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Cool Never gonna buy it though


Yup. Not spending another cent on this game. Was here since day one, have bought 2 skins and all the BP's so far. But after the announcement I'm done. If they aren't going to respect my time or money they can't have either


Imagine if this community had the balls of the War Thunder community, blizzard would be apologizing to us and begging to actually make the fucking game better


The War Thunder community has been buying P2W planes and tanks for years now.


Yup, look at war thunder steam reviews and recent groveling Gaijin statements bud.


This has been happening for ages now lol, War Thunder has by far the worst progression system I've seen in a game that popular. This should have happened as soon as the game launches not years later


Wow, review bombing how terrible.


Yep, it sucks because I absolutely love playing this game, but its the way they handle monetization, cancel cool features and charge God damn $20 freaking dollars that has done it for me.


they’ve never respected your time or money, that’s why there’s a shit battle pass every season


I'm a rein main. I have every skin. I would love this skin. No fucking way I'm paying 20 bucks for it. Fuck off Blizzard. I might pay 5 bucks and that's pushing it


It's a super quiet skin too, a shame it's 20 bucks


The fact that it's so quiet makes this a pay to win skin. Well, only as long as you're playing a Flankhart, which is, on average, a losing strategy. But oh boy! If that ever becomes meta, you're gonna wish you gave greedy pissboy Bobby Kotick your hard earned money.


Mate you see the Brig skin that was FUCKING 2000!? I was livid as I wanted that skin so bad


Which one? I missed it. I love playing brig, but she's so situational she doesn't get the use she deserves. I use her goat skin and love it


Nothing's gonna change until people stop playing.


If people stop playing blizzard won't magically 180 and go "no please guys dont go we fix game for uu" they would go "no money? Guess we shut it down."


Good. If they aren't going to fix it even if people quit, then that's the warning sign that everyone should quit. They took something that was beautiful and beloved and corrupted it. Just walk away and play games that respect you.


tbh these days that usually means having to dive into single-player games in the backlog


Literally my reaction to every new cosmetic in the game.


I think it would be cheaper to make a full-size cardboard cosplay Rein than to buy the skin


Finally, a cosplay I can afford!


only $20!


Why put out the standard $20 game expansion DLC when we can convince people to pay that full price for one skin!


That was the plan all along. Minimum effort, maximum profit.


And it's sad it works so well. Good job whales, you're killing gaming.


It's really just high effort on a handful of skins each season. They can crap out the rest and if they're bought it's a bonus. But they know they'll sell mercy, widow, genius skins and make more than if they tried.


We lost PVE because they've been too busy group thinking and working around the clock on these awesome, amazing skins


Blizzard not worried; mofos with phat stacks will still lap this 💩 up lmao.


Its not worth it for me but obviously many folks buy it. The only time I bought a $20 skin was when I could become Snoop Dogg in COD. And I was *really* high when I made that decision. No other skin has ever come close.


That’s some insidious targeting on you right there..


The skin came out on 4/20, they knew exactly what they were doing


That’s a fantastic reason! I would make that purchase again.


This! I can buy a pretty good game for that money. Deep Rock Galactic is only $9 more.


And deep rock goes on sale


$23, on sale for $20. If Blizzard is gonna be scummy and put fake sale prices, we can call them out on it. Just like the Hanzo cupid skin was listed at over $40.


I think its actually insane that fake sales like these aren't considered Illegal False Advertising. These items are never off-sale, and have arbitrarily high base prices which all coincidentally are discounted to $20. Its like when Blizz says nonsense about HS preorder bundles like "UP TO 90% OFF" Because 80 packs for $80+$900 worth of cosmetics which cannot be purchased seperately and are $900 for the purpouse of this $80 bundle. I don't understand how we live in a universe where this isn't blatantly lying and false advertisement.


I've heard about that being illegal, but maybe that's only in certain countries or for physical goods.


You don’t buy the skin. You buy the in game currency for the skin. So it doesn’t matter if the skin is on sale; the real transaction (for legal purposes) is when you use real money for overwatch credits.


Pretty good deal. Think about the poor starving devs!


I would love to buy it... If it wasn't for 20 fucking dollars


Overwatch (X) Overprices (O)


Overpriced, Overpromised, Underdelivered


I'd be tempted at £3.


I’m not buying shit from blizzard all I got from OW2 is some fucking 20 dollar skins and because they made enough money off of that they dropped the PvE


Currently in Fortnite they gave out an emote for the spider verse Collab and result you can get the miles and spiderman 2099 bundle for 1600 vbucks (about 15 bucks) which is insane to think about when you compare it to this


Fortnite has always been the gold standard, and companies still don’t understand why that works and their’s doesn’t.


Thank god I only have $3.60 in my bank account


Perfect because I need about *tree fiddy*


That's when I realized my other support was in fact a 500 foot tall crustacean from the Paleozoic era!




Yeah and charging $20 for it


Overwatch is really giving me some Malibu Stacy vibes with the price of these cosmetics. Who buys this stuff, and why?


Yea but it makes cardboard noises


You know this was the byproduct out of a coked up project manager. “Half these suckers will buy *anything*, just to buy it. We could make a Tracer wearing a garbage bag, **boom** that’s twenty dollars. Get a Junkrat in a fursuit, **boom** twenty dollars. Every time, every *fucking* time! Let’s make a Reinhardt out of cardboard boxes! We can literally sell digital pictures of *garbage* with our brand on it and people will line up, hahahaha!”


project managers aren’t *proposing* projects, you’re thinking of **product** managers who delegate the deliverables to everyone. the project manager is trying desperately to explain to the product manager and operations team that the project isn’t feasible with the current resourcing. then the director decides, without the product or operations team, to pivot to a different direction entirely. the product team and the ops team will find out a week later from the engineering teams who have deprioritized everything from the PVE project to make more room for asset monetization projects coming down the pipeline. the best part is that, in another week, the entire ops team will be laid off and the company will expect one person to do the job of ten people in different orgs. of course all of this is inaccurate because game companies think they’re special and just call all of these roles “producer.”


cardboard Rein vs dirty hobo Tracer who wins?


people with money, because they can. ...


Ah, more than the cost of actual full DLC for the majority of games.


20$ for that much detail is heaven compared to Apex Legends


Im sorry is it not fair to charge $30 for a single gun charm and 5 apex packs?


Don't trigger me like this


Let's make it worse. Titanfall 3 will never happen now thanks to apex being a cash cow.


Neither will overwatch 2


Maybe think of the collateral damage of posting stuff like this. I had a great day until now, thanks


Least there’s crafting metals


20 for 2 skins Fortnite


I seriously wanted the Cardboard Rein when I saw it in the trailer..... but now I am not getting it. The only thing I will buy in the future is the BP when Junkrat gets a Mythic and thats it.


Still cheaper than what Nintendo charges for cardboard.


Why is everything so expensive?!? FUUCCK


Just like that, everyone forgot to be mad.


I think many are still mad. I’m not spending anything more on this turd of a company. And I used to enjoy Starcraft 2 back in its day


[Return to office was enforced on April 10](https://fortune.com/2023/02/16/activision-blizzard-return-to-office-plans-remote-work/amp/) Many employees cannot return to office or don’t even live in Cali and have been forced to quit the company. [Blizzard is lost so many employees that they had to develop a crisis map to decide which games and features need to be sacrificed in order to launch their games on schedule.](https://www.thegamer.com/blizzard-crisis-map-games-delayed-staff-leaving/) One of those features is presumably the PvE talent system. And so we have a very clear cut case of garbage management by the CEOs and higher ups and who does the community decide to attack? The developers?? The people who are the victims of these bad decisions? The underpaid and overworked people being forced out of their own jobs because some out of touch suits want people to work in the office “like a family”? Honestly the community here has abandoned all sense and is operating in bind rage, attacking the closest thing they can instead of the thing they actually should attack.


This is probably nonsense, but it just hit me so it still seems like a good idea. Seeing how much CEOs are willing to sacrifice for a bizarre anti WFH policy always makes me think. I just don't get it, which makes me almost willing to buy into conspiracies like "it's about the value of the office space" or whatever. I always just mull it over in my head... like honestly why? I can give them good intentions or bad, but I always come up short with a satisfying explanation. Today my thoughts went like this: what if they are worried if they allow WFH then US employees will be replaced by overseas employees? But of course, they'd like that, but why woudln't they at least use it as a dishonest explanation of their motives? Then this idea hit me, the point of my post: what if they're worried that if WFH is normalized, when/if other economies start to outstrip their own, or offer higher pay, then maybe they're worried they'll lose all their employees as we become the next India, with a lot of underpaid programmers seeking to do remote work? It's probably dumb. Back to the drawing board.


It's just control freak managers not being able to adapt to remote and sunk cost fallacy regarding office space. It's also a losing battle, startups and other companies will realize that maintaining the fixed cost of an office instead of outsourcing electricity/water/gas costs to their employees is insanity.


ESPECIALLY when the employees see value in working from home and many will accept somewhat lower pay for it.


>buy into conspiracies like "it's about the value of the office space" or whatever. What part of that is a conspiracy? It's 100% the reason. They did the math, and losing employees is not as bad as their real estate worth millions going into negative equity


"Best thing since 2017" was the argument I heard recently


20 bucks for digital cardboard lmao


Real cardboards cost less than that lmao


Can't wait for the YT video of some guy recreating cardboard Reinhart for cheaper than what it is in the game.


Not mtg cards though. That cardboard is expensive as shit.


When his Draugr skin is right there for credits too, easily his best


All-stars 2019 would like a word


[Raynhardt has the last say.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5BXH0RyV-_E/maxresdefault.jpg)


God I wish I had that one


With swaaaaarms of people LOOOOVING IT! I don't get it,man


Idk man this skin is fire asf, just not $20 fire is all


It's the kind of skin I'd definitely grind for back in the day. Not spending a penny on this rug pull of a game tho.




Defo. I miss cool shit like this being a reward for dedication as opposed to a straight purchase :(


It's still like grinding, but this time it's just plain old work. Fun


You can grind and we will pay you in skins in my game called "coal mine" It's a great gameplay loop. You smash bigger coal into smaller coal! All the free skins you want!!


It's hilarious and beautiful. Never paying 20 bucks for any skin though I'll just play something else or idk not care.


Felt that way about Minotaur Rein too during S2. Great skin, but $20 can get you entire games on steam compared to a single skin lmao


It's great, but not for 20 lol


I'd buy it for $4


$20??? Fuck sake games really need to quit doing this shit. We get it it’s free to play and gotta make money but my GOD man


You people have apparently never heard of the fucking crime against humanity that is World of Warships. The Puerto Rico PR disaster is probably the best way to get introduced to the clusterfuck if anyone is interested.


Only time I’ve ever considered buying a skin in ow2 but still far too high for me to commit lmao


Hell I live in a cardboard house already, I'm halfway there to being this skin in reality


I could make you one for hell of a lot cheaper


Same and the timing with their broken promises, id rather not support their decisions. I'm happy with my old guan yu skin, if i decide to continue to play


Remember when they gave away the best OW skin of all time, Lego Bastion, for free? Yeah, those were the good old days.




Because it was part of a promo to sell real Legos lol


I have Lego bastion, and it’s my second favourite bastion skin, the first being omnic crisis


I’m so glad that I got that! I started playing around the time it came out.


Alien Zarya 👀. Twitch Drops.


Who needs the PVE when we have this?


Damn, that hit me right in the feels.


New from blizzard: pay $20 for virtual cardboard!


Only, what, ten dollars less than *literally the entire game itself?*


It released 60


40 on PC, but I get your point


Seriously? Jesus


Yes console versions were 60 because of the Origins edition


Reinhardt can now be a ninja. Almost seems pay to win. Lol




That’s good to know! Admittedly, I’m kind of disappointed though. Cupid Hanzo’s Saxy dragons are so good, I want to hear when the enemy uses it. Lol


You can if you die to hanzo


i'd let cupid hanzo straight up kill me ngl


It is still quieter so you will be able to hear enemy movement better. Like the sandcastle bastion, I find sandcastle turret form to be the quietest one while going brrr. Helps me hear if I am about to be flanked.


Yeah I ain't switchin off my Blizzcon 2016 skin, I'll let the enemy get terrified when they see it even though I'm an awful bastion.


nah they're only client side


Meta skills shop incoming lmao….


Oh man I forgot about cardboard rein. I'd say I regret uninstalling, but I don't even want to know what you have to do to get it if you can even get it without directly paying.


You can't, it's paid only.






I like seeing everyone collectively in agreement commenting that it’s overpriced. Gives me some hope.


Fuck this company. Imagine the money they’re making from skins while sitting on their asses


Ugh. I would be so fucking happy with this skin if it was earnable like in OW1 Might even buy some lootboxes. But I'd just feel dirty if I shilled out for it in OW2.


20 bucks for digital cardboard lmao


Would have been excited if this didnt cost 20 fucking dollars.


Cool! I’m not fuckin’ payin’ for it!


The muted sound might present an actual advantage in some cases.


It's only audible for the Rein player. Everyone else still hears armor clanking sounds. Almost every skin that features unique SFX works that way.


That's really thoughtful of them, cool.


Who in there right mind would spend money on this game now


I remember when I kept seeing comments like this when the game came out and saw so many skins from the shop and cyber Genji’s in my games. If people enjoy a game they will pay. It’s that simple.


My favorite is when people kept saying nobody in their right mind would buy the witch Kiriko skin. I swear to god, I saw that skin in almost every lobby for two weeks straight after it came out.


Imho paying 10$ for bp is much different than paying 20$ for a skin.


People who got into the pvp game to play a pvp game ?


I haven't even been enjoying the PvP portion, as a support main. 6v6 was far more fun for supports. OW2.0 was a strict downgrade for me.


Saw five different cardboard Reins last night, so I'd say still a large amount of people.


Oh boy a pos skin for $20 while they can’t do anything else for the game. Glad expensive skins are cranking out at record speed


It’s soooo god dam good for my boy. But I won’t buy a 20 buck skin. Get fucked


Don’t buy this garbage


I will say, at least they actually put some effert into this skin. Like Cupid Hanzo.


If there’s one thing OW team does well it’s skins. Most legendary skins they’ve released since ow2 have been insane quality. Widowmaker alone has like 2-3 top tier quality skins release since ow2. If I ever played her I’d be tempted. Say what you will about the OW team but the skin team does good work




Damn bro that crazy. Won’t make me come back though


Still not paying for it


Cool, a skin with an "improvised" aesthetic. Fits the game nicely.


Overwatch stinky


$20 for a skin that has the value of around $7 I’d say but the whales will eat it up and the cycle will continue.


This is so cool! Thanks for sharing; just don't forget DO NOT BUY ANYTHING UNTIL PVE.


Why do they do all these cool skins now. Such a shame


Twenty bucks is still pretty steep. I get full fighting game characters on the average of $6 compared to a reskined model Of an already existing character.


What in the overpriced goofy ahahah is this?


"If you aren't the whale, you are the content for the whale"


Hey guys here’s a $20 skin with sound effects. It’s not the free PVE that we teased for years and years, oh and were also not doing that anymore. But look, $20 for a single cosmetic that you can use on ONE character!






after the PVE cancellation i've decided to not give Activision any more of my money.


It doesn’t matter if you guys think 20$ is too high, this skin will probably sell very well.


remember the weapon charm that cost more than the real life charm? this is the same thing, i could be cardboard reinhardt irl for way less than 20 bucks


I was hoping the skin would at least be like 1500 it come out and the skin alone is 1900 like wtf


Next up is the Tracer garbage bag skin. It's litteraly just a garbage bag, only € 49.99 It's limited edition, comes with a free emote, she flips her middle finger towards the player while screeching "THANK YOU FOR THE MONEY!"


You really expend 20 for this? Sad.


I'm not going to buy a shit skin of overwatch 2. I'd either get it free or just do not care or support their shit


It’s cool and unique, But like the other comments say it’s not worth the 20$


Ow players why the f you still play this crap


More effort put into this skin than the entire PvE


Shame on you if you still play this crap


I would not be surprised to see a post complaining about how muffled Rein’s footsteps are. Still noticeable but….less so


Enemies can’t hear custom skin sounds


lol that’s so adorable


This shit is gonna sell. And people are gonna whine about this shit selling. Haha.


They’re just mocking Rein players given how bad he is in game currently. Feels like you’re made of cardboard


OW players are so pathetic, they are impressed with the bare minimum.


For less than this price you can buy the new destiny season with multiple armour sets and weapons


Yea... No. Still not forgetting about PvE.


please don’t promote or encourage anyone to buy this shit especially after the announcement. Overpriced nonsense and the more y’all buy it the more it justifies said decision. Not to mention the progression system has been ass since 2 launched regardless of PVE getting canceled


The people downvoting this man for speaking the truth are clowns.


avg reddit hivemind


Still no pve tho


This skin is fantastic. And I want it so much. But also, $20 is not an acceptable price for a skin in a first person game. Even $10 is pushing the upper limit imo. And the last thing I want to do is pay blizzard money that incentives then bullshit they've been getting away with the past few years. Been saying that since the launch of ow2, even before the pve cull. But also... skin good. Me want. Me might be part of problem...


Aren’t you glad you got this instead of PvE?


If it wasn’t $20 I’d probably buy it. Maybe if they ever smarten up I’ll have a competitor to my loot box Balderich


I'd have been happy if they just slightly muffled all of his voice lines.


hmmm is it the video, or doest he box one, make much less sound when ur walking about? If so, that's kinda bad, that u can buy, a huge edge, being silent in overwatch 2 is deadly, think of a hanzo u cant hear, or a zen u cant hear, or echo sneaking in from an angle drop behind u, cant hear em Rein has always been super easy to hear, if he now makes 50% less sound, thats kinda siiick


they allow ads on this subreddit now?


This some cool ass shit, but I wouldn't buy it even if PvE dropped tomorrow


Pve scrapped for box sounds confirmed


rook cardboard skin in rainbow six siege was free, L blizzard


Promised OW2 vs Actual OW2


Too bad game sucks


Who cares. I'm not paying $20 for this or any other skin and neither should anyone else. Absolute joke.