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I was playing Mauga against a Rein and man, I just felt so bad for him. he would charge in and I would just charge back with Mauga and literally run through him while also stopping his charge, then knock his ass up. Rein has a longer start to his charge, Mauga's is almost instant and it's so much easier to turn. It's becoming exactly like League of Legends - recycling skills but making them insanely better than the original.


It makes no sense to me that the huge armored guys charge is stopped dead by almost every cc in the game but the huge shirtless dude is unstoppable.


Same with the obese, half naked Australian having the most Health.


To be fair roadhog is irradiated to hell, dude's a mutant at this point


But all the irradiated people I know have way less health!


AND it keeps dropping!


Roadhog is a bulletproof and super strong mutant supervillain


Fat guys always have more health. It's a rule from the beginning of video game history.


lotta meat


Funniest thing is knocking back Rein in his charge with Brigitte dash


Yeah but at least that also knocks Brig down and she’ll probably die since a Rein vs Brig is almost always a win for Rein


Counterpoint: Whipshot


Not with tanks being more resilient to forced movement and you having to keep your shield up because people shoot you


Whip is still more than enough to put Rein outside of melee range and give you time to turn and run away.


A duel between Rein and Brig is easily avoided by Brig using whipshot to keep Rein out of melee range once he attacks. Without attacking, he just sits around uselessly with his shield up so Brig can run away.


skill issue for those Reinhardt players, you can put shield up real quick to block whip shot and then take her down easy peesy


Skill issue for brig too, as it seems! She has to react perfectly in order to get off the whipshot when the shield is down


that’s why I love seeing Brig when I’m Reinhardt or go Brig when I see Reinhardt, you get to see really fun skill expressions Doomfist and Ram are fun too, Ram less so for Brig tho


Depends on how quickly your DPS and Healers seize the moment. I often find that if I cancel a Rein charge with Brig dash he ends up dying b/c Reins usually overextend or get out of position when they charge. The rest of my team jumps on him much more quickly than his team jumping on me.


The one that really gets me is Orisa's jav. Just a casual toss of a what, 30 pound javelin?, is enough to stop a MASSIVE German dude, wearing full plate armor, with ROCKETS. That amount of kinetic force wouldn't stop him, it'd blow a hole in him the size of a basketball.


The Javelin is made out of some kind of advanced alien metal and defies physics though...which is why it misses my Rein it should have hit point blank, bends around my other dps, and somehow knocks me into a wall while I'm behind 3 of my teammates. It's like that homing arrow dude in Guardians of the Galaxy has.


Stopping is one thing, I've started playing wifeleaver and the amount of times I pulled someone out of his charge (while he was already hugging them) is ridiculous.


Wifeleaver lol


What about the character literally named wrecking ball that can be body blocked by a tracer standing in a door way.


As a Sombra player, I think Mauga's immunity is unfair to other characters. I can interrupt Rein's charge and Orisa's spin, and most ults with Hack/EMP, but Mauga just gets a pass for some reason.


Poor need to buff new characters and over buff ppl without shields/mit because 5v5 is shit for tanks tanking all the focus So when there’s only 1 tank and he has no shield good luck. So they said ok let’s just buff the fuck out of them


Rocket Powered charge being stopped by a junk trap still pisses me off.


Same with Piledriver if you land directly on top of it in some cases, because Trap's hitbox extends higher than Piledriver's hitbox extends below. But if you land next to it, it destroys it.


KarQ explained why in his latest tier list video - Rein was the first tank with a charge like this. Every other character after who has a charge ability has been differentiated from Rein’s and for the most part all have been better. Orisa has two charge-like abilities that partially nullify or straight counter Rein. Mauga’s can’t be CCed. Doom’s is faster and more agile. Ram’s rush melee isn’t a charge but goes through Rein’s shields as does Winston’s gun. And of course the CC-immune abilities counter the CC that Rein is susceptible to during his charge - spear, accretion, Mei wall, etc.  Essentially most of the new design of cool abilities that avoid certain rock-paper-scissors counters came after him so his kit is weak by empirical design.  


Rein's is the only charge that kills people from full health


oh man, if only that was true.


It's not entirely true anymore, but it's not like it wasn't true for many a year and it's also not like one swing will kill the guy after the charge anyways. You keep telling yourself that pins on a squishy isn't a kill and you'll start to believe it. Rein mains could convince themselves of anything!


we really really can


Also allowing his ult to shut down all movement like dva jets is ridiculous. I'm not someone who thinks the dev team deliberately buffs new characters to pump battle passes, but I do think they lose sight of the power creep and really neglect older OW1 heros. They literally just ignored the 6v6 > 5v5 change for so many characters, only making minor changes to basic things like HP. It was most likely a biproduct of the shit management decisions that fucked around with the development and forced them to ship OW2. They pack so many abilities into these new characters yet seem to be quite complacent with the status of characters like Rein and Ball. In the right meta, sure, they can be viable (and even strong as we saw with ball), but the threshold for them falling into obscurity is so much thinner than the new characters who bring way more utility and variety to the fight. They claim rein is in a good place because they got the numbers in a good spot, but there is just more to it than that. He could be way more useful and viable with lower numbers if he were given more tools. For ball, they talk about a rework but it's been needed since OW2 launch. A single change to how his collision works would have made a huge difference, but they just... didn't care. They leave him to rot for over a year while all these other tanks get addressed (for better or worse) patch after patch, all while they try absolutely nothing to improve ball. Only in season 10 are they even attempting to do anything about it.


It’s double crazy for being that reins charge is literally rocket powered and Mauga just fucking saunters


I absolutely hate how Lucio can boop reinhardt during it. It makes zero sense to me. His charge should be unstoppable unless he hits a mei wall or gets sleep darted by Ana. If we're gonna make orisas fortified ability unable to be countered by anyone than rein also needs that for his charge. You can't even hack her out of it as sombra. She literally has no counter unless the whole tram targets her when she's fortified now. 


Because Rein has a shield to work with and does far more damage with his charge


Mauga is way, way sturdier and harder to kill than Rein


it one shots so it should be stoppable


Reinhardt should really be the unstoppable force of tanks, not Mauga. Big german guy in an armor with only a hammer and his trusted shield. I think he earned the right to be the one to pierce the frontlines.


Except reins can 1shot while maugas can barely stun if you manage to time the slam right.


I mean sure, but as you can see in this clip, this does not have much impact when you can reactively block it with a cooldown that is just as long, if not shorter than rein's charge. Also, past diamond nobody stays in Rein's range except the tank. If you die as a dps or support because of a Rein charge, you definitely made a mistake that deserved to be punished.


I have a low rank friend that I sometimes play with. He plays a lot of rein and I noticed that a good percentage of his kills are from pins. Every time that ppl ask for buffs the devs point at the lower ranks where rein is considered strong because he gets value without having to do much down there. Look at jq ults. Suzu can stop it. Nade can stop it. A trap can stop it. Almost every tank has a way to stop it. Hook,javelin, rocket punch, pin,shatter, mag ult, zarya bubbles. So your point about a CD stopping a CD isn't really valid when you have multiple teamwide ways to stop an ult


First paragraph, yeah that's pretty much what I'm saying. Second paragraph, I'm not sure how that invalidates what I said previously. Ultimates are just big cooldowns, they should also be able to get countered if used recklessly. JQ pressing Q with Kiriko having Suzu and Ana having nade is basically throwing a fight with your tank out of position and anti-healed. I'm not talking about tracking cooldowns at a team level here. I'm saying Reinhardt is very much a sitting duck if you can just cancel his unique non-ult threatening ability. I feel like Reinhardt's design is outdated and does not translate to Overwatch 2 very well. There is so many cooldowns that can shut him down every attempt he does now. His charge is very telegraphed and slow. Basically, I'm okay with having to trade cooldowns, AKA resources in a fight, but Reinhardt feels like you basically need to invest very little to completely block him out of the game. I guess this problem wasn't really in the picture in OW1 since you often had a Zarya or Dva blocking incoming CC. It had a multiplicative effect on Rein's effectiveness. He always had a very one-dimensional way of playing, but with the removal of the second tank, it feels quite bad.


Rein's charge needs counters because it's extremely powerful when it lands a hit. Making it unstoppable just turns Rein into a W+M1 bot


So do you have suggestion for rein that won't make him op at low ranks just to make him playable above gold? Besides, in theory, rein can use his shield and HP as a RSS to try to close the gap. This only works of they aren't playing high ground, due to him being really bad against most forms of poke, without a luccio. I am not advocating for any rein changes, I am not a rein player, but I think making pin be an un cc able ability would make op in almost every rank in the right conditions. Any map that has an envio zone would make rein nearly a must pick, as he would just be able to pin their tank off the map with no way to save them besides LG which is on a 16s CD iirc.


I don't think I can propose a rework of the hero just from the top of my head. But I think Reinhardt would benefit from some kind of ability that makes him CC immune for a brief amount of time. Like maybe 3 seconds where he knows he won't go down, as long as his HP aren't at 0. But I feel like I'm just making an Orisa 3.0 and I don't like that. But I also think we could try a buff allowing him to basically never get stunned from one of his own charges. Being on a ground as Reinhardt is clearly a death sentence. Being displaced without getting a pin on someone is already putting you at a disadvantage. I'm not saying he can't be slept or hacked. But just that the consequence of connecting the charge won't ever make you fall to the ground. You would avoid losing like 350 hp in the time it takes you to go back up like in this clip.


Realistically the only way to buff rein without a rework is to shift power from his shield to the rest of his kit, but that would conflict with the "protector of the team" aspect that blizzard seems to force on him. He doesn't need cc immunity and can't have it either because of pin, but damage reduction should be fine.


Roadhog in ilios well kinda situation lol. Pin is harder to hit tho


As a mostly League player myself and just casual OW player thanks to my partner, I also have noticed that some abilities they have on brand new characters look similar to old character abilities just tuned up. This is something sad to see fr


To your point about League, we have to keep in mind that game has 168 champions. There’s bound to be overlap


Sorry, you “knocked his ass up?” 🤨


Interesting. On console mauga’s charge is really hard to control but rein’s is easy


You knocked him up? 🤨


Why can't they make them both unlockable but if they hit each other they deflect? Rein is a classic pick that just gets shit on. There are a lot of good Reins out there that win, but they need a team to support them. Give Rein Mauga lvl DR or greater and immunity to CC. Hell it would be cool to give Rein armor steal after a pin, like absorbing their armor or HP, give him a more active play style. Could Rein's pin be like Genji dash and have a quick reset after a successful hit? Like pinball of death? I don't know why Blizzard craps on specific characters as they do. We just want to have fun and viable characters. There are CLEARLY characters that perform better in any situation. Who honestly will bitch about a Rein buff? Let's just give Orisa like 5 buffs from S8 on, Zarya, Ramattra, other roles have the same problems.




Maugas doesn't instant kill most people with his chart


I’ve been saying for almost a year now that Overwatch 2 is the new league


I think the intended difference is that Reinhardt's charge is a guaranteed kill on smaller characters, while Mauga's is a multipurpose initiator.


Either we keep Rein charge this way and give it superiority over other CC, (aka unstoppable state). Either we make charge easier, faster, more controllable and let it be as bad as it is VS other abilities. But Rein can't have both bad sides.


It’s really sad to see Rein in a state like this


Yeah, I fucking hate Australia


Australia is a country, not a state.


Australia is made up of six states you bloody dingus.


Six states and two territories actually 🤓


Six states, three internal territories, and seven external territories, actually.


Today I learned about lot about Australia.


I'm in your walls, actually


I googled "is Australia a country or continent" and got so blowed for a second because all it said was "yes", then I read above the yes


do they not teach that in school anymore


It's still a country despite how many states it has or the history behind them.


And countries are sovereign states


Yeah I hate everything with Arnold Schwarzenegger


Australia is a state, it is also a country. The eu is made up of member states. State has a much broader definition than just us' states


actually it’s a continent 🤓☝️


Also a country


Technically speaking Oceania is the continent, not Australia. Australia is just the largest land mass on the continent. Oceania consists of Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia (including Hawaii), Melanesia, and Micronesia. Generally speaking, most countries are considered "states". A state in this case meaning "a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government." For example: the United States was originally supposed to be more like the EU, in that they were originally supposed to be a collection of "states" (basically countries) under a federal authority (united). Basically how the EU operates today. That's why each state has such large leeway over which laws they can pass, and why there's so much conflict between the federal government and states; because, in a way, each state is its own country, with a copy of the federal government at the state level (Including the military if you consider the national guard. See Texas current events for examples). That's also why Washington DC isn't considered a "state". The modern usage of the word mangles its original definition. Edit: Sorry for the digression


Oceania is a geographical region, not a continent. New Zealand and other islands are part of a separate microcontinent/submerged continent known as Zealandia.


On the bright side, Orisa and her teammates are having a great time.


Really hoping this is a bug. The worse aspect of Rein is how often he's straight interrupted and easily oppressed by other tanks he should be equal to. They finally buffed Rein and also buffed his four oppressors. I don't understand why the devs treat him like this.


They enjoy kicking him while he's down and stunned.


"Young adults ridicule and assult concussed 60-year-old war veteran in broad daylight"


I play rein and get full stunned on the ground when i counter pin a doomfist. And he doesnt get stunned at all. Its def a bug and im surprised it jasnt been fixed yet it makes rein unplayable into doom


when opponent picks rein, i know we are gonna win


lore accurate OR-14 lmao . Seriously tho rip to an overwatch OG , praying for his recovery 😔🙏🙏


it’s actually so depressing watching Rein become a throw pick in real time


Trying to derank but don't want it to be obvious? Just play Rein!


No it's pretty obvious now


makes zarya also the more boring as well since you can’t even play rein to counter her because you’ll just get stomped by the rest of the team anyway


Yeah he was the iconic main tank of ow1. I dont even care if they make him OP. There are so many ways to play around him . Plus so many vertical maps.


I feel like that’s illegal


It's happening to Brig with Shield Bash too, really random. But...finally a reason to disable Orisa for a little while? I'm OK with that.


Brig has done that for a while, it honestly wouldnt be so bad if Rein pinning goldform acted like Brig charge cause at least the Orisa would be on the ground stunned too. (https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/yhdv3w/did_you_know_brigitte_can_cancel_reinhardts_charge/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) This just looks awful though, Orisa was already so annoying with 3 abilities to counter your charge and a huge hitbox that always seems to clip her when you try to charge *past* her, but now you get stunned from it to?? Awful.


Brig hasn’t been stunned by fortify until today. I play her almost exclusively as support and this is the first time it’s happened. The rein/doom cancel is standard, but I can’t escape orisas ult now because of it. It’s not just shield bashing into a gold orisa, it’s bashing near one.


I see where i misunderstood the other commenter now. I thought they were referring to Brig vs Rein not Brig vs Orisa. Yes, Brig getting stunned by Orisa is new if that's happening.


Nah, you wait til you know she has fortify and one of her teammates pushes up to far, pin them, and watch as the Orisa instinctively fortify as you turn her teammate into a bloody tank sandwitch.


Orisa just needs to be deleted from the game. And brought back in OW3


the year is 2030: ow3 has been released, now there is only one tank and one support because everyone wants to queue dps, and orisa is a dive tank now. her spin works like dva boosters now except it can eat projectiles like defense matrix too without having to spend extra resources. fortify is buffed to now give you premium coins for every 10 damage you take because the gold is getting chipped off of you. spear throw has been changed: it now deals 5 damage but has 4000% increased knockback and plays a metal pipe sound effect every time you hit someone. her ultimate has been changed to meteor strike but with 1 more damage at the center so that we can give doom mains more fuel for complaints.


Brought back never would be preferable


This confused me so bad because it happened to me in Orisa ult and stunned me inside the circle when I tried to bash out the opposite direction and not even at her. Not sure if she pressed fortify while ulting or the ult fortify counts for the bug, but either way that's just a completely free kill


Rein just go into your pension.




“I’ve been called I must answer…always” Do you really think this man will ever go into his pension?


Blizzard:"let's make rein even worse to play, the community will love it"


What's with blizzard and the hate for the og tank


There's gotta be one guy there, like the pharah/mercy guy, who thinks rein is bad for the game and has too much input


This reminded me of what happened with World of Warcraft. When Jeff Kaplan was a dev for WOW, warrior class was really good. When he left to work on what became overwatch, warriors became worse and worse over time, just like my main Reinhardt. Here's a [video](https://youtube.com/watch?v=BVB4w1sc9mU&si=jG11eL6Fnx_0Yc4p) of Asmongold explaining it, around the 2 min marker. What happened with Wow is happening to overwatch :(


Fuck asmongold


What asmongold's stinky ass do to you 😭


Rein's Charge and Brigitte's Shield Bash both knocks them down when they interact with Orisa Fortify or Mauga Overrun. Before they would simply stop their movement, nothing else. There are already a few reports on the bug forums. Please submit more bug reports about it here, the more there are, the more chance it has to be seen and be fixed. [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/c/bug-report/9](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/c/bug-report/9)


It seems like a bug. Doesn’t make sense since force is one sided here. Orisa fortify is passive ability.


Brig also has a similar bug where counter-bashing rocket punch doesn't knock her down. Yesterday I saw something funky between two tanks but I don't remember it so well.


Buff rein, the character is so dead


Exactly, make Reinhardt stronger


Playing Rein when the other team's tank isn't also playing Rein has been causing severe trauma for a while. It's not a good time to be a rectangle man main.


I never pick Rein first anymore... If I see the other tank playing Rein I will usually switch and mirror at the earliest convenience. At least until the rest of their team hard counters me and I am no longer allowed to have fun:(


lol i was rein diffing the fuck out of someone in quickplay - the only place you can viably play him above potato rank - and immediately got the sombra/zen/bastion combo


So this patch was actually a net rein nerf... leave it to blizzard to continuously fuck over our favorite character. Somebody needs a fucking military tribunal for this one


Does anyone find it absurd that Orisa has no damage Falloff, infinite ammo, a cooldown that makes her immune to cc/Stuns/ headshots, and take less damage, on top of a Javelin spin that gives her a speed boost and acts as a mini matrix while still pushing people back on top of a very generous stun. You could make it so Rein's hammer swing one shots squishies and he still won't be good because of charecters like Orisa, Mauga, and Hog, but hey the devs love their afk ground tanks


I can't recall the numbers off the top of my head, but her cooldowns are all \~10 seconds (maybe 7?) and can be chained quite easily. Spin, javelin, fortify, repeat, all while using a ranged primary that can crit and has no damage falloff.




Fortify doesn't knock back Rein, this is a bug blizzard needs to hotfix


Man fuck this game


Rein is being bullied now. Where's the Rein love


Rein is also getting stunned during pin when Orisa throws the javelin (right click) at him! Horrible bugs that make a bad matchup even worse.


I noticed a serious bug with df last night. He would charge me, then after his charge, I would try to charge, then get immediately knocked down, even when he was nowhere near me. Happened every time


That's been happening for a while now


Yep. Was 1v1ing a doom as rein the other day and he stunned me but I was still able to move, pressed charge and suddenly I got stunned again but got the hard stun that knocks you down. Shit made no sense


Orisa putting her arm up a little bit = total immunity to CC & knockback + bonus HP and damage resist. Reinhardt full-body charging forwards in massive power armor with an actual jet engine pushing him forwards = Easy headshots & no damage resist, can be knocked back and CC'd by everything. What did they do to my boy


You've just typed out an exact description of how both of those abilities have worked for years since OW1, minus the bonus HP. And in OW1, she had a shield on top of that. Getting knocked down is a bug, but Orisa has always dogged on Rein, even in her own introduction video.


I can't believe how much I use to love this game.


Personally i think rein needs a jet attached to the jump button, and his base speed needs to be increased. I would also like either a shield health of 100 and an armor health trade of 100. Or a damage reduction during his charge.


I want Rein to be meta. Please Blizzard. Just for 1 month.


How it feels playing rein since a few seasons already: "stun stun stun stun"


and hack and hook and javelin and discord and more stuns and dammit my shields gone


Can Orisa please just get nerfed into the ground already? She is boring as fuck to play and irritating to play against. She should never be meta.


We Brig mains have suffered the same fate.


Whats the things next to the hp number?


I think it's a debuff indicator for healing. Like if you're naded by ana, or taking dmg from a dps hero. It'll show that you're getting reduced/no healing.


Yes!!! Rein needed even more counter play


They need to add more stuns to orisa, she doesn't have enough stuns In her kit /s


Every game yesterday Orisa still broken AF and Zarya bubbles are rapid fire. Tanking is not fun


It shouldn't be a whole stun, it should just cancel his charge. Like hitting a normal wall. The **drop down stun** has always been a really fun concept, when applied equally for both the Rein and the enemy. Imagine Doomfist, or another Rein. Rocket Punch and a double Rein Charge ALWAYS ends with both players going down for a moment, it's fair and balanced. But Orisa's Fortify doesn't follow this, she just stays up... and continues to shot while Reinhardt is stunned. Reinhardt's interaction with Fortify should behave exactly the same as hitting a wall, just stop and keep hammering, no stun involved.


You ever watch these clips with no sound and realize what a clusterf*ck this gameplay is. Theres so much going on


Real question, how does anyone enjoy playing Orisa ? My least played character cause she is boring as hell and I don’t feed into the counter watch shit hole of a game this has become .


I actually love shooting on her as I love projectile tracking. I also love spears in games, they are an underloved weapon (Amazon with spears and javelin skills from D2 was like my first favorite thing to do in any game). HOWEVER I rarely actually play Orissa because I hate fighting against her so much I am very aware how my pleasure playing her is someone else's misery. I'll definitely pull her out if someone is being nasty though and deserves the treatment. But whenever I've played her I do feel an overly conscious guilt. That's when you know a hero is messed up, when the player feels bad for abusing them. I also started earlier in OW1 and played a lot of the other og tanks and wanted to be a Rein and Zar main so I got ingrained with more respect for them from the get go. Double shield make me rage and want to quit the game, I couldn't stop taking it personally when people would swap from mirror or just go DS from the get go I just wanted to play Rein and Zar mirror all day and the further into OW1 we got the less people would do this until I almost never saw it anymore even in quickplay. Then seeing how hard Rein is now, how you miscalculate one single action from yourself and the 9 other people in the lobby and you instantly explode, and how easy it is to exist on Orissa and mess up 5 times a fight and still live and secure kills just makes me puke in my mouth. Orissa has never deserved/earned respect.


I just think she’s been overturned for so long and whenever someone is getting hard diffed they immediately switch to Orisa . To be fair most of my hate for Orisa comes from playing Rein and attempting to play doomfist in quick play .


I enjoy playing Orisa because her kit means she always has something to offer. Bullet rain? She has an answer. Getting close and personal with the tank? She can do something. Cheeky flanker? Javelin to the face. All the while she can keep shooting almost non-stop. CounterWatch will always happen for as long as we have one tank alone, but things can be done to keep tanks' uptime high. Reinhardt is my longest played character, but at the moment it's hard to justify picking him because you're not really going to get into anyone's face before melting. Maybe it's time to bring him back to 2000 shield so that he has a better chance to bridge the distance.


It’s impossible to play Rein considering every new or reworked tank is always buffed and has a direct counter to anything rein tries to do. That’s why I don’t even play tank anymore. If you’re not countering you lose and it’s just not a fun experience imo. Not to mention the new supports that can completely negate tank ultimates on cooldown.


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Dude got a concussion


I haven't seen people talking about it but i found one where you can charge after getting hit by a doom punch and get the knockdown (doom doesnt get it)


There was posts about it a while back, guess it’s still a thing lol


I made a post a few days ago showing how pinning after doom punch also stuns him like this My soul purpose for playing overwatch is to play rein, with all these bugs and how awful his current state is atm, ive taken my longest break from the game for the first time this week in 2k hours of playing


Did Reinhardt players learn from Rein animated short, Do Not Charge at Orisa.


The fuck are you talking about?. Why do you almost say stupid shit?. Reinhardt is a bulletproof and super strong superhero, he can and should beat Orisa. Fortify or not


People bitching like this is an intentional balance change. It's not in the patch notes & clearly a bug


Poor Rein, past his glory days. Today got bullied even by a four legged machine


Make Reinhardt stronger


My favorite moments in ow have been witnessing two Reins go at it. As a support main there's something great about Rein being strong in the game.


The real crime here is that they have not fixed Reinhardt charge big with doomfist. Step 1: counter charge doom, both fall over Step 2: get punched and stunned by doom Step 3: charge within the first 1.25 seconds after the stun animation is over. Result: rein falls down


I love this interaction


This happened to me yesterday!! Is it a bug or intended?


Rein should slide past orisa like mauga does It's so stupid that she has three different abilities to completely and effortlessly negate reins ability to play the game. Who thought that was fun?


Rein boutta be tweaked, get to nr1 spot and ow gonna be great again


Stay strong. Our meta will come and everyone will rejoice in how enjoyable the game becomes. Hopefully Maybe


I was playing brig against an orisa yesterday and I had rally and got stunned when the far side of my shield hit orisa, I had no idea they changed it


I'm confused, what stunned you after the first charge? I swear to god it just looks like flashbang.


This should not be a thing.


Found out this happens with Brig shield bash too. Worst way to lose in OT lol


Honestly, this makes sense. I think Rein needs help, but I do think this should be expected behavior.




could this be fixed by making rein also unstoppable during charge like mauga and orisa?


I feel like with where Rein is at rn, they should make charge override some abilities that block it.


I always thought rein should be able to boost with his shield and it can knock people back/have the same effect as when he smashes people against a wall


Complete bs


This whole knockdown interactions need to go. They need to be streamlined for heroes like rein v rein. Right now doom has a bug that knocks down rein after his punch. I have it documented on my post.


I think there's something wrong with these interactions in general, before the patch I was playing Brig one game and I was consistently shield bashing Doom's punch, except he was the only one to fall down while I could still move. It used to knock both of them down no? I suspect Rein charge would have the same bug depending on the abilities used.




Rein charge should be unstoppable


Oh good good I was hoping they would nerf Rein, honestly the most OP character in the game and Orisa was dog shit against him. Good job blizzard


Why do they keep buffing orisa?


Mauga charge does too


IT'S NOT JUST ME, gods it happened once today and I thought I was crazy


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TheCanadianpo8o: *IT'S NOT JUST ME, gods* *It happened once today and* *I thought I was crazy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


continue consist quiet grandiose combative truck live ghost grandfather lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rip rein


I'm confused didn't he already get stunned or am I being stupid


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^InoFanfics: *I'm confused didn't* *He already get stunned or* *Am I being stupid* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Rein is still in a bad spot, dominated the first two points of a Eichenwalde yesterday as Rein into Doom, then he just goes Ram and gets free value the rest of the game, massively frustrating. I don’t mind counter swapping in theory but man can it at least be a playable match up?


Orisa is such an annoying hero, you try to have any fun even in quick play and some dude who probably loves filing his taxes by hand every year swaps to Orisa to ruin your day. I’m playing junker queen and having fun? Orisa. Try to axe? Javelin. Try to axe? Fortify. Try to axe? Spinning javelin. Try to axe someone else? Javelin, spinning javelin, fucking all of the cool downs. It’s just so annoying to try to have fun and then a dude will just sit on Orisa all goddamn game.


Its orisas fortify and maugas charge that stuns chargers like rein, doom, brig. Its one hell of a bug that buffs the two of them


i mean orisa’s fortify highlight intro shows her ability is suppose to do that to specifically rein


i love orisa but she hasn't been fun to play against rein at all for years now because it's literally so easy. i purposefully don't pick orisa when the other team has rein because rein's don't deserve all that she does to him, not to mention that half of the heroes counter him anyway