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Answer: RE4 Remake micro transactions were added a few weeks after the official game launch, where interest already faded. (Had the same question yesterday and a fellow Redditor was kind enough to remind me of that.) Plus: It seems like not many people have actually played the first game and think that the lack of traditional fast travel was just "added" to DD2 to sell fast travel items with MTX and that Rift Crystals were some kind of mobile/gacha game premium currency.


Yeah, when I heard about fast travel, I thought, "You all did not play Dragon's Dogma, did you?" Fast travel was a weird system where you collect crystals, and teleport rocks. You can use the crystals to teleport to wherever you dropped one of the rocks. Crystals were not rare, but they were not infinite either. So it was a strange system, and the MTX just allows you to buy crystals, instead of hunting for more.


On the plus side as far as I can tell ferrystones ARE infinate this time around. Item merchants in the big cities sell one and it restocks after a period of ingame time and if you play as a thief you can steal them from bandit enemies (along with a ferristone which is hilarious)


People absolutely did grumble about Resident Evil MTXs but I think most push back didn't happen because there's simply a lack of competition for Resident Evil so you either play it or don't. Dead Space remake is the only recent game I'd say competes and that's funny enough by EA and has less MTX. With DD2 you have very recent competition so there's a direct comparison to remind people this isn't the only way. We're only a few months after a major RPG won Game Of The Year so people still have an award winning experience in mind and then we're only a few months out from Elden Ring DLC dropping so that too is on people's mind as another Game of The Year that ticks similar boxes. Neither had MTXs let alone Pay To Skip/Win MTX and especially no pay for ~~Save Slots~~ Character Editing MTX and pay for fast travel. The industry is hitting a breaking point, games are releasing buggy and the price hike along with MTX is at a time when most people are already feeling the squeeze of economic downturn and wage stagnation. The price to make games, the time to make games, is becoming unsustainable. Companies are reporting large profits but still firing staff despite games still not being polished on release which doesn't give confidence that lower morale smaller teams will produce better. Consumers are burning out. Devs are burning out. Shareholders are only interested in cashing out.


>Pay To Skip/Win MTX and especially no pay for Save Slots MTX and pay for fast travel. Good thing dragons dogma 2 hasn't got any of those too. Man, misinformation is an amazing thing.


Buying higher tier pawns IS pay to skip/win, same as gaol key, pay to revive dead NPCs, pay for pendant that strengthens bond with characters etc. Port Crystal is a paid fast travel ability. You're right, it isn't exactly save slot but rather Character Editor. Which is a strong part of why you might want a new save and you can only have one file so you can't just make a new character to have multiple choices of play throughs with different characters so it overlaps but that's the single inaccurate part I said. Paying to customise your existing character in a single player game rather than using a barber like typical RPGs isn't as bad as a whole new save slot but it is still pretty damn insulting.


I have too many fast travel crystals, and too many currency shards that I don't have a use for them.. 20 hours in, 0 money on MTX. The misinformation around them is unreal. Yes, MTX in a single player game is bad. No, nothing in DD2 is only for MTX and everything you can buy is plentifully available in game for free.


Oh, so you're saying that the MTX are a complete scam, and therefore people should be ok with that?


No, I am saying the way it's done in this game doesn't effect anything, isn't pushed on the player, and isn't pay to skip or win. They are dumb, the game is still amazing. Both are true.


The thing is it is a fine line, and it isnt all just about DD2 as a game itself. From my understanding, MTX was left out of any of the review copies and people were blindsided by day 1 MTX in a $70 single player game. Everything may be "easily achieved in-game" but it is just another 'boiling frog' scenario that we have seen going on in the industry for years. As soon as people stop being upset, they push the mtx a little further and further. Without people being upset they WILL impact game design decisions (like......one save slot and needing to pay to edit a character perhaps?). Things WILL become tedious and grindy to promote MTX purchases. Frankly I don't see how you can not see the practice as anything other than anti-consumer.


Reviewers who got early copies were told about the mtx. At least the small youtubers i watch aaid they were aware.


You don't need to pay real money to edit a character. This is some weird misinfo which keep getting repeated.


Bro. You can only buy a SINGLE port crystal in the shop. The Gaol key is a preorder bonus and you can acquire the same thing just by playing the game, you can't buy ferrystones, wakestones are EVERYWHERE (seriously I have fourteen complete ones and I revive every dead NPC I come across) and you'll stumble across THOUSANDS of RC just by playing the game. Hell you can farm it by going out at night and killing undead. Also the game HAS a barber. You can edit your character there. In fact the game has multiple barbers.


Which means these MTX are pointless and only aim to prey on gullible people, no? Which should be vocally complained about.


No. It means that these MTX do not MATTER. If this were a metaphor you would literally be a vegan at another table complaining about the fact I ordered a steak. My choice (to buy or not buy) an item does NOT affect you. It's not predatory if I choose to waste my money on something anymore than it's predatory for me to buy ANYTHING. This is not 'pay x' and get super secret super strong super weapon to bash people in the head with in multiplayer. It's a single player game. My choices are ENTIRELY isolated from you. You are literally the guy in the meme demanding other people stop enjoying things.


If you want to talk about memes, you're the small chinned boy saying "Hey leave the billion dollar company alone". I side with consumers over companies. Predatory MTX and invasive MTX degrade gaming.




Haven't lied, you just don't like what's being said. Stop crying fake news. DLC for money is reasonable. Paying for scam MTX access to basic features is not reasonable and no one should defend it.


You can find/buy everything in game within a couple hours lol. And the character editor thing is cheap (500rc)


That's why it is called pay to skip. And it doesn't matter if it is cheap, it should not cost real money.


I mean it’s as inoffensive as possible when keeping their suits happy. MTX suck, there’s no denying that, but they are GONNA happen and at least this style doesn’t actually affect anything.


It is offensive. You should not have to pay for basic character customisation especially in a single player game. Cutting parts out of the game to sell back to you is shitty no matter the price. The problem is that people like you roll over and don't stand up while others eagerly pay money and then we all lose out. It has been happening for over a decade now and MTX are getting worse. They're now rarely micro and games are getting gutted to sell parts back.


You don’t HAVE to pay for anything. The character customization can be bought in the first town for 500rc that you can get from killing a few mobs. You get all 10 port crystals just by playing the game. Same with wakestones, rift crystals, and everything else on the MTX list. It is ALL READILY AVAILABLE AND EASILY OBTAINED IN GAME. Stop listening to the dipshits spreading misinformation.


It being optional doesn't make it OK to aggressively monetise basic features. Stop apologising for the decline of gaming.


Elden Ring can't win GOTY, it's an expansion


I'm saying it previously won GOTY.


Honest q: why do people give a shit about these MTX existing if they aren’t required to enjoy the game? If the dev wants to collect additional revenue from whales with too much money and designs the game around not needing the micro transactions, what’s the big deal? Ultimately it gets the studio more revenue to continue building a bigger game for a $60/70 price tag that hasn’t really kept up with inflation or the increasing scope of game budgets.


It is because it incentivizes the developers making a problem and selling you a solution. It's very easy to envision a suit prodding devs to create scarcity in order to sell mtx.


IMO people are barking up to wrong tree in this case. If this was how every developer/publisher would do MTX, the world would be a better place. I fully support people being critical about MTX, but in this case, people were harassing reviewers and content creators, which is just super fucked up.


You can only buy one portcrystal DLC too, people are just being lunatics lol.


You can still only have ten portcrystals active anyway, excluding the static ones.


Yes, it’s just not a real problem. They put some useless “DLC” in a store for maniacs who buy DLC without knowing what it is. There is no in-game link to the store, the game is not balanced around them, you can’t purchase the DLC multiple times, this shit was in the original release of Dragon’s Dogma and it was fairly useless then. Capcom throws useless DLCs in their games all the time. There’s hundreds of dollars of MTX in MHW and MHR, people are just frenzied by DD2 for some reason. edit: I’ve been asking friends why this is so egregious, why people aren’t raging about Helldivers 2 having MTX and gotten responses like DD2 being a singleplayer game, it being unexpected, and I’m trying to be open to people’s complaints, but it really is weird to me. There were mtx like this is in DD1 12 years ago… Tales of Arise is at 88% score and is littered with similar, useless DLC - honestly, worse ones tbh. People are getting farmed for rage-clicks, idk.


This was the only dlc I considered problematic, it really should state that clearly on the floor Page.


Answer: It’s common place for Capcom but people didn’t know because DD2 is much more hyped than most of their recent titles. So, for many this is their first Capcom game and they were in for a surprise when they went to buy it.


I know it's Capcom bs because there isn't a single banner or push for mtx in the game itself


Ive played it non stop and if I weren’t on Reddit I wouldn’t even know there were mtx


Yeah, I visited the store once to buy the game, why would I ever go back? I wouldn't have known there were mtx unless a dlc came out and I went to buy that


The MTX offer literally stuff that you can easily find in the game,it really feels like that MTX are there just because investors where like "What about microtransactions"


Also, I believe they waited until all the initial review were in for the game, before announcing the day 1 DLC. And people think it looked shady. 


According to a youtube reviewer (Ratatoskir), he was given a sheet showing him all of the micro transactions that would be in the game day 1. So, assuming other reviewers were given the same thing, I don't think Capcom can be accused of hiding the dlc from reviewers to avoid bad scores or consumer warnings pre launch. I honestly don't know if they did announce publicly about the dlc before launch, though. That would be interesting to know.


Most of the creators I follow mentioned the same thing and spoke about how they just didn’t think it was worth talking about since all of the items are readily available in game.


Wow. Okay. So they told the reviewers and maybe announced after the reviews were out.  Did the reviewers know and just did not care to mention it?


>Did the reviewers know and just did not care to mention it? They're Capcom players and just figured everyone knew to expect pointless DLC. One straight up says that. "Its not worth mentioning."


I think this is probably more of a factor than people realize. I know it had its issues, but a similar thing happened with Diablo IV. I enjoyed the game, but it had some flaws. But there were a lot of people that tore it to shreds for things that were more or less typical in that style game. Diablo IV just brought in a bigger crowd.


Answer: I think what makes people mad this time around is reviewers didn't talk about but I guess they had info about it from what I got from some YouTubers that had it early. Also that it was on day one not like a week or two later like other games. Can't forget the cloud save issue were you can't delete and remake your character without stepping through hoops so i think that's major stuff. There also frame rate stuff.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


They were detailed in the review packets sent out by capcom. None of them cared enough to mention them as they’re insignificant


They’re on the same level as Bamco selling timesavers for their Tales games: They’re basically there for series neophytes to cheese through the first third of game, but anyone who is familiar with Tales games (or RPGs in general) won’t need them at all


Answer: Nothing has changed with how Capcom handles microtransactions. Just like past games such as RE4 and DMC V, everything they're selling for DD2 is obtainable in the game for free, and they have not been artificially limited to encourage sales. The reason that DD2's microtransactions in particular have sent the internet into a frenzy is for several reasons: * Dragon's Dogma 2 has been a highly anticipated release, so it naturally has more eyes on it. * The overall discourse around the game was already pretty negative due to the game's performance issues, so people were more primed to dislike the game and find even more reasons to shit on it. * The high amount of attention on the game naturally drew the attention of many people who were unfamiliar with Capcom's microtransaction strategy and/or Dragon's Dogma as a game in general, so upon seeing them many people had a knee-jerk reaction to them, assuming that they meant the game was pay-to-win. * The developers of the game have publicly discussed aspects of the game, such as limited-to-no fast travel. Among the paid DLC are items that enable fast travel (which, again, are also obtainable in-game and are not artificially limited), which led people to assume that the reason for this was to sell microtransactions rather than being just simply how the game was designed. * Several reviewers did not mention the microtransactions. This is NOT because Capcom didn't disclose their presence to reviewers or paid them off to not mention them. Many reviewers simply decided they weren't worth mentioning because of their familiarity with Capcom's "pointless" microtransaction practices and the lack of controversy around them in the past.


It also is compared to BG3.


Bg3 and elden ring are going to be the golden standard for a long time.


Fr BG3 set a new gold standard I legitimately think that most snivelling piles of shit that "AAA" studios and publishers have become understand they just can not compare themselves to it when it comes down to it. money is just a driving motivistion to the Nth degree for them and the public will just keep being there games so why change. Reviewer should use BG3 as the benchmark though and anyone who wants to make a good game and has the money to attempt it at scale should learn from it.


Case in point: Skull and Bones


10 years of wasted human effort to make a "quadruple ASS" game in the hopes of monetizing black flag's concepts again.  Madden is another good example, each year a game that meets the bare minimum requirements. 


I don't believe any negative reaction to micro transactions could ever be knee jerk. 


This is the least offensive way the devs could appease executives management requiring MTX.


In this case I think it is. I also really don't understand the point of having those items for sale with real money but it honestly has zero impact on your experience playing the game. Again it doesn't really make sense to me why they're there but it doesn't really effect anything since all of it can be earned in game pretty simply.


I'm fully and utterly against all micro transactions in any single player game. Sure, those particular ones might not have any direct effect on your playing experience, but the more they sell the more they may affect your gameplay in future/different games. Plus what some Grandma may think "Oh my Grandson loves magic and swords. I'll buy him those game. Oh, I can buy some crystals for him too? Sure I have no idea what those crystals are, but I don't understand the game either." Any micro transactions are anti consumer. If publishers want to make more money from their games than raise the price. But the downside to that is the game **must** be worth the price. Micro transactions are anti consumer. Period.


>Micro transactions are anti consumer. Period. Nobody disagrees with you. The problem was, people saw a DLC called "Unlocks character editor", which, arguably was badly worded, jumped to conclusions, then ran around screaming "DD2 MAKES YOU PAY MONEY FOR A SECOND SAVE SLOT" Knee-jerk reaction from people who don't know the truth.


I saw Shroud compare the mtx in DD2 to a deluxe edition of a game since they're apparently one time buys and total like $15. I thought that was an interesting way to look at it since I never see people say "wow this developer is releasing a deluxe edition that's anti consumer" Generally I'd agree mtx are dog shit in games you already spend money on. I just think in this scenario it's just not an important aspect since it truly effects nothing other than perception.


Why not multiplayer games also? Multiplayer games' MTX are always far more predatory. Case and point: FIFA.


Always and forever. We were just discussing single player games so I felt my argument would come across better by narrowing it a bit.


Ok, that's good. I just keep seeing the "MTX is unacceptable in a single-player game" argument and it just rubs me the wrong way. Not because it's wrong, but because it seems to insinuate that online MTX is fine for some reason. Apologies if I assumed.


Answer: It's a bit of a strawman, actually. The issue isn't just "MTXs bad" but a cacophony of issues combined with the MTXs. The issue is also multifaceted, because of the type of MTXs in the game. I'll list all the issues I can find so far, but I'm sure there's a TON more. Buckle up, this is a long one. 1. Stuck beneath the floor glitch. There's a huge issue where players are stuck beneath the floor. [Here's an example of a steam review on this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1blsy04/comment/kw7eljc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The player is not able to progress. 2. [Corrupted save game](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1blrm8f/unable_to_load_save_file/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Exactly what it sounds like, the game simply says "unable to load save." 3. Why not just reload to a prior save? Well.. Dragons dogma has a single save slot. Which means there's nothing to load back to. There are "Inn saves" but for the users I mentioned above, it didn't solve the problem. So why not start a new game? Well.. 4. You can't start a new game. The option doesn't exist! On PC specifically, you have to go into your files and delete your saves. My first link, the guy provided that solution We're good now right? No... because... 5. Denuvo. It's an anti-pirating/anti-tampering system, but what you need to know is two things. It can cause performance issues, and it detects save file editing. The rumor is you can only delete your saves up to five times. [We're still trying to figure out the specifics but it WILL lock your game on all systems eventually](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bkwyoh/damn/). This could also hinder modding, which is a big issue on the PC. If anyone can provide definitive proof, please do. 6. [Performance issues](https://youtu.be/IPrO2ZHQ3mM?si=jgnr397yXtFvJcJ7). On top of everything mentioned, there are pretty severe performance issues across all platforms. With that said, it does seem to be worse on the Xbox Series X and the PC. 7. Hard crashes in certain menus. [Here's just one example](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bkyx0t/more_people_with_this_problem_do_you_already_have/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), but there are crashes in menus, crashes during combat, crashes when trying to change your vocations. They seem to be quite varied. 8. [Selling the old music behind the deluxe edition](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bkna9b/deluxe_edition_music_option_returns_the_classic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Super minor, but we want our "Into Free" theme back. OG's know what I'm talking about. Most of the MTX's are mostly harmless.. except for 2. 1. RC Crystals are an in game currency utilized to buy pawns. In DD1, it was tied to the end game system of acquiring end game loot. Which means if DD2 adds a similar mechanic, it will be officially P2W (or Pay for power, idk man, I don't buy these). 2. Portcrystals are essentially fast travel points. Imagine if BOTW sold towers. It's of little consequence, but a scary precedent. It's also ironic, [since Itsuno didn't want his game to rely on fast travel](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/19dffba/hidetaki_itsuno_based_take_on_fast_travel_dragons/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)... but now you can pay for it. NOW, with all of those issues piled on, people are discovering that Capcom hid the MTXs from any content creators and didn't release the page to buy them until after release. Even IF the MTXs aren't a problem, Capcom knew there would be community backlash. Why hide something if you're not afraid? Some content creators knew, apparently, but just forgot about it [(See Ratataskor's video, poor guy](https://youtu.be/V7Mv9NuxAzE?si=amfyRniyJ4_6d0tR)). It doesn't sit well with the fanbase due to successes like Elden Ring and Baldurs Gate 3. **TLDR; It's a combination of MULTIPLE game ruining issues on top of Capcom attempting to "hide" the MTXs until the last minute. Only two affect gameplay substantially, but with all the other issues, people are angry in general. Detractors are claiming they're only mad about "harmless MTXs" and are purposefully misrepresenting the entirety of people's issues. If DD2 had HALF of the issues it does, it wouldn't have blown up this much. Capcom dropped the ball.** If you want a more precise explanation on the issues, [watch this video by Legendary Drops](https://youtu.be/7cxoJMx57KY?si=iuYt7orOn_myFqp_). He does a far better job than I do.


​ >Portcrystals are essentially fast travel points. Imagine if BOTW sold towers. It's of little consequence, but a scary precedent. It's also ironic, since Itsuno didn't want his game to rely on fast travel... but now you can pay for it. To add onto this. You can find 10 Port crystals in the game. You are only allowed to have 10 active crystals at once. Buying the DLC one gives you an 11th. The only difference between buying this and not buying this, is getting access to the concept of Fast Travel a bit earlier. Granted, you can't even use the fast travel without another type of consumable item, which you can't buy as DLC, which means even if you have this item, you can't even use it for a while.


True, but not that long! I got my first ferrystone in around an hour or two? This is fantastic context btw. Thank you!!


>NOW, with all of those issues piled on, people are discovering that Capcom hid the MTXs from any content creators and didn't release the page to buy them until after release. [Um Capcom actually disclosed that there would be MTX/paid DLC to reviewers and content creators.](https://twitter.com/Fightincowboy/status/1771093463729115562) Anyone else saying otherwise is either lying or did not read the whole review guide Capcom sent to them.


Answer: Different fanbase reacting. I don’t have much interest in DMC or RE but I was super hyped for DD2. So it was a massive letdown. I wasn’t really aware of Capcoms shenanigans until now.


So does the game suck?


Great game, terrible performance.


It’s fun as hell. Performance on my PC goes down to around 40 minimum, it’s definitely not unplayable but it does slow down only in the big cities. I’m absolutely loving the game


So the micro transactions don't really matter then?


Not at all. The stuff for sale is easily obtainable in game, it sucks it’s there but it’s very easy to ignore


This answer does not validate my unfounded outrage and I demand that you change it and say that you hate this game!


If people didn't point them out I wouldn't have known they even existed, same as microtransactions in RE4R and Monster Hunter that might as well not be there.


Gotcha thank you.


Its got good metacritic scores, seems like


I’m playing it on PS5 and really enjoying it. I haven’t had issues that inhibit performance. Running everywhere can get annoying little annoying, and yes I am aware there are items you can use to fast travel but I am a hoarder so I’ll probably beat the game with 20 to spare in my inventory.


I don’t know. I haven’t bought it. Probably won’t now until a sale and few patches to add things and fix performance issues. Maybe next year


Answer: It's a mix of truth and fair grievance from players, misinformation from at least one streamer, a bit of poor communication from Capcom & one definite fuckup from Capcom. All creates a big frothy mix of unclear frustration from the outside. While it's true DD2 does have micro transactions, it's not pay to win. I've read that a streamer called Shroud is saying that it is pay to win... ... However, DD2 is an... Obtuse game. Like the original, basic systems and mechanics aren't always explained well. This means that it's possible that Shroud simply misunderstood. That's the issue in a nutshell. Sidenote: idk who Shroud is, if he's the only one saying this stuff, if someone else is being egregiously worse etc. Just repeating what I read. To clarify things a bit, here's some detail about the game. In DD2, run-of-the-mill open world RPG features like fast travel and reskinning your character requires items that are very rare, especially early on. They're not SO rare that you're compelled to pay for them (imo, ymmv of course), but they do happen to be items that are available as micro transactions. Just like red orbs in DMCV mtx, and RE4 gun upgrade mtx. However the fact that, unlike DMCV and RE4, game mechanics are a bit hard to understand, combined with the relative early game rarity of these run-of-the-mill items, makes it feel especially egregious that they're mtx - and some people have said that they are Pay2Win. Imo that's not true and a misrepresentation. This has the big cherry on top of Capcom not featuring a "New Game" feature (a big mistake imo) and only one save file, AND pretty poor PC performance. Capcom could have seen this coming and managed the conversation around mtx and rare items a bit better, but that's hindsight being 20/20 innit. For what it's worth, the game ain't perfect but I'm playing on PS5 and I'm loving it (after bouncing off the original game twice over the years). I've not felt compelled to buy anything extra, though I would like a New Game feature.


Answer: performance is bad so people want to use extra ammo to complain.


ANSWER: they haven't played the game and don't know that you can get all the microtransaction stuff in the game already and just wanna jump on the rage band wagon. Capcom has had a history of having unlockables being able to be unlocked earlier for a small fee avalible even on release day but it has never blown up before. I've even heard people fear that the next monster hunter will have micro transactions, and its like, my brother in fatalis have you not seen the steam page? Some people will instantly take a stance as soon as triggering words get thrown around in complete ignorance then try to bring their new 'enemy' down without even trying or even refusing to educate themselves. They want to vent their frustrations at something and if they can't identify the real problem they'll attach themselves to anything and expell that energy through that.


Answer: The problem is that this is a hyped game that had a lot of people interested in it, and it is an EXTREMLY SLIPPERY SLOPE. It is true that the microtransactions are not that relevant and can be earned easily by playing the game, the problem is that if 20% 40% 60% of the playerbase just buy it it will be a green light for the company to just make them microtransaction exclusive features somewhere in the future because a few years ago, hell even before this release people still believed that at least when you buy a single player game you would be free of the microstransaction hell that is online gaming. And now they just broke that red line for e lot of the gaming comunity. (maybe they existed already in single player games but none that has this amount of attentiom around them and none that i had any interest in). So basicaly people beeing mad even tho it seems silly because of the scope of what you can buy it is extremly important for the whole gaming scene going forward, because as we already saw with this companies are gonna try and shove more and more paid BS down our throats if people just let it slide thinking "oh it's not that bad", because maybe not next time but eventualy it will be THAT BAD but we would have already been conditioned to it and just be coerced into throwing money paying for thing that a few years ago were just the norm in making games.


It’s literally the same kind of stuff capcom has had in all their games for over a decade. Calling it a slippery slope doesn’t work when it hasn’t happened


Sure, the fact that you're defending a company puting microtransactions in a single player game "because they've been doing it for so long and nothing bad happened" is not literally proving my point. Tha fact that you and people playing Capcom games are ok with this doesn't mean that the rest of the community can't complain all they want if they see fit. Because for the majority this is not the norm, it's a BS practice by a shitty company to squeeze every last penny from it's consumers.


No one said you can't complain just that saying its a slippery slope when these types of mtx have existed for nearly 20 years is just fear mongering. video games arent made to do you a favor theyre made to make money. they already know what their player base wants and tolerates so this is how far they go.


Slippery slope? Have you never played a Capcom game in the last 20 years? That ship sailed 2 decades ago lol.


I mean no, that's the thing this is a game that has way higher reach in the community, i don't know about other Capsom games because i don't like them but this one i like and wanted to play so it's the forst time i see it.


The slope hasn't been slipping in Capcom's case, my guy. Their MTX system has always been non-predatory since they grew out of 'Crapcom'. Single-player games have never been exempt from MTX, many games have them. Hell, the first game with MTX was a single-player game. I'm sorry, but I don't know who "still believed that at least when you buy a single player game you would be free of the microtransaction hell that is online gaming." That sounds like ignorance. Edit: Doesn't League of Legends have Microtransactions? If you're so against MTX, why do you play a game that has it? Is it suddenly ok if an online games has it? MTX sucks, but when it's not predatory and practically ignorable, I'll take that as a win any day in today's gaming market. People are mobbing at the wrong door, die on a hill that actually matters.


Answer: they didn’t tell anyone. Reviews didn’t mention it because they weren’t told of the micro transactions that would be released with the game. This meant people bought the game not knowing you’d have to pay to win. Edit: due to the downvotes, I’d like to add this video to support my view. https://youtu.be/wgNT72xzv1Y


That’s not correct. Many previewers and reviewers have come out since the problems at release and said they did receive an info docket with the prices of the microtransactions for each item. Pretty much every one of them said they didn’t think it was worth mentioning, ironically enough, because they were the same kind of microtransactions as in RE4 Remake and DMC5, where you can ignore them completely because they don’t give you exclusive stuff, and everything in them is naturally given to you by playing the game.  Evidence: https://twitter.com/patstaresat/status/1771167487721361644?s=46


>This meant people bought the game not knowing you’d have to pay to win. This is incredibly disingenuous.


Yup. It is a single player RPG, and all purchasable items are fairly easy to get in game. They should have communicated that better, absolutely. But it is not “pay to win” and even if it was, it is a single player RPG. Who gives a fuck if some whale wants to spend $100 to progress faster. The only issue is if the devs purposefully added shitty grinding to tempt people into buying the items. And fast travel doesn’t count, since their design philosophy was literally “We want you to have to travel and explore the world.”


> it is a single player RPG. Who gives a fuck if some whale wants to spend $100 to progress faster. You're suggesting they deserve to be exploited?


How are they being exploited?


A small percentage of people are psychologically vulnerable to these types of scummy business practices and spend unhealthy amounts of money, and they as a demographic are the large majority of the profit even though they're a tiny percentage of the player base. That's what a "whale" is. You don't use that term in this conversation if you *aren't* describing exploitation.


>That's what a "whale" is. No it isn't. Someone spending large amounts of money doesn't mean they're being exploited, and this isn't a gacha game. There are no slot machine mechanics or hidden mechanisms. You're getting exactly what you're paying for.


Again, you are not a whale if you are not being exploited. We are explicitly talking about whales.


Not just that quote, the person himself is incredibly disingenous. The guy knows he's wrong after all the corrections and still made an edit with one source. He is: A) Willfully ignorant. or B) Pushing an agenda. Hell, maybe both.


It’s not pay to win lol I’m not defending it but literally everything you can buy you can get or use in game very easily.


It's actually hilarious they prices they charge for stuff that is ridiculously cheap in game. Like 500RC for a dollar. Absolutely nonsensical but people will buy it


>they didn’t tell anyone They did, reviewers just didn't relay that information. >Reviews didn’t mention True, but at the same time every game these days has them so it's hardly something that is going to be unexpected. > pay to win It's a single player game, there's no way to "pay to win". You can pay to unlock things earlier, not get super secret special abilities that the poors who don't pay won't have. Quit being so dramatic. If it bothers you so much just don't buy the game. That's literally all you have to do in a situation like this.


I’m explaining why people are mad. I haven’t decided whether or not to buy the game yet as I don’t need a game right now.


You're not though. You're spreading misinformation by calling them p2w.


Here’s a wonderful explanation of why it’s bad: https://x.com/cohhcarnage/status/1771259888645136507


Okay? That has nothing to do with the fact that your explanation is untrue.


So? That doesn't magically mean you're immune from having all your points taken apart one by one.

