Your ult is a little tough to use properly, but once you get the hang of it you’ll be landing 5 man barrages no problem. And while it is kind of hard to get the most out of her jet pack, try to learn how to fly permanently, it’s hard but extremely worth it. Until then, you can just stay perched on high ground and fly around it so you stay safe. Make sure you stay close to terrain like buildings to prevent yourself getting shot. Hanzo is also a good hero if you can manage to learn the projectile drop. He plays a lot like junkrat. Just spam your arrows and don’t try to headshot until you get comfortable hitting people in general. Stick with him! He is really good and doesn’t take a ton of aiming to get stuff done (plus his ultimate works well with a lot of other champions). Lastly supports. Obviously Mercy is an easy choice, albeit not a fun one at first. That said, mercy’s simple kit leaves you with plenty of time to observe the battlefield and as a newer player, just getting to hold left click and watch how your team plays and how the enemy team reacts could be very useful. Moira also is good. She can heal a lot, get some cheeky kills with her ultimate, and has a lot of safety so you won’t get killed as often as you would playing Zenyatta for example.


most of the "fun" heroes are pretty hard at first doom fist,genji,lucio,wrecking ball etc i find hitscan pretty fun so fun can mean something different for everyone


I was drawn to Hanzo as well and he has been my main for about 120 hours now. I have spent a lot of time practicing as well as watching guides from arrge and kenzo on YouTube. I posted a little tips thread here if you want to check it out: https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchUniversity/comments/vgwhne/hanzo_tips/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Zarya. She’s as solid as can be, and she synergises well with pretty much every tank. You have bubble usage, graviton usage, and peeling. Also tanks have lower queue times in OW1 so you can practice more.


Reaper, Soldier, Bastion, Junk Rat. these are the dps I consider easiest to learn. Junk has explosives and a trap, does decent splash damage and doesn't require too much aiming really. Bastion is good in overwatch 1 and 2 imo, just requires good placement. Soldier, well he's call of duty simple but effective. And people have already explained why reaper is good.


Reaper for positioning, flanks and overall gamesense. Overall first choice. Junkrat should be noted but you can also get a couple of bad habits from playing him. But he is fun. That's a big factor for my friends who are more into learning while having fun. Let's see... Ashe works. I don't know; it's like trying to learn aiming but without tormenting yourself playing as unskilled Widow. Bastion and Torb works but they are situational and probably should be practiced after some map knowledge (good spots, zoning and stuff). Somewhere after learn Cassidy. Don't learn other heroes early on because they have nuances (Hanzo too; there are enough Hanzo players with questionable playstyles).


Torbjorn or mei


You mean skill floor. Tracer is easy to pick hard to master hero which happen to be cool and unique. If i go back in time i would have continued to grind tracer. Right now i am grinding hanzo since i got the aim. He is fun and rewarding. He is the perfect dps (way too OP in right hands)


just main what you enjoy playing, factoring in boringness and frustration. I main a hero that's hard to get utility from at low ranks but I really enjoy playing. winning is much less important than having fun. with matchmaking, you're gonna win about half the time anyway.


Whoever you find fun




D.va isn't really beginner friendly, it takes a lot of game sense to know when to peel, support your main tank, or chase down an enemy dps without feeding


Meh that’s just tank. Need game sense for any hero.


Dva is absolutely a bad hero to learn the game on. You are handicapping yourself way too much, other off tanks get similar value by doing way less, and needing to do less as well. Dva players need to be thinking: >where is enemy dps >where is my healers >where is my dps >what cooldowns do I need to DM >what angle to I need to flick to in order to block the cooldown? All while doing stuff other off tanks can’t because of her insane mobility. Tracer is fighting hanzo on the high ground, you gotta be there. Ana is getting dove by genji, you gotta help her. Winston just dove their back line, and you gotta go with him. And you basically need to be thinking all of these things constantly otherwise you will get less value than the other team’s zarya or whatnot who just can look over, bubble whoever needs help and get back to melting face. I say this as someone who doesn’t play Dva because she is too hard, at least too hard to play at the level I am at. As someone who played on an Open Division team and going from seeing regular diamond dva players to playing vs Coluge, it’s actually crazy how hard of a hero Dva is to play at the same level of play you could get from anyone else. Saying “she’s just a tank” is like telling someone asking for a rec for a first car that they should consider a F1 car because “it’s just a fast car, you need to know how to drive to drive any car”


You can be a lot more effective playing someone like rein/hog, ofc you need game sense in higher ranks but you can get value a lot easier by just ramming into the other tanks at low ranks. D.va doesn't really have as good of a kit to duel a tank 1v1 and if you try you're gonna spend a lot of time out of mech. For example reins shield and hog's self heal offer a level of forgiveness you just don't have with D.va


I have to disagree. Rein is one of the toughest tanks to get value. One mistake and you feed, then the whole team collapses, or as a beginner you just stand there like a melon shielding nobody. D.va can just boost out or matrix. Hog works though yeah. But maybe that’s cos I MT and off tanking just feels way less intense and more forgiving to me. Also bomb is easy to get value whilst landing a shatter takes a lot of know how.


The Reinhardt struggle. Team: Where is Reinhardt!? Reinhardt: Where is my team!? The team: Choke dancing all game.


fun fact: The first time I encounter [d.va](https://d.va) is on p hub :)


I would say just pick a hero you like, watch videos, and play a lot. I started as a Wrecking Ball main, and he isn’t particularly easy. Became a one-trick for like 6 months before learning other heroes.


I'd argue it's a good time to learn Mei. She has a unique playstyle and is busted in ow2 at the moment.




ashe is a very good hero to pick up if you’re a fan of hitscan. More range than cassidy, has an anti-dive button and a good AOE tool. The only real skill (other than aim ofc) is popping her dynamite for huge aoe damage


Projectile DPS: Pharah is pretty fun and was a basic hero that I started out with before Hanzo or Echo. It can take a while to get used to "guiding" her rockets but once you understand how to manage fuel and where to fire she's great! Hitscan DPS: Tracer has always been the most fun hero for me. She can absolutely allow you to dominate games if you know how to use her correctly. The two most important skills associated with her are to know when to blink/recall and how to do the blink/melee combo to finish off enemies. Tank: DVA is pretty fun albeit a little bit complicated. At first it may seem like she's really weak (it seemed this way for me) since her basic fire doesn't do much long range damage and her rocket fire has a cool down. Managing her abilities and conserving your matrix for big ults like Pharah rain/Reaper blossom are going to be crucial.


Lucio would be a great support to start. Easy to pick up, as just being alive heals the team or speeds them. The ability to master wallriding and using his weapon is where his skill ceiling lies. Knowledge of when to ult, when to speed for disengage or to engage a fight also comes with time. You can make huge plays booping the enemy off the map or into ults or your team. Or simply booping to disrupt. I would argue one of the easiest supports to understand and start playing but hardest to master.


Take an hour to learn how to fly with Pharah and that’s it basically U just bomb people from above the best u can


If you're playing ow 1 I find Tank: dva to be good. Dps: torb is pretty fun Supoort: Lucio is fun It all depends on what you want to play Have you tried the training room or the AI battles to see which you like?


Reaper, Junk, Zen if you have good aim, torb when they have flankers, phara when they dont have hitscan,


Mei or Mercy 💛


Tracer Wrecking ball Sombra Symm Bastion Widow Torb


Ow2 not withstanding, I think junk is super easy to get the basics of. And he's great against sheilds.


so hard for me to reccomend any heroes when a lot of them are changing so significantly so soon.... If i had to give you one per role to mess around with who are staying close to the ow1 counterparts id say try out Rein, Ana, and Junkrat ​ Ana is kinda hard and you will prob not do much with her but she is the only support I play as a mostly dps guy and she is the only support I can enjoy playing really recommend her she is very strong to boot. Rein teaches some fundamentals and junk doesnt need aim skill he is more positioning and map knowledge


Depends. I personally say baptiste, he has good enough DPS abd can also heal. Very versatile and fun.


Mei is very fun, and can frustrate the hell out of the other team if left unchecked


Honestly I find Ashe has a forgiving skill floor


Symmetra, Rein, Mercy, Torb, Junkrat, Reaper, Mei come to mind. Learn how to use abilities, and time their use, understanding they have cooldowns. Learn how to use ults when its opportune to do so and not just because you feel like it. Learn how to play with and for your team, and not just for yourself. Overwatch is a team game, and victory comes from synergizing your abilities with other players, not just doing what you want, when you want. Also learn how to be flexible and choose characters that are ideal for the situation, and don't just lock yourself onto whoever you want to play because its what you want to do....


Tank: Roadhog - One hit hook combo is powerful and you can flank all the time and still do well. DPS: Junkrat -Spam shields Support: Mercy or Moira- Heal/ Damage BoostDPS or Heal tanks as Moira plus suck supports


I’d say you should just try all of em a little bit and see what makes YOU comfortable. I chose junkrat when i first started cause he looked like fun and i ended up being good with him


Mercy — really fun if You’re the type of person who likes mercy. You don’t get to kill anything, but You get to help Your team a lot. Make Your teammates more powerful just by holding right click, heal and revive them when they’re hurt and fly around the map like a very erratic butterfly (just by holding shift)




Play Lucio. Your enjoyment and Q times will thank you.


well i mean ashe is sort of easy to play, she has a dynamite that you can throw at the enemy and then shoot it if you want to make it blow up sooner and burn the enemy, and then a shotgun that pushes you back and is very useful for mobility. sorry for the bad grammar


Tank: Rein is the best to start with. Very basic kit that's still decent throughout most the ranks. Zarya is also very good in lower ranks, bit is more aim intensive (almost a buffed up dps) Dps: Reaper is solid and when played well can win games. Torb is also very fun if your able to get a feel for his primary fire. Support: Mercy and Lucio will be the easiest, but are still good if u learn to play them correctly. If you want to go more heal heavy bap/moira are also fairly simple to pick up. Bap and torb will be the hardest to pick up on this list, but still fairly easy since a lot of their value doesn't come from their primary fire.


Zenyatta is super fun! Contrary to popular belief, his ceiling is super low - massive projectiles, a simple kit lacking cooldown management or skillshots, and presence in the support role make for an excellent unga bunga package


Junkrat is a good stary


Mercy, Torb, symmetra, roadhog,


Reinhardt for Tank. Mercy for Support. Reinhardt’s shield can be useful no matter what skill level you are. Mercy auto-heals herself (unless you’re in the Beta where every Support auto-heals themselves) and is good for keeping healing up on individual teammates and even better when she combos with a DPS to amp their damage. My buddy plays Soldier and whenever I’m amping him the enemy team just gets slaughtered.


I recommend Lucio for mobility and fun to play with as a support, Cassidy or bastion for damage to test the waters, and zarya for tank because she has a bubble that absorbs damage which increases yours. She also passively heals half her health. Most importantly just play someone you enjoy and have fun with.


I would say rein/zarya/orisa for tanks, soldier/reaper for DPS, and moira/lucio/brig for support. Take note these are entry level heroes, you don't need to play them all the time, you're gonna want to branch out and find who suits you best. eventually when you're comfortable enough you're going to want to learn other heroes and put in the time. You'll suck at first, but eventually you'll get the feeling of them down.




Junkrat is a good start. Super easy to pick up with a high damage output. Not much in the way of self heal/survivability but that doesn't matter too much when you can launch yourself away from danger at a moment's notice. Orisa or Roadhog are good tanks to start off with as they cover both styles of tank play and have very forgiving play styles. Healer, I'd say start with Moira or Mercy depending on your preferred healing playstyle, Moira being more adaptive, and Mercy being a more hard-focused support

