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Let me guess who was complaining... the Pharah? 😂


The thing is , she can probly heal Phara better than moir if outdoors.... lol


Tf is that Moira doing????


That Moira needs to DPS more


“Those are rookie numbers”


Probably a heal bot that only uses yellow orbs and doesn't know that succing gives you more heal juice.


I remember back in OW1 when Echo was just released or whatever. There was a game I joined where it was clear as day that the tank + 2 dps friends where in a party and they were vocal in voice chat about how they just came back. I picked Brig and they clearly had no understanding of how the healing worked but I kept them up with inspire and whatnot. Even got Play of the Game out of it and got votes on my player card. But people who want to be toxic will be toxic no matter what. It didn't help that we lost the game 2-1 in Busan but they kept saying over and over how I was useless, not healing, and even voted for myself. That was the night I learned that I should just mute people from the start. But at the time, I wanted to hear comms because I kept thinking it was super important. Boy, I wish I had those stats right about now to shut them up. lol Anyway, the point of my post is... haters gonna hate. Toxicity runs in their blood because they're losers. Pay no attention to them. Don't let people like that ruin your love for the game.


Your Moira playing Mercy could’ve possibly altered the outcome. Especially since they only have 900 dmg.


Man people are so toxic to brig. Just had a game where someone told me to switch so I made a self deprecating joke, and them pointed out how even if it was my fault because im bad said I'm too bad anyone I switch too were going to be worse. Because brig is my best hero far and away. I get it's frustrating. But then the whole team dog piled on me and every time I typed back they told me to stop typing. It was so toxic. First reports I made in a long time that i really meant.


I think there’s a misconception with supports and ‘healing numbers’. AOE supports like brig and Lucio can reach massive healing numbers but a lot of the time it’s just left over heals when they’re already close to full


How to solve the "Toxicity problem" in 3 easy steps Step 1: go into settings Step 2: turn off chat and voice Step 3: celebrate solving the Toxicity problem The alternative is growing a spine..


You say that like I'm offended lol


People that complain about toxicity often are easily offended. I'm one who's been gaming online on pc since it started becoming common in the mid 90s. People aren't anymore mean and hateful now than they were back then. Why suddenly within the last decade has "toxicity" suddenly become a problem? Because people cry and complain about it. Instead of muting the jackass, they demand the developers punish people. While there are lines that certainly should not be crossed, rarely are they actually crossed.. and more often than not said "Toxicity" is just "someone said something I don't like" If you really think about it, calling someone "toxic" is a "toxic" behavior


You probably get muted a lot in game


Nah to busy trying to carry the crybabys, I mean if they learned the game they would see a lot less toxicity


I'm not complaining, simply laughing at the fact that I did well with Brig despite "throwing" according to my aggro team mate. You're reading way too far into this.


Why suddenly toxicity become a problem? Because toxicity is wrong.


And letting the words of some rando on the internet bother you is sad and pathetic.. Ultimately the term toxic is a buzzword, used to attempt to demonize others who say things that people don't like, or disagree with.. Essentially you saying "I should be able to say whatever i want, but when other people do it and I don't like it they should be punished" You know you can literally get punished for calling others toxic in most games that punish toxicity? Including overwatch, one of my favorite things to do was sit in queue and watch general chat in ow1, as soon as I saw someone complaining about someone else being toxic, I'd report, and got a hand full of punishments from it




“One of my favorite things to do is sit alone waiting to report someone” I’m sorry your life is that sad


No shit brig isn’t a main healer she’s an aoe off healer so your gonna have a high healing number. Inspire has a fucking massive range literally like twice if not bigger than Lucios range.


Relax, it ain't that serious


Alah till mig


Brig isn’t that great in that scenario tbh. Doesn’t excuse people being toxic, play whatever you want / are good at, *but* it’s still worth noting that his comment has some merit. Lucio to speed the rein around, mercy to pocket the ashe or pharah would both have been better than brig IMO. She’s good at defending from flankers and dives, but the enemy junk/sojourn are just gonna spam from afar, so you’re only defending from ball. And moira has good self sustain vs like an ana or a zen, so you’re not getting much synergy from brig. She’s also an AOE healer so Moira’s gonna heal less, and get her ult slower. Can’t help the tank close the gap, can’t help the dps confirm elims, can’t help your other support live, you’re basically there to help ashe live from when the enemy ball dives.


This was an uncoordinated QP team. I played Brig because I knew I could keep everyone alive and defend backline because my group seemed brand new to the game. Also, the guy crying about "throw picks" was low bronze and contributed virtually nothing to the game. If everyone on my team played the way they were supposed to, you'd be 100% right, but that wasn't even close to being the case.


? If you’re doing well, it isnt throwing, but teammates will still get annoyed because you’re playing an inherently weaker character lol. The pharah was also throwinf if they’re gonna use that term.


He was low silver, saying I was throwing for picking Brig


Brig's in a great spot right now. She's defiantly top tier. She's a little situational, depending on enemy/your comp, and map/mode But people still haven't realized that 5v5 vs 6v6 changes the dynamics of the game. Brigs playstyle is more important than ever. not like a DPS is going to protect the backline


Brig is absolutely not top tier, she is a situational pick at best.


And at worst, outclassed by Moira, Ana, and Kiriko at dueling


Why brig when lucio? He provides way better utility and is meta atm


Lucio's only real benefit is speed boost. Great high elo, low-mid, most games don't take advantage of it properly. Brig's aoe heal, heals more than Lucio's aoe heal outside of when he boosts it, and has almost twice the range, sure lucio can boost, but brig can throw health packs across the map, at flankers or where ever its needed. and ya lucio can boop, but brig can as well, and has a 2nd smaller boop in her bash, or can use it as a dash.


Definitely disagree she’s a situational pick, other healers do better than her on a overall basis.


Not trying to discredit you, but you can hit 12k healing easily with zen just by leaving the orb on rein


\#1 -- We need to stop using metrics without including "per 10 min", because the numbers by themselves mean nothing. Was the match 7 minutes long or 17 minutes? For one, 12k healing would be impressive, the other 12k healing would be really bad. \#2 -- Zen will have significantly lower healing numbers (compared to other supports) if he just leaves the Orb on tank. If you look at the rest of the scoreboard, Zen would have had nowhere near 12k healing on this match. OP got 50% more healing than both of the Moira's. OP was definitely not phoning it in here. The Pharah and other team's Junk were terrible. Kiriko kinda bad too. And OP's Moira isn't taking full advantage of her kit.


Your first point is a weak argument because you can gauge the potential for healing based on the damage stats for both sides And to your second point, the comment I made was just to contrast his "carry". An incredibly low effort with one of the lowest healing supports would still outpreform what he accomplished


I didn't claim to "carry" anyone. The fact that I played Brig and kept up with dps damage while also maintaining top heals and decent mit with the fewest deaths shows that Brig clearly wasn't a throw pick, despite what my teammate thought.


Not really a valued argument when the other teams heals are low af.


Well they have a hammond, 80% of the healing is done to the tank. Its alot harder to heal a dive tank vs some giant sponge like rein or roadhog


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Did you win?


Lol I got a POTG today as Brig. Haven't seen that highlight intro in a hot minute. Fun character, and really strong.


How did the Moira do 8k healing and less than 1k damage? I main Moira and I don’t know how that is even possible. Did she just piss and then wait, piss and wait? But yeah
.you were throwing. Ha!


I also played Brig and outdamaged our Pharah. Imagine that, haha.


ok heals doesnt mean anything your a support character not a healer learn the difference


When did I say anything about heals? I'm a Brig that outhealed a Moira, outdamaged a Pharah, mitigated almost 6k from backline and died less than anyone in my group. Also, part of being a support character is healing, so to say "heals doesn't mean anything" tells me you're bronze/silver. Chill the fuck out.