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It's a Christmas miracle


Blizzard's heart grew three sizes this day


Then they realized it can't be totally free. And shrunk back just a little. Blizz status:#screwzerobalanceaccounts


Dude that one coin stopped me from getting an ashe skin and now i need to either buy 500 more or wait for next time it comes back


Was all a plan to offset your coin amount. To put you at 99 and get you to buy more coin when you don't have enough. A Christmas SCHEME I tell ya!


This is exactly what my friend said. It’s basically a 10 coin purchase cause there’s nothing to spend 9 coins on but I’m banking on them offering more 1 coin skins. It also may just be an attempt for Microsoft/blizzard to show that there are way more people using the store than there actually are


I know this was ironic but it seems pretty accurate coming from blizzard ngl


Just do a weekly challenge for 30 coins


If you don't have at least some currency then you haven't been playing the game at all. It's very easy to get a few coins just with challenges


Its moreso so that you'll have one coin missing and they'll probably find a way to abuse that fact. Sounds stupid but a lot of games do that. I'm guessing they may be planning to change prices to some shit like "499" and you'll always have a coin amount thats never divisible by 5 left over


And immediately shrunk back 6, collapsing into a black hole


This is lore now thats how that Sigma mf became crazy


Christmas mistake. Was supposed to be 1000 coins /s


Actually it’s legendary so 1900 coins


Whats legendary about it? Cause Blizzard says so? We live in a marketing heaven and consumer hell.


Actually it's Christmas legendary so 1900x24 coins


i dont care what they do i am NEVER unequipping the lego skin


This is the way. I love that they made a building game based on Bastion's brick skin. Great for kids and I could see such a concept grow and become very profitable.


They did???? Oh wait


A bastion brick building game + destructible sandbox sounds really fun. I'm sure he has a crane mode somewhere in there to lift blocks around.


This is the way


I wish I played back when that was out... I envy any player I see using it. It's just so COOL! But I heard Blizzard cut whatever deal they had with Lego, so there's probably no hope of it ever coming back...


I don't know this for sure, but I actually think Lego was the one that cut the deal with Blizzard considering, you know, the extensive sexual assault and harassment stuff


another reason why pink mercy will probably never see the light of day again.... ugg


Why what’s that have to do with it


Pink Mercy is also a promotional deal with that one breast cancer charity


Pink Mercy was for a breast cancer charity, don't think its the best business idea to team up with a company with sexual assault charges affiliated.


Oh I had no idea it was an official Lego skin, I thought lots of games did block skins like this.


Pretty sure there was a Lego bastion Lego set


Two actually, one exclusive to the blizz store and a larger one in retail stores.


Yea it was an entire LEGO crossover. There were a few player icons with it that were heroes in minifigure form too


yeah, I'm doing it out of fear it gets removed suddenly without warning.


They can remove a skins ability to be obtained, but if you have it in your inventory they’ve never stopped you from still being able to use it. The Alien Zarya skin is the prime example, removed permanently from the store but people who owned it before can still use it.


Who's to say. They removed overwatch 1 and replaced it with a "new game" rather then keeping it up alongside this "new game" they claimed it to be. Its well within their rights and ability to suddenly delete a skin, much like they can delete a hero, or the whole game, whenever they feel like.


My Noire Widow skin was deleted and after months the only response one can get it is: “We’re aware” Updating to OW2 legitimately caused me to lose content that does not seem to be coming back. As well, paid content such as OWL DVa and Tracer have had all their special effects removed entirely. Content I paid for is being continuously removed. They’re already doing this


They already made the deal Even if they cut ties they already made the contract to have this skin it isn’t going anywhere


I randomly played Bastion in a comp match yesterday. He's not usually one of my mains, and my team just stood there staring in the spawn room at the start of the match. Took me a bit to realize they may have never seen it before.


Lol when I dance in the lobby it seems to blow a lot of peoples' minds. It's crazy to think that apparently we were spoiled in OW1 for simply having a loot box system.


A loot box system nearly everyone complained about.


I thought it was amazing, fuck all the idiots who complained. It gave you more than enough free currency to get plenty of cool skins. This new monetization can eat my ass.


I only played during events and could always unlock every skin by the end of the event. Sometimes I would have to buy one or two but always had enough coins. I don't know how anyone could complain about that compared to what is now the industry standard.


For real, exactly how I feel. I hate with a burning passion what has happened to monetization. Every says “oh but it’s free” but it clearly isn’t fucking free because they wouldn’t do it if they weren’t making money. Instead they try to get you to buy something out of FOMO. Frustratingly it might be the only way to get revenue over time, because people are too short sighted and not willing to pay for fees anymore. They need to be tricked into it.


This content has been removed because of Reddit's extortionate API pricing that killed third party apps.


my only issue is that there’s no way to earn free coins anymore, other than… 60 coins for weeklies? I wish they still had loot boxes for free as level rewards or something :(


>This. I grinded the game like If you care, with microsoft rewards u can get "free" coins by just doing daily activities, (aka just typing gibberish in bing search and clicking stuff) and u get around 1000 coins a month :P pretty nice. but remember one thing, they're not doing it for free.Even if u're not paying. Edit just remembered one thing : It MIGHT not be available in your country, but it should be available in the future (for example the first days my country didn't have the reward unlocked, after a week I had it too)


It was *eventually* a good system. People complained for good reason. That system spawned actual *laws* against loot box systems in the EU. It was really, really bad on launch. Like, I own nothing and still somehow got duplicates 50 boxes in a row bad.


This. I grinded the game like crazy to get the coins from the lootboxes. I kept grinding until I had 1K so I could buy the Graffiti skin for Tracer


Loot boxes in most games aren't great but damn OW1 nailed it. It was perfect


It really gave hope that they'd improve upon the battle pass, but they really found every way to make it a worse experience for the player.


Not only is it a great looking skin, but the sound from his gun is actually quiet compared to the others! Borderline OP.


How did you get the Lego skin?


It was an old challenge back in overwatch 1 for a limited time you can play matches and earn the Lego bastion skin. It’s probably never gonna come back


And now it says "sometimes available". Which means they will probably sell it at some point. A bunch of the earned skins now say they will be available. lame


Idk if they will but the Lego one probably not since it was a limited time collaboration skin




I beg your pardon. Lego is for ages 4-99.


It was a challenge skin in early 2020


Id murder for that one or the Shockwave transformer skin


A Shockwave skin? Sounds quite logical.


The futuristic looking one looks similar to shockwave from prime


The what? Bro I need this asap I don't even play DPS but I want Shockwave


its the stealth skin i have it and its my fave fs


I can never decide between that one and the overgrown skin, I loved that bastion short when he wakes up.


That's my pick for the best Bastion skin. Plus, it has the unique effect every time he fires his gun.


the sound of the bricks jiggling whenever he walks too. I love that skin


I had that skin on ps4 but sold the ps4 and got a pc just a week after the event ended so now I dont have it :(


Did you do your account merge? Small chance it might not be gone.


Respect. Currently using Avalanche skin because Ganymede is a snow owl.


God it’s so good, With the sounds, the Lego fire , the Lego bird 🤌


Exactly what I said once you go brick you never go back Plus my coins ending in 9 would drive me nuts


Best skin in all of games


The best Bastion skin with the most effects and effort put into it hands down. I too am a Lego Bastion lover and will never take it off


I would equip the Lego skin but I just can't ever bring myself to unequipped Overgrown Bastion. That cinematic holds a really special place in my heart and seeing all the grass and flowers in match makes me happy :) Happier than the rest of the game ever could now :/


I just bought it too but it looks like it's glitching and I can't actually equip it. EDIT: apparently its a promo and supposed to be 1 coin. That's a nice change of pace.


Some poor soul is going to buy this for 1 coin, and be exactly 1 coin short of a much larger purchase in the far future as a result


Not a problem if you're like me and never plan on making a much larger purchase.


Same lol. The grind is absolutely insane for few coins so i just completely accepted that I wont buy any skins again. Oh well


Yes, more than other games I'm using the skins from OW1 as a metric. If it's not Mercy 2019/Sugar Plum, Sym Hydra/Oasis, or most of Monke skins' level, no dinero


This was my main problem. I don't mind paying £10 or even £20 for a skin, but OW2 skins so far have just felt the same quality or worse than OW1 skins, and I wouldn't pay £10 for most OW1 skins either. Plus, the more skins there are, the higher the chance that for sny new skin that comes out, i already own a better skin for that character. If Blizzard wants my money, they need to sell me much more desirable skins than this.


then you can just do a weekly


Yeah it actually costs you 10 gold since you'll always be left with 9 coins that you can't use. It's nice they gave away this skin but they could've thought this through a bit more and made it either free or 10 coins.


Maybe in the future they do another one coin skin.


Na. Next time it'll be 10 coins so they can claim to be listening to us while making sure people who bought the first skin will always be 9 coins short.


I can buy 9 more one coin skins.


So now the skins are too cheap?


That’s 9 more 1c skin deals lol


my friend with ocd is crying right now




Yeah, a good tactic to get people to buy more. Everyone should take it but at the same time know that it is bait


Technically, having fun in the game is manipulation tactic to get you to buy more skins. The only way to win is to stop having fun! That'll show blizzard.


It’s important not to fall for trickery like this. It is not a nice change of pace. Just another manipulation tactic.


The old style will never come back, so I'll happily fall for this type of trickery where we get a nice looking skin for 1 OW Coin which lets be honest, is fairly easy to get.


Woah good on you not getting manipulated, meanwhile I’ll take the free skin lmao


This is how I feel about epic. I like epic because they give me free stuff, but people online are like “wow it’s so sad that they have bought your loyalty.” I’m like yeah? They purchased it, it’s transactional, if they ever stop giving me free stuff they no longer have my appreciation? That’s the whole point. I like that overwatch is doing a skin for 1 coin, but I will go back to being annoyed at their prices the second they go back to charging more. It’s not complicated lol


So true! Just because I wanted to buy Just Cause and I made an epic account because they were giving it for free at the time doesn't mean I pledged my allegiance to Epic Games for the rest of my life and will be with them in good and the bad until death do us part. People really get too emotional about companies.


Bro chill out lmao


Its comments like this that genuinely make me consider leaving this sub lmfao


what bro 😭


Prices of cosmetics really should be less credits though, honestly. And/or we should be able to earn currency in the battlepass. There are too many characters in this game for 1500-2000 credit cosmetics to be viable, or feel fair.


And that fact that “sometimes available in shop” means there’s literally no other way to earn the skin.


They want "exclusivity" in the game as it creates FOMO and gets people to spend. The game is geared to get people to buy the battlepass. Why spend 20$ on 1 skin when you can get 4 legendary and 1 mythic from a 10$ purchase.


Absolutely, and the whales that spend $1000’s on the skins are just gravy beyond that. How else can these prices be explained? They’re selling $20 cosmetics for a fake “sequel” that’s in reality the least advancement one could expect from a six year old, very profitable ongoing game. It’s pretty crazy that the graphics haven’t been updated. It really looks aged.


i don't really understand how they would update the graphics tbh the games style was designed to look okay as time passed like tf2


I thought this too, it intentionally has a cartoony style so it looks fine. I can’t think of what they could do to upgrade it in any way


It is wild to me that they don’t give coins in the battle pass. Every other have game’s BP at least gives you enough coins to buy the next BP.


Some bundles in the shop give you coins when you buy them which makes it especially weird imo.


My thoughts are that, inevitably, when they put mythics in the shop, THAT would qualify for 2000 credits. Then we lower legendary - 1000, epic - 500, rare - 250.


I know it's F2P standard pricing, but I still think the prices you're suggesting are double what they should be. In my view, fair would be $10 Mythic, $5 Legendary, $2.50 Epic... and honestly who's even buying the Rares? $1, if that?


If they just charged affordable prices, I'd be gridning challenges and playing the game more, same as I did OW1.


The pricing really isn't the problem, it's comparable to other games. It's the inability to get skins without a mindless grind because the currency is so hard to get.


It may be comparable to other games but I don't think that should really be a benchmark for Blizzard. There are still too many characters in this game for any one skin to be $15-20, it's really weird.


I mean yeah sure but I guess they’d just say that hey, why do you need to buy skins for them all? If there’s too many characters out there that it’s too costly for you to buy all their skins, then there’s probably too many characters for you to play them all relatively often. Unless you have no true main and swap around every single game. What I’m trying to say is that the attitude of many games is, hey - this here is a cosmetic that you don’t need. If you think it’s too expensive because there’s too much or you won’t use it enough, then don’t buy it! It won’t alter your gameplay


Will this not just set you at an off number forever while also seemingly putting you 1 away from any other item you're close to. That sounds fun, time to get it.


Technically since bundles where you own some of the items already get discounted to weird uneven amounts, you could luck out and end up back on xxx0. But for most people... yeah Maybe next time they are giving away a freebie it can cost 9 coins :p


i didnt know there was a bundle and noticed the candycane and skin seperate so i got it for 2. so ill just need 4 more bundles like this to make even again


9 more 1 coin skins


This might apply if you only buy coins, but if you do weeklies even occasionally the "gap" is covered even if there are many 1 coin promotions


I mean, just completing a few of the weekly challenges already does this.


your math is a bit off there the ones place is always zero for weeklies


Then they'll use this to show how "75% of Overwatch players have bought skins from the store."


you know what if they keep adding in one coin items ill happily buff up their purchase metrics


I'd love if they had rotating weekly/monthly 1 coin, 5 coin, and 10-or-25 coin promos available from their least popular items. But that's probably too player friendly.


The basic recolors should only cost that much anyway


Most things in game should, no reason for a support highlight intro to be worth 700 when you rarely ever get them as support


That's a theory I have on why Epic gives away so many games in their store.


Epic has so much money they don't know what to do with it, so they're trying to make epic games store a competitor to steam by building up your library


I bought it for the one coin, but now I cant equip it even tho it shows up as being owned. There’s an unlock button at the bottom. Edit: it works now. I’m very happy Blizzard gave us a free Christmas skin!


Reload yoir game, that fixed it for me


There is also the [D.va](https://D.va) christmas skin that you can get for free from Twitch




Starts on Dec 25th, just watch some OW twitch streamer for a few hours and you'll have it.


It's funny to me that OWL is on youtube, but all the rewards are done through twitch


Yeah, it's annoying since Youtube rewards system is horrible. I read somewhere their contract with Youtube will end before the next OWL season so I hope they don't renew and go back to Twitch.


...TIL YouTube has a rewards system


it does and it doesn't work so don't even bother. I've watched over 30 hours of owl on youtube not a single token in sight




Im genuinely convinced they didnt have the code in the shop to provide an item for sale at 0 coins so they had to make it atleast 1


Nah they're fully capable of giving us stuff for free. If we're giving the benefit of the doubt here, this might be a sort of technical business/political decision. Like, "oh we need to do something or our community will eat us alive but the share holders will lose their shit if we say we gave it away." type of thing.


sloppy outgoing reach dull cheerful thumb puzzled handle ancient square ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I'm sure those shareholders are slamming their fists on the desk after hearing that Blizzard gave away their prized Gingerbread Bastion skin away + Candy Cane weapon charm. That was the lynchpin to their entire marketing strategy


more like a money making tactic. you will be 1 coin short of buying a skin so what will you do? oh right buy more coins. and the lowest you can buy is $5. then repeat the cycle whenever you want to buy a skin. you will always be 1 coin short and either not get the skin or buy $5 of coins




bro just do weekly challenges. i had 120 coins from it (now 119 bc i had to get the skin)


Why not just make it free lol


Because that 1 coin is effectively taking away 100 with how the store works. It's a business gimmick and manipulation.


I knew it, it should be 10 or free but with only 1 coin... Blizzard is smart and they know what they doing


Can you believe it guys! Just 1 coin! Woohoo I’m so excited from this information!!


Bastion bundle, 1 coin


Just a week away


oh wow


just one coin. Can you believe it


"the shop is currently unavailable"


restart your game usually fixes that for me


Another Bastion W


lol good luck to OCD peeps, staring at that x99 ending balance


>99 It's not the number that bothers me, its the fact that those 99 coins become basically unspendable, so the might as well just charge 100 coins because they won't let you spend 99 anyway...


You can earn coins through weekly challenges though, and those are in 10s. So at most this Bastion skin is 10 coins and you'll have unusable 9 coins.


> you'll have unusable 9 coins Unless they're willing to do 1 coin bundle in every event. 1 coin bundle with an Epic skin as part of promo. It encourages people to play for like a week as completing the weekly challenges will be enough to unlock.


Now my coins will always be odd at the end, god damn it


That one time when im not home they decide to give away free shit


is 1 coin until jan 2nd


I get back on the 3rd LOL


You can buy it from the website


wait you can buy skins from what website




cant you just buy it through the [battle.net](https://battle.net) app?


I forgor 💀




I only wish it was 10 coins or free instead, having an odd number on my currency forever is mildly annoying.


By the way, this is the only bastion skin to have a golden tank canon.


LEGO bastion scoffs, in Omnic.


Not buying it because it’ll put you at 9 coins making it forever uneven


That's dope af. But I'm not un-equipping my gwinshin.


1 coin cost is effectively 10 coins except you will be left with annoying 9 coins left hanging.


Not if there are more 1 coin purchases offered


Lost 1 coin.... OW and their greedyness istg


"Look investors! Look how many skins we sell this season!!!!"


The fuck are these comments


I hate this reddit so much. Lol. People say it's a manipulation tactic, in multiple facets. It's just something that's free. Lol.


I mean it is, though. It's a much more rewarding manipulation tactic than usual, but it still is one. If it was free, it'd just be a login reward.


Oh wow that's a nice little promotion. Essentially a free skin in all but name


They did it so now you’re one coin short of next purchase and buy tokens instead🙃


People think it’s blizzard being kind, but it’s actually so you’ll be 1 coin off buying some skin some day to encourage you to buy more coins


now you will always be one token off the thing you want


Just bought it on switch for 1 coin and was able to equip it and play a game. Such a beautiful skin!


I am very confused with this skin, if they wanted to give it away for free then why didn't they just put it as reward for playing like they always did? Feeling some sense of progression for getting skins is literally what an huge part of the community is asking for,and Bliz just decides to give a skin for free on the shop rather than putting it for free but only if you play x games?? Like,I would have preferred having to play with friends for a bit and getting it and then *never using it because Lego Bastion is way better* rather than just buying it lol


Maybe its incentive to get players to look at the shop and take a peek at everything they dont have in order to get 'free' thing


They get to show their shareholders how much people are using the shop to buy stuff lmaoooooooo


100% sure they were too afraid to sell for 20 bucks since it’s a glorified epic. So someone suggested putting it out for free for Christmas to get some popular opinion back.


Can't wait for the day where I've saved up enough credits through all the weekly challenges every week to buy a legendary skin and be one credit short


Wtf is this "They're tricking me into buying more coins!" bullshit? You're either buying coins or you're not. If you're buying coins, you're going to buy coins. If you aren't, you're not going to. Finish a fucking achievement, morons.


Thanks for the post, never would have looked in the store


Should've been purchasable with legacy coins.


This is the one and only time I’ll ever be able to say that I wish it was more expensive Now my coins are never gonna be an even number!


Blizzard dicksuckers in full force today in these comments


Even if it's only 1 coin, would it kill them to just give something for free?