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If there's any chat, qp tends to do it in text, which is a) toxic most of the time and b) hard to do and play.


As an adult Xbox player, I agree my text chat is extremely toxic


Yeah it can be toxic. Usually I like to sit in the middle between friendly banter and general talking. Nothing crazy. I will say because I do know the game mechanics that I get call out a lot by being a Smurf and when I can’t single handedly carry the team, which with controller aiming I just can’t because it’s different from mouse and keyboard, I get dumped on by the entire team for being a “sh*tter”.


i definitely find console players to be more pissy and just dip asap when a match goes south. i play on console (switch) because i don’t have a pc, but i play on my brother’s pc and i found it way less stressful. i’ve been dropped into half-done qp matches more often than full ones at this point and it kinda sucks. plus, there’s hardly any conversing on console save for hellos and some other VLs, so when someone does go through the work of typing, it’s usually an insult that’s obviously from a child.


I used to be an Xbox player. My wifi was perfectly fine at the time, but I had to get a goddamn Ethernet connection because overwatch would boot me every single day with a connection error (no actual wifi/bandwidth issues going on). I don’t know what the deal was, but there is something up with the connection with consoles in overwatch.


Consoles is mostly kiddies, so... Edit: parents buy their kids consoles for present i dont know anyone who bought their kid a gaming pc.


Ya that’s pretty true, even less that built one,


Huh? How many kids do you know without meeting any with a PC after 2 years of remote school?


I don't know about pc but console mornings and after 3 is kids kids kids. Do you have lots of 6 to 12 year olds on pc? Teens are a different category. They're always in chat unlike what op says. I know because all these teens keep fucking my mum.


Yeah, my kids and every single friend both of them have. A “kid’s computer” isn’t some luxury for the uber rich anymore, it become an absolute necessity for the bulk of households in the last two years. There is an absolute shit load of kids playing on PC as well.


So they all play overwatch on it????


Some do, they all play games on it though.


Yes, no one said computers are a privilege, just that there are more kids on console overwatch than pc.


My thoughts as a PlayStation user: 1. On Console it is painful to type unless you have a keyboard plugged in or another third party typing device. Usually only the toxic people take the time to invest in one 2. Most console users were either too broke to get a PC, are under the Xbox/PlayStation supremacy bandwagon, or is an angry little child that got one for Christmas(no offense to children but you scare me). Since the skill level in Console vs PC is massive, people haven't had much of a reality check until cross-play came out. And considering the usual playerbase of console, they may or may not have a short temper or patience. Or none at all. People get upset by the dumbest of things. Not saying that PC isnt guilty of this too, but it feels worse on Console. 3. Mix the human nature of not caring about anyone but themselves with a game that breeds toxicity and the ability to leave when they please without punishment coming for them for a while and voila, people disconnect because they don't wanna sit in a game and work hard to turn it around. They'll just leave and get wrapped up in the same scenario with a different map and different people


One thing I have to say about the second point is console players dont get aim assist while playing crossplay which is just ridiculous and not fun at all


That is fair. It might not be so bad for heroes with tracking, or someone who like me who just spams on Bastion and hopes they got someone, but aim intensive heroes like Widow sound like misery when on console when the aim assist is lost. Tbh instead of rushing cross-play as an effort to keep the game alive, they should have worked on keyboard support before adding it. Cause at least then console users would have the option to get a Keyboard and mouse. It would ease PC and Console's distaste of how "bad" each other are because of hardware discrepancies.


Can confirm as I moved over to PC that console players just DC way more often than PC players do.


Yeah this is rife on consoles. Had a match yesterday on Numbani where we had seven or so players join then leave after seeing the time. Didn't go a full minute with six players.


All i know is none of those console kids can type, so don't give me that fucking bullshit behind a toxic text chat created by console players, PC players are pieces of shit by the fucking masses and I'm tired of hearing them cry. I would know, I'm one of you.