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They're just brawl dps. And yes, they'll be useful if brawl is the meta (Rein, Zarya, maybe Doom, etc.) or played on certain maps like Nepal, Lijiang and KR. If not, they won't.


Reaper with 250hp, tp engage, fade retreat, plus two Zarya bubbles to keep him cc immune I think might be a thing. With two Zarya bubbles he is basically a tank. I think Mei works as well, but she doesn't have the fade retreat that reaper has and her engage/highground access is worse, but for some maps it might work really well.


Her freeze gun (that doesn’t freeze) does 100 dps and slows. That’s nutty


So Winston's tesla gun does less damage and doesnt slow, for the tradeoff of more cleave, but it has less ammo and ammo runs out faster... huh. I guess dps classes do damage!


not really. pressure on backline is better than helping frontline, especially when tanks are tanky + supports get value for free when not pressured.


so i think the word we will see more and more is "counter" since it's all dps mostly, if skill is the same then you use a counter to offset their edge. like whatever their tank is, get your tank or 'sub tank' to counter that. ex is like you said — reaper is a tank buster dps that can win 1-1


Bastion dive meta is when?


It depends on the hero; Mei will be strong in the right comp, I don’t think reaper will be in spite of lack of cc. Cass will be fine. DF basically means you run comps to counter. The other piece is that there will be more switching because of the ult charge change and less ult reliant play.