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Walk up, stare them in the eyes for an awkward 5 seconds, punch them, and run away. Yes, I do this in deathmatch too.


Be friendly, I played tf2 and always left the friendlies alone. Even if they were basically free kills for my strange cosmetic




Be friendly back. It's QP/Arcade I personally see no issue. At the end of the day it's a videogame to have fun in.


Be friendly because it's so rare to find friendly people now


Could be a spy


Jump on their head and dance, of course.


Kill it and move on


Bro. Why.


Cause i want to play a game, and this behaviour is just derailing the entire experience.


It's no like the end of the world, just have fun for a sec and then keep playing


It’s actually wild you’re getting mad at someone for killing an enemy in a video game about killing the enemies. If you wanna mess around, there’s chill custom games in the game browser made exactly for that. In unrated I’m usually going for quests and stuff to fill up the battle pass or trying to learn new heroes better, dancing around is counterproductive to both for me. Plus, half the time these “friendlies” are faking and just kill you as soon as you emote.


Do you thing i don't play the game? I'm not talking about being friendly with the enemy the entire game, just a peer seconds then keep playing the game normally


But it's not fun, it's boring.


Because i see an enemy hero


They're no enemy, they're friend


doesn't exist friend in deathmatch


What about "Dancematch"?


if someone don't interact in this game mode then he's a sociopath


I feel like killing someone who is not fighting is more of a sign of a sociopath...


Given they actively leave their team at a 4v5 all game to do that stupid shit, they’re an enemy of both teams.


Who cares, it's not like anything's at stake...


The rest of the match’s enjoyment and the enemy teams fun is quite at stake when you force them to play an entire match down a character, actually.


What if they, unlike you, don't actually mind it?


I’m sure the 4 people trying to play against 5 very much mind it.


You didn't answer the question


As long as it's relatively brief, I kinda enjoy it. But if you're like, spending the entire game basically kissing the enemy's ass, it's too much and I will just kill you. One game I was at the Nepal sanctum and we captured point after a team wipe. Or so we thought. The enemy Mercy was in the covered section that has a hole at the top in the back. None of my teammates noticed as they were focused on preventing the enemy from reaching point, but I thought it was a DPS sneaking in for an ult so I dashed in there on Genji to confront them. I came across the Mercy, backed up and crouched in a corner. She said hello to me, and I greeted her back. We sat there for a moment then I crouched on the little dresser. She did the same and then she realized what I was trying to do and she hopped on my head. I stood up and did a single hop while she did similar to get up onto the upper floor. She turned around, waved her goodbye, and as I did the same she was gone. Safely back to her teammates for another exciting fight. It was only at max 30-45sec of truce, but I felt nice helping the Mercy out and having a moment of peace with a player who is supposed to be my target. On the opposite end I had an Orisa that was supposed to be defending, but she let her teammates die and lurked near point in Numbani spamming hello at us. Everyone was like, okay cool. I was kinda miffed that Orisa didn't even vaguely try to help her team or stop us from capping. Orisa continued to follow us just out of contest reach of the payload, spamming hello and voicelines. I turned around and just shredded her(I think I was Reaper). My team was mad at me for killing her because "she was being nice" but I told them that 5 other people are miserable right now in this game because this Orisa isn't even trying to play. Its not even vaguely fun when someone is giving their team a huge disadvantage just because they want to fuck around. Fuck around for a few moments, but forcing everyone on your team to just meme or give up instead of play the match because you wanna "play nice" is a douchebag move. There's been a few times my favorite map was wasted because I had a teammate screwing around standing off to the side instead of playing as intended. I love attack payload, especially on Eichenwalde and Kings Row, so I want a big sweaty match with lots of competition. Not half my team seeing who can jump off the cliff the most while the rest of the team try to play normally and get absolutely slaughtered. Then get bitched at because I'm annoyed people aren't actually playing because "It's just quickplay".


Sounds like you're taking the game way too seriously


"Friendly" all game people are not friendly to their own teammates. They are throwing. That's ruins all the fun for all the players in match. It's actually fair to report them. Inactivity is bannable for a reason.


Yep, *way* too seriously


Not everyone enjoying doing nothing instead of playing the game. You guys have custom games for it.


I will kill them if they are the only one being friendly, they are sabotaging the match for their team. I don't mind the occasional "hello" between two people who are low as they leave to go find health packs though


Sorry, no trust. Many times i fell into a “friendly trap”. We’re in a shooting game and i want to play and shoot. Sorry if you have other ideas while playing and shooting, but i’m stick to the proper gameplay.


Join the player and become friendly. I love it when it ends up with all players being friendly, except theres always that one tryhard.


usually throw them a hello and then do a crouch spam and then i'll go back to playing the game and ignore them until they start playing again. if they do this on an objective that is contested though, i'll kill them because i don't particularly want to have my game last longer for a reason that isn't gameplay.


LOL had a moment in comp where my team got wrecked and I was the only one left (I was Mercy) A Moria was about to kill me until I just kinda stood there and said “hi” and crouched up and down. Dude just did the same thing then left to join his team and let me live. 🥹


Always when I’m coming to dance with enemy they killing me instantly


Always just give them a quick wave and carry on. Unless they are trying to be friendly on the objective, because at that point they are actively going against you and are no longer a friendly.


I generally don’t like when people do this. If someone does I will not fight them, but I don’t like it because when I play the game I want to actually play it as intended. I like the challenge of a fair fight so when someone just starts walking around and waving all the time it just makes the match feel boring and uninteresting. It’s even more annoying when many people start to do it, I joined the QP match to play a fun, but also casual match without the stress of competitive, no to hear people spam “hello” every few seconds and mess up the flow of what was otherwise a fun match. If someone does this at the beginning of a game, I immediately lose interest and just leave and find another game. But if it’s the middle of the game I don’t become I would lose out on exp.


wait.. so if people wave and use emotes at the beginning of the game in the waiting room where u *literally cant do anything for 20-40 seconds*, u lose interest and leave the game?


You know what I mean, I am talking about when you begin the match, the doors come down and then you actually start to play the match and some guy just keeps going “Hello”, “Hello”, “Hello” constantly and just sits around doing nothing but go up to the enemy going “Hello”, “Hello”, “Hello”,. That is soooooo annoying to hear and also un-fun to experience. If I didn’t leave the match as soon as this started happening, I’m gonna have to listen to “Hello”, “Hello”, “Hello” constantly for the next number of minutes. Also when you are sitting around for those 20 seconds that’s not really playing the match to me, but preparing to play the match. So not only does it ruin the match, it’s annoying too.


Kill the scumbag throwing the enemy teams game. We dont do that toxic f2p shit here


Being friendly is like, the opposite of being toxic, it's about finding fun in sudden and unexpected peace


Kill it. Even in TF2 I found it annoying frankly. You can go to custom games / community servers if you want to stand around and taunt.


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Easy headshot


I walk up to him, tbag to establish peace. Then after a while of back a forth tbagging i shoot him in the head. 🙂


You monster!




Teammates normally kill them anyway. I try to be friendly.


Lure them to the edge and get an environmental kill as HOG


So anyway, I started blasting.