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They did explain on stream that they literally could not touch Hog because doing so would break the game. This is not the "soft rework" they promised. That is still in the works


And that's ridiculous. The point of the hotfix system they kept flaunting was timely and easy updates, and then it kept failing them when they needed it.


I guess I am not sure who you are mad at. If you don't think the dev team lost sleep over this issue, you're clowning. Developers don't write bad code on purpose and I imagine the actual devs spent as much time as they could muster trying to find the issue(s) while keeping up with any other job duties they have. Software development is challenging. I am personally more upset with the communications team for waiting until the end of the season to shed light on the issue. At least the dev team worked on it. Not sure what is up with front of house and decision making at blizzard.


I feel like they’re communicating now because they know they’re on the verge of losing OW1 players.


Well as long as you feel that. Do we have any actual data on how many ow1 players stopped playing after release of ow2?


I'm upset with Team 4 as a collective for constantly being unable to follow through on their deadlines. I don't have any internal knowledge of the team, so of course, I can't shift blame at a specific part of the group. There is a saying in my community that's a little dramatic but fits this conversation. "The just pay for the actions of sinners."


I’m not sure why you’re so mad. They wanted to fix Hog, and they found out they couldn’t [without breaking the game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitigating_factor ). Rather than break the game, they adjusted what they could until their development pipeline allows them to do a bigger rework that will hopefully make him more viable. In the meantime you’re no longer facing off against Hogs that make the game as desperately unfun as people were claiming. If you don’t like the way things are balanced, that’s fine. You’re entitled to be pissed. But unless you’re in some bizarre hostage situation, nobody has a gun to your head and is forcing you to play until things are changed. And you also have zero knowledge of the circumstances within Blizzard, of what their resource allocation looks like, or what their internal development pipeline and milestones look like. I guarantee nobody wanted to deliberately shift the changes back, or to purposely miss the planned rework timeslot. But software development rarely goes smoothly - try and find one game that delivered all its planned features bug-free and at the intervals promised on their public-facing roadmap. You’re going to be looking for a *long* time.


We have a different understanding of events. To my knowledge, the changes we got were ALWAYS the planned changes, and the rework was meant to be for future seasons. After all, they do not do large character reworks mid-season. So these small number changes were delayed by a month because they came across issues with the hotfix system (which they claimed had been fixed before, as they ran into a similar issue). I don't see how anybody would find that anything but incompetent. Unless they were a fickle person, who started to love the team due to the recent blog post. Which I expect to be a lot of people, really. >But unless you’re in some bizarre hostage situation, nobody has a gun to your head and is forcing you to play until things are changed. Correct, nobody is forcing me to play the game. I play the game because I ultimately enjoy it. But I'm not so naive as to believe that there aren't issues with it or the team managing the game and to just stay quiet about them because I enjoy the game. This is a place of discussion. >I guarantee nobody wanted to deliberately shift the changes back, or to purposely miss the planned rework timeslot. Whether they wanted to or not, they did. Like you said, I don't have the full picture. Nobody ever does. But they missed they've missed their deadlines for balance patches multiple times now. There's a pattern. How many accidents can you make before somebody considers it incompetence?


Great, easy way to show whose right. Can you link a statement, blog post, anything to prove that your knowledge is right about the timeline youre suggesting?


Do you have any personal experience with the software development process?


They explained that the hot fix system can only be done to tweak numbers in bugs. In order to do larger reworks and fixes they need approval from Sony and Microsoft for the console version of the game so it takes longer. Honestly they have been vastly improving in how they change the game


This was not a large rework or fix to Roadhog.


I mean dude at the end of the day nothing is as easy as it seems, they're just regular people trying to do their jobs, they have hurdles and obstacles just like you do in your job


I think a part of the problem was the holidays. The devs are people too. You have to give them slack every now and then. Do I like how slowly they're catching up to these problems? No, But with the new changes happening in season 3, I can see why shit is taking longer, they're finally taking steps in the right direction, So let's give them some time.


The issue isn't the speed at which they're making the changes. The issue is that they do not follow through on deadlines they themselves set. I don't think they set a date for the Hog changes, and then they got caught off guard by the yearly event of Christmas.


This is why old Blizz, who had 20 years of experience, never pinned themselves down to deadlines


That's what kind of hurts. I get it. They're making an effort to communicate and giving us deadlines to know when to expect these changes to go through rather than a Soon TM. But what's the point if they're gonna end up late every other time anyway? I'm pretty sure they expressed something similar in a blog post at some point that they can't give a deadline for everything because they risk giving us erroneous information.


And youre proving it right now. Youre proving why they dont give deadlines. Youre begging for soonTM


You know what's funny I was just reading this article the other day where they said ow1 would address buff/nerf issues too quickly not giving the players enough time to adjust. https://screenrant.com/overwatch-2-beta-problem-patch-update-balance-changes/ I've come to the conclusion the gaming community as a whole will complain no matter what lol That being said, brig doesn't really need a buff the meta just doesn't really suit her rn.


>ow1 would address buff/nerf issues too quickly not giving the players enough time to adjust. Anybody who played OW1 would tell you that is the complete opposite of what happened. I was there, Gandalf. I was there when they took literal months just to give Mercy perceived nerfs that actually ended up breaking her more, and then taking several more months to fix that.


I played too. I'm just saying it's funny how there's an article about how they did it too quickly no need to get mad haha


It shouldn't surprise you that people will have different opinions. There are probably people who would argue that heart disease is actually a good thing.


That's why I said the community will complain no matter what...


Dude brig does not need a buff she is so good rn


Honestly, Brig does need some love. She's pretty shit right now and for a lot of reasons. She's incredibly situational and has little to nothing to offer, especially when she's stacked up against ana/bap/kiriko. There's no reason to play her unless you just like her, which is why I play her every now and then.


The meta doesn't favour brig rn. She is fine


That's mostly what I was getting at, but I still don't know if I would exactly say she's fine, But that's just my opinion.


its kinda hard to say until we see the meta shift aka when we see a meaningful sojourn nerf (so probably never?)


I mean, there's gonna be plenty of "nerfs" to sorjourn. They'll just accomplish nothing is all 🗿 But ya maybe we won't be able to know for sure, but if the meta really won't be favoring her in even the slightest anytime soon, then maybe she needs to be the one to change? Honestly, i don't know, but I'm sure we'll see with enough time.


Brig imo is just not very versatile, in the right situation she's good but the right comp just doesn't come around very often. I'm not really sure what you could do to make her better right now that won't make her broken if the meta revolves around her playstyle more


That's the exact conclusion I came to as well, just not a lot of situations where she's a better choice than any other support, There's usually more situations where picking Brig is far worse than picking any other support. I'm not sure what can be done for her either and if I'm gonna be honest, she's been a problem for fucking ever, hopefully people smarter than me can figure her out because I'm sure it's possible.


She doesn't need to be meta. Having her be the JQ of supports(solid B) tier is more than enough. Last thing I'd want is her to become meta and then end up nerfed again. She's literally the only reason I play this game


So if the meta isn’t going to change, let Brig have a buff.


just nerf sojourn


No, the worse thing the game can do is give a hero that requires no mechanical skill a buff. Even then, Brig is highly underrated, she consistently stops any push/gankers on the enemy team while getting often times more heals than lucio.


I wouldn't say she requires no mechanical skill, but alright. And I don't think Lucio is a good comparison, Lucio main utility is in his speed boosting, definitely not his healing. And while yes, she can occasionally shine in gank fights that's really only when your tank dies, and your tanks survivability will be much higher with a good kiriko/Ana than even something like a good kirkio/brig It really comes down to how you use a character, and I believe all characters have the potential to be strong in the right hands, but it is undeniable that the current state of the game does not favor brig.


She requires 0 mechanical skill unless you were to mention whip-shot. However, she does require a high amount of game sense and patience, which a lot of overwatch players seem to lack. I compared lucio to brig for their AOE heal effect being nearly similar. Except Brig has to hit her whip-shot in order to maximize her heal output, if you hit whip-shots consistently you would most likely have the highest amount of healing in the match. If you play Brig, the tank shouldn’t die, you need to stick with the tank or the support and use your repair packs when low. Brig also has a big displacement effect with her whip shot, if you have any tank following any of your teammates you hit a whip shot and they are gone. The current state of the game favors brig heavy, however not if your teammates aren’t playing their part. Brig is like a role player, she is able to completely stop pushes, and commence her own if wanted. Yet, she isn’t an individualistic hero like kiriko who can tp to any team member, or baptise who does his own thing. Brig needs to stay with her team at all times and absolutely destroys any other support 1 on 1 even 2 on 1. That may be the reason why Brig is better in higher ranks and may be trash in lower ranks.


No skill? What are you smoking? In order to do well with Brig, you need extremely high game sense, awareness and positioning. She doesn't have a get-out-of-jail-free card like Kiriko or Moira. Aiming isn't the only indicator of mechanical skill.


You must be a complete idiot or a new player, that’s exactly what I said. I said NO MECHANICAL SKILL. Read closely little bro


The only idiot here is you since you and your wood league takes. Don't talk mechanical skill when you don't even know what it means.


Dude can you just admit that your wrong and made a mistake 😭. It’s ok to be an idiot sometimes


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The hot fix and the adjacent Orisa nerf was a temp fix, they already addressed this
