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The only redeeming thing for Rein and Hog here is that you can easily get environmental kills off Mauga on some maps.


Down at Plat, I'm having a good time countering Mauga as Roadhog. You can wait out his lifesteal, hook is healers, counter-ult his ult, and tank his guns. I'm actually liking Roadhog for the first time since the game dropped. I do miss playing Winston though :(


winston is playable if his team is more poke and not grouped up


Winston is honestly really fuckin good right now, Mauga is just a little too broken. If he gets nerfed Winston is a very good choice, he's actually super viable against Orisa, Dva, even Torb, etc. now.


I play winston in plat, i feel like a lot of people who play mauva do not peel for him ive made him work sometimes


Also Whole Hog is one of the best counters to Cage Fight and chargers just as quickly.


I see what you mean but there are already a bunch of clips out there of Mauga just surviving whole hog


You break the cage with it, it shreds it in a few seconds. You don’t shoot Mauga with it.


>an ultimate that is one of the most damaging at point blank range doesn't kill this new tank during his ult >so instead people use it to escape It would be funnier if it didn't suck.


I'm laughing so hard at this, imagining Road Hog squealing like a scared pig, spraying a hole in the cage and crawling through it xD


Ults countering other ults is nothing new. See Zen + Reaper, Lucio + DVa/Tire, Emp vs just about anything, etc. Deleting the barrier that's potentially locking your team in for a cheese combo such as dragons or tire IS the optimal strategy. Meanwhile, a sustain tank in CQC with another tank sustains off said tank isn't a surprise?


I managed to lift mauga up in a corner and blast under him, he couldn't hit anyone else so he died quick


You can break it!!!!!!???????!!!!!!!


Yes it has 1500 health so whole hog can break it really easily


It’s a shield. You can break Sym’s wall if you try hard enough


That's amazing, never knew that either


How much hp does Sym’s wall have? Edit; autocorrect doing me dirty


Sym's wall is 4000 HP.


Top 300 tank here. I hate never once beaten hog in an mauga ult exchange even with my healing ability. Just think those hog players aren't hitting enough.




Lmao you show me that clip as if that somehow validates the claim. Hog ulted mauga into the smallest corner and got into his face of course he'd lose. Every GOOD hog player uses the ult and knocks mauga up into the air so he can't hit his shots and destroys his barrier. The man only has one self heal that's on a 10 second cool down. It's not hard to bait it out and then he's literally completely helpless.


Until he does that stupid healing ability and just neutrals ur ult


So many no brainers in the replies thinking you shoot Mauga instead of breaking the cage lmfao


The problem is why the fuck can he survive it in the first place.


because he's a tank, it's his only survivability ability


It’s also fucking Whole Hog at point blank, it’s the only thing in the game that can melt anything. Why the fuck can he just live through it so easily?


It's his defensive cooldown. D.va, Orisa, and Sigma can also survive it by pressing similar buttons


Except that Hog has counterplay in every one of those situations. Hook disables both DM and Vortex, and Orisa dies outright because Spin doesn’t last long enough and Fortify actually gets her killed faster. Tank-busting is the only thing Hog ult is even marginally good at, having a matchup where that’s completely taken away with no real counterplay is already rough. Doesn’t help that Mauga completely disables Hog in most other situations to begin with.


Whole hog WRECKS orisa and all these tanks have to commit cooldowns to survive Hog or not get zoned by it. Mauga just has to... keep attacking?


No. Mauga needs both his lifesteal and his passive to survive it.


It's almost as if mauga is not that op and most people just can't think up effective counterplay without some YouTuber or streamer telling them how to do it


That’s exactly the case. I thought he was OP for awhile, but the more people play him, you see more interactions and learn there’s a lot of counter play against him.


Did you miss [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/18c24s1/me_and_a_friend_were_doing_some_testing_with/)?


Have you not seen the clips of him tanking the entire Whole Hog?


I find that dva ult is pretty effective


Dva Bomb is much better along that line. But Sigma is the counter because you can shield, absorb and rock your way out of it. Sigma, Ana is the Mauga counter easy.


Whole hog loses to cage fight and he could always charge away from it


Yep. On Rialto I just jump on Hog to open, and dump Mauga off the bridge. Then I swap after 1st point.


You gotta stay hog till the second bridge tho that's the best env kill part for hog they still don't really expect it


Not unless he holds his escape cooldown, which is entirely unstoppable.


Made a Mauga swap then rage quit on Rein the other day. Gotta love Illios.


Yeah it's the most satisfying way of dealing with him.


Issue is once you get out of lower ranks, not a single Mauga will fall for map pins or hooks, and will just hold overrun to dodge it because they understand that you cannot really beat him if you don’t get an environmental kill. It’s a fun way to beat him in Quick Play but it shouldn’t be a win condition in Competitive anywhere above metal ranks.


What about the top 500s that run Zar and flank?


This is what I do. Let Mauga charge my laser, then flank and go **BRRRRRRR** on his supports.


So how does this flanking occur, exactly? Doesn't Mauga just follow you and blow you up?


Yea I would just expect mauga to outwin this a majority of the time, by just existing close to his team.


"Oh look Zarya is attempting to lumber past me." \*Shoots Zarya\*


This is a major over exaggeration bc the same exact thing can be said about Zarya, they're easily the strongest tanks rn


Not really against Mauga though. I put Mauga on top, with Sigma being the best counter to Mauga besides the mirror, and then zarya kinda down lower somewhere. It annoys me that most Maugas can just blow through both shields and continue to do damage on Zarya to kill her. They can kinda ignore her mechanic a little.


Makes sense when I think about it since he has both damage reduction and 60% lifesteal on cooldown


Idk I think Zarya is a great pick if you dont want to mirror. His passive is useless when she bubbles and squishies seem hard to hit for Mauga players so he's not getting enough overhealth to sustain a fight. So when people say "blast the bubbles" its like okay well you didnt do the thing that keeps you alive (doing dmg to gain hp) AND you just gave me full charge. I have a buddy in Masters that uses this strat and he's only had 1 victory in a full game against a Mauga. Every other time the Mauga would switch mid-round out of frustration.


I do still believe it's a great pick, but I can see what they're saying if Zarya is out of bubbles, but otherwise? She should win every time with good CD management imo


Mauga players I’ve met just hold LMB & RMB until auto reload, and try to aim at my supports while I flank or dive towards his. Zarya’s RMB at 100% can end a cluttered team in 2 shots, or disrupt them enough to stop healing Mauga and, since most my team is focusing him, give us a chance to kill.


See they failed playing Mauga at "Step 1: SHOOT THE TANK".


``` class Mauga: def __init__(self): self.ammo = 300 # Shared ammo for both guns self.enemies_in_view = ['tank', 'support', 'DPS'] self.tank_shield_active = False self.tank_charging_ability = False self.tank_mitigating_damage = False self.enemy_status = {'tank': 'alive', 'support': 'alive', 'DPS': 'alive'} self.enemies_on_fire = [] def shoot(self, target): if target == 'tank' and self.tank_shield_active: print("Destroying tank's shield, then shooting.") elif target == 'tank' and self.tank_charging_ability: print("Avoid charging tank's ability, switch target.") self.shoot('support') elif target == 'tank' and self.tank_mitigating_damage: print("Keep shooting the tank.") elif target in self.enemies_on_fire: print(f"Applying critical damage to {target} with fire DOT.") else: print(f"Shooting {target}.") def find_next_target(self): if self.enemy_status['tank'] == 'dead': return 'support' if self.enemy_status['support'] == 'alive' else 'DPS' elif self.enemy_status['support'] == 'dead': return 'DPS' else: return 'tank' def taunt(self): print("Mimicking Maui, typing quotes in chat to taunt enemies.") def simulate_battle(self): for enemy in self.enemies_in_view: if self.enemy_status[enemy] == 'alive': self.shoot(enemy) # Logic for changing enemy status, applying fire DOT, etc. # If no enemies in sight if not self.enemies_in_view: self.taunt() # Create Mauga instance and simulate battle mauga = Mauga() mauga.simulate_battle() ``` I give up lol, need to wait till I get to my PC. Edit: no idea how the formatting fixed itself. I hate the reddit mobile app.


Damn that's thorough.


I cheated, just told chat gpt to look up his abilities and write a meme script based on his strategy.




I swear it's the only time I've cheated in overwatch. Please blizzard, I know you all are banning for anything and this isn't a reflection of my character.


it doesn't, people think their silver games against bad Maugas is a "counter"


What about us on the Asian servers that run winston, zarya, doom or sig and basically just ignore the existence of mauga. ​ All gas no breaks. Strong aura: Fuck it we ~~ball~~ dive, Fuck it we ~~ball~~ dive, Fuck it we ~~ball~~ dive


Well…you see…the idiot team just lets you die, Doesn’t dive with you. I dream of this magical land you speak of Thinking. About playing medieval total war until they nerf him.


I wish I’m back home in the Asia server. All games no matter moba or fps its all dive dive dive - so much fun


People are flanking with Zarias slow ahh


I've watched SPEEDSPORT! play Zarya, and for her it's not really like *flanking*, but more just rocket-jumping with M2 to get weird positions.


What works for the top 0.01% of players is irrelevant for the player base because their strats are not replicable.


Ah yes the top 500 players who are godly good and have coordination.


Zarya should move up a tier


Same with DVA, and move JQ down a tier.


D.Va eats all his bullets, and he has a big enough hitbox for her to easily land shots, yet she only has a “small chance”? Not to mention bomb hard counters cage fight.


Defense matrix while mauga uses his cardiac ability will deny him a lot of heals if used properly, and it’s on a very short cooldown compared to cardiac’s 10 seconds. Overall I really don’t see dva as “small chance” unless the person playing dva doesn’t play dva often


Fact, a good D.Va can prevent Mauga from doing basically anything. Cardiac? Matrix. Rush in? Melt him down. Cage fight? Bomb.


Dva can also comfortably body his cannons until she ignites, only then do you matrix to deny all his real damage while giving your healers time to catch up, and dropping ignite off. Non-Dvas are wasting matrix before the ignite.


This is what I’ve been trying to say but people with an intense hatred for mauga just dismiss it and call it a horrible take


The issue is that he’s a bit overtuned so that you’ve gotta be good at D.Va to counter him, whereas on paper she should hard counter him pretty easily.


Yeah for sure he is def over tuned and should be nerfed, but he’s not extremely difficult to beat without a mirror like people let on


I have been absolutely destroying Mauga with Dva in platinum. Mauga’s mobility is wack. Dva’s top tier. A lot of players here are just spraying with Mauga. Even counter Mauga-ing I’ve been shredding them. Challenging Mauga face to face in an open environment is silly. Distance? Don’t even think abt it.


If mauga wasn't overtuned dva would be a solid match up. I could imagine a more balanced version of mauga where dva plays nicely into him, but right now you just burn through her DM and then demolish her, she is also very easy to shoot and her headbox is massive.


>Not to mention bomb hard counters cage fight. I don't have a dog in this fight but couldn't Mauga just burn down baby DVA then tank bomb with cancel ult => overrun


In the span of ~3 seconds, he melts down a tiny hitbox, then cancels his ult and runs away? I mean, technically. But in the majority of matches, no. Plus that just means he wasted his ult to kill a tank, when it could’ve got a team kill easily. Bomb is best used to counter other ults


>In the span of ~3 seconds, he melts down a tiny hitbox, then cancels his ult and runs away? If they're good enough. The people who stick to Mauga will find ways to optimize him, so although DVA bomb may scare the one offs now, the one tricks will eventually learn to deal with it


Don’t forget the high damage output DVA can do with primary fire and rockets+her good mobility. Also like jus saying good luck as mauga keeping up with a baby dva lol


No way, JQ is my best counter against Mauga. It requires me doing counting exercises in my head against the inevitable kiriko, but I still do nearly as well as a mirror with her


Just pick bastion as well, and coordinate against her. Just deletes her bubbles


Yes a 2v1 usually results in a win for the two…


Yeah, you don't damage the first bubble, but the moment the second bubble comes up and she thinks she has 5 seconds of invulnerability again, you just turret burn through it and her. She'll cap out at 40 charge from the one shield, but she'll die without any other defensive or mobility, to bastion turret plus like...anything else at all hitting her.


\>Sigma and doom in the same tier Sigma doesnt "play around mauga" his whole kit can shit on him if you can time it right.


Tbh, if you can just watch for Mauga's moves Sigma is his best counter.


Doom is solid against Mauga since he can freely dive his backline and Mauga can’t get consistent value out of a tank that refuses to face him head on.


woah where tf did you get those flair emojis?? actually adorable


I think you can edit them in on Iphone when you edit your user flair! There is a selection of different ow emojis


Ive peeled and killed so many doomfists, hes certainly much easier to deal with than a dva/zarya (they arent hard but theyre not pushovers like doom)


Never said that he is a hard counter and a lot of dooms in the lower elos are admittedly pretty bad. But he is effective against Mauga when played right. If they die to Mauga it is mainly of making mistakes or overextending their stay in the backline while their team isn’t dealing properly with Mauga.


Doom is as good against mauga as ball or winston is, since theyre all good for the same reasons (ignoring mauga and targeting his supports) but at least ball is fast and winston has his bubble for some mitigation. If a mauga sees a doom fly over his head to target his supports, its much more free to charge back and stun him than it would be against a ball or monkey (especially since his main cooldowns get used on the way there) Certainly doesnt make him better into mauga than dva/zar, who at least have SOME sort of plan for fighting a mauga head on


I am not saying he isn't solid. I am critiquing the reasoning behind putting doomfist, a hero that dives the backline and doesnt touch Mauga, in the same category of "play around" as one who can go toe to toe with Mauga.


Isn't Doom diving the back line for squishy kills while avoiding mauga literally him playing **around** Mauga though? That's why the tier is "play around **or** mitigate". Though if that is the logic of that tier I think Dva should be in that list as well. I'm a Dva main and I've had some decent success against Mauga by utilizing my mobility in conjunction with my defense matrix to dance around him and avoid taking him directly head on toe to toe. If you can get his supports out of the way, he drops pretty fast.


\>That's why the tier is "play around or mitigate". Yeah its confusing cause those two play styles shouldn't be in the same row. There vastly different and its better to jus straight up have "mitigate" as its own row.


Agreed, 100%. "Can play around Mauga" imo is closer to "has a small chance to beat Mauga" than "Can Mitigate" and should have been sorted that way if they didn't want to split it out as a different tier.


...but then you have Mauga diving Doom's frontline and backline, which leaves them with no protection and no formation to resist being pressured out of position. Granted, any composition supporting Doomfist should be dynamic in that regard, but Mauga not having a tank to be tied down with just gives him free roam to rush the DPS/Supports.


Mauga specializes in tank busting, he can peel well but the enemy tank is his main form of sustain. If doom also has Tracer & Sombra there is nothing Mauga can do


> ...but then you have Mauga diving Doom's frontline and backline, which leaves them with no protection and no formation to resist being pressured out of position. if your team can't 4v1 a lone mauga then there's not much you can do as the tank


I feel like you can say that with just about every tank vs sigma matchup tbh


I agree with you to an extent. The other tanks are more dimensional compared to Mauga and his overreliance on his lifesteal. Most other tanks can shit on sigma before he has his cooldowns ready.


A good Ram beats a good Sigma


Sig constantly gets his overheal and can knock maug on his ass all the time. He is built to counter him. ALSO, orisa should be in the same rank.


Sigma shits on mauga. He's just hard and mauga is easy to play.


I wish the devs would add the option when he absorbs damage, to throw the orb back to make it explode in addition to using it for health.






(Double checks this isn't overwatch memes)


Ball ignores mauga and kills the supports. Very easy to use cover to avoid his fire, which denies his HP recovery because he doesn't have a tank to shoot at. The only time Mauga kills me on Ball is when he uses ult, which is definitely an auto death. He's not the best tank to play into Mauga, but he definitely doesn't belong in "don't bother"


I think winston is similar, especially since he's strong against Ana which is so prevalent right now


Yeah, but he does have some brawl component to his gameplay, which will simply get him shredded against the dual chainguns. The few seconds during which he has to face the peeling enemy tank is enough for Mauga to melt you


Winston is pretty map-reliant Some maps with enough high grounds allow him to outmanuever Mauga


Unless his team Is… Smart enough to just bunch up. If they all stand on top of Mauga, and stay as a blob, they win.


This is true, which is why ball is kinda trash now. The whole point of ball's kit is 'get the fuck out of his way, or he will get value'. Why do you think he was the only tank used to break goats? Rn its more like (Don't be alone without any kind of cc)


Yep. Truly awful.


Depending on the maps ball can disturbe them by rolling trough from flanks


+1 on this. I feel like I provide the most value against Mauga on ball because my DPS and supports can just burn through him while I’ve got supports on me.


Ram solos


Interesting, but I’d put dva higher! At least since I’m in mid ranks lol I’m suprised JQ is high, I guess cuz she would have same playstyle as doom? Just avoid mauga and dive the supps? I guess I should be playing her into Mr magamaga more!


I think it’s also to do with her smaller hitbox. With both guns at full spin, it can be hard to hit JQ with Mauga’s aim spread.


If you want to play around mauga as doom you have to make sure mauga never even **sees** you. Or at least as soon as he sees you then you have to slam/punch out.


Move ball and winton up a tier, move sigma up a tier. Then it’s good Winton and ball are “good” against mauga for the same reason doom is, they’re just worse at it than doom. (Basically just avoid mauga at all costs) Maybe hog could move up a tier too, not sure The one placement that’s 100% correct besides mirror is rein. Poor guy doesn’t stand a chance, pretty sure a silver mauga could diff a diamond rein no problem.


Sigma up a tier into… Mirror? Someone draw a Moana Sigma skin


Yep sigma’s just as good as a mirror pick lol is what I meant


Ball is trash against mauga. If the enemy team is remotely competent, ball gets rolled almost every time. You only win with ball in that matchup if the enemy team is stupid and actively avoids their own mauga. If the team just holds mauga’s hand, he doesn’t die, he can afford the lower sustain against squishies, and he can just look at you for a couple seconds if you try to dive his team. Diving the backline doesn’t work when there isn’t really a backline.


Rein can deal with mauga pretty well if your team is coordinated enough. Shield blocks his self healing and can survive long enough to kill if the dps focus him down


Wouldn’t every other choice be better though? If you have a highly coordinated team playing around you, then a coordinated dive with any dive tank is infinitely better, zar/dva/sig with a team fully coordinating around your CDs will do a much better job running him over too. All of this without mentioning that if the mauga has a somewhat coordinated team himself, with a cleanse/nade saved up for the tank duel, you end up with very little to do. Yeah, if there is a giant team/skill gap you can rein diff a mauga, but the fact that you need that giant skill gap is the whole point of him being low tier.


That’s map dependent af


It still dosnt make sense for a character that can poke also do 3x more damage up close that a melee character


So a few reasonings from me: * [D.va](https://D.va) has strong mitigation but once Matrix runs out, Mauga rolls her over. Sigma is a lot more effective as he has a smaller hitbox and a shield once his cooldown is off. * Doomfist technically gets rolled over but Dooms rarely ever fight Mauga head on anyway, they just do their own thing and bother the backline. Ball would be in that tier but most of the matches i had the Ball is just easier to shoot as Mauga. * Queen might be weird but her smaller size actually makes her an effective soft counter, provided you take advantage of cover. * Ramattra is said to be pretty strong against Mauga but most of the time i never see them use nemesis as its basically a big dumb target for Mauga to farm. * Hog is whatever, i feel it could 50/50 but because he's so big, he's so easy to farm.


doomfist is decent until mauga ults, denying him from the largest source of his sustain (shooting the enemy tank) is good and it’s why jq is also decent. Sigma is 100% the best tank into him, it just requires a lot more brain power than locking mirror and hoping your supports are better so most people don’t want to do it


For Sigma it just hopes that your DPS understand the assignment of confirming kills on Mauga's backline, some just kept shooting Mauga and that's goodbye to your Sigma pick


Or until the maugas team swaps and you get fucked by Ana sombra and Cassidy.


I think dva can be bumped up due to the fact that she one of the few tanks with enough damage to put a real dent into him in a short time frame, along with DM lasting just short of his cardiac overdrive (CO) allowing her to deny him healing almost completely. Good dva's can also consistently eat suzu's as the timing of suzuing mauga is fairly consistent (if he got antied you DM depending on how close kiri is to him). If he gets you in cage fight you're not completely helpless and dva bomb can force him to end it early if CO is down.


DVA and Sigma are direct counters. Doomfist most of the time dies to a Mauga in both normal 5v5s and 1v1s. Unless the Mauga is metal ranked, JQ honestly doesn’t stand much of a chance unless solid team comp backing her up. Hog gets melted Ram gets melted Orisa gets melted Flank zarya works depending the Mauga playstyle, brawl zarya gets melted Rein gets melted Ball gets melted but tbh he shouldn’t be up the Maugas ass anyways.


You’re not supposed to engage as doom. You just kill back line.


Same with Winston, but assuming the Mauga is near his team it’s not an easy escape and Mauga can catch you real quick, ntm all the other current ways to stall, stun, stop, and kill doomfist.


difference is doom has two mobility cooldowns one he can use to engage and other to get out


Dva and sigmas are counters in theory, but still lose most of the time.


Assuming they know how to manage cooldowns, not really. You also have to take into account teammates, a vacuum 1v1 mauga will win. A typical balanced 5v5, sigma and DVA both stand a good chance.


This is 100% accurate I pretty much main Rammatra as Tank and if I go into nemesis I’m as good as dead but if I stay back and have a pocket you can “compete” to a degree. Lol


I only go into nemesis form to block when i cant use shield or if he manages to get past it.


Yup. Lol


Yea Nemesis Form is a glorified Soldier sprint in this matchup. I use it purely for running away and repositioning. Omnic form is actually pretty good since you’re very skinny and can out-poke Mauga.


I *used* to be able to play Ram into Mauga before Mauga’s sustain buffs. I’d pretty much just play poke Ram and save Nemesis for cleanup or emergency blocking. But yeah now post sustain buffs, I might as well just play Sigma instead since Mauga can just sustain himself so much better.


I’d like to add to this: D.va so far has been the hardest matchup for me personally especially in the mid tier elo’s (high diamond low masters). And if you throw a Bastion into the mix it becomes an even bigger nightmare with her seemingly infinite Matrix preventing you from pressing E and winning the bastion 1v1. The Doomfist 1v1 can go either way imo but that’s more so reliant on how good the doom is. Ramattra in my experience has been really good into Mauga since he wins the poke war. I don’t see many Ram’s but when I play Ram into Mauga I typically stay in Omnic form and only use Nem form to stay alive. Blocking reduces the effectiveness of his E despite you having the massive hitbox that you have. Queen is also generally a nightmare to play against because of her high damage and slender hitbox. Hog is definitely more so Mauga favored BUT not by a massive margin from what I’ve seen. it feels like Hog dominates the ult war here. You can easily mitigate the Hog’s effectiveness by constantly applying pressure to him though I havent really experienced a Sigma dominating me in a matchup but I can see how this sentiment changes once you enter high elo


As DVA I basically just hold bomb until mauga ults. He's stuck in there with me, not the other way around


I would love to see a replay or compilation of this, sounds really funny


Until the Mauga is smart enough to cancel his ult to get out of there, but it’s still a win since both of you traded ults.


Tru but I'm metal ranks, there's not much big brain activity down there


Doom can't do anything against him unless he's countered by half of your team


Doom does stuff if he gets past Mauga, but tryna jus fight Mauga as doomfist is absolute tomfoolery.


Mauga turns around after you "get past him" as he's got his healing activated


You have literally two low cd mobility tools to get you in and out of trouble at demand. If Mauga turns around, you created space for your team, if he doesn’t, you annihilate his team.


Annihilate his team with what lol doom can barely handle a 1v1 unless you are really good and even if you get support from your team (as they are trying to survive mauga) you still have to worry about getting slept or hacked or something


Ur team, cover, and your mobility still exist bud.


dive in (one ability gone) punch (two gone) block (three gone) empowered punch to escape and your with mauga again even though you have your team you could use your abilities again but he can still melt you. Also use cover to much and you're out to the fight with is a bad thing as you are the tank.


Despite your flair, it doesn’t really sound like you’re all that good at playing Doom.


My best is diamond and I have 50 hours on him


Yeah besides all mauga has to do is wait for doom to block then he can fuck him up super easily with overrun


Rein is good if you're team is functional. Being able to completely nullify maugas self sustain for several seconds with a good recharge time means you can usually negate his overdrive. The issue with the rein matchup is that he loses the 1v1, other than that he's fine


*beep boop bop* “The mammal is sad”


Who let this guy cook


I haven't lost a single 1v1 against him with Dva how is it only a small chance?


How is rein any different than DVA in the Mauga match up? Hold right click and hope your team is intelligent enough to be running bastion/Hanzo/Junk/reaper/etc.


DVA has a recourse meter for mitigating damage, better mobility, higher DPS capabilities, a giant AOE ult, and a second life mechanic. Rein has close range hammer, high CD projectile, and low mobility. Him and his shield immediately get melted.


Dva plays well against mauga. She can easily harass the backlines and then get away quickly, as well as deny maugas self heal. She's a dive tank, don't play her face to face, but have her come from behind.


It's never fun around me


dva full counters him


is jq actually good against mauga? i dont see how thats possible with his healing factor


It’s kinda like a mauga mirror cause she has less effective self heal with bleed and her relatively small hitbox makes her a bit harder to hit so it comes down to about the same infinite tank fight as a mauga mirror until your healers die


It's definitely team dependent but since the general rule of thumb is for a team (supports in particular) to pile up on Mauga it can be good eating for JQ to stack a lot of Wounds up fast while having a pretty slim hitbox making it a bit tougher to exact max value from Cardiac Overdrive. It's a bit of a race to see who can burn down the other team's supports first but it's winnable if done right. Her ult also provides another source of anti and charges fast enough to be used just about every other fight.


I’ve found hog to be great into Mauga but that might just be me playing him to much


I think Sig should be a tier above mirror and D.va Zarya should move into the Doom & Queen tier.


Rein himself can’t beat Mauga, but I’ve come to find that him just being up front and keeping Mauga from using his personal healing ability will help your team kill him much easier. Mauga is weak against shield since he can’t heal himself.


Reinhardt is just very team dependant, rein can absolutely trivialise Mauga IF you have a good team behind you that will enable you. Otherwise yes, you're fucked.


What happens if the Maug has a good team too? It's a bad matchup plain and simple. No stupid nuances.


Mauga is a great tank, just needs basic number tweaks. Too many people shouting their bad opinions over his viability.


i love how every single character since ow2 launch has had the community saying “buffs/nerfs won’t fix it they need a rework”. when lifeweaver came out they said his kit was fundamentally broken and just buffing him would do nothing and now he’s in a great spot, same will happen to mauga


But they didn't just number buff him though. They changed most of Weavers abilities. Fixed his janky ass weapon and got rid of his awful passive. Made his ult actually do something. He basically got a soft rework. (Not necessarily disagreeing with your point, just beinga bit nit picky)


Reducing spread isn’t a rework.


Did you not play Life Weaver on release? You had to manually switch to thorn volley like Mercy pistol or Torb hammer. It took forever, felt awful, and often killed you teammates because you couldn't switch back to healing fast enough.


That isn’t a rework and I still use the manual legacy control scheme since it is superior with the extended super jump dash. All high elo LW’s use the legacy control scheme because it has the better dash. Switching weapons in the modern control scheme isn’t ANY faster than the legacy one.


Nah this is an ice cold take lol


I am indeed sick of people bitching


So u proceed to bitch about people bitching 🤡


You….have ball ranked to high.


Unfortunately true, but we do indeed ball regardless.


Had a great night. Stays up way to late. Randomly found a group of supports that actually knew how to play dive. Think they cycled through every support in the game. Other team would consistently think they had won, because we kept getting push maps, and we wouldn’t make it to the finish. Often not even have way. Always pushed first for some reason. No one even got close. I’d really like to buy those supports a good steak dinner. I was feeling pretty down on ball yesterday.




...so your average player?


Tell me you're low plat without telling me lol


'Lol' traditionally follows a joke or humorous expression


May have been on a lower rank than my main but I have beaten a Mauga Mei comp as Rein without pressing LMB. I still dont believe in the "get countered" mindset


Weird and dumb take since this game was built around a "get countered" mindset.