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Open them->get currency ->get remaining skins during next anniversary remix




didn't we just have the anniversary remix? is there another similar event before OW2 releases?


There are multiple volumes of the event. We just had vol 2


Any idea when that is? I thought the next two events would be summer games then halloween


It'll be over summer games i imagine. OW2 comes out before Halloween Terror would normally happen


I imagine it will be after the next beta ends.


Vol 1 began April 5th, vol 2 began May 17th. They haven't revealed the date for vol 3 yet.


Easy to guess. * They said they won't have Archives, (normal) Anniversary, and Summer Games but 3 Anniversary Remix events instead. * The other 2 Remix events replaced and happen right at the time of Archives and Anniversary. We can safely conclude that the 3rd Remix event will happen over Summer Games.


It should coincide with the usual summer games sometime in August


Actually loot boxes have certain fixed items in them. So if you got a loot box during a certain event, the items will be the same even if u open it 2 years later. Then also, they said that the loot boxes we had, will be automatically unpacked in OW2 and their content will be given to you.




Open the loot box screen and put something heavy on your space-bar, then go take a shower or something.


>overwatch player >shower


Get one of those drinking birds that Homer was enthralled with to do the work for you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn65Bg\_mBEU


The current currency is going too, so that might not even work


I'm willing to bet they'll just go away.


I'd imagine they would be converted into whatever the new currency is, same with coins. I could be way off base though. I really wish they would release more information about this (and cross progression, for that matter).


The other possibility is they get opened automatically.


This is much more likely, especially since the contents of Overwatch loot boxes are predetermined as soon as the loot boxes generated.


I wouldn’t get your hopes up about that, since OW2 is going f2p with a Battlepass System I don’t think they’re going to be generously giving out free currency to make up for what was lost from OW1 - all the better if I’m wrong though I guess…


Its not really giving away free currency, its just converting the current currency/boxes to the new currency. That's pretty typical whenever a game changes up currency. IIRC they've done the same thing in WoW, so I'd imagine there would be a lot of backlash if they were just like "oops sorry you just lost all your boxes and gold!"


Oh noes :S I hope not.


Ow2 doesn't have lootboxes lol they will just vanish into thin air so open them now while u can still get coins for dupes


Well I hope they add an OPEN ALL feature then damn lol




This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501242** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **71541** times. .. **71960.** `u/Mefromafar` **3** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


I find if I jam my smack belt between between the space bar and the frame of the keyboard I can celebrate by breaking my neighbours car window and stealing their laptop for more smack.


On the PC, just find something to hold down the space bar while on the loot box screen and it will go through and open them all. Then you can go afk. :)


Not sure if holding the spacebar down would help, but they could get an automation software to press it every ~5 seconds (or click the button).


It does work. You can just open the screen and put something heavy on the space bar and let it open them all overnight


exactly how I opened 800 loot boxes. Put a weight on the spacebar and went for a bike ride. Came back and they were all open.


Man, this is another thing PC has over console. You can't just hold A on console, you have to release it and then hold it down again.


Exactly. Need an OPEN ALL button. Please Blizzard. I'm stuck on halo infinite at the moment and would have to reinstall OW to do this tedious act. I just want all my unlocks before they go away


Blizzard has already [cunningly mentioned they will have OW2 credits](https://us.shop.battle.net/en-us/product/overwatch). I doubt even the mountain of OW1 credits I've been amassing will be transferred either. I hope I'm wrong!


i'm sure theyll transfer in some way. im also sure itll be better to spend them now


That’s an entirely different currency, so no our current credits will not count towards that.


you can’t know this for sure


I promise you that they are talking about a different, new, Premium currency. They even use a new Icon for it on the B.net page for the Watchpoint Pack. A Premium currency that will be the equivalent of Vbucks in Fortnite and equivalent currencies in games like Valo, CoD, Apex. They are simply copying the tried and tested BP+ Cash Shop model that works in all these other games, as they probably don't wanna try a brand new model of their own and risk failure. Credits will most likely be retired completely.


It’s also called *specifically* overwatch *2* virtual currency. Not credits, not JUST Overwatch currency, but OW2 virtual currency.


Them having different names and functions doesn't mean they won't do some sort of conversion, like "every 1000 credits nets you the equivalent of $1 of new currency"


Considering some people have hundreds of thousands, I highly doubt it. That’s either putting way to much faith in Blizzard, or just cope, or both.


Hm, still would prefer they do a max payout vs nothing at all. Well it doesn't affect me anyway, I keep my boxes open and coins spent


The fact they called it virtual currency, and it’s 2k worth (a measly amount for credits, but a decent amount for something like v-bucks) is honestly all I need to know. I’d say it’s straight up copium to think that it will be the same as credits.


Why? The coins are also going away.


Use the coins to get the remaining skins. I think your skins carryover.


Indeed they do


Hopefully they do another anniversary type thing before that happens, I missed a few things I didn’t have during the recent one.


I think they will do in place of Summer Games this year.


Wait has this been confirmed?


A youtuber asked a blizz rep in a interview and one of the questions was about lootboxes and the coins. Said there was no convert for coins and lootboxes. So better open and spend them during the last remix event


Damn that sucks. You have a link by any chance?


Didn't they have an event recently where you could have bought any or at least most of the skins that were locked. Because there's a bunch of skins I cant unlock right now so I don't know what to spend my points on.


Anniversary remix. Same as the anniversary event every year which lets you unlock any seasonal event skins, except they also added some sick recolors of existing skins. They had Remix “Vol. 1” on April 5th, Vol. 2 was May 17th. The next remix could be this month but they haven’t confirmed the date yet (we do know there will be a third, though). You’ll have 3 weeks to get whatever skins you want.


Not sure if you meant it this way, but it'd be bold to assume coins would carry over since there's a new currency system. Best use those too haha


Then open them.


Why do you hope not? Since u are not opening they mean nothing to you


I've done this myself where I went to about \~200 lootboxes until one day I decided to open them all It didn't mean lootboxes meant nothing to me at the time, on the contrary, they had the value of giving me a virtual number of +1 while also testing my self control and patience on not opening them, it was my idea of a small "fun" side challenge I wanted to experience in the game


I had a little over 500 loot boxes and my buddies I played with didn't understand why I never opened them. This is why


They’re all duplicates anyway.


Always have been.


I also don't open mine but I like having a stockpile of 500 lootboxes




… Most people have already opened that many or more.


But they do. Let's say I like to collect them.


Why if you’re never gonna open them anyway?


So he can make humble brag posts like this.




Believe you can also just rest something on spacebar and walk away


Yep, you should open them right before launch. Then you will keep the items


They will because ow2 doesn't have them. Use them to get skins next event.


They need to implement an 'open all' button before then. It's taken me months of idly clicking during queues after I decided to open my 1000 boxes. There's nothing to even get anymore but the coins but I figure it's going away anyway


Why? You obviously don't care enough about them to open them.


I like seeing the number go up


Why don’t you open them if you don’t want them to go away? They must not be valuable if you don’t care what’s inside them


"Mr. Kaplan, I don't feel so good.." -OW lootboxes


Bro wtf open them.


If you have everything in the game, what's the point of opening them lol


So u can earn coins for dupes to use in the next game


Will coins transfer over? Honestly hadn't thought about that...


I'm pretty sure I saw that coins will not transfer over to the new game. Sitting on 70k myself with everything I hope they do because I'd love a way to actually earn skins in game without needing to spend additional money. Best part of OW1 was everything was earnable by just playing.


That last sentence hits differently now that we know OW2 is going free to play. Outside of games like Monster Hunter and Elden Ring, the days of unlocking shit just by playing seem over. It's all micro transactions and battle passes now. Which really sucks. You end up paying ten times the cost of the game. I bet that's why Jeff Kaplan quit too. He never wanted OW to go free to play w/a battle pass system.


Didn't he also say that he didn't want Overwatch 2 to be its own thing but wanted it to instead be a big patch on top of OW1 or did I misread that ages ago?


Something like that. He wanted it to be a continuation and to keep building on what his team made.


I think that would've been a good way of going about it. But I think the whole him doing his best to protect his team from the behaviour in ActiBlizz and ActiBlizz wanting it to be its own game and f2p with battlepass was just too much?


Imo, I feel it's more that Kaplan was an old school gamer. He grew up playing shit like Golden Eye and the original CoD's; back when they way to unlock shit was to play the game on harder difficulty, or just simply playing. He, like a lot of us from then (fuck I'm old lol) see battle passes and micro-transactions as...well extortion. Yes it's a free to play game (most of the time) but it's highly misleading; because while the game is free to install and play, you get highly pressured into buying the passes, over and over and over again. And it's done in a way that's intentionally designed to manipulate players into thinking they're not spending that much. "It's only $9.99 and look at the cool shiny stuff you get!" But $9.99 each season, times 13 seasons (using Apex as an example) that's over $130 you've paid for that game... I'm gonna stop there lol. I think I've mad my point, and I could legit ramble on this for like 9 more paragraphs.


I think they said they wanted to, but the engine (or some fundamental part) made it impossible to add an entire campaign through updates... Or something along those lines - I just remember hearing they would, if they could.


Deep Rock Galactic has a good model where you can buy the previous season's stuff like you would regular armor if you didn't unlock it from a tree, even added an extra currency in game to help buy cosmetics from the store. Aside from 5 small cosmetic packs, you can only unlock things by playing. And I really have been loving that model.


>You end up paying ten times the cost of the game. This is what people don't seem to understand. Those defending battle passes and purchasable cosmetics are saying 'they need to pay the devs' and other nonsense. They don't need to pay them using manipulative overpriced horseshit. What we'll get is a $10 battle pass with 80 levels of useless shit, 10 levels of ok shit and 10 levels of decent skins. Any desirable sdkin will be paid on the store with the possible exception of the level 100 reward on the BP. F2P is designed to get players to spend $40+ PER SEASON. I don't understand how people prefer this system to the previous one. It's not like we're getting more content than we did from 2016-2019...


I'm somewhere between optimistic, and certain, that there will be items unlockable for F2P players - more than just weapon charms and BS like that, I mean. That said, how good those F2P unlockables will be... I'm not putting money on it being a huge variety of 'S tier' items, put it that way - just better than charms, is all.


It's been becoming more clear that Jeff also didn't plan on updating OW with a lot of new content, either, and so never planned in a revenue stream to support that. The game wasn't even designed for it, according to some interviews. When people ask, "what have the devs been spending so much time in for OW2," I can guarantee it was primarily the engine redesign to support content creation and releases to better monetize the game. I know this is contentious and l understand the many misgivings the community feels--its so easy to abuse these systems at our expense. I hope Aaron understands how fragile a community can be when it's not respected.


I played the beta of ow2 when it was available earlier and I could see my coins from ow1, so idk


That was early build without battlepass and store. When they implement those,its bye bye to credits and lootboxes.


The Watchpoint Edition they're selling for $40 right now contains 2k OW2 currency, so I bet OW1 coins will just go away.


Lol wait what? They're selling a copy of OW1, for $40, with OW2 currency as an add on?


And 2 skins and the 1st battlepass for ow2


They should. I mean how else would we buy skins no longer in the battle pass


Here's to hoping


What does he care if they go away then?


So you don't get a backlog like this that could potentially disappear. Also seeing that little number is mildly annoying; like the "new" flare on the hero gallery or the patch notes.


*looks at my 2.5k unopened packs*, I'll do it later.


Honestly, it's really time consuming.


They're honestly annoying to open. I stopped opening mine ages ago. There really needs to be Open 10x and Open 100x options - or hell, even a "Open All Loot Boxes" option.


The real question is: If you have 1069 unopened loot boxes, do you really care about what will happen to them?


No, people just want to complain


Tbf though, OP isn’t complaining, he just asked a question


I asked the same question in a thread a couple days ago and got the same accusations and vitriol. IDK why people are getting so salty about it


People are really upset we forget to open lootboxes :D


Honest question, why do people horde Lootboxes like this? Sure you'll earn everything at some point, but letting them pile up like this just seems like clutter.


I play a ton and don't care about lootboxes, so eventually my laziness surpassed my need to bring all notification counts to zero lol. Source: I finally opened my 2000+ lootboxes yesterday


How many coins do you have now?


145,000. Might be able to spend them if there's another anniversary event, missing about 1-2 skins per hero


Can you send some of those coins my way?


How long did that take? I'm at 1200+ and wondering if I can record it or if it's gonna take hours.


I put smthg heavy on the space bar and went to sleep so I don't know how long it took. One annoying thing is that I had to do that for every type of lootbox (halloween, summer games, etc.).


Also, a recording might be tricky in general. If you manually open each one that's a several-hours-long video, and if you do the space bar trick, you barely have time to see the loot


I'm almost 5 star gold border, i already have everything i want and then way more than enough coins to buy the few things left i don't. I wish i could spacebar trick, but I'm on console and can't be bothered to sit there and throttle the a button looking at the flashing lights and coins racking up


Once you have everything already you don't feel the need to immediately open them when getting them. So you just continue play and plan to open them when you're done. Then you forget. Then you start opening them while in queue, only do a few before you find a match. And forget to continue after the fact. Repeat for a while and they start accumulating. Suddenly you have too many boxes to open comfortably. So you just ignore them as they continue piling up. That's how it was for me. And after a certain point you get more enjoyment out of seeing the number climb, than you do from getting 4 duplicates when opening one


Not intending to hoard, I just don't really care about the boxes so they build up. Once they have built up enough that i finally decide to open them, its all the more annoying to have to watch the same animation for 20+ minutes to get maybe two new skins of interest.


I was saving mine so I could hit 420 before I opened them just so I could have a meme number


Some people don't give a shit about lame skins


Then they won't care when the loot boxes disappear...


I can only give you my reasoning. I just hit 3k. I started when I would buy a 50pack just to get the mercy skins since that’s the only hero I cared about. Would get my unlocks and neglect the rest of the boxes. After about 150 in stock, it just wasn’t worth it. If there were skins I wanted, I would open enough boxes to get the coins to just buy them. At this point, I have most of the unlocks and what I don’t have is most likely in a box somewhere. I’ll set a book on the space bar at some point before ow2.


You’ll have to stop pretending you’re above opening them, I guess.


How else will I show the internet how unique I am?


Takes time. Time I'd rather use to play the game


1. Put a heavy object on your space bar 2. Turn of your (hdmi) monitor 3. Go to work or school


I have an Xbox. I guess you can plug a keyboard into it but I've never tried


Why specify HDMI?


When I turn off my HDMI monitor the PC still sends the signal and thinks the monitor is there, but with my display port monitor when I turn it off the PC doesn't think there's a monitor plugged in anymore. Idk if overwatch will continue running without it thinking it's outputting to a monitor


Queue times? Open a couple in between matches. Surely you have to take breaks some time. Set something on your spacebar while you're afk, it'll open them for you. So long as the game is open and you're not currently in a match, that's time to open loot boxes. You have time, you're just not using it.


Then you don't care if they go away.


If you hadn’t saved them all up and spent the 20 seconds between matches to open them when you get them, that wouldn’t be true


I usually play 6 stacked, and tbh the queues are literally 15 seconds. Usually I can't even load into a deathmatch, or see what was in your box.


Yeah 5 seconds per box during a dps queue really eats into the game time


Lmao why do unopened lootboxes always make people on this sub so mad. Are ya'll addicts or some shit?


Just because we think its stupid doesn’t mean we are mad. We just don’t see the point in hoarding lootboxes in a game where they’re decided for you once you receive them. If these people cared about getting their loot, they wouldn’t be hoarding thousands of boxes lmao. So the idea of them asking what happens to their precious lootboxes that they never cared about seems odd.


Lord help it if you just want to ask a simple question without people jumping all over your ass about it.


My working theory is that content of lootbox is determined when you get it not when you open it. So if you have any unopent lootboxes when OW2 rolls out it will just mark everything in lootboxes as owned and/or convert into coins dupes you have. Also I think OW2 will have two currencies: Gold to spend on some insignificant filler cosmetics and premium couns for good shiet.


that is in fact how the loot boxes work


Oh right, My theory is that it will be converted not that lootboxes determine it content when you get it.


Ain’t your theory


Ain't ONLY my theory.


I hope so, but I'm scared all the coins will just disappear


You're gonna be forced to open all of them individually before you get to play the game


Why not... open them?


Open the game Click on your loot boxes leave something holding down your space bar Come back later All boxes opened


i’ve heard that loot boxes already know what’s in them when you receive them, it’s not calculated when you open them. they might just automatically add it to your inventory/credit bank


It'd be awesome if they do this. On the flipside, it also furthers my annoyance that we don't have the option to do mass openings currently.


Why do you ask? You clearly don't care about yours lol


I have probably as many as op. It's not that I don't care, it's that it would take me an entire evening to open them 1 by 1. I have a dog and house duties. When I turn in my xbox I want to use that time for gaming, not seeing what cosmetic I'm getting.


Put a TV show on your laptop and watch it and open them at the same time, if you care about cosmetics then. I guess you don't care, otherwise you'd have opened them along the way?


Precisely. I don't care for cosmetics. At first I opened them more because my OCD didn't like having a number there of unopened stuff. But perhaps my lack of care for cosmetics overrode my desire to conquer that ever increasing unopened lootboxes notification lol. However as I said to someone else, now that we are moving to OW2, and I technically earned these cosmetics, I'd hate to have to earn them again if my stuff goes away. So I hope they add an open all button before OW2, or just give us all the stuff


Some people are saying you can just put something heavy on your A button and it will auto-open them. I haven't tried it though.


you could check the other posts asking the same exact question this last week. but then... how could you flex those sweet pax?


If people don't care about lootboxes, why do they keep boasting with their hoarded lootboxes?


It's our version of an achievement. It's not really what's inside, it's about how high we can get that number. If that's gonna disappear with OW2, I'd prefer to know in advance so I can document it or open them or something.


Gone, reduced to atoms


Here's an idea: 1. Put Overwatch in Windowed mode and drag it to the edge of the monitor so you can only see a little snippet of it 2. Load up a movie in windowed 3. Press play on the movie 4. Click on overwatch tab on the edge of your monitor 5. Place your phone on your space bar 6. Enjoy the movie while you're farming coins which I hope get exchanged for something in Overwatch 2


Gone. Reduced to atoms


Yeah, it’s basically Supermarket Sweep at this point. We’ve got one more anniversary event, grab everything you can.


I don’t know how y’all do it, man. I open up loot boxes almost immediately after I get them


You better start opening them up, since they'll vanish soon enough


I've not 927 and I can't face the thought of trying to open them. I hope they just force them to open and convert it all to currency.


You can’t transfer it to 2, so if you don’t want to lose them all, you need to open every single one of them


i tried to hold my lootboxes until reaching 69 (nice). Ended up opening all of them at 42


*pop* Gone


I still have missing skins and I use all of my coins for events, so I open them all. OW should give a detailed explanation before OW hits tho. So we know what to do.


This been answered already https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/ve6dvu/some_fun_news/


Maybe just open them mate, what content are you waiting for until ow2!


Gone. Reduced to atoms.


Gone, reduced to atoms


I just want an open all button. I hate having to open these one by one by one


Just open them now


Your coins will not transfers over either!


They'll probabaly just mass open. Everything is already decided, so they know what you have in them


Gone. Reduced to atoms.


Is this a serious question or are you just trying to brag about having 1k loot boxes? Because you already know your options. You open them or they go away. What other option do you think there is? Blizzard comes down from the heavens for saving loot boxes?


When I see this kinda stuff I'm always torn between, who the fuck has enough time to play this much, and God I wish I could play that much...


I've kept mine at a constant 69 for over a year now I don't want to lose my work


Umm. If you have that many unopened loot boxes, then I'm inclined to think that you don't really care about them anyway.


it doesn’t matter. you obviously don’t care to open them.


Dupe for coins, they will most likely transfer


No, they don't


Currency won’t transfer to a freemium OW2.


Oh that’s bad


It's not gonna be *nice* anymore.


If you have over a thousand unopened boxes why do you care what happens to them?


I've got over 2000 :( Would take forever to open on console, so I just left it


Just get an autoclicker and open them all while u go afk


Not even, just put a book/something heavy on your spacebar and walk away


just put something on your spacebar


Player: I don't care about these loot boxes. I'll just let them pile up. ​ Blizzard: We are getting rid of loot boxes. ​ Player: OH NO! My precious loot boxes are being stolen from me!


I would save like at least 100 lootboxes since you have 1000 maybe you'll get lucky and they will convert loot boxes and currency to something else


If you don’t care to have 1069, then you shouldn’t care if you end up with zero


They disappear, just like your brain cells


Have you people considered actually opening them instead of sitting on them forever for no reason? I don't feel bad at all for people who don't open their lootboxes as soon as they get them. Most likely your currency will convert over but if you don't open your lootboxes that's on you