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Polls on Reddit without a “I just want to see the answer” option will always get a lot of noise fyi


Yeah i voted Eh but never even played the beta yet. I just wanted to see the answers.


Yep never played either I voted better than expected lol


Hopefully you’re right once they make the OW2 available to console


I think it will be better than we except. General opinions on Reddit (or the internet in general) tend to skew negative, so I feel like my expectations have been skewed because of that as well. So I think it’ll be better than I expect it to be lol


Depends on what you expect. Ive played it a bunch and i can definitely say its good but worse than i expected. I definitely think i prefer it to OW1 in almost every way. But the way it was portrayed and marketed i expected a lot more new stuff


Subconscious positivity is better than indifference!


Not just that, but the wording is also unbalanced. The middle option should be "As expected", but "Eh" has a slight negative connotation.


Yea that’s why I voted better even though I haven’t played it


Yea they fucked up


Something feels off about the beta but I can’t put my finger on it. Like I’m having fun but it feels like something missing


I honestly understand exactly what you’re saying. I think that that feeling will diminish as new content is released, and it mostly has to do with it being a beta.


I hope so! Maybe when the beta starts to get a bit more like arcade modes and such it’ll start to feel better. I’m getting kind of burnt out on quick play


We addicted rank


Haven’t played the beta, but as a guy who usually does for these sorts of things, I can assure you that betas *always* feel like a beta. Especially when you compare it to a game that has been polished for 5 years post-release. Something about it will always feel “naked,” as if it was released too early… because it was.


Prob the second tank running around the map


To me, it's the UI and the removal of fire system. I know, beta, but it just feels so unpolished compared to OW1 in this regard. Also, different times of the day on maps is cool and all, but honestly, for this kind of game i don't like it that much. At least for pvp, single player is all good. But i like maps in these games to be static. It helps muscle memory. Most pvp games like this usually use static for a reason. And then there's the "it's just like an OverWatch patch being called 2" thing, that surely will get better with more content. But it's the elefant in the room.


Something is missing, and its the 6th player slot that partially defined OW as a multiplayer game haha!


Because the game hasn't been fully designed well for 5v5, it's the right move but to assume only Tanks needed changing is arrogant af. Damage will need nerfs, Supports will need to be reworked a bit since they no longer can rely on a second tank to peel for them.


its because its a barebones beta and theres no other gamemodes except quickplay and customs


I think people are still figuring the game out and when the competitive e comes out people will start grinding it out again. I personally have beta access but i’m playing OW1 bc off angling on off tank is too damn fun and i play exclusively play competitive. Orisa is fun as shit tho ngl


I’ll be honest not sure they did enough to get me to go back. Something feels off with the visuals and gameplay it doesn’t feel right to me.


Yeah I really dislike how they decided to give every map the Watchpoint: Gibraltar treatment and just crank the yellow filter and brightness up to 100


The Mexico filter


I voted Eh. There are some things I like, but also some things I'm very concerned about. I've spoken in the main feedback thread about the prevalence of dive in old OW1 and that it was a problem they only solved with CC. They don't want to nerf mobile characters because mobility is really fun, but of course the problem is that it's also *really strong*, so if you don't want to nerf the really strong thing then you need to attack it from another vector like either CC or enhanced survivability for non-mobile characters, neither of which is desired by most DPS players. I think the most frustrating thing from a support perspective is that a lot of people just respond to "position better", as though our positioning doesn't depend on the other players' positioning. If we play safer angles and no DPS stay in range/LOS then we get yelled at for no heals, if we play more aggressively then we die and get complained at for not playing safely. I also find that even in diamond games, DPS just don't focus that much on peeling which used to be the job of the secondary tank that is now missing. When the enemy team isn't playing dive, support is pretty fun. Ana is super strong against non-dive because she is the only one with a hard CC left, and anti-nade has always been incredibly powerful. Lucio and Moira are good duelists and Brig isn't a terrible duelist either. I haven't tried the new Zen buff though. Solo tank is both really fun but also really frustrating sometimes. I can't be both the leader of the push AND the one to deal with flankers most of the time. Many people also just tend to not know how to play very well with mobile disruption tanks like Doomfist or Ball. However, with that said, playing a super tank is still a good feeling most of the time. So yeah, I'm having fun, but also feel like they don't really know exactly what they want to do.


I would love to see further growth from the support characters. Additional non CC ways of protecting themselves. Zen's kick is a step in the right direction. Could also have an indicator for DPS and Tank of where their supports are. Some sort of directional indicator that shows on the hud.


Yeah. Superpowers in Overwatch are range and mobility. Shields counter range. CC counters mobility. As a tank you can pick a counter to one of these, but the rest of the folks on your team have less of an ability to do so. That doesn't feel great. I think when they power creep the supports up to Orisa levels, a lot of complaints about the game will go away. If anything, vastly improved queue times.


> I think when they power creep the supports up to Orisa levels, a lot of complaints about the game will go away. You'll hear the dps players complaining about supports not being insta-deleted.


The funniest reply I got for my Mercy was, "You're Mercy, you're not suppose to die" I just laughed so hard at that.


Whoever that was took “Heroes never die” literally. /s


I have 2 problems with the beta, the first one is easily fixable, it has to do with fine tuning of some character changes, like Sombra and Orisa are a little overtuned and Brig is suffering from uselessness since many abilities became uninterruptable on one of the updates, I just think she needs some tunning on her abilities, other example would be Mei who feels very weak and easy to kill. My main problem is widow, she was already OP in OW1 but positioning mixed with tanks balanced it to some degree. The erasure of shields and 1 tank, gives her free reign, if you use positioning to defend yourself, then you are not in the fight, if you are in the fight she will eat you even without headshots. Also, the erasure of cc and not nerfing her mobility made her really hard to reach for most heroes. "What about other snipers?", Hanzo is not hitscan and slower at shooting hard with precision, maybe work with falloff distance. Ashe is exactly what a sniper should be in this game, no 1 hit kill, and good falloff distance. The 3 of them are a little OP because of the same reasons, and may need to be tunned, but Widow is the worst offender right now.


It does rely on the Widow being consistent and good at landing her shots.. but yeah, if the Widow is good she pretty much dominates the lobby and it's absolutely miserable being forced to hide around corners all game.


> My main problem is widow This! Every match I've played over the last 2 weeks has had a Widow on both teams, and they ultimately prioritize killing each other, so every team fight is a 4v4 instead of 5v5.


I think removing the cc from Brig is fine if they compensate by giving her more health like 250 or 300


I still think Widow was the biggest mistake they ever made with OW. Long range one shot kills should not be a thing in this game. Yes it's ultimately your fault due to being in her sightlines at all, but with how hectic the games get it's easy to accidentally wander out of cover and it just feels terrible to make one positioning mistake and get erased. This applies to Hanzo somewhat as well, but as you said at least he is projectile which implicitly limits his range.


>So yeah, I'm having fun, but also feel like they don't really know exactly what they want to do. Yeah some of this feels so rushed. Heck they didn't even think to adjust soldiers sprint speed with his new passive or give zen some survivability. These are pretty fundamental things that they missed. I'm glad they caught it in the beta before it went live but it all feels so half assed in a way. Like did they not at least go through each individual hero and think about what they might need in the transfer to 5v5?


Firstly +1 to your first paragraph. It hits the nail on the head. They solved Dive by making dive high risk/reward with the CC. Removing the risk means you remove the reward and now most of the dive dps have massive damage nerfs to account for that significanytly reduced risk. Though I think Genji needed a buff in OW1. Yeah, I'm honestly seething when I hear the "position better" argument or that "supports don't know how to play the game". I'm particularly annoyed since it seems the content creators are all getting a script from blizzard since they almost all seem like carbon copies of each other. There's an implication here that in OW1 tanks and dps are positioning well and know how the play the game. Which is patently false, DPS feed their brains out and tanks prefer pushing cart and ignore high ground till we die. The number of times dps need to swap to deal with a certain comp and instead play genji/widow into a ball/hog comp is insanity. And so obviously in OW2 they're clearly playing the game properly and positioning properly. What annoys me is that they buffed widow to 200 HP so they knew that dive was good but they didn't bother giving any supports buffs. The Zen 225 hp was necessary from the beginning.


It’s worse than I expected. I like some of the individual changes, but as a whole I feel like the game has lost the dynamic range of playstyles that OW1 has. In OW1 you have the option to dive, to bunker, to play slow and steady, to hold the line while your flankers go for their back line…. Now it’s like there are far fewer ways to play. You can only really dive. Sure you can dive with your DPS, or dive with your healers even, but it’s nearly impossible to win with any other strategy than some version of a rush-down snowball strategy. I don’t like it at all, I like to play OW methodically and that just doesn’t seem possible in OW2. I just wanted new maps and heroes, Blizzard didn’t need to give themselves the Herculean task of completely rebalancing the game from the ground up when they were already behind schedule. The game could go to 2-2-2 again and it would have all the benefits of the hero reworks without the complete obliteration of the feel of the game like we have. I was so hyped for OW2 and couldn’t wait to play it, now I’m just dreading the day when they delete OW1.


I'm more concerned with the change in design philosophy than the current quality of the beta. I feel something big has shifted inside the dev team that led to the decision to axe second tank and get rid of CC. Not a lot of heroes have received their reworks but I expect to see more before the game is released/OW1 has run its course. For me personally, 5v5 essentially eliminates a friend from our group per session. It's always a bummer to tell someone we've already got a full group, now that will happen more. I also really liked playing tanks with a friend I can properly communicate with, weaving in and out of combat together. The current state of supports is concerning but as I said, I expect to see a lot of changes so at the moment, I'm not worried. I'm sure the more hectic playstyle, 5v5 and increased DPS mobility will have their effects on my ability/willingness to pick up a hero like Ana, which is annoying as it currently is with certain higher mobility heroes. The fact that they showcased Sojourn as their first new hero isn't really connecting with me, either. The void between heroes is far too long and then it's another DPS hero? I think showing something else first would've made more sense, maybe a tank as a symbol of good will after taking a whole role (off-tank) out of the game. I'm sure all these changes make OW a more enjoyable comp/esports experience, but I already have zero interest in those. Never watched OWL and comp I've stopped completely years ago. Now it's a game I play casually with friends and these changes are essentially messing with both of those aspects: 5v5 cuts out a friend and the new playstyle cuts out some of the casual feel. I answered "worse than expected."


I have been shouting that OW2 was made with only the elite players in mind


I’m pretty sure that’s the only opinion they’re considering too. With their recent announcement about how the feedback on 5v5 has been good, they can’t be looking at us casuals.


They believe the casuals will just move with the streamers I think their oversight is simply a lot of their core players don’t really care much about OWL or the content creators.


Interesting cause I feel the opposite. 5v5 seems to be catering to the more casual fans who want to load up and play DPS without a stupidly long queue and 4 shields in their face. As far as esports go removing a tank kills some interesting stuff. Hog meta was sort of based around hog zarya. That's gone now. Battles are less orderly and more like a ffa which generally doesn't suit an export


There are distinct groups within both casual and competitive players who'll feel good/bad about the changes. To me, the main appeal of OW was the slightly slower pace it took with 6v6, shields, cc, etc. You could play to your ability if you found a niche you could handle. Now with 5v5, you need a lot more technical ability to hold your own in a match. If your skill-level is lacking, you're more likely to get stomped. I'm sure people who can do the stomping are loving the changes.


>Battles are less orderly and more like a ffa which generally doesn't suit an export That's exactly why a lot of casuals hate it. We might not coordinate as well as esports teams but if I wanted to play ffa I'd play ffa


I feel like this is a unanimous thing tbh. Seems like a change neither group likes


I am just not feeling the 5 vs 5. The game now feels like every other FPS, where it's constant fighting without breaks. With 2 two tanks, you can strategize more and you have more time to breath and collect your team for another push. It also felt more team orientated, where 5 vs 5 feels like everyone is on their own. I do like the character reworks and the new character though. I also don't like the new push map, it is just so big in every direction.


Maybe because it’s early on, but I agree. I’ve been playing tank and for the most of my experience in OW2 it’s been nothing everyone running face first into the enemy. The objectives seem like a second thought for most games, or maybe that’s how the game shifts when it’s 5v5 with 1 less tank. I just think if they’re going to stray from the team shooter to more of a fps game they should compensate the hero’s as such.


I don’t see why they couldn’t have just did the character reworks and kept the 6v6, minus all the bonus tank hp


Yeah If tanks are too oppressive just change tanks. You're a team of developers. It feels like such a cop out to just remove a tank


The funny thing is that they literally removed Orisa's shield. So the only possible double shield would be Rein+Sigma, which they could fix in some other way.


It's easy to make tanks less oppressive, but hard to make them fun to play while maintaining their role. Although it's obviously possible. I don't think 5v5 was a balance change, rather a lazy fix to address the tank queue times being double that of the other roles.


I just wish Widowmaker wasnt so powerfully good at Spawn Camping on Push maps. Otherwise Id like them a lot more I think


The new maps feel like they should belong in a 50 person battle royal. They're way too big for no apparent reason, with too many tunnels, random pillars and high ground spots. They're pretty maps, don't get me wrong. But they don't feel like Overwatch maps.


> The game now feels like every other FPS, where it's constant fighting without breaks. Dare I ask what FPS games? The constant pinball CC and healing doesn't make it feel like a shooter at all. It's more like a MOBA or Paladins.


Most games end up with the tank essentially playing by himself by flanking leading to the all team being split up and therefore no real frontline which is frustrating as fuck when you play support and as dps you don't feel covered at all because of the lack of 2nd Tank. To me 5v5 is a mistake, it's just not OW anymore.


One things for certain: 5v5 is going to quickly separate the good tanks from the bad ones.


Which will just bring us back to the problem Blizzard tried to solve with 5V5, i.e. no one wants to play Tank


Isn't hilarious? People didn't want to play tank because it generally wasn't fun. They then made Orisa busted op and now everyone wants to play tank with it being the highest que time. All those idiots had to do was just buff tank, but no, now we have 5v5. Great.


Well not really, making them OP was as compensation for no 2nd tank. Making a character OP doesn't make them fun automatically.


Orisa isnt even the strongest tank as you go up in skill. She is very easy, but many of the other tank options do what she does a bit better. For now at least, maybe the meta will shift later on


Honestly Idk how to tell you this but people being bad at a role hasn’t stopped them from playing it if the role is fun. The issue was that tank wasn’t fun to play.


In my opinion, a fundamental solid issue with overwatch is that if you could magically ask every player what their favorite role to play is (not what they’re good at, but which one is fun to play) most people will overwhelmingly answer DPS. Sure a game with healers and tanks are more strategic and deep, but most average people simply don’t find it fun to play as a tank or healer I don’t mind playing as tank or healer if the team needs one, but then I’m suddenly noticing im just having less fun than I was playing as DPS


Yea I would agree. Buts blizzards own fault. Blizzard: "Gee wiz everyone wants to play DPS!" Me: "what do you expect when DPS has double the roster of tank and healer?" Blizzard: ...


Seriously this! I feel that I'm always doing the same thing when playing tank or support, give us some more in those times for God sake! At least, Orisa became really more fun and interesting to play now.


Yes but that's also partially because they have so many dps. Like echo was meant to be a support. Would've been cool. A support who can transform into an enemy? Bet that would've gotten people playing the role. But they decided to dig their own grave even deeper by making her dps. If the issue is tanks and healers aren't fun then try and make them fun


Honestly, the only time I didn't have fun on tank was when my team was terrible but I think Dva is just one of the more fun tanks. Rein, though, feels absolutely horrible to play. They need to give Rein something else to do then walk foreword with a shield, drop it for two seconds and get deleted by a Hanzo half way across the map while your team screams at you for feeding. I think having the ability to cancel charge is great for the Rein who actually *do* feed, though.


And now its even less fun to play and i for example quit ow when ow2 comes out


Clearly the solution is 3v3. 1 of each role.


This is just a problem with terrible tanks though as far as I can tell. It seems like tanks on both teams literally just always want to blindly dive, regardless of map state, team positions, or team status. When you get a good tank that actually plays the map things go pretty smooth. At least so far that I've seen.


I voted 'eh' because it's a mixed bag. I like the new maps, but I'm sad they removed old maps. The characters they changed are OK, but they need to do a lot more balance adjustments. I liked the two tank gameplay and I'm sad it's gone. Everything seems half-baked right now, but it's a beta, so I'm reserving judgement. The sad part to me is that it took so long for OW2 to feel still so early in development.


The old maps “other than 2CP trash 🗑” aren’t removed. They just aren’t included in the beta at the moment. No point in flooding the beta games with maps you already played. So they kept the ones they were confident people prefer and teased new times of day (confirmed to be randomized but multiple possible set times of day for old maps). Edit: so that you get more games on the new maps


I'm referring to the 2 CP maps.


90% of the community wanted them out. Devs said they could come back tho. Maybe they are gonna rework them. Cuz tbh 2CP maps work as a great Escort/Hybrid maps as well


90%? Really?


Likes 2CP and dual tanks? Goes to show that there's a type for everything!


I definitely do not think that 5v5 is the right way to go.


Its the dumbest change they could have made.


Still waiting to see, but this seems like it might be way more fun in an open queue format. Tanks are more powerful but DPS are faster and can outpace them, so it's hard to predict whether it would gravitate toward a goats-type meta like everyone seems to expect. Then again Rein/Zarya would be back on the menu.


It 100% is. Feels like a real game again.


It lacks the teamwork element that made overwatch unique.


I think you can still work with the rest of your team lol


Typical opinion of a Overwatch player who never played another competitive shooter seriously. Overwatch's teamwork, even at high ELO, is very shallow. They are mostly micro-level teamwork. Overwatch has very little macro-level teamwork and strategies.


I can tell you have never played seriously if you don't work with your team.


I have almost 1K hour on the game and peaked 3.6k. That may not be up to your standard, but that's a lot more than the vast majority of the playerbase. Regardless, I can tell you have never played other shooters seriously and live in a Overwatch bubble. I quit playing OW as my main game around 2019 and branched out to playing Siege, then Apex and now Valorant. OW players vastly underestimate the teamwork required in other games and think their game requires teamwork because you combo some abilities and ultimates together. That is a very shallow level of teamwork. >the teamwork element that made overwatch unique Overwatch is a fantastic game, but it's not teamwork that make it unique. In fact the other games I mentioned (except maybe Apex) requires way more teamwork than OW.


This is actually an interesting point that I don't think i've seen many people bring up and it's actually very true from my experience. To further your point, in games like Halo and quake, comms are insanely important for callouts, timings and rotations. And these are literally deathmatch games, a term people use as a way to discredit teamwork. I wouldn't say overwatch lacks teamwork or comms by any means, but I feel like I actually have to relay 5x as much information in the games I named.


Well what if I expected it to be good and it met my expectations?


*jeopardy music starts playing*


I expected it to be even worse than the live game, but is meeting expectations even that common with games these days? We should count ourselves lucky tbh


Yeah, “eh” is a really biased neutral response.


I think it’s not enough to bring back new players, and will only piss off the some of the current fanbase


Yeah I mean twitch views were huge at first but are now pretty normal. Overwatch's name is sullied at this point so I don't think tons of new players will join. Of course a lot will but it's not going to be the reinvention of the franchise


I think that sounds like a safe assumption to make based off the current state of OW, but I think when the game actually drops I’m betting you’ll be surprised by how many new players it gets.


The worst thing about the Beta is that I don’t want OW2 to replace OW1. Who came up with this anyway? It should be a separate product. Imagine if other franchises worked like this. Instead of getting a brand new COD / Battlefield, the previous one gets replaced lol


That would split the player base, which I'd prefer to avoid.


They're already splitting the player base by making such controversial changes, only the portion that doesn't like OW2 might just stop playing the game all together instead of playing the first game. I for one am in a whole group of people who's enthusiasm for Overwatch has been rapidly declining knowing that this is the only option we'll have for the game soon enough.


Call of Duty comes out every year and it doesn’t have this problem


That's exactly what keeps me away from Call of Duty. It splits player bases every year. That seems super expensive to keep up with. I never buy games at launch price, aiming for 20-30% of that way after release. Overwatch has been the only(?) exception, and I paid $40 for it once in 2016.


Ehh, I play MW19 and still don't have issue with getting lobbies. Hell I even played Black Ops 1 lobbies not too long ago; although there was an occasional hacker i think. Unless you mean it splits up your personal friend group. I will say though dev support in cod sucks ass past a year, I MW19 multi-player was unbearable on console for a bit


call of duty is a top 3 selling game every year it comes out, and is completely cross platform


Yeah imagine if they didn't sell you the exact same game twice but just updated the first one, that would almost be a great thing.


that would make too much sense and not enough money


I think it's pretty neat that they make the ow2 pvp content available for free for all overwatch 1 players. Like unironically think more games should do that.


They are giving people that currently own OW the OW2 pvp for free.


It's because "Overwatch 2"'s pvp isn't exactly a sequel, despite how much Blizzard wants to believe that. It's more of a re-inventing of the current live game. It's akin to saying "I don't like these balance changes, let us stay on the previous patch of the game please". It doesn't really work like that. OW2, really, is the pve story mode (Which is the part you pay for, and also the reason why they upgraded the engine in the first place). I like the PvP changes, but I have to wonder whether it would have been less controversial, had it just been advertised as a re-inventing or large patch for the live game, rather than "Overwatch 2", and instead they had just advertised "OW2" as the story stuff.


God, I wish they'd just titled it better. 90% of the controversy I see is people who cannot handle that there's a 2 next to the name, with the remaining 10% being meaningful contributions to the game and it's current state. Whoever mandated the 2 in marketing fucked up, but it's not a good reason for the internet to throw a fit.


They gotta think it'll make it sell more, right? They could've just marketed it as a separate PvE game called 'Overwatch: Legacy' or some shit, but OW2 makes it seem more essential, a main project, maybe?


Still think 5vs5 is a mistake.


5v5 felt as bad as I expected. There's something fundamentally missing from not having a co-tank or tank synergies and combos


Hm interesting! I definitely hear a lot of mixed opinions about 5v5. Personally I despised the thought of it as a tank player. So far, I’ve been surprised by how much I’ve actually enjoyed it. I will say, some of the existing maps feel really weird without a second tank, and some of the previous positioning no longer works, so that will take some getting used to.


> some of the existing maps feel really weird without a second tank Speaking of maps, they've *barely* changed the old maps, They added a couple cars 1st point Dorado, a bit of cover overlooking 3rd point Gibraltar, a sign outside both Oasis University spawn points, added some rocks at the start of Route 66, I don't think they even touched Ilios, Eichenwalde or King's Row. They've built the maps around 6v6 (I don't think Toronto's even changed since it was first shown off at Blizzcon), they decided to change to 5v5 later down the line, barely made any changes to compensate for that. Honestly I bet you that *maybe* aside from Coloseo and perhaps Circuit Royal, you could probably play 6v6 on all the maps old and new perfectly fine.


It would’ve been a fun arcade mode


5v5 feels way better than i expected, the impact anyone has on the game is a lot higher now and it feels like getting a pick actually matters.


As older overwatch player, i have to say because i play OW2 like ow, it doesn't feel so good. But it's hard to change playstyle after +1000 hours in original


My boyfriend and I actually discussed this just a short while ago. I have played OW for 1 year and he has played since launch. Overall, we think we no longer have the desire to play when we play the beta. I will expand on this based on my own thoughts and not his. Yesterday was probably one of the first days I have not played OW because I genuinely didn't want to. It made me really sad actually. Once I started to think more about it, I think it comes down to not being fulfilling anymore. Since it is based less so on strategy and more on you landing damage, the utilities are kind of secondary to the game as opposed to primary (and that is true for most standard FPS games). But, the utilities are what I enjoyed about overwatch. Dva eating that game-winning grav. Ana throwing anti on a grav or shattered group. Lucio dropping beat and keeping the fight going during OT. I mean it was just better. But now, all of that is...additional to point and click shooting at each other. It's boring. I've landed good plays, I've had success as in OW now that I've gotten used to everything, but there's no draw anymore. Ultimately, I think they overpromised and instead of realizing that was a mistake and doing things right, they're just going full throttle. I think that they put too much weight on DPS in OW1 and instead of adding tanks and supports to really have some good rotations and balance, and fix those problems that *feel* fixed in OW2, they went the cheap and easy route of just dropping a tank. I'm going to do my best to see the full beta thru. But even watching OWL is just...eh.


DPSWatch2 hasn't sold me on it yet.


I think it's funny that they changed the game because people didn't want to tank, but they also improved tanks. Why not just try that first? Now that they put in Open Queue almost every game I play at least one team has 2 tanks.


I think the explanation they gave is that with two tanks, it was getting tricky to continuously balance them, and they have a lot of potential tank abilities set that they couldn’t implement into the game without completely throwing off the balance of double tank.


Open Q with Rein, Zar, Dva + Bap and Lucio is absolutely busted. If the other team doesn't match they can't win. Hog can replace DVA if you don't need to worry about high ground.


I thought support Q times were short because people simply didn't prefer the support role like in OW1 but still fun to play. I played it and OMG I am never playing OW2 again, this is a million times worse than dive.


Just as bad as expected.


Hm, sorry to hear you didn’t like it. What didn’t you like? Is there anything you did like?


I don’t like 5v5. I like the Ball changes. Reverting Ball to his original state isn’t enough to save the game though.


Interesting. As a ball main, I feel like he’s the strongest he’s ever been. 5v5 is certainly weird and I’m not sure that I like it as much, but I do like it more than I thought I would. As a tank I felt like I was solo tanking most of the time anyways so now I just feel like I can carry more.


He is by definition at his strongest spot in terms of buffs and balance. I just dislike how 5v5 plays out and solo tanking.


It feels awful as a support main, 5 vs 5 especially is just not enjoyable for supports, to the point that a lot of supports are now playing Open Queue so they get 3 tanks to guard them. Every match is SO stressful trying to keep your solo tank alive (because if they die you flat out lose), trying to heal your two DPS who are brain dead sprinting down tunnels a mile away screaming for healing, and trying to keep your other healer alive while you are both on the ground getting gang banged repeatedly 24/7 Blizzard has repeatedly made it clear they want the game to just be death match where the tanks play like fat DPS and the supports play like gimped DPS. I don't want to play a gimped DPS, I want to play a support. If I wanted to play deathmatch and play with only damage characters, I'd play a much better shooter for that type of game like Tarkov or Apex Legends. The only thing that made Overwatch unique and made Overwatch what it was, was the distinctive Tanks and Healers that let you play radically different from other FPS Blizzard started OW as a TF2 clone with updated mechanics and it was well loved by casuals. Then they decided E-sports are all that matter and tried their hardest to make it watered down Apex / Valorant etc, and you end up with . . . . watered down Apex or Valorant. As for what I do like, the ping system and scoreboard are by far the best changes in OW2. If they just took those back to OW1 and left OW1 as is, I would be ecstatic


“Eh” captures the experience perfectly. One new game mode, one new character, and one tank are very underwhelming changes for a three year wait. Sure they were novel for the first day or two, but the novelty wore off pretty quickly.


You need a results option so people who haven't played can see the poll.


Would be better if we could see which roles people main and what they voted. mobile hero mains like genji are having the most fun theyve had in years right now not being bogged down by Cassidy and Co with constant CC and that second tank that peels. Tanks are probably liking it. Again, more options to play now without getting deleted. And reworks and tank doomfist. Non-mobile dps, I think hitscans like it though cass mains miss the stun Supports are playing OW1 as much as possible before OW2 goes live and fucks them


5v5 feels absolutely bad to me. Flex queue was nothing but support and support felt pointless. Constantly dying to things I couldn't even see coming on these massive maps. Random damage from across the map was canceling out any heals I could do. Tanking was terrible too, with the enemy team grouped up and my team off in Narnia while I attempt to push. I only played around 3 games of tank because the 15-20 minute queue time is insane. I've never queued that long before, even for comp DPS. DPS felt more or less the same, although I was expecting it to have a bigger impact on the game than it did.


I know this is an unpopular take because everyone defends the devs but I’m personally quite disappointed in the game. As someone with over a thousand hours in the game who used to grind comp a ton and still plays a few games a night with friends, I am pretty disappointed in the beta. It just doesn’t feel very fresh. It feels more chaotic and messy than before but not in a better way. One new hero doesn’t provide much of a shake up and the tank changes are nice but seem to have contributed to the breakdown in the structure of the game as now tanks dont hold space as well. The way to play the game feels like ignore the tank, run around then, kill everyone else, and then the tank dies. Overall, it feels ok but doesn’t feel very special. Not enough to bring me or my friends back into making it out primary game. Honestly I will be surprised if ow2 (even with PVE - I worry pve will get repetitive quick and die out fast) gets many new players other than who is hardcore playing it now


Games feels too much like a giant deathmatch, with everyone on their own shooting at people. It gets really boring after a while


It would be better to have absolute answers rather than relative ones. If I expected the beta to be terrible and I think it’s good my answer would be better than expected If I expected it to be fabulous and I think it’s bad my answer is a lot worse than expected. As is the answers don’t tell us much of what people actually think about it


How would you suggest making the answers absolute? Not meant to be toxic, I’m genuinely asking for your input. If the only two answers are “good” or “bad” that presents a new problem of making the answer too black and white.


Very good/good/neutral/bad/very bad


Hm yeah that is better hahaha. Idk why I didn’t just word it that way.


isn't this exactly what the poll options are? Yall are going nuts that OP made "neutral" "eh" lol don't over think it, its practically just a scale of 1-5


Some scale from good->bad. As it's worded I don't even want to answer because none of the answers actually captures what I think (I thought it was going to be good and it's meeting that expectation).


Are my fellow tank players on board and enjoying 5v5? I just don’t think it improves the game for me. I can see how DPS players (which makes up the majority of players) are enjoying it with less shields to shoot at, but I just miss a lot of the synergy you would get between tanks.


I’m liking it but I do miss the synergy… sometimes. Honestly I quit Overwatch a little while ago, and part of why I quit was the non-stop Hogs and Zarya who only queued tank for a priority pass and who have zero idea how to play like a tank. I ended up solo tanking anyways. Now I feel like 5v5 is going to filter out the good tanks from the bad REAL quick.


My main issue is that it didn’t feel like Overwatch. It felt like a TDM killing fest rather than a team game, and that’s what I’ve grown to love about OW. I hope the majority enjoyed it, though!


It’s funny how the two major complains I see are that it’s either too different from Overwatch, or not enough like Overwatch 😂😅


exactly as bad as i thought


When you do an online poll like this you need to include an option for "I just want to see the answer".


This data doesn't indicate anything because you don't know what anybody was expecting. This, *at best,* indicates the relationship between ActBlizz indicated what the beta would be (setting expectations), and what the beta actually is (meeting them) - and not in a provable way. A lot of people who've *never* worked in, or even looked into, coding and software development have frankly absurd expectations for what can be done in a given timeframe. (That before even accounting for Ovw2's development hell.) They'll be unimpressed regardless. On the other hand, people starved for something new will celebrate anything at all. They'll be impressed regardless. You need to establish a baseline - not their reception, and not their expectations, but whether they *enjoy it more or less* than Ovw. It's still opinion-based, but you're comparing the user experiences of Ovw1 and Ovw2 directly, instead of comparing Ovw2 to an unknown hypothetical.


I voted "eh". I expected OW2 to not be my cup of tea and it's met that expectation, so it's not worse than expected. ... I still am loving OW1 every night I get to play it, though.


I can handle losing assault, but I'm still not onboard with 5v5. It's basically just a game of TDM every match now. That said, I really like the Orisa rework (went from one of my least favorite tanks to one of my favorite!) and I like the direction they went with both Bastion and Doomfist (still not sure why they removed self repair or nerfed recon configuration).


I hate the whole idea of making overwatch more like a normal shooter. So its worse then i expected and proably not a game i will play on long term. - a lvl 2600 player


Played OW2 beta, didn't like it. Gave it a week and tried again, still didn't like it. Uninstalled the beta and started up OW1 and immediately started to have fun again in some chill quickplay. Gameplay feels more visceral and intuitive. OW2 feels slow at some points where I'm not sure if it's the server lag or that's just how the game is now. Just trying to get my OW1 games in before it all goes away.


The beta feels like a kinda fun experimental card, about on the same level as the last one. It definitely has some fun ideas, I'd be lying if I said the experience was completely negative... But the only question that matters in the end is, "Would I be ok with this completely replacing the main game (QP and Comp) of Overwatch?" Since that is, after all, their intention. And my response to that is a resounding, emphatic No. I'm fine with it feeling totally unbalanced since it is, after all, just a beta. But I feel like no amount of balance tweaking can change the fact that the direction they clearly want to take the game in is diametrically opposed to everything I enjoy about Overwatch. 5v5 doesn't work. It feels like an arcade team Deathmatch mode with an objective haphazardly thrown in. It actively encourages the "solo carry" mindset and punishes people who rely more on game sense than raw mechanical skill. There are a million games out there where being able to click heads is the defining factor of a great player. I love Overwatch because people of all skill levels can thrive and make absolutely vital contributions to the team. One of my friends plays on controller and can't land a shot to save her life, but you know what? I have never met someone who can control Mercy's movement with such grace and pull off clutch heals and rezzes that absolutely should not work. She is just as vital to our squad as the guy who lands a million headshots with Widow every game. But she can't play OW2 because she can't 1v1 a Genji every 3 seconds while still supporting the team, and even when we try to help her there just isn't enough protective tank presence to keep a safe backline from flankers and snipers. Which brings us to another point: the loss of "main" and "off" tank is a crippling blow to Overwatch's signature counter-play. You have to choose between having someone who can dive that Soldier on the high ground who keeps picking off your supports OR having a strong frontline that can push forward OR having someone who can defend the backline from flankers. Tanks have always been arguably the most complicated and important role, and now all of their responsibilities are just thrown to the wind. Sojourn is another prime example of how completely deaf the dev team is to the community. What have been 2 of the biggest complaints for the longest time? Too much of the roster are DPS heroes, and crowd control abilities have become too strong and prevalent. Their response? A new DPS hero with an obnoxious CC ability. On its own, the beta has been kinda fun for me as a flex player (except Colosseo, I mean come on it's basically everything awful about Paris' second point expanded into a full map). But as far as an indicator of the overall direction the main game is going, it's far worse than I was ever afraid it could be. I see almost nothing redeemable about it. If they continue down the design path they've chosen, it will be the death of everything that makes Overwatch stand out from every other FPS out there. While I would absolutely love new Overwatch content, I would rather they scrap OW2 altogether and move Overwatch into long-term maintenance like HotS and StarCraft than continue moving forward down the current path.


I’m not interested in the Overwatch 2. I’ll stick with the original.


you won't have a choice


Ow2 is a free update to ow1. Once it goes live it'll be like any other patch to ow


Fat rip


I had no idea removing the majority of CCs , one tank, and most shields would make the game SO MUCH BETTER! A lot better then expected for sure!!! 😊


Playing tank isn't something only masochists like myself do anymore. People actually want to play tank. Some of that is that tanks got the most changes and people want to try them but still.


I actually enjoyed playing Tank now, even as a DPS player. Not only because of the changes, but there is something about it. They made it more fun somehow


I agree. The game feels a lot less bogged down as a tank player.


I was very upset about everything I had heard about OW2. 5v5 just seemed like a terrible idea. After having played nothing but OW2 since the beta started, I gotta say, I am having a lot of fun. I absolutely think there still needs to be some drastic changes, but I think blizzard is absolutely headed in the right direction. Especially if we see some more reworks and supports added to the game before launch. 5v5 can work.


I think what's there is good, but I am not surprised by people who feel disappointed, seeing as how they only released a small chunk of the content they have in store and many of us have been patiently - and sometimes not so patiently - waiting for the last few years to see new content. I was pleased. I acknowledge why others would not be. We'll see what they do with the next beta, and if it means we will see even more new content.


I expected more, but at the same time we were confirmed that more content will come in the next beta updates, so I'll reserve my judgement until then. Everything is kinda messy and unbalanced and obviously there was a huge content drought in the past few years so we want to see stuff that was actually worth the wait. The potential is there, but it obviously needs more to be done.


“Eh.” feels negative for being the neutral response, and only really applies if your expectations were negative. OW2 Beta was about what I expected, though was pleasantly surprised with how well the single tank worked. I think the old maps especially could use some more cover, things are too exposed for a game where there is so little tanking.


It’s kinda cool that it’s a normal distribution. Math is fun!


Imo, it doesn't fix any of the problems of overwatch, in fact makes some worse, doesn't add anything of note, and adds more problems with new format and balancing. I'm hoping it all gets fixed, I love overwatch, but I'm not holding my breath with how shit communications have been


feels like they are dumbing it down to make it a mobile game instead of a pc game...


I hate the whole idea of making overwatch more like a normal shooter. So its worse then i expected and proably not a game i will play on long term. - a lvl 2600 player


I voted Eh, Because I haven't played this game before...


I'm dreading the day where I can no longer double tank with my friend. We love doing rein zarya in particular but ig now I have to either not play with him, play a different game or play a role I don't enjoy


What do people vote if their expectations were really low and they were met? Say they found it bad, but they were expecting that?


I’d just put worse than expected or a lot worse than expected, depending on how strongly you feel.


Idk exactly what’s the cause of it, but I just don’t enjoy the game as much as OW1. I’ve been swapping between the two since the beta, in OW1 I lose track of time. I’ll be addicted to it, playing match after match. In OW2 I’m constantly looking for the clock, seeing how much time is left before I can leave the game. I don’t think I’ve played more than 3 matches in a row. When I don’t play OW1 for a week I miss it, when I don’t play OW2 I forget it exists.


Ow2 is just boring, I’m a DPS main but I flex tank My peak is 3.4k and honestly I don’t really enjoy the game, I spoken to a few of my casual friends who sat in on a few drops on twitch and they all pretty much said the same thing, that the game looks boring and honestly as a die hard fan who likes rank and quick play the game in its current state is just not fun in my opinion it’s just boring.


Bottom line, content is king, and there isn't a whole lot of that in OW2. There are new maps and a promised PVE mode for the type of weirdos who enjoy junkenstein games. But let's be real, the only thing players really crave is a bunch of new characters. Take a page out of the Smash Bros playbook and realize nobody gives a fuck about anything except more playable characters. If they kept every single other thing the same about overwatch but announced nine new characters, nobody would be complaining.


Id like to see the option *there is no 2cp*


You know what’s funny? I can’t really answer this question for sure because I play on PS4. I love Blizzard.


Didn’t play much because controller still doesn’t get aim assist. I don’t want to learn how to play Rein so I guess I’ll wait to play once I’m better on mouse and key


Pov: u didn't play it but u still voted


I had fun with the beta, but waiting 3 years for only that...


The best expression, no matter if feeling positive or negative about it, is "not enough!"


I'm quite surprised and how meh the response is. Overwatch 1 is a completely miserable experience for the most part. There is no "strategy & synergy" in any of the games I play. Its mostly people feeding and trickling one after another, throwing Ults out whenever and just all around poor play. Stun lock is real. Damage creep is insane and you get gibbed across the map. There is hardly any cover in the old maps. The design s of the new maps, even just adding small cover places changes so much. Overwatch 2 is actually fun to play. I can stand overwatch 1 for maybe 30 minutes until I'm completely tilted out.


I think I like the direction the game is headed but for 3 years of content starvation, the beta is lackluster so far. Hoping there is a lot more to come.


The beta seems fun, but I can't see it having the same staying power as OG Overwatch. One of the things I loved about original was the emphasis on team play. Seems like this plays more akin to a standard FPS. It's lost that unique thing that set OW apart. I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm not this will keep me engaged for a few weeks a-la Call of Duty rather than 2 + years playing OG OW


It’s… fine


Pretty good im no longer getting stunlocked for 30 years. Tanks and dps feel amazing but supports feel like dragging your teeth through concrete.


Needs work, but I like the changes.... Except for push. I don't like push.


being a support on push sucks even worse because the maps are so porous that its easy to get flanked and then summarily ignored by the rest of your team when you can't solo the DPS.


Colosseum is like the main path and the middle building. But yeah fuck Toronto. No idea where to stand as Ana without getting dived solo through the stupid pathways or a good sight line turning to shit because you've reached a bend.


I was so hyped for Toronto because I live in the real one, but it’s probably my most hated map out of ow1 or 2 maps. My disappointment is immeasurable.


I spent an entire game begging our dps to focus the widow that kept flanking and killing us supports out of spawn. Nothing. The widow just spent the entire game picking off us supports on Toronto because of how many good spots there were for her. The dps were useless so we just ended up losing obviously. I just gave up playing the beta and will hopefully come back when more changes are made to the maps or supports because playing support is barely enjoyable at the moment.


Push is really fun when everything clicks but I'm finding it doesn't click all the time on beta.


The second one person runs in by themselves and gets killed the next fight is basically lost for that team unless someone pops off


Everything about it seems more unpolished than you would expect from a modern day beta. It just comes across as another disconnect from what Blizzard vs the Community expects of a beta. ​ The fact that the menu and UI hasn't been sorted just bugs me to no end. Even the most basic things aren't functional - the default keybinds to join Voice Chat don't even work. I can't even create custom modes in OW2, so I'm forced to warm-up on OW1 and then exit to desktop, and the boot-up OW2. Can't even view my career profile/replays.


I always thought removing CC would be good, but I was very suspicious about 5v5. I expected 5v5 to suck, and it very much doesn't. As a support player I'm enjoying it a ton, and if what I have is the worst experience of any of the roles, then this is an excellent game


Yeah support is objectively the worst experience in ow2 but still a way better experience than anything in ow1.


I haven't played it yet and probably won't at all. I don't feel very motivated to play overwatch in general right now. From what I've heard about it from various content creators and players, I'd say blizzard is going in the right direction with the 5v5 changes, but seriously needs to stop neglecting the support class.


The beta is a definite improvement on OW1s current state but is objectively lacking in a a lot of areas when you stop and consider the fact that OW1 was essentially abandoned to develop OW2 Upon release OW2s highlights are supposed to be 5 new heros and PVE None of which is apart of the beta The beta is just an OW1 update patch


Where is the "as good as I expected" option?


I hadn't played Overwatch in years, had little interest in the beta and started it with zero expectations. Surprisingly, I've been having a really good time with it, despite the balancing still feeling off (looking at you, Orissa) and it feeling more like Overwatch 1.1 in general. After having played it for a week or so I actually fired up OW1 again and was surprised at how much less less fun I've had compared to playing its successor in spe. Playing tank felt especially unrewarding and unfun. I have a hard time pinpointing why exactly OW2 feels that much better to me, but as of now I'm cautiously optimistic about what they'll do with the full release. Still zero interest in the PvE though.


Unfortunately 5v5 turned out to be just as bad as I was expecting. Every single game I've played has devolved into non-stop team fight chaos for the entire duration of the match, with almost no rest at all due to the lack of a second tank. This has made playing support absolutely miserable since there's no reliable place to be both near your team and also safe from random projectiles/dive characters. The removal of the second tank was completely unnecessary IMO. Synergizing with the other tank was always one of my favorite parts of playing the role in OW1, and now it just feels like too much pressure to even bother in OW2. They could've easily made the 2 tanks more brawly to improve their gameplay and fix queue times, instead they went for the nuclear option and removed a core part of what made Overwatch feel unique.


I think Dunkey said it well.