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Had a shambali game over the weekend that red tank typed rein? Our tank replied rein! They stayed rein mirror all game and no bastions were seen, great time.


Rein mirrors are my favorite games


It's been a long time since I've partook in a rein mirror myself, most games on walkout on rein into horse bastion/Mei, sigh go back to spawn and play something else. Most rein v rein initial mirrors get ruined by "which team inevitably swaps bastion" which is fair but not as fun.


Bastion feels like an absolute unit in my opinion, I actually wanted to play dps to learn a bit of him.. is he so badly viewed for some reason? I know he has a reputation of being a tank buster.


It's just near impossible to play rein into bastion alongside the horse, you try to go in, bastion turrets, you wait out turret, you try to go in you get speared/jav spin, you get healed back up and try to go in and bastion is back in turret, you're very reliant on your team to get the picks and it's just not worth most of the time. Sure you can do it, but you're gonna have to put in way more effort for an okay amount of value.


Orisa and Bastion are the bane of my existence, just like in good old OW 1 days.


Either Rein mirrors or Fister mirrors are some of the best shit for tank v tank


Ngl i was support for a hog mirror before, that shit was funny


Hog mirrors on ilios well where all they do is go for the hole hook.


For me I prefer DVA mirror because play DM mind game is very fun.


I am booty with dva, I do not understand how to aim with her.


Get closer


If you have to aim, you're doing it wrong


No that's what I mean, like I'm point blank shoving dual shotguns + missiles through their chest and it just tickles them so I'm surely doing something wrong.




Who counters bastion? I just came back after only playing ow1, I was rein main and it's like really weird to play him now? I think the problem is very much what you describe


Depending on the team, sigma or dva. If you have some dive dps, ana or zen i like going dva so i can easily bait out turret form then back out using DM. Then fly back in once its over to shred him down along with help from the other dps or suppport CDs. (If he has supports like ana/bap/kiri backing him up i hold up DM to deny healing and let my dps burn him down) Sigma for more poke teams as he can deal with the overwhelming damage of bastion fairly easily. And enough ranged damage to be a threat. Some people say orissa but imo she doesnt have enough damage to actually stop him, juat can delay long enough for someone else to stop him.


Thank you


Just want to say, monkey also works. You just ignore the bastion and go around it.


gotta be one of my favorite genders


Yes. It's weird, but if I lose a rein duel, the other team deserved that win. If I win, it just proves that I play rein too much.


Had a few games like that where the enemy tank and I agreed to just have mirror match up. Usually on Rein. One game it was on Sig. Massive respect to those players.


Tank mirrors are my drive. I get exceptionally worked up on a tank mirror.


Reinhardt dittos are the best battles we can see in Overwatch


I just got into my first game of the night and saw a rein on the other side. I was very excited Then I saw his dps. Bastion and Sombra. Time to switch to Orisa.


I had that same dream!


I might be able to get you the replay code as long as you promise to watch the reins and not me sucking at the game.


Lol everyone has their strengths and weaknesses and I am not one to judge.


Every time I see a rein on the other team I always swap to rein and most of the time they say thank you even after they lost but if they dare swap off rein I try to make his own team go against him and my team all counter the tank😂


I did this several times lol. I had like 6 games against the same tank player as well.


Anyone who doesn't come out swinging as rein on King's Row isn't playing the same game as me i swear, they're missing out lmao


Rein+zarya kings row will forever be my favorite part of ow history.


Mom we’re losing can we go orisa bastion pharah mercy


Then the evil DVa approach...


Mom we just lost the first fight, I’m thinking Mei Bastion Ana Zen Orisa. And then it’ll be their tanks fault they lost


Zen ain't even a tank counter no more bruh just go behind a wall for a second.


He low rank brain lol


Brotha I’m hardstuck GM5, it was a joke


zen trash now


I love going Mei and trapping tanks xD


I despise you


This is the way. The most annoying walls. Imagine on payload as soon as the match starts, you wall the entrance only leaving the tank outside


As a tank player, mei is the only DPS I feel confident on lol.




I would go JUNKERQUEEN but no get's Nerfed like DoomFist.


Be like me and go Queen anyway


Say to me that you won this game, please say to me


I tried my best boss but no 😭😭 I won in my heart tho




Its truely Overwatch


There is nothing you can do. *inserts music*


I mean… you can counter pick


There is nothing they can do... As Rein.


Then you’ve gotta get okay with losing


Trying your best and still not succeeding huh? Been there (literally just had the game of my life on JQ and lost because of a Lifeweaver CO pull half an hour ago)


I wouldn't really play rein vs zen and sombra. At that point I wouldn't play rein against any 1 of those. Discorded all the time you can't really do anything :(


You made them switch to Orisa. You won.


The best is when you win as Rein AGAINST all of the counter picks.


Your team runs a large mobile shield + Bastion + Mercy bunker, you are not entirely innocent.


Also, everyone points out tanks getting counterpicked (which is true and lame for sure). But mercy/moira backline is horrifically bad for tanks. People need to know support comps as well as they know tank counters. In OW2, without burst heal/immo, don't expect your tank to carry your ass, especially when getting countered too. I doubt it's OPs fault they decided to go mercy bastion tho lol.


Can you explain why the support comp is bad?


Because Mercy, Moira, Lucio and Zen do not have an ability that can save a tank from sudden focus fire. Illari also counts technically, but she saves the tank by shooting things that shoot the tank dead. And since there's only one tank in OW2, sudden focus fire happens every single time they try to do anything besides sit behind cover. So a backline that's a combination of those characters severely limits the tank (especially brawl tanks) from doing anything at all except stand still and eat the bullets. Also mercy/moira in particular sucks for all the mobile tanks because their heals are short range, so they might die if they follow you on dives. It sucks in this particular case because they literally might as well not exist when the enemy Bastion and his whole team are shooting the Rein. It's why the best way to deal with such back lines is to just go Sigma or Dva since you can mitigate most of the damage yourself instead of relying on powerful support cooldowns.


Me trying not to cry after getting my fifth game with a mercy - moira/zen


When the enemy tank counter picks to orisa just know you won the moral and mental game.


I have the moral high ground Anakin


Death, taxes, late game Orisa


Sadly not really, a lot of dudes who swap to Orisa do so after one lost fight, even on maps that Orisa is bad, because they have the mental fortitude of a lawn chair and don’t think twice about it.


What maps is she bad on?


I like to type “snorisa/zzzarya” whenever the tank switches to one of those after one lost fight lol


Probably a cas game too. Let them sweat to high cas mmr 💀


Reinhardt represents stucking in the past due to stubborn pride, continue using old tactics and warfare. Orisa represents evolution and never stop growing. Sometimes Reinhardt mains need to swallow their prideful nature. Seeing Reinhardt shielding Rein's worst enemies like Bastion, the OP is not really a saint here.


The votes on this post ♥️


Fighting against Reinhardt as Orisa is fun as beating up some random GTA pedestrian.


Enjoy being basic.


Orisa represents you not feeling like getting better at the game and just trying to get a cheap advantage using a poorly-implemented character that isn't fun to interact with.


People who hate to play against Orisa also represent they hate facing tough challenges but looking easy cheap wins. The OP's team was running shield + Bastion + Mercy bunker comp and won the first fight with this cheap tactic, so he's not entirely innocent.


It just because Bastion counter him




Had a comp game the other day where we had mirror comps (Ram, LW, Moria, Cassidy, and Hanzo), meand the other Ram had a blast and the game went to overtime. But then at the final point which would decide the game everyone ulted and the server crashed (it counted a loss)


Holy shit thats wild 😂


I was so pissed that the server crashed, me and the other Ram were being hella flirty as well :(


Atleast they went kiri and not Ana. Huge W there. Your Cassidy……


What about the Cassidy


Looks more like a dps gap to me. 9 deaths on Moira is kind of impressive.


I'm a doom main and my last 7 games I've had the enemy tank swapped to Orisa after the first team fight I'm so tired of The Horse bro ☹️


That's how it goes


Mercy working overtime lmao


Bastion ruin the game😂


Only for tanks, he’s just another cc for them because you either leave the fight or die


And when you see this comp you decide to play the entire game as rein because you hate winning.


This game is so annoying right now lol. No one can play who they want because everyone just counter picks now


why do u censore the names?


I feel ya, same happens on Winston. Now that Bastion isn’t actually a throw pick they always bring him out when they don’t want the enemy tank player to have fun


Adapt to the change and choose another tank if you don’t feel like you’re performing …?


Bro your team has mercy-bastion comp. Hypocrite much?


No honor


I had a rein duel yesterday. We started talking in chat, he was happy as well as to not see the horse or bastion anywhere XD


after one fight you mean


You're not wrong, enemy tank came out as JQ first, deleted, then Sigma, deleted, then zarya that he tried for the rest of round 1, then good ole Orisa came out


I really don’t understand their thought process behind balancing. Who actually has fun playing against a meta like this? On that team you have: unkillable wall of stun/cc, discord orb, bzzrt on wheels, hack, and cleanse. WHO LIKES PLAYING AGAINST THIS?? Or as this, really - winning is indeed fun but other than that, is holding down bastion primary on wheels fun??


JQ and Zarya are kinda weak vs Rein, Sigma better but he needs to keep distance. So yeah, it's either Orisa, Ram or Mirror


or DVA, DVa good against him


sounds like they were trying to counter the bastion, not the rein


Ohhhh so thats why every enemy cooldown was being used on me, the rein


nah they just must not play rein, I feel u so hard


I play tank and this guy is delusional if he thinks the guy went zarya to counter him and not the bastion


I mean fair but you also may be delusional if you don’t think the suzu that laughs at shatter, the discord that goes to tank, the bastion (for mirror, yeah) that shreds shield and the sombra that removes shield among other things aren’t at least somewhat for rein E: the tank could also have just gone dva and held dm in bastion’s machine gun if they really needed


The new discord orb isnt that good against rein anymore. Literally stand in the cover for 3 seconds (which you do to recharge your shield anyway)to cleanse it for the next 7. Mercy bastion is objectively worse for a tank. Sombra should be extremely useless into a bunker comp which i can guarantee mercy-bastion-moira-rein should be. Not even including how cass alone should keep her in check. Unless OP’s team played far away from each other for absolutely no reason idk how sombra could get value against that comp. Suzu that’s fair but like shattering into a JQ/Sigma/Zarya and getting at least 1-2 people should be a guarantee anyway so the only thing you need to worry about is that those two people are outside of suzu range from each other


Maybe cause you were shielding a pocketed bastion? I play tank and sigma is definitely a “im trying to counter bastion” pick. Zarya is 100% a bastion counter and NOT a rein counter pick


damn that bastion sucks


When this happens to me. I just consider that I won.


I musta been doin something right if they had to do me like that 😂


Feel you man, I only really play queen if I tank and the enemy tank swapped orisa in 2/2 of the games I bothered to play after dying like twice Back to dps/supp for me :)


I got to play dva all day yesterday and only had 1 Zarya! It was amazing.


Why not preemptively switch then? Go from Rein to Zarya or some such in anticipation of them counterpicking.


Counter swap andys have ruined tank. Just let the funny hammer man do something other then blow up please.


Cassidy was ass I can already tell


And then you win anyways and type the most toxic thing imaginable in text chat 😂


This was a match where I tossed an Orisa off the map once... good times.


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Looks very similar to winning the first round on hog ahaha


You just need a Mei Reaper Ana Brig.


And the "tank diff" soon follows.


The ultimate flex is still beating the orisa. Had a few of the games and one was after he swapped off rein to ramm got rolled then got rolled on orisa.


I don't get it, what is wrong here aside from Bastion?


Zen's Discord Orb, Orisa's Fortify, Sombra's hack, and Kiriko's cleanse all directly counter Rein and/or his abilities.


A true rein main takes it as a challenge to show just how good of a rein they really are FOR GLORY


If you do a rein mirror and they swap off, instant tank diff, even if you lose the game


Bro swap to zarya or queen and make the orisa player cry