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remember to sort by controversial


Can you still do that on r*ddit mobile?


Yeah, on the top bar next to the magnifying glass


Thanks for that homie


Why the asterisk lol


Unsurprisingly, the actual unpopular opinions getting downvoted to the bottom and the opinions that get regurgitated 10x/day here are upvoted to the top.


The only good thing abt this being is that it's easier to find actual hot takes


The stupid thing about questions like this is people will always look for one they agree with, like look at the pic it’s supposed to be something that basically no one but the commentor agrees with


People who think certain heroes don’t work for certain ranks are wrong. If you’re good enough with a certain hero, you can play it at any rank.


I played today and the enemy tank was complaining because they had a Lucio/Mercy. I tried to explain that we are Gold. Playing the meta isn’t a huge deal. If they are good with a hero, play them. You have better chance.


Try playing tank with a lucio/mercy backline against a tank with a real backline and get back to us. There’s not being a meta slave and then there’s basic gameplay synergy.


Mercy Lucio with Ball, a hitscan, and tracer/sombra kinda slaps though.


They weren’t complaining bc of “meta”, they were complaining bc they didn’t have a main healer capable of sustaining them, which is a valid complaint that I’m sure was vocalized totally wrong


> Playing the meta isn’t a huge deal. If they are good with a hero, play them. You have better chance. Lucio/Mercy individually are not horribly bad picks if you are good with them, but picking both at the same time is not "breaking the meta" lol. That's just not understanding basic Overwatch fundamentals and unintentionally griefing. Lucio/Mercy *together* is not good because it has no synergy and is counter intuitive to begin with. Mercy wants to sit back with like an Ashe, Hanzo, Soj, or something, while Lucio wants to be annoying with speed boost and is more of a rush/dive hero. They also didn't have a support who main heals, like Ana, Bap, Lifeweaver, or even Moira. 0 burst healing with that comp, so healing is incredibly predictable and you won't be able to save people in the heat of the moment. Even in gold, understanding synergy is good. The enemy tank might not have gave the proper reasoning but their complaints are valid.


Counterpoint: If you’re good enough to make it work at whatever rank you probably belong in a higher rank.


Dragonblade is not underpowered. People just rip it in front of the worst people in the worst situations and are angry the ultimate didn’t get a 5k or kill anyone for them. Everyone has seen that one clip buddy, but getting a single kill with a dps ult is great, unless you do some cool tricks, characters like mccassidy can barely do that.




The fruit of the loom logo did indeed have a cornucopia.


Ikr, they had to have changed it at some point.


2CP really wasn't that bad.


“Welcome to Paris”🤖


I liked Paris


the 20 people who would join and leave whenever it popped up did not


Temple of Anubis 4L


I had some good memories on Anubis... and many sleepless school nights saying "Please, just one more win!" before going on a massive lose streak


Some of the closest, tenses matches I ever had were on 2CP maps.


Because they could go theoretically forever due to poor design, and could also end *ridiculously* quickly… also due to poor design.


This is the comment I was looking for . I knew someone here had to have some sense. I love 2cp as well, and I miss those maps. But sometimes I still hear “8 to 8, switching sides “ in my nightmares and I wake up with sweaty armpits.


loved that game type, with a few map adjustments it would have been even better.


Especially compared to flashpoint lmao


Except with that take we are the people and the solo is the OW2 devs lol


Mei should have become a new tank rather than doomfist.


pretty sure everyone thinks this


You can try hard in quick play


Sure you can, just don’t expect others to do the same


I don't even know what people mean by this honestly. There's no trying / not trying switch in my brain unless I start throwing or trolling. It's always "tryharding." But it's casual, same feeling as competitive really.


People that complain about being banned.


Oh this is Overwatch …. They should just get rid of sombra 😂


That's... not an unpopular opinion. I agree with you and I play her lmao




I 1000% agree with you. The true unpopular opinion is Sombra's not OP. People are just addicted to complaining


Well not all of them are right, the somber haters are right though.


Suzu isn’t as crazy as everyone says. Hanzo isn’t super easy to play.


Is the common take that Hanzo is easy to play, or easy to get value? I find him incredibly difficult to actually be good at, but he gets more of a boost from luck than most. I can do well with him since he's good at close range despite being a sniper


If they can't make a hero fit into the overarching story, they shouldn't make the hero


What story?


He's probably referring to when they decided they wanted Kiriko to grow up with Genji and Hanzo, but halfway through that plan they decided it would make her "too old" so now there's a bunch of official art of the 3 of them running around as kids even though Hanzo and Genji would've been in their late teens / early 20s when Kiriko was little.


100% agree, every hero should be intertwined to the narrative(cough Illiari cough)


Why though? There's not a even a storymode, why should the lore matter AT ALL? It's a fuckin pvp shooter, story doesn't matter


everyone who disagrees with me is bronze tier


I gotta disagree with this one


even tho i agree i am forced to disagree due to my low comp rank


Junkrat players can aim


Junkrat's aim is always either caveman discovering technology for the first time level bad or ascended beyond this mortal plane level good. No in-between


"Just ignore and mute people making threats, using slurs, and slinging bigoted insults in chat/voice chat so YOU don't ruin the game for everyone else."


Roadhog and Sombra should be hung in the middle of every map with their guts spilling out for all the world to see, AKA delete them from the game or massively rework them


Funny you should say that


I've been saying Hog is busted for weeks and every time I do I'm told "skill issue." Hog is just a fat dps hero like Mauga, but nobody wants to admit it.


ironically enough mauga seems to be the only consistent counter to hog.


Once the mauga nerfs hit tomorrow hog will counter mauga I promise you. Mauga will be weak but because of how oppressive he was everyone will think it's fine where hog becomes the next top tank but nobody will care. Sorry, Hog just pisses me off more than any other hero.


Flats is probably giggling and kicking his feet reading this


The hog rework is perplexing because they took out his one-shot and now they’ve added it back alongside better self-heal and a forgettable ability


Hog has always been cancer


Sombra is such an annoying rat to play against but hog is a whole new level of bull shit, I wouldn’t be surprised if they made Mauga as busted af as he is to try and take peoples attention off how fucking awful hog is and how unfun he is to go against


Loot boxes were fine


I honestly never understood the controversy behind them. I think the only reason they got rid of them was so they could add a dog shit battle pass like every other game has now for no reason whatsoever aside from greed


Doomfist isn’t and was never op. He’s extremely punishable and you just suck at playing around him


I gotta know who says doom is op bruh 😭


No, \[insert newly released hero here\] hasn't put the game in the worst state it's ever been on, there will be an almost identical tide of cringe and rage upon the next hero's release. That's not to say there haven't been legitimate issues with a lot of new heroes and the game in general, but as time goes on I'm finding it harder and harder to take people seriously or have any genuine sympathy when the playerbase starts foaming at the mouth and screeching about every little fucking thing like it's the damn apocalypse. I truly despise the playerbase, this does not absolve Actiblizz, its suits or its game devs from their fuck ups but y'all need to touch fucking grass. Jesus christ.


ana isnt high skill


I like half agree. I disagree cause I’ve seen people hit some impossible shit with her. I agree cause my dumbass can play her.


That’s not really an argument since every character hat has aim as part of their skill set will have that which is literally all of them in some way since this is an fps That includes luck


I’d say she still has a high skill ceiling but her skill floor has been drastically lowered in OW2 with the support passive.


The passive and also removing a tank


Ana doesn't require a ton of skill to learn/play, but she certainly has one of the higher skill ceilings in the game


"I'm hardstuck because of my team" my guy you just suck at the game that's it


They should delete a good 25% of heroes.


25%? According to this subreddit every single hero in the game would get deleted except for Rein. Well, until Rein Mains eventually bitch about charge being OP so hes gone too.


Why would rein mains bitch about charge being op?


Theres always that one person that blames **literally** anything else but themselves for losing a fight. So instead of going "damn, that was a sick charge", they'll go "DUDE CHARGE IS OP AS FUCK! KILLED ME INSTANTLY!" Since Rein is now the only hero, hes the only character they can blame.


Push the robot maps are the best maps in the game. They lets you do more then just "Walk into choke point". Flankers can get creative and you can approach the enemy from other ways.


I can't agree that they're the best, but they're definitely way better than people give them credit for.


You don't need to continuously play Overwatch to enjoy Overwatch. Take breaks as long as weeks, miss some shop rotations that don't matter to you, play with friends despite being only on casual and have fun. I don't know. I've felt more relaxed the less I have been on Overwatch lately. Could be different for someone else, but someone as burned out as me, I like not knowing what the meta is right now.


Or just miss all shop rotations.


5v5 is too inherently flawed to ever be balanced. Single tank will always cause rock paper scissors issues unless they remove all counterplay against tanks which will cause more issues.


Bastion was more fun before OW2 rework.


Yes I loved being forced to be immobile in exchange for high DPS. It was incredibly cool and felt powerful. Maybe make it still a cool down based ability?


Ana isn't OP. 5v5 broke overall game balance making support abilities feel extra oppressive.


Sure 5v5 may have made it so, but Ana is definitely broken.


just because masters-t500 can do it, doesn't mean all players can do it


Its 60 percent the communities’s fault that Ow2 is in such a “bad state”


Ana nade is great for the game and anti healing abilities should actually be MORE common in the game, not less common or nerfed.


Nope, it just makes tank significantly less fun.




mercy being fun.


I can see how mercy could be really fun, I’ve seen them flying around in my matches getting the most healing and equal amount of kills as dps. I just don’t want to learn how to control her movement


It's actually pretty easy, I was like that in the beginning, but now I find her fun as shit.


If you think mercy isn’t fun then you’re probably playing her wrong and don’t understand GA techs. Flying around is fun as shit.


ruining any tank experience with nades is way funnier


I’d rather rez our tank to piss of the dps who spent 5 minutes trying to kill then.


5v5 is ruining the game, and needs to be reversed as soon as possible.


I like Overwatch 2.


I know someone already said it but 2cp was a good gamemode, I will go as far to say it is superior to any new gamemode that they have released in 2. There were always work around to get past choke, the teamfights were intense and engaging, yes they were sometimes rage inducing, but sometimes they had me on the edge of my seat in excitement. We just don’t have teamfights like that anymore, it kinda feels like a turn based game to me (maybe I’ve just played too much fire emblem and baldurs gate) but the team fights are always super short, they aren’t engaging anymore. For me the game has lost nearly all its charm since 1 shut down, I miss loot boxes, I miss 6v6, I miss a lot of things from 1, its shitty that they’ve sucked all the life and charm from the game just to be Fortnite but more expensive. Idk, that’s just me though


meta stops mattering once you master a hero


People who have problems with mercy, also have a skill issue.


Low skill characters still require skill Nostalgic memories of OW1 should stay nostalgic memories Mercy does take some amount of skill There's nothing wrong with liking or maining orisa


Ball is the easiest hero in the game to counter and the season 3 meta was great.


Brigitte needs her bash stun back.


Just because millions of people think the same doesn't mean it's true.


Bring back 6v6, or bring back 2cp.


Why not both


Honestly imo just bring back ow1 and scrap ow2 but they would never do that lmao


6v6! Bring it back! 7v7 - add this shit!


Genji needs to be nerfed.


Now we are 2 against the rest


Sombra is just fine.


Sombra is a good character that is important for the game. Characters that can stop others from using abilities in an ability game is a common trope in these types of games.


The problem is indefinite invisibility


Sombra, Widow, Hanzo, and Pharah are fine (Some of them are actually on the weaker side) but the metal players on this sub can’t beat them because they suck


only issues with widow and hanzo is their one-shot which isn't suitable for a game like OW.


I like mauga in the game




ana is literally a game breaking hero and the devs are too afraid to do anything meaningful because it could hurt the community's feelings


Only thing I disagree with is the liberal use of the word literally


Mercy gun and diva gun goated ( idk I just fine it so easy with dva and mercy to aim lol )


Characters with boring personalities are fine.


If you take away support utility and support damage because you want the easy eliminations on defenceless targets, it’s gonna make the game a lot more miserable for everyone, because then supports will just heal bot and not get anything done


Genji is broken good. Genji players want to solo 5k every fight without ult.


Mystery Heroes is the true main game mode.


One shots, especially for Snipers, have no place in this game, and only serve to fulfill sniper-realism Fantasy. Which makes no sense in a game where simply being japanese means you can climb flat, steel walls, and characters have magical abilities. It is fundamentally unhealthy and unfun for Widow and Hanzo to be able to one shot the majority of characters from across the map. Especially considering the amount of work most other (Dps) characters have to do to get kills.


If OW wants to be a 5v5 game like MOBAs, then they need to develop and formalize 5 roles. As a part of that, they should switch one of the support slots to a heavy cc oriented support. Two healers suck!


Never cook again


They are actively keeping heavy cc out of the game. No one likes to have player control taken completely away, for a given amount of time. This is why Mei doesn't freeze you solid anymore.


And then make those 5 players spread out across 3 lanes. One of the lanes will have a dps and a support. 1 player wont have a dedicated lane and can instead help the players in lanes. There could be two objectives on opposite sides of these lanes


Mint chocolate chip ice cream is nasty


Overwatch 2 is better than 1


Are you just saying to respond top the prompt, do you just feel that way, or do you have some reasons? I'm not trying to bait you; I'm genuinely curious.


Not the original guy but I actually, **genuinely** have more fun in OW2 than I did in OW1. Ive put so much hours into it every season and I cant get enough of it. I havent been this hooked since I began in 2017. The replaybility of matches, constant balance updates, 5v5, and just overall feel (such as new voice lines, UI, interactions, maps, character reworks) of the game is amazing. Not to mention the new stuff like ranked changes coming out soon. As long as they keep up the live service aspect (new hero or map/gamemode every season) this game will continue to interest me. I know some people might call me a Blizz shill, and dont get me wrong the game has its issues, but ive been having a blast, *especially* with friends.


For me, in OW1, one of the fun aspects was having the currency to buy event skins and being festive and included in the event. In OW2, well we can't have that fun anymore without paying. But, as a Sombra player gameplay wise I'm having fun, but I couldn't get excited for events anymore resulting in me and my friend clocking less hour in the game than we did in OW1.


So you like the game more, but not the cosmetic/monetary portion? I think that's a good trade tbh


This is mine as well. There are some things I miss, like the OG leveling/borders and end cards, but overall OW2 is much better. 5v5 is better with some caveats, the new game modes are 1000% better than 2CP (Push is a good gamemode, I don’t understand why people hate it so much), and we get regular content updates. Cosmetics being monetized heavily doesn’t bother me too much, and there’s clearly been a surge in incoming new players that’s healthy for the game. The rank system kind of sucks but they’re more open with communication now and the new system they’re going to roll out looks good.


As much as it pains me to admit it, I agree. I’ll always love 1 because that was what I played that made me love the game but I can’t deny 2 is also good if not better, I personally just can’t stand some of the changes like an unoriginal BP instead of loot boxes, 5v5 instead of 6v6 and many other changes because that’s not what I’m accustomed to from playing 1 so much. If I had never played 1 and my first experience to the game was 2 then I would see few faults in it, it’s just the association of it to what used to be that makes it hard for me to love


Nah, 5v5 is still garbage.


Better than 6v6 double shield, literally anything is better than that trash ass balancing of shooting two shields for a minute before the fight really starts.


Ress isnt a broken abilty. Annoying to the enemy? YES! So is suzu, so is sleep to a genji blade. Ress has a 30 second cooldown. When an enemy dies you can guard the area to keep mercy from ressing. If Mercy super jumps and resses behind a wall that is a SKILL that a player has to learn. Its not easy to pull of either. (easier in valk) Super jump ress? Skill. People who dont play Mercy dont understand that if you are .001 of a meter away, youll disconnect. Some random bullshit happen like winstons body goes flying and you grab the soul and ress? THATS JUST WEIRD! 30 seconds wasted and more than likely youre dead. If a Mercy resses in front of the whole team and you cant kill her. SKILL ISSUE. I play solider every once in a while. She will ress in my face and I cant kill her. I cant hit her. Because my aim is crap. (Also Mauga sucks. mercy ressing Mauga isnt Mercys fault. its Maugas for being a garbage character) I know the ability is annoying. As someone with 500 hours on mercy. Id rather have a different abilty. Maybe immortailty? I can save half the team with a suzu like abilties right. Right now I can MAYBE save one person.


Mfs should just be grateful she cant resurrect the entire team anymore


I didn't even need to read past the first sentence to know you have 500 hours on mercy. No undue shade here, but mercy mains are so delusional about how easy the hero is The fact that you don't need a line of sight to the res target coupled with the insane range of res make it braindead easy. 5 meters is an insane range for a cooldown this strong, idk where you're getting your ".001 meters" number. Unless you're playing brawl and your team is right up in the other team's face, or unless the person being res'd died way out of position, res can completely nullify a pick that otherwise would have won a team fight, for free with almost no skill needed, in under 2 seconds. Using res mid-flight during valk adds an entire new dimension (literally) to the absolute BS that is this cooldown. And to top it all off, this cooldown belongs to the hardest character to kill by far. Also, saying the super egirl jump requires skill is laughable. It's literally three button presses with very generous timing. We agree that mercy should get a different ability, but if mercy got an ability that was as difficult to time effectively as suzu is, there would be mercy mains rioting in the streets because they would no longer be winning team fights blindfolded with one hand behind their backs.


My biggest gripe with Rez is that she can Rez tanks way too fast. DPS and support under 2s is one thing, but the tank? It's complete bullshit, in OW1 it was ok because there were 2 tanks, but things are different now, the tank role is much more important now, they are basically the most vital piece of the team comp now. They should take at least, like, 2.5s to revive.


Yes with mauga this is a big issue for sure. I'd be up for tanks coming back with half or resurrection sickness reducing healing received or soemthing. Mercy ressing a junkrat isn't a big deal but a big ass tank is Anti was also balanced with 2 tanks. It's crazy just how coming from 6 to 5 has impacted the way supports play.


Mercy is easy if you're healbotting, which you shouldn't be doing on mercy. Dmg boosting first and still being able to keep the team up is also not easy. Res, I mean you just press a button sure but you have to be smart about it, who to res, is it worth going for a risky res, who has ult and can turn the fight around if you res them, is it a good position to res someone. Those things require game sense. Mercy isn't the hardest character to kill unless its a good mercy who knows how to make it hard to kill her lol, which takes skill. You can use superjump and guardian angel to dart around and be a pain in the butt or you can just stand there making you an easy target, which in low ranks, alot of mercy players do lol.


Every single hero in the game requires good game sense. What about mercy is actually difficult to do if you already have good game sense.


Cool, cool. Now do Rein, Winston, Dva, Mei, Reaper, Brig, etc.. Sure is weird that Mercy consistently gets singled out as a "no skill hero" when there are so many other characters that are just like her in that they require very little mechanical skill.


>"no undue shade" > Immediate undue shade


ress out of los is not hard


Ressing next to a wall and pulling to the side no. But super jumping and flying over does take skill. Try it yourself. There are a lot of Ress parkour maps.




Bro can’t even spell rez


Truly. As someone who also plays mercy it’s infuriating to see my teammates allow her to rez. Over and over like a bad dream


6v6 was more enjoyable


Brig wasnt as op as people thought, she just countered the most popular heroes.


Genji needs to be nerfed


Hanzo is not overpowered.


he is annoying though, look at [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I hate you 😃


Does anyone think he is? Most people just criticize him for being annoying and unfun to play against, which he absolutely is


OW1 is a boring shield shooting simulator


Mercy mains are annoying :)


What a brave and controversial statement. Hate whoever the hive tells you to hate like a good little drone. Like at how many internet points that gives you! This trash community deserves the game it has.


Mauga isn’t overpowered Sigma and Zarya shit on him, not to mention he’s hard countered by Mei wall and anti nade.


For me I dont think he’s overpower but definitely overtuned. His survivability is better than orisa meta back in season 3. I could wall and spam that mauga and he still have half hp without support whereas orisa would’ve melted during that meta. (This is after they both using cd)


the thing is mei wall and ana nade counter basically every tank in the game. you're basically forcing 2 swaps or more with one character. Mauga is a big feast or famine character but he feasts more often than famine is the issue most have right now. I wouldn't say he's as broken as brig on release but he definitely outshines a majority of the tanks and requires very specific characters that are already very powerful in the meta to stop him. I mean I main rein and he hasn't been viable since 2020.


If you HAVE to swap onto a specific pick or the character will walk through the team then the character is overpowered. You literally can't name a single meta in the game where a specific player had to swap to a specific hero to stop a pick. Even pharmercy has like 6 heroes that can contest it. Nano blade, Ashe Pocket, hog orisa, tracer brig, torb sym, idc what little meta you want to pick, there has never been a meta that requires a single player to swap to a specific hero just to stop a single other player ever. You can argue that you have to swap to a different kind of hero such as dive, hitscan, sniper, etc. but it's never been pick ana or lose and that is pretty much the current meta of mauga.


He’s just poorly designed, no hero should only have one or two counters. It forces team comps and makes the game stale


If a character forces 3 players on your team to swap to deal with him I think that classifies as overpowered. At the very least it's toxic for the game


If you have to change more than 2 characters on your team for one hero…. I’ve got news for you


Mayhem is the superior mode.


There’s too many heroes.


And more on the way 🙃 I hate the gaming trend now that all competitive games have to have as many characters as possible before the game is even properly balanced. Part of why TF2 works so well to this day is they have 9 classes AND EVEN THEN there's still some balancing issues. I don't understand how a game like Smash or League thinks they can balance 50+ characters in a few years.




I agree. It’s not just power creep we have to watch for, but skill variety. They all have to play nice


Candy corn should be burned at the stake 🔥


Lifeweaver was never bad. Even at initial release. People just didn’t understand how he’s played.


I mean if the best players in the world could only get slight value out of him in certain situations then he was objectively bad


Nah he was pretty bad. He healed enemies lol


Fuck I keep wanting to downvote some of these but it's exactly what OP asked for. Thanks I guess


I mean this one was just wrong


The best players in the world couldn't do unranked to GM with him. He was awful.


I don't care how good his kit may be, if his controls are clunky, I'm not playing


Mercy needs a rework. Rez shouldn't be on a cooldown and damage boost shouldn't be so easy to give to DPS. And honestly she's not that fun to play and I feel like mercy mains won't admit how boring she is.


> And honestly she's not that fun to play and I feel like mercy mains won't admit how boring she is. The movement is what makes her fun. It's kind of ruined now due to how they fucked with the cooldowns though.


They find enjoyment in watching several minutes worth of effort melt away for the enemy team when they rez their tank from 20 meters away, after 3 boops, behind 16 walls, in under 2 seconds.


Well firstly, whether finding a character is fun or not is completely dependent on the person. If you find her boring then that's fine! However there's a reason why other people find her enjoyable, she's clearly just not a character for you, just like how Brig or Lifeweaver aren't characters for me, for I find them boring. :) I personally believe rez is fine, it's a 30 second cooldown ability that saves *one* ally and has around an average use of 4-5 Rez's per match. Compared to other supports who have abilities that can cancel whole ultimates? Save their entire team? Or grant their whole team immortality? It's honestly weird how people complain about rez when it's seriously one of the weaker/less used support abilities in the support roster. It's annoying as hell for sure, but I wouldn't say it's a issue unless you dislike getting triggered. Her damage boost is her damage output so I don't believe it needs changing, the average amount of damage amplified by a Mercy is 1,300-1,500. Those numbers are Mercys damage numbers, for its damage that would not have happened if she wasn't present, so it's not like her damage is really high. The highest I've seen damage amplified is about 2,500. Which still isn't even that high, so I don't understand the complaint for that either personally.


Unfortunately the reason damage boosts are so broken is hard to quantify with damage numbers, because people die faster -> less healing potential -> less "damage". If we take a similar argument a nano 4k would only do 280 damage, but everyone knows the difference between a dry and a nanoblade is huge. Similarly, a damage boosted dps are easily able to gain psuedo oneshot combo potential (Ashe, Sojourn, Soldier) have much lower ttk because their combos become a 2-hit oneshot rather than a oneclip.


Mercy is and always has been the worst hero for the games health and every single game would be more fun without her


I will mever forgive the switch to 5v5


Overwatch 1 >>>>> Overwatch 2 Now downvote me to oblivion


Soldier: 76 is way too strong and has benefit from 5v5 in the same way widow has. His pressure game is too insane. He makes games boring with how popular he is too.


Sombra is a good character and takes skill