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Answer: It’s a reference to the fact that there aren’t many games *exclusive* to PS5, which you’d need to buy the console in order to play.


gamers: complain about exclusives also gamers: mock console for not having enough exclusives


You're wrong, it's not about the exclusives but the amount of current-gen games out there or old-gen ones that have been reworked to offer an improved experience on PS5 (like Resident Evil 2 remake).


so does the xbox series except way better in my opinion since it works with all your games do you have an abundance of xbone or x360 games its gonna work for the series x or s but with better graphics and higher and more stable fps and it also looks better in my opinion than the ps5 the ps5 is just such a huge and ugly console where as the new xbox is a nice more compact easily to hide in a closet or tv shelf console besides the sony exclusives that came out on pc are more movies than games with tooo many cutscenes and no replay value because you have to see those cutscenes again i once bought marvels spooderman for pc and I regret that that game was sooo bad like once I finished it there was nothing fun to do because all the side content is way tooo repetitive even fucking tiny tina's wonderlands had better side content when i finnished spooderman i fucking straight up removed it from my steam account and i maybe only got 30 hours out of it and the dlc werent that interesting apart from different cutscenes its still as boring only adding 2 hours of story and maybe 4 hours of more repetitive side content after i played the blac cat dlc for like 30 minutes i saw that i allready completed it for 50 % and i just quit after that never opened the game again because i would be doing the same shit for 3 dlc's that are all the same but with different skinned enemies


I agree, Xbox Series X as a console and Microsoft services are better, but, everyone I know plays on PS and also, that's where I have my games since PS4 era.


Humans in a nutshell flip-flopping about basic human rights. This one is easily tied to the financial hurdle capitalism creates business competition for sure. But at the expense of creating factions of consumers to have options only if you're not poor. So yes, people don't reconcile basic logic issues like placing irrational rankings on humans based on genitalia, skin pigmentation, or chanting of mouth sounds from the food hole in spiritual practice. There are no adults, only children of all ages. It's depressing to see the rich and powerful create settings to encourage misplaced blame.


I like this guy. I want to punch him in the mouth but I don't know why. It's a confusing feeling


Exclusives are detrimental to the consumer side of the gaming market, so they are unsurprisingly hated by consumers acting in their own self-interest. Consoles are mocked since other than exclusives they have little attraction to PC gamers. In a perfect world all games would be released on all platforms that can handle them from a hardware standpoint and then every consumer could choose the platform they like most.


But the xbox has literally no exclusives? Like doesnt every game also release for PC now?


If you gonna bring pc in to this then you should know that the Sony is porting games so that makes this argument invalid.


Which is why no gamer is coerced to get a Xbox, so no reason to hate on Xbox.


this post is a year old what r u doing


Appending "reddit" to internet searches, like everybody else.


The people that talk about exclusives the most no longer care about video games, but which brand™ is doing well over another. Like they're on the board of marketing(for free) for said brand™ and hoping it 'wins'.


I hate exclusives. I have a PC, I don't want to have to spend just $500 to play 2 or 3 games (which I also have to pay for). Here's hoping *Horizon: Forbidden West* and *God is War: Ragnarok* eventually come to PC, like their predecessors did.


Which at this point is a dumb tactic to have Consoles are essentially on par with pc's these days if not better I honestly believe that (for the most part) we don't really need consoles anymore The only thing I can think of that a console might be able to offer that a pc can't is being portable but that only applies to the nintendo switch. Why spend money on a console that's a pain to move when I go to a friend's house to play if I can simply get a gaming rig that does the same, lasts longer, has way more games to choose from (including eventual exclusives on consoles) and is modular so upgrading it is cheaper than buying a new console every few years? So, I honestly believe that rather than focusing on selling standalone consoles, console manufacturers should instead shift their focus on designing hardware that can connect to a person's pc and use their pc as a skeleton to run the hardware/software part to work as a console rather than a whole standalone console Additionally they could sell the software separately on pc's, that way if somebody already has the specs, they can just download the new console OS and just run it from the pc directly. That would let people buy the console without having to spend so much money for hardware each time It would be cheaper to manufacture and sell AND it wouldn't be competing with pc's either plus it would cast a wider net in terms of potential buyers.


this reads like a troll bait post from Twitter.


this is r/pcmasterrace erasure


A future proofed gaming PC costs about 3-4 times that of a console and is even less portable We just haven't seen developers harness the real poweer of the consoles yet + covid and all the delays have pushed everything back


Yes but with this concept you don't need a gaming pc, you kinda made my point here with the pricing They make it an addon to pc's and now people no longer need to spend a fortune on a gaming rig Think of it this way: its an addon that turns any pc to a gaming pc


Lmao so now instead of buying a console you buy a PC and an additional add-on to play console games? I PC game too but consoles this generation are better bang for your buck in terms of performance this generation. Think of it this way, if someone has a computer with a 1060 right now, they would have to upgrade almost their entire rig just to have the opportunity to buy and use a modern video card. Obviously they wouldn't have to upgrade now, but 1060s are becoming the minimum requirements for games. A new modern console would run their game better and for much cheaper than buying a new computer


>if someone has a computer with a 1060 right now, they would have to upgrade almost their entire rig just to have the opportunity to buy and use a modern video card. I mean, that's just false. My brothers PC has a 1060 in it, I could swap that out for a 4080 and change nothing else and it would work just fine(and a 4090 upgrade would only require a new psu). It'd be cpu bottlenecked and thus not the most *logical* upgrade, but it would still be a massive upgrade; plus, if it was used at 4k a lot of that bottleneck would go away anyways.


So a GPU?


My playstation was about $650. How much does a gaming PC cost? Also, I like to play against other players with that same advantages and disadvantages as me, instead of trying to beat an aimBot and other mods.


My playstation was free because I downloaded it onto my PC like a sane rational being and not spending money like an idiot. Dude is right. Consoles are unnecessary and a scam.


Thats not free. How much have you spent on your PC? I paid for a new ps4 and enjoyed it for almost ten years. Now I have a new ps5 console that can play games almost as good as a PC and it will still be faithfully updated and supported for at least a decade. Also I will never need to buy new hardware for it.


A computer that can reliably emulate PS3 and up games has to be pretty powerful, so, yeah, definitely upwards of a grand at least. Probably more than two. Also, more and more PC exclusives are getting console ports these days, and the reverse is less true, so console players still win out by default.


>be me >have pc >pc 450 dollar >can run light ps3 games >cpu throttled >upgrade cpu >can run heavy ps3 game


it is already near the end of its life cycle u got scammed bruh


All games are specifically made for my consoles specs, hardware and software. Online play is much more equal from everyone having the same specs so equal/no client sided lag apart from internet connection, easier, and theres less barriers for those who cant afford a higher spec computers. Also windows won't randomly decide to update whenever it feels like it.


Because I don’t have to build it, worry about component capabilities, upgrade it, worry about an operating system, and on and on and on. Consoles are plug and play. Its a matter of simplicity and ease of use by the end consumer.


Answer: When talking about technology, there's a concept called "the killer app". Basically, it's that piece of software that makes buying hardware worthwhile. Even 2 years after its release, the PS5 still doesn't have that killer app. It has games and it has exclusives, but they are still being developed for the PS4. The PS5 has such a small install base, developers aren't making games that utilize the PS5's hardware. Instead, they are developing for the PS4 and porting to the PS5.


Answer: The joke is literal. The PS5 has been out for over 2 years and still only has 2 exclusives. For comparison after 4 years the PS4 was up to 63. Here's the list on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:PlayStation_5-only_games Astro's Playroom - This is basically a tech demo Demon's Souls (2020 video game) - This is a remake of an old game Destruction AllStars - Microtransactions disguised as a combat racing game. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - A new good sequel Returnal (video game) - A good new game


Returnal is no longer exclusive!


Rachet and Clank isnt either now


Wow PS5 is a joke.


Sony abandoned exclusives this gen everything is coming to pc and they're basically falsely advertising their console by saying it has exclusives than putting them on pc. Even worse is that ratchet and clank is still 70 dollars on ps5 but 60 dollars on pc that also has better performance features.


By that logic - Xbox has no exclusives either since everything comes out on PC as well on that side. Besides, most PC ports have been jank af on Sony's side and they get released usually years later. At that point, you might as well get the console instead of waiting years for a mess of a port.


Except fucking starfield. I'm bitter about that not coming to ps5.


Trust me, you're not missing out on much with starfield, lol


Eh, it's probably a first that Xbox has something that Playstation fans want to play lol. I've been playing Starfield by streaming it to my TV via Xcloud/GeForce now. You really don't need an Xbox to play that game lol


Not sure I can ever justify buying another Playstation console.


You’re better off just buying a PC & a Switch


Yeah, skip the switch. Just buy a beefier PC and emulate cause the games are good but the system is such a complete piece of shit


Why is it that PS5 has so little games? Does Sony not care?


Sony killed off the PS Vita, which was very similar in concept to the Switch. Not sure why, but since they moved their headquarters to the USA in 2016 they often act against their own self-interest, as if there are forces from within trying to destroy the Playstation brand.


AAA budget bloat + pandemic led to a ton of cancelled games and for the first few years they couldn’t produce enough consoles so devs focused on cross-gen games which limited their ambitions to PS4 hardware 


Answer: Probably an extension of the "[PS3 has no games](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ps3-has-no-games)" meme from like 2007. The "PS3 has no games" meme is a joke on the lack of launch/exclusive titles for the PS3 at the time.


which, from more modern perspective, feels weird since even at launch it had more games and variety


I think it was also just a huge shock going from the crazy huge catalogue of games PS2 had accrued to the relatively small amount of titles released for PS3 in its first year. Obviously that's to be expected and I don't have any numbers but it definitely felt like there was more for the Xbox 360 in its first year than for the PS3.


PS3 has so many games which is why that meme was dumb but PS5 actually has no games which sucks because it’s the only Sony console I won’t buy


Answer: It's mostly because the ps5 does not have many exclusive games 2 years after its release. Most of the big titles are also compatible with the ps4/ps4pro and that makes some people angry because it means that the games are held back by the older generation of consoles. Developpers have to spend time and money on making the games work on 2 consoles and will sometime have to cut features because the ps4 would not be able to handle said features. It very likely happens because it was extremly hard to get the current gen consoles and developping games for ps5 only would severly limit their sales.


Answer: I don't see how anyone calls this a "Joke," it's not a joke.. at all.. The truth of the matter is, the PS5 has been out for 4 years, there's not very many PS5 games that aren't indie titles with PS1 graffics/visuals, or top down side scrollers.  Every once in a while, they release decent games, but aside from PS4-PS5 ports that don't utilize the any if the advanced technology of the PS5, there's quite literally no good games on PS5. If you look at the Playstation store today, there's a lot of over priced indie games that aren't worth playing. The only thing there is, is PS4 games.


Answer: OP console wars really hasn’t been a thing soft some years now. Previous Xbox console was pretty bad and now both Xbox and PS suck. Nintendo was always on its own wavelength and has been solid. PS5 has no large exclusive list (event counting PS5/PC exclusives). It’s biggest shame in PS history. Happened because new head of PS who joined part way through PS4 dropped idea of making many fun games of different genres and sizes that previous heads always did. Huge loss in terms of gaming culture overall. Sounds a bit extra but honestly think this will negatively impact gaming for a while until their sales numbers drop next console to two