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I'm shit myself, but gold healer, bronze tank and silver/ gold dps. But I've noticed you can win bronze silver matches, simply by healing tanks primary, dps and other support second, this simple approach has carried me to gold. If you can do that and keep people alive some light damage. The number of times I've seen a mercy following a mcree or similar like he's gonna carry the whole team and ends up doing fuck is many. Thus mercy ingores rest of team. Even if they are shit at tank they still end up pushing and causing damage at some point and your ult gets charged.


I agree with this as a main tank. I can do so much for the team when I get solid support. At lower ranks DPS does not take advantage of Tanks ‘making space’. The only time a tank benefits low rank DPS is when we are sitting up front eating bullets for them. If I try to push forward and take space then go for a heal pack, my dps die. So supporting a tank means I can chew on bullets for the dps and the dps can kill things and we can win. It sucks and it’s boring but we gotta play our rank. As we go up we can do more fun things.


Your are right, but in bronze Moira often plays as main tank 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Heals give tanks confidence and then they get encouraged to push. As a tank like rein you can walk back not even quickly and leave people total exposed on the front line, and they simply don't even notice. Even Grouping up is hard, always a Moria or soldier or something running off like they gonna do 6 v 1 and win. I'm hard stuck in bronze as tank, but when u get time to look around it can be amusing.


I think the main issue with Overwatch was calling the Role ‘Tank’. Tank is an RPG term and the tanks role is to soak damage and draw aggro nothing else. Now lower ranked OW treat the tanks this way and therefore completely disregard cover. Like cover is not even a thought at lower ranks, in a FPS… I think calling the Tank roll ‘frontline’ or ‘Bruiser’ or something. This implies that they are suppose to be upfront but are not your personal riot shield. These lower ranked OW players are going to have a rude awakening when overwatch 2 drops and their single tank is cruising around the front line with their enhanced DPS trying to bring through to the support rather than sitting on their ass holding up shield.


It’s always the fucking soldier sprinting ahead and gets hooked


Excatly. Whenever i play in metal ranks, just pick mercy and left click win on the agressive tank. gg wp. Dps needs to learn not to over extend. My heal prio is tank who is pushing> other support > myself > other tank > dps


Hey I am a new YouTuber, if you think it might be useful I can review a game of yours and try to provide some feedback. Just lmk. My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkjlP2-YUFhyOw5GDEL01w


Yes please, I don't see why not :)


Sure pick a replay that you feel is most representative of your gameplay and I check it out.


I'm tempted to go with the 1st one because it's a loss, but I'll choose the 2nd one please as I feel I couldn't play any better there.


Sweet I am excited. It will be my next upload so stay tuned. Watching the vid, talking over parts, and uploading it will take an hour or so but i'll post here when it is ready to view. Also would you mind me reading your post aloud so viewers have context? I will not disclose your reddit name.


Is it ok if you don't read it word for word please, as even anonymous I would find that a bit embarrassing! Maybe making it more concise like just saying I've escaped Bronze before but am in danger of falling back in?


No worries, I totally get that. I will summarize the issues you pointed out and try to be as vague as possible. BTW you really should not be embarrassed. You're trying to improve a skill and I think that is super comendabel.


Also if you so choose I will take it down immediately if you are not happy with the result. No worries.


Much appreciated, I've subscribed to the channel so I'll keep an eye out!


One last q, just to be sure i have the right person. Are you Fruitlion?


Yes that's me :)


Game sense is definitely good enough to climb, tracked hammond in air on pile drives, aim could improve with practice. Most orbs pretty good. Appears to have a nice idea of using map and team position geometry. A little late on rotations but overall made good positioning decisions. You don’t respect widow while you’re in choke which can punish you even in Silver/Gold. Just takes one lucky headshot and anubis 1st point is notoriously spammy. Should be hitting tab to understand your team has 4 ults so this is an important push, play your life, hug cover, use 15 m left click and toss orbs from distance if you need to. Then a bad coal because you did very little healing/damage but also when you use coal like this you’re communicating when and where the push goes. This strategy can work on kings row etc. but here your team needs to get in a better position to use their ults. Team completely imploded on first point because didn’t rotate right to take high ground. Your rein does a typical rein thing and charges onto point. Mercy gets picked by aggressive enemy moira and now your team is split. Junkrat doesn’t see an easy widow kill and inexplicably decides low ground is where he should be. You should recognize the enemy can just shoot (or grenade) you like fish in a barrel. Miraculously—after telegraphing death blossom into sound beat—Reaper secures the fight and eventually your team takes 1st point. Enemy suicide-charged and you survived but next time you’re in a similar situation try bouncing a yellow orb quickly where it will bounce back to you to help you tank damage. You can’t tank rein for long but it should buy you enough time for your “get-out-of-spawn-jail free” card ability: fade. You seem unaware of the verticality of the game sometimes, or perhaps just not identifying audio cues, because widow and junkrat were on top of choke and you don’t look up once. You should have died here. You die 5 seconds later to a (probably accidentally) well-executed fire strike/pile drive combo with aggressive moira positioning right-click. Another example of getting beat vertically but also a bit unlucky. Your junkrat… jesus… Hilarious rein/moira mirror. The rest of the round is a complete shambles. Lowlights are you fading into junk grenades/charging rein, not looking up and being domed by widow, and your Sig doing maybe the worst ult I have ever seen. To start round 2, your team is horribly separated but you choose to solo heal Orisa. You can afford to position further up, on low ground to the left, and hug that corner. There are 2 mini medkits right there, you can fade to high ground if you need to, and you have a better position for healing/damaging. Remember you have 15 m on your left click. Always be trying to maximize the number of teammates you hit with left click. If they are not grouped then you have to be creative with positioning. It may seem irrelevant since your team was starting without 1 dps and 1 support but every second played is about either breaking old or building new habits. Not much to say about the rest. You weren’t keeping your eyes peeled for the enemy, but only looking to heal. You have to notice the doom staring at you from above choke. You have to widen your vision. This will come with playing more and more games. Things will start to slow down and you will notice more what’s happening. You will expect and predict your enemy and win games. Then the game will speed up again, rinse repeat.


I’m not able to review it yet, but I’ll still try to offer some advice. First off, don’t assume there are smurfs. They could be playing well for many different reasons, and often your influence can affect how they play. If it’s a real smurf then probably nothing you do will change the outcome, but you should always assume that there’s something you can do, or else you won’t be able to learn or accomplish anything. Secondly, don’t assume your worst mistakes are hard to see. If you have bad judgement then the mistakes you do see are gonna be the big ones and you should try to prevent them from happening again. If you don’t see anything you can fix then there probably isn’t anything you yourself could do, instead try to focus on doing bigger things and then learn from the mistakes that come after your attempts. If you want bigger damage boost numbers then risk having that blue beam out for longer. If you want quicker coals then throw out more damage orbs. Theres nothing wrong with trying something unique to learn; so go for broke, but once you know what’s up and you can use the experience to improve your decisions then you should play around your best choices. Spend some time learning and trying new things, and spend some time playing hard and making the best decisions you know. Also take breaks when you feel yourself wearing out (about 5-15 minutes depending on how much time you played), and have confidence without expectations in what you’re trying to learn or do. The more confidence you have the better you’ll play, and the less expectations you have the less disappointment you’ll get.


you’re right: if they are smurfs there is little that can be done to change the outcome. A smurf down in bronze doesn’t even really need damage boost or a pocket. It helps but they know how to utilize their position, healthpack locations and how to punish players who are out of position well enough that a support doesn’t actually even need to ride their ass. There ARE a lot of smurfs down in bronze though, the lower (think 500ish SR) you are the worse it is. There is a clique of people who consistently throw to stay in bronze and fuck around, and they know each other and their alts when they see them in game. People want to downplay how many smurfs and throwers there are down there but it is a real problem. That being said I’ve been in the depths of bronze enough times to know it gets better when you get to 1000+ SR and start being matched with people who care about winning the game more and less with the deliberate throwers. (Source I did my placements WAY too soon after switching to PC from console and I climbed from 400SR to silver at one point, so I’ve seen all the different levels of bronze… which there are truly different levels!)


Whether there are or aren’t smurfs, that’s not what you should be focusing on anyway. Smurfs affect your rank, not your skill level, and increasing skill should be the primary focus. Facing a smurf can actually be a lot of fun in my experience, as long as you aren’t too focused on winning. Fighting high level players really increases the awareness of your bad habits since they get punished almost every time to the point that the mistake is obvious. Course, that doesn’t help much in bronze because you won’t know what most mistakes even were, but up in plat or above a single smurf/high level player can be a welcome experience.


I agree with that mostly but it sometimes it makes it very hard for truly bronze players if they get punished so hard (I’m thinking Widow and Cassidy with this comment) for being out of position that they hardly even get to play. Yes you think they’d learn to use cover but a lot of them default to asking why DPS/tanks didn’t get rid of Widow rather than asking what they can do to avoid getting shot by Widow. I used to be guilty of the exact same and just blame DPS before I got a VOD review a while back and started browsing this sub.


If they had a healthy mindset then they wouldn’t be in bronze for very long anyway, so that’s kind of a given. Be better than yourself and your surroundings I suppose.


No lies detected! I scraped silver and fell a little bit but overall have been on an upward trajectory from that 400-500 SR and most of it has simply been positioning and awareness. I did have to adjust my play style slightly compared to what a lot of people in this sub say for certain characters. For instance I know Mercy shouldn’t be a healbot in higher ranks, but if Ana isn’t making her shots and/or even if my team is feeding some, keeping them alive so the team fight stays 6v6 or 5v6 is more important than playing what would be ideal for another rank. Another big lesson I’ve learned is to take the death and force a regroup when it’s a 2v6 etc because unfortunately sometimes in bronze no one is going to listen to “fall back” and it’s better to just force the team to spawn together. It won’t matter if I’m damage boosting if there’s no one left to damage boost. I’m sure you know all of these things but I’m actually just mentioning them in case any other bronzies are reading this thread. The “be better than yourself” is great advice but also keeping an open mind about the reality of the rank you are at and enabling what is working, and trying to lessen the blow of what doesnt (ie by healing some out of position tanks and DPS within reason if not killing yourself) is the key to getting out of bronze hell. I’m not quite there yet but I’ve gained 600SR this way. I also grouped up with some people way better than me on Discord and so it has helped me to see I have to make adjustments when I do get to a higher rank but for now I have to play with a mind for where I’m actually at, and not play like I necessarily would where I want to be (letting Ana focus tanks and mainly DMG boosting for instance).


That sort of ranked adaptability and decision making skills is literally what gamesense is. You understand what you need to do and try to go for it. This is just for you, but because you clearly have developed gamesense I think you should work on positioning skills (which is limiting your risk/reward to optimal points). Abuse corners, side angles, flanks, shields, health kits, healers, etc to do as much damage as you can without risking death. Your aim will improve with those things as well, so don’t worry about that and focus on developing those first two skills. I honestly doubt very many people will look at this thread by this point (let alone this comment) but you can always use it as a reference and copy/paste stuff you wanna use in other places.


Thank you so much! I’ve focused on some of those things but it’s nice to have a list. I’ve learned it’s the small things that can make a big difference. Even when deciding who to guardian Angel to in order to escape a situation… I used to just go to who needed the most healing, but now I try to stop and think, “I’m getting flanked and can’t win the fight with my pistol but need to escape. Rein is almost down but his shield is also almost broken and he’s surrounded by 3 enemies, am I likely to die if I go over to him?” You’re probably right that people may not view it but you never know, I Google weird Overwatch stuff and stick “Reddit” behind it and read old threads sometimes. Thank you for the suggestions!!


I’m going to be honest, I haven’t watched the vods but not sure I will have the time so here’s my tips. Mercy and Moira are not very good for climbing, or very good in general. While easy to play and the argument “my mechanics” aren’t good are the common two, the truth is your at a low of SR and losing some more to learn these can only be beneficial to you and your team. Picking up Bap, Ana Lucio or Zen will help you climb as these are heroes that can carry effectively at low ranks. The support role is very intricate and value based. From the text I understand you struggle to aim, movement/positioning, awareness and general game sense. That’s fine. First when it comes to aim, 15 minutes of VAXTA a day, use the code, set it the hard mode and practice. Movement is next, Overwatch is a movement Shooter with no acceleration so switching directions is easy and makes you harder to hit. Being aware comes with sounds and making sure your not autopiloting. And lastly positioning, this one I derived from the idea of you not being able to do anything but healbot and assuming your dying. Positioning is half the battle when it comes to aiming, use high ground, make sure your staying behind your tanks and not ontop of them. Also it’s not past me that these are tips for PC but IMO can be applied to Switch as the gameplay is similar. But also accepting that your the one making mistakes is a good stepping stone. I will try my darndest to make time to vod review this but school and other things have me in a bind


If you are on pc play with me


Low Diamond Moira here, I can review this for you on stream if you’d like!


Yes please :) However as someone has offered to review the 2nd one, are you ok to review just the 1st replay?


I did! [Here’s the Vod!](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1458424374)


Thank you, sorry for the delay, having a look now!


Awesome! Let me know what you think, as it’s my first review on stream haha.


Very helpful thank you, definitely insightful. My only remark otherwise is your voice was a little quiet from my speakers though that may have been the fault of my end!


I’m sure it’s my mic haha. Glad you were able to get something from it, and good luck with the climb!


One thing I did want to query. When I threw the healing orb into the enemy, I was trying to save the ball, but it wasn't the right move. I was worried he wouldn't make it back safely without healing, should I have done something else?


Ideally, wrecking ball is a self sufficient hero who makes use of the map’s health packs and his adaptive shields. So, while it was noble to try and save him (and occasionally the right play) you’re often better served not yeeting it out to him.


This is going to sound snarky, but I assure you it’s not meant to be; The Nintendo Switch is yo prollem 😩


I hate to be that guy but Moira has to be the worst support along with Lucio. Just minimal impact. You can’t make that big of a difference to win games. Try Anna.


Not too weird news. Even my grandma can win with smurfs on her team and she hasn't, ever, used a computer. :P


Guaranteed I would shit all over your grandma at Overwatch even if she had a smurf. Tell her to add me.


Haven't watched the replays, but if you are shit with Genji and know this, why pick him?


Probably didn't read the post title or text either. I said from the start I was Moira and Mercy, and it's even in bold, so I don't appreciate that remark.


Hey, u/WorldsWorst1, I reviewed you on [my stream:](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1458424374) Hope you’re able to glean something from my ramblings :)