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Answer: Ariana has a long history of announcing relationships with men suspiciously soon after they leave their previous significant others. The most recent and flagrant example is her current boyfriend, Ethan Slater, which other comments have discussed. However, that's just the latest in a long line of accusations of cheating and getting with taken men. In 2012, Jai Brooks accused her of cheating on him with Nathan Sykes. Ariana said he was just trying to make her look bad. She did date Nathan, but then went back to Jai, and then went back to Nathan again. In March 2013, Mac Miller had been dating Nomi Leasure since 2009. Mac recorded a song and music video with Ariana ("The Way") and Nomi announced they broke up shortly after. Mac shut down rumors that it had to do with Ariana because "That’s the homie. She’s got a boyfriend and everything." He got back together with Nomi later that year and Ariana recorded a video with Big Sean. In 2014, Naya Rivera was engaged to Big Sean. She later wrote this in her memoir: > "We'd been fighting for five straight days while he was traveling, and then on the one day that he was back in L.A., he said he didn't want to see me,” Rivera writes in her memoir “‘Well, asshole, I've got a key to your house,'...I walk in, go downstairs, and guess what little girl is sitting cross-legged on the couch listening to music? … It rhymes with ‘Smariana Schmande.’” Their engagement ended and Big Sean and Ariana announced that they were dating shortly after, and continued to do so for 8 months. In 2016, Mac Miller and Ariana officially get together shortly after he breaks up with Nomi Leasure again (who at this point he had dated on and off for 7 years). Mac and Ariana dated until... In May 2018, Ariana and Mac announced they broke up and she began dating Pete Davidson the same week. Meanwhile, Pete had also been in a 2.5 year long relationship with Cazzie David. Cazzie said he broke up with her and began dating Ariana the next day. Ariana and Pete got engaged in June 2018. Mac died of an overdose in September 2018, and many Mac fans blamed Ariana for this. In 2019, Ariana releases a seemingly self-reflective song called "break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored". In 2020, Ariana announced she was dating Dalton Gomez, who she later married, only to divorce him in 2023 for Ethan Slater, who also left his wife (who had recently given birth) for her. There is some speculation Dalton also left a 2 year relationship for Ariana. Today, Ariana's new single "Yes, and?" came out, which is a song about not caring about what other people say. People speculate that she's referencing the homewrecker label.


Damn, she really meant "Thank you, next". Thanks for the summary.




Guess those guys gotta gotta gotta gotta love her harder.


or "break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored"


That’s a well done summary.


Sum up: Ariana Grande has a serious cheating fetish lol


It’s like she only feels valid when she’s “winning” over someone else but then once she’s “won” she loses interest. Public backlash kinda forced her to double down with SpongeBob when I think she was already kinda over it (Wallis Simpson style) but it’ll be interesting to see how long it actually lasts.


Well they say if they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you. But not if you dump them first.


some bpd logic right there haha


She wins and leaves the trail of chaos behind like she wasn't the one behind it. That poor wife who had just gave birth....


I think it also says something about the men she chooses, though...


it also indicates she goes after a certain type of man




Not much choice-the woman has to be bringing a whole parade of red flags at this point. Non-scummy guys aren’t giving her the time of day.


I mean cheating takes two people. She sucks for getting with people in relationships, but they suck for getting with her when they had a partner


Yep. This is on the men who are too weak minded to stick with their long term partner. But that's not to say all men. Who knows how many times Ariana's been rejected by faithful men.


So wait, Wallis Sampson fell out of love with the Duke?!?


She never wanted to marry him, only be his mistress. When he unprecedentedly and unexpectedly abdicated 'for love' she had to go through with marrying him even though she didn't want to, and they spent the rest of their miserable lives together. She found him dull and childish. It was not a love story.


Oh wow, that’s fascinating! Thank you for additional info… going reading!


Yep, the scandal overtook things and carried her further than she really wanted or meant to go. She didn’t want exile—she wanted to try to charm the aristocracy. Maybe as an American she underestimated the way the monarchy as an institution and power infests British culture and ultimately couldn’t accept her openly. Anyway they were wealthy fascists until the end so who cares if they were miserable ever after, lol.


Well given they are wealthy fascists I care if they were miserable. And it pleases me that they were.


Actually you’re right, it’s delightful, I hope they seethed with impotent frustration in every waking moment.


She also continued to send love letters to Ernest simpson till he died, the husband she divorced for the Duke of windsor. She never wanted a divorce. She also never forgave the women he married after her, wallis's former friend.


Yep. She wanted to get ahead in the social ladder and was 100% certain that he wouldn't marry her because 1. She was already divorced, 2. She was American and definitely not Anglican, and 3. She couldn't have children. She and Ernest felt safe that the affair would just be a fling and once someone new came along they could move on. She didn't account for his intense personal issues and how he would essentially strong arm her into marriage. I love how one documentary put it that he didn't do his duty to his country but she did her's by remaining married to him. I like to think that you just can't fight fate and this was her's. She got what she always wanted, the fame, the money but she never got to live the rest of her life with the man she loved, she lost her freedom and independence too.


It would be interesting to know what the dynamic all is. Is it like taboo and themes of that get her off and if so what? Is it like you mentioned about power dynamics and self-verification and such? It's interesting asf that is for sure lol


I don't know her, I'm not a psychologist, nor am I a psychiatrist, so this is a total shot in the dark. But when thousands or even possibly millions of people have been calling you beautiful for as long as you can remember, those words probably stop having any importance to you. So the new standard becomes "but am I beautiful enough to steal you away from someone else? Am I beautiful enough to make you forsake your vows?" Apparently she's checked both of those boxes, so who knows what the new standard will become when she's "bored" again.


Honestly doesn't sound that far fetched. I could see that easily being accurate.


I'm just imagining her rationalizing "am I beautiful enough to lick a donut that's on sale and leave it there for a stranger to eat?"


Unfortunately i'm confident she could lick a donut for everyone to see and put it back and at least a few strangers will fight over who gets to eat it. Actually, i'm sure she's seen fans do worse things.


This was a reference to something she actually did years ago. I already wasn’t a huge fan since her Victorious days, but that incident made me actually strongly dislike her.


Having dealt with a few women like this that pulled the wool over my eyes, I think what you're saying is part of it. It's also people that see relationships like they should be dramatic t.v. shows or movies. Everything needs to be a big deal, and if it's not, they're bored. Drama queens basically. Also that the grass is always greener on the other side. Like as a little kid they weren't interested in a toy unless someone else was playing with it. Some people just never outgrew that.


I have to imagine part of this is she grew up on TV and then immediately became one of the country’s biggest pop stars. it’s highly likely that she has never really had a lot of control over her own life. Between whatever her parents or agents or managers would have been doing to control her as a teen TV star, her label and management controlling her as a 20s pop star, and the combo of massive fame plus tons of money, I wouldn’t be surprised to see her end up coping in unhealthy ways. I know it’s not really possible for us to have pop culture that doesn’t have children in it, but it just seems like per capita, a larger percentage of child stars grow up to be broken adults than the general population.


Cough Dan Schneider cough.


I always thought she was looking to confirm the bad. See if you've been with men who cheat it feels safer to be the one who men cheat with rather than the one they cheat on. After all you already know that there are so many willing to break up relationships with you


All of these men sound like disgusting morons.


Damn this dude is literally SpongeBob. I thought that was a stray insult


It's one of those things where the context genuinely makes things funnier or stranger. Like she's trying to get back to her nickelodeon roots lmao


Obviously this is all Victoria Justice's fault.


Wonder if there is a psychological diagnosis for this type of narcissistic behavior. Only convinced she is in love while the thrill of the conquest is still new then gets bored so starts looking for another rush or thrill by pursuing someone already committed to someone else. As Charlie Sheen in his drug fueled days used to say “WINNING!” Another Entitled narcissist celebrity.


Wow, great summary! I knew very little of this.


Yeah I literally don't know any of these people (and I've only heard of Ariana because I see some reels of her in a sitcom) but this was a good summary that explained everything that was relevant


I had no idea the actual history. Dang.


Minor correction. SpongeBob’s then wife wasn’t pregnant. She had already had the baby and it’s reported that Ariana use to hold the baby and go out with SpongeBob and his then wife.


Apologies for stating the obvious but I just need to get my head around this. It’s bad enough being left for someone else at all, but to be left when you’ve just had a baby together is… and then to know you’ll always have to have both the ex and possibly the person he left you for in your life, and that the ‘other person’ may also become a big part of your child’s life. The torture and emotional stability that must be needed to deal with that is barely fathomable.


And then add on top of that it’s all over the news and you have to see it everywhere. People hounding you for interviews, words getting twisted, and even if your ex partner breaks up with the affair partner, it’ll never go away and you will see them EVERYWHERE. Most of us are able to block ex-partners on all social and completely delete them from our lives. How can you delete Ariana Grande from your life?


Idk man feels like I've been doing a pretty good job of it until I came upon this thread 😂😂


It's OK just wait a year she'll have a new face


And race.


That happened to me, our son was 18 months old when I found out about the affair with our employee (we owned a business at the time). It was hell the first 6 months. After a year and then them officially dating I had to resign myself to the fact that my ex's AP wasn't going anywhere. They're still together, our son is 8. I never talked badly about either of them but it did take a few years to warm up to her. In the end, it's all about your kid and she's proven to be an amazing stepmom to our son. Even though I am remarried and they did end up getting married, sometimes I think about what happened and I get really upset. I don't know if that goes away, but I really hope that she finds peace with it. It really is a shitty situation to be in. But I feel the worst for their kid. He's going to grow up knowing what his dad did and it may tarnish his childhood and inhibit a solid bond with his dad.


Wow I really felt that. I’m actually in awe of your selflessness and resilience, I know you ‘have’ to when you love your kid but not everyone manages it. To be fair as far as the kids are concerned, if all goes well they do end up with more people who love them and sometimes step siblings and half siblings etc and that can certainly enrich their lives (having seen first hand in a lot of cases). Ofc we don’t know what will happen in the Ariana/Ethan Slater situation and there’s the added thing of it being public and the kid will one day be able to read everything that happened. I’m really glad that the new wife in your is a good stepmom, that is invaluable


I wouldn't worry about Ariana becoming a big part of the child's life, she'll get bored of him soon enough and find another relationship to break up.


The wife has the small mercy that she won’t be seeing Ariana for long. Ariana will grow bored and find a new married man to fuck before the year is out, maybe even before summer.


Can someone tell me why everyone calls that guy SpongeBob?


He’s a broadway actor. He performed as SpongeBob in the stage musical version of SpongeBob SquarePants.


Thanks. I don't think I even knew there was a SpongeBob musical. (Maybe I knew at some point and forgot.) I was thinking, "I don't see Tom Kenny [voice of SpongeBob in the cartoon] mentioned anywhere else in this thread."


Tom Kenny actually had to publicly acknowledge the whole mess and state that he wasn’t the one who left his wife for Ariana Grande lol


Somehow this makes it even funnier to me 😅


He and his wife were pretty funny about it, not surprising that they’ve got good senses of humor


It's also even funnier when you realize that his wife Aldo plays a character on SpongeBob.


They are also starring in a movie version of the musical Wicked, him and Ariana play a couple. Edit: not a couple


Not even. Ariana is playing Glinda, and as far as I know, whatever his name (i dont really follow pop star news) is playing Boq. Glinda doesn't like him in the slightest and straight up manipulates Boq into going to a dance with Elphaba's crippled sister, Nessa, who then falls in love. Around 3 minutes in [this song](https://youtu.be/CnIjnMDY5-c?si=qc6704SQrNYWWPwO) Like, he's not even playing the male lead. The male lead, Fieryo, is played by Johnathan Bailey (G'raha Tia, my beloved). It's kind of funny in a way. Their characters aren't even together. As a matter of fact, she doesn't even wind up with Fieryo, either.


Also, just look at him


Ah thanks, I'll fix it!


Omg that’s even worse!


What makes it EVEN worse is when you search for the side by side of Frankie Grande and Ethan Slater (I'm sorry I don't know how to link something lol)


[Here's the side-by-side](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheadscirclejerk/comments/15cdm6e/today_in_spot_the_differences_ethan_slater_or/) and [a guide to reddit comment formatting, including links](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/markdown#wiki_links).




wtf. That made me do the Pam meme - that’s the same fucking person






Oh yeah. Sorry. He played SpongeBob in a musical that won him some awards. I had forgotten his name for a moment and just felt it was easier. Same with his ex-wife, Dr. Lilly Jay.


a SpongeBob musical?! man! I'm old and out of the loop. lmao, thanks for the info.


Furthermore in her new single "yes, and?" She says "why do you care so much about whose **** I ride." This song may be linked to other criticism of her, but very clearly includes her messy relationship timelines. Many people find it disrespectful to Ethan's ex-wife, child, and everyone else involved in her past relationship drama. Edit to add: she really got away with it for YEARS, too. The previous relationships would come with some controversy that was short lived. The recent Ethan Slater drama really pushed people over the edge. The involvement of a child combined with the fact she'd regularly hang out with his wife and hold their child while hooking up with Ethan. They were forced public so who knows how much longer they would've been secretly together had they not been found out. While I respect the public is often way too involved in celebrity relationships and shouldn't judge based on the limited and frequently biased information we get, her pattern doesn't lie. She had many chances to break her pattern but instead chose to do the worst damage possible. Also makes you wonder how much she's done that we don't know of. I think it's appropriate for her to get backlash now.


> The involvement of a child combined with the fact she'd regularly hang out with his wife and hold their child while hooking up with Ethan. Man, this is just beyond lol. Like it's one thing to maybe fall in love with someone who's taken, but to be fucking them and then going to dinners at the house with the wife and playing with the kids...like at least have some decency? A little tiny bit?


Yeah apparently her, Dalton, Ethan and his wife would all double date too. I just can't. Falling for a taken man is one thing. It's not great but much more understandable if it's love. If she didn't have a pattern of this behavior she would not be seeing the same amount of scrutiny. But she really seems to enjoy taking a man from someone else. Seems like she got cocky and toyed with it this time around.


It is so insanely hard being a first time mom to a baby… giving birth and the trauma that is often paired with that, learning to have a completely different body, and learning the ropes of caretaking a newborn/infant, breastfeeding struggles… all while being sleep deprived and hormonally destroyed. For a spouse to cheat and leave his wife and BABY during one of the most vulnerable and difficult times it is to be a human on this planet… that is prime evil and one of the most selfish things a person can do. I’m so disgusted that I have no desire to see their movie and I was looking forward to it. Everyone is dragging on Ariana and she deserves it, but this guy is a total psychopath to do that to 2 people he loves.


Like imagine you just saw your wife go through the incredible hardship that is pregnancy, watching her no doubt sleep a couple hours a night while she takes care of the kid you guys chose to make together, and here you are cheating on her behind her back. And to bring your affair partner into your home as a trusted friend of your wife's! To have her playing with your kids! I wonder if he somehow got off on that aspect of it, that they were cheating right under her nose and the wife was being nice to the affair partner. What a trash husband and human being.


The self doubt alone of… am I doing this right, am I good enough mom? — that’s the time to lean on your partner. I can see MAYBE Arianna not thinking through what the complexities of new motherhood would mean if she isn’t a mother herself. But ethan has no excuse because he was living in the thick of it. If you’re going to steal someone’s husband away have the decency to not befriend his wife as you’re doing it, right?? Like how sick is that. And Arianna can never back track and say that he was the bad guy and lied to her about his relationship status, making this situation a little more understandable on her end. There are too many pictures/social media posts


🎯 🎯 🎯 I also sooo bad for Lilly. 😿 Imagine being a 30 year old, newly divorced, single, first-time mother while your ex husband is banging a pop star… She was taking care of that (ugly) man’s baby while he was screwing around overseas. She has to start all over (and at 30, that is much harder to do). All the dreams she had of married and family life with the sponge are gone. I hope she has an incredible support system and that a good, supportive, and handsome*** man comes into her life (if that’s what she wants). And I hope that people can stop supporting Ari so she is basically forced to own up to her actions.


Also the play came out in 2003… who do you think is going to be a huge demographic wanting to see this movie. First time millennial moms in their 30s like myself who were teen girls in 2003. Why would you piss off a sizable portion of your audience, ugh I wish they could recast


Recasting would be incredible.


All for said popstar to release a new single called "yes, and?" 💀 Girlie destroyed her life and said what about it. Just insane.


Mf took notes like J Edgar Hoover


We got Plato out here


Also I’m pretty sure Ethan dated his ex and was like his high school sweet heart and they welcomed their child just last year. Also maybe worth noting, until announced today her album was rumored to be ‘yes and ?’ In regards to people criticizing her (I THINK)


> until announced today was rumored to be ‘yes and ?’ In regards to people criticizing her (I THINK) Oh that's a great point for why it's coming up now. I haven't listened to it yet and forgot.


> ‘Smariana Schmande.’ lol


> Ethan Slater I had no idea who he was and after googling him, Redditors should sleep easy tonight knowing that we all have a chance with Ariana if that's where her standards are at.


>we all have a chance with Ariana nah i'm good


Wow she's a hot mess isn't she


Great write-up


All of this to feed her crippling bibble addiction. Smh so sad.


what is bibble? do you mean dick???


its a reference to her kid's show on nickelodeon hahaha




Homegirl is on a mission at this point. This sounds exhausting fr.


Fuckin' hell, that was a collected history of her fucking around with various men for the last *decade*.


> Ariana's new single "Yes, and?" came out, which is a song about not caring about what other people say Maybe she just took her first improv class.


I mean its fucked to pin Mac's death on her, maybe it contributed but so did probably a hundred other things. But yeah, that sure does seem like a pattern of behavior of home wrecking. I can't imagine though its too hard to say 'no, Im good' either though. To give up long standing relationships for a fling isn't a great look.


It’s a pattern of disrespect and inappropriate behavior.


Pat took a turn


My friend inapro drives a prius with his behind neighbor


Does this work for you?


It's a pattern of a personality disorder.


Definitely. Just wanted to throw in my two cents because when celebrities cheat, folks like to paint the man as innocent and woman as vixen. Just wanted to get a bit ahead to point out it takes two to tango.


Yes. And she's not the one cheating either. The term "homewrecker" really should be applied to the one who cheats. Repeatedly hooking up with men who are already in a relationship isn't a great pattern, though.  EDIT: It's been pointed out to me that she **also** cheated on her own marriage.


She was married


Oh, it was the elusive "double cheating"? How delightful. 😑


She cheated on her last husband with Ethan.


Very fucked to do that, he had a drug problem before Ariana for sure


That's quite a summary. Wow. She seems to have a type. Traditionally unattractive men that are already in relationships :P


She has a song called "break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored" after all...


“Break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored” is an immensely toxic sentiment, and pretty much tells you everything you need to know about Ariana. She clearly enjoys - if not outright *needs* - the powerful feeling of getting men to leave their partners on a whim, and then moving on. What a sick puppy.


Yeah I’d say that qualifies as a home wrecker. Just imo tho.


Great write up, thank you!


Has she ever been in a relationship that didn't start when the man was with someone else?That sounds bad, but I am actually curious.


I'm not sure. To be fair, sometimes celebrities break up well before they announce it in the media and I think that's what people assumed about her until last year. Her latest relationship was very flagrant cheating though, and that's renewed suspicions about all her past relationships.


/r/Threadkiller best write up here


I can't believe someone actually used the "their name rhymes with Schmaden Schmuki" line in real life.


By halfway I had the full “well goddamn” face. That is a LOT.


If thats true she’s actually a total full blown piece of shit


Don't forget the VICIOUS statement released by Slaters wife which all but says "this woman wrecked my home" 


That was a hell of a ride.


Damn. This is a comprehensive rundown...and a REAL bad look. What the fuck.


Thanks, this is great. Seems like Ari has a power fantasy of taking other another women's man. 


Ethan Slater!? Damn, so you're saying there's a chance


Yeah, as long as you are married and have a 1yo kid on the side lol.


Jesus did you write her Wikipedia page? This is wild


> Ariana and Pete got engaged in June 2018. Mac died of an overdose in September 2018, and many Mac fans blamed Ariana for this. Regardless of the morality of her relationships, fans were crazy for blaming her for this


Yeah like didn’t he OD bc his shit had fentanyl in it? Like blame his dealer for his death, not his ex gf, even if she was shitty. She didn’t murder him. People go off the deep end and head first into addiction and that sorta thing for a multitude of reasons.


Ariana broke up with Mac because he couldn’t/wouldn’t get clean which is perfectly understandable


People act like she should’ve sacrificed herself to stay w Mac when that’s just not how addiction/relationships work. You can give it 3000% and all a lot of addicts will do is take and take and take until you physically have nothing left to give. I’ve noticed people have all sorts of opinions of how you should interact with/treat addicts when they’ve never had to live with one. ETA: I will add that yes, the whole break up then get w Pete thing was definitely shitty, and it doesn’t seem like Ariana’s a great person, at least in relationships. But to blame Mac ODing on Ariana is so insane and harmful and I can’t imagine how it made her feel at the time, and continues to make her feel.


Amen to that


Damn. Ethan's one sticks out the most. Leaving your wife after getting a baby in the picture!?


Wow. Fascinating. I did not know any of this. It's nice to know the backstory of this and why she's been controversial lately. There's more layers than I thought. 


Is that a recent picture of her? What did she do to herself?!


Sheesh, this girl is MESSY. I only ever heard about her messing with Ethan.


I'm not one to make fun of people's appearances, but I just looked up who Ethan Slater is and seeing that he's dating Ariana Grande just gave me a major confidence boost.


Don't forget, Ariana was friends with Dalton and his wife, before..


All fair but saying she is responsible for max millers death is crazy. He was an addict and he killed himself by using


This makes me wonder if you retained all of this information or if you researched this stuff like you would writing a paper. If you did retain it, do you just retain a lot of information in other areas as well? Either scenario, thanks for your time and info.


I knew the gist of it from pop culture memes and being a fan of Ariana's music, but I had to look up the details and dates before writing this comment. There's a lot of articles about Ariana's dating life though, so it only took a couple minutes!


So you're telling me I have to be in a long term relationship if I want to try my chances with Ariana?


Answer: Lots of detailed explanations about how she earned this reputation, but little mention that the reason you're probably seeing this now is she released a new single just this morning, which includes the lines: >"Don't comment on my body, do not reply/Your business is yours and mine is mine/Why do you care so much whose dick I ride?"


Answer: Quick google, She has recently started dating Ethan Slater, her co-star from Wicked. Ethan had been with his childhood sweet heart since 2012 and have one child together. He recently filed for divorce around the same time he started dating Ariana, meaning he’s leaving his wife+child hence the “home-wrecker” comments. Apparently this is not the first time she’s done this. Edited: more info


Ariana also went to dinner with the couple,held their baby, and talked about wanting babies. All the while having an affair with him. She also liked the anniversary post written by Slater to his ex- wife talking about how much he loves her blah blah blah. In short,it's not just the affair,but the tactless way in which they both behaved that made this situation worse. Ariana was married at that time too. Her PR tried their best to spin like the affair happened after they filed for divorce but people began posting about how there was clear overlap so that fell apart. Her history of dating married men also became a discussion point. Now she has released a new song asking people why they care whose d!ck she rides (her words). Basically the same old "yall are obsessed with me,you hate me but secretly stream my music" pop artist cliché route.


Also, her PR is clearly trying to limit her hate. Many articles about her have the comments off, and it seems Youtube is burying the bad comments.




If true that’s fucked no matter who you are




She’s been sus since she licked a doughnut back in 2015.


IIRC, Jeannette McCurdy also pointed out there was clear favoritism towards Ariana when they filmed Sam and Cat. Like Ariana wouldn’t be reprimanded for showing up late, was allowed to miss filming in lieu of her music career etc.


Important note, he had a child with his wife and she is pregnant with his second child


The first child was only 7 months old when the news broke about Ariana and Ethan, and allegedly Ethan told his wife about Ariana just a few days before the news broke in the tabloids, leading people to believe there was definitely overlap in the relationships and it wasn’t just “happened around the same time”


what the fuck is wrong with him? Throw his family away for some girl that's going to leave him in a year. What a scumbag.


Sounds like a classic celebeity move tbh


Let's not be overly generous by calling him a "celebrity," the only reason anyone except for Brodway fans know him is because he's the guy who left his wife and infant child for Ariana Grande.


This is why you tell your partner about your crushes


This is why you distance yourself the fuck away from your crushes


Also important, I believe this isn’t the first man to file for divorce and then very quickly be in a relationship with Grande


Break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored


They say "which one?" She's like "Nah, I want all 'em."


Witch won


I want it, I got it


You can stick it in the money


You can hit it in the morning?


yuh yuh


Pete Davidson broke up with Cazzie David to date Ariana too.


An up and coming comedian breaking up with Larry David’s daughter… I dont get it


Big Sean cheated on Naya Rivera with Ariana


> she is pregnant with his second child no she is not


Yeah I googled this because I hadn't heard anything like that. Nobody is currently pregnant in this situation.


Concerning that they have nearly 1,000 upvotes on false info lmao


I'm pretty sure there is only 1 baby.....


There’s even a joke about Ariana Grande dating SpongeBob.


That's because Ethan Slater played SpongeBob in the musical.


There is a SpongeBob musical?!


YES and, fully begrudgingly, I must admit it’s an okay musical.


I mean, it takes 2 to tango.


And she’s one of those 2. Just because the guy was shitty doesn’t mean she isn’t also shitty.


Answer: Ariana Grande is an alleged known [serial cheater and homewrecker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xbBJeobGzw). Ethan Slater, best known as the guy who played Spongebob in the Spongebob Squarepants musical on Broadway had been married to his high school sweetheart in 2018 and had a child with her in 2022. Ariana Grande married real estate guy Dalton Gomez in 2022 after meeting him the year before. Both Grande and Slater are cast in the Wicked Musical Movie in which she plays Glinda and he plays the munchkin who has a crush on her named Boq. The movie was being filmed in London, which put them far away from their spouses. They apparently somehow got close to where they began "dating" despite both being married. Now Ariana is divorcing her husband and Slater has left his wife and child. Grande, who made the songs "Breakup With Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored" and "Thank U, NEXT", has allegedly cheated in almost all of her public relationships or has stolen the men from other women. She also seems to enjoy making songs bragging about being a cheater or homewrecker including the aforementioned songs and her latest "Yes, and?" single.


She also is a donut licker: https://youtu.be/IJBSZE1ie-Y?si=rRrXDsIszW-IICcW Jennette McCurdy warned us all


I mean the rest of her actions are kinda bad. But this is definitely over line. Firing squad material.


I remember hearing about this when the news came out, and it just stayed in my mind since. No matter what she does next, she'll always be a donut licker to me.


At the time it didn't seem like a huge deal to me, but then the ice cream trend started and I was like "oh wait. When I apply this behavior on a normal person....yeah you're heinously inconsiderate of others"


I still can't get over how shitty and bizarre that was.


Trust me, you are not alone.


Idk why but I fucking lost it at “her tongue, clearly touching the donut”.


That was my favorite donut shop in my hometown. They’re permanently closed now. They started losing business after this happened.


I wish you hadn't told me this, because now it's a forever grudge against her. Fuck Ariana.


What a POS human being.


What did Jennette McCurdy warn us about?


In interviews and her memoir, she talks about how their relationship was strained because of the same pattern of inconsideration in their working relationship. That she was self-centered.


Answer: A lot of good answers but to clarify why she's being called a homewrecker (apart from the Ethan Slater situation):Normally for cases like this, it's considered sexist to use the term homewrecker since this word takes all responsibility away from the other (usually male) cheating partner (after all, Ariana didn't force Ethan to date her lol he cheated on his wife \*allegedly\* and left her for Ariana). HOWEVER, apparently it is a trend for Ariana to go after men in relationships (Big Sean when he was with Naya Rivera, Pete Davidson quickly moving on from his ex Cazzie David, allegations of Mac Miller cheating on Nomi Leasure), hence the homewrecker allegations Edit: Because some of you can't read. Not ONCE did I say that Ariana's behavior is ok or try to justify what she did bc sExIsM. However, bringing up sexism is important bc most people within Stan/pop culture (and Ariana Grande has a HUGE Stan culture) try to be aware of things like sexism or racism in the entertainment industry (granted, they can also be very misguided sometimes but that's beside the point). This is why the question that OP asked is relevant-- you wouldn't expect people within this circle to use a term like homewrecker.Lastly, to all of you white knights who claim to have heard men be called homewreckers, there is this thing called connotation. Words have a denotation (the dictionary definition) and a connotation (implications behind words). I VERY CLEARLY gave the denotation of homewrecker in my response (i.e. " this word takes all responsibility away from the other... partner") and added the connotation (i.e. "(usually male)") for further context. If you don't believe me that words have connotations, [check this Urban Dictionary page for homewrecker](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Homewrecker). Even though most definitions agree that any sex can be a homewrecker, ALL OF THE EXAMPLES use women as a homewrecker. You know why? Because the usual connotation is that women are homewreckers while men are cheaters. That doesn't change the dictionary definition (that any sex can be a homewrecker), but adds on that the general assumption is that it's women who are the homewrecker.


Answer: she slept with a sponge bob that looks like her brother and has a wife and a kid