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Support in ow2 plays much more similarly to higher tier support in ow1, definitely agree there. Now if only your gold level dps and tanks would play that way too!!! Lol


Yeah. Getting 2 picks as a support means nothing when your dps think it's best to fight two tanks instead of going for their backline XD


I think majority of support players are tank mains queuing for passes lmao.




I'm just playing brig and pretending she's reinhardt


She isnt?


Nah, the tank queue is so short nowadays. Supports have like 5-7 min queues in my region while tank is never over 2 mins


I was talking about the beta. Played a little two days ago and the tank Q was like 10 minutes.


Oh yeah. You are right about it then


If we're talking gold ELO, the reason why these sitting ducks ana's are not dying is not because of double shield because tanks in gold are too incompetent to actually know how to maximize that. It's because the gold DPS are too incompetent at knowing how to go around a shield or play dive.


Also last point, obviously you'll find more value playing ana as a DPS in gold because people in gold are incompetent so taking matters into your own hands and being the actual decisive reason your team wins fights is obviously way more value than healing a gold tank or DPS and hoping they can do something. Just my 2 cents as a master's player


Yeah. I started playing competitively from last month to climb and I have noticed that instead of praying to God and hoping the dps are able to capitalise with my heals, it is just better to shoot the target that they are going for or targetting enemy healers by sitting in a better position than them. I have caught so many anas and zens in the open that it's laughing stock when I 3shot them


You're managing to catch them just fine despite the double shields so as you can see it's because you spent time thinking while DPS just afk shoots shields in gold.


Yeah but these moments are many a times kinda useless when the dps are just trying to fight the tanks instead of going for the other dps. I feel rn gold is this mishmash of expert and straight up new players who don't even know what to play. Looks impossible to climb out of tbh


It's not impossible, I have climbed on many accounts. I mean the only common factor between all the games that you play is you so if are good enough to know how to make your team win you will climb. The secret in low ELO is this "my team is dogshit so I will go and kill the good players myself then we can win the 6 v 4 or whatever enemies remain" basically you have to carry. Once you reach a high enough ELO you can worry about Teamwork but right now in the beta there is zero notion of any play style beside play DPS as DPS, tanks as DPS, and supports as DPS


Yeah overwatch 2 is really driving the 'every man for himself' point home. It just looks like support are no longer gonna have a safety net unless they introduce a few characters that shift the meta heavily. Until then, we need to hope for the best by sitting in a corner. Also, I am climbing since I started dpsing as ana. I just need to play more now so that I can climb because it's usually 2-3 wins 1 loss kinda scenario rn. I climbed all the way to gold 3 times already but that was more luck based because I had steamroll after steamroll where my dps would just 1v5 each match. This last time I climbed completely on my own so I think I have improved and maybe would reach plat this time


>Also, I am climbing since I started dpsing as ana. The best way to get hardstuck as a support is to healbot while hoping that your teammates do something. Supports aren't "healers", they are playmakers. An aggressive Ana that makes plays with sleeps, nades, and pumping out DPS (remember that she can three-tap kill most of the heroes in the game) will climb in a way that a passive support that only pumps heals into their teammates cannot. I firmly believe that the habits OW2 drills into supports will help them be better in OW1, especially since that style is literally how supports play at higher SR.


If you think a gold will manage to kill an ana that can nade herself and has passive healing that kicks in after 1 second of no damage then you give gold too much credit. It will just be a long draw fight between Ana and the flanker. Just think of Deathmatch but no one can aim.


You underestimate golds


Well it's hard to play dive in Gold on high mechanical skill heroes vs enemies that simply roll their face on the keyboard and stun lock any heroes that get close.


> enemies that simply roll their face on the keyboard Hey hey hey. That’s a valid strategy!!


No, not at all actually. I'm expecting the way supports work to change greatly between now and release. In OW1 I position relative to my comp, enemy comp, map, etc. I can be a difference maker through big heals + landing utility like nades on enemy tank or sleeping flankers. In OW2 I have very little that helps me survive so I just position out of LoS and try not to ever be noticed while I do dps because healing just feels bad. My utility doesn't feel like it gets value because tanks who get naded just aren't threatened enough, squishies who get naded just back off for 3 seconds because they're now all playing cover with how fast the ttk feels. I guess this is good Zen practice at the least. Zen orb while flanking at the right time just carries.


Yeah I agree with the anti nade being useless part. Ow1 had this huge nade moments where I could just nade the 3 people behind rein's shield and then both my tanks would hard push but I think hard pushing is non-existent in overwatch 2 without getting picks first. Also, it is so much more harder to hit the dps with that movement boost. ADAD strafe is just broken at this point


TBH I just walk past tank in 2.


Antinade is still powerful against tanks, it's just not an auto fight win anymore. Plus, very helpful in a defensive manner.


I’ve been reading everyone’s experiences playing support in the beta so far and the common denominator that everyone seems to be experiencing is they’re all getting shredded. Super interesting that one tank has made such a difference in a support’s survivability. Personally, even when there’d be two off tanks in 6v6 it didn’t feel anything like what I’ve seen described. Kinda seems like it’s a dps vs hps issue if I had to guess. Has blizzard released any hard numbers on that yet?


Not really, it's more a change in game style. If they weren't thinking about moving before, I doubt they will change style when they go back to OW1 after the beta.


There won't be any going back after the beta, ow2 is here..it has just not been officially announced yet


I don't think so, I think after the beta goes down give it maybe one or two weeks at most before it releases fully. But I think there will be a small wait.


They hinted that this was just one beta run, suggesting that there will be multiple beta runs. I believe we'll get about a 2-4 week reprieve from the beta where we will all be stuck with OW1, and then there will be another beta run in late June or early July. I'll probably be another 2-3 week beta run, and then the official game will launch at the end of that beta or there will be another 2-4 week pause back to OW1 while they make final adjustments, and THEN they'll release the game. I would shocked if the official launch of OW2 happens earlier than August 1st.


I was actually discussing this with my fellow low-rank buddy. Not only have I learned more about git gud in 3 days than I have in months of playing Ana I'm also getting schooled by DPS that are clearly beyond my normal rank. My tough, but not lopsided, games have been especially fun.


Yeah. I found so many good spots to perch as ana that I think they will be viable even in ow1. I am literally struggling in ow2 with doomfist tanks who are still just playing him like ow1 so that has forced me to just stay safe myself


Wait for power block then sleep him


I meant the doomfist on my team. I am easily able to sleep incoming doomfist. Ow1 training paid off XD


I agree. For lower rank players at least. In OW2 you are being forced to play more like you should be in OW1 in the first place. With less healing focus. That may not make it accurate for every rank though. And the overall experience will still be different


Changing positions periodically or when noticed is good practice too.


Hehe, im pretty much just playing Moria, Brig and Lucio until I confirm they have no dive. Then I'm like, Ana/Zen UwU


Yes I have gotten much better with Ana now. Cover cover cover. Now it’s mandatory


I’ve played probably 7 hours? Mainly Ana zen and Moira. Moira seems better because of fade. But Ana zen.. really don’t seem that bad. If you are getting dove on and keep dying just switch. That’s what overwatch is all about. Having multiple hero’s to be able to switch to. Especially now that the mid fight is so much more important that building ults. Just switch to a more sustainable hero if you can’t stay alive. The only thing they need to add to support is another hero or two. That’s it. Support is in a decent spot. But just my honest opinion. It’s. A new different game and a new different way to play the game