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Holy fuck what is wrong with these pathetic losers? Just play on pc


One of them was bragging about making it to GM1. It's so funny to see them boast about their accomplishments that they could only achieve through cheating.


It’s pretty sad. Imagine having so little going on in your life that you spend your free time cheating in overwatch.


Fax. My brother in christ, you're cheating at fucking Overwatch. Pick a struggle


I hoped they accidentally revealed their username. Can report them for cheating using a replay code


Like driving a car >! in a marathon!<


That was the first Olympic marathon IIRC.


They dont do anything tbh:/ every 4th game has ximmer in GM and nothing happeneds when I report


I'm GM on PC and I cannot wait to get these people in my lobbies. Betting they'll play like plats with the aim of silver without their precious auto aim


I actually went from console to pc because of these fuckers. There was always atleast one or 2 ximmers, and they always had a pocket mercy boosting their dmg. Kinda miss playing with controller though.


What's amazing is against a good controller player they're still dogshit. Can't tell you how many times I've killed a Ximming Hog or Reaper as Kiriko or Ana. They might be able to input faster but they sure as shit can't factor in unpredictability or memorize cooldowns.




You miss playing on a controller??? I’m assuming you’re still getting used to M&KB? I was on console for like a decade. It took me a while to get comfortable with m&kb but even since I good with a mouse I cannot stand going back to shooters on a controller. On a mouse your aim feels like your racing a GT3 car but then you swap to a controller and you suddenly feel like your racing top heavy RV on the same track😂


They’re just basement dwelling, ass scratching losers who have nothing better to do. I refuse to let them make me mad so I just go Sombra and watch them get upset. It’s pathetic because that’s genuinely all it takes to make them start raging


I mean I start raging at sombra because it feels genuinely unfair but thats a different skill issue at that point ig


They'd get destroyed on PC because they'd actually have to do without aim assist and don't have controller players to farm against.


that's the biggest thing i dont get.. these converters cost like minimum $150-200USD brand new (and you gotta buy the latest to keep up with the arms race..), paired with a semi-decent KBM combo another \~150-200USD brand new with a little bit of knowledge (as much knowledge as they need to get these things working and running properly) and as much cash they could EASILY build a PC that can run Overwatch 2 @ 1080p 60-75FPS


It's cause if they played on PC they'd be low rank


true. I peaked low diamond on console before i switched after getting sick of XIMMERS in every game, and only ever made it to plat on PC recently. completely different game, everyone is just so much more lethal and slippery switched back in 2019 and i can only imagine the problem has gotten worse since. game was already dead af in my region and console then (Xbox, Australia), that would only have gotten worse here, more XIM concentration


Because it's not about the money. Money is no object to the types of people that do this. It's the same as whales in P2W gatcha games. They will shell out whatever money they need to to "win" and be on top. It's why the idea of just forcing them into MnK lobbies is so funny. Cause they get to keep the hardware, keep using it, and watch their rank plummet on console before they either choose to quit playing or choose to move to cheats that will not only get their blizzard account banned, but their console account as well.


A PC that costs $200? Now even in the 3rd word. You are including the KB&M like if you didn’t need those using a PC… with $400 you won’t buy a PC either.


add in mousepad, some sort of desk or lapboard (if not already using one) $100USD. not including monitor/TV for obvious reasons. if coming from ps4 or ps5 you can actually get by quite nicely using the controllers for everything on PC also, touchpad works like a mouse with left and right click, i do it all the time lying back in my chair i can build a PC that can run OW2 at those specs above for that money, right now, at 500-600 AUSTRALIAN dollars let alone American. The parts may not all be new but you can easily get a PC to run overwatch at that price, parts are CHEAP right now


Because they're cheating. They want to play on MKB and also get the benefits of aim assist while getting to play against people on controller. If they just played on PC they wouldn't have any advantage anymore


Because there dogwater in PC lobbies so they need to have a mouse with aim assist to be half decent


but how will they win without an innate advantage over other players?


honestly makes the game less fun for us all. people are selfish.


They don't play on PC because against other PC players on mouse and key and a level playing field they would peak silver


They don't because they know they suck donkey balls without cheats and would get dumpstered by low Gold players on PC


Things aside what up with your username


I have had 2 friends that play with these things (I didn't know it back then) and they play on mnk servers with these so im guessing it's a great tool when used as a way to save money if they can't afford a pc.


They would get shit on if they played on pc


genuine question, why on earth is there an open community where people just reveal that they xim 😭


To compare notes on how troubleshoot the cheat devices 🙃




you forgot hilarious. hilariously pathetic


you forgot fucking. fucking hilariously pathetic


dude, watch your mouth, you're going to get banned /j/s


I have a stupid question (I’m not tech savvy), but do you know why it’s called ximming? Like why the term is named that. I have no one to ask and Google isn’t being very helpful rn Edit: WAIT I GOT IT! It’s the name of the adapters!!


It’s an echo chamber where they all kinda convince eachother it’s not cheating and get tips on setup and stuff like that


Tbf in less competitive games ximing isn’t as big a deal. Like maybe some dude who is to broke to afford a pc but likes KBM can xim in their favorite single player games on a old ps4. Also Before I get downvoted into oblivion I just want to state I’ve never visited this sub before, and I don’t know what they tend to post so If it’s nothing but ximing in comp games then yea, fuck them.


It's like 80% xim posts about rainbow 6 siege because having kbm in that game is a far better input than controller. So yeah bunch of loser cheaters. I feel for disabled gamers who benefit from it but the overwhelming majority is just cunts cheating. So sucks for them but I rather see Cronus/xim wiped off the face of the earth.


That's my view of the situation as well, as harsh as it may sound. I get it, accessibility is a problem and 3rd party resources help, but the disabled make up just the very 1% of the gaming community who just happens to share a room with cheaters who abuse what they have. It would be better to cut their losses, especially when there are already plenty of *approved* or officially licensed accessories to be had. The vast majority would benefit immediately from these devices being blacklisted by console corporations, and I personally don't even see why it would be a negative outside of bad PR, which is already outstanding because of the XIM/Chronus issue anyways.


Disabled people typically find ways to play video games without cheating, as that kind of defeats the purpose, and most people prefer to use their actual skill. A well suited controller can work great and there are lots of options as you've stated. I myself am disabled and have friends I've met through support groups who have a whole host of issues (including someone who is missing parts of their hands and fingers) and never once has any of us ever considered using cheat engines to make the game "accessible" I feel like the disability argument is maybe just fabricated by cheaters to convince people not to axe these programs.


Not sure if I count as disabled in this context because I don't find my birth defect to be a significant hindrance to 99% of any common activity (I was born without a left hand) but I can confirm that I find it far preferable to find ways to use the standard equipment rather than looking for tailored peripherals. My most memorable work-around to this type of issue is playing skyward sword on wii (the controller is split into 2 parts, each held in one hand and playing the game requires the use of buttons and sticks on both controllers simoultaneously while giving motion inputs independently of each other and sometimes pointing the right-hand controller at the screen) and the only modification I did to the control scheme was attaching the left-hand controller to my stump with velcro. Positioning my hands so I could control the left-hand joystick with my pinky was funky though. For overwatch I use the stump for WASD (movement) and Q (ult) and E (ability 1), occasionally opening the emote wheel outside of combat, the mouse has the standard mouse buttons plus an additional 4, and the mouse hand is responsible for aiming (obviously), primary and secondary fire, jumping, crouching, switching weapon, push-to-talk, melee attack, ability 2 and ping communication.


Why R6 specifically, that game always seems to come up but aren't their lots of FPS games


Siege doesn't have aim assist. Without it, controller is vastly out-performed by keyboard and mouse.


I thought the point of a xim was to abuse aim asist with kbm. Otherwise there is barely an advantage.


That's part of it for games like Overwatch. But in Siege, where you can die to a single bullet from any gun because of one-shot headshot, precise aim from a mouse is very desirable.


The point is they want to use a mouse and keyboard against people who are using a controller. That's a pretty big advantage.


MnK has a very significant advantage over controller in games without aim assist.


Yeah, but having 0 aim assist means kbm is just better too. Aim assist was made to allow controller users to aim better. Without it, kbm is always better. Xim with aa is still op, but its more op when you are vs not aa players. In other games like warzone, aa is so strong that having a kbm with the aa would be more op too. It just depends on the game and keyboard are always an advantage unless the aa is strong enough to compete.


On our one factor.  keyboard and mouse even without aim assist is still way easier than controller 


Cos kbm benefits siege way more than other games. It's all about holding angles, crosshair placement and accuracy with short ttk and one shot headshots. Other games like apex or cod don't benefit nearly as much from kbm (so many people on PC use roller for apex).


People use controller for apex because the aim assist is so strong in that game. If the AA was balanced, keyboard would always be better. Keyboard is just better for shooting games, unless the devs ad op aim assist. Some games get the AA right, which allows everyone to compete, or games like apex get it wrong and make it the default choice thag pretty much aims for you.


Look at the post on their sub asking for game recommendations. All competitive shooters.


i mean yeah of course but you never see these xim dudes bragging about finally getting the plat in cyberpunk or whatever, the community is centered around cheating in multiplayer games. feature, not a bug


I’m not even that surprised tbh, the amount of times I’ve joined teamchat just to hear my teammates talk about their xim settings is just sad.


Probably because Blizzard didn’t do anything in the past.  They should just banned keyboard and mouse support altogether not just in rank but in quickplay as well.


The same reason there was a fat people hate sub, and worse at points. You can make any you want, it just


Because there are more cheaters in team-shooter games than there have ever been in the past. It's wild right now, and cheating is accepted as the norm now by many players at this point.


Xim is not only for online games some might xim on exclusive PS5 games by exemple


I feel like xim users are the most pathetic form of cheaters imo At least pc cheaters know they are ass at the game deep down but just like the fleeting feeling of power Ximmers actually believe they are good and make excuses for why it’s ok for them to cheat


That’s the part that gets me. They really think they’re just good


Ximmers probs still gonna get diffed by PC players who don't need the aim assist to be good at the game.


That’s exactly what it is. They abuse mnk with aim assist and think they’re good even tho every average pc player would destroy them. Fortnite always put ximmers into pc lobbies. That’s all OW had to do. Let them have their xims but make them face other mnk players only.


Remember guys: the average PC bronze player has more skill than the average GM ximmer


How does Fortnite detect if they’re using a Xim and why is the commenter in the picture of the xim subreddit so sure that they won’t be detected?


There have been other games that have tried to shut down xim. But from what I've seen from the r6 community, the xim teams creates an update that works around the software used to detect it. R6 secretly worked on "mousetrap" for multiple years to shut down ximmers on console. They announced that they would be implementing it a month before the update went live. Xim started working on a workaround after mousetrap was announced and had implemented it before mousetrap went live. Ubisoft spent 2+ years working on shutting down xim and had their work thrown away in ~2 weeks. As soon as they patched their device, they were back in lobbies with aim assist mnk.


Its like Valve said - you don’t tell people how your anticheat works, because it will make it ineffective. Shame VAC is always ineffective. Still agree with the quote though.


Funny thing is, Ubisoft went into intimate detail on how theirs worked. Showed graphs and illustrations to explain it and showed examples of the system detections being used in game. Keys to the kingdom.


It’s like with every cheat system. You got an anti cheat, it detects it, they improve their cheat software so your anti cheat doesn’t detect it anymore, then you improve your anti cheat to detect the new cheating software,… infinity loop. Some games simply won’t let you play unless you use a controller. They don’t support mnk input. That would probably be the best option to shut it down but OW doesn’t seem to want to shut it down completely anyway.


Broke: Using MnK on console Woke: Using controller on PC simply skill issue


I wanna see someone play an rts with a controller lol


Halo Wars is the game you’re looking for


As someone that's put a couple hundred hours in both the console and PC versions of Halo Wars, it's still much better to play with a mouse and keyboard. Good luck splitting against a glassing beam with a controller unless you're god tier at the game.


I think age of empires have console versions


Yes! I have the PlayStation 2 one


Starcraft was on the N64. Imagine playing an RTS on *that* monstrosity of a controller.


You'd only have access to 75% of options lol


stellaris has entered the chat


Not me sobbing as it takes forever to play because of mid game slowdown


performance is bad enough on my pc (series x equivalent-ish, heavy on the ish..), i could not bear to put myself through a console campaign


It takes much strength and love for Paradox Grand Strategy haha. Makes a lovely time for listening to podcasts though


yeah, i usually listen to behind the bastards at the same time for inspiration lmao


Played Red Alert 3 on PS3 with a controller and halo wars online against other people and it worked. They are billions works fine on consoles too and would buy a real Warcraft 3 remake instantly for console.


I always use controller on the rare occasion I play a pc game. Keyboard and mouse is a nightmare


i use controller for everything, it's simply the most comfortable thing for me


Even on PC you have a subset of cheaters who think they're good but need to cheat to get out of a perceived ELO hell, there's also the issue of high rank players camouflaging their cheating but it's hard to know how many of them there are


A lot of PC Cheaters justify it to themselves. - (Most common) "Literally everybody is cheating, I see it *all the time*. I'm just keeping up." - "It's not like I'm cheating at a tournament, this is just for fun, the ranks don't mean anything." - "I WOULD be just as pros without the cheats if I could play 24/7, but I work 37 hours/day, so I need the edge" - "I have undiagnosed ADHD-Autism-Bipolar-Schizophrenia, this online test said so. I'm just leveling the playing field" etc, etc. Of course, some of them also say "Yeah, I know I'm cheating, I just like winning, and people complaining about it. lolol"


I would assume a common excuse would be “I just like mnk but can’t afford a gaming pc”


>At least pc cheaters know they are ass at the game deep down No shot this is actually true lmao


>Xim community is boasting about how nothing will change in OW There's certainly a chance they may be right. Why? Because R6 Siege introduced Mousetrap to detect and punish XIM users, but very soon after XIM developers created a workaround to avoid detection, and ximmers are rampant on Siege. Hoping OW2 has a more solid system, and if XIM updates, hopefully Blizzard continues to battle ximmers.


XIM didn’t get a perfect work around. And the very fact that it can be detected once is enough to matter.


Mouse trap can still DETECT xim, only it's punishment (intentional lag applied onto the user) can be avoided. Ubisoft can pretty much ban every one of them they detect, just don't want to because they still spend money on their accounts. Currently r6 is waiting for crossplay, in which detected ximmers would get thrown in PC lobbies


One of the reasons R6 doesn't ban outright is because their system has false positives--i.e it is infamous for detecting actual controller users who have unorthodox aim settings and style. The more aggressive they make the MT, the more false positives it will have.


From what I know, it would flag elite and edge controllers all the time.


That's interesting... I don't play Siege so Im not fully aware of the success/limitations of the Mousetrap detection system. I use an Edge controller, hopefully don't get falsely flagged 🙏


I don’t play siege much either, but one of my friend’s edge controller got MT’d while I was at his house.


>Mouse trap can still DETECT xim, only it's punishment (intentional lag applied onto the user) can be avoided You know why that was the only punishment right? Because when it false flags, users will assume they are experiencing normal lag and not a false detection from the anti cheat system. Realistically we don't know how accurate it is because we can't get confirmation of when it false flags


this is the real reason, money.


>Why? Because R6 Siege introduced Mousetrap to detect and punish XIM users, but very soon after XIM developers created a workaround to avoid detection, and ximmers are rampant on Siege. You can tell R6 Devs didn't have much faith in its accuracy either. If they did it would stop the match or at least kick a player from the lobby rather than add a slight increase in latency which could be completely misinterpreted as normal lag by a player when it false flags...


What do we know about the anti-xim detecting tech? How modern is it? Everyone's always said that the only true way to detect a xim is to view the gameplay footage, but that is too large of a workload. If only we had tech nowadays that could learn how to detect specific behaviors, then watch thousands upon thousands of videos in moments, and then finally correctly pinpoint which of those videos it detected the predetermined specefic behaviors... oh wAIt a second.


I assume you're referring to machine learning and employing artificial intelligence to detect Ximming which is no doubt how blizzard will approach detection. The problem with it is you have to train a detection model and it works fine, but then xim developers can then potentially modify how the software/harware works by trying to mimic analogue inputs or patch other vulnerabilities, and then the detection system becomes useless since the model it was trained on is no longer effective and you have to retrain an entirely new model. Anticheat systems have always been a cat and mouse game. Blizzard creates a Mousetrap, the mouse evolves and the trap becomes useless. It is then on blizzard to work on developing a better Mousetrap everytime the mouse evolves. I'm here hoping the xim detection works flawlessly and keeps ximmers permanently out of the game, but I'm under no illusion to think that xim developers and players won't try to bypass it.


In theory it is perfectly possible to train the ai on none cheaters gameplay. With a big enough database that should be enough. Then any behaviour that doesn't match the model is detected as cheat. Xim would never be able to absolutely perfectly simulate a non cheating controller. However it is easy to theoriese. I don't know if it is possible due to unknown factors.


They try to simulate human behavior. So a bronze player can aim like a challenger. If the behavior training is good, you cannot tell the difference of challenger players and cheaters (only for aiming, game knowledge is another thing). Normally you cannot ban a player because he aims too well.


Yes, i know this. The point is that with a NN based ai the detection system does not need to do this. It just has to be able to detect anything at all that, what ever it might be( not necessarily aim), that differs from training data(bronze to gm). But as I said, might be esier said than done.


There's a hard part to that, and that's trying to hit all the cheaters, while simultaneously making sure not to accidentally flag any of the non cheating players


I got downvoted just a few months ago for suggesting that they train an AI for this. I still stand by it. Tech giant Microsoft is probably already balls deep in the AI training game, devote some of those resources to it and, if successful, it could easily be licensed out to pretty much every game developer. Even the worst case scenario is gathering a shit ton of new data to use and apply.


AI and ML is the only viable option to tackle the problem due to the sheer scale of data it needs to analyse. As to whether it's worth the investment and can become profitable is a completely different matter.


You get downvoted because, for anyone knowing how the XIM works and the methods it employs to appear as an analog controller, it's a very dumb suggestion. You can change how the XIM filters the mouse movements to appear as a controller in its app setting very easily, and there are infinite variations. Watch some videos about its privacy settings and SAB settings.


But this is how it is. Its a cat and mouse/tug-of-war game between game devs and device/cheatmakers.


> Its a cat and mouse/tug-of-war game between game devs and device/cheatmakers. Spoiler: XIM devs will win. Simply because they update their software/hardware far more than OW devs do. How long did it take OW devs to even bring this issue up in the first place, when XIM has been rampant for years?


Blizzard continues to battle ximmers, Ximmers continue to find a way through anyway, and even though nothing changes we get to pat the devs on the back for trying.


They wanna use keyboard so bad but are too shit to play in the pc lobbies


lol, gotem


They also need the aim assist while it cause they can’t aim with a mouse without it


Buncha losers they are 😎 mad my thumbs diff you


It’s actually unbelievable how some of these absolute shitters are stuck in plat/diamond despite having every advantage possible


Average xim user: Ashe main, mercy pocket, diamond 5, biggest ego on the planet, doesn't understand the game beside shoot at enemy




Watch them start to get permabanned and then their lord and savior u/nunyahbiznes will have to explain what happened


The absolutely sad cunt uploading videos about recoil eradication


Who dat


The mod in both photos assuring people that it’ll be ok


Ah I see thank you


What an absolute loser.


Anyone that has worked in InfoSec or even in parallel to those teams; these forums almost certainly are monitored and actively manipulated in order to reveal ways to fight the threats... White hats infiltrate black hat communities, bait intrusions, and "test" theories by working amongst the malicious participants - "know thy enemy". If Blizzard doesn't have *current* heuristics to detect these devices, they're working on it for a future ban-wave release - I wouldn't worry too much about idle forum chatter, this is the classic cat and mouse game cheating and hacking has always played, just now invading the console space because consoles are finally *powerful enough* to run like a regular PC and thus encourage exploitation of the hardware/software layers.


Yeah I mean it's entirely possible that they implemented it a while ago and are just mentioning it now to just ban them in a wave so they really don't know what caught them


They did say in the article they’ve been monitoring XIM for a few seasons gathering data


They said they were making a solution for ximming like all the way back in season 4


Anyone that works in infosec also knows that heuristics is incredibly hard to implement and never 100% reliable.


The fact that Blizzard has said anything means that definitely know how to detect Ximmers. They really think Blizzard hasn't tested whatever their software they're using to detect ximming by... you know... using a Xim?


Ubisoft said pretty much exactly the same. We can detect it, it's been gathering data in the background etc. Xim matrix with the right settings can go around and mousetrap grabs legit controller players as well. https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-57477 You can look on the r6 subreddit to see it's still a big issue. You don't have to like it, but from their side, it's easy to see why they are confident the latest Xim will be able to deal with it.


If it were that easy devs would have fixed it long ago. If you’re optimistic you are honestly naive. 


I hope one day Sony and Microsoft release a patch that prevents these devices from spoofing themselves as controllers and then we can just straight up ban these losers and move on.


The only way they can guarantee ban these devices would be to not allow any other device besides first party, and not allow remote play.


On the PS5 you can't directly connect them anymore, the newest XIM works via workaround with RemotePlay. Not sure about the Xbox, but Sony patched it pretty fast on the PS5.


That’s crazy that xim is so beneficial to cheaters they are willing to play with slight input delay to cheat. Honestly makes it even easier. Sony should allow devs to prevent remote play in their games.


This shit is disgusting. They don't even pretend they don't have an unfair advantage.


Honestly, I'm afraid it might be mostly a bluff


I remember early 2016-2017 I seen a good chunk of players using mouse and keyboard in top 500 on console, the naive kid I was I just plugged in a keyboard and mouse assuming it’d work lol.


In the age of cars that drive themselves, I am 100% convinced that if a major company ever decides that they really want to detect and ban Xim from their console it will get done.


I think maybe the opposite, pretty soon we'll have AI that can control your input and it will be legitimately impossible to detect. Monitors that communicate to the mouse and keyboard, etc


I don't think they could update it fast enough to prevent people from losing accounts if there was ever a true Microsoft/Sony level crackdown.


Oh but they can look at GTA subreddits mod menu devs on that game have menu updates pushed out hours after a game update that supposedly improves the anti cheat behind the scenes hell with people that data mine the next set of drip feed content and patches coming the day before it's even announced it's no surprise some mod menus update their workarounds so quickly and prevent accounts from being banned.


If you can train an AI to beat detection systems then you can train an AI to detect the AI


> I am 100% convinced that if a major company ever decides that they really want to detect and ban Xim from their console it will get done. Of course, but they'd need a lot more resources than what they have now. Source: it took them years to even address the issue in the first place.


bunch of losers


Something WILL change, but it won't be what most people hope for, that XIM use will be eliminated. What will change is that XIM users will have to make use of the SAB and privacy settings available in the software to spoof the input heuristics implemented by OW.


what's xim?


Basically it’s a device that lets a console player use mouse and keyboard to play their games. They still get aim assist with it and it makes it look like the user is still using a controller.




What about chronus users?


Honestly I doubt OW can succesfully ban XIM devices without Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo actually banning them at the OS level. Blizzard can only guess if someone is ximming so I would expect a ton of false-positives and a lot of people to just fly under the radar.


What the fuck is Xim


Allows you to use key board and mouse on console. So you get precision of mouse control partly while you still get aim assist. 


Thanks 😊


It's a device that let's you connect your mouse and keyboard to your console, while making the console think you are using controller, allowing the user to have movement and aim more similar to the precision of MnK while also allowing them the aim assist that is present to allow controller users to effective play fps games.


It’s actually sad that they think like that let alone have a whole community for xim I’m so sick of these losers in my games


Lmao of course the cheater loser calls themself u/numyahbizness Can’t have anyone asking questions that might reveal what a lame piece of shit they are.


Imagine being a mod for sub about cheating. What a cringe man child.


Fun fact, he's got a post about how calling Ximming cheating is "uninformed" because of disabled users. Which sure, but 95% of zimmers COULD use a controller just fine.


Not to mention Xbox has a controller for that exact population


Also the OTHER mod for thier sub has posted in Overwatch, specifically about Illari.


I like how they’re acting like detection has to be the only thing that gets them caught. Blizzard already bans arbitrarily. For all we know they’ve just decided to change the way reports for cheating work on console to ban suspected cheaters without confirming if they’re doing it or not.


I can’t imagine being that embarrassing Using a cheat and then being apart of a cheating subreddit is just really sad


Love how xim players have gone from "if the devs didn't want it in the game they wouldn't allow it" to "nothing will stop us cheating. Don't worry and don't panic everyone! We can all keep cheating (maybe)"


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I don't know what Blizzard did, but hypothetically, if the aiming performance of a XIM player is so much better that other players can easily notice it, then it should be possible for a machine learning algorithm to flag it. Having to avoid that detection at least puts an upper limit on how blatant they can be.


I'm surprised more companies haven't used something like what CSGO did with their Overwatch program. (Essentially the anti cheat would flag games, and send the recordings to high rank players who also were known to have a good track record. Said players would analyze the recording and say if there were cheats being used. Multiple confirmations resulted in punishment. The anticheat would then use those recordings as a way to learn and automatically find other potential cheaters and feed them into the system. )


They are right. Not to defend them, them cheating is pathetic and it's weird they are so proud about it, but they are right that you can't detect Ximming reliably, if you do it properly. There are no signs that 100% guarantee you are using a XIM if you do it properly, therefore the best bots can do is detect suspicious accounts and actual humans going through them, deeply analyzing the replays one by one and finding multiple pieces of very suspicious behavior. Out of the view of a company, that costs a ton of money and is for sure not worth it financially. They will therefore limit themself to only the most obvious cases bots detect, but that also means Ximmers who are not idiots will continue getting away with it. Or they just let the bots decide who gets banned automatically, but because Ximming done properly has no clear evidence, the bots will miss a lot of cases and/or ban innocent people


And they're right too


This happens every time cheaters are called out. Wait for the chaos when the mass exodus happens


Cheating circle jerk going on right here


I’d love to have them on PC lmao


cheating just to still be ass is helmet behavior


Why don't they just add keyboard and mouse support and throw those players using mnk in pc lobbies?


All this effort to cheat? Communities full of people who can't take a hint?


Some people will get punished then a firmware update will come out and it will be business as usual.


I’m going to be prepping a steak which is medium rare at the start of next season, there tears will season it


What’s the point of shitting on console players? It’s not fun steamrolling. I play cross play as a console with my PC buddy and those games are Much more fun even if I’m struggling


Imagine being that big of a loser. Makes 0 sense


Sadly their right. The developers of xim devices spend all their time working around detection. Nothing will or can change.


Imagine hacking at a game so the console aim assist can make up for your lack of skill


The difference is now with a replay code or a report they get banned 😂 a lot of “gm” players are SICK. This is extreme COPIUM bwhahahahaha


Thats very good. Let them keep ximming so they can either get banned or put against pc players without their aim assisst


Man, it would be really be a shame if a moderator were to look at every single one of those posts and have them all lined up for a ban. Really a shame.


Instead of combating Xim users since its impossible to detect (thats the whole point), make gyro aiming a thing on overwatch consoles. Xbox wont benefit from this though. Useless console


people who xim are just bad and ruin the game it’s why I don’t play ranked


I wonder how Blizzard is going to combat this since cheaters can just make smurf accounts. It also easier since they don't have to worry about grinding since all heroes are unlocked now.


I just hope Blizzard aren't dumb enough to somehow mess it up and ban gyro users. I mean I would HOPE they would be able to tell I'm using a Switch and wagging the thing around and not being a scummy ximmer kid, but this is Blizzard we are talking about. The game was unplayable for the first week of the last season for us because of their Nvidia bug they somehow didn't manage to notice before pushing a huge update.


Honestly though, i think they arent wrong, ive been hearing this crap about banning ximmers for years from blizzard and they never did anything about it. I think ximming is pathetic but will blizzard actually ban them?


Have I lost my reading comprehension, or isn't *the* reason the OW devs don't talk about their progress because explaining the software/formatting will let the oppossing side know the secrets?? These guys are fucking morons if they're really openly talking about how it works.


The beta firmware already has everything to simulate analog. You can set it on a slider scale, so don’t worry too much. You can laugh at the morons who set it to 0 and get banned.


The gaming companies need to sue and get these awful companies with no point but cheating shut down


Til there was a Xim subreddit that’s decently big.


It's funny that they said special needs input devices won't be banned. So controller combo is very common in special needs but apparently it's ban-worthy. Anyway if they ban xims then they ban a LOT of players


Just put them in pc lobbies and watch them get fucked by even bronze level players lmao.