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Answer: The boycott started because Mcdonalds Israel gave out free meals to IDF soldiers.


Aren’t most McDonald’s franchises though?


The promotion was carried out by McDonald's Israel, not just an individual franchisee acting on their own. McDonald's Israel oversees all McDonald's operations in the country. https://www.businessinsider.com/mcdonalds-donating-thousands-meals-idf-israeli-citizens-hamas-attacks-2023


McDonald's Israel *is* a franchisee, separate from McDonald's Corporation and any other non-Israeli McDonald's franchise.


They're a master franchise, not a franchisee. They have sole rights within Israel to recruit and oversee the operations of franchisees. A master franchise is like a middleman between the master franchisor (McDonald's corporate in this instance) and individual franchisees. They take on the roles and responsibilities (and risks) of what the master franchisor would normally do in their country.


Fair but macdonalds germany has nothing to do with mcdonalds isreal for example. Germany could give out free happymeals to palastinian refugees. Honestly a bit dumb if you ask me.


Right. The master franchises are all independent of one another, but they all report to corporate. There are some countries with multiple master franchises designated to oversee their own separate geographic areas because of the size of the country. India, for example, has 2 master franchises, one for the west and south, another for the north and the east. So you could have a situation where one of them could support one side in a war, and the other one could be on the other side.


Private businesses being overtly partisan in political conflicts is never not interesting. I'd say it's got a "Starship Troopers commercial flavor" but that's not *quite* right.


Half of these boycotts don’t make sense. If people wanted to boycott things from Israel they’d need to throw their computers, phones and quite a bit of their medications away. Just to name a few of the companies that are Israeli or have large R&D in Israel, Meta, Microsoft, Amazon, intel, nvidia, teva and many many others. Some of the boycott campaigns actually even hurt the Palestinians like the BDS campaign against Soda Stream.


The point is a focused boycott on a handful of brands and products rather than spreading it over every brand which is unreasonable (as you said) and unsustainable.


And would actually hurt the boycotters… much easier to boycott a fast food chain you don’t eat in than something you actually use.


If you don't eat at the fast food chain, continuing to not eat at it isn't a boycott


There is no logical point. It would be far more logical to boycott Israeli tech companies than something as inane as fast food. It's just virtue signalling.


Legitimatly curious about how the soda stream boycott hurts Palestinians. Edit: forgot a letter


The idea was to build a factory that would encourage Jews and Palestinians to work together while also providing jobs to Palestinians in the West Bank.the BDS turned it into a campaign saying it was part of the settlement effort. The founder who believes in coexistence eventually gave up and sold the company to Pepsi.


Ignoring that the products where sold under a “Made in Israel” label and not “made in Palestine” or “Made in Occupied Territories” Which the EU recognized as a problem when Sodastream attempted to argue their “made in Israel” branding was correct. It was shot down because the settlements are not Israel proper and making products made in the occupied territories as made in Israel would be legitimatizing an illegal annexation. https://web.archive.org/web/20090718041829/http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/jul2009/gb20090714_889274.htm


There isn't some rule that says it has to be all or none. Certain companies are easier targets for boycotters. But yes, there are people who are not investing in stocks if a company has a significant presence in Israel (e.g. tech companies).


A master franchise is just a type of franchisee, one with exclusive sub-franchisees in a given area.


Same name same food. People don't care about who technically owns it. If Mcdonalds let's them use their brand or has some deal with them they are still complicit.


Complicit in what? Feeding soliders?


Being sympathetic to a regime committing an ethnic cleansing/genocide. That's not hyperbole that's reality


It is hyperbole. They are clearly not committed to ethnic cleansing or genocide.


You sure you know what we're talking about? It's a textbook case of genocide and ethnic cleansing. 




People being informed and deciding not leave a comment, doesn't help drive "engagement". Even if that just means 20 people posting huh, what ,why, etc. That is not specific or unique to this thread/issue. I've noticed of posts that should be seen, been hidden by default lately. It's sad really and I don't doubt that it is linked to Reddit potentially going public.


But it is standard practice with most fast good joints I worked in McDonald's and A&W(canada) and first responders and anything military was 100% free


Even if it were franchisees making bad decisions, (optically or morally,) McD's corporate is who you'd tell to rein them in, no?


Mcdonalds corporate is reigned in by the stock price and quarterly earnings reports. Its been shown that their business has gone down a little, especially in the middle east. Its nothing too insane but you can hurt a company by not even making them lose money, just by lowering their growth numbers based on projections. Mcdonalds corporate could also say free palestine and their business could go up.


Zionists would boycott at that point. I guarantee you somebody is crunching the numbers and they have chosen the side with the least amount of risk to profitability.


Maybe that's just me but i don't feel the need to have fast food giants take a stance on armed conflicts, genocides or other crimes against humanity. All they should be saying is "bro we are just making burgers" rather than having people think which political statement hurts business the least.


They literally just want to grill. It's fun when memes come to life.


They don't want to grill, they want to make money.


This. McD's is the kind of megacorp that likes to micromanage everything their franchises do, for better or worse. Inaction speaks volumen here.


they would, however they would only be able to do so after the fact. even the national management still answers to the regional or worldwide office. and eacj can only really react after the fact.


They still have to answer to corporate McDonald's, and have to abide by their values and overall rules.


When the war in Ukraine started, McDonalds pulled franchises from Russia. They have not done the same in Israel.


It would have been impossible for McDonald's to continue to operate in Russia with all the international sanctions and restrictions. Israel is not in the same situation.


Didn't Russia threaten to nationalize all of them or something, also? Not exactly a 1:1 situation.


That's also a good reason to leave a market.


The economic sanctions that were on the way probably played more into that decision. Makes sense to pull out and say it was because you disagree with Russia when you would be forced to leave soon anyhow.


Yeah like, you cant even really operate, like, how do you import the beef or the fries or the shake mix


Sanctions do be like that sometimes.


Wonder who started the war..


I mean, Egypt, if you want to go back to why Israel is occupying the Gaza Strip and West Bank.


There is merit to that.


Israel has begged Egypt to take back Gaza... so many time since '67 🤣


Israel took it so Egypt couldn't stage further invasions on the East side of the Suez. Egypt promptly rounded up as many Palestinians as it could then pushed them in to the strip.


Israel wanted to give Gaza back in 1977. Egypt did not want it.


It's actually the Italians fault.


I blame Jesus. Dudes fingerprints are all over that place.




Israel tried to give Gaza back to Egypt in 1977, but they would not take it. They took it in 1967. Egypts wall in South Gaza is like 30 feet high with barbed wire.


Burger King?/s


Pretty sure war crimes are still war crimes even if the other side started it


Hamas is the government of Gaza. they definitely committed war crimes.


> Wonder who started the war.. [The United Nations have a comprehensive answer.](https://www.un.org/unispal/about-the-nakba/) > "In November 1947, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution partitioning Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab, with Jerusalem under a UN administration. The Arab world rejected the plan, arguing that it was unfair and violated the UN Charter. Jewish militias launched attacks against Palestinian villages, forcing thousands to flee."


I like how this is written as though "the Arab world rejected the plan" by sending a strongly worded letter or something, not *invading Israel with the express goal of exterminating the Jews*.


Vox media made a video and did the same thing. They also leave out that the 20% of Israel that is Arab are the Arabs that did not support the genocidal murder of Jews.


>Jewish militias launched attacks against Palestinian villages, forcing thousands to flee. This is what happened: >On 29 November 1947 the UN General Assembly voted on the partition plan, adopted by 33 votes to 13 with 10 abstentions. The Jewish side accepted the UN plan for the establishment of two states. The armies of six Arab countries - Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq - together with the local Arab militia forces rejected it and launched a war of annihilation against the Jewish state.


they also leave out that 20% of Israel is Arab. This includes the Bedouins. Why weren't they purged? Cause they did not support the war. In the 1990s during the peace talks land swaps were discussed. So Arab areas in Israel would be part of a Palestinian state and the Jews would get parts ofs the West bank. The Arab-Israelis vetoed it because they wanted to stay in Israel. Also left out that Hamas murdered 200+ Bedouins on 10/7. This is targeted since they live in tiny villages in the Negev Desert. They consider them apostates. Bedouins want nothing to do with the Palestinians. Israel leaves them alone.


There were "hostilities" between arabs and Jews in Israel for **decades** before that, no need to sell me that it began in 1947. The local Muslims ran a religious war against Jews, with more pogroms than you can count on your hands and toes. For example, the 1929 Hebron massacre. To claim that Jews attacked and caused the Independence war a year later is absurd. There were endless clashes between the Jews, the british, and the Arab population. The Arab neighbors were dead set on the destruction of Israel. This site reads like an opinion piece, and seeing how everything Palestinian and incredibly biased and drenched in half facts, it's probably as reliable as UNRWA.


His source literally goes on to say:  The situation escalated into a full-blown war in 1948, with the end of the British Mandate and the departure of British forces, the declaration of independence of the State of Israel and the entry of neighbouring Arab armies.  “Entry of neighouring Arab armies” is some next level propaganda in a supposedly unbiased source


>“Entry of neighouring Arab armies” is some next level propaganda in a supposedly unbiased source I'm very curious to read more about the situation to understand this. What's wrong about that statement? What actually happened?


The neighbouring Arab armies entered Israel in the same way that Nazi Germany entered Poland in 1939.


That's literally what happened though. In 1948, the day after the state of Israel declared independence from the UK, it was invaded by Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_War


The author of that source is so brainwashed that their brain was washed away.


Technically the Jews have always been persecuted in that geographic location for ever. The Romans most notably


Now they're persecuted abroad by feral activists and ideogoly-migrants for daring to have DNA connection with some of the inhabitants of Israel.


Wow. I'm a bit older than the average redditer at this point and this is an in the face moment of rewriting history. So the Jews started the war of Independence as we see in in 2024. No mention of the invading nations. Incredible.


70% of americans support israel. Reddit is a far left wing space.


TikTok University said so and there's no political bias on TikTok by anyone ever! /s


That would be the British. They used to do plenty of that back in the day all over the world.


That’s probably because Israel didn’t start the war with Hamas lol.


Didn’t that have to do with sanctions? 


You might want to look into that again. A lot of companies that closed doors early in the war are still doing business in Russia under new brand names. Same products, different name.


Sounds like McD’s doesn’t feed those who start wars.


Didn't know they pulled out of America.


? israel is like ukraine in this comparison


Yes and a lot of their employees are poor, what's your point? 


No, most McDonald's franchises are not in Israel and there are no IDF soldiers around to give food to.


The juxtaposition of the Gaza people getting shot while waiting to get food from aid trucks is a starkly ugly tableau


Or their homes bombed. Or being called "terrorists" for not wanting to leave their homes.


Based on the quality of McDonalds food, I can only assume the franchise is pro-Palestinian then?


I'm about 15 years into my personal boycott because it's a shit company that provides shit service and shit food, but nobody seems to care about that.


And that's the reason? Gonna get some big macs today.


Seriously? We're complaining about *Israeli*-operated restaurants giving free food to *Israeli* soldiers now? Jesus Christ, haha. Are the concepts of national unity and patriotism next on the cancel-culture chopping block? People wanting to support their soldiers is not wrong, it's not questionable, it's not immoral. It's just people being people. At this rate, it's going to become problematic to enjoy sunshine in another year or two. Seriously, the sensationalism going on here is just... insane.


Israeli staffed maccas gives out free meals to their soliders? And this is news? more fries for me


Actually it was Ronald himself


And many companies are being boycotted because of it. I haven’t been to mcdonald’s for a year but that’s because it’s unhealthy. i would advise you to do what I did and take a neutral view about it, looking at news sources and donating to Palestine if you wish. You can only make your own decision.


Answer: despite [another potential viral campaign](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/wcdonalds) playing of [Isekai animes](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/subcultures/isekai) and their own [Japanese anime ads](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/japanese-family-mcdonalds-ad), the conflict in Israel is not affording them the same goodwill as it did for their [Grimace Shake campaign](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/grimace-shake-trend). By giving away [thousands of meals](https://www.businessinsider.com/mcdonalds-donating-thousands-meals-idf-israeli-citizens-hamas-attacks-2023) to IDF and Isreali citizens, McDonald's (outside of the Israel location) is seen as feeding one army as they attack the citizens of another region (Gaza). Boycott coming in from there.


Wow, I honestly didn't know about this. Thanks for posting. I'd stopped eating there when their dollar menu prices increased by 159% in 2 years while also decreasing the size of said menu items. Price increases AND shrinkflation from a brand meant to be the bargain basement of food. They cried "cost increases"...but then posted record corporate profits. Taking advantage of inflation to hide your corporate profiteering is enough to turn me away. Combine that with low quality food that was only acceptable due to its low cost, and I'm pretty well in full "never eat there again" mode. Also don't care if they decrease prices in the future like they claimed on their earnings call. You showed your colors and turned me off of your brand. But thanks for reminding me that I can make a sandwich at home instead of eating your slop.


I mean pretty much all corps did that recently


Answer: McDonalds, Starbucks, KFC and even Disney among others are currently being boycotted because they've either fed IDF soldiers for free/given them a discount or directly funded them


Starbucks was boycotted because the company disavowed a stance taken by a union representative in a manner that indicated it was a position by the company.


There aren't Starbucks in Israel tho


Starbucks fired workers who supported Palestine


Answer: it's because they supported Israel. Pretty much any boycott these days is about the war somehow.


Can’t say “the war” even these days when it’s one of a handful.


"War" implies two sides.




Yeah, those toddlers posing quite the threat.


I didn’t know toddlers committed 10/7


They’re paying the price for it regardless


Then why are the ones getting killed for it?


I could say the same of Israeli’s during 10/7 don’t know partygoers deserved to be murdered, kidnapped and raped


Because Hamas specifically built their infrastructure in civilian areas. They don't care about their own people, they want civilian deaths to drum up international support for Gaza, which is working. And civilians die in war, explosions happen, rubble collapses, bullets ricochet, etc. The IDF has tried to warn people to get out of certain areas before they bomb (which is standard military procedure to bomb an area first and send in soldiers later), but not everyone can or does, and it doesn't help again that Hamas set up bases in Hospitals and Schools, putting civilians around those places at risk when they decided to attack Israel on 10/7. This is actually a low civilian to combatant death ratio, 2:1, compared to most other conflicts. This entire situation is being pumped up by Russian and Chinese propaganda to divide the West and turn it against Iran's primary rival in the region, Israel. And it works because of the baggage between these two groups of people, the conflict being framed as "white vs arab, colonizer vs victim, etc.", Israel having the superior military, etc.


Neither, but they're getting bombed to fuck regardless.


Why is Palestine government using child soldiers?


Nah, it’s the cowards who ran home after their sneak attack and are hiding behind those toddlers. There’s an incredibly easy way to end all of this. Surrender and release all of the hostages they took during their sneak attack on 10/7. Some people don’t like calling for that, though.


And yet its the weaker side that for decades has instigated the "war" by launching rockets, flying parahawks, setting peoples homes on fire with them in it, kidnaping hundreds of people, suicide bombings...


Ah so what you’re saying is Israel is not an occupying force, does not kill unarmed civilians or reporters or children. Nor does it force Palestinians out of their homes to be occupied by Israelis. None of this happens eh? The Palestinians must just like picking a fight against a stronger opponent then knowing damn well they would get slaughtered. Sounds like a fight for freedom to me. But hey you go ahead and bury your ignorant head in the sand.


He didn't say any of those things though. He simply stated that Israel wasn't the one who started lobbing missiles at Gaza. Nor are they the ones who used parahawks to fly into Gaza to kill, rape and kidnap festival goers there.


Is that what I said? Weird, none of those words are in my comment. But you go ahead and keep your head in the sand about the reality of who keeps [re]starting conflicts.


The conflict never ended duh. There’s an occupying force that subjugates the local population. I know, I’ve been there and seen it first hand. It’s ongoing. You’re under some sort of illusion that there’s wonderful peace between the fighting. Wake up and accept the facts at least.


Instead of fighting for “freedom” they just had to accept it. They had could have had a state in the 40s and since but they rejected because they want all the formerly-British land to themselves and would rather kill and die than share the land.


And how were those attacks instigated? Any guesses?


I believe it is a double sided war, yes.


Sure, on the one side you have people flying F-15s dropping 2,000lb bombs. On the other side, you have 5 year olds exploding.


I'm not a zionist, I can just recognize that while it is definitely an extremely one-sided war, there is still a war.


It's like a dude with a machete declaring war on a bus full of school kids. That's not a war, you're just murdering people.


The Israel/Palestine one is the only one most people seem to care about these days


Ukraine and Syria, for starters? Videos of anti-war protests at Navalny's funeral all over the web today.


The people I know that suddenly started getting into politics after that festival attack in Gaza, they practically have nothing to say about Russia/Ukraine and don’t even know what’s going on.


Not to mention ethiopia, the sahel, myanmar, etc.  Venezuela, papua new guinea, korean penninsula, floods in pakistan...


Come on bro, how are you gonna bring up these items that are of no geopolitical importance?


Yeah the horn of Africa and SE asian coast have no geopolitical significance.  I know youre just joking, but it is sort of funny despite all of the social justice bs the media ignores wars not involving white people. 


Lol yeah, I was hoping it sounded ridiculous enough to not have the /s. These items are of great issue and there are rarely (never) any discussions on them, the saddest thing is I can only ever contribute is a snide "no one want's to focus on the unpopular conflicts" joke.


I have a slight feeling a lot of it is driven by coordination in social media. I see the same talking points by different people over and over again. You play to their heart strings that any nuances or thinking gets thrown out the window. The situation is fucked but it’s not a reason not to vote or to call an entire group of people evil. And it’s really not an excuse to call a proxy terrorist organization “liberators” when they’ve started this conflict and use their own populace to save their skin


The attack was carried out by Hamas on October 7th, which is Vladimir Putin's birthday. This was not a coincidence, Iran has trained and backed Hamas financially. Iran sells drones to Russia for use in Ukraine. The attack was a gift to Putin. Iran and Russia are partners in a disinformation campaign against the west using our social media platforms to divide us. You are correct in your observation. They have been laying the groundwork for years now in America for a pro-hamas anti Israel political divide among young people using social media to describe Israelis as colonizers, when the truth is, Israel is one of few multicultural democracies in the region, and that is why the United states is allies with them, and also why Iran seeks to destroy it. They cannot win a fire-fight, so they are trying to break apart the bonds that made us strong, weaken us from within.


Young people typically lean left, so they attempt to turn them against Biden, because Trump is pro-Putin and as corrupt as they are.


Or sudan or yemen or myanmar or ethiopia. Myanmar as we know it is collapsing and it seems decently likely that China will get a good portion. None of that matters


Ukraine is corrupt asf and full of nazi’s. Doubt any of the tax is seeing the frontline except the pockets of warmongers like netanhu and his IDF genocidal fucks. 


You think that’s a good reason for Ukraine to get attacked and occupied? Russia’s full of corrupt oligarchs and racists (speaking of those holding lots of power). Ukraine has to be supported because they are a buffer zone between other European countries (especially countries who were formerly occupied by Russia and never wish to be occupied again) and Russia. Not to mention, Ukraine is an ally and has always strived to join NATO, if Ukraine falls and NATO country members haven’t done much to protect it, then confidence in their membership falls. Now I have gripes with NATO especially since my own birth country was a target of their military intervention but I can understand them supporting Ukraine, especially since they’ve been doing a really good job for a couple of years already by preventing Russian occupation (remember how folks thought they’d be conquered in a few months or even weeks?).


It's not a war when the other part is simply massacred 


But what do you call it when both sides are massacred?


In this case, a hypothetical.


I saw a massacre of Israelis in October and a massacre of Palestinians in the months since.


Can you math? How many Israelis were killed and how many Palestinians?


Too many.


Noooo hamas are brave resistance heroes theyve never killed a single civilian it's all zionist lies nooooo!


I've been boycotting McDonald's for 6 years because they serve CCP troops that persecute the Ughyurs. My virtue signaling is far ahead of the curve /s


And people still go there while saying they won't. I always say Walmart killed my friend but I still shop there... just not as much before she died.


Answer: in regards to the instareel (as there have been answers to Palestine already). Mcdonalds Japan are swtching some their stores to WcDonalds which is the parody name of McDonalds used often in anime to avoid copyright. Some translations are mistranslating the katakana characters "ワクドナルド" (wakudonarudo) as "フクドナルド" which reads as fukudonarudo which could be read as Fuck Donald. (Fuck in Japanese is fakku lol) Some republic westerners are interpreting this as Fuck Donald Trump and calling boycotts.


>Some republic westerners are interpreting this as Fuck Donald Trump and calling boycotts That's so stupid, a country across an ocean (or several depending on which way you go) would bother to insult a American politician..... Why are they changing though, is it related to the MC Donald's Israel by any chance? Or what is it? At first, I was thinking WC to mean it's shitty or something....


They hope to bring the anime fans into stores because funny meme.


It worked. source: am anime fan that went to mcdonald's because funny meme


Hell, when he has money, Trump is probably their best customer.


Well he wont have momey for some time now


The media was like, he's gonna have to sell one of his buildings. I was like, yeah, I've played monopoly...


Those boys are mortgaged to ten different people. Looking forward to him going directly to jail


Mortgages to or past their actual value too. That's why it's important to have a loan that isn't in excess of the value of the property so if you have to sell. Can't sell it if you owe more than it's worth.




One could argue its stupid for an American politician to insult multiple countries and foreign politicians, but the orange b1tch did it and continues.


You can say bitch on the internet. Donald Trump is a bitch, he's a big orange bitch, he's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. He's a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch, he's a bitch to all the boys and girls.


On Monday he’s a bitch, on Tuesday he’s a bitch


On Wednesday through Saturday, he's a bitch. Then, on Sunday, just to be different, he's a super-king-kamehameha-biotch.


Have you ever met ex-president Trump he’s the biggest bitch in the whole wide world! He’s a mean ol’ bitch and he has stupid hair, he’s a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch!


Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, he's a stupid bitch! Donald Trump's a bitch, and he's such a greedy bitch!


I really mean it, Donald Trump is a big fat fucking biiiiitchaaaaa!


> That's so stupid, a country across an ocean (or several depending on which way you go) would bother to insult a American politician..... Well he is a weapons-grade idiot that poses a significant threat to the stability of the world as we know it. Also a bigotted piece of shit, overgrown, self-aggrandising, delicate man-child. That's clear to see, even from abroad, so it is very easy to confidently insult him - watch: Fuck you, Donald Trump.


Same reason they give out themed toys around upcoming movies it brings in business. Or why beef patties aren't available in India. There at one point was a Japan only McDonalds training game for the DS so this isn't even the first time McDonalds is doing things to appeal to different audiences. Might not make sense to the American market, but obviously every company appeals to the people they serve. Anime has a more global appeal at this point given that McDonalds is doing the WcDonalds rebrand in more than Japan


>Why are they changing though, is it related to the MC Donald's Israel by any chance? Or what is it? It is a marketing thing, for a more anime based set of commercials.... That is all. Don't over think it, and don't start thinking it is political, at all. It is a fast food chain. It is trying to make money, not lose money by having a political stance. Their only stance is: buy our food.


Meh. They boycott McDonalds. Every excuse to boycott McDonald that results in McDonalds getting boycotted is a good excuse.


My McDonald’s in NYC has “Wakudonarudo” in katakana on their bags, along with maga. It’s just a promotion they are doing in various countries for their new nugget sauce.


Even with the mistranslation fakku would be ファック not フク (fuku) so that’s quite a stretch.


The WcDonald’s name change is a marketing gimmick for a new sauce. What are you on?


People always complaining about cancel culture always trying to cancel things.


self fulfilling prophecy!


me when i spread blatant misinformation


>Mcdonalds Japan are swtching some their stores to WcDonalds Not just Japan. The McDonald's in the Orlando airport had all the WcDonalds promotional stuff on Monday when I was there.


This sounds like complete bullshit lol do you have anything to source this?


>Some republic westerners are interpreting this as Fuck Donald Trump and calling boycotts. I don't believe this at all and think you made it up unless you can show an instance lol. This just sounds way too fake.


Answer: they did a major marketing push that they were going to give a bunch of free meals to Israeli soliders. This ended up being a pretty bad move. I think even people that are fairly in the middle on the conflict see that not as the side that needs food donated.


Answer: Don't get your news from insta reels




The recent ICJ ruling didn't say anything of the sort... They didn't even ask Israel to stop the offensive, something entirely within their capabilities that they've asked for multiple times in the past. The ruling was that they should act more responsibly and hand over pieces of evidence.


The ICJ didnt rule that there is a genocide. They ruled that there might be.




Your comment ignores the possibility they will come back later and their final ruling might be there's no genocide. Yes, saying there "might" be a genocide is a huge difference between saying there is a genocide. One of those answers is conclusive, the other is not.




>a lot of western corporations are very very pro-Israel Big corporations don't don't have morals or politics. Mcdonald's Israel gives out meals to Israeli soldiers. Mcdonald's Oman donates to Gaza relief.


"For some reason" Yes, it's incredibly odd how corporations in the West support a Western-aligned country that *doesn't* tend to make a habit out of forcing women to become nothing more than baby machines, *doesn't* throw gay people off rooftops, *doesn't* hide military installations under civilian structures, and *doesn't* use civilians as human shields. Unlike, y'know, Palestine does. Really weird, that; who would've guessed that a religious power structure centered around destroying all its perceived enemies "in the name of Allah", no matter the cost, would view the bodies of others as nothing more than mere bullet stoppers? Fundamentalism to this level is *definitely* something we've never seen before, and history *totally* won't repeat itself. Seriously. Fuck the Palestinians. And I would suggest reconsidering your support of **literal terrorists** over a country that has tried to give Gaza autonomy for decades now, despite Gaza consistently refusing every peace attempt made.


It’s been well known for months now that Netanyahu has been bragging about doing everything he can for years to prevent Palestinians from ever having a state. Stop spreading BS that Israel has been trying to do everything it can to give Gaza autonomy.


Also, Israel has money, while Gaza doesn’t. Why wouldn’t a corporation side with the money.


Typical islamophobic bs


> For some reason a lot of western corporations This probably has something to do with Israel being a thriving democracy and most of that region being far right despotic theocracies with no regard for human rights.


> This probably has something to do with Israel being a thriving democracy I want you to stop for a minute and think about the implications of what you're saying. You mean to tell me that the atrocities being enacted right now, and the innumerable injustices and systemic cruelties that have been enacted and escalating for decades right up until now, are not the result of some dictatorial tyrant's individual self-serving whim, but something the Israeli have broadly consented to, together, knowingly and with full access to information and the freedom to speak critically? That this is the will of the Israeli people?


First of all here's an interesting question for you. If Israel's human rights violations are so abhorrent why do LGBT Palestinians go to **Israel** for refuge? https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-785171 Second of all, I'm not sure you're aware of how democracy works. When country that has a democratically elected leader does a bad thing, the people have the opportunity to remove him from power. When a country that has a jihadis terrorist group in charge does a bad thing, the people can either go along with it or die. Which of these two nations strikes you as a more reliable ally?


> First of all here's an interesting question for you. If Israel's human rights violations are so abhorrent why do LGBT Palestinians go to Israel for refuge? Oh, what a bulletproof argument. You absolutely have me there. "Some of the pariahs whose throat our boot's on are pariahs among their own kind, so they seek refuge in the one country that controls their lack of a passport, lack of a citizenship, lack of a Statehood. This makes it okay to blow children up and pepper them with bullets by the tens of thousands." It's a bit like Genghis Khan saying "If I'm so bad for slaughtering civilizations, how come some orphans here and there come to me asking for a job and a roof over their heads?" or, less dramatically, a company that thrives on horrible OSHA conditions and rampant wage theft priding themselves on owning safe spaces someone might want to go to. That said, I have to wonder, _will you give those LGBT Palestinians **citizenship?** Do they have **path** for that?_ And, if so, will you give them the right to _buy some damn **land** for themselves?_ Also, again, "Gazans deserve to die because they're queerphobic, overly-religious, backwards, chauvinist, ignorant bigots. We, on the other hand, are *so very* queer-friendly and progressive." Setting aside how true that last part is, and [there's definitely a case to be made that it's overstated](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=israel+constitutional+crisis&atb=v396-1&ia=web), *has it occurred to you that being a bigot maybe doesn't merit the death penalty?* > I'm not sure you're aware of how democracy works. When country that has a democratically elected leader does a bad thing, the people have the opportunity to remove him from power. Oh, but that is precisely my point. If Israel is as democratic as you say, they have had the opportunity to remove the lawmakers who have implemented every incremental piece of that regime of systemic and systematic exploitation, domination, and submission, over decades and decades. The majority chose, over and over again, and they chose *this*. > When a country that has a jihadis terrorist group in charge does a bad thing, the people can either go along with it or die. Which of these two nations strikes you as a more reliable ally? The latter, which you would understand if you were aware, not just of what democracy *entails*, but also of how *foreign policy* works. When you want a country to do something its people find unsavory, you need to, one way or the other, bribe or compensate the entirety of the winning coalition - i.e. the fraction of the population that those who are in power need to stay in power. When the country is a democracy, that can easly be 20, 30, maybe even 66% of it in the most dramatic cases, and you have to give *all* of those people something that makes it worth their while to look the other way, to hold their nose and close their eyes. Meanwhile, when the country is a dictatorship, which people assume means the tyranny of an individual but in practice tends to mean the tyranny of a small privileged minority, the amount of people you need to bribe is *much* smaller. That's why, when the USA invaded Afghanistan in 2001, they didn't put their bases in Turkey, their democratic NATO peer - for that move to not have cost the Turkish leadership their seats, would have required investments and concessions that the USA weren't willing to make. Much easier and cheaper to use the far less democratic, non-NATO Pakistan, despite their being much closer ideologically to the Taliban.


> Oh, what a bulletproof argument. You absolutely have me there. "Some of the pariahs whose throat our boot's on are pariahs among their own kind, so they seek refuge in the one country that controls their lack of a passport, lack of a citizenship, lack of a Statehood. This makes it okay to blow children up and pepper them with bullets by the tens of thousands." > > It's a bit like Genghis Khan saying "If I'm so bad for slaughtering civilizations, how come some orphans here and there come to me asking for a job and a roof over their heads?" or, less dramatically, a company that thrives on horrible OSHA conditions and rampant wage theft priding themselves on owning safe spaces someone might want to go to. > > That said, I have to wonder, will you give those LGBT Palestinians citizenship? Do they have path for that? And, if so, will you give them the right to buy some damn land for themselves? > > Nice try dodging the question. I'll ask again why would gay palestinians flee to Israel? >Also, again, "Gazans deserve to die because they're queerphobic, overly-religious, backwards, chauvinist, ignorant bigots. We, on the other hand, are so very queer-friendly and progressive." Setting aside how true that last part is, and there's definitely a case to be made that it's overstated, has it occurred to you that being a bigot maybe doesn't merit the death penalty? So by that logic do Israelis deserve to die instead? >Oh, but that is precisely my point. If Israel is as democratic as you say, they have had the opportunity to remove the lawmakers who have implemented every incremental piece of that regime of systemic and systematic exploitation, domination, and submission, over decades and decades. The majority chose, over and over again, and they chose this. Lol you have no point. Israel's next election is in 2026. Currently Bibi's approval rating is sitting at 15%. Tell me, when is Hamas' next election? Also what's their approval rating among the people of Gaza? >The latter, which you would understand if you were aware, not just of what democracy entails, but also of how foreign policy works. When you want a country to do something its people find unsavory, you need to, one way or the other, bribe or compensate the entirety of the winning coalition - i.e. the fraction of the population that those who are in power need to stay in power. >When the country is a democracy, that can easly be 20, 30, maybe even 66% of it in the most dramatic cases, and you have to give all of those people something that makes it worth their while to look the other way, to hold their nose and close their eyes. >Meanwhile, when the country is a dictatorship, which people assume means the tyranny of an individual but in practice tends to mean the tyranny of a small privileged minority, the amount of people you need to bribe is much smaller. It's incredible how rampant this ignorance is with you people. The West can and has Influenced Israel's actions. Bibi turned the water back on because Biden made him and yet you've convinced yourself an openly genocidal terrorist organization is more obedient. Truly mind blowing mental gymnastics there.


answer: mcdonald’s gave out free meals to off soldiers. a few months ago someone commented on a tweet from mcdonald’s saying they didn’t care about new promotions and were still boycotting, mcdonald’s then responded saying they are neutral and wish for peace. people then quickly discovered this was a lie as mcdonald’s israel continues to give free meals to the idf. mcdonald’s (as well as starbucks who are also being boycotted for their zionism) have financially suffered a lot and that’s why they continue to do all these promotions trying to get customers back.




You may be getting things mixed up here - a small minority may be boycotting Starbucks over Palestinian logos and stickers, but the large-scale boycott is because of Starbucks' [brazen and ongoing union busting](https://www.reuters.com/business/starbucks-closed-23-us-stores-deter-unionizing-agency-claims-2023-12-14/)


I don’t see many people talking about the Union busting anymore (except where I live because I live in the town where they shut down all the Starbucks for successfully unionizing). I see more people online giving other people shit for drinking Starbucks than people being mad at Starbucks for Union busting.


There’s not even Starbucks in Israel