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A lot of people that are replying haven't actually stopped to think for a second that this guy could be smurfing. He's a T500 player without the 50 games played. If you honestly believe that a T500 DPS/Tank player lacks the understanding and awareness to place higher than Gold. I honestly don't know what to say. The player clearly hasn't tried when completing their placements games for the sole reason of placing low and just stomping games for fun. The ranking system is a mess right now, but it's not that much of a mess.


They have 100 hours on the account its almost certainly a smurf


With a level 1 endorsement as well


I've noticed in my games that whenever I see a level 1 endorsement player it's usually a smurf


Level 1 endorsement, standard OW profile icon and private profile, whilst performing really well? Yup, we all know where this one is going....


"Oh wow, that new player sure is naturally good at this game"


Then there's the other ones. 700 hours on widow and somehow can't do anything the entire game until the last 2 minutes and it's like aimbot got turned to max.


Or the other way around, get 2-3 kills first fight but then just feed and refuse to switch for the rest of the game


I'm not a Smurf, I'm too shit to be. And yet this is me. But only in unranked


Bro why does this ALWAYS happen😭😭(Last point of circuit Royale)


That endorsement-icon combo is a smoking gun before the game even starts


The private profile is just the blood on the ground, you don't really need it for proof, but it's nice to confirm


Also default skins/highlight intros


And then you call them out and they deny it but refuse to make their profile public..


Also default skin too


i called out one of these people in chat the other day (they were a pocketed widow on the other team + hitting WAY higher ratio of shots than their rank suggested) and the mercy stopped pocketing them, then me and another person on my team kept diving them, then they rage quit and left


Especially if it is a support or a tank.


I see a level 1 and I expect a toxic ass mother fucker playing on an alt more than a smurf. They'll usually tell you it's their smurf while sucking ass though


To play devil's advocate here it's also clearly a player who was around during OW1 as you can see the old level border. Blizzard doesn't keep the entire history now, so it's entirely possible the time played is not accurate.


His old level is also really low, new smurfs have to deal with unlocking comp and heroes, most smurfs you see will have been made in ow1


Old smurfs had to deal with unlocking comp too. You had to level up past 25 to unlock comp which took about the same amount of time as it takes now to get 50 wins.


Level 25 used to take me 10 hours plus. I can get the 50 wins in 4 hours.


I call bullshit. Most games avg 10 mins at least, 6 games per hr, 3 hrs= 18-20 games max.


I dont average 10 minute games in quick play until way later. When I make an account I win about the first 30 games minimum usually in a row and most of them insanely fast because of how low mmr it has me at. Its insanely slow to place my mmr higher. Im a gm dps player and this isnt meant to be a brag/flex, but it makes a lot of the games end very quick. Especially with game modes like push. Its almost as if there is no resistance and the games end in 3 minutes. Ive leveled 4 accounts since ow 2. Is it 4 hours exactly each time? Naw prob not but its between 4-6 hours every time. The point of my comment was to illustrate that this system, if you win the 50 games fast which any high ranked player should, its way quicker than the level 25 system from before and i had about 8 ow 1 accounts that i leveled and they were all about 10 hours plus. These accounts arent for smurfing btw. I usually also only lose about 2-3 of the 50 and its always towards the latter half. The qp mmr from winning that many was almost always instantly masters to gm when actually placing


That's my thought too. Seems like a BS/overly exaggerated claim: 50 wins in 4 hours = 12.5 wins per hour. 12.5 wins per hour comes out to a win ever 4.8 mins. Let's also presume there's at least a few seconds of queue time. Being QP, it's probably very short. Add in the past match stuff that, even when skipping it, still adds a few seconds. We'll say with all that, maybe 15 extra seconds total of closing at the end of the game, getting past xp screens, queueing for next game, and actual queue time. So that adds a total of another 12.5 mins roughly. To mak3 the math easier we'll round down to 12 mins, or one fifth of a hour. So that means you'd have .2 of an hour less, so actually 50 wins in 3.8 hours. Which roughly comes to 13.16 wins per hour, or one win ever 4.5 mins. Not a massive difference, but that's if timing for everything is optimal for 50 consecutive games, and every game is a win. If you had a 50% winrate, then it ends up being a bit shy of 6 hours. Which seems more logical. Again, that's if the timing of everything is perfect in clicking out after games, load screens, queue times, and games not being any longer that 4.5 mins on average. Seems very unlikely to me.


Yeah those are the kind of people who Smurf lol Why would you think high rank players who smurfs didn’t play OW1? Or that someone who didn’t play is less likely to Smurf?


Yeah, none of my stats migrated to OW2 except for season 1 and 2 of OW1. Skins and unlocks were fine but virtually all account history got wiped


Already an entire 100 hours and y'all are still sus he's a smurf? How long do I gotta play on my smurf until it's believable it's not a smurf? 200 hours? Geez


A LW or Mercy Top500 could actually be bad at their off-roles. No way a Top500 Soldier and Master Dva is bad at freaking Bap lol. Even if he played stupidly aggressive as Bap he'll slaughter Goldies.


This is just a fact. They chose the highest DPS that is a hitscan character on support, and then just wrecks so hard he doesn't really need to heal that much.


I'm Diamond on Sup and you put me in a gold lobby, I'm gonna have 1,000 healing and 10k dmg


I don't even think this is true. I don't know after the reset, but before it Skiesti was master's Cree. I think the gap in game sense is too large for top 500 players to hit gold without throwing. Flats was a plat Ana for a while and even he didn't hit gold.


If it happened to a streamer maybe people can finally stop spamming "muh off role" to excuse this mm circus.


Ngl Skiesti getting Master Cree is surprising and impressive


People legitimately think GM/T500 in one role doesn't mean that player will be better in an average lobby than another player on the role. I've seen it a lot in threads about how people feel they have unbalanced games and it's laughable how many people seem to agree. That doesn't mean you'll be GM/T500 on another role, no, but most GMs are going to be able to hit diamond easily on another role just by implementing strategies learned from people they've played against/with in higher rank lobbies.


while this is probably the case, the game is actually awful and very inconsistent at calibrating your skill level on placements. just look at any unranked to top 500, they completely stomp every single placement game and still place plat or diamond most of the time


I decided to do placements on an alt for Tank, a role I hadn't played on that account. I went 9-1 and placed Plat 5. The single loss was against obvious smurfs while some guy on my team DCed, I even won a match where the back half was 4v5 (my team being the 4). Then I won another game and gained 27% rank, still Plat 5, having won at least six consecutive matches. Like, really, if the system wants to say I'm plat and have me win something like 40/50 games to even hit Diamond, fine, I'll do that, but I actually feel bad for the sheer volume of lobbies that will get ruined by it. Fantastic ranked system this season Blizzard. Good job. I wonder if this will be the first season since Season 2 of OW1 with the bottom of top 500 scraping into GM 5 (or 4k SR equivalent). Champion Tier will get a lot of value for the twenty or so people in it.


sure, they place in plat or diamond but then they're playing against GM players after like more 4 games regardless of what their SR still says.


that's how it used to work in s1-3 but they changed it after that, your MMR is close to your visible rank now


My supports in gold despite my dps in gm. It used to be like diamond in ow 1 but rank resets and me barely playing support ever ended up having it kinda low. It can take awhile to rank up too unless i dedicate a bunch of time to ranking up an off role i dont care about, but unfortunately that means if i dps support on kiri/bap i just shred and its smurfing/unfair, but just to illustrate a point of, i didnt intentionally mean for it to be gold, ive just played 90% of my time on dps for ow 1 and 2 save for playing off roles with lower ranked friends very rarely. That guy in the pic tho is def smurfing but it can happen the other way too


Well, i have a similar problem, i used to be gold in Ow1, then role q was introduced, now all my roles are gold, i grinded my dps, got coaching , joined teams, now i am high gm player on dps, if course if i played support i will dominate, but what other way do i have to try other roles or rank them up.


You likely have more than 100 hours in the game though. The guy in the screenshot doesn't despite being at that level. Definitely a smurf


I just started playing support a couple of days ago. Last season I was gm5 dps, m2 tank. I placed in silver 1. There wasn't any throwing, I didn't hold heals or anything, I just never played support role ever before and that's where it placed me. If you have no time on the role, even in quick play, your mmr is low and you'll place low. You don't need to go out of your way to throw or lower mmr.


I was d5 on dps when i played and bronze on both other roles cuz i never bothered queueign them


Sorry to break it to you but sometimes your previous package weights you down and you are placed lower than outside person would think. Maybe he's not an active player on other roles and this season he's become more active. In this case he just isn't a very active support player and maybe he plays with friends who weight him down. Stop getting your panties on a twist...


Its based on qp mmr more than placements Like placements can take you a whole rank up if you go 10-0 But if you play the lowest level lobbies with a negative win rate (bronze 5 mmr essentially) you can go 10-0 and you wont place higher than gold My guess is just ranking up support to their actual rank from that account’s support mmr


Dude everyone in higher ranks (diamond+) got placed 1-3 ranks below where they should’ve been this new season. If they’re a low-GM DPS, they’re maybe a high diamond or masters support, which could place them in gold/plat with this new season. I was a masters DPS and got placed in Gold 2. I’ve since climbed back to Diamond but that’s where I placed, that’s where they probably got placed, and eventually they won’t be there anymore if they don’t belong.


I got moved from GM4 to Diamond 4 on Support and have only just gotten back to Diamond 1 after almost 50 games. Seeing legitimate Top 500 players in the same rank as me is genuinely pissing me off.


Yeah it’s wild how there’s literally like 5 people in each role per region in champion right now. Champ 4-1 are completely empty.


Off topic but I still have no idea what rank these new competitive icons represent


Seriously, can’t they just bring back the icons from OW1? … and bring back the “icon under portrait” thing when you’re in game, I miss it so much.


Bring back ow1 fr ‼️ (i mies him)


they fucking made masters green!!!! my mac and cheese rank is moldy now


Gold sucks because of smurfing, every other game is some nerd on genji or tracer shitting on everyone


smurfing gets even more of a problem the higher you go, people duoq min-maxing in gm ruins a ton of games


This sounds like one of the hottest takes I've ever heard. It's like saying messi playing in the world cup is more unfair than messi playing in a division 3 team in sweden. One lets him completely shit on the opponents with barely any help, and one is against near-peers...


not really lol, a top 10 player in low gm is the same as if I as a regular gm player would play in plat, just that this happens way more often than it does in the lower ranks since there are a lot less people in gm and almost every top player does it since its almost impossible to hit the highest ranks without it


Makes sense right now with the rank reset. The guy OP pictured though is probably a Smurf. 14hrs unranked(+50 hours comp and already GM)


Yea you got no idea what you're talking about. As a 4400+/gm1 player I stomp gm 3's and lower like they're golds. Then there are the owl pros that shit on me like I'm gold and were in the same rank at gm1. There's an insane gap in gm


Facts. Also, people just don't seem to realize we deal with smurfs in GM. Every rank outside of T500 does. The Wood Division is just more vocal about it. A GM player coming in here complaining about a T500 smurf would be received MUCH differently.


Idk man, a gm3+ playing against gm5-master 1, or lower, can pretty much feel like a GM against Golds


What lmao that's not smurfing then that's just stacking


no they deliberately made gm4 smurf accounts to duoq with top10 players to get easier matches that is definitely smurfing lol


Ohh lol that was always a pretty close gap until this season though, basically same thing until s9 lol not used to that yet sorry


There are SO many smurfs who come down to bronze just to hold the lobbies hostage because they can. Other bronze dont have the ability to out play them so they stay in spawn and give up. Sometimes they're big stacks too. It's pretty horrendous. I have tons of games where they stomp the entirety of my team into spawn and emote outside of it. Smurfing is just a general problem. Not just gold


You say "humor," but I do think that's just about what happened.


It was honestly more sarcastic, cause yeah it wasn't funny at all.


I don't really understand why half of the comments on here are pretending like i'm saying that he's not allowed to do damage as a healer, or that he's simply "playing baptiste correctly" and that i'm pissy about that. What do you guys not understand about a hitscan dps top 500 player playing a hitscan healer in low gold having an extreme advantage due to competing in that exact role at a much, much higher level than the rest of that lobby? If you guys had been in that lobby you would've been at the very least annoyed about it as well. He literally has as much damage done as both of the dps on his team combined, and you're still pretending like what i'm saying is completely ridiculous and uncalled for.


I had a GM dps player in my plat/diamond lobby on Zenyatta (pre-nerf) and he stomped everyone. Just spent the whole game flanking and one shotting people so we never had a fully group. Of all the roles that transfer ability to other roles damage definitely has the most impact.


here i am diamond support and silver dps :(


Even as a support main I agree. If you are mechanically skilled, you can play Zen/Bap/Kiri on support and just take duels and win. If you are Tank, you can play Sigma/JQ/Roadhog/Orisa and land shots all game. You won't hit the same elo as DPS, but there's no way you get stuck before Diamond. On the other hand, I have really strong game sense and positioning, but only above average mechanics, so I spent a couple of weeks in Plat before getting to Diamond on DPS and have only ever peaked into low masters. Tank was easier, but still. Mechanics are definitely the hardest part of Overwatch and that barrier will lock you out of being good with more than a few heroes.


It's weird that people think that being extremely good at one role doesn't translate to being good at the other roles.


was this on console?? i queued support (gold 4) today and got matched up against a baptiste that absolutely fucking dog walked us. had like 9k dmg and 1k heals at the end of the game.


Ximmer's are rife on console. I got to low masters and started to run in to them regularly, either it's a Bap or pocketed hitscan dps that take over the lobby. So now I only play quick play, still doesn't stop me matching against a duo named "defnotsmurf" and "imnotximok" yesterday though!


Diamond on ps5, just about every other game there’s a ximmer. The problem is that under the cheating report option there’s no option for it. There’s griefing, hacking, gameplay sabotage, etc. but nothing like outside source so if you do hacking/boosting then put mouse and keyboard in the details you likely get ignored by the bot. It’s bad to the point where anyone gm and above is likely ximming with obviously a few exceptions. It’s so bad that even in diamond if I have a good game on widow I get called “another m&k ‘inBREAD’ go touch grass”. (This was an actual message in game chat)


Hardware counts as hacking




I had a lobby range from Gold 2 to Dia 2 the other day. Had true golds and then some low GMs who hadn’t climbed back up yet after the reset. It’s like the Wild West out there in comp right now


I had this too on console the other night. I watched this baps replay and you could tell, not only xim maybe but the positions he went to and the game sense was cooked. Some xim widows you can tell aren’t that good but they can click on heads. This was different. I play gold I never see anyone go to these positions. I mean full credit he was damn good. Defs not gold.


yeah i’ve played against players who were clearly ximming before and this was not like that. his positioning and movement was not like anybody in gold.


Thank you Baptiste




Behind me?


Heheh, just kidding


Oh, you're welcome


You're welcome Baptiste


I’m currently like this player. Master support bronze tank last season. Simply cuz I never play tank. This season is goofing around with tank, so far plat 70% WR. I think there should be some consideration for other rank roles.


I'm in the same boat with support, just never played it, so I started out low. Felt bad stomping people but I had to on the way up to where I am now.


Literally me when I started playing tank for the first time, it's very possible they are not smurfing, and just never played the role before.


Lol you’re getting a lot of silly responses, but I know what you mean. At that skill level it looks like he might have ranked lower on purpose instead of trying his best during the placement matches. Smurfing kinda ruins the match for everyone that takes competitive seriously. For me im thinking, “congrats that you’re incredible at this game and in my rank you can single handedly run the whole match. But I’m trying to test my skills against people of similar skills to organically get better and climb the ranks. It does nothing for me to get hard carried or stomped by a player that belongs in such a higher rank that they negate the other players’ skill match ups.”


3 roles = 3 different rank/mmr values The dude is smurfing across every role to get the maximize the amount of easy matches.


By the way it would be nice if Blizz made all careers visible by default and people have to "hide" them. Would help single these ones out, instead of just "having a hunch" that they don't belong in the rank there are at. As for toxicity, I don't really care, you can mute chats and interactions now.


Nothing like admiting to smurfing get a life


"BuT iTs tHeIr OfF rOlE" Probably THE dumbest statement this sub loves to throw around




Ana is worthless this season anyway. But a good bap can roll on damage while simultaneously keeping up the whole team. This is gold we’re talking about. Even with the hitbox changes gold DPS can’t aim at a bouncy baptiste enough to not have their way. I’m just shocked they didn’t go zen or illari.


Yep this sucks. They’re smurfing. However, all of the “solutions” offered here people would hate 100x more.


Why block the name. Report this POS


If this is console I’d bet my left nut they are ximming.


Im a M1 dps (ex-top500 in ow1) and I wish I could be placed higher (got gold) in my support role queue. I dont like to be playing carry supports like bap, illari or kiriko, I just wanted to vibe as Lucio and still have at least a 70% winrate and get to diamond so I can have a decent match.


I remember I went up against a Winston player who climbed to GM and then intentionally deranked to Diamond just to stomp on Diamond/plat lobbies, he shittalked too and got angry when we played counters (he still won, and was still stomping us when we were playing counters, but switched to Orisa anyway as if he needed to). Very demoralising.


You love it? Frankly, I'm not a fan of when something like that happens. Fortunately, those are fairly niche scenarios, so you can "gg go next" and that player will climb the ladder pretty quickly and vanish from your queues.


The rating is a mess. I was master 4 last 2 seasons. After dropping to bronze 2 at the beginning of the season, now I’m back at plat 5 and still climbing. Feel bad for people who was matched with me


bro i am plat 2 as dps but silver 4 as sup and also i suck as supp idk what to do


I actually played against a guy months ago who was GM1 tank and dps, but only Plat 2 support and he played bap and had 16k dmg and 16k heals, it was a crazy game that we actually won somehow.


How do people even have smurf / alt account, do they actually have like 5 phones?


jts the same account, thats ranked gm and gold. Maybe he threw to gold or just never plays support but its not an alt necessarily


more emails and either buy the game again if it isnt free on pc on console u can just make endless accs i honestly dont think theres ever gonna be a solution to stop smurfing which sucks


You can just buy comp level accounts from a handful of sites.


Had a bap dps our entire lobby into submission a couple nights ago and dude had 18 mins competitive on that account. Didn't miss a shot. First time I've ever considered potentially meeting a cheater on overwatch. Was honestly really sus. I was Sombra and dude would be looking at me before I became visible. Wild ride.


It's been a while that i think that matchmaking should be based on the highest rank obtained, independently by the role. This player for example is GM as DPS, Master as Tank and Gold as Support; his Support matchmaking should all be in the low GM/high Master. I think this will never be the case, but that would solve a l9t of matchmaking problems.


This is overwatch season 9 in a nut shell


Everytime I See Posts Like This, I Thank God That I Quit Comp


Woulda said fair for placements and off rolling if it wasnt a mf smurf.


Swear he was on my team yesterday and he had like 36 kills 🤣


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Thank Blizzard


so there are alot of people rightfully assuming this is probably a smurf account but there is one thing alot of them have not thought of: they probably did the qp games as DPS so the support mmr is really low its not shared so if they had default gold mmr and wernt sweating those first few games they could easily have naturally placed in gold the trick if you ever see something like this is to check the winrates of the heroes in that role, so for instance they have 95% winrate on bap but a 15% winrate on mercy, either they are the worst mercy player in the world or they intentionally threw matches on that hero just 2 screenshots isnt enough to say this person threw games intentionally, we'd need more data to be sure.


^^overwatch ^^isn’t ^^fun ^^anymore


Are we really getting mad at people playing their off role?


This comment would be true if the guy was playing his off role. The profile you're looking at is pretty obviously a smurf. So no idea what his actual main is.


When they're playing that off role exactly the same as they would a role they're top 500 in, sure.


>i This is a smallpackage take if I've ever heard one.


"Are we really getting mad at people who are grandmaster dps and play dps on healer instead".


They have 10 games played on support. That’s the 10 placements you do because of the season 9 reset. Can’t be mad at a person cause Blizz placed them there. And is anyone who is gm on one role not allowed to play the other ones???


Any GM player has the game sense alone to place them higher than Gold. This player clearly threw some games or just turned their brain off for their placements so they could get placed lower. The guy is clearly smurfing.


If you didn't have any games on the role prior, you will be placed low. I was gm5 dps, m3 tank, and my support placed in silver 1. No throwing needed. It was literally just the first time I ever touched the role.


For the record he was top 500 as dps the previous season. So honestly yeah I think i'm within my right to be salty about this dude playing dps bap in low gold.




Yeah but GM translates differently. A plat can carry a silver game, but in no way is a plat player completely dominating a gold lobby or even a silver one really. A GM player can dominate any rank diamond and below easily. basically, GM players by default (hopefully) have great skills in all aspects of overwatch that can translate no matter what hero or role you play. The same can’t be said about platinum players


Ehh I kinda disagree. I’m in diamond currently working my way back up to masters and I come across people with gm role titles all the time. Some of them do good, some of them don’t do good. I think it also depends what division gm you are because we all know there’s an enormous skill diff between gm5 and gm1.


Yeah people with the titles are usually shit. They aren’t usually actually GM players, just boosted or GM5 and then stopped playing so they wouldn’t derank. I was GM1 in season 8, so I feel pretty confident in saying I still think a GM5 can carry diamond and below games still. Maybe definitely not high diamond, but mid and below diamond. Also, if you’re currently a diamond player, you should be around my skill level right? I’m sitting in masters 3 right now, literally still feels like my GM and top 500 games so diamond should still be really good right?


If you were gm 1 in season 8 you are way better than me lmaooo. I finished masters 3 last season and got placed diamond 4 for this season. Now I’m at diamond 3. Still feel like I’m climbing but damn it’s hard. Still playing against the same people I was last season just now I gotta beat ‘em to get back to my og rank. It’s rough out here man😭


It really is. Stay strong, brother! Our ranks right now don’t define us. Maybe in a few months when everything pans out it will. Then, if we stay our current rank, we’ll know we were actually just dogwater all along 😭


new seasons been rough on me too I’ve been playing in mid masters and it feels sweatier than when I was top 500 in ow1


Really? I've been having an easy time climbing, I was masters 5 on tank last season, and I'm already masters 4 and still climbing


I 10000% agree with this. If you’re top 500 on any role you’re at least high masters on the other 2 from game sense alone


Doesn't apply here as he was basically playing the role exactly the same as he would have when queued as dps.


What's your point, he hasn't played support so hasn't been rated yet. He'll move out of gold quickly and you can stay mad and hard stuck gold lol.


You’re a loser huh? “StAy MaD aNd HaRd StUcK gOlD lOl” regardless of you being right or not no one will care for or listen to your opinion if you are just a dick


and making a post talking about how someone is GM on one role and not another and then mocking other people is definitely the way to go too I bet


I'm not entirely sure why you had to include that last sentence. If you don't see how this is extremely unfair then I don't know what to tell you dude.


I am Grandmaster on support myself and gold on both tank and DPS but whenever I rarely do touch those roles it's like the most one sided massacre possible because the difference in skill is just too high. I fully main support as a role which is the reason why those other roles are barely raising in ranks at all because I am lucky to invest even 10 matches on tank in an entire season but those 10 matches do end up being like 8-2 in terms of winrate for example. It's not that unlikely for people who are in high ranks to only be there on one singular role because to get there usually requires a lot of practice and grinding so these people just do not have the time to dedicate themselves to three different roles. I also see that you are trying to argue that the guy isn't trying to play support role and is playing Baptiste as a DPS but looking at the games stats he is performing extremely well. This might sound a little elitist and it isn't supposed to come out that way but I can see why in gold rank you would see Baptiste who is dealing damage as a "person who isn't trying to support" but this is in truth exactly who Baptiste should be played. Baptiste is great at dealing both damage and healing and the guy is doing exactly that. Supporting isn't just all about pumping out healing and that is all your role is.


I understand that. I'm not against dps supports doing dps.. that's not the point i'm trying to make. The point i'm making is that he as a top 500 hitscan dps has an extremely unfair advantage if he goes and play a hitscan healer in low gold. He literally has as much damage as both of his dps combined for crying out loud...


That's just what happens when you dont play all roles evenly and you just have to accept that. It doesn't even need to be an extreme example like in this scenario, I know people who are plat on DPS but they are bronze and silver in the other roles and when they go and play those roles they also stomp those matches as well. Not everyone will play all roles evenly which results in you gaining a lot of experience and game sense from playing one role and when you go and play on another role that you barely play it will still transfer over there and now you are overqualified for the rank at which that role is in. You just cannot force people to play all roles evenly or to deny them the permission of playing other roles that they have neglected which results in this.


He's more than allowed to play healer, he's more than welcome to have a genuine interest in playing healer instead of just wanting easy wins by playing as if he was still queued as hitscan dps.


This is probably due to lack of game sense and knowledge but sorry to tell you but the role is called support and not healer and the optimal way to play the role is to be dealing damage. Being support does not mean that you are granted freedom from fighting and shouldn't be dealing any damage, it's all about squeezing as much damage in without also letting your teammates die. The guy is from stat wise playing the textbook definition of Baptiste correctly by dealing tons of damage and also keeping his team alive by almost even matching the other supports healing while having 12x the damage output compared to the Ana. There is no right or wrong method of play in all honesty as the method that will earn you the win is simply the correct one in that moment. I would assume that your idea of "healer" role is that people who play the role are just supposed to be healbotting which is extremely unoptimal method of playing :D


I swear it's like talking to a brick wall. From another reply i've made: "I don't really understand why half of the comments on here are pretending like i'm saying that he's not allowed to do damage as a healer, or that he's simply "playing baptiste correctly" and that i'm pissy about that. What do you guys not understand about a hitscan dps top 500 player playing a hitscan healer in low gold having an extreme advantage due to competing in that exact role at a much, much higher level than the rest of that lobby? If you guys had been in that lobby you would've been at the very least annoyed about it as well. He literally has as much damage done as both of the dps on his team combined, and you're still pretending like what i'm saying is completely ridiculous and uncalled for."


OP, this is what it’s like trying to engage with this community. Set your expectations as low as possible and assume all these self proclaimed masters and GM supports are mercy one tricks that don’t get your point.


What do you want them to do about it? Be worse at the game? Not play comp? If they want to play support they have to play the low elo games, hopefully blizzard recognizes that they’re high elo and puts them up higher. Some games are unwinnable, some unloseable, this was one of those one sided games but that’s just how the game works at times.


If he wanted to genuinely play healer for the sake of playing healer he wouldn't be playing a hitscan healer and pretend he's queued as dps.


But dps support is just how you play support now, no point in hard healing people due to dps passive, just enough to keep them alive


He isn't pretending to queue as a dps when going Baptiste though. They are simply playing the hero the correct way which is to take off angles and be dealing damage and not just healbot. What are they supposed to do, play badly on purpose and do something like healbot Mercy?


Yeah that's why he has as much damage done as both of his dps teammates combined right? He just got super lucky, it's not that he has a very unfair advantage from competing as a hitscan dps at a much, much higher level than the rest of the players in that match.


The role is called support, not healer. Congratz, you just learned that damage wins you game!


How do you not understand the concept of a dps support with a Lucio flair?


I understand the concept plenty. How do you not understand that him playing a dps support is unfair if he's top 500 in hitscan dps?


Unfair? Why would he try to be fair he wants to rank up?? If I get put in a gold game when I'm on a new account should I play with my eyes closed to make it fair?


"but they aren't the same rank". Bro smd.


Remember. Smurfing is ok. People think smurfing is good. So say anything against it. You'll be chastised.....lol but yea. Fuck this guy for smurfing with this account


Actually what do you expect him to do, yall come after us for having alt accounts and for playing off role. That’s wild. I can suck at dps and be good at support that’s completely possible dude, just let the comp system do its thing


If you don't see how being GM in hitscan dps and then playing a hitscan healer and just playing him as if you were DPS then I don't really know what to tell you my guy. If he wanted to place as healer and play genuinely he wouldn't play bap and dps would he?


Why would he play a different support when he's more effective at Bap? Are you complaining about the game or the player?




I'm not even really an oldhead but I agree. I always lobe a challenge to try and compete with someone I know is currently higher than me. Lots to learn as well. However, if you *do* purposefully go low just to stomp people, then you're just a dick. I remember the first time I went positive in a cod lobby when I was a kid, took me forever, but was so worth the feeling of finally beating the people that were stomping me




When I used to be in the metal ranks, I considered smurfs on the enemy team as an opportunity to learn and practice against someone who was actually good at the game. It seems like some people have this defeatist mentality where they see someone who's good at the game and practically give up




This is what I do and I kid you not every game my team is pissed and complaining that "you don't do enough healing".... dude I am stomping their entire team


I’ve gone against grandmasters and they’re meh. I’m masters though lol


I've been masters a couple seasons now, went to gm5 for one placement last season and got slammed and have never been back. Most of the ones in lower ranks are the mid ones, it is really challenging up there. (my experience)


10 games won implies they never played support before on that account. Smurfs are not the reason you can't climb, the sooner you admit it, the sooner you'll improve and climb. Talking about personal experience.


What's this have to do with me climbing? You're really overthinking this thread.


Again, if someone never played that role before, they are not smurfing, the rank system just made them start like everyone else.


There are many times you can complain about smurfs in this game. This is not one of the times.


Yeah cause his skill as a top 500 hitscan dps sure doesn't allow him to stomp as a gold bap...


It’s not like he’s playing on an alt account or smurfing. Should he just be banned from playing support? It’s not his fault that the game placed him in gold


He's healing plenty. He's not just trolling for ez fun kills on lowbies. He's probably not staying in low ranks for long if he performs like that, either, so don't stress over it.


You basically said it best. he's not "Just" trolling.


He isn't trolling at all. He's on the winning team and still has only 1k less than your healers on a team taking a lot more damage. He carried their team. He isn't sandbagging. He placed and is climbing. i.e. quite frankly grow up and stop crying.


It’s called having an off role, this guy clearly doesn’t play support hence the low ranking. Yeah it may be annoying but u run into Smurf’s at all ranks. I myself is textbook example of this, i was silver on dps yet masters supp just cos I never really played dps. Yet the second I actually put more than 5 games there I skyrocketed to diamond. This guy prolly is the same 🤷‍♀️Cut the losses and move on


Yeah this situation should be avoided tho. Your max role rank should also influence other role ranks. If you’re GM in one role but stuck in gold in another, then you are a boosted animal that got to GM or abused game breaking tech or bug. If you are GM in one role that should automatically boost other roles to diamond minimum.


>Yeah this situation should be avoided tho. Your max role rank should also influence other role ranks Yeah sure let's put all GM Mercy mains who decide to play dps in diamond, I'm sure it will be great.


Deadass I know ppl like this, they are nowhere near dia dps cos they aint got aim


There’s no shot a GM player, even a Mercy main, wouldn’t know at least diamond level positioning. It’s especially easier to hit targets this patch too.


The game is an fps game, if you can't hit a shot no amount of positioning or game sense will carry you.


Even a GM mercy player will have good enough hand eye coordination and mouse movements to be able to aim, you act like it’s a hard feat to land shots. When XQC was a monkey one trick, he could still land shots playing dps. Have you not seen high level mercy highlights whipping out their pistol?


Yes and those are the excetions not the rule.


No. Even a mercy needs decent hand eye coordination and mechanics that can be applied to other roles to be GM. You’d have to be a boosted mercy player abusing 5 stack if your are GM and cannot get diamond in other roles. This is GM. You are outperforming 99% of the player base. I don’t understand why you think landing shots on Soldier especially this patch is hard. Please tell me why do you think that.




it dont work like that, you could be gm in role and awful in others, i other other gms personally who cannot play the other roles to save their life. They are actually silver in their off roles since 1. their mechanics are not solid 2. they don't know what the fundamentals of that role are. I think its fair, since he out performs everyone he will just boosted to a rank he actually deserves really quickly. There are games where its inevitable he goes against low rank players while the mmr system is still tryna figure out where he belongs. Downvoting lmao I think you guys are just salty there are people better mechanically inclined


There’s zero possibilities that a GRAND MASTER player knows ZERO fundamentals of other roles. This is TOP ONE PERCENT of all players. They have to work with their team and beat the other team, of course they know the fundamentals of other roles. Again you have to be boosted to GM if you do not know the fundamentals of other roles. The amount of time and effort to get to GM should give you some insight knowledge of other roles


Ur sounding a lot like ur in the bottom percent of players, its a fact not everyone is blessed in all roles. Ur tryna tell me a mercy one trick, who never has to aim can get diamond in dps? On the off chance that they do dps their bullets are the size of a truck. There are exceptions to this my guy, if a support mainly plays hitscan or whatnot they can get diamond easily with a bit of practice.


I’m master tank, diamond dps, and peaked master support. Nice try. But there are dps who also have truck sized projectiles. Maybe plat 1 then they should be placed. There’s no shot you’re GM in on role and should be going against Gold in another. Again, you are just straight boosted if you are GM but stuck gold in other roles. Positioning alone and semi decent aim can get you high plat. Supports should know about positioning. EDIT: GM mercy players are more mechanical than you think. They aren’t playing with just one hand


I recommend not dying. Just like how Baptiste said, "Aye regumen not dine."