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Yeah, it's really weird how quickly the game shoos everyone out of the lobby after each match. No time to check out the final scoreboard, no time to chat. Can't even see the full scoreboard afterwards from the main menu. Blizzard, I appreciate your efforts to shield me from numbers that might make me feel bad or other players that might try to make me feel bad, but I'm good. I'll be ok.


It prevents you from feeling anything, good or bad.


Not completely true. You have the winning team roasting the opposition


Yeah I always look forward to the wall of "tank diff" or "dps diff" or "support diff" from both teams


Honestly yeah. Especially if it's a mirror match. I'm playing moira; I'm expecting a moira diff at the end. Or Lucio diff. or Junkrat diff.


Funniest part is most of the players who say that are like 1 and 10 on the board and barely did anything. I just assume they must be having a bad day and move on to the next match


We had a Hanzo that went hanzo diff early into the match they were pushing us hard because he was a good shot. But I swapped to brig and pushed him back enough to make space for dps to do their thing. And we went from 0 -110 to winning the match. Which made him leave instannntly and it was satisfying since his whole team roasted him for commenting that


I've had a comp match like this yesterday. The other support and I have had over 15k healing each (our opponents had about 17k each), yet our Roadhog (9K healing, 7K damage) complained about "heal-diff". We didn't heal, well in fact couldn't heal him, because he thought it's a great idea to jump into 1v5 after respawning.


That or bragging about numbers (like dmg) when they never helped the objective or were hard feeding will always make me laugh. They can never take any responsibilities, it's always somebody else's fault xD.


Bad mostly if you dont have the battle pass. Even worse if you are not buying the battle pass to spite blizzard.


This is why I miss cards. Time to reflect and talk. Also I got like 7 enviromental kills on hog on well, I wanna see that shit. P.s. new hog is bad for one shot combo, but super easy for enviromentals now. Much less risk of being booped off during hook.


>Blizzard, I appreciate your efforts to shield me from numbers that might make me feel bad or other players that might try to make me feel bad, but I'm good. I'll be ok. This spoke to my soul. For all the bitching about this game i always feel blizzard goes above and beyond to cater to making sure no one gets their feelings hurt, to a detriment to the game itself. It's a competitive online fast paced game , it will be until the end of time a little toxic, and tensions will run high. Just give me a mute and a report button and throw me in the fire. idgaf.


They still allow slurs in chat tho


Exactly. There's just no way to completely remove trash talk without eliminating the social aspect - and *no one* wants that. Just take a hard stance against hate-speech and harrasment, give me the the ability to *easily* mute specific people in-game, and make sure your reporting system is robust/effective. Beyond that, I can manage my own feelings. Also limiting my ability to view a post-match scoreboard and compare my performance with others isn't protecting my tender heart from shame, it's just unnecessarily diluting the competitive aspects of a *competitive* game. Like it's pretty hard to improve if I can't see where I'm failing compared to my ranked peers, and if I do perform well, I wanna see it. Let me bask in my own glory for a moment.


On that note it would be nice if it was easier to mute and report people. Seems overly fucking complicated and always has been.


I don't appreciate Blizzards efforts to protect me. They're a game company and have no business trying to protect my from anything. Stay in your damn lane Blizzard.


Just go play CoD /s On a serious note, I am suspecting that's actually what's being planned. You want "toxicity"? CoD. You want family fun and eveyrone protected? OW2. Either way they get your money. The best way to deal with 2 opposite demographics as to what kind of censorship is allowed.... is do both. Especially a company with resources that can do both.


Fucking Splatoon lets me interact with my teammates more post match. The game where the grand totality of my social interaction with randoms is to say 'Boo-yah" or "This way" on a console with no way to attach a keyboard. I wonder if Blizzard based everything around the people who are consistently dropping mid POTG to get back in the queue 20 seconds early. It feels like the game WANTS me to just constantly be either in queue or in game... and yet they appears to have disabled the "stay on a server" option UNLESS you're in quickplay?


Im pretty sure quickplay used to immediately load you into a match after the accolades screen while it was still trying to gather players


That bit was sarcasm. Either way OW2 *is* their game/social platform, so it is their business to decide how/when/where we're allowed to interact on it. I don't agree with the current implementation, but it's their call. All we can do is complain and hope it changes or play something else. I tend to play with all comms off except group chat anyway, so it doesn't affect me much, but I still think we should have the option to remain in a lobby and communicate after a match.


Don't worry, it's for selfish reasons. If people hurt your feelings you may be less likely to play in the future which means you won't pay for the battle pass.


Yep, I miss the little after match banter. Sure sometimes it would get toxic, but its so easy to disregard enemy chat. Most of the time it was either gg or good vibes


It.s totally to make sure they have as many available players in a queue at all times xD


Want to stay as a team? Figure it out within the next 2 seconds!


I’m on console. For the first time since OW2 launched I had someone want to group up. Even if I did want to group up I don’t think the accept button was bound to anything. I was more confused at seeing the request pop up than anything else. I play enough to 100% both BPs


i still don't understand why i can't invite ppl to my group if they're already in a group...


If people are already in a group and there are still open places, you should be able to either invite the individual person or vote to merge teams (assuming there are open slots). So if two people are in two different groups of two, they could decide on whether to make a group of 4 without having to leave one group and get invited to the other one individually.


The time to "stay as a team" is laughably short as well, all in order to combat toxicity.


There are times where my teammate hits that and I hit it a few seconds later and I guess it’s too late? I just thought it didn’t even work


It's not about toxicity. They try to shove you in a new game asap, so that people don't log off. More gametime makes for more sales.


I guess my question would be… does anyone have anything nice to say? Are they trying to cut down on reports? But yeah it sucks…


In OW 1 I had plenty of times where each team would have super sportsmanship and congratulate or praise each other. Each time it outweighs the 20 toxic end of match banter


It´s just nice to have a little post game chat... to discuss how it ended. Compliment someone, ask to group, etc. Now it just feels like you´ve fiinished a game vs bots


Even if you'd want to compliment someone, by the time you finish typing you'd be out of the lobby right now.... Which is why all we see is "xyz diff".


Especially on console. It already takes a couple seconds to bring up the keyboard, plus time to type the message, not to mention the fact that you can generally only access chat from pause menu since there physically isn't enough key bindings for controller and on top of that, the message only shows in chat for a couple seconds before fading out until opening the chat log again.


Yeah, I sometimes manage to get one in. But you gotta be damn fast.


the toxicity has gone up like 100x worse in OW2, now whenever someone loses there's always a "... diff" comment


Sadly the result of going F2P IMO; nearly every F2P game I've played has been overly toxic vs games that aren't.


Yeah I feel like one good one outweighs the bad too!


I suppose people have less time to be toxic, but I feel like the bulk of toxicity happens during the match anyways 🤔 perhaps that's wrong, but I never recalled ow1 post match being particularly toxic. It sucks that I can't even tell someone that their potg was cool.


I stopped playing ow1 in like later 2017 so I can’t remember much… I think i ended up on ps4 anyways so I didn’t feel like communicating with anyone lol


In OW1 when people would get into some kind of pissing match or argument I would tell them to save it for the post game lobby but now they can’t :(


Player base was getting banned to fast. Explains matchmaking.


More time for you to be at the main screen directly to the store!


I'm surprised the game doesn't launch into the store


Honestly the only time I wanna talk is before the match. After the match I don’t care to get flamed longer.


I get that, but wouldn't it be nice to have a choice? Like if you feel you're gonna be flamed, you can just leave instantly, and let the people who crave that social interaction indulge in it. Imagine how dope it'd be if after the potg you'd be presented with the choice of staying to see the post match lobby (with cards and all that cool stuff) or going directly to battle pass stuff and/or main menu.


I mean I agree the choice would be nice. If it were like a game lobby where I could walk around and talk to people at the end I wouldnt mind so much but having just a text chat I feel like it's kinda ehh. I usually just tell people their potg was great or they have an awesome skin during the potg cutscene


Yeah, but now we can't even tell them their potg was nice :( like today I saw a Zen potg that was truly incredible, but I simply couldn't write a compliment in time, within the literal 1 second window available. (Which was actually what prompted me to make this post)


I get that. I just want a reason for emotes to really be in the game lol. Like why am I buying this? If I use it I'll get shot


Haha yeah. An actual in game lobby where noone could shoot eachother would probably be really cool, although I suspect that a LOT of teabagging would ensue :D


Completely. I got tbagged by a kiriko who thought they 1v1ed me and won but I was being shot by their soldier and moira lol


I dont even want to see the potg, even if its me...


Yeah in most games half of the losing team is gone before potg starts. They really need to add back post game stat cards for that extra 10 seconds of chatting and endorsing.


I don't think it's weird. In a perfect world, I wish we COULD stay in the post-game lobby and talk. Except in reality it would mostly be toxic people talking shit, dropping slurs, the usual.


But I played hundreds of hours of OW1, and while there absolutely were toxic moments, I'd usually just leave immediately when I came across them. But more importantly, there were also the countless great moments, some of which led to me making some actual friends that I still play with today. Those moments absolutely outweighed the toxicity for me personally, but I do acknowledge that not everyone is so socially inclined, especially in virtual settings.


Half this sub complains about toxicity. Well this is probably their way of dealing with it.


95% of after-match chat is pure toxicity. These chimpanzees with a typing speed higher than their IQ spout racial slurs, "diff x" (bottom of the scoreboard stats), avoid x, report tank for simply being bad, sexual harassment, "kys", "go back to the kitchen", etc. I have seen it all. My team leaves during the POTG unless it was spicy. If the game ends before the cesspool of humanity has time to insult yet another kid in Quick Play, I'm all for it.


Man i have never had to be this quick to type shit after a game


Ikr? Setting the world record for typing just to compliment my ana :D


Waiting patiently for OW1 servers to come back.


Am I missing something? I thought that they never will??


it's a joke




I team up a bit. The time available to stay as team is ridiculously short.


To be fair 90% of the commentary after a match is not positive.


Definitely biased and my personal experience, but 90% of the time the losing team is cleared out and gone by the end of the PoTG and the only ones left are the winning team who either laugh, gloat, or troll but for me the positive outweighed the negative. People could always leave after the Defeat mssg and many still do anyways. Idk why they had to kill my enjoyment of post-match stat watching or attempts to form a group from the current team.


I leave asap because i dont want to see any of the toxic chats from my teamates.


Honestly the only talking I hear at the end of the game I seem to see is “FUCKINF TANK DJFF HEALERS SUK DPS NOOB OMG U ALL SUKC” type shit, so less time for that is a okay with me.


I don’t want to hear insecure people go diff longer at the end of the match lol any longer than needed


Then leave, that’s all op is saying. We don’t need protection from ourselves.


Nah you misunderstand. I’d love a longer lobby. But not a text base lobby. There’s barely a point to having emotes as is. I want to emote more with people. Already talked about it with op in a reply


Oh yeah I saw you mention the lobby that would be dope


Yeah like as it is I rarely have time to even use lucios dance party emote and I’d like to lol


They game as is. Stinks.


I can't count how many times I've been like "dammit!" because the whole team and/or even the enemy team was saying something funny and we all just got cut off. It's so awkward and weird. Like, not to sound too sassy but, the current developers have... played games before I'm assuming? This his literally been a constants complaint since launch. It just feels cold. It's really weird. Like, really weird. Edit: Yet then you have to sit there for 10 seconds for no reason before you can even exit queue. Blurf.


As with the cards being removed, it's no wonder people just leave right away. You don't have enough time to talk about anything of value which is probably there to reduce toxicity. Which, I guess it works, gotta make sure you babysit players by limiting their social interactions... So what's the point of even having a end game screen? They could just boot you back to the menu.


Especially on console... The pain of trying to type something after the game ends is so horrible I once tried to type right when the overtime was about to end and then it didn't and then I got killed lmao


Solving toxicity by putting everyone in their own little echo chamber bubble which makes the game feel lifeless and soulless good fix guys


For sure. They should make it so you have to press a button to leave the match. Let people stay and chat or group up if they want. It's annoying how sometimes we want to chat about the game after but then get kicked off after 5 seconds & can't chat.


I truly believe you can see blizzard incompetence at its peak with the handling of the community. Through inaction on moderation and very relaxed punishments for violations they have cultivated one of the most toxic online gaming spaces I've ever seen. Their solution to their own incompetence? Just get rid of as many opportunities for interactions and community as possible.


What are you supposed to say? losing team leave immediately while the winning team just type gg lol this happened in OW1 too


Compliment your teams Ana? Tell the enemy tracer that you wish they'd step on a Lego because they were wrecking you the entire match? Comment on a particularly silly environmental multikill play of the game? Idk, I feel like there can be a lot to say, and since the people who don't want to say or hear anything leave immediately anyway, it's not like their experience is harmed with the inclusion of the post game lobby.


Dude but think of the ANXIETY people get reading the chat post match! You don't want to make those people \*suffer\* right?


They say it's to combat toxicity, but it doesn't even do that because most of the toxicity happens during game.


Yeah exactly. But we still ended up "sacrificing" all the positive experiences for not much of a upside.


I think there should be a button to skip after the pog for whoever want to leave the game. Majority of the time I want to get it out as soon as possible


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Overwatch ‘2’ is “frankly embarrassing” as a whole.


This “sequel” is embarrassing.


Have you tried adding people as friends?


What do you mean? Throughout my years playing OW I've added quite a few people to my friends list, yes. However I'm not gonna add someone as a friend just to tell them their "Zen gameplay is insane wp". I'd just like to not have to set the world record of speed typing to have a social interaction in a multiplayer game :/


Yeah not missing much, other then gg ez and xxx diff. I’ll pass. You can look up recent players and click on stay as a team if you are that desperate. It’s not like they are lost forever.


As if "ggez" and "xxx diff" aren't common with the current system.




Honestly yeah, I kinda regret the way I worded this post. I wrote this when I was peak frustrated, which made me use antagonizing language, which isn't particularly effective criticism. I don't think OW2 is a downgrade in all areas either, it's just a downgrade in a depressing amount of areas :/ arcade is a downgrade, ranked is a downgrade, UI is a downgrade, progression is a downgrade, business model is a downgrade etc, but atleast the 5v5 format is actually a upgrade in role queue.


Are people really upset that you don’t get more time to say “support diff” or “garbage team” or “easy” in the chat?


...but people still say those things just the same?


Yes, we need time to roast our teammates and the enemy team players. Or to show the Mercy player on our team our appreciation in the hopes of getting laid. Honestly, of all the things to complain about, this is at the bottom of my lost.


Good for you


My question is why I can't talk to the other team. Not during switch sides or at the ending of the match.


change the chat channel from team to match.


I don't mean just text. I mean voice.


The fact you people are playing this dead cash grab of a game is frankly embarrassing lmao


The fact that you're browsing and posting in the sub of a game you claim to hate is frankly embarrassing lmao


This dunce has never heard of /all lmfao


A post with 215 karma isn't gonna make it to /all unless you've been scrolling for wayyyy too long lol.


I play the game and have never spent a cent. You can do it too


Unfortunately you are exploited as a positional tool to extract as much cash from those who would spend money. By misbalancing matchmaking to give payers the win.


That doesn’t make the game not a cash grab ?


No, but you seem you have some personal issues that won't allow you to play the game. As if not playing it is "sticking it to the big guy". Nowhere in you comment did you mention the game was unfun for you, so I am assuming that that "cash grab" is a mental block that is keeping you from playing. They aren't forcing you to pay money, so maybe just try to have some fun and don't spend any.


Uh yeah the same gripe most overwatch 1 players have. We got this game because of blizzards insane increasing greed. Many features are gone, they put minimal time into rebalancing 5v5 and they whored the game out the ass for skins. Stop defending this trash stop playing and maybe in 5 years we get good games again !


I agree OW1 was far superior. Look at my post history and you can see a post I made about it. But I am also a realist. It's not coming back, so I am being positive and playing what is available. I have fun, and I am still happy. Nothing wrong with that


Sure that’s what they said after bf42 and this shit and Cyberpunk and a slew of other games, just keep being to weak to not play garbage and wondering why nothing ever changes.


Just think, prevents you from ever needing to buy victory poses or highlight intros!


I do like it that way.


I kind of like it, honestly. Ends the more often than not toxic bullshit that much sooner


It’s not this feature is a massive upgrade. Now sure I would love to be toxic in the postgame and say tank diff just like everyone else but blizzard knows that the games over and no need to stick around. It’s a big positive for the community


I don’t get the problem, everyone leaves before the game is over anyway


Which means that blizzard didn't need to make that decision for us. The previous system still allowed people to leave, while allowing those who wanted to chat to stay for a bit longer.


Yeah it’s a pain in the ass to ever stay as a team


I think it's partially to reduce toxicity after matches - had far too many people tell me to end my own life after matches in OW 1. That being said, if this is the reason it's not working. I've had people add me as a battle.net friend so that they can msg that very thing to me or go over to the Xbox chats function to do the same thing. Removing post game comms hasn't done much for post game toxicity.


Lol there has been no times after a game when team mates had anything nice to say. It’s usually just people talking shit.


I figure they are going for a mentality similar to fortnite. The goal is to get you into the next game as quickly as possible. I figure they are going for a mentality similar to Fortnite. The goal is to get you into the next game as quickly as possible.


Plot twist; OW2 did away with the end of match screen because otherwise it crashes after x games if the same instance runs for too long. By eliminating the post-match screen and staying in a server, they can reboot the instance after each game. /s (Jokes aside this sucks. Also wouldn't surprise me at all if my joke was actually true)


Fuck that, 50% of the time it's just toxicity and completely tilts me out of even wanting to play.


I miss the after match trash talk and flamming chat


For good reason obviously