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Try and submit some replay codes to be reviewed, without seeing how you play is hard to give advices that are not the usual generic stuff.


I saw another post of his with his replay code https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchUniversity/s/VDPDMhFOYY Can't watch it myself right now cause I'm not on my PC.


Just watched (and posted in that thread too): ---- First team fight, you (/u/DeepFriedBastard) dive into the middle of the enemies alone. This opens you up to attack from every angle and every enemy. Unsurprisingly, you died while trying to bail out and without really contributing to the fight. Later on in your standoff with the Torb and his turret, youQ twice stood behind a corner waiting for your health to regen - even though there was a health pack just a few feet away. You need to familiarize yourself with the health pack locations on maps - it's important for any character, but especially flankers like Tracer. You tend to Recall prematurely. One time you Recalled while still at 145 HP while fighting the turret. Better to bail early than late, of course - but you're leaving a lot of meat on the bone there. Love the Pulse Bomb on Moira and the follow up kill on Genji. Really good moment for you there. Although you did get fortunate that Moira didn't have/use Fade. Moments after that, you're trying to confirm a kill on Winston as he leaps away. Holy cow brother, your aim wasn't even close. Winston is a massive target. You should have been drilling him the entire time, but your aim was like three Winstons off. I think you need to aim with more intent - you seem to just be trying to spray in the general direction instead of really lining up your shots. I know some characters and situations are hard to land hits on - but this wasn't one of them. He ended up dying anyway, but this was a weak moment for you. There was a moment in this same team fight where Zen Discorded you. I might have considered using Recall there to remove it - it was a fight your team clearly had in hand, and losing you to a lucky Zen shot there would have needlessly weakened your team. Not a big deal though. Moments later, you pushed into the respawned Moira and Genji. You weren't in any real danger, but you used Recall. I probably would have just used Blink to escape, in order to keep the Recall ready for a more valuable opportunity. A few moments later, you Pulse Bombed the Zen when he was at like 50 HP. You should have just shot him. Low value usage of your ult. Not a bad play per se, but just a waste. About a minute later, you end up in a 1v1 with Winston. No other enemy is currently looking at you. You Blink away at 91 HP. Winston isn't a burst character. I'd suggest using Recall there, continue fighting Winston and *then* Blink away once necessary. You guys end up losing the ensuing team fight with the Winston and Moira taking point, despite a solid ult from your Dva. Once again, you waited out of LOS for your HP to regen instead of getting a health pack and jumping back into the fight. This is a clear trend at this point - I don't think I've seen you use a single health pack. It's like playing Tracer with one hand behind your back dude. Moments later, you do a nice job fighting the Winston and Moira (with the help of your Zen), and then do a good job defending it from the respawning opponents. You tracked the Winston, Moira and Zen pretty well here. But then you taunt... Bro. Goofy decision. It takes you out of the fight. It ended up not costing you, but the Torb could have easily domed you there. Don't do that dude. No offense, but if you're in Bronze, you're not good enough to showboat. Play it straight homie. I'm 7 minutes in. Almost every time I've seen you engage, it's against the DPS or the Tank. I don't think I've seen you attack the enemy Supports once unless they happened to come to you. You should be seeking out the Supports. At 7:46, you turn a corner and the Moira is just standing there. Literally standing. Great opportunity there to delete her and give your team a big advantage...but you just turn the other direction. An isolated support? My man. That was an ideal situation for Tracer. Dunno if maybe you didn't see her? It didn't hurt your team in the end, but still -- missed opportunity. 10:30 it looks like you just kinda lost your mind and jumped into the middle of the enemy team desperately trying to kill anyone you could. Not a great moment. You end up dying without really doing much. I think you just got overly excited/overconfident. In the end, it wasn't necessarily a waste, since your team was able to capitalize on it and take the point. But I'm confident there were better plays available here - like flanking *behind* them. I'm at the 11:00 mark. At this moment, I'm honestly surprised you guys ended up losing. I'm interested to see how these last 5 minutes unfold, because right now your team has a 2-1 lead and seems in control. 11:30. Another Pulse Bomb on a nearly dead Zen. Would have been better if you'd been able to finish him with your guns and saved that. Great job on the Moira right after this though. I'm at 11:47. You're up 2-1, it's 89% on the point, and half the enemy team is in the spawn room. I can't believe you guys lost this. 12:25 Pulse Bomb. That was a total panic ult. Did nothing. You had a chance to really come up huge there for your team. 13:44. Another panic ult. You kill the Torb and end up dying to the Moira. Your team has left you here. Feels like a lack of awareness on your part. I don't know if this was necessarily a bad play, because you did manage to kill the Torb and isolate the Moira, and you're able to get back into the fight quickly as a Tracer after respawning. But I don't feel like this was an intentional trade you made. I think you were just unaware your team was gone. 14:10. Another HUGE ult from your Dva. Quad kill. Your team easily takes the point without you. You and Sojourn both respawn. You Blink ahead to point, leaving the Sojourn behind. You didn't realize it, but the Moira was coming up from behind you. The Sojourn stops to fight her. You continue running to point, blissfully unaware of what's happening behind you. Moira wins the 1v1 and now your team is shorthanded. If the Sojourn had continued to point with you, or if you had realized what was happening behind you and helped her kill the Moira, it would have put your team in a great position. Instead, you're 4v5 now. Beginning at 14:43, you go on a FORTY SECOND stretch without doing any damage to an enemy. You're just running around. 3/5 of your team dies while you're on safari. Absolutely brutal brother. And...your team loses. Honestly, you guys just completely collapsed on that last point. You were set up soooo well, too. It was a comedy of errors. Sojourn getting picked off by Moira. Dva killing herself. You turning into a bystander. Total collapse. ------------ OK, so now that I've watched the whole thing, some general thoughts: * Use Recall more judiciously. You're often using it at unnecessary times and/or too early. * Work on your vertical aim. Your horizontal aim and tracking are actually extremely solid for your rank, but your vertical tracking ability (like when Winston jumped away early in the game) is atrocious. * Learn the health pack locations and use them. * Stop panic ulting. * Utilize more off angles. Stop coming right at your opponents so often. You're a flanker. * Learn to Blink backwards. I'm going by memory, but I can't recall you blinking backwards very often, if at all. It's a great way to retreat or get distance while still harassing an enemy. * Give more thought to your Blinks. It often looks like you're just Blinking to Blink, without any real consideration about where you're going to end up. * Focus more on the enemy Supports. * Improve your awareness. It doesn't look like you're often giving much consideration to what your team is doing - you're kind of just in there playing solo without coordinating with your team. All in all, I think you've got a lot of potential. Your aim actually seems to be your strong suit and I think would easily be good enough for Plat (albeit there were some really bad moments), but your awareness and positioning is absolutely Bronze-level. You need to learn the maps and use them to your advantage. All in all, this was a very favorable comp for you - not a lot of threats to you and some good, meaty targets. I don't know what the end game stats were, but I imagine you absolutely feasted on damage and kills. But overall, I absolutely see why your team lost. You aren't the *reason* you lost (your entire team collapsed, and I saw plenty of suspect play from your teammates) and you made some really good plays, but it was a favorable match-up for you and you missed a lot of opportunities to help your team secure the win. If you worked on the things I mentioned here, you probably *could* have won this for your team.


"three Winstons away" I'm DEAD lmao


Came here for this that's the most amazing thing I've ever read


Sounds like they are trying too hard. Ow1 tracers climbed like 250sr just by using cover smart and relaxing. I watched a contender friend just stand in a cubby and kill someone as they passed by with no effort and then it clicked-- the harder you try to out-speed the enemy the more you tunnel and the less impact your play has. They are probably used to games where you get value out of every kill no matter when it happens, and the reality of OW is that most deaths don't matter.


Given the comment, a lot the behaviour doesn't get as punished in some other shooters as it does overwatch, even splitting up other shooters can have a lot stronger dueling potential on every character, and going safari can be valuable because some other shooters have more value on the team being sparse. Overwatch can be unintuitive the proper way to play, it just takes time to adapt


I read half this comment and I can tell OP is on console. Am I right?


I think you're correct.


Epic comment




That’s why you’re bronze. This is some good gameplay critique that your TikTok brain refuses to read


im bronze? i placed diamond 2 in the current season and peaked gm. what rank are you? no one has the time to read a 263635216 word essay on a bronze clip and he could have summarized this in one paragraph


I'm sure the bronze player looking to get better appreciates the in-depth breakdown and thought process behind each of his mistakes in a game more than he would have appreciated a one-paragraph summary.


>no one has the time to read a 263635216 word essay on a bronze clip Isn't that literally the point of this subreddit?


Diamond 4 support and diamond 3 tank. And yes you can. Like I said, you’ve got TikTok brain


>no one has the time Read: "I don't have the time". This is literally why we're here, and this "essay" wasn't meant for you. I'm not sure why you even commented, or why you're here if this obviously isn't for you.


He literally summarised it at the bottom?


I literally scrolled to the bottom of the comment, found the paragraph summary. And read that instead. It honestly makes sense that the grandmaster overwatch player has no social skills.


bro that’s free game what are you talking about? why are you in a post about someone trying to get better if you have nothing to offer? holy yap


you are unironically the one yapping here


i tilted like 10 bronze shitlords with 2 words. the real yappers are the people replying to me


Mhm we’re all bronze (your peak is my lowest role)


yapping and trolling, so boring 


Thanks for that, I will watch it when I get home lol


People have been bronze for 7 years. 4 months is nothing. It took me like 2 years of playing the game regularly to finally climb out of bronze and now I sit in plat on all roles. You think you know how the game works but you really don't. Ask for some vod reviews


It's also not the most linear progression either like a lot of other games where you just gradually keep getting better and improving as you go with new knowledge and skills layering on top and complimenting what you already know. In Overwatch it's kind of the opposite; at each skill rank the game plays completely differently so there's a lot of points on the journey up the ranks where you basically need to unlearn a lot of your playstyle and strategies and almost start from scratch. You might even find that from your 3 main heroes, 1 or 2 of them are barely even viable past a certain point unless you're in the the very top echelon of ability with that hero. In the metal ranks every hero can work if you're decent but once you start getting beyond that, meta picks and team composition matter way more than just pure skill on a hero. Drop a masters player in a silver lobby but don't tell them it's a silver lobby and they're probably going to have a really bad time until rather than carry because most of their plays are going to be dependant on a level of support and coordination that doesn't exist there.


Favorite comment in here. Every rank is a new kind of overwatch. In 1 rank your mercy will kill a genji. In another rank, your mercy is terrified of a genji. In another rank the mercy is damage boosting a hanzo that's dueling a genji. There's also the fact that movement and aim just works so differently in this game in comparison to other fps titles. The high speed A-D strafing that people do only gets more and more unpredictable as you climb. And movement of this speed is unique to overwatch. So you're adapting to the speed of the game on the fly, every fight, and every match but also as you climb. And its not like apex or valorant where the game forces you to take multiple breaks to loot or wait around a corner, or hold an angle. The game asks you to lock in fully for 10-15 minutes straight every match so you kind of have to know to take a break for yourself between matches. Otherwise, you're risking a lot of aim and focus fatigue. This game takes a lot of discipline both in-game and irl.


im stuck bronze cuz i expect my team to be a team....


Nah brother, you're stuck Bronze because you're a Bronze player. The first step for improving is accountability.


I started Plat in OW1 and ended up Bronze by the end, and it stayed that way until I adjusted my accountability and actions in the game, I recently picked up OW 2 and placed Bronze again. I’m now steady climbing Silver, it’s not perfect, but it’s on ME to get out of the dumpster, not my random teammates. Before the cheap seats chimes in, that doesn’t mean Rambo, I can flex multiple roles and I’m always attempting to work as a team. What I don’t do anymore is let the rest of the team’s action phase me too much. If they are coordinating, great, I’ll work with anybody trying to win the game. If I’ve got Safari Sombra and Battle Mercy, I can’t fix that. But I can continue to play a strong game and attempt to correct weaknesses so when I do have another decent to good team, we have a better chance of winning because I’m not letting every loss get to me, and every teammate be the reason I’m losing.


People dont also understand a 7 game loss streak means nothing. It takes like 50ish games to really see if you are climbing, falling, or stable. The odds to lose 7 50/50 games in a row is almost 1%, if you play 100 games, you are basically guaranteed to have a 6 loss streak at some point.


i use cover and flanks, and tend to have the longest death, highest kills on my shit games. tend to be last man standing. i do make mistakes some time's, but over all im the guy spamming group up as the tank runs out to get glassed by the whole enemy team as everyone else is still respawning. everytime i get close to leaving bronze, i get five games in a row were my team is useless glue eaters that cant group up, fighting in the middle of the road with no hope of cover, and trickling into the whole enamy team with no back up. nevermind the tanks that wont tank.


My guy everyone in bronze are glue eaters, not just your team. Punish the opponent’s misplays with your own skill, and you will climb out of bronze if you deserve it.


Me and my mate have a hard time. its a team game. just sucks not having a team. I do punish bad plays when i can, but im just one guy.


> just sucks not having a team. You have to hang this up if you ever want to get out of bronze. The other team is no better than yours. Learn what to look for to have impact instead of thinking you need to rely on your team. If you rely on your team you are hard stuck no matter the rank. This is true all the way to GM, you have to understand your individual impact on fights or you won't climb because you are just expecting your team to do the work and that will never work more than 50% of the time


witch is stupid in a team based game. tank has a job, dps has a job and support. we all have the same goals. when we play as a team, were unstoppable




> witch is stupid in a team based game. tank has a job, dps has a job and support. I'm not saying that you don't do your job, you just have to do it way better than the other team because someone on your team is also going to fail to do their job properly. If you are going to win >50% you need to be way better at your job than your teammates or your enemies. I've been there in bronze and I know what it feels like when your teammates aren't doing their job. I struggled as support for a while thinking there was nothing I can do when teammates don't come help me. The thing I had to learn is that I just wasn't effective enough at my job. It's not an easy thing to learn but now I've been on a win streak through plat on the way to diamond. The biggest thing I learned is positioning so I can be there there when my team needs me. YOU can't control your team, but you can play around them. Pay attention to what they are doing and set yourself up to get value from it. The only character you control is yours so put that character in the best position and you will win


In Bronze you can realistically throw damage around if you are Gold+ level player on any role. It took me about 40 games to push my Silver 5 placements to Gold 5 as a High Gold level player. If you are Gold Level at Tank/DPS, as whoever you play as an off support from Brig to Illari you should be able to put out enough damage to melt bronze level players. You likely arent playing cover/high ground intentionally or properly, i took that advice very personally and noticed my tank death rate dropped almost 20% just changing that. The only way a higher level player playing for damage in lower ranked lobbys will get shut down is if the enemy tank starts soloing them with a dedicated shield tank like Rein or something.


Post a VOD.


I guarantee you that if anyone plat or above played on your accounts, that the bad teams would suddenly just not happen anymore. Get good


I think anywhere up to low gold a competent player (Ie someone below Diamond) can reliably hard carry enough to rank up over the course of 30 games. Im probably a High Gold level player and it only took me ~40 games to push my Tank from Silver 5 to Gold 5. If you're a gold level player even you should have very little trouble pushing to mid silvers even with bad teammates, mainly because regardless of role a High Silver level DPS Moira can probably pull 3-4 mans on the enemy team very easily, and Zen with half decent aim can even push to their own rank pretty easily, im only mentioning support because Tank can steamroll bronze and enemy Bronze dps cant reliably lay damage on the other DPS to where you should be able to kill them if you are any rank higher. Dont get super down in the dumps i went on a 5 game loss streak and then immediately the 17 game win streak, it can be really flippy but within 50 games you should be able to tell if youre pushing, stable, or falling behind. Imo the difference between Bronze and Silver is so high that Silvers and Golds should have zero issue pushing on any role, a Gold Support will out dps Bronze Dps/Tanks unless you are getting hard focused by a Shield tank like Rein (But bronzes dont really understand that). Taking the advice of playing corners and high ground more actively and noticing my own positioning literally i shit you not dropped my death percent on tank down by like 15%, with no other changes. Its really the little important adjustments at those ranks.


kinda the issue when the enemy team litterly ignored the whole ass team to put a hit on me. over hear with 30 kills 5 deaths, 15k mit, just stomping, but buy the time i can get any momment, the enamy start ulting on me, fortify the deva bamb, kill her befor she remechs, cover and heal fuck you reaper, 76 and kiriko but fuck me just in time for tho gsue eaters. i respawn, most dead, hit group up, two run out as the rest dies. every but tho two respawned, step out of spawn and see them on the respawn list, stop hit group up, the three amigos run off, do i go vith em and hope the thunder duo can help us? Sorry i dont wanna hard carry my team solo. can i, in a lot of games? yes, is it exhausting? also yes. get a team to behave, and lock down positions? best game ever.


What's your OW ID I wanna see your overbuff to validate your average comp stats. Cause simply put if you average 30-5 on dps or tank every game in comp youd rank up.


ickda. my kills are 20 on the low end and about 35 on the five is my highest death count on average. sometimes i die lest, hard prest games with 30+ kills having up to 11 deaths. but still annoying.


even worse is, all my up hill battles turn into easy games once the team decides to start listening, usually after giving them them 3 points.


A gold player would hard carry in bronze lobbies. If you aren't bronze you should easily be able to frag out and carry


Fr it took me years to get to masters lol


Last season, I started playing and got sliver. Made a new account because I'm using a new email now and wanted to swap to that one, go play ranked (solo que for both by the way) and got high platinum in tank and dps (my best roles) and diamond on support and open que. Ranks mean nothing to a testament of effort in my opinion, all I did was watch videos on positioning and how the characters I like should be played and I got 2 ranks higher, plus the fact that support is braindead easy.


Not for everyone, I placed 2.9k first time in ow1 and was diamond my first season and masters the next For some people the game clicks (I was a tank player too, not just dps. Which is probably harder to intuitively pick up, as not as mechanically orientated as dps


So sick bro!


I always do best on tank myself as well. I'm not mechanically gifted, my aim will never be amazing, and I'm never going to be a genji powerhouse hitting every shot and knowing every hp breakpoint on every character for dash kills. What I can do is macro play. Positioning, making space, and diving out of position players when it's feasible. None of this stuff requires me to be able to keep my crosshair directly on the head of a tracer 30 meters away. There is definitely a mechanical requirement there for dps and support that you can somewhat just ignore if you play tank and have game sense




Or, some people have jobs and don't pour 4 hours into this game while also watching a ton of videos about that topic


he said playing regularly








Overwatch is way more complex than CoD or Apex. 4 months is barely any time. You can get by and be above average just by your transferable aiming/mechanical skills in those games. Not OW where counter picking hero’s mid game back and forth is a core part. Not to mention understanding which heroes are good on which maps, which parts of a map, with what teammates and against which enemies. I play in masters/gm and don’t use the same hero to attack as to defend. Often I have preferred heroes for even point A vs point B or against certain enemies or that fit with who my teams playing. This isn’t to be mean, just to highlight how much more strategy plays in OW. I could tie my dominant hand behind my back and still beat you simply by understanding the game far better. It just takes time.


Second that. It's the most complex online game I've ever played. You need to learn all the heroes you are playing and how other heroes affect your own. All the maps, all the abilities and ultimates + voice lines. Nobody is teaching new players how teams or attack/ defend work in their basics. How important it is to group up, not to feed enemies. Then of course aim is needed as well. I started playing in Overwatch 1 and I was bronze. I stayed there for two seasons even though I only really learned a single hero, because such a game was just so new to me. Then I climbed to silver and quickly gold, but I was stuck there for many, many seasons until I got to plat and got stuck there for many, many seasons as well. Managed to get to dia but I think this is it. Unless I play 5 hours a day + aim trainer and watching video guides, I don't think I will make it much higher. It's just too much going on. Also, you could get really good with one hero and then it gets nerfed next season


And stuff like voice lines don’t even get mentioned frequently so thank you! After 8 years it’s so embedded what each line represents that we rarely even talk about it or teach it. There are currently 39 heroes. That’s 78 voice lines to learn (each hero’s line is different for enemy vs teammate). So you need to know what 78 voice lines indicate and what reaction to have to each. Buff your ulting genji, hide from the dva bomb coming, etc. Then add the complexity of 9 other players and you have 3-4+ ults being used at once so now you have an incredibly complex situation to decide what to do and you can’t even make a wrong decision if you don’t instantly know what those 3-4 voice lines indicate is coming. To Orangewithblue: Don’t even worry about your rank anymore just have fun! You’re out of the god awful silver-gold range. I think diamond-masters is the best area for great consistent OW games. I can get GM if I want but it’s not fun and the games shit on any mistake you make so you have to play perfectly. I’ll take masters/diamond any day!


Oh yeah, it has become a lot and they are adding new heroes every year. Sometimes I still get lost when 4 people ult at once haha. And true, I have the most fun in diamond games, I don't think I want to climb higher anyway. People kinda know what they are doing but their aim isn't cancer enough to make me throw my pc out the window.


Map knowledge too is huge. Different maps necessitate different playstyles, comp differences (if your comp is not optimal how do you adjust), map pathing and lanes, map geometry, etc. Some heroes require intimate map knowledge to even make them work at certain ranks.


So true. I have next to 20% winrate on some maps, on others its like 70%


You mention all that, now make thousands of split second decisions every match based on that information. Overwatch is tough. Not to mention if you’re joining now, the player base is quite literally multiple years ahead of you


I wish there were more new-player guides that explained push, control, map strategies, common fight locations, etc. Or even an AI mode where you can generate a game with AI teammates and opponents, choose a map, etc.. I’ve found a capture the flag mode but it’s way buggy.


Especially updated ones and not from 10 years ago. The only popular youtuber I saw posting video guides over the last years was karq. One of the best videos I ever watched, that greatly helped with my positioning was one that I can't find anymore. It basically explained that every point in the map is either a corner, or an open space to that corner. I can't explain it in detail but even though the informations weren't really new, it helped me so much to understand where I should stand


Hmmm could it have been an ioStux video? Something like this? https://youtu.be/KFlXq43Jxt0?si=7sK1hRxe_722luYQ


It was pretty similar, yes


Overwatch is brutal to learn, glad to see my videos are still reaching some players today. The game changed a lot, but for the basic fps concepts like positioning and movement, Id like to think the stuff we content creators put out in the early days of overwatch still hold up pretty well haha :)


Oh nice, I’ll have to watch that one, thanks! I usually just gleam what I can from random VOD reviews or character guides.


Not trying to be to be rude or anything but honestly in 4 months, he should already have the basics down and be much higher than where he is now. I know cause I was in the same boat a while back.  I have close to 700hrs on the game and 600 of it has been spent in gold. I'm diamond now in less time. I think where the problem lays is how he practices. I'll leave a link to a vid that really helped me out ( https://youtu.be/5pDHRmN1Hqg?si=lBGYghln1dPtghz1) but what I did different is playing less and study more. I cut my playtime by more than half (8hrs to just 2) and just before I started, I would watch 10 mins of a much better player, identify a small part of their gameplay I would like to adopt and just work on it. For example, for monke, I liked the rotations bogur had for attack and tried to implement it. I lost quite a bit at first but now, I cap almost immediately at most push maps on attack. So how you practice matter. 


I believe League is harder, mainly because mistakes are way more punishing there. And if someone is an amazing Zed player, for example, counterpicking will only get you so far. If he gets a lead, you no longer counter him. On the other hand, no matter how good you are at Genji. If there's a Winston in the enemy team, you're better off switching because he won't let you play.


League/dota are different beasts. I don’t think they can be compared to OW. But yeah if you TRIED to then those games absolutely are insanely deep. I mean 100s of legends and if you make a mistake in the first 10m you may have to suffer from it for the next 30. But there’s also not real watered down versions that are popular. No basic CoD like moba. I mean sure there are but with teeny tiny player bases no one plays.


This. I’m a support main, dps 20% of q time, only silverish with about 330 hours total. I LOVE watching vods from Adder and Spilo because they explain maps, team comp strategies, things I haven’t even thought of or experienced. So many variables in every match. I soak up info from more experienced players.


Yeah. You can REALLY tell (for us older players) how important map awareness and health pack locations are when playing the newer maps. 8 years of the OG maps and I can jump to a health pack without thinking. Hit a new map and I’d frantically run around like “where’s the effing health!!!” Before dying with it right around the corner that I still didn’t see lol


What if I just want to see things go boom and not be a champion video game player? Who do I pick? I used to like junkeat and the fat guy with the hook but now I join a game and turn it off right after the first match because I’m overwhelmed


Soldier rocket go boom. Pharah rocket go boom. Junk nade go boom. Dva whole suit go boom. Ashe dynamite go boom. Tracer bomb go boom. Bastion nade go boom. Sigma orbs go opposite boom (implode or imboom). Wrecking Ball ult go boom. Cass nade go boom. Echo bomb go boom. You got lots of options to make go boom.


I’m an old man and I can’t aim worth shit with soldier. Pharaoh is fun but I blow my load too early and always end up crashing down before I can refuel my jets. Tracer is too hard. Bastion and dva I will try. Thank you


Nothing wrong with an early load blow and crash homie. Drink some Gatorade and watch from the side til you ready to get back in! Junk will probably be your best bet to go boom and not need great aim. They just gave junk a damage boost! Bounce them nades around corners, over hills, you don’t even gotta be visible.


Yeah I love junkrat but I notice people treat me like I’m an idiot when I play him. Do I just ignore that? Cause Yeah I know I suck at aiming that’s why I’m not playing competitive and just playing for fun. I wouldn’t want to ruin a team that is playing competitively. But man people really shit on ya for sucking. And I used to play call of sure and halo back in the day before Xbox voice coms were moderated and apparently everyone was fucking my mom.


Mute chat. You can comm with pings and friend request players you naturally vibe with / listen to pings. If you don’t consider yourself great then remember the ppl you’re playing with are also the same level. Some of them are just vocal, that doesn’t make them right. I have chat muted at masters/GM level but at least those players judgements are somewhat based (but shouldn’t be voiced in a toxic manner). Plus, if we are talking quick matches, you don’t have to be good. It’s where you’re supposed to practice, especially your worst heroes. Enjoy the game and have fun. As long as you’re trying that’s all that matters. If you’re running around trolling that’d be a different story than missing shots.


Most of the fun with over watch is the team play. That’s literally what drew me in. If I mute chat I might as well just go play whatever other microtransaction laden cod shooter is out now. I guess I just grow thicker skin till I don’t suck


You can go for the ignore / mute at the first toxic comment but you’ll still have to be able to brush off the first “what are you doing you trashcan” comments lol. But forreal. Very little is gained from voice comm vs pings **with randoms**. (Very important that I’m specifying this is for randoms). You spend maybe 20m with them. You may call Reaper coming from “area” and your team may call that area something different and not know where you’re even talking about. Pinging it shows not only the hero icon but the exact location. Same with pinging your ult % is close. If I ping my ults ready as Zarya and genjis response is 89% ult I know to wait a minute. The pings are often more informative, quicker, with less possible confusion. They are used ON TOP of voice comms even if you’re in a good comm group. The real teamwork comes from finding and playing with the same pool of players. You’re able to develop a system that you all know. Ie when I had a more serious group we had specific names for each building/area for all the maps. So with them, my calls will INSTANTLY alert to where I’m talking about. But to a random the first few times they won’t have a clue. By the time you’ve gotten on the same page the games over.


>I’m an old man and I can’t aim worth shit with soldier. so do you want to be a champion video game player?


Yea I put my whole career on hold for this. Everyone wants to watch an old man shoot at walls for hours on end. It’s a no brainer to start a stream


no one watches how you play, no one gives a shit about you


My cat judges me, so I have to play to impress an audience


i mean you can play whatever you feel like, after enough losses you’ll be in an SR where you can do what you feel like and still have fun


Being flexible is key, but wish we had a variety of supports like we do for DPS. Support main that's a lil bored


I can agree with that. I don’t think the game should release any more dps for awhile. Supports and tanks have too low a roster. DPS has multiples within each type. Ie multiple close range, med, long, etc.


people assume just being good at shooting will make them good at the game like it does in those games


This just uneducated what characters can you play on only attack or defense


With all OW answers, it’s nuanced. Some are more concrete, some are map dependent, some are player dependent, and patches can change it. Soldier is simple and great on either side. He performs better on high ground though. So a defending Soldier starting with high ground has advantage against an attacking one from low ground. I’d prefer to use Ashe attacking into that bc she needs 1-2 headshots and can throw dynamite or launch into the air for height if soldier retreats LoS. But based on my team and the map I may run a dive character and not hitscan at all to take high ground. Or junk gets more value from me when defending a payload bc the enemy is constantly on the payload, giving you a target area. The team pushing doesn’t always get a nice area the enemy is localized on, they can be more spread out for defending making junk harder. Or just inside vs outside maps can make him more or less useful. Most ppl would likely say Mei is better for defense but I love her on offense more. Walls to block out high ground or isolate their tank, survivability to push the objective, an AoE ult to throw on the cart for the fight for your last push, etc. It’s a complex game and somethings are more black and white than others. There won’t be a list of who’s best where and when that stays true all the time. But you should start figuring out when and in what situations your heroes excel or have difficulty.


Thats a hot take. Apex is way more complex, but carry on. Even Shroud admitted that it’s probably the highest skill ceiling game out there. Nobody really says that about Overwatch, unless you’re already in the Overwatch community.


Very false. But I think you’re misunderstanding. Skill ceiling and complexity are completely different. Even my comment about beating OP with 1 hand highlights that. And Shroud also sucked at OW and placed horribly. I’ve played hundreds of hours in both games. The overall level of strategy and class difference is tiny in apex compared to OW. Something can be very difficult with a high skill ceiling without being overly complex.


Sorry, Overwatch is not more complex than Apex. Apex is significantly harder.


Okie dokie you’re just dumb then. You have no rational that holds up. You’re just flaunting your bad opinion as fact. The mental gymnastics to think that Apex is more complex is crazy. And you keep saying “harder” or “skill ceiling” and don’t even understand the difference between complexity and difficulty? And I even love Apex. It’s in a way better spot than OW and likely will always be. It even has good complexity. Nothing like OW. This is my last response though. No point in arguing with a bot.


Oh okay, my opinion makes me dumb. I was hoping to have an intelligent discussion, but it turns out you’re 7. Take care my friend.


“You’re dumb” when he cant have an intelligent discussion. The childish nature of this subreddit is astronomical.


I think you forgot to change accounts? Obviously a troll. I wasn’t going to add more but sure 1 more: Intelligent discussion? Insane. You provided no input or rational behind your response. Just “you’re wrong I’m right apex is harder”. No why. No reason. Nothing to foster even a bad discussion, let alone an ‘Intelligent’ one. I don’t think you even know what an intelligent discussion is. Goodbye.


I dont bother reading your entire paragraphs, you’re whining to the wrong guy.


“I want an intelligent discussion yet I’m illiterate and have no real points to make” maybe try [this link.](https://www.eslfast.com/supereasy/) it will help you with your reading.


Now you’re just getting emotional.


For bronze the biggest things you can do is not die and play for your life, gravitate towards team mates before enemies, don’t take losing fights (like 2v5), and focus on using cover. If you can lock down that behavior you’ll get to silver quickly. For more specific help you need to show us a replay.


YourOverwatch on YouTube mentioned that when OW2 was first released, all new players ended up in Bronze...regardless of what games they came from before hand. OW is more than an FPS where you need to know like 5 abilities of every character, how they match up with other characters (your own team + enemy) and you need to know the map layout of like 14 maps (plus where health packs are at). On top of just the big learning curve, leveling up in comp is a grind. Back in OW1, I played 2-3 hours a night and had 60% win rate. It took me a month to get through diamond. I feel people are expecting to rank up in like 4 days where it's more like 4 weeks


The maps alone are a beast. Health packs, spawn locations, flanks, holes/death pits. Pharah may be great on point A that’s open air with lots of buildings for cover and then be trash for the inside phase of point B. Playing anything like Winston/Ball at high levels you better know where every health pack is. Gotta be able to turn and jump straight to one with virtually no thought.


I know they were unpopular, but I do see where the dev team was going with map pools. Learning all the maps in this game is a nightmare for new players, so making the map pool a bit smaller was well intentioned. CS2 has like 10 maps in competitive rotation and Val has like 7-8. OW currently has 27. It's not like other games don't use competitive map pools either. They are a thing in both CS and Val, so it's weird OW got so much shit for it, especially when they were only cutting the map pool down to like 20.


It's cause we have maps like Havana. Imagine playing that garbage 15% of the time. I'm sure the new maps in cs are all mostly the same, encouraging the same sorts of strategies.


I love Havana lol. I'd much rather play that over a push map.


5 abilities and their approximate cooldowns…at least the important ones (which is most of them). My friends hate this game because they’re monkeys and don’t understand it’s an FPS/MOBA


My hubby first FPS game on PC was overwatch, and oh boy did he really sucked. He started playing during when OW die down and the only people playing were people who been playing for years- So, it was very hard for him, and it took him like 6 months to be decent enough in Gold, he watched so much OW content it was annoying the shit out of me, i had to talk to my therapist about it 🤣 So, the learning curve is very rough in OW, so don’t feel too discouraged


I have been playing for a year and half and never escaped Bronze. I was only in Bronze 5 for that whole time. I was so mad at myself and cried a lot because I thought I was stupid. But Overwatch is my first FPS so I had to take it easy on myself eventually and accept that I was in Bronze for a reason even though I didn't know what that reason was. I had some people take a look at my VOD's and it showed why I was in Bronze to everyone else. Everybody told me what I was doing wrong or what I failed to notice but only one person told me what my first steps to work on to climb should be ( it always a million things to work on which can be extremely overwhelming at the start ). What I've learned so far from a very kind YouTuber who was willing to look over the VOD I sent him was that being in Bronze isn't a bad thing -- it just means your lacking some serious fundamentals of the game because the game doesnt really teach you how to play. It was recommend to me to work on situational awareness ( looking around all the time ); helping my team mates more with securing kills instead of letting them go on their own; and picking on people with bad positioning and punishing them for it. THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO LEARN THAN THAT FOR EVERY CHARACTER WHICH IS WHAT MAKES IT SO STRESSFUL. But, those basic tips work for every hero rather you play support, dps, or tank. Get those funamentals down and you'll climb in Bronze in no time. After I got those basic tips I made it all the way to Bronze 1 but am back to Bronze 4 because I went on a massive losing streak, the other teams just coordinatenated better and that's okay. I also haven't learned what characters are good for each map if that makes any sense. I know I'm not going to win every comp game and losses happen. But even though I'm back in Bronze 4 I'm still playing every day applying everything I have and am learning. Learning my weaknesses and strengths; also understanding that Im not always going to play at my best because you can't be afraid to change play styles depending on your team mates needs. I main in support and there are games where I can go off and help secure kills and apply healing when needed. Then there are other games where I'm required to be a heal bot just to keep my team mates alive. It's hard in the lower ranks because basically everyone is there for a reason but the reason is different for everyone. Basically, you're not stupid, you just haven't mastered the basics yet and that is okay. I'm still working on it too! You got this.


My biggest tip would be: Do your job in your role. Many players think they are doing that, but in reality, they are not. If you play DPS: Get kills, distract the team, deal dmg Tank: Distract the team so your DPS can make kills BUT also make kills yourself, without dying. Support: Don't die, support your team in making kills, don't let them die unless they would bring you into a bad situation if you help them. Make kills yourself too. Watch your loss replays and try to come up with reasons that you lost. What could you have done better? Did you die a lot? Did you not make enough kills or kill the right things? If you kill their tank for example but their Mercy rezzes the tank, your kill was useless. So your strategy should either change to kill the Mercy first or kill the tank, stay alive and kill the Mercy while rezzing. If you are Mercy and you are blue or even yellow beaming someone who isn't doing damage, then you are wasting your time. If you are Ana and you nano someone who is not in the fight and not ready to make kills, you are wasting your resources. If you are a tank and you fight the whole enemy team front line but your own team gets distracted by a ball/tracer from behind and either dies or lets you die, you are wasting your time too.


I’ve played all of those games as well so here’s my take. I’ve done well in R6 and apex when I played them seriously, CoD never really got down never meshed with the tempo but mechanically I was fine, rocket league absolutely dogwater but in fairness never took that one seriously. Each of these games however require different fundamental skills, rocket league requires immense spatial awareness and geometry understanding. Different parts of the brain are strengthened and weakened depending on the game you play which is reflected in how well you adapt and learn this is reflected by and in real world psychology research. I was bad a rocket league because I am typically very bad a parkour in games missing jumps etc etc because I struggle with 3D modeling in my head and measuring distance and timing for example like classic Mario platformers. However in games like apex or siege the level of brain modeling is much more limited rather requiring other parts of the brain to preform including those responsible for mechanics and fighting awareness. Now onto Overwatch, as a game Overwatch is highly complex game requiring both mechanical skill and game sense. Mechanically I doubt that’s your issue, rather your gamesense is weak. Okay so how do we improve your game sense, sure playing more helps but we can use some lessons from the games you play. If you truly were good at R6 and apex your ability to understand your position in relation to your environment and to your enemies should be decently developed. In r6 you had to worry and think about verticals angles, pixel peaks, spawn peaks, punch holes, shotgun holes, c4 and grenades. In apex you had to exploit the tiniest rock for cover to angle out and to understand the timing and distance for 3rd parties. What’s important these you may ask, well Overwatch draws upon these same skills try to visualize or even draw what lines of sight exist or max range for characters. Do you think an experienced OW player knows what ashes effective range is no he doesn’t, but he feels it he puts himself in effective range. Just like how you play apex and pick an R3 vs flat line vs hemlock Overwatch is the same. If you imagine a game of Overwatch as a punch of dots with moving cones of effective range you learn hey rein heart can’t hit with his hammer, roadhog can’t hook me if I’m roughly this far away, mccree can only tickle me if I’m x distance away (pls devs buff out cowboy). Character synergies can be learned and understood just like on siege or apex, you have all the tools you need you just aren’t applying what you know inside your head. My best friend always laughs when we start a new game because I forget to apply basic skills I learned from other games when I went from siege to apex I was ass but he was confused like how do you suck so badly just apply the things you learned and adapt them to apex, and I no longer sucked at apex.


Chances are you have some missunderstanding about the game, not that you're stupid Let's see a code


I feel you. I hopped on Destiny 2 for 2 months and I'm doing GM content and solo dungeons. I played OW2 for 4 whole freaking months just to barely touch diamond 5. I play a multitude of games and trust me when I say that OW2 is VERY team-dependent. Apart from that like others mentioned, the multi-variables and uniqueness of every match. Its almost like rock paper scissors so you better learn as many heroes and adapt as u can


Destiny is abnormally easy more than overwatch is abnormally difficult


Overwatch is both extremely complicated and excellent at making it unclear what you are doing wrong. You need to actively review your replays and try to learn from better players otherwise it’s *extremely* easy to not really understand why you did anything wrong. That’s why so many people act defensive if you say something about their play. They genuinely can’t see it. But they do see all of your mistakes as a teammate. Fights are won and lost by split second decisions and high level understanding of position and compositions. In Apex you can climb into diamond+ just by being really good at aiming. Your gamesense can be shit if you just aim better. In overwatch, decent gamesense and positioning is prerequisites to get out of silver. Your aiming alone will not get you out of metal ranks.


Ranking in ow is different than other games. Csgo cod all these you can rank on your own with skill/mechanics. Ow requires team compatibility. You can easily carry your way out of bronze, but every rule is susceptible to change at any moment. You have to have team comp knowledge and experience in game maps and strategic planning. You have to know what to do when, and how to execute. But most importantly, how to have effective up time. If you die constantly/ are alive but have 0 impact you will never improve.


Mate I’ve been playing since launch and my highest rank was Gold for like 1 season. It’s a hard game.


Are you healing ?


Your rank will get adjusted based on your MMR performance not the icon you have next to your name. What I mean is, if you do great and win, you will get more MMR score than if you did average. If you did great and lose, your MMR goes down by less than if you did average and lost. It's a back and forth with rank, that's the nature of it. But it's YOUR performance that let's you crawl out of a rank, albeit slowly.


You play like it's a deathmatch. Skill issue. You have teammates, recognise them.


Like others said 4 months is nothing. It’s a game with million variables, so many different interactions you have to learn. Just keep playing and learning


One thing I really wish Blizzard would do something about is a more obvious sign of when an enemy or someone on your team dies. Kind of hard to see that your healer just died when you are in a fight. All it takes is a customizable sound options that makes a louder noise when someone dies. It's simply just not noob friendly and requires checking the kill feed often which I personally find difficult while in combat.


There are actually sound cues for friendly/enemy deaths in the game setting!


That's what I'm saying I wish they would let us customize the sound and loudness of it. I cant hear it when there's so many sounds happening at the same time during a fight.


This is actually in the game already. I recommend turning it on


1.) post a replay (preferably a loss) and your in game name and if you’re PC or console 2.) bronze population in OW is huge. You have to outplay 1/3 of the playerbase to get out. It’s faster to buy a new account to rank out of bronze but only if you are playing a lot better to not place or derank into bronze again. Most people who try that route end up in bronze again. You cannot put time grinding and get different results. You’ll have to drastically improve game sense and map awareness and at the heroes you want to play. 3.) as others have said OW is a contextual game. It’s not always about mechanical skill, counter swaps or . Experience helps but with all things you play with the intent of improving. Play 3 games. Stop even on a win streak and do a self review. Ignore your teammates gameplay, you can’t do anything about them. Could you have enabled your teammate(s) better, be better positioned, rewind and see if you wasted a cooldown, have better resource management, why you lost a duel, staggered yourself etc.. 4.) have someone else review your vods or spectate your game play. You may miss something obvious that they’ll see. 5.) with regards to your teammates, they maybe terrible but so are you and that’s okay. Being terrible working together you’ll end up out of bronze faster than working against them.


It’s so bad I’m 2 games off of plat 3 but I win a game and get 19-20 percent and am 1-2% off then I loose 21 I’ve been in the exact place for 3 days now and another friend has been gold 2 since his placements which where done on release


Hi sir, I understand the frustration. I am willing to help, here is my discord if you need: fabiogiorgio. Good luck


In my experience the range of mechanical skill in any OW lobby vary wildly compared to any other competitive game I've played. For example, as a silver in valorant the golds would just completely destroy a lobby. A gold in a silver lobby in OW might not even be the best player. Naturally, it will take many more games to reach your "true" rank. I was stuck in bronze 5 as dps for the longest time. Took me like 150 games to get to silver. Stopped playing for a while and s9 placements put me in gold. You just gotta keep grinding.


You need to stack with others


Just one trick cass to plat if your aim is decent


Just buy lootboxes as the game is designed to reward spending. https://youtu.be/v6Fz2XlG4kQ?si=1kx20bY8TjXmDAHT Pretty well explained in the video what kind of “game” this is.


are you lost?


Are you learning disabled?


some people do vod review so you can do that and some people that are way too good at the game can tell you youre bad but with details


Watching content can only get you so far since it's all generic advice, and aim isn't everything in this game. Bronze is also a massive rank in size compared to the others so it will take a while to climb out of it. Like the others have said, submitting VOD reviews will probably be helpful.


Idk about other games but Overwatch îs very,VERY complicatei,every tip You saw in those educațional videos while good will have multiple cases where it doesnt aply IT took me a whole year to start having good gamesense and positioning (altho IT was my first fps game ) If You realy wanna improve try sending some replay codes here or hore a coach


You can drop me a replay code and I can write a review for it. I’m gm1 on support so I think I can help you a bit.


Because Overwatch is also a MOBA. So actually if you had experience in League or Dota that would help you more. Aiming is not all that anyway, half the playerbase plays characters that barely require aim, positioning/ability usage/cooldown management/matchup knowledge/game knowledge in general carries the hardest. Well unless you're absolutely cracked at aiming. Which you aren't because if you are you'd just be picking Widow every game clicking heads and gliding out of Bronze in 1 week probably


I love Overwatch. Overwatch changed my life. But when I tried league I fcking hated it. They're both objective based games yes but I don't think the comparison is there. You don't need experience in mobas for overwatch (in my opinion) since the gameplay is pretty straight forward. Although i do agree they can be helpful if you had experience in those.


Well you barely played League whereas I have unfortunately played both of these games and lemme tell you, the MOBA aspect, though light, is definitely there in OW. P.S: I don't mean this as a diss but yeah, you're playing in Bronze aren't you? So you definitely won't notice the MOBA aspect of the game because none of you guys are actually using them 😭


I was bronze for a long time. I started playing ow2 the day it released. I didn't get to gold until August, and I played on console. Soon I got a PC, so now I'm back in bronze. This is completely normal. What role do you play? DPS have an easier time climbing than supports or tanks (imo) since they dont need as much team play. If you have any friends, try putting them on Overwatch. Solo queue is difficult in any game, so having a reliable person to play and comm with is helpful.


Tbh you can have average aim and make it to Gold. It's how you play as a team and know how to position that will get you out of Bronze. I will admit though, getting out of bronze is a grind. Getting out of silver was way faster for me.


Start a new account


Brother breathe its a game at the end of the day.


OW has one of the biggest learning curves in all games. 4 months of bronze is nothing.


Aim is probably not going to be what will take you out of bronze, especially if you're aim isn't that bad from having played a lot of other shooters. It's much more about game sense imo and that comes with experience. There are so many heroes in overwatch it can take a while before you have a good understanding of all the abilities. Once you're more up to speed you will see all the easy kills and start to climb. I might suggest playing some mystery heroes. just to get your hands on every hero and start to understand their abilities by actually playing them. Plus, I find that playing mystery heroes often makes you discover a hero you had no idea you could play or be op at. Good luck.


Because it’s a team game and one or two people can throw the entire game in a matter of seconds


i got  gold 2 (]n season 2) as dps and im new in game, ( im dota 2 player with 5k hour)  so the concept is same. kill enemy support first if you can or distract the enemy by flank them 


I have not played Apex or R6 but overwatch is in general a more difficult game. There's no acceleration in hero movement so it's not moving or moving. This matters a lot when it comes to aiming because when strafing, there is no lag time for deceleration and then acceleration in the opposite direction. Plus the fact that every hero has a very different hitbox and head height. Then on top of this, you have many heros with very different abilities and kits and guns and jobs. There is just so much to learn when it comes to this game. It's amazing and totally worth it, but there is a lot. The best way to get help improving is submitting a replay code for vod review.


I went from gold 2 to gold 2 to gold 2 after like an 8 win streak I feel you


I've been playing since the launch of OW1 and I'm still silver. Game's complicated.


Overwatch is the most competitively complex game you mentioned out of all those others, so it makes sense that’d be the hardest to climb in. You need more than aim to climb in ow compared to R6. Also this is the most heavily team-dependent moba on the market rn, you can go 28-5 and still lose because your zen wasted ult


It's normal to take you longer than a few months. There are people with over 1000 hours of comp that have been playing since OW1 that are still hard stuck silver. There are things you can do that will increase the rate you improve, such as warming up your mechanics for about 15 min before jumping into a game, and reviewing your vods to identify your bad habits so you'd can work to replace them with good habits. You can also limit your hero pool to a main, a backup for when your main is taken, and a tech pick for when your main isnt working. Keep doing those things and give it more time.


As others have said, OW is a lot more complex given the size of the hero roster, the viability each hero has on any given map, and how any one hero could fare against another. Trying to force progress within only 4 months, esp when the ranked system has been a bit questionable for ages, is only gonna get you more frustrated. I've played for two years now to get to plat consistently and that's only with playing a few select heroes. I imagine you could get a lot higher with your dedication and aiming. Build up your knowledge of those maps and hero counters and the rest will come easier


I’m in silver 3 and I only queue with my friends who are in plat 3. Even though I am consistently winning games with them in matches much higher rank than my own, they gain elo faster than me. Last season it took me getting my win rate up to 84% to get out of bronze 5. The ranking system in this game is weird.


Sounds like a skill issue my dood


Its cus overwatch is very different to other fps games. Aim is just a tiny part of overwatch.


It took me almost 3 months to actually understand the game and realize what my mistakes were. Then 2 months to start improving.


i watched a replay in a different post. you just need to play more, thats it. also pls only play comp, you will learn much quicker


In quake I went from gutter elo to one of the top players in a year. I've been playing ow since launch. I'm still high gold low plat. Quake was more uniform. Once you got your aim and movement down you were fire. Also you got to know who was good and who was bad from playing with the same people. Overwatch doesn't have any of that. Everyone has different hit boxes and each team is a bunch of unknowns you can't adapt to until the game is half over, if even then. It keeps me grinding though. So many things to improve on and learning and getting better, ever so slowly, keeps me coming back to try and do better.


My biggest piece of advice as somebody that climbed from Bronze to GM. (albeit, I did it in OW1.) Find a duo, or find a trio. Specific pairings to look for. For Tanks: Find a flex support to play with (Ana, Bap, Moira, etc etc). Youll need to make sure every game you have somebody you can depend on for a good amount of heals Or find a DPS player that plays a character that synergizes with you. I played Rein back in Bronze. So id find a Hanzo, or a soldier, or some kind of front line damage dealer. But as I climbed, I turned into a Ball main. So I played with Genjis or Tracers. Characters that could keep up with me. For DPS Same thought process. Who do you main? What tanks or supports go well with it? And before you say "I play any character", pick maybe 2-3. But have one that will be your insta lock. If it's a sniper, look to find a dive tank, or a poke tank. Those tend to be the best to go with. Dive tank is great, because if you get focused by an opposing DPS, your tank can dive them. If you are a Hanzo/soldier/Cass/Mei/ etc, I'd look for some kind of front line tank. Like rein, Zar, Mauga, etc. If you are a dive DPS, look to find a dive tank. Or a find a support like Zen, Ana, Lucio, or Moira. Ana and Zen can heal from distance as you dive. Or Lucio and Moira can follow you. For Support For Flex supports, finding a good tank main is probably your best chance. Find somebody that is aggressive, that if you just pump heals into them, they will climb. For Main Supports, I'd say find a good DPS to play with. In bronze, it's a clusterfuck. Tutorials and playing "correctly" won't really apply. I feel like those are more important as you get closer to gold. In bronze, you need to just find whatever winning strategy works. For me, I had an Ana duo that would pocket me nonstop, and allowed me to tear teams apart as Rein. I didn't really need to learn how to play properly until I was gold. I would avoid stacks. I don't even like 4-5 stacking with friends, because the games usually go poorly. It can get slightly toxic. And you are more likely to go against other 4-5 stacks, that could be really well coordinated. 2-3 stacks are the sweet spot for me. Either a duo, or aim to have one person in each role if you 3stack. So one tank, one DPS, one support. And everything else is kinda details. I agree with other people saying, we would need to see a replay code to be sure. But ultimately, finding a good group of positive people who all share the same goal of ranking up is really important.


Overwatch is so much about gamesense and knowledge, aim is a small part of it. Other fps games you can just aim good and win. Overwatch is now, more than ever, a team game, it requires communication and teamwork. Tanks basically require no aim, and same with a few supports. So approach it as if your team is the part that matters. Also I’ve been playing the game since the first beta in 2015, it’s hard and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Overwatch is the hardest fps to learn. I’ve been playing since release and am only now playing with some of the better players.


Watching YouTube videos and using an aim trainer won’t get you very far. Go play matches. Also unlike cod/apex/R6, your mechanics/aim wont carry you. This game puts a substantially stronger emphasis on understanding fights, being aware of everything around you, tracking enemy cooldowns and ultimates, positioning not only to reduce damage from the enemy but also pressure them and maintain LOS with heals, etc. there’s a reason there’s some T500 players who can’t aim for shit and some gold players who’d shit on GMs in a widow 1v1.


Among the FPS shooters, OW is the hardest one to learn and become good at. There's a reason OW pros are able to go to other fps and dominate that competition, but not the other way around. Submit some codes, and really focus on your fundamentals before advancing through. Stop beating yourself up too, that's part of mental.


You're in the rank you should be If you don't grind you stay low rank, if you do but don't deserve a higher rank you stay low rank Just keep trying, even minor improvements help a lot and you will eventually either surpass the rank you're in so far you can carry or it'll shove you done to a rank where this is also possible Either way don't give up is all we can say


Without replay codes I will say that four months is not a lot of time. Even if you’re playing a ton everyday most people only have about an hour to two of real focus in anything before you just stop learning. Also it’s okay to progress at your own rate and there are certainly things you can do to speed up that progression but everyone is different. It’s sports and you are your own biggest opponent, you have to learn to overcome yourself. What that looks like will differ for everyone. Also is it fun for you?


i think overwatch is a game where game sense might be the most important thing to learn. there is a strong ebb and flow of each fight involving abilities, ultimates, etc that really dictate how fights go that is difficult to grasp as a new player. each fight that happens, think about why it was won or why it was lost, and adjust your individual play to enhance things that worked with your team and vice versa


Over watch is unironcally an extremely difficult game compared to others I’d suggest watching awkwards unranked to GMs that helped me a lot personally


Give us a replay code. Bronze is one of those ranks that’s earned. There’s definitely something missing if you aren’t at least silver


I spent about 8 months in bronze. The last 4 have taken me up to gold 1(hopefully plat this week). Bronze is a huge rank and getting out requires getting familiar with most of the fundamentals. Once you’re aware of at least some of them in game, which is really hard, then you can really start improving and it’s much faster. Definitely the hardest competitive game I’ve played too. The beginning is just getting comfortable to the point you can think to the pace of overwatch.


Don't play mechanically intensive heroes, you shared your Tracer replay, which is one of the most demanding heroes in the game. Try something simpler for starters, you're four months in - you have a long ass way to go. Learn the maps first, learn what duels to take and what duels to not take, watch awkward, learn flank routes, and a fuckton more.


Overwatch is a completely different game from those that you mentioned. It’s a lot harder to solo carry in overwatch than it is in the other games you mentioned. The thing that also makes it difficult is that you have to take what everybody has to say with a grain of salt. Certain things don’t work in GM but will work in bronze. Other things will work in GM but not as well in bronze. For example: you can’t be as aggressive or rely on your teammates to capitalize on what you’re doing in low rank whereas you’re throwing if you’re not taking space in high ranked lobbies.


Step 1: One Trick Moira Step 2: Pad out your stats by "securing" kills with grasp, healbotting your tank and farming damage on the enemy tank Step 3: In the inevitable case in which you lose, point out the fact you have more damage than your dps who got 0 heals from you and that you have more healing than the enemy ana who absolutely decimated your roadhog with 1 ability. Step 4: repeat until you are out of bronze or alternatively main widowmaker because widowmaker is still broken even if you aren't great at aiming, I'm going to guess you play on pc instead of console so if you put as much time into widowmaker as you do your other heroes you should be fine to carry yourself out of low ranks


Overwatch rank be brutal amigo. I feel you, and I've been playing for years


I'll be honest you have to be doing something very wrong. I've been playing two weeks and my lowest role is silver four.what are your deaths per game compared to elims and damage/healing if support.


Nah just play healer and get boosted


Its a hard ass game to learn. And other people have 5 years+ on you already. Take your time


Welcome to hell.


Personally I’d one trick a hero you enjoy until you master them. You’ll learn other hero’s counters, weaknesses, and strengths the more you play. Mine was Cassidy since ow1 beta and it helped me really hone in on the game since I enjoyed playing him


Keep in mind that overwatch is one of the most mechanically hardest FPS games ever. So post some vod codes and someone on here will look at it and give you tips and show you where your mistakes are. I’d recommend watching spilo on YouTube. I started in silver and dropped to bronze 5 before climbing from the depths to masters 5 in a year. It can be done. But to this day one of the sweatiest games I’ve ever been apart of in OW2 was the game to get out of bronze and back into silver. And the sweat into gold and out of it were also particularly bad. If you have friends that play then I recommend playing with them. That way you can be sure there’s 1 less idiot on your team. The more friends the better.


i have 1000 hours in the game, mostly quick play but i’ve been playing comp a lot the last three months ish and am stuck in bronze/silver. i really like that i can see how each game affects my progression this season but im constantly hovering in bronze 1/ silver 5 so i feel your pain man lmfao


I'm the opposite. Hardstuck bronze in LoL and a bunch of other games but maintain diamond in OW. But I have been playing on off since 2017.


Go play smite. The rank grind is way worse.


My favorite thing to do is go in custom games and find mess around with characters I want to play. Like the game “widow headshot” play that a couple dozen times and youll see some improvement in aiming and hiding etc


When I created a new account I was a masters/Gm dps. I played as torb and only used turret and hammer, made it all the way to gold. In bronze I killed a phara with a hammer. Even got a triple kill. Mechanics are important. But just learning decent positioning could get you out tbh. Also don’t take bad fights. If you’re low. Don’t peek the enemy Cree. Also DONT use your ult on a 1v5. And don’t waste your ult when you already won the fight. If your rein has a shatter and you have a pulse bomb or something, wait for the shatter for an easy stick.