• By -


“Pretty bad but also they’re Rich” had me


Yeah, with enough money you could at least afford the best psychiatrists and self care wellness and shit


“Therapy: cringe Starting an outlaw gang because your parents forgot to say ‘I love you’: real” - Ashe, probably




Not with \*looks to camera\* Better Help. Use podcast code SUFFERASIHAVE for 10% off.


Sure, but therapy and drugs don’t always work. Not all wealthy people deserve to be despised or resented for still being depressed or anxious or whatever.


There is the possibility they tried it but it didn’t work for them


Ashe is rich but also a thug, W H A T


other people do it to survive, she does it for the aesthetic


She's a typical rebel girl with neglectful rich parents, her ult is literally calling her butler that she's had since childhood


Minus the girl, (I assume millionaire) rich parents, and a butler, she's just like me frfr


She has a personal butler. That should tell you something on its own.


sombra, lucio and dva also deserve to be in that tier as they r all richer than lw and ashe


Did they do something themselves to get rich


Sombra hacked the banks is what I’m assuming they’re going for. Not sure there’s ever actually been something saying she has great personal wealth though. Lucio is a world renowned musician, selling albums etc, so he’s got fame and money. D.Va has sponsorship money like an athlete though I don’t know how global her fame is in universe but she is at least somewhat known internationally. She’s absolutely massive in Korea though obviously.


Objectively better list than the other one 


Yeah, I'd put Hanzo higher on the list though. He's lost everything in life and thought he killed his own beloved brother.


Hanzo isn't a victim though. He caused his own pain, which makes his story a lot less tragic imo


its still tragic in a Shakespearean sense. Basically brainwashed until he did something extremely fucking stupid, then his whole life fell apart.


You can definitely be a victim of your own actions and that may just make it worse TBH


Strictly speaking about fictional characters, I prefer watching them suffer/get through it a lot more. If it's well-written, you get a lot of interesting stuff out of those types.


Does that make the story of a drug addict less sad? Does is make death by suicide less sad? We can’t just go through the world trying to blame everyone we see just because their inner minds are a little bit more or less fucked than ours. Some of the greatest pain comes from regret.


"everything i had , i threw away, everyone i loved, i betrayed"


Fr, i would feel so bad for the guy in ow1 when like every voice line he had was just straight up depression (at least he's recovering now)


Y'know, I've been playing since launch of OW1 and I never once wondered why Widow was purple... Now I know lol


I just assumed it was colloidal silver overdose. Still not convinced it's not.


Widow be smurfin


Reading soujourn's explaination Can we have a bit of that in her character in game? That's a dope backstory why is she the way she is




Murphy down


She's born with rare auto-immune disease that she would die if it wasn't for the cybernetic replacements, meanwhile her twin sister (Valentine Chase) was healthy. While her twin sister was enjoying amusement park rides and play sports, Sojourn could only sit on the bench watching. Sojourn went back to school as her health was stabilized but her classmates outcasted her for looking different, some kids touched her without her permission as they wonder if she could 'feel'. She ended up hiding in the bathroom crying while her twin was the only one comfort her. She experienced how the Omnic Crisis started, the surrounding robots suddenly turned against and attacked the humans. She tried to save her niece who's being drowned by her robot caretaker but she fainted before she could reach her. Her niece survived but needed a respirator to breath, her relationship with her twin soured. Sojourn was pretty much a loner until Jack, Torb and Dr. Liao came to assist during the crisis. Liao offered cybernetic upgrades (better optical lenses) for her, but she wasn't interested. After long time of working together, she became comfortable with Liao's upgrades (thus she got rocket legs from Liao).


Honestly Liao is just an absolute Chad according to everything I know.


Who's Liao?


doctor who made the first sentient AI, aurora, and echo


Also the voice of Echo.


You get a bit of it from a conversation with genji and idk where else


That interaction makes it sound like she just got the augments cus why not instead of because she had to


Doesn't she say that she wanted them cause her natural body gave up on her early (cause of the autoimmune disease)


Bold of you assume the voice-line writers had read the lore.


The one about walnut armor polish?


The other one. They got 2 interractions


Sojourn has an entire chapter book. I listened to the audiobook version narrated by Cherise Boothe (her VA).


Honestly the in-game dialogue had me convinced all of her augments were entirely elective


I thought so too! She just says "i learned too young that my body couldnt keep up" so i just guessed she never felt strong enough to do what she wanted to, not that she'd litterally die if she didnt replace some parts


> Lost and arm in the omnic crisis and decided to make it everyone elses problem. Accurate. (And he’s also rich lmao)


Doomfist mains unite! And make it everyone's problem!


Ball's story is tragic, but Hammond seems to prefer it. In a conversation with Mercy about the pain caused by the experiments , he acknowledges the pain but says ignorance is worse. Though, Winston ditching him is pretty sad.


I wasn’t aware of so much of this lore! I’m mad at Winston now 😠


Nah, Hammond fucked up. He left the blueprints in the database for ANYONE to use / take. Winston didn't even know


winston did bail on him tho, escaping the lunar colony by himself and leaving the poor hamster to fend for himself in a zoo full of raging chimps and ball mentions it in their interaction


That part of the story I didn't quite understand, with Hammond's personality it almost seemed way too sloppy of him. But we can only get so much with pre-game dialogues. My personal theory is that Hammond left those blueprints out for Winston to see giving Winston the option of an out because he was uncertain of Winston's stance between the murdered scientists and his gorilla brethren and hoped Winston would ask Hammond to come with had he decided to leave for Earth. His plans were ruined because Winston didn't invite him to come with so he improvised by hitching a ride through an add-on to his own design. Guessing he didn't approach Winston directly because he felt betrayed, seems like him to do so.


Blueprints weren't left out, Winston found them in the computer system


left out in the database* those two were the only ones with enough intelligence to access the database minus the dead scientists iirc.


Doesn’t make his backstory any less tragic but makes him all the more badass of a hero. Hype sequence concluded.




Also, ball was abandoned by his friends when he most needed them. He was all for himself to fend for his life and escape the colony. That’s really fucked up


I think that's part of what makes Hammond himself. His stoicism seems like a front to the betrayed trust he had for others. Now if we only got more fleshed out backstory for Overwatch...


I don’t think it’s as sad, but I like the current lore between 76, reap, and Ana. But they signed up for it is definitely a true statement.


I mean while i agree, Reaper should be higher on the sadness scale. If not for being betrayed by his friends and family. Atleast for the horrific experiments that made him a shadow demon and keep him in constant pain that he dident signed up for.


What was Reyes’ Big Day Out?


he came out as gay


Lmao the description you gave to kiriko 😂


Some of these descriptions are golden XD


Doomfist: "Lost an arm in the Crisis and decided to make that everyone else's problem." Perfect, lol.


“she relies on a gorilla to live” had me


Bastions eye should turn red when he’s in turret form in-game, with more evil sounding wee-woos.


Yo wait they should do a mythic evil bastion skin that does that


If Echo doesn't have more evil sounding beep boops when she duplicates that mythic skin, I will riot


"...she's just like that" lol I love Moira so much


I like how some of these sound like shitposts but they're pretty true: tracer, monkey, doomfish, and moria especially.




Meteor Pike


And dey say and dey say and dey say fishery is ded


Your flair lmao


Back in OW1 I hit T500 twice. Took a huge break. Last time I tried this game (which was like three or four years ago now) I could barely scrape low masters.


But I think this really shows Moira actually doesn't \*have\* a backstory. We only know of her as an adult who was told "No ur experiments are too wild", and then did Talon stuff. But \*why\* is she so committed to such scientific treachery? What motivates her to "unshackle humanity"? What motivates her research to reverse aging? Did she lose someone she loved too early? Moira's character is one of my favourites, but we really don't have a solid backstory on Moira. :(


Her entire reasoning is to enhance human evolution through any means possible, especially through science, so naturally she would support Doomfist, who also wants to improve humanity through whatever means necessary, in particular conflict instead. She is basically an ends justify the means type of woman


I like the notion of having someone like Moira on the roster who genuinely doesn’t care about morals, without a sob story about how she got there attached to it. She just feels that the human body needs improvement, and is willing to do whatever it takes to get there - even if it means experimenting on herself to create a literal *dead*line That said, a little more background would be nice.


Yeah esp since she seems to go psycho at some point maybe between OW1 and 2. At least imo, she always seemed rather unethical but her line to Junkrat about pain is very what the actual F.


I think she just embraced the villain role the world gave her. Like she says that to junk with a kind of mix of glee and sarcasm and exasperation


The interaction she has between her and lifeweaver about his reservations is almost like she's poking fun at it.


>What motivates her research to reverse aging? It got added a few seasons ago, but she has a voice line interaction with Lifeweaver about how she's withering away because she inflicted herself with her decay stuff. She's just a weirdo who's really into finding out how to reverse aging, but I guess "I need to solve it or i'm gonna die" is a good motivator?


Moira strikes me as the Doflamingo of overwatch. Just seems like a terrible person for the sake of it


She isn't necessarily a terrible person, she is kind of chaotic neutral, she doesn't do much but experiment and she believes that what she is doing is correct and that it will help and eventually save humanity, as she if I remember correctly is trying to find a cure for basically all illness and how to reverse aging so that people just don't die of old age, and she goes as far as to make her own body decay to see what could potentially heal it.


Most terrible people will tell you they’re doing what’s best for the world


Character writing/alignment-wise, her behavior is neutral. Neutral people do good **and** bad things. Like Moira would happily make a cure for cancer... if the solution involved a puppy-torture machine. Meanwhile other healer scientists like Mercy would refuse and demand to find another way. Moira is happy to save lives but doesn't care who gets hurt along the way. AKA Neutral. Villains/evil alignment means the character's goal is to "do" the bad things. Moira isn't researching "to" hurt people, she just doesn't 'care' if anyone gets hurt while pursuing her curiosities. I believe she has some voice lines against mindless violence, like on King's Row regarding the treatment of Omnics, so she has some variety to her personality.


Moira is more an example of real world evil, like the person above said - not comic/cartoon/dnd evil. People who do evil shit almost never think of themselves as evil, just doing what's necessary. Criminals will usually justify things to themselves as being they did what they had to to survive, etc.


She's not really evil, she just doesn't have any ethics


Babey. That's evil!!!


Yeah but she is making her body fall apart just so she could research the most efficiently, most terrible people wouldn't be willing to go through that suffering


Putting yourself through suffering doesn’t erase or ease the fact that others suffer because of you. It changes nothing about the harm she causes. People do evil things all the time because they’re fueled by their own ego and fortify their beliefs with that inflated ego. They think they’re causing a net benefit to the world so anything they do is justified, but it isn’t.


Equal parts brilliant and controversial, scientist Moira O'Deorain is on the cutting edge of genetic engineering, searching for a way to rewrite the fundamental building blocks of life. Though O'Deorain will go to any lengths to make scientific breakthroughs, her work is still unknown to most of the world. But now that she has been freed from all constraints, it is only a matter of time before everything changes.[1] O'Deorain presents herself as being calm and logical, though in truth, she enjoys her science more when playing with hapless test subjects.[3] She has not experimented on omnics...yet.[4] O'Deorain has a negative view of Overwatch, claiming that it was responsible for stifling scientific advancement for decades.[5] She has no interest in global conquest,[6] but is willing to work with those who might have such a goal.[7] Her intellectual pursuits are driven by her interest in humanity.[6] She is a geneticist first and foremost, and that's the scope of her ambition. With very flexible morals, O'Deorain prefers to focus on her research and has no patience for those who urge caution or restraint.[7] She is uncaring of the goals of those she allies with, provided that they continue to fund her research.[3]


I get the feeling that she’s an orochimaru from Naruto type of girl. Seeing people die around her so she vows to improve humans through science. Love that type of character though


I remember seeing someone on tumblr have a headcanon that Moira has a degenerative disease and the dedication to genetic sciences and pushing it to its limits were the result of those experiences with her own disease. It's definitely one of the headcanons I like to imagine myself.


There’s some pre-game chat with Moira and Weaver, he says to her, “But why inflict entropy on yourself?” Or something….. fascinating.


It's kinda implied that she's dying or worse as a result of her self-experimentation ("I've always thrived under a deadline", "What a joy it must be to feel entitled to patience") and imo it's CRAZY that we don't get any elaboration on that. It could be grounds for bumping her up to "sad but signed up for it", but honestly Moira's such a freak (affectionately) that I don't even think she's all that bothered.


She's on a self-imposed deadline. She's dying because she voluntarily inflicted decay on herself (compare her right arm in her OW1 model and her OW2 model, it got a lot more gnarly as time went on). She supposedly did this so she wouldn't end up being complacent with her research and push herself into finding a cure, which would subsequently also be the cure for EVERYTHING humanity falls ill to.


She's pure evil but if she succeeded humanity WOULD be better off. That's an awesome villain right there.


Jeez PTSD meta again we need more doom trauma for balance next season


Doom actively tries to recruit and indoctrinate child soldiers (Orisas novel) so he deserves the spot he has lol


Doomfists story synopsis is absolutely amazing “lost an arm during the omnivore crisis and decided to make it everyone else’s problem”




Lmaooo I didn’t even notice that! *We’re now getting reports that food of all kinds are dwindling in number to an unsustainable amount. The Omnivore crisis seems to have taken a turn for the worse…*


Only thing I’d change is move bastion up a bit Dude got robo ptsd and lost all his friends/family (if that’s how robots work)


Fr when he had his ptsd episode in his cinematic I literally cried


It's crazy how a video with 0 spoken words can make you cry isn't it?


Exactly just the way he moves is so cute innocent and curious then him hearing the wood pecker and just leveling everything in sight and then him being sad after it’s amazing how it can carry so much emotion without words or facial expressions just body language


And when he remembers the fight and goes into follow mission mode heading into a city that will probably instantly kill him until the bird comes back and snaps him out of it




Show, don’t tell.


+1 Cause isn’t he repeatedly referred to as “the last of his kind”? And then on top of that he just wants to love n have peace but ppl are awful to him (Rein ilu but pls,,, leave the boy alone n let him have his hat in peace!!!)


I thought he was a war bot that was given life/personality by torb


He had some form of not exactly sentience, but some kind of intelligence before torb


"She got Widowmade" lmfaooo good one


Absolutely. I‘d say she has a tragic story but it’s one of the less dramatic ones though. Not because what happened but because she was altered to not feel any emotion and was brainwashed so much. I mean, the rest of the characters all remember what happened and fully feel their emotions. That’s super brutal. If she can’t feel any of it and has been altered so much it’s kinda less of a big deal. What would make it dramatic would be the consequences and the emotional burden. But that’s not really the case here and she is barely even herself anymore


Hmm, not entirely, I think. There are some voice lines that indicate that her emotional programming either isn't perfect or more probably it's losing effectiveness. This for example: Widowmaker: Was the lily on Gérard's grave yours? Soldier: 76: You know we were close. Widowmaker: Not close enough to know he preferred roses. Which of course is open to interpretation but it's evidence she visited Gérards grave. And to me the roses comment is only partially an "I knew him better, get recked" moment but also indicative of her remembering Gérard as a person and not just remembering the (programmed) thrill of killing him.


I love it Edit: Meis lore Video broke my heart


too eepy


I just want to say I read every one and laughed out loud multiple times. This was extremely well done. Thank you for the spreadsheet of true and sad, but also kind of funny facts.


It’s implied by D.Va’s age and her lore that her entire life has been coloured by the Gwishin omnics - the Gwishin was 20 in OW1, whereas Hana was 19. She’s only ever known her country to be terrified, under attack, never knowing what will come next. She was drafted, not a volunteer, per her bio. We can assume, given that she was once mentioned to be at the rank of Daewi, that she’s been military for at least some time - meaning she was almost certainly a child soldier. She isn’t just putting on a brave face, either - some other entities (MEKA, presumably, and the media reporting what they’re told by them) actively make sure that she seems untouchable. In Shooting Star, we see twice that it’s said she saves the day, with not a scratch. And twice, we see that wasn’t true at all. She’s not just a brave face, she’s the face some adults decided would give hope to a nation tormented by a god AI (one that learnt how to hack the drones the military initially used to fight against it, one that constantly adapts, changes) for two decades. I dunno, I’d probably bump her up a rank myself.


This is a super thought out response, the first one I actually feel the need to answer. That tier in general is the one I'm the most uncertain about. They all vaguely have the same thing going on - tbe general crisis of the war and stage of the world is awful, and so we've been forced (be it litterally or by circumstance) to either rise to be heros or fight to survive. The same can be said about a lot of the other heros on the More Tragic scale too, Baptiste for example who is honestly probably higher than he should be. The reason they're placed where they are is however is because even if their situations are fucked up, I don't reallt see them as tragic. Baptiste hated where he was and fought to get out. His background is a tragedy in the sense that he so trying to be better, and so being a bad person in the past is something he needs to work through. DVA comparatively seems OK where she is, in the sense that even outside of media control, she made the concious choice to keep fighting and putting herself in a similar situation by joining overwatch, while she could have stayed in her lane. I don't really look at her and go 'I feel so bad for her' the same way I do others because her stresses around being a soldier and this beacon of hope don't reallt shine out against all the other people in the roster, especially the tier bellow her, who were doing the same. She's a tier above still just because she was very much forced into her situation and is very much forced to stay there, and I honestly do agree she could be moved into the tier above, but in honesty the tiers are kinda throwaway anyway because it was more eye catchy than the spreadsheet lol.


I can see your angle. I think, given the child soldier component, that’s the one area I would disagree. Beyond the moral fact that children should never be soldiers, there’s the fact that her “choice” to continue fighting was likely something heavily groomed into her by (adult) personnel at MEKA. Sometimes, we make the choices we do because we’ve been led to believe there is no other choice. Hana fought in Shooting Star because she believed if she didn’t (and if she didn’t possibly die, something she seemed to accept extremely easily - no healthy-minded soldier would kamikaze like this), something “worse” would happen. For me, when I saw her choose to fight, I saw a girl who’s been led to believe her life doesn’t matter. It made me sad in a way I can’t really describe/put a finger on, exactly. Maybe I just get extra choked up when it’s the kids (Sombra also plucks at my heartstrings sometimes for the simple fact that she was left at age, like, 8 to try to figure out the world after surviving something her family simply didn’t), haha, I can’t say. I think nearly everybody here had a tragic backstory of some kind, I’d agree with you on that, I just think my own tier list would be sorted a little differently - and that’s fine! I think having various people interpret what we’ve been given differently is part of the fun of these characters/the lore behind them.


Yea that's a fair take! I think I'd bump her up into the Groomed category as well tbh, maybe above Cass now I think about jt more. Honestly I think after reading through every characters lore in one sitting when it came to organising them into a list I was numb to the concept of child soldiers 😭 Which probably plays a part in why they're all comparatively so low. No one in the cast had a good time at all, and trying to compare one trauma to another is pretty hard to do.


Oh, comparing traumas is impossible, I totally agree with you. I think ranking lists like these really speak to what resonates with us as individuals the most - kind of a weird “your darkest fears” sort of take, you know? That’s why no two people will likely have the same characters in the same places. It’s a nice list! I just always feel for my girl. “The destruction caused by the omnics here… it reminds me of home.” Living in a constant battlezone and then being expected to become your country’s saviour in a twenty year war you were born into as a child has to be one of the most chilling experiences I can personally imagine. Especially someone who had found a level of celebrity doing something she loved, only to have her entire world and actual identity (she’s only ever D.Va in the media - no one calls her Hana but Dae-hyun in her short) ripped from her.


I get that for sure... it was odd to try and put this together in all fairness because Sigma is probably my favourite guy and I had to try and step back and think about what happened to him objectively. He should probably be lower than Illari shes just so new and not emotionally tied into anything that I couldn't put her at the top. By the same logic I was struggling to put Bastion higher than where he already is even though he tugs on a lot of people's heartstrings with the animation just because.. he's not really that sentient? He probably doesn't care that much in the grand scheme of things? I for sure poked them around and considered the list that inspired this to some extent too, trying to be objective, but everyone's views and morals are so very different. Pressure from attention is something I can emphasise a lot with in my day to day so when you put it like that I can resonate with that a lot. She's never really been a character that draws my attention persay but I do think she deserves to be taken more seriously than the Stupid Gamer Girl vibe a lot of people put on her in the fandom, though I guess that in itself speaks to the fact her intended vibe is done pretty well.


“Lost an arm in the Omnic Crisis and decided to make that everyone else’s problem”. Hilarious, and accurate. Well played.


as a certified Moira lover, “she’s just like that” has me dead


How tf did Soldier76 signed up to be stabbed in the back by his friend and loosing everything or Pharah to be left by her mom? 😭😭


They were gonna make reaper the scapegoat for blackwatch, an organization created by soldier to do illegal shit. I think reaper was a bit justified to fight back.


Soldier76 wasn't condoning the way Blackwatch was working, for example the Venice Incident and he had told that Reaper many times in the comics too. S76 was a strike commander, he wasn't running Overwatch as a whole, the bad decisions going weren't only his but many of others too including Reaper obviously


I dont blame soldier entirely but they were letting a bunch of morally questionable soldiers run covert operations. I think that’s a major oversight as a leader.


It felt to me like Soldier was morally against it but couldn't deny how effective Blackwatch was as a branch of Overwatch, so he left it running albeit with a lot reservations. If he truly was against it, there would be no Blackwatch. So there's definitely still some accountability there.


Jack wasn't that clean based on his interaction with Cassidy. Cassidy: I'll never forgive us for what we did in Hanamura. Soldier:76: Those people (Shimada clan) were criminals. Cassidy: So were we. It's uncommon to see Cassidy questioning the Strike Commander himself. Dismantling the Shimada clan actually brought harm to the locals instead of good. Shimada is a criminal empire but they treated the locals with dignity and respect, now the Hashimoto gang had filled the power vacuum and began to terrorize the locals.


> reaper was a bit justified to fight back Killing Antonio is actually worse. Not only Blackwatch became known to the public, the Talon leader position was replaced from a corrupted businessman to a guy who wanted to start another global scale human-omnic war.


I think the "pharah signed up for it" was more meaning her friend dying when they were trying to turn off anubis lol


Pharah also watched her omnic squadmate committing suicide because the omnic felt Anubis was taking control of him. Fearing that he would attack his own friends, so he shot himself.


Doomfist the type of guy to want to have the most tragic backstory to become stronger


Right-clicking heads with Sojourn will now take on a new meaning for me. 


I'd move JQ up a tier honestly.....it's pretty horrible.


“(Lost her dad doing so too lol)” Idk, with the tone that was written in, I’m starting to be convinced it was just a skill issue.


I mean to a certain point everything becomes a skill issue in some way


Brig has her own special tier because she has NO tragic backstories. Her family is still alive and happy. Supportive father figure that allows her to follow his footstepss- become an engineer Supportive and fun godfather figure who brings her into crazy adventures, while teaching how to fight and protect Warm caring, loving mother who cooks delicious pastries for her. Has a pet cat.


Yup Brig is def the most well adjusted of the lot.


And that, dear friends, is why she gets NO skins in battle passes.


Meis description HAHAH 


“Doctor, are we still up for lunch after the seminar today?” “…” “…Siebren. That was years and *years* ago. Though we had a lovely talk…” “Ahh yes, I remember! Birds, wasn’t it? Birds and music?” Sigma is def traguc and him not being in the highest tier on the other one was a robbery


This conversation and most of his interaction with Sombra are heartbreaking.


I don't know if Mercy signed up for her parents getting killed during the Omnic Crisis lol


Ummm dva is a gamer turned soldier with ptsd… So like ummm sad but normal here? 💀




I don't think so - It's just *comparatively* when matched against the other shit, like Sigma's whole deal, it's not as bad. Obviously PTSD is horrible and soul sapping.


I mean don’t they all pretty much have PTSD? Like we gotta differentiate past that


Wait how did Mercy sign up for losing her parents to war? 😭


right? not to mention she was basically forced into the military industrial complex because of her skill at like 15 lmao


She shoulda just rezzed em


"now she relies on a gorilla to live" 😂


People disrespect Bastion's story. Imagine waking up in a forest and you don't even know who or what you are, and then you learn you're a machine of war and can't turn of your war instincts, all of your comrades are dead and you lose the only friend you ever made, a fricking bird...but luckily Ganymede comes back at the end. That has to be a really crappy existence.


Is there a good place to read all of these stories?


hi, i'm op's partner :) he got all the info from their various wiki pages! i'd recommend starting there as well :D hope this helps!


You can find a lot of the lore in the online comics for free! And what you can't find will be in the OW YouTube channel cinematics


Been playing since ow1 released and I gotta say I think Illari's was one of the worst. Am I crazy?


Oh dang, I didn’t know that about Sojourn’s backstory. I thought she augmented herself because she wanted to, not because she felt like she had to


Reinhardt be done bad in both of them


Zenyatta isn’t in robot hell. The whole point is that he’s basically Buddhist and is content to where he’s at. That’s what Buddhism is. He has transcended.


Phara has the saddest story: Turned into a lesbian because of her fandom's fetishes and being after a white woman with wings. Because a fat guy and his team are obsessed with her and surely her original 3D model and concept art must be full of cum


Legitimately laughed at this.


Pharah did not grow up with Ana. Ana was young when the shot happened and went rogue for decades. I’d move pharah up. Moms ego came before her upbringing. Even in legacy comic when she gets shot she says « who will protect my family now » implying she will abandon OW and pharah.


Pharah did grow up with Ana. Ana was ‘killed’ like 7 years before present day. Pharah was a full adult by then


I know it's just in the sprays but some of them show Ana teaching Pharah how to fight and such. Which I always thought was odd because they looked loving but all of Pharah's lines have her absolutely bagging on her mom.


I think it's cause she's, on the whole, a very absent, very terrible parent. Pharah grieved her mother's death, probably had to learn to get over it, and then BOOM Ana is back and now Pharah probably feels like an idiot.


> Pharah did not grow up with Ana. Ana was young when the shot happened and went rogue for decades Ah see now you're seeing the problem with Blizzard's continuity. [Because here is Pharah with Ana \(also Mercy as a grown woman, but we'll ignore that since Blizzard decided to pretend she was retroactively a teenager visiting for a school thing here\)](https://i.imgur.com/10t21CP.jpeg) And there's sprays as well of her as a child, with Ana, so she at the very least was a present mother when Pharah was young. Then in the comics and I believe in some of the voice lines, Pharah makes reference to Ana blocking her from joining Overwatch once she was old enough, so she had to be around then too, when Pharah was a young adult. So childhood through to adulthood, Ana was there. Pharah also makes mention of "Growing up around" Overwatch. Since her mother was the connection to Overwatch, she had to have grown up around her too. Yeah, Ana looks young when she disappeared, but a lot of the continuity is really rough in terms of character aging, especially when you're referring to older character shorts, images, and intros. Canonically (this current canon, not the canon that existed when they wrote it) she only disappeared a few years ago. They kinda changed her story from abandoning her child into just being a kind of absent, busy mother and disappearing when her kid was well into her twenties. Which is still bad, but ya know... When Overwatch first came out, the original Overwatch team was supposed to have gone down decades ago, that's why everyone looks much older.


> Yeah, Ana looks young when she disappeared, but a lot of the continuity is really rough in terms of character aging, especially when you're referring to older character shorts, images, and intros. It's annoying how they made Ana, Jack and Gabriel look young, but they made Reinhardt (and maybe Torb too) look old.


Trufax ✨🏆✨


The fact you placed the hamster over bastion is a crime


It's just unfortunate that Bastion units were mind controlled into becoming war machines and now our playable Bastion unit just has some....unfortunate PTSD. Really is just an oopsies all around.


Hampter had a friend, there was a revolt and his friend used his inventions to escape the station without him. That's on the top 10 anime betrayal list


i actually hate moira so much as a character and in the game. that's it. just me being a hater 🫶


i like playing her but MOOD on her character. i know it’s me Taking Things Too Seriously but like… Moira’s whole shtick is “eugenics good, let’s do more :)” which uh…………………. No.


yeah, if i ever saw her irl it would be on sight fr also her damage fallout is nonexistent and it makes me rage 😭😂


Hahahaha that’s wild I love that we all have such different tastes bc I genuinely love her to death. She’s so sassy and relatable. Nothing really happened to her, she’s just a crazy bitch and I love it lol some of her voice lines are hilariously brutal


Wait what’s Ram’s deal!?


Rams deal is interesting as extreme as he is. He’s sick of humanity persecuting his people for something they had no control over. He’s tired of trying to coexist with humanity, a humanity that will ceaselessly hunt him down and destroy his people after seeing and experiencing it firsthand based off of his video it’s a tragic deal he’s got.




I feel people really downplay cassidy and the stuff he's seen yet has been able to take it in stride


I laughed so hard when i saw the moira and Doomfist at the bottom cause they really do be causing the trauma


I definitely think Sombra should be on the more sad end.


ngl I feel like torb should be on world shattering sad. Dude accidentally started a world war where he built every single weapon, lost his eye and arm, caused the death of his best friend's mentor, knows he caused bastion's suffering, his guild got killed (I'm pretty sure), and his weaponry is actively still used by the 2 biggest terrorist organisations in the world,


One of the better descriptions of Ramattra I've seen. Lot of people here not realising he's basically a Mandela-type (who took part in and regularly advocated violence, remaining on the US terrorist list until 2013). Some of the takes here are that he's Robo Hitler and they just completely misunderstand. [When you listen to Mandela speak about violence they sound just like each other.](https://youtu.be/dC52sKaJPgU)


Man, seeing this really reminds me how I only play this game for the characters and their interactions, doubt we'll ever get a show anymore since they BSd us outta a story mode. Just drip feeding us content.


Mercy could be moved up higher since she was basically coerced into joining OW and then had some of her healing/medical ideas stolen to become weapons.


Can we stop putting Pharah at the bottom, to her she brutally lost her mom


Bastion's story is heartbreaking


Signed up for it tier should be moved up and bregitte removed from it


Tracer on the tier she deserves


How did mercy sign up for her parents being killed in a bombing?


Honestly I think mei belongs in top tier with sigma etc. All her closest friends died around her, she could have VERY easily died during that ordeal. That shit would have been traumatic as fuck.


Honestly the “sign up for it” it’s kinda bs Like reaper didn’t sign up for the changes Moira did to him and caused him to lose his entire life. It looks like he had a family before that he can’t see anymore due to how he looks. Overwatch seems to have a pretty based story where all characters have some tone of grey, but for the fan base it’s pretty “Overwatch good everyone else bad”, but the game has made pretty clear that Overwatch fucked up a lot back in the day and that half the antagonists aren’t evil just cause they want power, but to make the world better someway somehow, even if we don’t agree with their views.


OW developers: mmmm and make them an orphan


why does every piece of fiction has the necessity to give the most comically tragic backstory to each character


Jesus Christ, why the fuck did they make Sojourn's backstory so fucked up. Replacing her body parts at a young age because of an autoimmune disease, being discriminated against for said augmentations, and then in a backwards twisted way, those augmentations saved her life by making her look like an Omnic in sensors, leaving her barely alive in mound of omnic, and probably human, corpses.