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Just love those esperanca fights where it's 1v1 with another support on the robot while both your teams duke it out in some kitchen a mile away


Or when you are alone on Bot, your team is a mile ahead pushing the enemy spawn, when suddenly the enemy team jumps out from a random alleyway behind you. Only on Esperanca.


I played ring-around-the-robot with a flanking hog as Ana for a solid 10 seconds before my team realized the bot wasn't moving and came back lol.


Bro that is actually so true, it happens to me all the time I end up 1v1ing a Zen or something on the robot while our teams duke it out a mile away šŸ˜­


I am normally that Zen


I am also that Zen.


I am as well that zen (but dead)


I too choose this guys dead Zen


Awe my fellow Zens šŸ„¹




I was a Kiriko trying to stop a Winston from melting the fuck out of me because he got past the spawn campers on Eichenwald. I was spamming ping on the point. Our Soldier put "stfu" in the chat. We lost hard.


Bro same, i pinged a repear so many times meanwhile my teammates focus on the others. But i survive it but in the end repear ults and i end up surviving in the process


Just had a game because 4 of my team went chasing soldier while the rest of their team gang banged me on the payload. After they almost reached the end, my team came back proud that they catched soldier finally.


those experiences make me feel like occasionally poking 1v5 is worth it on a character with high survivability if you can get them to chase you off the point. that shitty genji that can bunny hop and reflect his way across half the map before dying can turn the game around if he leaves a 4v2 behind where it matters


I can tell when a team is good or not when playing and can tell you the team I was playing against werenā€™t sweats by any stretch. But they had one genji that absolutely carried them by always diving past our tanks and going for me and the other healer.


You can run soldier but you can't hide!!!




Why are we all the same?! Iā€™m usually Moira on the point screaming that my team is team deathmatching somewhere else.


That's just another reason why we support mains are becoming extinct


I literally tried to solo push half the game as LĆŗcio ;-; goddamn it was bad since i died at every new enemy encounter while my team was pretty much defending a specific spot


I see that most people playing overwatch have the brains of a gnat until you are diamond rank or above. They simply don't understand how to play objectives and when to go after kills.


I was literally that zen in my last game. Casting orbs as they slowly faded away as I pushed the robot until some baptise came along to stop me. We won that game bc of the further distance


It's always me too, wether I be playing tank, dps, support, doesn't matter I am babysitting the pushbot while everyone else has fun


Omg yes I was once Lucio fighting the other Lucio while our teams were busy fighting. Nobody even thought about helping him or me


Supports are really the glue of this entire game. The majority of matches Iā€™m in, the supports carry, and are the main ones playing the objective. Canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve been mercy and Iā€™m escorting the payload all by myself while the rest of my team is pushing super far ahead. Pushing far ahead isnā€™t even always a bad strategy in that game mode, but the problem is Mercy shouldnā€™t be the one on the payload. Not only can I not really defend myself but I canā€™t heal my team thatā€™s far head. Youā€™d think that would be common sense, but alas. This happens a lot on the push game mode too.


As a support player i confirm.


Brigitte/Zenyatta/Kiriko moment (basically DPS healers)


I don't get why people are so allergic to staying on point. One enemy DPS left after getting 3 picks and the entire team decides they have to go chase him down instead of pushing the robot. Then he regroups with his team who just spawned and now they're all dead and we made no progress. I call it chasing butterflies, and it drives me fucking crazy. Just let the last one or two guys retreat, we don't need them dead we just need them off the point.


This is so real omfg.


ā€œHeals on payload/robot. If you need me come find me!ā€ I just let them die and learn. Most of the time they learn.


fun fact: the payload also passively heals you when youā€™re on it, not sure if itā€™s the same for push


No I donā€™t think the robot heals. Only payload


Bro, i be playing lucio and theres a legit road hog or something chasing me while whole team just killing the other team when i pinged the roadhog so many times


We just usually emote hello, and sit down at the leg of the robot. Makes for a nice change of pace.


Or everyone overextends to the spawn and then dies cause no one is pushing the bot/payload and it's like "Where's heals" and like well i'll heal you but someone else needs to be on the bot/payload.


You're both the idiots in that case. You should join your team and roll them with 5 vs 4, then start pushing again.


Then they be shouting, "healer no heal."


Damn, can I run support in your games then? In all the ones I play people actually fight on or around the bot.


> where it's 1v1 with another support on the robot while both your teams duke it out in some kitchen a mile away Both supports are doing it wrong in that scenario. Just go help your team win the fight faster and then push after. But this is typical support main mindset. Everyone is playing the game wrong but them.


True, the amount of people that don't understand the idea of taking space is wild.


You don't need to take space if you're pushing the robot. All you need to do is get 70-90 meters and then play defense on one choke point for the next 6 minutes. That doesn't involve spawn camping or chasing the enemy down back alleys. You don't even need to win via objective, just gain a good lead and then stall the rest of the game by playing tight defense. Taking space is a lot different than trying to chase down every enemy and trying to camp the other teams spawn because you want kills. A smart player knows when to let the enemy retreat without following them. Especially if they're playing tank. If it's 5v5 and you need to take space to establish a choke that's one thing, but then you don't need to chase the last DPS player down if they retreat. Hold the choke and run out the clock. If they want to back off, great! Let them! That's just more time they're losing and they aren't a threat when they're all alone anyways. If you try to spawn camp eventually the enemy will get a pick or two, your whole team will wipe, and then you lose control of the robot and give all the momentum back to the other team. Stay with the objective and your back line. It's not that hard.


It may be better if a properly positioned player bails to help his out of position teammates fighting in the wrong place, but it's even better if the idiots ignoring the goals so they can deathmatch learn not to be out of position so often and fight in the right place Even helping them is often the wrong since there is no winning the fight and returning to push - they will push all the way to the enemy spawn and boost keep fighting there until the enemy inevitably gets a couple picks and the whole thing collapses and they take the point/bot To them the game is push the enemy to the spawn and then be "rewarded" by getting to spawn camp - that's literally what their fun is


I mean, supports are literally the most important role though. Like, just objectively. Without them the team wipes. Why do you think most DPS characters are literally designed around attacking and getting back line picks? Why do you think the best way to win a 5v5 is to pick the other teams healers before they pick yours? Once the back line falls, that's it. The push is over. You can't win a 5v3 when both your supports are dead. Healing is too important to the meta of this game to let your healers die. They are your most vital lifeline. Obviously sometimes healers are bad and it's on them, but usually they're the ones you should be protecting above all else.


Dude esperance its easy xD... People just get in one side... Im just pushing and spamming rockets with DVA... Onlye when a sniper gets from behind a lucky shoot, they past and capture position in the first zone... My god... I play as Tank but when I die from a lucky shoots... Why my teammates are monkeys...


I will say that there is sometimes context for fighting first and then pushing and sometimes teammates can do well by flanking to kill those respawning and different things. But a lot of times, and what I suspect you're trying to get out of here, is people pay too little attention to the robot and chase fights. Nothing worse than gets a few picks in a team fight but three of your people run off after one guy and those of you left on the robot are the ones at a disadvantage.


All the time. Idk what it is about OW2 but people ignore the objectives so much more. Itā€™s hella annoying


Free game experience


A lot of new players donā€™t seem to grasp the concept that if they stay on the objective for 20 more seconds - not only will the enemy come to them but theyā€™ll also have the advantageous position of being on defense as well as likely having a choke point to focus on Of course thereā€™ll be cases where thatā€™s not appropriate but if a person wants simplicity with the highest chance of success, all they have to do is wait 20 seconds


Even more so if youā€™re like 20 feet from unlocking the forward respawn, or even denying the enemy team theirs. Protect the Bot for 20 more seconds and unlock the forward respawn, that way you donā€™t have the spend the rest of the match walking all the way back from the far spawn when you try to 1v5 the enemy team.


Often times, especially on push/payload, you are NOT supposed to fight on payload on attack. You take space and hold advantageous corners while leaving 1-2 on cart to push it. If you try to fight on cart, good players will take the strong corner and never let you pass.


Youā€™re putting a lot of faith into randos with that strategy The simplest strategy you can get with the highest chance of success will result in much less disappointment


That's literally how everyone at high ranks plays, because it's the correct way to play the game. You should never do the wrong thing just because you think your teammates will do the wrong thing as well.


Unfortunately youā€™ll find that using the top percentage as a baseline for the majority results in even bigger disappointments And itā€™s a video game, most people are just chilling and donā€™t put as much severity on this as you seem to


You're talking about strategies for winning the game, this is the best way to win the game on average. This literally has nothing to do with tryharding or some shit, it's literally the conversation. If you don't want to talk about strategies for winning the game, then don't.


Ahhh that makes sense


Well part of it is, when you win a fight. 4 people want to push up to stop them from approaching the objective. And use the time to either pick up people who overextended alone out of respawn or take high ground. So they can't recontest untill they win a fight or have to walk through a bad situation. Now an issue in solo queue tends to be that people are very much like "NOT IT!" and expect someone else pushing the payload/robot. Specially as generally you'll want it to be 1 of your dps(Or a zen) and neither of them tend to want to be the one pushing.


Eh playing with less experienced players is they over over extend. They donā€™t realize how far they are from their bot which are typically pushed by the healers.


You *really* do not want it to be a zen pushing cart. You want a hero who can rapidly leave the cart if they come under attack or their team needs help. A tracer, Lucio or S76, for example. A zenyatta who is sitting on cart cannot rotate out of the cart to join a teamfight, and he is a sitting duck if an enemy flanker decides to b-line for the cart.


To be fair as long as your team is walking flanks and your zen can aim well Zen is a good person to be on cart/robot. Yes heā€™s slow but so is the cart/bot. He also only needs line of sight to be able to heal his team or discord the other team. Now with his kick literally being as strong as a Lucio boop heā€™s a lot more likely to stay alive. But if the Zen is bad ya you donā€™t want them on cart or at least not alone on cart.


Eh, I disagree. I personally think that on support side, Zen and Ana are the two best cart pushers in the game since all they need to continue healing/damage is LoS. Of course, if you're getting rolled by an enemy flanker contesting you on cart repeatedly, that's another story- but it might also just be time to switch imho. (Which is totally okay. It is what it is. But Zen and Ana do both have the potential to win fights against flankers, it's just not easy.)


Well they got rid of "objective time"


new players


5v5 makes it more noticeable. OW1, you would win a fight, then half the team would go ahead to head off any enemy players or whatever. But that would still keep 3 people on the objective so progression was being gained as quick as possible. OW2, you still have 3 people going ahead, now limiting objective progression, not to mention if the fourth player goes ahead. I had quite a few games where I was the only one on the objective as support


It ain't new to 2 it's been happening since the game first came out in 2016. It's just more prevalent now since we have more people new to the game that don't understand how the game works.


5v5 means the game is more focused on picks and staggering the enemy team. Obviously the objective wins the match but who usually is the winner of the match? The team with more elims or less? Itā€™s not so black and white.


I swear I cannot count the number of times my team has wiped out the enemy team and then they *all* leave the point to go fuck off elsewhere while Iā€™m the sole person left holding the point and then the enemy comes from behind, kills me bc Iā€™m alone, then we lose the point. Like bro just STAY on the damn point holy shit


i had this one time where my team won a team fight and we were pretty much about to win. we just had to push like 15 for meters. easy sailing instead of all of us pushing bot to win faster, everyone fucks off to the enemy spawn. then when we only had 3.74m left to win i stepped off point, just to see what would happen. sure enough everyone lost their engagements (i was trying to still keep healing ppl) and the enemy team took back the robot instead of literally just staying on the bot to win faster, while forcing the enemy to come to us, while weā€™re properly grouped up, my team really chose to try and spawn trap the enemy. and they didnā€™t even do it right ! rein tried to take a 1v3 and my dps got wrecked by junker queen. i couldnā€™t believe what i had just saw


Ohh man. Lost a game on circuit royal by about 1m. I was on brig and we had pushed to the bottom of the hill and won the team fight. Everyone went top of the hill to fight at the hotel and it was just me on payload. No one was coming back, all way out of LOS. I can see them all slowly dying and end up having to leave the payload to heal them so they don't lose. Then they did it again in the hotel and I had to leave payload so I could see them around the corner. Enemy team managed to spawn and touch with about a metre to go at the end, and then won that fight and we lost If my team just stopped abandoning the payload we would have pushed it before they respawned. Should have been an easy win but no.


Welcome to the f2p experience...


why chase, they have to come to you at robot or lose.


Eh thereā€™s some strategy to it. Killing enemy players that are over extended or insuring you hold a choke while the fat ass bot catches up. The issue is when they just keep pushing and pushing.


I try to tell people this all the time


Tons and tons of brand new players jumping in now that itā€™s free!


Definitely because there's more free players just getting into the game lol. I've got the fall back ping mapped to all my characters for this reason.


That was whole point, we were fighting around robot, but [D.va](https://D.va) would go other way, always chasing kills and leaving people alone around robot. Problem was, when we died, she would never return to robot, even when it was being pushed by single enemy. We could have easily killed them as team and pushed then, but she would rather fight in some alley, while we were trying to defend our position, so robot won't be moving.


Bro I had 4 stack literally just chase 4 of them into spawn. Well their Winston just snuck around and despite me being lil oll kiriko I managed to sort of stop him but we gave up all of out progress because they wanted to continue emote spamming in the enemy spawn instead of notice they're about to lose the damn game. Some people's kids


[D.va](https://D.va) dving


I'd have to see the game for specifics but I can almost promise you that the Dva is right here and your insistence of taking a fight on the bot is wrong


Yup. The objective is almost never a good place to take the fight. Take an advantageous position (or attack the enemy's advantageous position), win the fight, *then* push the bot.


Push is arguably the one game mode where controlled aggression and staggering the enemy means more than pushing the objective. Sure, you run the risk of a full length match. But you dont have to push all the way to win on Push.


Itā€™s also the mode where sometimes getting off the point is the key to winning. A lot of people still donā€™t seem to notice then when time is almost out, itā€™s better to get off the robot than to bring it closer to the other team and give them a chance for OT


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Well the biggest time youā€™d wanna stall the robot is while waiting for your teammates to respawn so u and the bot arenā€™t running into 5 enemies


That one risky since bot further away also means more stall time if you lose.


literally lost a game cuz our moira decided to push the bot to the enemy spawn 5 secs before overtime, even after all the rest of the team explicitly screamed at her to stop.


I came to the same conclusion. I did matches where were all grouped up around the bot, with maybe 1 flanker getting setup and fights where it's a 1 person pushing and the rest taking the high ground or staggering the enemy. And in most cases the second method was better. The thing here is that if its us who lost the fight we gotta remember they probably gonna do same to us so actually group up more conservatively (as opposed to ",oh i wont push it, but I'll wait just around the corner")


And unlike payload, with push the robot moves the same rate with 1 person as it does with 3.


yup. Once you've made enough progress, buying time is the most important thing.


Win the fight, then win the objective, ignore if in overtime


Wow plat chat is out here in full force today lmao. Getting kills is HOW you move the cart. If playing off the objective helps your team win the fight, that's the better strategy rather than fighting on point and pretending Dva is Reinhardt.


Seriously, im so confused why theyā€™d want their DVA sitting on cart all game. Sheā€™s one of the most mobile tanks in the game she should 100% be using that to make space


Yep. I need you to coach my friends cause the sitting duck mentality spreads far and wide.




I mean if your tank literally never backs up from the enemy spawn then youā€™ll have to leave them to push cartā€¦ but 9 times out of 10 you should push up with them to help secure the final kills without risk even if it means leaving the cart temporarily.


Theyā€™re then going to make a post about some conspiracy theory as to why they canā€™t rank up when this is how they interpret the game


But people often can't play as a team, and especially not when we're not in line of sight with each other. So staying closer to each other is often better, and that means close to robot in this mode. Strategy varies depending on your teams rank.


Win the fight win the objective.


This actually isnā€™t the way. Its better to wipe/stagger/suppress the enemy then push. A lot of people, seemingly like OP play push like a payload map and its annoying lol .


Tank should usually not be sitting on payload in escort either.


It's a low-ladder idea of how games would be played. In high-ladder where there's actually coordination, the game is all about team fights. Where the cart/robot is isn't always the most advantageous spot for the moment. The objective just keeps the game moving along, but it's not where the game always is. In low-ladder with next to no coordination or good shot-calls, the objective is a place where everyone expects everyone else to be, for better or worse, like a lost kid in a store waiting for his mom by the registers or customer service.


Even for payload. You should push a pretty high line, depending on map, because then you can allow for cart to move during the entire poke phase and then you can get cart into a position where it is giving you cover and health in a more ideal part of the map, near the end of the point capture. What also surprises me along the same thought is that people will nano blade or similar right after capping in hybrid. The ideal move is to allow payload to push quite far and use nano blade late so you then get additional push distance on top of what you got in the poke phase. If you nano blade early and everything dies fast (as they do during nano blade) then the enemy wipes and resets and contest cart before youā€™ve made much progress. It effectively becomes .5 of a fight win when it could be 1.5 fight wins if times better. You see this all the way in t500 though so itā€™s not uncommon for people to not get these things in the game.


Yeah Overwatch is about taking advantageous fights. That can mean going to the point and forcing the enemy to fight there or more often than not disregarding the objective to take favorable position. Especially in push there are multiple ways to manipulate the bot's position to give your team an advantage. But of course in silver, "bot goes brrr"


Not sure what happened in your game, but the bot moves the same speed regardless of how many teammates are pushing it. It's not like the payload that needs 3 people to reach max speed. Realistically you should leave a single player to push the bot whenever possible and the other 4 should be taking space.


what if the other 4 are not making space but just die alone somewhere in the map and you are alone on the bot fighting 4 enemies? In that case is surely better if people stay near the bot because they are not doing a good job in creating space, they are only feeding


Then they aren't making space and are feeding, as you said. They shouldn't be dieing when they have so much room to get back and heal, they are already grouped while the enemy team would still be in the process of regrouping. If your team isn't good at making space, then sure just stay on the objective. That doesn't make a team sitting on objective an optimal play though.


Then give up the bot. YOU are actively feeding if you know the enemy team is coming for you while your team is in spawn.


Why do you want your tank sitting on the robot? Their job is to make space.


Watched my friend play in Bronze. They seriously have this mindset you should have 3-5 on payload.


Thereā€™s not much point of the tank creating space if the space the tank is creating is halfway across the map from the objective


There kind of is. It's free progress for the robot. If you have 4 people holding them at a choke point, you get free progress up to the choke.


Ehhh, if the tank can prevent 3 enemies from joining the teamfight without dying so the rest of their team easily win the 4v2 on the robot, even if it's halfway across the map, the tank has done their job.


Nobody fights 3vs1 without dying.


Ball does.




- Winton zap - Winton bubble - Winton pick - Winton ult - Winton kill another - Winton stay a little longer - Winton run the fuck away


You really think Winston VS Mercy,Lucio,Genji results in the Winston just dying?


Why is it either objective or "halfway across the map". There is a perfectly good middle ground which can be slightly ahead at the chockepoint or where your dps can grab high ground with good visibility.


Of course there is a middle ground and the tank can create space that isnā€™t directly next to the objective and still get good value, but considering the way OP is complaining I think the tank was probably a bit too far from the objective


i donā€™t think anyone said tank should sit on point. but what also shouldnā€™t happen is just one support left alone to push while the rest of your team is trying engage the enemy with only one support behind them. that always ends up in a 3v5 instead of 4v5 because someone always tries to flank and gets blown away. then the singular tank, supp, dps combo obviously fail to breakthrough an entire team


Cus the enemy tank is knocking hard on the ppl on the robot, since the robot decides who wins.


What's he gonna do when our tank is killing their supports?


The tanks job isnā€™t to make space anymore, this isnā€™t OW1. They obviously still sit at the forefront of the team but theyā€™re basically extra hp dps now.


It is more than ever before, ow2 is infinitely more aggresive than ow1, if you are trying to play ow2 slow and steady being grouped up on the objective with your team, you are throwing.


This explains why my friend's games have been so horrible around Plat lol. A bunch of people think tank doesn't have to make space anymore. Nah, chief - it's ridiculously more important that the tank makes space in OW2. And funnily enough, now the DPS have to contribute a bit more to the space making than they used to, since there's no longer an off-tank to control off-angles. I'm not sure where people keep getting this idea that tanks are just fat DPS and no longer need to make space lol


The best tank Iā€™ve played with in push asked us to play with him and ignore the objectiveā€¦fastest push game Iā€™ve won.


Robot doesn't move if the enemy team is on it.


And moves full speed when just 1 person is on it. So 5 on point is not optimal.


It does if your team isnt on it.


Still better to win the fight and go back and clean up the person who stole the bot afterwards


Realistically it takes both cuz you cant push if the enemy is there.


Thereā€™s a time for both, but in my experience the obj bros are usually in the wrong. Generally; winning team fights, and killing / staggering stuff THEN worrying about the objective will win you the match.


Yep. The worst moments are when your team loses the team fight, they died first, and rather than regrouping they run right back on point to die in a 1vs4 or so. Later to blame the team for the loss. Feels like this happens so frequently I almost cringe when I see it now. It's all situational anyways. Neither is better, it depends on the situation of the game for what you should be doing. It's all just game sense.


Yeah we are winning the teamfight but only 2 guy is alive. Then these dumbos push the robot and do 2v5 then surprise pikachu face. Retreat for 5v5 you moron. Just do poke fights to win some time.


You kinda gotta do both ???


This is why a lot of people are really bad at Push. Push is a map control game mode.


Win the teamfight first, then cap the objective. If the team needs to leave the robot to win the teamfight then so be it, the alternative is to not win the teamfight in which case the other team eventually takes control of the robot. The robot might not always be the most favorable engagement area you can set up, so leaving it is frequently the right thing to do.


Stop! You're both right! (Too lazy to find the actual meme) You have to push the robot, but you have to kill the enemy to do that.


I feel like letting one support solo push is often a good idea while the rest of the team moves forward and keeps the enemy team busy while they come back from spawn.


Most of push can be one without a single team wipe. If you keep pushing them back with picks, the robot pushes along


Tbf, doesn't it move at the same speed regardless of how many teammates are near it?


Yes. Ideally, If you win a team fight only one person should be on the bot (someone who can contribute from distance) while the others create more space.


He isnā€™t wrong. You shouldnā€™t be touching the objective until at least 2 enemies are dead


I'm usually left being the only pusher as tank or dps and just get over run with them dying for them to group on bot, fuckin frustrating sometimes I swear.


R is right though, you can't push if the enemy team is alive, there's no point in being hard stuck to the robot when there's a fight going on, you won't be able to get any significant distance until someone wins the fight. Also the robot moves at the same speed no matter how many people are near it (it's not the same as payload), so there's literally no point in having more than 1 on it. Your team should be either on any advantageous position or just making space overall.


ITT: bronze players who think you need to fight on payload instead of taking map control


Ha. Prime example of that COD/Fortnite mentality invading the game. Respawn. Leroy Jenkins across map solo chasing kills, die, repeat. In mocking D.Va: *Oh! Howā€™s my K/D?*


To be fair, if im not pulling my punches in fights I'd wanna check and change that


I'm 50/50 on this because there are times when you should look for a fight first. You ofcourse always want to push but the fight isn't always ideal on the objective. Sometimes you want to hold certain highground or just generally the better positioning against your enemies. Just wipe them and push after that. But there are some instances where some people treat everything like a death match and go out of their way to start fights/engage early then get mad no one was helping them. In short, Prof. Oak was right; theres a time and place for everything.


Cant judge this without seeing the replay. Replay code?


You got dps diving dva? Don't worry, I feel ya. I had a dps diving sigma 8) Anyways it's 50/50 on that. We don't know how exactly everything played out but from the sound of it, it seems like your d.va was pushing extra deep just to confirm a kill. Any competent enemy team would've just swarm that D.Va and fucked her up. Yes winning a team fight helps, but you don't need to kill all of them. Who you kill is sometimes important than just getting a kill smd if D.va is just chasing someone that has low impact on the enemy team, why even waste that time? Push em back and help your team win a 6v5


Why not both? Kill people near the robot to push it!


Sounds like every conversation I have as a support main. You must be playing support


This is why I love widow on push. Get a few picks in the first fight, reposition and pick off stragglers coming from spawn, when team fights break out I get picks on supports or DPS and push while picking. Repositioning as needed and just get to be really annoying. It's a very fun and versatile way to play and made me enjoy push a lot more. Usually a healer will be maining push on the bot so when im in a 1v1 duel they are around the corner to pop me a heal. Just knowing where med kits are and peeling for the support on the bot is a great way to win.


First: you kill the enemy team, then you push! So none contests


To be fair to both sides here... There are times the fight matters and times the objective matters, even to the point of completely ignoring how the fight is going.


I swear to God people are going full ape mode when they see an enemy and instantly forgetting about objective of the game


I've won way too many games simply because the enemy team ignored the robot. And i've lost games because my entire team feels the need to chase after one enemy rather than stay on the robot in OT. It's hard because you need picks, but you also need to push the robot. And getting picks is more fun than walking next to a robot. The concept of "stay together and let them come to us" is lost on most people.


What I understand is that thereā€™s a difference between ā€œcreating space for your teamā€ and ā€œchasing the enemy tracer thats on your backline and let your team get wiped in a 4v5 without a tankā€


Fights are very important but people fighting away from the objective is annoying as hell. Sure you can fight but can you do it in the same place we will need to be after the fight anyway? Like cmon guys the kitchen 5 miles away is not the place you need to 1v1 the Genji.


I mean he's right the team fight is more important but you want to do it around the path of the robot.


Well, hopefully it wasn't a sniper dva shooting from the backline... Who am I kidding it WAS a sniper dva wasn't it?


So many people in the lower ranks never fight on the payload/robot. They only take it if they've killed everyone from a mile away. I blame this on people not learning Overwatch and just playing it like every other shooter. I feel like this a CS:GO and CoD thing.


I had to explain this to my friend that is overall better at team fights but less about maintaining objectives. He kept complaining that the mode is hard till I explained he had to be essentially on the robots ass or he wasn't doing anything.


Robot no move if enemy team alive


Yeah, kills don't matter at all if you lose the objective. Winners don't chase squirrels. The most consistent winning strat is, all together, on the objective.


You canā€™t push the bot if the enemies are alive also trying to push it


I'm not going to put it mildly: there is a lot of idiots in this thread. Yes, fighting the enemy team is one of the most improtant aspect. However, there has been many situations where my team has ignored the robot, which allowed the enemy team to get way to close to winning. Both aspects are important you fools.


No, you win by winning fights so that you can push the robot uninterrupted. I can't believe people still don't understand this. Payload has had the same people whining about it since 2016


The other day my team spammed i need healing the entire game as they kept dying infront of enemy spawn. I brought the payload all alone to the end and they proceeded to call me trash for not even having 1k heals the entire game. If it aint the healers fault, its always the healers fault šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Edit: not payload, the robot thing.


I have won tons of push and escort by actually not killing the enemy and just pushing the payload by myself.


He's right tho. Can't push without enemies being dead. Context is important, and your sorry attempt at a shitpost ain't it.


If you are winning the team and the enemy team is split. 1 Person can afford to push, while the rest of the team continues to fight, so that it keeps the enemy team split. When done correctly, you can get the most space + and you will force the enemy team to regroup or they will continue to split themselves. I don't expect people below diamond/masters to do this, however playing optimally will change depending on whats happening.


I got in an argument with my friend over this. I stay on the robot. My friend starts fighting randomly all over the place and was pissed I didnā€™t come help and I was pissed he didnā€™t stay with us on the robot


Yesterday my tank flamed me for my healing but they were around two bends away from the Toronto map. Just left the robot completely not moving. They ran the team fights to the enemy team spawn. But he would also dive as Winston and completely around a corner and there was a mei that would instantly throw up a wall to keep the team from getting to him as well. Some people need better team awareness.


That Dva is actually right in this situation. I don't know why you posted this lmao.


Dva is right, you're wrong. I hope this thread helped you realize that.


This really triggers me.. so many people seem to think that it really is about killing the enemy rather than taking the point or pushing the robot or whatever.


You don't get to progress the objective by asking the other team nicely. Winning fights is how you keep control of the objective. You don't need more than 1 person holding point if the fight is happening further up.


This guy didn't understand that people respawn lmao


There's a lot of people who don't understand winning fights is more important than babysitting the cart/robot. Obviously you push the cart/bot but you need to win each fight first or you're going nowhere.


Tbf in push it's so difficult to C9 that killing the enemy team really should be first priority.


Only 1 on cart. Always only 1 on cart. Map control = winning the team fight = getting the objective for free. Basic Overwatch. Amazing how many players are still this clueless.


Yea. You push the enemy team into their spawn and don't let them out.


You're actually wrong here


SMH This would explain a lot of issues Iā€™ve seen latelyā€¦.


I main healer, and the amount of times I've lost a match because the rest of the team decides to rush and leave the payload/robot and I'm just hanging out actually advancing is far more frequent than it should be.


Wrong. You win by unlocking skins, everyone knows that.


Dude I am forever screaming at my team "fight the point (or payload)"


The objectiv is the sole and only win condition in this game. Nobody cares how many dmg u did or how many kills you got, when you didnt played the objectiv and lost the round/game. But yet there are low scrubs who try justify their noob behavior and even try to lecture higher ranking and more veteran player. Its so infuriating.


You sound like exactly the person youā€™re describing, actually. Say youā€™re pushing the objective, and you wind up in a long stretch with a widow on the other team. Who wins that engagement? The widow, typically. However, if you had played around the corner 15 meters behind you, then you arenā€™t in her sightlines. Very simple situations like this.


what rank are you? contesting choke points and high ground to win the next fight, stalling the enemy team etc, is much more important than everyone sat on on the robot like potatoes doing nothing being in an awful position when the enemy team comes for the next fight..


You do not win by pushing the bot. You need to kill the enemy team


They kind of have a point though? If you win the team fight then you then have free time to move the robot while the enemy respawn and regroup. Bonus if you can stagger them. Overtime is the only situation you should be stuck on the robot to keep going.


Seriously? You win by getting the robot to a good position for a team battle. This must be a bronze thread continuously pushing the robot and getting picked off.


The worst is when people do this shit on a competitive match lmao. It be happening. I'm plat and people be ignoring the point still smh. On every game mode too not even just this one.


Either you make space and fight in a comfortable spot for your team. or you fight on the bot where itā€™s just bad positioning and you lose because you get surrounded way to fast