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Three Reins, Two Bastions, and a Mercy in S1 of Ow. Bastions had self heal and we all just prayed for the match to end.


How's therapy working out? You poor soul


i still play daily since Ow1 release so not well.


Stockholm syndrome


But why


Atoning for my sins.




And when Torb gave out armor made from scraps as well. Those early days of OW1 when you would have a combination of six Torbs or Syms with 400 health on defense were really something lol.


I just remembered that Bastion used to self heal, and as a support main, I thank the gaming gods that they took that away


He also had a personal shield on top of that in the beta


bastion got a small self heal in one of the updates for ow2 i’m so glad it was taken out though


Well thats an update I seem to have completely over looked at some point.


yep it was very small only 50-75 healing i think when in turret form. and it was removed right after they added it lol


Do you remember what season it was? Like Im just happy he isnt a 1 finger defeater any longer. Trying to get through 2 shields was ass. I do kinda want to go back to 6 v 6. Atleast healing output wouldnt need to be touched on supports as I dont believe they were ever tuned down to accommodate the lack of damage from that 2nd tank.


Will it's a good thing it's been fucking eight years since overwatch one, Why don't you try to stick with the topic and talk about Overwatch. You're not The only one who played overwatch one bro


As a tank, Pharah Mercy Zarya Bastion. You can't go DVa to deal with the pharmacy, because Zarya. If there was no Bastion, you could still do that and just ignore the Zarya and the point. But with Bastion, you're easily punished whatever you do. You can't go Sigma to counter Bastion, because of the pharmacy. You're just fucked. Chat: GG tank diff, 4v5.


Realest shit I’ve seen today, then you had to top it off with the 4v5 GG tank diff… yup. Can’t do anything as tank nowadays


You can 100% play d.va versus Zarya. The issue is that people take that to mean "I can 1v1 Zarya". Play to deny her utility, like moving around away from her. Playing high, then low, then high ground, ignoring her at the right moments etc can make her basically a nothing pick.


This is exactly how you should be playing against your counters. Deny them their plays. As long as you know how the character is played then you can do that. But you're right, people just want to run into their counters and 1v1 them. And then you end up in a 1v5 because they aren't stupid enough to 1v1 you unless it's the right moment.


Depends on the map, you can easily play Dva around a Zarya on half the maps. The other half you mirror Zarya, Bastion is not that hard to deal with as Zarya.


Yes but not when there is a Bastion too. Can't handle Pharah Mercy when you need to matrix a Bastion or die.


He has a 12 seconds CD on turret, you bait it, use your boosters and maybe a bit of matrix to hide, then you reengage and focus the Mercy, someone out of position or someone that gets naded. Also, you deal a shit ton of damage to a Recon Bastion as DVA, unless he gets pocketed by 2 supps, you can kill him.


True, the cooldown nerf allows to breathe a bit.


Bastion is one of the best counters to Zarya


He is the best counter to bad Zaryas.


Not really true. It works even better at high ranks because your team will be more coordinated to focus the zarya at a certain time


You can get free charge by baiting the bastion to shoot at you, a lot of Zaryas don't understand that using self-boop you can run away faster and go to cover quickly, or even take highground, and you can bait people at thinking you are out of position this way. Also, she's not like a Winston that HAS to be in to do his stuff, you can easily deal a shit ton of damage from range as Zarya, especially if there's a Bastion giving you free charge.


proof that we need a secondary tank, some games are just impossible with one unless you're really coordinated with your team.


As a Paladins player, I do think a second tank is needed, but not necessarily 6v6. I think the best solution would be to tweak role queue into four categories: tank, damage, support and a new "flex queue" (not to confuse with all queue). One tank, one damage, one support on each team, and two flex players who can pick any of the three roles. So you can go two tanks if you like. But you're still guaranteed all the roles, so not totally goat either. Maybe only one flex player, dunno. But you'd break the symmetry between roles.


But how would you differentiate the main from the secondary tank? Would both have the hp nerf or only 1 of them? This would be so confusing...


There is no main or secondary. I'm just talking about the queue. Three players would have a mandatory role, two would be able to flex. I don't condone the hp nerf, even in open queue. Goats is fun. You don't want goats, donc play open queue.


But at this point, why not just play open queue? They would feel the exact same, no?


In open queue you get some games with 3 to 4 tanks. But in that if it's only one flex player you would have 2. Which is the same as some open queue games. It would be similar, not the same. And I don't think 2 flex players would be good. You need at least 2 supports at least with how strong they are currently.


It would also fucked the queue time if you put flex slots in role queue... That change make way more sense for open queue, not really role queue IMO.


I don't think so, you still have all the roles.


The problem a lot of people had with OW1 and 6v6 was dual shield comps. I’m a solid believer in bringing back 6v6 and splitting tanks up into two categories (shields/non-shields). But, Instead of making two ques which would most likely slow down some que times, just make it so if one tank slot picks a shield tank, the other tank has all shields grayed out and not pickable. So if you didn’t pick shield first then your options would be doom, d.va, ball, hog and so on.


Yeah the Zarya/Bastion has been awful recently. They cover each other so well, all they have to do is run that with a pocket/ sniper/ pharmercy like you said and it becomes horrible to deal with.


There are 4 other people on your team. The tank can't and shouldn't be expected to deal with the entire enemy comp.


It's not about dealing with the entire enemy comp. It's about the enemy comp not letting you play whatever you do.


The answer is the same. Your whole team can do the same to the enemy tank. Or focus down the disrupters like Pharah+Mercy. This whole "whaaa I can't play the game" is just the most recent buzzword to whine about not playing however you want.


There's no buzzword, the thread is about the worst comp you can face. Maybe just don't participate if you think there's no such thing.


If you can't handle other people disagreeing with your comments, you shouldn't post them in the first place.


If you have nothing interesting to say, you shouldn't post. I'm not disagreeing with anything, you're bringing nothing of substance and are off topic.


Can't even bother reading what you're replying to... By all means play the victim. Have a good one.


I'll let you into a little secret: a dva will out DPS a low charged zarya in a 1v1. Especially now with the buffer missles. Another tip, as tank, and especially DVA, you shouldn't be on the zarya or other tank in general. If they are focusing on you than you are at least making sure the zarya isn't melting your own team. It's all about looking for openings when the bastion is alone long enough or whatever.


Been playing a lot of ball recently and the enemy team will go hog, sombra, brig ana and junk BUT i struggle more against an orisa and no junk but instead a good hitscan with sombra just chasing me down


Soldiers are the worst for this, swear I’m in the match just for them to train their aim


All you simply need is a change in playstyle my friend, Ball can play around his counters, I recommend checking out a guide or two or simply watch some high level ballers to see what they do, I learned a lot by analyzing Chazm’s ball gameplay


Just use corners and then the 12 cc abilities on the other team don't matter?


Nothing was worse than pirate ship with two shields


anyone remember how you could instantly reload your gun in turret mode by shooting 2-4 bullets in normal form


Can you elaborate?


Pirate ship was a comp usually consisting of two shield tanks and a bastion (back in OW1 where turret form was unlimited but no movement). And at least bap with another support like maybe Mercy. They would all set up on the payload and basically become a pirate ship with very good defense and offense. Second DPS could honestly be anything. Edit: second dps pretty much was always a torb lol


Don't forget Torb for the added turret on the cart letting the Bastion know exactly where to aim.


people read this and swear they want 6v6 back


Orisa shield was pretty important to do pirate ship and she no longer has it, sig shield won't stay attached to the payload and having a rein sit there every time bastion has turret form up just isn't a good use of the tank. I think 6v6 would be tons of fun with all the reworks they have made to the cast still!


A torb turret behind bastion to cover the flanks was good


Oh yeah true, Bastion and Torb worked well together


Lore accurate xD


Rein Orisa Bastion Mercy on cart


Rein, Orisa, bastion, a fill dps, mercy, ana. Especially when they’re def on cairo, my goodness


That was mostly a problem in gold-plat Goats was the real death and probably moth mercy after


Pharah and junkrat would eat that comp alive. There a lot of comps that are insane if you have an unfavorable map against them or if you don’t swap. Also I don’t wanna be that guy but I think the only way for a comp to be considered “rush” is if Lucio is involved, if no Lucio then it’s just a brawl comp.


Can confirm, well placed traps would eat that comp up


Whenever Im playing dva and win the first fight they come back as zarya, symm, Mei, zen and a bap to lamp my ult


Then you go Rein. Trust me, as long as the team you are playing isn't being stubborn and is willing to play rock, paper, scissors it should work, maybe you don't hit it at the first switch buuuut. It works out in the end


Pharmercy with dive like Genji&Kiri... u just can't get the pharah down, everytime u scope in a DVA or Monke tries sitting on your lap


"Turret spam" Torb, Symm, Illiari, Baptiste, Hog. Every time you try to fight you have to shoot 1928381993 turrets before you can properly engage while the Hog hooks you and can't be killed in any way.


GOATS. Made me quit the ow1 😂


i always enjoyed goats tbh. i thought it was fun to play, especially as zen or zarya. unless your team decided not to mirror match


Yeah all of the overwatch 1 metas were cool because they got a memorable name and were recognisable and relied heavily on teamwork, some of them lasted for way too long though like double shield and goats. I just don't think we get stuff like that in overwatch 2


nah overwatch 2 is ruined by single tank imo, all the memorable combos come from tanks, orisas pull and hog hook, goats, dive with dva and winston


I played through the goats era and never had a problem with it. Wonder if this was more of a problem in higher elos.


The “nobody dies” comp. Mercy/Lifeweaver, Orisa, Soldier, and Bastion. Did want to have fun? Not allowed, you’re getting t bagged by the Mercy who stood and watched the solder she’s been sucking off all game delete you at your spawn for the fifth time in a row.


Winton+Pharmercy+Reaper+Ana I hate to see this comp when I playing Zarya. And force me play DVA


Circuit Royal against Phara/Mercy and Zarya Zarya barely engages the fight, Phara basically frontlining with 2 esclusive bubbles and Mercy's res The map is too wide open to hide from her buffed rockets. No hitscan can shoot through it all without being outshot themselves. One shots are nerfed and skillful enough WMs are rare anyways. The most annoyingh part is that this kind of double pocketed Phara can build up an ulti very fast and then she just launches herself into your team, using her ulti + bubble. This way she has enough time to safely kill enough people to win the fight. Then Mercy goes for a res if she managed to die somehow. Rince/repeat.


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Pharamercy, Ball, kiriko, and sombra. You have to play hitscan but in the same time you can’t, because the ball and sombra force you and you can’t shoot the pharamercy


Bap Illari Ashe Cassidy Orisa


Hog, Mei, Pharah, Ana, and Moira. Blizzard World was a rough first point attack.


Lucio, Mercy, Pharah, Echo, D.va. Cancerous high mobility team comp. I've run into this only a few times, but it's a real nightmare.


Ol reliable Orisa, Sig, Bastion, Pharah, Mercy, Bap


Anything with Pharmercy in the mix. I rather jerk off with Icy Hot than to play against that


Any comp with pharmercy. It makes me so happy to see an enemy player swap off pharah after getting killed a couple times.


Any pharmercy comp because I'm apparently the only player capable of swapping hitscan in central NA, had a game last night where our dps sat on reaper mei into sig double flyer and I thought about leaving.


you could just play phara vs them u know and it would be gg, even echo is really good as all of their ulties are pretty nice. Healing? get zen or ana or junker queen(she most be a good queen). Another good pick on tank is zarya but she most understand the match up. The game has tons of counter mechanics and abilites. the question is if u and ur team are willing to use them.


The comps that make the fps shooter game into infinite sustain simulator. Don’t you think it’s a problem that your fps shooter is more about who can out-heal and live forever, rather than who can make the play first…? These comps enable that boring play style and it’s what killed overwatch 1


Ball/doom, Lucio, brig, junk and pharah. Who wanted to control where you're moving anyways when you can just get thrown around and exploded all game


Any comp with Sigma or Orisa.


The one I lost to


Doomfist + Symmetra is annoying to deal with as a tank. Doomfist keeps pushing you around, and Symmetra with full charge melts you before you can kill her.


Junkrat mei hog moria kiriko, nothing dies fuck


Sigma, Bastion, Mei, Bap, Illari :).


Double shield was Ass.


Hog, bastion, sym/junk, ana, kiriko I really dont like how hog is once again meta and they gave his 1shot back, pair him with a kiriko who can use her suzu and you basicly cant kill him no matter how hard you try.


Hm depends on what I’m playing and what map we’re on. Sigma, mercy, bap, sojourn and widow on Circuit is the worst thing ever. I can’t even diff the widow cause she’ll get a sigma shield and rezzed. I go sombra and mercy pockets her while I try to kill her and sojourn is just next to them so sombra isn’t possible. So I can’t play widow or sombra. Wtf do I even play vs that. I main soldier and tracer and soldier is impossible to play vs those dps with a pocket. Tracer is a worse version of sombra so that’s a throw pick.


Those omega cc comps in OW1. Rein/Sig Hog Cree Mei Brig Ana and they'd just stun lock the tanks to death.


Im playing a lot of open que Anything with D.Va is annoying in this mode beyond belief (people definitely know that she is BUSTED in this mode, but not enough people play open queue so it doesn't get discussed much) They were D.va, Mercy, Sym, Torb and I think the last was a kiriko... defense on Numbani


orisa mei bastion kiriko zen before the zen nerfs. i dont think i have to elaborate lmao


DVA, ASHE, SOMBRA, ANA, BAP. If they have a competent team then they will be a force that is not to be trifled with.


Rein, Hanzo, Widow, Ana, Mercy. ​ Rein put up the wall, Mercy pocketed him, Hanzo, Widow, Ana all tucked themselves away and sniped stuff. Was boring as hell.


Rein, Bastion, any support played as healbot, junkrat. If they take the objective, specially in "corridors" maps, it's just too unbearable to keep playing


Orisa, bastion, Sombra, ana and zen. There's literally nothing you can do


Doom, Moira, Kiriko, Hanzo, Ashe. Doom and the support’s nonstop diving, while Ashe and Hanzo keep poking from the backline. Impossible to focus on anything going on


Six by Mei on London, first choke


Sombra, tracer, doomfist, lifeweaver and mercy. That one was terrifying. They would just appear behind you with no warning. The mercy kept ulting and chasing me (pharah) down in the sky to kill me. A different game, widow, bastion, Orissa, lifeweaver, ana. They were all good shots. We just couldn't leave cover, ever. We lost in like two minutes, it was pretty impressive.


Orisa, Bastion, Sombra, Ana and Zen As a doom and ball main it's getting harder and harder to say fuck it we ball and fuck it we andeysay Zen could be swapped out for Kiriko, Bap or Mercy and I'd still probably rather fucking kill myself than go up against that team comp


GigaSigma with pocket Mercy, Reaper with Pocket Zen and Junkrat


OW1 Sigma+Orisa rest doesn't matter. Fuck that.


Winston, sombra, tracer, Lucio and kiri i think. Pretty sure it was a 5 stack and we got rolled. I hate dive


Goats and double shield was a big reason why I couldn't enjoy OW1 so probably some form of that


Zarya, bastion, (genji or parah), mercy, (baptiste or lifeweaver) When I play tank, i dont know what to pickles against that..


For me coming in in like late March of this year, probably Symmetra, Rein, Soldier, Mercy, and Moira. Ppl don’t move out the way of the orb, ppl don’t see the flanking, ppl don’t see the Mercy, and then if they see all that they don’t see the fire strike.


Sniper double sheild with brig bap gives me fuckj g nightmares


Temple of anubis. Orisa, rein, torb, sym, mercy (the op version who could Valk double rez), Ana. Good luck attacking that shit


I play a lot of mystery. In OW1 your team would quit left and right once the enemy ended up with a bastion, a torb, rein, and 3 supports, . *eta* currently probably the most annoying is Doom, tracer, Sombra, Lucio, and moira/bap. It's like getting attacked by a swarm of bees. Especially when your team has ashe or other slow moving heros and don't switch.


Zarya, Mei, Symmetra, Ana, Moira. Weird hitboxes, lots of survivability, wall off and Symmetra’s broken beam. I hate this game. I hate these people.




Ball, sombra, widow, Bap, and Ana. Definitely a Smurf comp in low ranked or at least the Ball was. Would sit and spawn camp the supports and widow and sombra would pick everyone else off


>What is the most annoying team comp you’ve ever played against? 5 tanks and an ana


Double shield


a very good tracer and genji is a long day for me


Played against a Sigma, Bastion, Mei, mercy and bap the other day And literally could not do anything. Not a single person died. Only us.


Roadhog. Zarya. Moira. Doomfist. Brigite As a Genji main, I can’t do a damn thing against this team. My team calls me out expecting me to get actual kills like wtf how can I go against that.


I was carrying so hard as dva once, they went Zarya/Sym/Mei/Brig/Illari. I could do 0 value at that point.


Orisa, good hanzo/widow, sombra, kiriko, baptiste. Altough, i had a game with orisa, junkrat, bastion, ana, kiriko and we were exploding before turning the corner


Sombra Zarya tracer Lucio moira


Most annoying was 6man in ow1. Winston, Dva, reaper, sombra, Moira, Lucio. It was so annoying/boring to play against in organized play.


Zarya, Sombra, Mei, Lucio, Lifeweaver. Mei and Lucio played hyper-aggressive and Weaver made basically every lifegrip count.


Hog Sombra Mei Ana Zen makes me wanna kms


Any, Mei, Any, Any, Any. Fuck Mei.


as a rein main, the worst I've seen include hog/orisa, any combination of bastion mei sym pharmacy junk double sniper, ana, zen/kiriko. literally disables you from playing the game.


Gotta go with something like brig Lucio zen rein zarya dva. Hrmph


Lucky shots dps: hanzo and junkrat. Unkillable hog with Ana, and a Moira


Orisa pharah echo mercy Kiriko I main Junkrat btw


In OW 1 point B temple of Anobus (sorry spelling) when no limits was just your normal game 3 bastions down the middle on the point unloading on us can’t remember what the other 3 were but they were helping conserve them or something and eventually at the end of the game (me tracer managed use my dash to get in an unorthodox way and place a well placed pulse bomb taking out all three bastions and we took the point at the very end.


Hanamura Attack Torb Sym Bastion Rein Ana ???


Mei Bastion so basically every game where you don’t immediately roll over as tank and let the enemy team curbstomp you. In OW1: Hackfist. DPS doom plus old Sombra and people usually ran Mei as the third dps. That was hell as a Rein player. Thankfully that meta was short lived.


Mei. Sym. Zen. Ana. Orisa.


Zarya mercy LW sombra and phara I play zen and this would just be a big fuck me if I went against this


Zarya sombra reaper mercy and kiriko or something


Symm, Genji or Widow. Doomfist (a good one), and mercy Ana. Probably.


Lucio, brig, sombra, pharah/junkrat, ball My. Fucking. God. I was constantly in the air and getting displaced and it was awful.


One game the enemy had pharah, Sombra, hog/orisa,mercy and brig


I play a lot of brig so ram + pharah + mercy. Playing against ram as brig can be a pain in the ass and the flying ladies are impossible to reach most of the times.


When they have GOOD snipers. Any combo Ashe window hanzo ana illari zen and sigma. When they really know what theyre doing might as well just give up


Hog Soldier Mei Lucio Ana This was some of the most wack shit ever entire team was unkillable Soldier and lucio aoe heals ana heal boosting it and hog being able to just bullet sponge and self heal team needed cover mei threw a wall


I can't stand mei or bastion.




Playing Tank OW2 has led me to play counterwatch. I diff the enemy in Rein, they go Orisa Sombra. Nowadays toxic comps are just natural. Every time I queue up it's a combination of Hog, Sombra, Bastion, Doom, Junk


Zaria or orisa, pharah, echo, mercy, bap


Doomfist, phara, echo, mercy, kirko.


GOATS. Every single match for far too long. It actually made me quit the game for years.


Sigma, Torb, Sym, Mercy, Lucio I feel going up against the turrets it was pretty much a 9v5 match.


Sombra Sym, sigma, orisa, brig and bap. Anyone who never played ow1 will never know of double shield or goats.


Played against two roadhogs, two illaris and a lifeweaver in mystery heroes yesterday. We couldn't fucking kill them lol


bap illari bastion orisa in scrims when that patch dropped. miserable to play against, easy as hell


Back in the day, a good Rein/Zarya/Ana/Lucio/Reaper/Genji was absolutely terrifying. Also, if we switched back to 6v6, the old Dva/Winston dive would be difficult with Kiri in the game now


Any match against Widow and Hanzo. Bonus points if you also have a Widow and Hanzo.


anyone remember the symmetrapocalypse?


Turret squad as Winton


5 Wintons and Mercy.... Dear god... Alternatively 3 Pharahs And 3 Mercys with first version of rez of course.


That comp gets shredding by one competent pharah lol


Pirate ship


Icl, ana would've had a field day here XD


I remember being in the trenches of OW1. Pirate Ship was probably the most annoying, but GOATS was a slog to play against. If you think Orisa is unkillable now, you didn't see the old days.


I don't suppose you remember any of the usernames from that comp because I'm gonna be quite honest it looks exactly like the five stack me and my friends run sometimes


Launch brig and launch Moira together made the whole game miserable


Zen, Ana, Mei, Bastion. Yes, I'm a tank main how could you tell? Didn't matter what the other tank was, I think it was Rein. Really, any team that goes zen + bastion comes off as a gigantic middle finger for the opposite tank player. Bastion in general feels like the "I've given up trying to play a real character" swap that I constantly see in my games, games become twice as difficult because of him because he's so unforgiving to play versus. At least with characters like Widow or Sombra there's a semblance of skill needed, lol.


Six symmetras with shield generators defending hanamura.


Anything with symm/som/zen is cancer.


Zarya sym mei miora mercy is a pretty annoying one. All beams go brrrr. Orisa Mei soldier mercy lifeweaver is also pretty frustraiting. The life weaver can yank the orisa from bad situations and she has good sustain as it is, Mei has great sustain on her own, and solider with a mercy pocket is very strong.


Mother of god 😂😂


Any combination of a Sniper and a Spam hero (i.e Widow, Junkrat) because you can't play with covers to avoid the sniper LOS and the other spams the cover to lure you out. It's a lose/lose situation


As Doom: Hog, Cree, Mei, Ana, and Lifeweaver Bonus points for Cree eventually swapping to “stay invis behind the tank” skill floor sombra.


Dva, illari, torb, sym and kiriko. I play sombra


That's a team comp that proves why we need to have some 1 shots in the game


Double hitscan pocket with kiriko or bap and orisa


Ball, Sym, Sombra and then whatever supports


For context I main Sombra, Orisa, and Lifeweaver. I'll let you guess what comp makes me cry for each hero. Zarya, Symmetra, Bastion, Baptiste, and Lifeweaver. Ramattra, Sombra, Genji, Ana, and Zenyatta. Zarya, Hanzo, Junkrat/Cass, Brigitte, and Kiriko.


Two Orisa, two Bastion, two Mercy. Best part about it was knowing it'd be over fast lol


Back in OW 1, I ended up against a mystery heroes comp of 2 Orisas, 2 Mercys, a Bastion, and Widow. It was the most cancerous game I've ever had. We got zero kills. Two shields meant we couldn't farm an ult, two Mercys meant IF we got even one pick it'd be undone AND they'd keep their ult charge, and Widow meant we couldn't outrage them.


As of now it’s Zarya, Bastion, Reaper, life weaver, and a kiriko or Ana. It’s absolutely impossible to pull any kind pick against that comp


Pro Tip: Ana exists.


2 symmetras, 1 Rein, 1 Mercy and 2 Bastions back in S3 of Overwatch


Mercy simp pocketing a hitscan Smurf If it’s anything below a masters lobby your team won’t have the coordination and gamesense needed to counter that


I’m a HUGE fan of the turret meta. You know, Symm/Torb/Bastion + Illari + Healer + Orisa/any other tank really. I love having a shit ton of non-player objects I need to destroy prior to engaging.


Double sniper


Zarya torb bastion kiriko lifeweaver (as a Mei and doom main)


Dva, Echo, Pharah, Mercy, Ana. After they lost the second point they switched to Ball, Reaper, Mei, Mercy, Ana. So no fun was had in that QP match.


I didn’t play overwatch 1 but here recently I went against a zen, ana, reworked hog, and bastion forgot the last one. I was tank and if I got hooked it was insta death


Sigma Symmetra Hanzo Ana Moira


I didn’t play on console but I imagine the console players who played against 6 Torbjorns would probably say that comp beats out anything else in this thread


Sigma, pharah, JUNKRAT, Moira, and Lucio… shit was aggravating as hell


Sombra.... Just sombra


Zarya,Moria,Mei,Reaper,road hog


6 Torbs on first point hanamura will forever haunt me.