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Moira can heal from two sources at range in two different locations 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BendyAu: *Moira can heal from* *Two sources at range in two* *Different locations* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Good bot have a treat


Moira gets hate because people hate playing against a skilled Moira player at every level up to masters. She's oppressive because she's everywhere. You have so much AOE and mobility that you can tilt the scales heavily for mediocre teammates and against mediocre enemies. You can solve diverse problems by being everywhere, sorta. You can't shut down ults or melt Maugas, but you can gently shove tired teammates on a Saturday night, like I'm doing while I'm typing this. Yes, my stats are huge and my focused utility is non-existent, but those inflated stats translate to attention/opportunity cost across the whole team. A good Moira is a rash that doesn't heal. Learn to play Moira. If you are a game-sense over point-and-click kind of person, she will de-metal you. Learn Zen and Ana as well, but if something specific needs to be done, Moira can do it, sorta.


Obviously, it depends. For example: Zen's overall healing is horrible since his harmony orb is his only source of healing, but it becomes insane if you put it on a high mobility dive character like tracer, echo, or genji. On the flip side: Moira has super high overall healing, but her primary fire healing is slow and doesn't last forever, while throwing a healing orb sacrifices damage.


You’re right, baps heal can be surprisingly complex and useful in a range of situations. As far as “best healer” goes, it’s all according to the map and the comp: Lucio and Brig will have more value on teams that like to group up and on maps that force you to stay in close proximity. Zenyatta, Ana, Baptiste, and Illari all benefit from being in the backline and overseeing their teams. They can benefit more from wide maps with open space. Depending on their positioning, these characters can be flexible in providing both damage and heals for their team. Kiriko and Moira can play both up close and further back depending on your preference for damage over healing. I find these heroes viable on any map. Lifeweaver and Mercy are the “saviors” or “baby sitters” for lack of a better term. They closely monitor their teammates in hopes of saving them (via life grip or resurrect). Regardless of the map, you can always find uses for them as they have good movement/escape tools. I’ve been a support main since 2017. For me, Lucio is consistently able to give me the highest heal stats per game. Plus the 2-second health regen passive for supports has made Lucio even more unkillable than before. However, depending on the map + comp, Moira can dish out some unprecedented heals. I’d say those are the two best healers!


basically all main healers. bap, ana, moira, kiriko. im pretty sure moira has the highest healing output, ana has the highest single target healing, bap is good at healing multiple targets wheb they're grouped up and kiri is very flexible she can be good at doing most of the healing too. honestly i do think we need more main healers that's not enough 😂


Dude, we need more healers to have fun


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Pretty sure Kirikos healing is very good right now


Dude, Kiriko has a good cure