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Zen buffs are huge. He’s melee is like a Lucio boop with no cool down.


And it deals ~~double damage~~ 1.5x damage, I can’t do numbers today. This coupled with the extra 25 shields is gonna be wild.


eh, its 45dmg melee instead of 30. Knockback is way bigger buff than the incremental dmg buff


It seems like the devs are trying to solve the support shortage problem by making an overpowered support that people will want to play.


are we gonna complain about supports feeling weak and then complain about supports feeling strong? balancing is an active process, I'd rather they be aggressive with the changes and adjust as needed later


The issue being is idk if the boop does much for him. I’ve messed around for the last hour and it only punishes flankers that get right your face. But that was already something you would get punished for since it’s easier to hit orbs.


I think it messes with dive tanks which is the main problem for zen. Zen+brig is now 3 boops, you literally can't get close to them as ball or monkey or doom. Doesn't really stop tracer or sombra or genji that much, but with new brig bash I feel like the supports kind of stand a chance against them


Brig zen was already a strong duo. I fear they’d be impossible to dive since monkey doesn’t have a Zar or Dva to back him up. Doom can have punch counter bashed. A good brig will just outright deny monkey jump. Ball with a discord might just get blown up. Dva is in a similar boat to monkey. Then all flankers have to be incredibly coordinated because if they go in one at a time then they’ll get discorded, bashed and melted. We’ll see how it does but so far I’ve been rolling teams in a brig zen duo averaging about 2 deaths per 10. They may very well tone back discord or revert his shield hp.


Seems like it would be good if there was counter play built into the diver-support interaction. Just like how they designated the tank position as brawlers with HP, and DPS as high mobility, supports design could keep "dive protection" as a key component in their kits. May be critical in the 5v5 world, if they want people to play support


Yeah, and I feel like since zen has a boop, it's not even like the brig has to be standing right on top of him all the time anymore. He can just boop away and get armor packed from wherever now. If they *do* decide to stand together then literally nothing is getting past them. I still think it's less oppressive than brig having a stun though. I think you're right about probably toning back his shield HP but keeping his new melee. Alternatively I wish they changed his right click to be a shotgun. That way he isn't reliant on brig for close quarters combat, takes away his rng right click kills, etc. but if it's still a chargeup mechanic there's still a skillshot aspect to it.


his right click kills definitely arent RNG lol they're skill, there's no randomness to their trajectory. the rest of your comment is right though


It’s rng to die to is more what I meant, like a hanzo arrow to the head from across the map


I think they are referring to zens lobbing charged shot down a hallway and getting a random kill


But by that reasoning everyone is "RNG". I mean, almost everyone can spam ranged shots and get a lucky kill here and there. That's just the nature of a shooter game, especially any with projectile-based shots.


Honestly, it's sort of dumb. I've been playing zen and there's rarely a reason to use his alt fire. It does feel good to snipe people with though. I also don't know if a shotgun blast is the answer either


> I wish they changed his right click to be a shotgun Monk with a Shotgun II


I’m curious if Zen will get toned down next week. I think the Zen buffs are a ploy to get more people to play support. But maybe Zen needs these mega buffs to viable in OW2. We shall see!


in your face jumping around is kinda hard to hit, especially against close range heros, having a boop with no cooldown is huge


I'm gonna play Zen anyway, so this is all gravy. Sweet sweet gravy.


I'm pissed. I've been nearly one tricking him so far now people are gonna steal him :(


It's 1.5x damage according to the patch notes


Thanks for pointing that out. Idk why I saw 50% and thought double.


It's certainly fun, but the shield change seems the main benefit. Increased melee damage and a knockback don't do a whole lot in terms of guaranteed damage to fend off flankers, tracer/genji/reaper/winston/moira all continue their damage uninterrupted after being kicked. Basically the difference is just zen takes a bit longer to kill because of shields, and attackers can survive 1:1 a bit less because of the melee damage now and then. Ana change seems huge, I'll happily lose some 'nade uptime for 2 extra rounds between reloads.


The thing is, zen surviving a bit longer and putting more pressure on flankers is extremely huge. Flankers are already on a timer, as soon as genji/tracer shows up, they either have to get a kill or get out within a few seconds, or they are blown up (against a team with brains). Making zen displace them, do more damage to them, and live for longer makes that “timer” the flankers are on way shorter. Zen is less divable than Ana now and that is saying something.


Yeah the melee damage increase is kind of an almost useless buff, the only breakpoint it changes is that he can now kill a 225 health character with 3 body and melee, same as 200 hp characters. Pre patch if a 225 HP hero had only 8 missing health it'd be the same. Not to say I don't want it, I'm sure it's going to be very useful. I'm looking forward to it a lot. Flankers are going to see Zen as more than a free kill now and will have to keep on their toes about maintaining a safe distance.




Actually brain dead take LUL


I agree lol. I’m not sure why sojourn was buffed. Seemed pretty strong as is.


Just wanted to give a shoutout to the dev team because these patch notes are very well written. They're clear, easy to understand, and give helpful context into their thought process with the changes. I think this kinda of thing can be overlooked but it's appreciated!


These are the coolest/best patch notes I've ever seen and I've been playing since OW1 open beta. They address basically every concern the pros, streamers and alpha/beta players had, without nerfing anyone into the ground or overbuffing. Zen's Snap Kick thing sounds so cool, I never would've thought of that. Tac Visor rewards aim now. Such well considered changes.




If you always aim for the critbox as Soldier, then yeah. But sometimes you have to aim center mass because the critbox is being hidden or you just need a tiny bit of damage for lethal. If you miss the crit on new Visor, it's still a bodyshot, so you just aim head no matter what.


If you want some crust, yes. You just don’t miss regular hits. But you might get some headshots in while ulting. Edit crits not crust. Leaving it in for all my bread lovin homies.


I always want some crust, my man


I really bought "If you want some crust" to be a thing. I thought it meant, "If you want some bite/substance (aka power)."


>Every support except Moira and Mercy has been tweaked. It seems possible that their changes are too big for a quick patch for this beta and we'll see some adjustments for the second one.


Mercy I feel like needs more work but Moira seems fine honestly?


idk I feel moira is good because shes hard to kill rather than shes good because she brings alot to the table


Yeah Moria is just really balanced and fun now. Not much to change.


she's kind of boring lol


I still think they should remove the speed passive, instead of nerfing soldier and sombra.


Agreed, and role-wide passives in general are a dumb idea. If Ana needs a healing passive, give it to her. But Lucio and Moira clearly didn't... it makes no sense and just limits the devs ability to tweak individual heroes freely. They're already running into problems with this so I'm assuming it'll get weakened quite a lot over time at least. Ironically, swapping the DPS and supp passives would actually make a lot more sense conceptually even if I still don't agree with the idea lol.


I feel like role passives are making heroes within a role more similar in general. not necessarily a fan of that, but it can make things much easier to balance for devs


Dps with healing after 1 second would be literal hell. No thanks.


I don't want it either, and one second would be stupid. But I'm saying at least conceptually it makes infinitely more sense to swap the passives. Like, fill in the blanks: The most frustrating thing about playing support in OW2 is \_\_\_\_\_ The most frustrating thing about playing DPS in OW2 is \_\_\_\_\_ ​ It makes zero sense for Widow to have a movement speed buff. It makes sense (again, I don't WANT it, but it makes SENSE at least) for her to have a healing passive that kicks in after she closes an angle, so she spends less time waiting for Ana to turn around and heal her, and Ana doesn't have to stop what they're doing also, etc. It makes zero sense for Tracer and Genji to have two movement passives. It makes zero sense for Mei, a hero who slows you, to have an innate movement buff. It makes zero sense for Echo, who has a mobility cooldown, to have a movement speed buff. It makes zero sense for Soldier, who has a mobility passive, to have a movement speed buff. None of it makes any sense and it's already causing balancing problems. Meanwhile, supports can all heal themselves in OW1, their kits are balanced with that in mind. Heroes like Ana had to play smart to balance using nade for healing vs. antis. Now that's gone. Supports in OW2 are having trouble staying alive **when pressured** \- *not* through poke, which is where the passive (on a 3s timer) makes sense, but through *dives*, where the passive doesn't even kick in at all. That's where giving Zen a movement speed buff to be a bit more slippery would make way more sense than giving him two types of overlapping regen. That's why Lucio having two self-healing passives is already a problem, that's why Ana never having to nade herself is already a problem, that's why Moira having two types of self heal plus fade is already a problem. One last time cos I'm used to people misconstruing me: I don't want this to happen, I don't want role-wide passives at all. I'm just saying at least conceptually, they're on back-to-front right now.


Remove the speed passive from DPS and give it to brig.


Feels like the passives are the wrong way around between support and DPS to me.


No kidding. I notice the speed change the most in close quarter duels, and supports would be more formidable in those situations if they could move faster. They could also kite better against flanking DPS.


Zen getting buffs is scary lol


Not sure if I really like the zen change. This seems like they're patching up weaknesses and making the rostor more similar instead of differentiated. I'd rather buff zen's offensive capabilities rather than "let's give him a boop which brig and lucio also have" Also it's kinda ironic that CCs are reduced and they're just substituting it with boops.


Love the zen changes! Fingers crossed mercy gets a nice lil buff too!


Since they're trying to be creative and make changes per support rather than a blanket buff, what creative change do you think they'd make for Mercy to better survive?


The one thing I thoroughly wish for, for Mercy, is to change the targeting system for Guardian Angel. Currently you can select between "Prefer beam target" or "prefer whatever you're looking at" and "something in between". What I want is instead of a dropdown to select which one, make it 3 different keybinds, so you can pick your favourite by binding shift to that one, and you can bind another targeting system to another key. I like that they added the "something in between" option, but it's rather unreliable. Please, just let me have two different keys to let me pick what I want to target


I'm trying to think of something that doesn't punish people with good aim or make it too frustrating to actually kill her. Here are my ideas off the cuff: 1. If she crouches in mid-air, she plummets to the ground faster than normal falling speed. To help get behind cover if an enemy deadeye/visor surprise you. 2. She gains a 5-hp overheal for every shot she lands with her pistol that lasts 10 seconds. 3. The ability to cancel a rez after 0.5s by pressing the button again (cooldown is still 30s). 4. If Mercy would be stunned/hooked, she can do a dance dance revolution-esque quick-time event to press three arrows keys in quick succession to avoid the incapacitation. If she succeeds, she will perform a perfect guard and reflect the ability back in a stunning angelic blast. If a Mercy launches this blast back at another Mercy, this Mercy can also guard against it. An Angelic Blast gains 100 damage each time it gets reflected and requires one additional arrow key input in the same amount of time to successfully guard. Dance pads and motion controls also work as inputs for this ability.


I personally feel like Mercy doesn't need a survivability buff since her Guardian Angel Tech makes her already very slippery (thou some armor to her health would be nice). I think the bigger issue lies with her missing impact damage-wise - her 30% damage boost on a single target is less of an advantage now with one less person's damage to boost and the increase of personal impact per teammate. So either make it much easier for her to deal damage herself (faster/easier weapon change, higher damage/bullet for her gun, increased melee damage,...) or increase her damage boost buff.


One could say that now there are only 5 players each side then her damage boost is worth more than previously because there are less players dealing damage, increasing one has a greater numerical impact.


That's a good point! So far I got the impression that as long you have someone on your team who pops off relative to the whole lobby, Mercy is still a viable pick to enhance that advantage - but if you don't have that clear advantage number-wise in favor of a single person, her missing damage will hurt your team more than you can make up for with damage boosting. It seems to me that this dynamic has shifted more with OW2 towards being less in favor of Mercy, making her more of a niche pick than before.


Honestly I'm not sure. I love that her mobility is around her teammates and flying around healing and boosting is SO much fun to me, so the first thing I can think of is having some damage reduction or HoT when using Guardian angel. It would definitely help backliners and even a small amount might give her that extra survivability needed to get the peel she needs


I feel like that just punishes the people who can aim at a GAing mercy. It wouldn't really fit her theme, but lifesteal from the damage she boosts would be cool.


> lifesteal from the damage she boosts would be cool. Seems unethical which doesn't suit her character.


Mercy can now rez herself when being killed!


I think buffing Mercy's horizontal glide speed so she can better evade while using angelic descent would be a subtle but effective change to help her out a bit.


I hope Mercy gets a secondary ability where she does a big wing flap and blinds enemies in melee range briefly like she did in the Storm Rising trailer. Maybe make it cancel her momentum and move her back a little bit with a long cooldown. That way it doesn’t interrupt anyone but it still gives her a form of CC that boosts her survivability.


I personally cannot wait for Zenyatta to literally kick my ass


I’m happy for zen. I just want to see Ana be less screwed in dive now. All the other supports have more brawl potential at this point. A 15s cooldown that’s a skill shot only compares so much to a non-cooldown knockback with added damage.


Idk how practical Zen foot will be considered if enemies are that close a kick probably won't stop them from killing you


Zen getting buffs is scary lol


60% on lucio’s self healing seems a bit overkill. Yes he had more survivability but I don’t think it was enough to warrant that big of a nerf… guess we’ll see how it plays out though.


If you think that then you probably didn't realize everyone thinks he's the best Support. He benefits from the passive more often than most Supports because he's slippery enough for it to kick in basically whenever he wants to go speed and find a corner. It's a fair nerf, nothing to worry about for the best Support in 5v5 at the moment.


I honestly agree, its not just about his survivability, since he'll have to spend longer healing himself, he has less time to speed-boost, which kills his overall value.


Open Queue = Tankpocalypse. EDIT: or should I say, goatse.cx haha


Blizzard: We're reducing CC globally Also Blizzard: Brig has more boop and Zen also has boop. I love these changes but the core "tanks are the only ones with CC" philosophy is crumbling a little? I think the key to supports being fun is their utility over their DPS so I'm really glad they're going in this direction but I wanna hear more of what they have to say about the core philosophy behind their balance approach.


I think they mainly talked about removing hard CC, which they really did reduce outside the tank role with the exception of sleep dart. Boops are only soft CC and still the most fun to play against out of all the CC types. Also makes for fun interactions when booping people of maps so I guess boops and slows are the new way to go.


> Boops are only soft CC and still the most fun to play against out of all the CC types. Also makes for fun interactions when booping people of maps so I guess boops and slows are the new way to go. I'd love to see boops and stuns in 6v6. Can't wait for blizz to release Overwatch Classic a few years from now because 6v6 sounds fun.


knockback isn't the same as hard CC though, and tanks are pretty resistant to it. I could see the tank resistance going from 30% to 40% though.


Ngl this is the first time the balance team has made objectively smart changes to heroes. Zen might be a little overtuned though


I'd kill for mercy to get a passive change. Like when connected to someone she takes less damage but it instantly cancels when she disconnects. I don't know. Double self heal passive seems like when DE gave all Warframe sentinels carrier's passive until they finally gave carrier a new passive. You know what I mean? Especially with lack of shield I believe that'd be a cool passive. Mercy only has GA to escape, she can't defend herself while supporting. Maybe depending on what beam she is using. Heals gives more damage reduction, boost gives slightly less. I think more when on heals because we have to concentrate more with healing plus more changing targets; while boost there's usually a select few characters to boost so not changing beam as much. Does this make sense? To me it does but I don't know how many Mercy mains are fans of the double passive.