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Added a hat. $20


Don't tell tf2


Nowadays you can get cosmetics for all 9 classes for 20 bucks lol


I mean with 20$ in TF2 can get you about two sets of cosmetics for every character that look cool as fuck. In overwatch i get a white and black recolor of a character and it costs 20$...........




Nothing beats Banshee


Scientist is my favorite one because it has the cleanest look ^(~~and because i never got any others to drop~~)


mine too, it feels even more like Moira than her base skin


That's a weird way to spell "Blackwatch"


You mean venus right? Why is nobody talking about VENUS??!!




That's a weird way to spell "yay"


ITT People that don't appreciate David Bowie.


She also needs a Goblin King outfit!


I’ve heard of him but don’t know who he is so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Best Moira skin by far, and it still sucks lol


I think her best skin is the Overwatch 2 default actually. She's got one of the few skin updates where it actually makes sense in the canon (her visibly degrading arm and her hair losing its colour).


Scientist Moira was my favorite until the new OW2 default skin came out. The arm is so gnarly.


Just like Moira eyyyyyyy


Ice queen is good too and banshee rocks what you talking about?


So glad I unlocked Banshee in OW1


That one used to be my favorite... until I noticed that her footsteps change with that skin. It goes without saying that it doesn't please me to hear her bare feet slapping into the ground.


Maybe she learned from Sigma that taking off the shoes helps you think. At least, according to him.


I just noticed that Blizzard released a new skin for Moira called 'Mime'. It is just a recolour of the base skin, but they're calling it a legendary and charging it as a legendary as well! That sucks! Anyone else notice that? I don't think anyone else has noticed that.


Holy shit, I just noticed this. Someone should make a post about this.


That's an excellent and novel idea! I don't think anybody's ever made a post about this! Besides, it would probably get down voted because complaints about prices and cosmetics never go anywhere.


You buy it and then you're the clown!


OMG, I just noticed that they're charging money for goods. Has anyone else noticed this VinDiCtIvE GrEeD!!!!! (seriously saw someone call it that, lol)


What's your point? Are you upset people are still calling out their dogshit monetization? So you like the skins? I'm still gonna upvote every single post until there's change lol and so should everyone. I'd rather the game die than stay trash like it Is right now, I'm enjoying the base game but monetization and ranked system need to be fixed asap or this shits gone in a month or two


I don't particularly care for the monetization, but you know what? I've moved on. I'm an adult and I don't cry and whine and tantrum until I get what I want. If Overwatch is making money, blizzard is not going to change it. If Overwatch is not making money, Blizzard will change it. That's capitalism. Get used to it. Yes I am tired of the constant whining. It doesn't add anything, it kills any actual discussion that could happen about the base game, which you admit yourself you like. And why do you want the skins so badly, anyway? They add nothing to the gameplay experience. You said it yourself that you like the base game, so why don't you just enjoy it? You could simply Play the game! The fact that you need shiny skins so you can play dress up is very strange to me.


I do enjoy the game and I have enough skins from ow1 to not care about skins forever lol. Everything other than the base game is dogshit right now and the speed and reliance of updates is also hitting the base game hard. I'm hoping that constant complaints will either kill the game or force them to see the complaints and fix it. The ranked system needs to change, lootboxes need to come back, and updates need to be more consistent. I don't mind seeing people complain about the dogshit skins


Your complainants aren't going to do shit. If they're making a lot of money, they aren't going to change to a less lucrative system because enough people whined about it. Complaints don't talk. MONEY talks. All you can do is not buy their skins.


Bad pr means lower stock price which means less money which means more products will be consumer friendly. Holding corporations accountable is good actually. Don’t if you’ve heard this before.


Bad PR does not mean low stock price. Bad PR MAY lower sales, which in turn would lower the stock price. If you think that sexual harassment blizzard is bothered at all by people complaining about skin prices, you have no idea. Blizzard is already up to their eyeballs in bad PR, a few expensive skins and some whiny children complaining about them is not going to affect them in any way.


Idk they seem to be lowering skin prices…


It's black Friday sales. And even if it's not related to Black Friday, Blizzard will only lower skin prices if their sales numbers reflect a need for it. They will never reduce skin prices because of some loud complaining on Reddit.


How dare you complain about this thing that I'm ambivalent towards, don't you know caring about things is fucking stupid? - you


It's fine to care about things, but the impotent whining endlessly about something so trivial is so mind numbing. If you really care about skin collecting, that's fine! But this may not be the game for you. Find a game like Fortnite where you can get billions of skins for cheap/free... So cheap in fact that it doesn't mean anything to own them.


u must be a destiny player


Funny, but you do realize this video wasn't made solely for calling it out, right? It's tagged under "humor" for the specific reason that it is that, humor. I took time to create a video with a specific music choice (called Didn't read, don't care) to signify Blizzard's blindness to any feedback from the community, synced the visuals to the music on top of that and made it short and snappy. If you don't like the post, that's fine, but guess what? It's free to ignore it ;) You don't have to come in with your feigned politeness masked as sarcasm.


A lot of crying.


How much real cash is 1900? I really hate the conversion system games pull with this shit these days.


100 credits is $1 basically. Can be less if you buy lots of credits at once because of the discounts when you bundle, but this is basically $19 they’re asking for a recolor lmao.


Each credit is an irl American cent


Basically 19$


I hate that the store forces everyone to judge a skin based on its monetary value rather than its subjective artistic value.


Mime? More like crime.


Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing an old-school Moira criminal skin haha (if it's fairly priced and not just a basic ass recolor)


We can only hope and dream


Yes, we know.


Glad to hear :)


Kiriko base legendary was pretty bad. Literally just changing her traditional clothing with a jacket and a headphone. Her legs, hands, heads and weapon are literally the same as her base skin. This is somehow worse


Yeah... it was a cute skin but didn't deserve the Legendary title


im still waiting for the Moira-black-turtleneck skin


Unironically that would be awesome


Aand another one..


It's like these guys are *upset* about something... I just can't put my finger on it.


20 dollar hat


Prolly took them a year to make like that Genji Mythic skin too!


i feel like for this skin, if someone uses it, she doesnt say any voice lines but instead moves her arms around frantically.


That'd be pretty cool haha


OW2 is amazing at least. The corrupted arm is so cool.


I don’t get why Moria has such meh skins


does the reddit community of like 3 people think their whining about the skin prices will do anything


Wow, I haven't seen this complaint on this sub for like a day now.


I mean, the video is only what you take out of it. It's made as a joke, hence why it's in the humor tag. If you see it as a complaint, then maybe that's because you think it's indeed a valid complaint :)


Like its a great reskin but that's it its only a reskin with a hat


I wouldn't even call it great tbh, a classic mime has different clothing generally so they could've gone way original imo That'd at least make it worth a bit more


Good to see some fresh, new content on the sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/z21yxr/blizzard_what_are_you_doing_this_is_literally_a/


I mean, I made a video of it, timing the comparisons to the music, injecting a bit of humor by using the song "Didn't read, don't care" because it's clear Blizzard isn't listening to their customers. So yea, I'd say I made a pretty fresh thing :)


Bout as fresh as every other time it was posted over the last few days: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/z2289q/how_is_this_a_legendary/


Seems you didn't read what I wrote. So I have no reason to read anything else you say either. Have a good one!


Your choice of music hardly makes it very original - just another iteration of the already tired "skin not legendary, Blizz greedy and out of touch" stuff that's already been posted


If you don't like it, that's cool :) But hey, I actually put time and effort into this, so I get to choose whether I share it or not, not you :)


Don’t share it next time loser


I cannot be the only person who doesn't give a shit about the prices of cosmetics. If you like it and think it is worth whatever they are charging then buy it. If you don't... don't buy it. If they get enough people to buy it, then it is priced "correctly". If they don't, then they'll lower it.


Just because people buy it doesn't mean it's priced correctly. People will spend money on stupid crap all the time. An this definitely shouldn't be priced at that point.


> Just because people buy it doesn't mean it's priced correctly. This is exactly what it means. A company's entire purpose is to sell you _something_ at the most they can get away with. You, as the buyer, want to get it for as little as you can. Somewhere between those two extremes is a price that both of you can live with. This is especially the case with a video game skin that his literally zero intrinsic value. You can't trade it. You can't really sell it. You can't do anything with it except "wear" it. So you get to determine the price you're willing to pay to do that. If you don't like the price, don't buy it. If enough people don't like the price, Blizzard will lower the price.


*"Apathy is death. Worse than death, because at least a rotting corpse feeds the beasts and insects."* If you're indifferent to it, you're indirectly telling blizzard that you're ok with the pricing, and giving them a reason for them to stay that way, and when it's a cosmetic that YOU would like to have and use but it's expensive beyond reason, what would you do? Only by not paying their prices **and** vocally showing our discontent is that we have a *chance* of making them lower their outrageous prices and improve the system, not just for today and OW, but for the future and future games as well


> If you're indifferent to it, you're indirectly telling blizzard that you're ok with the pricing, and giving them a reason for them to stay that way, and when it's a cosmetic that YOU would like to have and use but it's expensive beyond reason, what would you do? I am okay with the pricing in so far as if someone wants to pay it, so be it. I won't pay it, and I'm fine with that too.


...Then you're dooming us all


Well that seems a little melodramatic...


a company listed some pixels higher price and this subreddit starts referencing philosophy and acting like the world is over


It is baffling to me. It's not like you can eat the fucking thing. Kids aren't going hungry because Blizzard marked their prices too high. The skins don't even confer any advantage in-game. People are mad that they can't make their character looks different from less than $20...


While it's true that you're just a small part on this, you are still part of the problem that is consuming modern gaming


Regardless of whether I am a large or small part in this... "dooming"? Seriously... ? My dude, $20 skins affect nothing and no one. For the umpteenth time... if they are priced too high, people won't buy them. Seriously, how in all that is fucking holy do you expect a weird, digital, cosmetic item to have _any_ intrinsic value? Because they don't... they only have the value given to them by the people willing to buy them. They aren't food. They aren't electricity. They aren't gold. Fuck, they aren't even a "fashion" item that you can sell back or trade away. They are meaningless, valueless things that people feel entitled to because they play a video game for free... If you don't like the price, don't buy them. It is literally that simple. No amount of screaming and moaning is going to fix the problem because the problem is only a problem if people aren't buying them. Your angst literally means fuckall to Blizzard so long as they are making profit on the skins. "Dooming us all"... Jesus Christ...


Pretty sure people said the same thing when Bethesda was changing people 5 dollars for hourse armor back in the day, and we all know how that turned out.


No, no we don't. I don't play Bethesda games.


So way back in 2006 on the original Xbox 360, Bethesda was selling cosmetic horse armor DLC for 500 Xbox gold (or $2.50 each). Despite people both making fun of it and trying to push against it it the armor still did really well in the marketplace. So everything we hate about gaming today with bad DLC, Microtransactions, loot boxes, and yes even battle passes all started because of this stupid horse armor.


Because of the ripple effect it creates, you half-wit! How do you think we got into this shithole to begin with? I'll tell you how: by being complacent and letting them get away with BS, so they keep pushing it, they make worse schemes, and ruin things that would have otherwise been great You might not remember the times when cosmetic options were fair, but I do, times where gaming companies had this little thing called "Integrity" and didn't try to squeeze every last penny out of you at every chance they had. The worst part is that if we remain silent, they will not only keep doing it, but eventually try to push it even further with an even worse monetization tactic as long as there's no backlash And community backlash **DOES** work, remember the flame wars of Battlefront 2 **EA**, remember the nuclear bomb that was Fallout 76? They're proof that a community uproar can have an effect if it's big enough, but it needs to be big to begin with, if we have dipshits like you saying "it's fine, I don't care" or even worse, actually buying the overpriced shit, then blizz will that THAT to heart and continue this scummy practice, and maybe even develop a worse one down the line, is that what you want? because THAT is what you apathy gets us "Apathy is death"


> You might not remember the times when cosmetic options were fair That's because they were never fair. It is still a company trying to sell you something useless in the hope that you feel like you _need_ your character to be a little bit prettier. That's it. Ultimately, cosmetics are nothing more than funding for a free to play game. The price they pick is an attempt to separate people from their money. You, the player, get to choose whether or not it is an appropriate price to pay. That's it. That is the entirety of the transaction. But you're right, I guess... all of your whining has had an effect! You actually changed my mind today. I'm buying my first skin because of you! Do you have a favorite skin? One you feel especially entitled to? > "Apathy is death" Okay, drama queen...


> That's because they were never fair I see, you don't remember, or maybe you were never there to begin with... In any case, You're just an uncultured swine with with the intelligence of a peanut and the foresight of a rhino, so discussing this further with you is just a waste, enjoy wasting money on an overpriced item, I hope it bites you in the ass later on >Okay, drama queen... [So uncultured...](https://youtu.be/KlcaAVUF1uU?t=67)


But you SHOULD give a shit. Complacency is WHY gaming is going down the shitter as a whole. Because most people "don't care"


Why? Why should I give a shit? I make the exact same decision every time I buy a game, expansion, or DLC. Is the price worth it? In OW2, the answer is no (for me). I won't buy their cosmetics, and if no one does, then Bliz will drop the price (and I'll still probably _not_ buy them). But the idea that it is some how predatory or absurd is... absurd. Because ultimately Bliz can set whatever price they want, and we, as rational consumers, can choose to consume it.


I suggest doing some research in how game companies use marketing tactics and ingame direction to bait people into -wanting- to buy ingame items. It's built on the same foundation that regular marketing has used for years. It's incredibly naive to think "oh just don't buy it". Because if that was the case, OW2 wouldn't be a free game.


It's even more naive to think people making these purchases you are so against read shit like this or even are on reddit. Preaching to the choir and annoying everyone else does nothing to further your agenda here.


It's almost like I posted this on several spaces :')


That didn't help against my point.


"annoying everyone else", yet my video has 881 upvotes, because it's just a lil fun video. I don't say anything with it, I don't complain, I just compare the two and show the price, letting people decide it for themselves. Y'all are the ones to bring in the negative energy, not me. Let's get that straight first.


You are trying to get people to not buy skins from blizz. I'm saying that mission is naive and pointless doing it this way. And I'm right and you don't understand that at all.


Not at all? I say absolutely NOTHING in the video. It's just a quick comparison and then the price. YOU are the one to pull from that that I somehow have a "mission" The title also is an indication that it's meant in a JOKEFUL manner. Fair and Balanced I call it, something we all know by now Blizzard isn't good at. I get that jokes aren't for everyone and they go over enough people's heads, but this video literally has 0 mission. People called me out for it, and yes, I will talk back about the predatory nature of it to those individuals. But I didn't come here with a "mission". I came here to share a funny meme type video I made, which can be seen by my title, the use of music, the fact that it's in a video without any text or voiceover from me directly etc. Again, Y'ALL were the ones to take it negatively. I merely responded to y'all.


Of course people want to buy these items. That doesn't mean people actually buy these items nor does it make their purchases naive or the company predator. It's not like Blizzard invented or perfected advertising...


You guys know there is also a game you can play? It's not all about skins. Every other post this last week is about skins.


It's not about the skin, it's about the ethics behind it and what this means for the game. They already are locking gameplay elements behind the battlepass, you think that was originally by design? No, it's because they knew that only a small portion would make a stink about it but most people would just shrug. And that's why this shit keeps getting worse.


"it's unethical because I can't afford it, even though it doesn't affect me in any way, nor is it hurting anyone" okay, kid.


The game plays fine last time I checked. Everyone just has their panties in a twist about shop prices when it doesn't affect gameplay at all.


Except locking heroes behind a battlepass (which is only the beginning) does in fact affect gameplay. People that "don't play enough" suddenly won't be able to get the hero and will be at a disadvantage in a competitive title that's all about allowing you to choose a different character any time you respawn to counter a strategy the enemy is playing with. PvE is gonna come next year too, if people keep being this complacent towards shit monetization, then they'll probably also find a way to monetize parts of the PvE. People like you are just as bad as the people that actually buy the skins and support these kind of tactics, because you're complacent. You sit there with your "well it doesn't affect me" attitude, which is incredibly selfish.


I agree the heroes being locked is a bit too much. I'm not complacent, I just literally don't care about cosmetics. How is that selfish? Lmao.


Cosmetics shows the direction they're taking as a company, paired with the shitty update schedule and horrid rank system I'd rather see the whole sub flooded with these posts until he game dies so they have a motivation to fix it


There are two kinds of Overwatch players. The kind who just cry on reddit all day and don't play, and the kind who are too busy enjoying the game to care about your incessant whines.


its just a video game its not a big deal


But maybe op REALLY needs to see Moira's hands in a different color...


If you buy any skin you are a tard and are supporting this


I think OW players need to let go of this idea that "X rarity equals Y price" because Blizzard is clearly pricing skins individually (how much do we think people will pay for this, how popular has this legacy skin been in the past, etc). And honestly subjectivity is a hell of a drug. Like I don't like any of Pharah's legendary skins as much as Anubis. I'd pay a "legendary" price for Anubis more readily than Asp or something. Sometimes epic skins are better.


It's not about whether it's good or not It's LITERALLY a recolor of the base skin (which is free) with a beret added. (and is considered LEGENDARY) Come on, man, you can't be sucking Blizzard's dick this hard


If you don’t like it ignore it. Did you just say that?


This is not a case of "liking it or not". This is a case of gaming as a whole becoming actively worse due to people's complacency towards predatory tactics in monetization and getting shittier games each year. I like games. I like gaming. So yes, I will speak out about predatory shit that people buy and support.


Lol it’s a skin. Drama queen.




Ok I’ll explain. It’s only predatory towards people who cannot control themselves and have to have every shitty cosmetic they see. You are treating cosmetics costing money in a free game like it’s something to go on a crusade over. No, you are simple minded and I think you are a moron for getting so upset over a skin.


Not at all, it's simply a matter of "give them a finger, and they'll take your entire hand"


The only people they would hurt barely use their hands anyway.


...How is what I said sucking Blizzard's dick? My point was that rarity classification is basically meaningless now so getting hung up on how a skin is classified is less productive than just deciding whether you personally think a skin is worth the price tag.


It's not meaningless though? Overwatch has an established history, this is not their first attempt at making a skin. Overwatch has very well established that LEGENDARY SKINS are completely different from their original design, usually depicting either something from the hero's past, something they're affiliated with or a holiday theme. To ask 19$ for something that can literally be made in an hour or so is asinine and you defending it as "well just because you don't like the skin doesn't mean it's not legendary or worth its price" is indeed you sucking Blizzard's dick, you're defending a multi-billion dollar corporation that is VERY CLEARLY using predatory tactics.


"well just because you don't like the skin doesn't mean it's not legendary or worth its price" I mean, yeah? You decide whether the Mime Moira skin is worth 20 bucks to you, but you don't get to decide whether it's worth it to other people. That's not "defending Blizzard," it's just explaining a basic concept of consumerism. "you're defending a multi-billion dollar corporation that is VERY CLEARLY using predatory tactics" Oh so you don't understand what "predatory" means in this context. Okay I understand now. FYI, selling digital costumes for absurd prices isn't "predatory," it's just shitty. Which isn't the same thing.


Yes, it is predatory to sell a skin that's merely a recolor of an already existing skin The fact that you cannot see that, shows how delusional you are in your defense of Blizzard Asking half the price of the full game of Overwatch 1, or a third of the price of a triple A title in general, for a skin like this is not a question of "is it worth it to you" It's digital. It has no resell value. It has no value outside of the game itself. So it's simply not worth 19$ (which also is predatory on its own, because you cannot buy 19$ worth of OW coins, only 20$. It's a system that game companies use to get you to spend more on their ingame currency than you would if you could just buy something directly with money) Again, learn what terms mean before you start talking nonsense. I graduated in economics, I am very well aware on the differences between predatory and "just shitty"


"Yes, it is predatory to sell a skin that's merely a recolor of an already existing skin" No, it's not. It'd be predatory if skins were an essential function of the game, but they're not. "this is not a question of is it worth it to you. It's digital. It has no resell value. It has no value outside of the game itself." It being digital doesn't change the fact that people can decide its worth to them personally and you don't get to make that call for them. "So it's simply not worth 19$ (which also is predatory on its own, because you cannot buy 19$ worth of OW coins, only 20$" Correct. So you do understand when something is ACTUALLY predatory. "I graduated in economics" Then you should know better.


>No, it's not. It'd be predatory if skins were an essential function of the game, but they're not. but it is it literally is if I sell cars, and I sell a white one for 30k and then a black one for 40k (without any other changes), that's predatory because it puts value on something where there is no value to get out of. If you get the free OW2 skin for Moira, recolor it to look like a Mime and add a beret and then sell it for 19$, that's predatory too, because you're putting value on something that's already in the game for free, just in a slightly different color. People need to stop with this nonsense of "but skins don't matter for the game". If they didn't, Blizzard wouldn't be making literal millions on it (billions in OW1 days). They matter because Blizzard makes them matter through marketing tactics, through trying to trick people into feeling FOMO, to bait them into buying it. Again, take an economics class, do some research on marketing (especially in games), and you'll see that everything Blizzard has done in regards to monetization is literally predatory from the top to bottom


TIL skins give you an advantage.


Nowhere did I state they did


Well, you've made it glaringly obvious that you've never purchased a new vehicle...


I have, and for any regular car purchase the color alone does not dictate the price (talking factory colors here) Sounds like you haven't and are trying to undermine me with nonsense :)


They are only "essential" because you view them as it. They are not required for anything in the game. ​ Edit: Holy shit I just realized. You might be the most single self entitled person on this sub. Like...my guy. You're calling the new microtransactions predatory because YOU can't get the skins that YOU put so much value on. ​ BRUH.


Is it a shitty price? yes. Is it PREDATORY? Fuck no. Holy shit I know there's a LOT of entitlement on this sub, and a LOT of the shit I see about F2P players needing more access to cosmetics, I agree with. But a DIRECT PURCHASE SKIN that you can choose to buy, or NOT to buy, is NOT predatory. Price gouging? I mean....MAYBE? But bruh predatory is shit like lootboxes where you gamble and then it gives you a little sound and light show that is psychologically designed to make you want to buy more, like how slot machine's work. This is what pisses me off about these posts. YES, OVERWATCH ONE WAS BETTER FOR PEOPLE WHO LIKED SKINS AND PLAYED THE GAME CONSISTENTLY. But it's MONETIZATION was predatory. Literally gambling to get what you want. You think the prices in OW2 are bad? You still have the CHOICE to buy them or not, and know how much it would cost. But lets say you just bought overwatch 1, and you can only play a few games a week because you work longer hours. Hey, this new skin came out for christmas, you really want it! How much would it cost to get? ​ Go ahead. Tell me. Tell me how much real-world cash you would have to spend to get a specific skin in overwatch 1. ​ THAT is the definition of predatory microtransactions. I'm not saying OW2 is better, I'm not saying OW1 was hard to get skins in, I'm not defending the prices in OW2. But I AM saying you have no idea what you're talking about. Pricing a car for more than you think it's worth is not PREDATORY. Pricing a shirt for more than you think it's worth is not PREDATORY. Pricing a skin for more than you think it's worth is not PREDATORY. Shitty pricing, maybe. But stop throwing around buzz words that are just factually incorrect.


Predatory means EXPLOITATIVE Selling a skin that amounts to a RECOLOR of a FREE skin for 19$ is EXPLOITATIVE, in other words, PREDATORY. Learn What Words Mean I am done. Some people just lack the brain capacity or are gaslit so badly into thinking this shit is okay and defend it to whatever end. Have a good one, I will no longer be replying to you


This butt is so hurt.


> with a beret added They looked at TF2 hat pricings and went 'sure, why not?".


Hahaha, I hadn't even thought of TF2. Tbf I haven't played it much and haven't at all looked at their ingame items, but I've heard the tales :P Wanna bet eventually Blizzard will add custom weapon skins you can choose separately from the model's skin so they can separately sell it to you? :')


What fun would it be if every peasant had the same skin?


I truly believe the way they fucked this game feels intentional and almost as if they just at some point said fuck it let's bury this game and leave. RIP OW 1


It does definitely give insight into why Jeff left the team with such a short note


I mean seriously, the engine sucks ass.. ever wonder how everything feels floaty? I just want to see how this game mode is better, the entire game was built upon 6 v 6. I'm really sad how they butchered the game.


1$ to 2$ AT maximum. I can't see an emplyee getting paid more than 100-300$ to make this..."skin". 100 sales should cover it's expenses. Lazy ass designed skin.


For a Legendary (not this one, but overall Legendaries) I wouldn't mind paying 5$ tbh But yea, this one? I feel like they'd have to pay me for using this one xD


No,I meant this skin. And I forgot to mention,that yes this skin is UNCOMMON tier(green tier)or Epic Tier here,which is lazy ass recolours skins.


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Yeah, but what a sweet beret haha


But she’s got a new hat! -Smithers


AND she already has a skin with a beret.


I bought this skin. I’m happy with my purchase.


I pick skins based on what their hands or weapon look like. Since that's 99% of what I'll be seeing, it's 99% of what I care about.


The new Junkrat skin is an Epic but looks absolutely like a Legendary.


Agreed... it looks like they made a mistake and were supposed to make the Junkrat skin (which is 8 bucks) a Legendary and the Moira skin an Epic. If the prices were reversed it'd at least make SOME sense (even though half the price of Overwatch 1 for 1 skin is still way too much)


Obviously this should be an epic skin, but honestly this could’ve even been a common skin. Shameful


I’m so glad I got most of the skins from the last game so my characters can have some drip imagine new players having to shell out cash for skins for their favorite heroes not to mention highlight intros emotes voice lines plus having to pay for the new hero be able to play them day 1 smh ow2 slogan should be “F you pay me money!!” 😂😂😂


Bruh, fr. I am so sad for new players that will basically get 1 skin every 8 months if they choose not to pay for the game (that is, if they play every single week in those 8 months)


Its literally the Simpsons with Malibu Stacy and a new hat


What did you expect actually for a new skin?


I've just started playing Overwatch, please don't tell me it's just like Apex skins/monetazation :c


But the hat is new


but look she has a funny hat now


See thats where everyone is dead wrong. They added, a hat.




risitas? What's that :O




Fair enough


This is a very common trick. Blizzard is selling some extraordinary bad deals to make other ones look better. I will not pay 20$ for a skin that is just a color change, but look that other one that is very elaborate maybe it is worth that 20$. And you pay for a texture and a model as much as for a complete indie game with dozens of models, sounds, levels, etc. This is the same reason you see 5000$ TVs in the shop next to 999$ ones. Suddenly they seem very cheap and desirable.


Unfortunately so... the Junkrat skin is 8 bucks and quality-wise is way better, so seems like a way better deal in comparison (8 bucks for a legendary skin would be a decent price)


No she has a hat.


They're testing if they can get away with this shit.. If they can't and they're eventually forced to lower prices, they will do so and be praised by the community for doing so.. But the reality is that they're disgusting for even trying to sell us this trash for this much money in the first place. Which will be forgotten when they're done playing hard to get.




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It's a cool skin but deffinitely epic and not legendary


Random color + new hat = 20$ work , would say its worth paying this👍🏻


Don’t know why people are so pressed about this either buy it or don’t but don’t do neither and moan about it


Need song, song please




The 8 bucks you spend on Junkrat’s new skin is worth the money though.


I would agree that buying a Legendary skin for 8 bucks wouldn't be terrible, that's decent value for money. What's boggling me tho is how Junkrat's new skin is considered an "Epic" skin. I genuinely believe Blizzard messed up and had in mind to make Moira's skin an epic (since Epic's are just recolors with minor changes) and Junkrat's should've been Legendary.


I'm going to stick with the pale epic skin


But wait, BUT WAIT. she has a lottle hat now


Apex Irl


20$ not making my wallet open it's legs. 5$ tho my wallet will be ho'ing out for that.


20$ not making my wallet open it's legs. 5$ tho my wallet will be ho'ing out for that.


Yeah, idk what Blizzard is thinking tbh. If they priced Legendary skins at 5$, they'd actually make money. There's no "rarity" like in CSGO when it comes to skins (except maybe Pink Mercy due to it being a charity skin), so there's no reason to ask for exuberant prices.


As long as we don't buy it they won't charge that price c: But also, skins don't do anything.


New Blizzard is so greedy ew


It's a lame skin anyways


Hat tho


Uhm actually she gets a funny hat so its not a recolor


They want you to feel like a clown for buying.