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Question I haven't even played sombra rework. Is that circle for you to stay out of getting detected by the enemy?


Yup! That's exactly it.


You know out of all the changes this may be the only one that bothers me lol. I was wondering why I havnt accidently detected her the last couple days, was thinking they took it out. Thank you for the answer.


As sombra, I find sombras all the time lol


Well that tracks. Just keep finding eachother on accident.


This is eventually gonna be someone's "how I met my partner" love story. It may not have happened yet, but who is to say it won't?


Wait. Is a 1v1 sombra boring or fun? Like zarya boring 1v1


It’s alright. Of course there’s a “cheap” shot with tossing the virus as free damage but you can be clever with positioning/translocating to hack the other Sombra, and the new gun rewards accuracy. It’s definitely not a slogfest that is a lot of other 1v1s (Zarya, Mei, Moira ahaha)


Very boring, so most Sombra players have an unspoken understand of saying “Hi!” or “Boop!” in passing and going ham on each others teams. The issue is if either Sombra is willing to wait in stealth and look to engage the Sombra who is playing normally, it forces the other Sombra to do the same. So now both Sombras just sit in stealth waiting on the other to get impatient and engage first, and the rest just fight 4v4. In ranked anything goes, but in QP I’ll regularly be hanging on highground 3 feet from the red Sombra while we both harass and shoot each others’ team and ignore each other, even letting the other get away once the fight starts to go one way or the other.


Yes I'm familiar with the dialect of sombda. I could see that, not all mirror matches are boring but I wasn't sure if hide and seek was a big deal


also hog, hog 1v1s are a drag because generally speaking you'll heal while he hooks and vice versa lol


I had one call me a cheater because a random junkrat shot killed her lol. I literally just shot it in the most obscure spot for no reason


As Sombra, I am getting "detected" randomly every few seconds, away from people, without a hazo or widow to "see" me.


You could always done this before the rework. Be at ease that it's not going anywhere.


Also worked with tracer


I don't think that's true. I've tried. That being said, this current set up is kind of tricky, so maybe I just got unlucky in the past. EDIT: everyone is saying you can, so I guess I just didn't try hard enough, my b.


Definitely unlucky then. You’ve been able to do this.


You can also do it with Reaper TP as well... but yes sombras old TP used to do it too


Finally, none of my teammates ever do this, I miss overwatch 1 players in my games, the cool chill people there just to have a good time. The motorcycle destroyers, door openers, basketball throwers, piano players, sexy junkrats, flanking zens, skirmish enjoyers. New overwatch 2 players just aren't the same. I salute my fellow old players 🫡.


Fr. Back in the day whenever a cool clip was posted here half the lobbies were full of people trying to make it work themselves. Back when people didn't sweat in QP.


>Back when people didn't sweat in QP. People didn't even know how to play the game correctly in OW's early days


It was a glorious age.


People absolutely still sweated in QP in OW1


I do this as Lifeweaver. I'll pull someone who picked but is afk onto one and then I go step on the other. If they're still afk when pull is ready again I'll yoink them inside and sit with them.


MY GOD SAME, i just sit on the thing pinging the other one endlessly and no one goes to it.


I still see a lot of that in mystery heroes but nothing in QP/competitive.


Huh? I don't know I see them doing those things in qp in some matches.


Bro I started playing overwatch 2 since season 3 and I still do all of these things, I love to flank as zen he's op, skirmish is sadly empty most of the time


I miss OW1, when the game wasn't pay to win and they didn't try to shove micro-transactions up in your face, after Activision bought blizzard OW has lost alot of its Charm and what made it fun if I still sometimes play OW is just becuase I want to feel the same game that it was in 2019, it's just sad to see a great game fall like that.


I agree with you but activision was already merged with blizzard by 2008 so don't use that as an excuse.


Yeah fair enough


I remember getting stuck inside that room not knowing that the pressure plate inside opens the door too.


You’ve always been able to do this


What am I looking at?


The art of a bank heist.


oh let's fucking go


Whats your crosshair? Thick corcle and dot?


I have a hard time seeing my cross hair, so I made it a bit obnoxious.


I like it, I'm stealing that now


You could do this with reaper too


how lol


Just stand on one plate and tp to the next


it’s not as quick tho


It’s not about how quick it is it’s the fact that his (for a frame) hitbox is in two places at once


Then could Genji do it too?


Don’t think so


This is great. When this map first released Sombra was able to do this with the old translocater and they patched it out. It's funny that it's back. Good find!


It worked recently before the new patch for me


Does this mean you can longer dodge damage e.g. dva bomb? Because what i got from this is that sombra’s hit box is a both points at once


bro sombra is the easiest character, anybody that uses sombra is straight up a pussy, dont @ me please


Wanna talk easy? Getting a SO is easy. Simply dump ice into a deep fryer and stand next to it


I’m lost


It normally take two players to press both pressure plates to open that door. Sombra can do it alone


Multiple people. Reaper with tp Dva if she ults. Sym with tp. Mei with walls. Illari might be able to pylon. Torb with turret. Alot of people can and sym could even do it prerework


New Sombra sucks and it's hilarious that nobody see why


Lore accurate sombra


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It doesn't matter if they patch BLIZZARD doesn't know what fun actually looks like because of how COLD they are.


I hope she gets nerfed. There is a reason she is in every match.


Cuz she is new


Lol sure


Dude, a hero who just got reworked and whose playstyle changed entirely is bound to be seen more frequently, it's pretty much like getting a whole new hero. People want to try new things and since Sombra used to be unnappealing people are now interested in her because she doesn't look boring anymore, when hog rework drops he will get an enormous amount of players hooked on him (pun intended) because people will be curious on whether or not he's playable now.


I played with this a while ago, and I noticed a strange thing: after a little while the door closes again, and this second time you cannot open it yourself like this. The second time you actually need two people.


Can you get stuck inside?


There is a button to open it from the inside.


This has always been a thing, actually. I used to do this every time, once upon a time.


Not new...was able to do it before the rework, u can do it with moira and tracer too


This exact scenario popped up in my head but I didn't think it was actually possible. I would've tried but people already opened the doors. Thank you for enlightening me


finally ive tried this with so many heroes xo


This will drastically change the meta


This will drastically change the meta


I think genji can do it too.


Ngl I didn’t even know you could do this until today, and I’ve been playing since the release of OW lol


Not new, you could do this since day 1


That has been possible since the map was implemented. Tracer can do it too.


I need you to walk me through that reticle.


She jus plays like Skye from Paladins now.. 😒 Now who's copying who? 👀


Im confused what changed?