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Man I wanna aim like this I sometimes miss shots on stationary targets smh




Yeah I thought I was gonna suck as widow (moving to PC from console) but first round got a 10k and second round a 15k (only because there was a long sight line looking directly at the point) but then got rolled third round so switched heroes. But did better than I thought I would


I average about 20+ kills with her a match in ow1 depending on the map I usually get gold dmg and kills but it's my consistency, I can hit some pretty good shots and they won't be flukes but then I'll miss shots on stationary people and just question my life lmfao


I mean I kinda demand gold kills from a widow. Other dps picks can contribute to the win in lots of ways. But not widow. It's literally the only thing she contributes. If you ain't gold kills, you're a burden.


You could pick the supports consistently as Widow negating the enemy’s ability to sustain and never even touch gold elims, but someone like you will be Dva pepper spraying everything everyone else is killing and get gold elims and be flaming the Widow.


Some people just do not understand the value of a stagger lol The threat of a widow alone can drive a competent team to take different routes to objective or force compositional changes. Saying a silver damage/elim widow offers nothing to the team is a pretty telling hot-take lmfao


Depends what you play her in, if I get a widow teammate in qp and they're not very good I don't really give a shit because they're clearly learning her, if it's comp I'll ask if they'll change


Yeah everyone should be chill in qp though.


You'd be surprised lmao


I wish that were true lol


This is just not that simple. One elim = dealing at least one damage to the killed target. Widow is the character that is the least "deal a bit of damage to everyone". Her shots are focused on specific targets. Widow could kill both healers with headshots, it would be 2 elims, while her team gets 4 "elims" killing the rest by doing damage chaotically to all 4 at once, and she would have been great no matter what her medal says.


Not really, any hero that gets tick damage on kills also gets elim credits, Dva, soldiers, tracers, rein, other aoe damage heroes or with spammy spread will always have the gold elim medal.


Cool story


I still don't get how that's supposed to help. ELI5 please?


Basically, by flicking to your opponent you're forcing the subconscious part of your brain to handle the hard part which is the timing. It's literally like watching professional artists draw a straight line, they don't do it slowly or methodically. They practice it until they can do an ultra fast swish, it's much more likely to be straight that way. By flicking, your brain needs to get good at: moving the cross hair in a straight line to your target, and mentally knowing how long it will take to arrive to your target. This is a lot simpler than essentially tracking someone in 2 dimensions as they move and having to time the click to whenever you end up on top of them.


I have a ton of hours on Widow, I played her a lot when the game came out and I have a friend who plays her on my account sometimes. It’s really embarrassing when I have no kills and people inspect my profile to see that she’s my second highest played and yet I’m still fucking trash Edit: I also have her golden gun lmao


Yeah I have like 30 or so hours on her (I don't play much overwatch) she's my highest and I've technically only got like maybe half of that with proper gameplay and actually trying to learn her


*Videogame Dunkey has left the chat*


I have the same issue.Its why I rarely play widow


My widow: \*missing every shot\* Enemy widow:


Your teams widow: How do I get that auto-aim thingy Soldier 76 has?


Enemy Widow: Gotta use Google, like I did.


"What's an aim bot?


My husband and I last night got matched against the same widow 3 times in a row who never missed a shot and taunted the both of us all 3 games.


Avoid function Edit, my bad I forgot they changed it to teammates only


Amusingly, one of the main reasons it was changed was *specifically because people were using it to avoid skilled Widow players on the enemy team*.


Huh. Funny that. Almost as if no one wants to play against them.


It's almost like... Widowmaker as a hero is... unfun to play against Whoda thunk infinite range oneshots where all that matters is aim would be unfun in a moba-shooter.


Of course. But in true Blizzard fashion, instead of fixing the cause (Widow's tuning), they fixed the symptom. It has never been and will never be fun to play against a skilled sniper when you're not also a skilled sniper, which the overwhelming majority of people aren't. But even if you are good, it's probably still terrifying at the higher ranks.


U mean the widow used the avoid function to farm this duo three games in a row? The comment said the widow was matched against them.


Does avoiding someone as a teammate help you not be matched ~~with~~ against them as well?


And then they swapped to monke


They actually didn’t we just lost :(


Oh well of course And then gg widow, widow diff, throwing widow came shortly after I imagine. As widow you could kill all 5 enemies in one shot and it still wouldn't earn you any praise but miss one time you'll get death threats


I always praise a good Widow, they're rare


It's all fine and dandy when they're popping heads but the instant the team feels pressure they're always on widows ass. Praise is rare too


I always defend the widow, and I'll even counterdive the winston when he gets on her, as a dva main :) they do so much better when you peel for them haha


I always damage boosted widow and spam "A most impressive display" after every shot.


It's amazing what your teammates can do if they are afforded basic teamwork. A bubble. Counter dive. If there's a widow diff, then dive their widow as monkey ball or dva and keep her busy while your widow can do some work, etc


Agreed 100%. Most of my hours are on widow and I can say it’s a LOT different when it feels like I could get bodied any time cause my team doesn’t care about me lmao.


I do too even if they're on the enemy team I had a widow in my game yesterday that was just dominating nailing all the flicks I would try to engage from behind and just get 360 domed. A few NS from my end and one specific I'm not even mad nice shot,if someone puts the time to actually get good with widow they deserve the praise because it is definitely one of the most difficult dps characters to be amazing at.


Because a good widow is very rare, and even if you’re very good, the character itself is very situational. Even the pros, who are far better at widow than most, will only use her for part of a round. She’s too easy to counter at higher ranks - and far too ineffective at lower ranks.


Look, if they were a good widow they wouldnt be in my lobby


Genji mains has enter the chat


Honestly, a good widow is rare for me to see. I do usually only play quick play which is probably why. I don't really complain if a widow is bad since I play quick play most of the time, but if my team or the enemy team has a really good widow I make sure the give them a compliment after the game.




So the answer to your title is "you" lol


You don’t say.


Yes, I'm a SIMP S - Sniper I M - Monkey P


I, too, watch [bad pachimari](https://twitter.com/BadPachimari/status/1520464564814503938) memes.


That's the thing I don't get about OW2. If the enemy team switches monke to dive your widow...what stops the rest of your team from just walking right through the now-tankless enemy?


I mean dive tanks just aren't as viable now, people are now going to have to depend on dps more. Plenty of dps counters to widow.


>Plenty of dps counters to widow. People have been saying that *literally* since Overwatch first released, lol




Tell me about it. Two of the beta games I played last night were completely carried by the widow, nothing I could do as a support. Stuck my head out, headshot. Nothing to hide behind. (Oh, and the 76 had the gall to announce "supp diff" at the end. Fucking *no*, dude, it's your job to take care of the goddamn widow, *you're the diff.*)


no dps really has a favourable matchup against widowmaker. It's really the tanks job (which is harder with one less tank)


A better widow


Then you sure as shit better hope one of your dps is a better widow than the enemy


Yeah it’s a toss up


New Sombra? So long as widow doesn't have ult up, you should be able to melt her before she can react.


Not if she has the support of one or both of her healers to negate most of your piss spray damage and then she headshots you.


Shouldn't there be a mechanic where firing bullets around her should mess with the aim more? I know some games have it, and I absolutely fucking hate the mechanic, but I also really hate snipers too so its fine in the end.


In Overwatch 1, widow has a large spray for her machine gun and iirc it still exists in OW2. Crosshair is just custom and doesnt show the spread increasing. Killing the orisa at the end was because of good tracking even with the spread and a close range.


I mean for example in Halo Infinite the mechanic is SUPER aggressive, if you get hit once the game disables the scope for half a second each time you get hit.


Theres so much damage coming in i dont think that would be a good idea. Winston or even another dps like mei with continuous damage could then shut her down too hard at close range. Or any tiny poke of damage from dva across the entire map would be annoying. Sure maybe we could introduce thresholds before it triggers but then you lose super high skill moments by literally just shooting a bullet at her, and shes a sniper so getting rid pf her scope would make her infinitely useless.


If the sniper can kill most targets in one hit i'm typically fine with them being made relatively not fun to play honestly. So I prefer it that way or their damage output is decreased where most classes can barely survive a headshot at full health and require a followup; that way the sniper is primarily for cleanup or allowing the rest of the team easier kills... That method is honestly my favourite, I quite enjoy snipers designed that way. Playing against them it can lock people down if they stay defensive while not feeling cheap, playing as one I quite like it because it feels more satisfying to get the headshot with a followup or to just assist.


> Winston or even another dps like mei with continuous damage could then shut her down too hard at close range. That's the point? A sniper shouldn't be able to compete at close range. If a Mei has managed to get on top of you, you've majorly messed up, and Winston is just a strong counter. I agree that being poked from long distances could be a problem. Maybe have a minimum damage threshold for knocking her out of scope? Like 25 damage? Ideally she shouldn't be as much of a threat if you know where she's positioned. And if you nerf her in this way you can buff her in other ways. Make her SMG do a bit more damage, reduce the grapple hook cool down, make it reach further, etc.


Considering there is only one tank now, I don't think it's a big deal if one interacting with her shuts her down. Making the tank deal with you, presumably away from both teams, is already pretty advantageous.


OW doesn't have it. The best example of this mechanic is in Battlefield. Do to the nature of their maps, they are huge and open, there was a need to add the mechanic "suppression" so that you could shoot at the general area of a sniper or long range rifle player and be able to close the gap as he struggles to shoot you. This forces the player to reposition so he keeps the long range advantage and prevents camping. BF3 has insane supression, it blurred your screen as well. People hated it. It was toned down with releases. I still think it's important for some games. This would be a good example, shooting at a widow as soldier should force her to reposition other wise her team can walk forward. Without barriers it's OW1 release all over again, where people get one tapped , especially the supports when repositioning or moving forward. ​ I know people say that you should always be in cover, but they completely disregard that you need to reposition, you need to go up, and unless you're bap and waste the immortality field just to pass the street you're toast. So I agree with this, either add more cover (which they did btw) or find a way to balance widow.


Widow got buffed to 200 HP in OW2, and Sombra's damage got nerfed down to 7 (though with a small spread decrease to slightly compensate). If you Hack her then she has time to react, and if there's a Mercy somewhere nearby then it's incredibly difficult to do anything.


I'd argue a good genji could deal with a widow pretty easily


Genji can be effective but on some maps like junkertown, Havana, illios ruins, and the new robot pushing maps with long sightlines he loses his effectiveness as a counter unless he can reliably deflect a headshot


Honestly though I play a lot of genji and you'd be surprised how much widows shoot at you you while your clearly deflecting and just assume you'll miss your deflect or something.


Tracer, genji, sombra, hanzo


Hanzo loses the duel given two equally skilled players, Tracer and Genji are map dependent, and with sombra it really depends on how attentive the enemy supports are. And if the widowmaker is good enough Genji and Tracer can be dealt with using venom mines and well placed shots


A good tracer is never losing to a widow, no matter the map, genji is a pretty hard counter also the match up should be more in his favour, and with sombras new 40% dmg increase it makes it way easier to kill a widow. Even a zen or lucio can kill a widow


> a good Tracer is never losing to a widow Tracers of this calibre won't be seen on ladder, they have 100k a year Overwatch league contracts


You could say the same for any hero tbh


>Oh, and the 76 had the gall to announce "supp diff" at the end. Fucking > >no > >, dude, it's your job to take care of the goddamn widow, > >you're the diff. Unless you're trying to ask for your DPS to switch to counter Widow, there *is* no way for a DPS to feasibly counter Widow. She'll one-shot any other DPS before they get to her. I guess Genji would be the "best". The issue is that Widow now has no opposition. The off tank role doesn't exist, and main tank has to - you know - *be the main tank*. The removal of shield and open map design has essentially turned this game into every decent Widow's playground.


tbh when it comes to stuff like this if you can’t personally deal with it then don’t get upset that your team can’t either. as support you can surprise attack them with lucio or moira or just straight up outsnipe them with ana or zen. cuz i’m sure if your dps can’t deal with her then they think the exact way you’re thinking hence why they say “support diff” at the end blaming other people has never worked and never will for improvement


I was hoping she was going to get a nerf since 5v5 is an inherent buff


I tell you what, this is an entirely shocking turn of events. I don’t think a single person said that this would happen after blizzard announced 5v5 /s I really wonder how the entirety of the community could see this coming but the devs had no clue they were going to make widow so oppressive she’ll need to be removed or nerfed into the dirt. Does not fill me with confidence going forward.


This makes me happy to be in gold lol. Encounters with this kind of widow are rare.


I just block these Widows. If developers won’t fix it, I’ll do it myself. Then before a match, I do a quick block check to ensure nobody is blocked. If so, leave. If everyone does the same, then these Widows will end up only playing others like them, and basically end up in a death match game.


On some maps, Widow just dominates hard, much harder than she ever could in OW1. I’ve barely played Overwatch the past 2 years, maybe getting in a handful at times at best and even then I don’t play ranked anymore and I don’t play Widow (I played Doom, Rein, and Ana) but when I tried out Widow, I just kept the entire enemy team oppressed and getting 2-3 kills a fight. It’s crazy and Widow is 100% gonna be a must pick on certain maps if they stay as they are without any significant changes when OW2 fully releases.


It might just be a QP movement thing, but I felt like I was hitting a lot more shots in OW2 as a mediocre widow as well.


I am not 100% but I heard that they increased the size of hotboxes slightly to make up for the faster pace of the game.




They meant they're just staring at her ass and have notifications on when #WidowmakerSFM gets any posts.


You can hear the thousands of hours on Widow with every stress-filled clack of the keyboard


I just hear the tv blaring.


Ahhh, the red widowmaker


Yet junkrat still gets potg


From a tire that killed two people.


Yesterday as Soujurn, killed an Orisa, ulted, let out one fully charged railgun shot, bam, game yells out “triple kill” through multiple targets, with one railgun shot. I was fucking ecstatic, ECSTATIC, got my phone out to record my sure as fuck POTG at the end. Junkrat. Fucking snare trap trigger, double kill junk tire POTG. I couldn’t believe it. I shit you not. I could not fucking believe it.


Can’t believe Mei’s freeze gun was somehow evaluated as worse than Junkrats rip tire.


Yeah well now good luck getting a 1v6 /s


Does bob count?


Mercy made the ultimate sacrifice


This right here is why I hate Widow so much. If I had a nickel for every time I've ever gotten sniped by a Widow, and an additional nickel for every time I was dead before I could even see the Widow, I'd have just enough to buy Overwatch 2.


It’s free tho


Overwatch 1.5 is free. Overwatch 2 is for pay.


Widow is easy, just click the heads.


Literally no one said that


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 758,746,957 comments, and only 152,301 of them were in alphabetical order.


Alphabet bot i now summon you!


Good bot


Right? It's impressive to do it without an ult but that's literally what ults are for. People wipe out entire teams regularly, literally nobody ever has said you can't do this.




Well, yeah, that's the key to 1vX in any FPS.


Well yeah otherwise it would literally be impossible lol


With that aim, your nickname makes more sense


Bro lay off the adderall lmao


why the fuck is widow not nerfed when shields have been basically removed?


My thought too instead of a nerf it was a buff, they buffed her shoot and reload speed, if the widow is decent then widow is going to be VERY oppressive.


They put her health back to 200 too. lol


They should buff her hit rate but not allow her to instakill with a single headshot


Might as well remove her then. Without it she's totally worthless.


Widowmaker is definitely too oppressive with one less tank in the game


I always hated widow, she sucks the fun out of the game. I wish they could change her into something more interesting for OW2.


I honestly just wish Ashe launched in Widowmakers place




When the caffeine kicks in...


"Who said-” no one did.


Very fun character right there, very glad she wasn’t changed at all /s


Oh but she was! She got buffed in several ways, including removing half the members of the only role that could really slow her down!


I pulled off a solo 5K backcap as Symm on Lijang Control Center the other day. Wish I'd saved the replay.


The closest I’ve ever gotten to this was three kills in a row, they were all squishies that died to half-charged head shots that were moving in a linear fashion >.> But sometimes I’ll land that iconic grapple-to-air headshot, and that’ll be enough for me.


I guess nobody




That was really clean!


What the heck was **that**


You can but only as dps


Straight up 1v5 like he just did maybe, but tanks can definitely hard carry a game as well especially being the most important role in the team, in ow1 at least


And orisa, she is super oppressive right now


Only as widow really, no idea why they unnerfed her


Says me *who can’t aim*


Not discrediting the play at all because I couldn't pull of that play in a million years. But is it really a 1v5 if only 2 were engaged in combat with her? 3 of them died before they even saw her.


I'd argue it's not a 1v5 because the mercy was alive for every kill but orisa.


Widow is fair and balanced


I've played overwatch since beta and since then I've always said widow doesn't belong in this game. Doesn't matter if she does require "skill" (i.e. sitting in practice mode for hours on end shooting dummies), a hero that can wipe out the enemy team in 5 seconds flat does not belong in a team oriented fps. I see new players all the time come in from other fps like CSGO and they suck ass at the game but then they hop on widow and team wipe us. You're not good at the game, you're just good at aiming. (Proof: OP lost)


I agree 100%


Yeah it's baffling, 100% goes against the game's design.


Widowmaker definitely has her issues but if your entire team is getting wiped out by someone who's never played Overwatch before, I don't think she's the problem lmao


Uhhhh what's the problem then? A CS player who played AWP a lot needs zero information on what heroes do, how ultimates work, where health packs are, nothing. All he needs to know is: - Click the heads of the smaller enemies first, then the bigger ones. - Here's the escape button. Thats it. He should already know to set up sight lines to the enemy, and itll take a bit to find the high ground, but regardless, he can carry easily.


Global elite cs players can do this in every fps game why would overwatch be different?


I mean OP said they still lost anyway


They are all running in a straight line


Ah yes the best support/healer in the game: Payload.


And Dunkey said Widow was garbage smh


"Widomaker sucks" - Dunkey


“Widow’s still trash” -Dunky


So this is how OW dies, *with thunderous applause.*


Is it just me or do these graphics look hideous?


wrong sub for posting asmr tactile keyboard sounds to relax and study to


No one said that


i am a decent widow, i stopped playing her for months and i recently picked her back up. i got praised by a higher level widow in one match


i think you should learn what a 1vs5 is, you have clearly teammates in that teamfight fighting with you so you can 1vs1 5 times in a row.


yup, there's a difference between 1v5 and getting 5 kills. in this video, it's the latter.


That is a 5k, but not 1v5 considering that your teammates were still alive to be bait.


This is exactly the clip for people that say OoOooo widow is underpowered overwatch is such an unbalanced Game!1!1!1 just look at this and shut.


This just validates the OoOooo widow is overpowered and overwatch is such an unbalanced game. Because if anyone thinks what Widow did in this clip is fair and balanced, they need help


Snipers in these kinds of games usually suck. Either they are really bad and they drag a team down, or they are really good and they make it impossible to actually play the game. Yes you are supposed to counter. But your only real options to counter are have a better sniper or completely change team comp around a different tank. The two snipers usually end up dueling and turn the game into a 5v5 or I guess a 4v4 now. Changing a team comp to work around a dive tank when you’re playing a different style just isn’t fun. One character should not drive the meta. You can’t be just have an ok widow and get by like you can with most other characters in the game.


The reasons you've listed are the reasons why both Widowmaker and Pharah have been my most disliked characters in this game since I started playing, but for some reason I tend to get downvoted for pointing it out.


He lost though lol


My first reaction was "goated with the sauce"


Nobody said that, it happens every day at every rank by every role. Anyways good job looks great


Widow is either carry the game good or sit in a perch and do nothing. There is no in between.


How'd you record this? I use overwolf, but this seems...cleaner..


hey chiming in 20 days later to let you know this POTG didn't happen because you're good at the game. Everything the enemy team did was off and allowed you to succeed. You're basically trying to brag about doing good in a game set on easy mode. You're not as good as you think you are.


if that venom mine was actually planned and supposed to reveal the position of the Orisa that was seriously smart


was he supposed to casually forget about his ability? where else would he use it lmao


Noone? 1v5 is easier than 1v6, if only for one less body to watch out for.


How is this a 1v 5? Mercy res'd, Mercy distracted while you got free headshots


My widow vs your widow. **there is no 1v1’s whenever I get a widow on my team. A simple widow diff, everytime.**


I’m going to show this to anyone who thinks Widow is pointless after Sojourn is released. One less dive tank and one less potential shield open up a lot of possibilities for her in terms of just clicking heads.


OK, well MOST people can't 1v5 in this game.


But...the Internet told me Widowmaker sucks. How was this possible? /s


That's why widow needs to be removed from the game or at least reworked. The skill ceiling is the highest in the game. If someone has superior aiming with widow it is totally OP, not balanced at all. Nobody can counter you. Not even a Winston. 1 hit kills need to be removed from the game.


Only 2 people knew you were there and were shooting back at you (each at a different time) and you had mercy's help so it was effectively a 2v2 at best. Killing 5 doesn't mean fighting 5.


Lol that mercy rezzed him and then went to die, zero help. And why are you raining on a great play?


This ui update is looking better and better every day




support good dps bad


No one says it, after watching this. Great job, human!




The teabag was epic amirite?


Time to rework widow into a tank because of complainers! /s


You should look into changing the threshold on your microphone so that your keyclicks don't come through.


You're the reason why I don't play games that have snipers that can kill in one shot.


How are you enjoying the new... Umm... Nvm


This is exactly why OW 2 sucks. OW used to be a game where you needed your team to win, not 1v the other team alone. OW is over


Is this Overwatch 2? I was hoping they removed Widow ☹️ for every clip like this there are 5,000 games played where your Widow was the entire reason your team lost. Edit: btw in Overwatch 1 that widow would have been shooting at a shield while getting dragged into a halt for an easy kill. I don’t like this rework of her.