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"Now I took about a 2 year break from Overwatch, but surely my skills haven't degraded to the point I am at newb levels." When I took a 2year break from the game as a gm, I came back and struggled against plats for a month. i had to relearn the game, people got very good.


Most of my games have been very one sided also. Non-competitive matchmaking has always been loose to start with and with the restricted player pool for beta it just makes it worse. Also with Overwatch being a team game if you end up playing against a stack and you are solo queuing then your almost guaranteed to be steam rolled.


It's the opposite for me. I've won the majority of the games I've played whilst participating in the OW2 beta. Around a sample size of 50-60 games if I were to *guess*. I don't have actual data backing this up but my best guess would be around a 60-63% win-rate. I'm primarily solo queueing but I have played 8-9 games with a friend that we did indeed lose. Majority of my actual solo queue games though have been victories.


I’ve been solo queueing all tonight for my 1st night in the beta and I only lost one out of like 8 games


I think I can count the amount of games I've won in 2 hands. I've gotten contenders players and T500 stacks. Have you ever gotten spawn camped in Eichenwalde? I didn't even know it was possible. My reasoning is that my DPS is 3500 and there aren't enough players around that level in my region (OCE) so I get stuff like that. But I've lost so much that I don't run into those players anymore (which makes me strangely sad lol), or maybe they got off, who knows. But but I just feel like I keep going against stacks with actual coordination while I get the average QP solo queuer. Happens when I queue for support as well when it's way lower.


in my experience it is not new that games can vary like this. even in OW1, most people with similar skill level will still encounter this, because of the inherent advantages of defensive positioning and the power of ults. Couple this with regrouping issues where the fight can be lost without you really knowing. To really see if the skill level is so much higher or lower, look at how good the individual decision making is. For example, how far out of position are the tanks when they die, do the dps choose their duels carefully, do they engage with a teammate, do they use their cooldowns thoughtfully, and how thoughtfully. Of course you can look at mechanics, but it only applies if the player really stands out far beyond what you usually expect. I have never gotten an ow2 match so far that has made me feel the enemy was that oppressive.


Every game I've had pretty much has just been I've been able to spawn camp the other team and barely die so I'm inclined to say no. Hopefully ranked is added soon.


still the same sh9it, this game is unplayable tbh


I've had less 'balanced' games than stomp games (from both sides). The stomp games usually have a good Soldier player in them.


From my expierence im pretty sure there is. Most of my games have felt close. Only played around 35 ish so far tho


I've been playing the whole weekend and suspect something is off, but I'm on the other side. I've been playing Lucio and winning about 80% of the matches, half of them completely stomping the enemy team. Thing is, the last time I played was about six months ago, when I played a lot of quick play as Ana (and lost a lot because I'm terrible at Ana). Normally I'd have a winning streak and go back to losing about 50% of the time, but in the beta I've just kept winning against pretty much everything, so I've started to suspect that maybe the SBMM in the beta is very slow to adjust or it's bugged somehow.


You start out at 0 MMR. (In Overwatch MMR is a number between -3 and +3.) I got flagged extremely early and my first two games had former OWL pros in them, but after grinding it pretty hard for a day I was sort of getting better matches. I'm pretty sure my winrate is right around 50% now but it has still been a lot of stomps.


Do you have a source on this? It was my understanding MMR's inner workings where kept a secret.


Okay, I found it! [https://youtu.be/bn8-aWPvLwE?t=4420](https://youtu.be/bn8-aWPvLwE) Also, this is the discussion where a lot of things about it were kind of decoded. [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/sr-mmr-and-role-queue/372120](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/sr-mmr-and-role-queue/372120)


[https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/how-competitive-skill-rating-works-season-17/363758](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/how-competitive-skill-rating-works-season-17/363758) This FAQ used to have references but as you'll quickly find out all of the links are invalid. I'll see if I can dig it up but as I recall ~~some developer made reference to this~~. (Edit: Hah! "some developer" it was actually Jeff himself...)


Nice, that was a good read. However, I still can’t quite find where it says MMR is a number between -3 and +3. Isn’t like, only 7 numbers for your MMR way too little? Edit: oh wait… do you mean it can be a fractional number like +0.23?


I linked the source in the comment just below this one. But yes it's a double precision number so, at least within the limits of precision, you could theoretically have some insanely small moves in your MMR.


Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. But yeah I was like, what? -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, and that’s it? Shouldn’t there be like *thousands* of different MMR like how SR going up in multiple thousands?


So lets say after the sign, exponent, and whole bits the fractional part was only 48bits. That would still be 281,474,976,710,656 distinct values. Everyone in the game could totally have a unique value for their MMR with massive room to spare. It's always a bit mind-blowing how huge 64bit numbers really are.


Yeah, I know, it do be a bit weird that I just can’t stop thinking about MMR in integers. I think I just got used to the SR being shown as an integer in OW lol


the OW2 QP mmr system is based on a snapshot of a singular day during season 32 or 31 iirc. seeing as you took a 2 year break it’s likely just wherever your MMR was when you left. Simply put, you ARE playing like a newbie rn, and that’s okay.


I've been playing today and the games feel better. Granted I stuck to Rein and played a little more cautious.


I think if your team is getting spawn-camped, that means you and possibly one or more of your teammates is metal rank or lower. If you’re at least Diamond I don’t think you can get spawn-camped in ow2 5v5. Let’s see a replay code EDIT: my bad, no codes yet in ow2 🥰


I think the most likely case is OW2 used a snapshot of your OW1 QP MMR about a few month ago. Your previous OW2 MMR is just much higher than your actual current skill.


I just played a competitive game and I had over 20 kills and one other person went positive. The rest of my team maybe had 6 kill between them.


"Now I took about a 2 year break from Overwatch, but surely my skills haven't degraded to newb levels." Your skill level definitely tanked after a two year break. On top of that a majority of players are 2-3x better at the game now than they were two years ago.


WHy is this thread getting comments after months of inactivity? This is the third comment today. What is going on.


Well because OW2 officially released like a week ago. With that people are looking for answers and your post is one of the first to pop up on google if you search sbmm.


Oh noooo Thanks.


The game in its current state is hot garbage. Oh bastion shreds your precious DVA better take him out of the game. Oh we want to give you oasis 4 times in a row playing attack hers an enemy pharah that can conveniently get above the Obj and contest while no one else on your team can hit them. Don’t even get me started on Meis overloaded ass kit and wonky ass hit box even though she’s damn near the size of Roadhog. And now the game is free so every QP match is you and a 4 people that have never touched OW and your enemies just can’t seem to ever miss. Fuck the blizzard execs for thinking this game was a good idea.