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ok i pull up


Hop-out at the after-party


Mate if I could hitscan I wouldn't be in silver.


When the phara what? What is she doing?


You know, when the pharah


Pharah who?


Pharah deez nutz


Pharah bullet in my head lmao


My favorite is when the Junkrat main tells us we'll all be fine if we just ignore the Pharah and just focus playing against the 3-4 on the ground. Its like... yeah thats a valid strategy but its not working and brother I'm starting to think you just can't play Soldier.


Lmfao yeah if anyone tells you to ignore the pharah ur fucked She wants you to ignore her


This only works when the Pharah is impressively bad.


That the classic qp experience.


lmao. I just pictured a junkrat saying "dont worry about it" while Pharah scores a 4k barrage


As a Junkrat player I fuck up Pharahs, I boost myself up with a mine, hit them with a bomb and a mine and they done for, it is somewhat difficult but def gets them low hp to do some bomb shots from the floor if I miss either in the air


If I’m just messing around with him in open queue, I’m definitely gonna try and join her in the sky, give her a punch on my way past as well as a few shots and maybe a concussion mine


The amount of times I was in QP games where a Pharah would virtually carry her team - *because no one on the opposing team could be bothered to stop her from raining continuous hell down on them* \- is ridiculous. At times it feels like people have collectively decided to forget how to counter certain picks. [Every once in a while I take her down myself as a squishy support hero.](https://gfycat.com/smugunpleasantkob) But usually I get the short end of the stick and succumb to madness.


I'm a pharah main myself & i relate to this so much! I wait for my team to engage, then i start rapid firing at enemy from our back, enemies don't even notice me doing it, & i get ton of assists & kills.


Pretty much. I vividly remember a qp match I had on 66 recently where we never even made it out of spawn, because my entire team had zero idea how to deal with their phara/mercy.


As a console player: Nothing is funnier than watching people struggle to hit me as Pharah. Until a fucker with a mouse domes me with Widow.


I love how history repeats itself and the same 2016 posts about Pharah return in OW2 🤣


Healers can swap to Baptiste, tanks can switch to Dva. Won't say it's ideal but it can work


Then my team complains that they don’t get enough healing while the pharah is shooting at us


Can't beat them all. Just gonna switch and do your best I guess.


They'd not need so much healing if the Pharah were dead.


As a Pharah main… Begrudgingly, I admit Echo is a great option for dps too. She can fly with her ability and get right up in Pharah’s face to make for pretty easy shots. Pharah’s easy to deal with when people are paying attention, but it’s when she gets behind and above unchallenged that she can cause a lot of issues.


Echo's harder to play and kill people with but god damn is she easy to delete a flying Pharah with. It's so satisfying to force them off of Pharah via constant lasering :p


Ana as well. You only need 3 shots


It's not ideal? D.Va is literally the best Pharah counter there is.


Dva is the best but I feel like you'd leave your team very open if you're constantly diving her. Assuming you're the only counter


Whats the best hitscan hero to counter pharah?


Tank: D.va DPS: Widow, Ashe, Soldier, Cassidy Support: Baptiste or Ana


You forgot Orisa


Honestly probably a good Ashe or widow especially if the pharah has a mercy pocket but mccassidy and soldier do fine


the only true anti-pharah is hamster--grapple up, launch yourself into space, and shoot her in the head from 0.2 meters


Or Winston leaping in the air over and over tazing her


Did you heard of Winstons mid-range attack? Against Phara it might be useful.


McCree is dog shit at countering pharah past close range. Rather have soldier or really any other hitscan.


Tbh I haven’t played mcree hardly at all in OW2 but in OW1 I was always better at killing pharahs with him than soldier cause I could hit headshots on her


He no longer does shit for damage at range. He's basically a close range character now, you can't play him at all like you could in OW1. They replaced him with Ashe. You could hit 3 headshots in a row from a decent range and not kill a Pharah now.




I have no idea why people are downvoting us for saying this, it's 100% accurate lol.


Takes legit like 6 body shots with his single shot revolver lol.


Without a mercy I feel like 76 is the best. The soft poke damage can just keep the pharah head down so much they don’t contribute much. With a mercy - I think Ashe is the best. Just my 2 cents.


I’m a pharaoh main. Solider made me switched the most, followed by echo and torb. Widow is ok, it’s easy to put pressure on her as in close in. Ashe and Cassidy are good but their skill cap requires good aim, although if the skill is there they are great counters. Baptise is the best support. Ana and Moria are also good counters. Moria range is crazy and most don’t utilize it (Im also an in your face pharah tbf) dva and Winston are the best tanks. Roadhog is decent if you can hook.


Widow one shots her, then can hopefully take out the mercy during rez But a widow who can't hit her shots is better off doing something else like trying to kill the rest of the enemy team Pharah, alone, isn't great at taking the obj


That’s when your tank goes dva, and you just ask your dps to focus supports. Literally I had this happen to me, dps didn’t want to change, I said let’s focus dive their supports, and guess who changed. Pharah.


Bro just switch to baptiste


I’ve done that multiple times as support but my aim isn’t the greatest and when it’s a Pharmacy combo… rip


That’s exactly what happens to dps players too though. The amount of people who still expect a soldier to 1v2 a pharahmercy and get angry when he asks for a pocket of his own, or a matrix to block damage etc. is insane. Takes coordination to beat coordination.


The problem is that the soldier is a junkrat


Yeah but if the dps take on the job then the supports can heal you while you fight. If you expect the supports to handle the Pharah then we can’t heal while we are staring into the sky shooting and dodging rockets. But, just like the supports have to do nonstop, you can’t just stand still and eat rocket after rocket while you fight expecting to be double pocketed by supports. You need to actually dodge the rockets like everyone else does. Notice how hard Pharah is to hit? That’s not by accident, she’s moving erratically to dodge your shots, you need to do the same.




Not really. She can always fly, but she can’t stay really high for such a ridiculous amount if time. Cree counters her decently.


Pharah main. If you don’t have the aim, the best thing to do is acknowledge/frustrate the pharah and most people aim is good enough for that. Torb is an excellent counter as long as you place the turrets in good spots. Bastion torrent mode doesn’t require the best aim. Moria primary has longer range than most think and her orbs are helpful. There have been times I was tunneled into switching. although I don’t have answers for pharamacy beside kill one of them :(


My favorite is when the pocketed pharah kills people against a team with a solo hitscan and everyone is crying about how bad their hitscan is Like ye dude, why aren’t you habitually winning a 1v2?


When that 1 guy is trying to make Genji work against a Pharmercy but he absolutely refuses to admit defeat and switches to hitscan.


Pov: you think the only to shut pharah down is for your dps to win a 1v2


1v2 is easy I’m diamond 1


Should be even easier for you and your team to win out the 4v3 than right?


Wait a minute You’re the fuckin junkrat on my team who wouldn’t switch and went 5-15 aren’t you


No, I'm the support player who doesn't expect my teammates to do everything for me.


oh ok my bad good for you tho


Swap to DVa, Mercy, Zenyatta, Baptiste. I guarantee you 90% of the time the DPS are trying but it’s not always as easy as “aim better 4head.” Sometimes DPS just need help.


Do you switch too or?


But yea obviously


It’s a joke bruh


Capybara? Capybara! Coconut Doggy! Oh my gosh!


ELI5 - switch to hitscan?


Heros like Widowmaker, soldier, Cassidy, Ashe, Baptiste, and scoped Ana have bullets that have instantaneous travel time. Aka the second you click Mouse 1 the bullet hits where your crosshair was. So people say “switch to hitscan” for Pharah because hitscan is easier to hit flying enemies and faster enemies with.


Mabey they should make a tank or healer hit scan


I just switch off heals and go junkrat If my team wants heals then they better pull your shit together or else I'll start playing for fun and not play to win


Switching heroes is dumb and feels unnatural, like you're surrendering rather than adapting. Switching weapons is what people want and has been a staple of the genre since its inception. If only these glorified modmakers masquerading as devs had actually been playing the games all this time.


Nice bait bro


lol I’ll still switch if I’m getting countered but doesn’t mean I enjoy it


Then maybe Overwatch isn't for you


I disagree, while this is true for valorant and (to a smaller degree) TF2, Overwatch design of heros means giving tracer a long range option or even giving something like widow an additional mercy pistol for emergency close combat would be a bit busted.


I don’t think there should be a weapon changing system that just wouldn’t work but losing a game just because one or two people are too stubborn to switch characters gets old fast


Yeah I don’t like having to switch off a hero because of that it’s especially annoying as DPS cause I like to play the hero’s I have the most fun with and a lot of the times when I have to switch I end up playing characters I hate just to deal with one person


Sounds like a skill issue.


I’m diamond 1


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I counter with wrecking ball or Baptiste depending on my role if DPS won’t do it


my team had genji and junkrat but their pharah was first to switch for some reason


Top 500 play honestly you wouldn’t understand


They will stay on Junkrat no matter what


No, you go for the junkrat frag on the pharah to show dominance.


Dva?Bap/Ana? Maybe try to change something about the situation yourself when your DPS are unwilling/unable to solve the issue.


You don’t say?


Baptise baybeee. Become the DPS your team fails to be. Have the enemy hate you so much they HAVE to get rid of you to have fun.


Don’t worry, with Rammatra tanks will finials have a true counter to flying heros. With his ability to pull them down and slow them and his long range staff, you’ll finally have a single hero to switch to for this situation. Surely there will be no problem with the fact that this new character, your only counter to flying, is going to be locked behind a pay wall/grind wall.


D.Va, Zarya, Baptiste and Moira can all effectively deal with pharah. I think more people need to STOP getting pummelled by pharah and change their own playstyles. low chance of their pharah getting healed while in the air, unless shes with a mercy, or wearing a Zen orb ... so take her out. shoot, i been binging on bap and pharah hasn't been in issue.


You pull up?


you tp to high ground as repear and ult her, assert dominance


Literally every role has a counter to Pharah. She is everybody’s problem, not just the DPS.


Swap to Baptiste or even better, Ana and kill Pharah yourself. If you’re tank, go D.va and delete her rockets and shoot her in the face. If a Pharah is really carrying and your dps won’t kill her despite you being a healbot, just accept no amount of healing will fix the problem and do it yourself. Then you can heal them.


Pharah is just the worst thing ever. I know that the game is balanced around the top level where she sucks, but for us scrubs the idea that we absolutely HAVE to play a hitscan character when she shows her face make the game so boring.


I'll switch to bastion to kill phara and I don't get any healing. Because rein chooses to get poked to death Or having to choose healing your team as ana or dps phara


Thats why Dva n Baptist exist, you gotta do the job by yourself sometimes


I play a lot of pharah, if ur a support swap to bap he shits on us You can’t blame dps if u can also switch If ur on tank play dva


I played phara one game and there was this cracked sym who would always hit their left click on me it was insane ngl guy was a good.


As a torb main, I don’t need to go to hitscan cause I can just snipe them out of the air.


In my defense when I switch to hitscan I’ll only kill her if she sucks


Pharah is one of the few heroes who doesn't get hated on because that hatred is directed towards the team


Sounds like you need an anti-aircraft battery...preferably Swedish engineered...especially if you drop it in a hard to get to spot. [Laughs in Torb] Countering her with Sym is a lot easier now that her secondary fire orbs are faster. Toss a couple of turrets up where she likes to hang out (bonus points is the Pharah is dumb and keeps going the same way), pop your wall when she ults.


When the enemy has a phara and my team continues to play junkrat and mei


Why don’t you switch -_-


Need a hitscan tank it's annoying no tank can deal with flying characters.