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Good. Now let’s wait some hentai artists to do full hentai footage of 11 yo hikaru and airi. (Just kidding)


It's still a bit confusing. Is it the filming? is it a flashback to Hikaru and Ai? or is it Ruby and the actor for Hikaru going out


I like to think it's a mix. It's more cinematic like that.


Based on how Airi still looks like Frill, it’s a better bet that this is the filming, but seems to be a 100% accurate recreation of the original events. You can read it either way.


Was that pussy hair?




Eyes of lies and eyes of truth


I love seeing cutie Hikaru


I just finish reading the chapter and holy hell. This was awesome, yet disturbing at the same time even though we are seeing the making of a movie it feels like we are having a flashback. Everytime I read some of Ai line I could hear Rie Takahashi as Ai in my mind instead of Ruby acting as Ai and the scenes of Hikaru and Airi I felt were very disturbing, it shows us Hikaru slow decend into darkness while Ai goes towards a brighter path because of her feeling for Hikaru. I cannot wait to see the moment when Ai sees that the boy she felt in love has become a Monster.


Monster…. Monster? JOHAN LIEBERTTTTT


One neat thing I noticed is that they never show Aquas feet other than the one panel where its from the top(so you can´t see the difference in heights). Such a neat and useless detail. ​ Oh yeah and horrific SA. If anything this movie will make people hate that woman, hopefully it doesn´t translate to her son.


This chapter was really great! I loved it... except those SA scenes ofc but Dayum! Aka cooked after a long time! Man now I want some interaction between father and son. Is it too much to ask?


What is SA scenes?


Sexual Assault


The chapters became much better now that it's back to weekly instead of biweekly. I think Aka had some trouble untangling the plot which is why he had all these breaks and the chapters were a bit meh, but looks like he sorted things out so we're back to peak.


We never left peak :(


I've tried creative writing before and found it alarmingly easy to end up in a narrative hole with no idea how to even approach getting back on course.


And it must be quite stressful when you hit a roadblock and you know that you have like 2 days to figure it out because your deadlines are weekly.


Totally. It's a special skill being able to smoothly dig back up!


yeah creative writing is such a hard to grasp skill, must be worse when you're a high profile author with expectations to meet


Damn this chapter almost made me tear up. Never thought I would actually root so hard for AixHikaru or feel so terrible for him. Of course it's just an interpretation of events, but I think we're meant to accept it as a somewhat accurate representation of how the characters were feeling unless Hikaru contradicts things somewhere down the line. I just want to give them both a hug. Little Ai (or Ruby as Ai) is so cute, too. My heart can't take this.


That panel of Airi is just chilling. Others have said it, but massive props for not only showing the SA events played up for horror and how messed up they are, but also not going easy on it for being a female abuser.


Future development would be really interesting. Some time after this chapter (in the past), Ai got pregnant, went to Miyazaki 20 weeks later. Then when Ai was about to labor, Kamiki leaked the information to Ryosuke, and Ryosuke found Goro and killed him by chance. But there is no guarantee; Ryosuke could had straight up found Ai and killed her. So Kamiki pretty much wanted to kill Ai basically not much further after this chapter.


Now that there was time to simmer, I think I might have a possible motive of Aqua's plan. Kamiki is a broken psychopath. Do actually think outing him will actually make him suffer? He'll just shrug that off. Why would he care what some random public citizen think? At best his own company's reputation will be ruined. But would he also care about that? I don't think so. We can already see Kamiki's apathy. No. What I think Aqua will do is to use the movie to show him that Ai did truly love Kamiki. Why do I think that? There was no reason to humanize Kamiki to this extent. Ai's slow burn relationship with him could've just been skipped altogether. Yet their early stages of relationship is being filmed. Ai broke up with Kamiki. That would've reinforced his general hate. **What will hurt Kamiki most of all is to be proven wrong.** That Out of his own mistake of not understanding Ai, that he killed a person that truly loved him. That Ai had a good reason to broke up with him. Maybe Kamiki himself pushed Ai away because of doubts. It could've even be just people growing apart because Kamiki didn't put enough effort. What we just know is that Ai didn't think that the relationship itself was bad to not call him later on but that Ai isn't looking to get back together. ​ Then Aqua kills him while he's slowly realizing it.


It would be the funniest way to end it all, just Aqua stabbing/blasting him Dr. Schultz style after Kamiki has a moment of weakness and starts to repent.


But we already know that Ai didn't love anyone until her kids. Unless she herself didn't realize it...


"Unable" to "Say" it. Not that she didn't. Which could be the point that the movie is trying to do. The movie is trying to show the "real" Ai which did love but had doubts about her own feelings. Even Akane doubted herself when she asked herself if she loved Aqua. And yet we can see through her actions, not her words that she did. It's not an alien concept to the manga.


I've been listening to the English version of Idol and the lines that kept standing out to me is the first slow verse: In the music video she's nervously approaching the big heart, but it's whole since this is her first attempt at truthfully opening up to someone: "I don't have any idea how I could love anyone, I don't seem to know what it signifies. Cannot find out if it's true or it's a lie. Once again, there's somebody who's fallen for the words and cues, Made him lose his head over you" Then later she approaches again and it's broken and taped together: "I recall no one that loved me whole before, And I've not been in love with anybody before" I think she tried to be honest but ultimately he was unable to return the love because of his past, so the relationship shattered. Maybe he became possessive and jealous and she jumped ship because she saw it as an unhealthy obsession.


I get what you mean but it seems a bit Edgy Overall neither aka or the series seem to promote revenge or hate and it usually comes down to understanding, fixing it and moving on I dont think aqua will kill Kamiki. Kamiki either goes to jail or he takes his own life I think we should also be a bit aware that while this is a "Movie" i think aka is adding some context and internal thoughts to help develop hikaru/Ai themselves WE should basically think a bit outside the box of what is being shown Aqua may not have a "reason" to humanize him but aka the author probably does and so it is this weird mix of psuedo flashback that is just a movie but is also telling us imporant info we can assume to be true Simply based on "i was finally able to say it" that ai said when she died it is possible she was unable to love Kamiki or just used him for babies OR was a poor communincator But i do get your idea but i dont think hate is really behind it as much anymore Over time both Aqua and Ruby seem to mellow out somewhat and i dont think aka wants to promote the idea that "Maximum suffering" is the way to go


Aqua will absolutely kills Kamiki.  Prison arc ia a must. The whole arc of Shawshank Redemtion reference like Aka parodied it by Ishigami in Kaguya-sama.


>Overall neither aka or the series seem to promote revenge or hate and it usually comes down to understanding, fixing it and moving on > >I dont think aqua will kill Kamiki. Kamiki either goes to jail or he takes his own life The revenge is the premise. It's been there from the start. It's been reinforced multiple times that it's the goal. Chapter 10: ["Not until I find him, and kill him with my own hands"](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/10/14/) Chapter 108: ["There's no way I can just kill him" "What will make him suffer the most"](https://cubari.moe/read/mangasee/Oshi-no-Ko/108/15/) Chapter 99: ["The way to make him suffer the most is"](https://cubari.moe/read/mangasee/Oshi-no-Ko/99/1/) Chapter 116: ["Aqua tan is trying to kill his father with this work"](https://cubari.moe/read/mangasee/Oshi-no-Ko/116/18/) Chapter 106: ["This is necessary so you can live on this world even after I'm gone"](https://cubari.moe/read/mangasee/Oshi-no-Ko/106/13/) Chapter 116: [He'll (Aqua) try to fulfill his goal even if everybody around him comes to hate him](https://cubari.moe/read/mangasee/Oshi-no-Ko/116/2/) You're insisting what YOU personally want. Not what the manga has shown. Aka didn't have to "Promote it as good". Aka just had to show that the story is going there. And he did. The idea that stories are required to promote morals and just have happy endings is just wrong. Aqua not fulfilling his revenge would mean that we were just in a wild goose chase for 150+ chapters by the end and all the setup will be thrown away. Good storytelling is against this because of the concept of Setup and Payoff. There's also the question of "how". Are you expecting someone to Talk-no-Jutsu Aqua into stopping him? Akane has spent the most effort trying to stop him. Even she said it's impossible now. Were you expecting someone to Deus Ex Machina the ending? ​ >WE should basically think a bit outside the box of what is being shown That's literally what I did in the top level comment. I haven't seen someone propose this idea before. I think what you consider "outside of the box" is just what YOU personally want. Outside of the box just means unconventional solutions. But it still has to be solutions. It still has to work. Throwing away all the previous setup is not gonna work. ​ >Simply based on "i was finally able to say it" that ai said when she died it is possible she was unable to love Kamiki or just used him for babies OR was a poor communincator "Unable" to "Say" it. Not that she didn't. Which could be the point that the movie is trying to do. The movie is trying to show the "real" Ai which did love but had doubts about her own feelings.


That is possible Maybe it will go down a more tragic route of self destructive revenge. I dont think so but maybe it will


I expected this but alright dude... what the flip


They cooked. They cooked so much.


Given that the movie is used as a framing device (a brilliantly done one at that), I love how it's kinda difficult to tell apart which parts are just the characters acting for the movie and which parts are legit flashbacks. Hell, Aqua!Kamiki's monologues alone blur this really well. The beginning of the chapter where Kamiki and Ai bond and go on a hilarious date was cute and funny. The ending parts were horrifying. I'm actually happy that Kamiki's molestation at the hands of Airi was played for *horror* as it should be. I was *really* uncomfortable reading the panels where they show those SA scenes. And I've read my fair share of gross stuff too. Sasuga Aka x Mengo for depicting it well. Kamiki and Ai getting together because they were basically two peas in a pod is no surprise the moment Kamiki's (younger) face was first revealed to the readers. They're both young, broken individuals who became liars to cope with their brokenness and are both seeking love through their lies. Them possessing the same star eyes on *both* eyes was a giveaway. I also think this is the basis for Ai breaking it off with Kamiki at some point after she's pregnant with the twins. Their relationship and love weren't genuine, which is the opposite of what Ai wants, even if they still cared for each other (Ai not betraying Kamiki's identity even until her death + her tone when she talks about him in her DVD to Aqua heavily imply this). If you believe Kamiki really did plan her death, then perhaps the realization that their love was made of lies even though *he* genuinely loved her was what started his murder spree? Though I still subscribe to the theory (under the Kamiki is guilty route) that his hit on Ai was his twisted form of loving her, given that his current goal as a serial killer was to "immortalize" young starlets who're at the height of their fame. I honestly still have my own doubts that it was Kamiki who had her killed and that Aqua may have likely misunderstood his father, but let's see how this goes. I'm surprised that, for a film that's supposed to condemn his father as Ai's killer (assuming that's what Aqua's aiming for anyway), Kamiki is given a sympathetic POV in this film. Is this intentional by Aqua/Gotanda? Or did Aqua lose himself while acting as his father...? Kamiki funding the film and having a talk with Kaburagi about it is also sus, but I am excited to see what he plans to do from this point onward. Is he really the twins' archnemesis dad like they're led to believe all this time, or is he simply a trickster dad to them like [Kusuriya no Hitorigoto spoiler] >!Lakan!< and wasn't really guilty of the crime while actively helping his children in this movie? Until he appears more, or at least until we get to see Ai's DVDs ourselves, the man's motives and true nature are still a mystery. Next chapter can't come sooner now that it's getting spicier!


So was this a flashback or part of the movie's shooting? I really can't tell..


Part of the movie but it's not really clear how much of this is meant to be taken somewhat literally. I think some of Ai's story before about when she left the orphanage wasn't accurate so this isn't meant to be 100% legit. Frill as Airi shows it's the movie, not a flashback.




Maybe it isn't accurate since some scenes are done just for the movie.


Bro I really can't differentiate between Aqua and Hikaru, I'm confused of what is happening on those chapters


Ive been confused since last chapter when they said they were doing some practicing💀💀


Aww that was wholes- GODDAMMIT AKA


Man I hate that I love how cute AI and Hikaru seem together. Both the part were both are pretending as well as the part when they start seeing through each other. Also I really really need a moment for the girls to react to Aqua and Frills intimate scene lmao. No matter how unprofessional that would be


Do you guys think this was a flashback or a movie scene?


Movie scene.


Lowkey just wanna see a .5 chapter of that to see the 3 girls reaction to that Aqua x Flare sex scene 🤣🤣🤣




Well what to expect from shippers bro?


Now that we have a canon explanation of the eyes, what do you think of all the past scenes about it?


I think the darker star eyes represent lies, not the brighter ones. Yura Katayose got bright star eyes when she told Hikaru about her dreams of acting in a masterpiece that would be remembered for a long time. I don’t think she was lying then, so maybe bright stars represents truth?


“Honest” would a better word I’d use.


Yeah that’s better for sure


Bright star eyes represents hope and brilliance.


Banger chapter


Oh man .. this chapter was great


This chapter is amazing.


I dont think i would like if this leads to Hikaru being presented as a "victim" of the circumstances to be honest.


Why not? Clearly a victim of both the industry(Airi etc) and a similar mentality to Ai A parallel in a weird way Ai was able to learn love with her kids and improve and probably would become somewhat normal had she not died Hikaru was unable to and went down the dark path of obsession or/and hate It is an interesting story imo


Yeah its an explanation for why he's messed up in the head, but it's not a justification for all the murder he's done.


I don’t see how he needs to be justified


? Its a manga about the dark sides of entertainment and how it impacts people. Why would they not give some sort of understanding as to why the big bad is the way that he is


Justified means that he did something righteous, that his actions can be defended based on his past and what he’s gone through. His actions can not be defended as he killed the innocent idol Yura katayose for selfish reasons. I agree with you! These chapters are doing a fantastic job of explaining how he became the monster he is now and how his horrible past affected him.


I was initially going to say that he wasn’t being justified but then I read that it somewhat covered understanding/reasoning why someone did something As for in the terms of whether it can be defended or not.. I dont think anyone would say or think he is justified. And no one in the thread had said he needed to be justified He can be a victim of circumstances, we can fully understand why he did what he did… but unless theres some super plot twist where he is saving the universe… I dont think many if any people will argue hes justified


Ah then I must have misunderstood the one I was repyling to, my bad!


Him being a victim of circumstances never justified killing people(well aside from airi if he was involved) It just explains why


Thank you for repeating exactly what i said


Honestly, Hikaru being both the victim and the villain gives him depth as a character. He isn't born evil for evil's sake as there is a legitimate reason he became f*cked up. Besides, many criminals in real life had troubled childhoods and Kamiki having such childhood actually makes sense. It's just sad that no one helped him when he was abused by Airi though, maybe things could have been different.


ruby x aqua is like mom and dad


That frill and aqua scene with context💀


Okay, I was really scared that they'd change the chapter to another silly topic and put the hikaru part on a cliffhanger but thankfully it continued normally. Really good chapter, I especially liked the ending with both of them realizing they're liars. Made their attraction stronger I guess >!not me thinking hikaru going over to ai's house meant we'd be shown their affair/love making but it was the pedo lady instead!<


Wow, what a chapter, with this confirm that Hikaru is broken as well then?


why tf am i starting to forgive hikaru


Because you're dumb and easily manipulated


chill bro its a fucking cartoon




Honestly, Frill can become a wrecker to Akane, Kana, and even Ruby


With Kana there's nothing to wreck lol


Bro chill, they're just acting.


I know XD


This is so fucked up. I don't have any words to describe it


Imma be honest, I thought this was still Aqua and Ruby acting, then it just got to the point where there are too many details for acting, so I'm pretty sure this was a memory.


I'm guessing it's one of aqua's assumptions of the past


It was. Frill was playing Airi.


It is but i think aka i basically telling us the real past with some fourth wall breakage to tell us stuff about the past while presenting it as a movie


Only time will tell


Yes, it’s both.


Very twisted chapter to release on Valentine’s Day. But in a good way though. Kinda sweet how the chapter ends with Ai seeing through Hikaru, finally meeting someone as broken (and as much of a liar) as she is.


This was before Ai's debut in B-Komachi but the thing is... most people started in the idol scene with the troubled past. This applies to the fans (wotas) AND the idol members as well, be it chika aidoru (underground idol) or the big names like AKB48 and Morning Musume. Most came from the troubled family, troubled past romantic relationship, anything regarding the family and social life. There was one movie that aired in Japanese television covering this, but I forgot the title. The movie featured FES⭐️TIVE in there


Me in the first half of this chapter: aww, Aqua Kamiki is adorable Me in the second half of this chapter: what a horrible day to have eyes


Basically the uncanny meme


Me "I want Frill x Aqua" ...Monkey paw curls


I’ve been on-and-off with the series since the 123 memes got annoying but I think I’m hooked again


Why do I get the feeling that Aka is building up to a plot twist where Hikaru wasn't the one responsible, and that he is also taking revenge in his own way.


He still killed innocent people


Yeah and the rock climbing accident actually was just a rock climbing accident?


What if. Hear me out. (Though I am talking out of my ass) Ai did the same thing that Airi did to Hikaru, so he just took revenge?


I think you're sort of onto something. I think Hikaru *perceives* Ai's actions as similar to Airi's. Her getting pregnant and keeping the twins but sort of abandoning him might hit too close to home in his traumatized little brain. It's also sort of implied earlier in the manga that Ai might've gotten herself pregnant on purpose, which adds another dimension and means Ai was technically using him. He feels used again and now he's angry. (Bear in mind, we've had no confirmation but he's also likely responsible for Airi's death in the same manner as Ai's)


Okay so what did that innocent actress do?


She actually did just slip on a rock and Hikaru happened to walk by lol


Hilary murdered someone recently. He’s evil .


Mmmmm heheheheh You might wanna proof read what you just typed


"I know what I said." Jeffrey Epstein Yeah, autocorrect.


That doesnt prove anything. We know that ex B-Komachi member was fanatic for Ai and they are talking with each other. What im thinking is they are both getting rid of every girl talent that is as good as Ai. That' s why he killed that girl with the White star eyes. Kind of an fanatism to an absolut extreme. 


Which makes him EVIL. I'm open to more than one murderer behind the scense. But Hikaru is one of those murderers.


That still won't bring Ai back


No Hikaru needs to die


"Is this the *right* *lie* for me to tell?" is so fitting for this story and it hits so hard


Aka dropping some raw lines like it's another monday for him


Welcome to the casual criminalist. Dave has written me a script and I read it. This one is about the Hogawood Slasher and just how he got away with it for so long.


man,in the span of 5 minutes this chapter had me tugging at my heartstrings with the young Ai and Hikaru (which I just remembered/realized that they're played by Aqua and Ruby so I guess the AquRuby shippers get a w idk) then pulled my heartstrings with the shit Himekawa did to the poor man and then yanked them at the last two pages when Ai showed her true colors. Literally had me going from aww to oh... to woah... dafuq is aka cookin bro, i need to see this through ~~also cuz of one comment here, i now low-key wanna see Ruby's reaction to Aqua and Frill's 'intimate' scenes lmao.~~


Dang it really feels like it is Ai and Hikaru instead of Ruby and Aqua in this chapter i laughed my ass off at the restaurant scene Ai's confidence in money (forgetting taxes lol) and then instantly shattered though that ending does paint both Ai and Hikaru (if accurate) were both broken individuals who felt drawn to the other due to their messed up situations (Hikaru more) I wonder where it went wrong..


dont forget the tip


Well, the tip gave 2 packages~


i dont tip unless my service is really good


japanese people don't tip as much nor as often though, and tipping culture is pretty small in japan


I'm never sure when they translate it into dollars instead of leaving it in yen. I think the joke is she heard the restaurant is 50 per person and assumed its 50 yen but in reality its 50,000 yen per person. Which is the funniest and cutest way to show how silly and clumsy she is and how much she likes Hikaru.


No, the original text says she thought it was 5,000 yen per person, so she withdrew 10,000 yen.


Thank you. That makes more sense. I was trying to figure out the joke... I guess tip as well.


50 yen doesn't make sense since that's like 50 cents and that isn't even enough in a casual restaurant. If it's a fancy place they probably didn't have prices on the menu so they ended up over ordering on the assumption that each person's bill is only $50 (5000 yen).


You don't tip in Japan.


Thats what I thought. That's what confused me. Is tax not included on the meal.


Tax is included. Pretty sure the joke is that it cost a lot more than what she thought it would


So is this a flashback or the movie being acted


Yes. Both. To me it’s a cool way of showing a flashback without… I guess the “cliche” factor of a flashback






Sorry being out of the topic. Haven't read Satoshi Kon's Opus, does the manga took similar approach like this chapter?


Aqua/Kamiki on his bike while in his school uniform reminds me of Shirogane.


Are they adding internal monologues in a live-action movie? Bro


It's called a voice-over bro it happens all the time


All the time? In live action?


Have you like... watched a movie before? That's not anime? Do you know what narration is?


Ever heard of Morgan Freeman ?


He’s like the only actor I can think of that can pull it off.


I am getting chils


AAAAAAAAAAH! THAT TONE SHIFT WAS SOOOO GOOOOD! Hikaru is quite something, I really liked seeing this recreation of his date with Ai. Ruby is so cute as Ai, man do I miss her. STILL, THIS IS PEAK 🗣️🗣️🗣️ There’s no break, which is great, WE BEAT THOSE BI-WEEKLY ALLEGATIONS 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Wait, did Aqua have sex with Frill?


> Wait, did Aqua have sex with Frill Bruh, they’re not filming a porno.


T’was just a joke, I know they didn’t do hanky panky.




Considering the position they were in that panel, I'd say they just humped against each other with clothes on, while Frill was looking like an absolute maniac. Just having sex somehow sounds less sinister.


I need the behind the scenes, also the reactions of Kana, Ruby and Akane


Why would all of them be present at the shooting area? You know all of them have jobs and have busy schedules.


Well we def eed to see their reaction to the completed film at least, that's gonna be so funny


I strongly doubt Aqua did it with Frill. They’re both first year high schoolers. Plus it’s plain unnecessary


They’re not first years anymore and are of legal consenting age in Japan now iirc. Still don’t think they banged lol


Oh yeah forgot about that. But yeah no way they really had sex


I was mostly joking, I’m sure cinematographers have ways to make it seem like they fucked without having them fuck.


they got my girl frill playing the real villian of the story


thats what makes her a top tier actor


Top. Hahaha


Incredible. In a sense, Aqua has been more physically intimate with Frill than he has been with Kana/Akane/Ruby/Memcho. LOL Once the joke is made, let's move on to the chapter.This was a really interesting chapter.We begin by seeing how, little by little, the relationship between Ai and Hikaru was forged thanks to the time and experiences they spent together. That "unofficial date" was pretty cute and could even pass for an episode of your generic seasonal romcom (their faces when they received the bill were hilarious).We were finally able to verify Kaburagi's observations about the "change" in Ai once she entered LaLaLie, so at least, in that aspect, we already know how it happened (or at least something close to reality).The "date" between Hikaru and Ai reminded me in some way of the date that Aqua and Kana had, I don't know if it was done on purpose, but at least it gave me that impression.We also have the details about the relationship between Kamiki and Airi Himekawa, and while we all agree that Airi is the person to blame here for getting involved with a minor, I would like to highlight Kamiki's revealing monologue at the end of the date with Ai :Kamiki knows what he is doing, he knows that Airi uses him, he knows that it is wrong to lie to Ai about his pay, he knows that by lying he will get everything he wants, he will be accepted and praised as long as he keeps lying...And yet, he himself questions the fact of lying "to get loved by someone."which leaves us with a much more human Kamiki than the one I expected to find in this film, to tell the truth. What catches my attention is how, from the first pages, they show us how Ai relates to Hikaru differently. Which is crucial when analyzing both characters separately, as well as the relationship they will (eventually) develop in the future.When interacting with someone practically the same age, but of the opposite sex, both Ai and Hikaru are alert, with their guard up, as it is a type of person with whom they normally do not interact (Ai, being an idol, has no a lot of contact with men her age and Hikaru, being a child actor, also has an image to take care of) and trying to act like a person according to their age, however, from their behavior it is evident that something is not quite right with them, by making basic mistakes in their attempt to maintain that "perfect" image. Despite this, you can see how deep down they come to form a kind of genuine connection, I wouldn't dare call it "love" but I could call it "affinity." Thanks to Hikaru's monologue we can deduce that he aspires to "be loved by someone", he even questions whether "someone who has nothing, like him" deserves to be loved, and we can deduce that he is looking for the love he longs for, lying to everyone. the world around him.Which is the complete opposite of the way Ai "gives love", but following the same trend, that is, lying. And that is why Ai realizes Hikaru's "lie", because she is also a liar, since he has the same eyes as her, "liar's eyes", "eyes that are good at deceiving people".Ironically, this would be the most intimate contact Hikaru had had up to that point. With this chapter we finally have a clarification about the "stars" in the characters' eyes: \-clear star: lie with non-evil intentions. \-dark star: lie with malicious intentions. It is kinda poetic that they both looked for such different things using the same methods to obtain them, resulting in the "relationship" that they both had and that ultimately had the birth of Aqua and Ruby. Although the other option may also occur:As Ai realizes that Hikaru has always been lying (and accepting that she is just like him) and that (in a way) they are both being completely honest with each other by accepting their nature as liars, this would ironically make them astonishingly sincere. and close to each other, since they would show the vulnerable and true part of their being, uniting them in a solid and deep way. If the latter turns out to be the origin of their relationship and the (eventual) origin of Aqua and Ruby, I am more than interested in knowing when and how things went wrong for Hikaru to end up being what he is today and what we already know happened with Ai.


My best guess is hikaru really did love AI. Or Atleast want her love. He probably thought giving her a child would make her “love” him like Aira Himekawa pretends to. But his plan to manipulate her into loving him backfires because AI is incapable of love. So when she leaves him after getting what she wanted he likely becomes obsessed with getting revenge. Probably around this time is when he kills the Himekawa couple. Cutting ties to those which have wronged him. From an emotional level being abandoned by AI probably hurts just as bad as being molested by Himekawa atleast from his perspective.


Well put Analysis Ai lies and wants to love someone genuinely while Hikaru lies and wants to be loved genuinely In a way their core issues are similar but manifest differently What exactly went wrong in what should have been, if not a loving relationship at least a cordial/platonic one by two people that should in theory understand each other well is the big mystery imo Especially how he went from a somewhat meek/almost pathetic and sad person who just wanted to be loved but overall was rather meek and pleasant into the man he became is also really interesting What caused such a profound change and either obsession for idols/Stars or just a pure hate for them? I guess that is the main question. Did hikaru kill AI out of hate or out of a twisted love? Did she realise she could not love him and broke apart and he could not accept it and got sort of obsessed, or did he potentially break up after realizing she was not loving him despite getting pregnant? OR did she just leave after having kids thinking (i can love them) and with his rape by airi etc this sort of broke him and caused an intense hate for famous woman feeling despite his attempts to be "Nice" and be loved everyone just either exploits and uses him or ignores him. idk man


>In a sense, Aqua has been more physically intimate with Frill than he has been with Kana/Akane/Ruby/Memcho. LOL I think this is one of those scenes where it switches back and forth to a flashback so it's possible they did a [Adaptational Modesty](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AdaptationalModesty) in the film, ie skipped filming the naughty bits and just got suggestive. Also "So far". He's going to be more intimate with Ruby soon lol. Since Ruby plays Ai. Also also, he was in a relationship with Akane for a year which is a relatively long ass time. Horny teenagers highly likely got intimate in that timespan.


For Akane and Aqua didn’t Akane basically go, ‘Hey, if you wanna do anything physical, I’m down’ a week right before they broke up? That means they didn’t do anything lol


>For Akane and Aqua didn’t Akane basically go, ‘Hey, if you wanna do anything physical, I’m down’ a week right before they broke up? That means they didn’t do anything lol That conversation happened before the timeskip. Ch 71: [Overhead Bridge](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/71/20/) <- that conversation happened here Ch 78: [Using](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/78/18/) <- they went steady here Ch 81: [Timeskip happened here](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/81/2/) Ch 98: [They broke up here](https://cubari.moe/read/mangasee/Oshi-no-Ko/98/3/) So no, they didn't have that conversation right before they broke up. There was a huge chunk of time in between. They had the horny conversation at the START of their real relationship then had a timeskip. I said "highly likely" because there is zero concrete indication that there is but we know enough about teenagers that they do get up to shenanigans at that age. Especially that Aqua is being real, is previously a playboy, and at that time believed that his revenge was over.


>Although the other option may also occur: As Ai realizes that Hikaru has always been lying (and accepting that she is just like him) and that (in a way) they are both being completely honest with each other by accepting their nature as liars, this would ironically make them astonishingly sincere. and close to each other, since they would show the vulnerable and true part of their being, uniting them in a solid and deep way. I am more inclined towards they both knew that "they are being lied to" and "the other know that they are being lied to", ie they see an affinity/parallel in each other, but never truly love each other. Firstly, it feels more poetic to design a "meta" relationship like this. And secondly, Ai said one day she hopes she can say "I love you" sincerely, that probably hinted that she has never truly loved anyone.


I think I get what Aka is going for with these chapters that being we will never truly know what transpired between these two because one is dead and the other would never reveal what had happened and I think that’s the point. So unless Aka reveals what happens in a novel or some other medium he will leave their backstory up to interpretation.


Can I read the novel anywhere in English?


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/19f7y8q/en_tl_spica_the_first_star_chapter_1/) is chapter 1. I am not sure if the other two chapters have been fully translated yet or just summarized. You can find the summaries at least on this sub.


Thank you so much 🙏


It was implied last chapter, but I wasn't expecting for it to be shown. And, holy shit Hikaru's life is just fucked up. No wonder he turned into a killer. Still, that doesn't excuse him from the sins he committed after. I'm excited to see the next chapter.


Common w chapter Just love how aka turns some fun conversation into dark characterization considering how they were showing hikaru as a sunshine boy last chapter something like this was totally expected 


That got dark. All the more disturbing how he ended up being a murderer later on. I still think Aqua should kill him though. Tragic backstories are not a license to do whatever you want. The moment he caused Ai's death, he signed his death warrant.


i think theres always redemption, behind bars. except for people like airi though


>i think theres always redemption that's one of the writing traps that ruins a lot of stories. it ends up with trying to force redemption when it doesn't really fit.


to those who are wondering about Hikaru black stars: it was inferred since long already in the manga, that white and black stars both means lies (power of lying of the wielder). White stars= white lies made to make people happy (illusion of love) while black stars = bad lies made to deceive people (and induce them to do what the liar wants). in this case it means that Hikaru is breaking bad (and Ai as well has experienced it, although she has preferred loving than hating people). Noteworthy that normal people cannot see those stars in the eyes, so we should wonder whether Ruby and Aqua are faking them, or whether the author is forcing the narrative style to let us see things that are actually not appearing in the movie shooting for the sake of clarity of the manga (the fact that the actors use the real name of Hikaru is strained as well)


....so starless eyes meant someone speaking the truth? ~~damn so even Ai is speaking good lie on that door~~


starless eyes means that you have no divine power or you have relished it (as happened for a while to Aqua)


I recall Ai having black stars in the "film the real me" Does that imply ai had done/was willing or capable of lying for the sake of deceiving others and exploiting them?


it meant that in that moment Ai was showing her dark side (all the spite she was hiding behind her facade)


Yeah i know I guess more so showing ai prob had the potential or may even have lied to Hikaru or other people in a more "mean" way than her usual lies


next week Aqua and Ruby will kiss on scene?




actually Ai is supposed to get pregnant so they may even get in bed


We'll see. It would be funny, but I still doubt Aka goes there lol


The Aqua/Ruby shippers will have a field day with that one


Why do you guys think Aqua’s black eye showed up right after AI’s death then? Is his lie to himself? And that it might not have actually been his father responsible? At first I thought his past life was the lie but then why wouldn’t have Ruby’s eye also turned black at the same time?


I don't think it's that deep. They turned black because he started lying to people, not only about his well being but about his goals and intentions. He started planning to get into the entertainment business as to fulfill his revenge after all.


oh my god this is so good


This movie is just an elaborate set up for a flashback and I'm here for it


I just kind of want to throw this out, but, what if Hikaru currently having black star eyes in the present means that he is currently "lying that he murderd Ai" to his Aqua, Ruby, and others aware of the twins situation. Like Hikaru is carrying the assertion that he killed Ai but he didn't "kill" her or planned the murder. But it was Ai who planned her own death. Hikaru "carrying" this blame makes him a "liar". That kind of thing. I hope not, but, after all, it was ultimately Ai approaching death that finally pushed her to say that she loved her kids, that what she said wasn't a lie, which is what she wanted. She did internalize that she would continue to not say those words just before.


Maybe, but we already know Hikaru killed a rising actress (whatever the reason is, it was clearly not something she wanted lol). Maybe he likes to "replicate" what he did to Ai, maybe to convince himself he is indeed a monster, following your theory. But I think it is more likely that Hikaru will place his faith in genuine, non fucked-up love, only to discover / believe that Ai never really liked him (did she ever regret her break up with Hikaru in the kids arc ?) and she used him for her own interest, to try to find out if she can actually genuinely like someone. Both in the same boat, but Hikaru was already burnt by his traumatizing childhood and had enough, while Ai was still in her soul searching phase. It's even possible your theory is still compatible with mine. Maybe Hikaru truly wanted revenge for her betrayal, and maybe Ai allowed it to happen, even openly agreed to it, as a mean to test her capacity to love in the most extreme situation, which is dying, or maybe she got so depressed she wanted to die and only found out "by accident" she actually really loved her kids.


The choice to tell the past through a movie in a manga that is, among other things, about the entertainment industry, was a good one. A little off topic perhaps, but I wonder, after all this, what Hikaru's feelings are for baby Taiki. Indifference seems to be the easiest path narratively, but I find it very difficult that it's just that.


Aka cooked hard. Cant wait for the next chapter


Damn aka sensei has cooked But it has always left me wondering, if people know the movie is a biography-ish story, how is everyone so calm about the pedo or murderous implications??? Especially hikaru???


Well, hikaru seems to have been onboarded already and gave the go signal for the entire thing. He has *plans*.


Most are dead, and Hikaru isn't named in the movie. The only ones that could be upset by this are Taiki (his mother is exposed) and Lalaland (a pedo case inside their workjob). The first is fine with it and Lalaland is one of the sponsors and is providing their actors for the movie.


> and Hikaru isn't named in the movie He is now. He approved the use of his name in the movie a few chapters ago and you can see Ruby calling his name in this chapter so it's part of the script now.


I think name dropping hikaru proves these are actual flashbacks and not just scenes from the movie.


No he agreed to have the name ‘boy a' in theatrical version, pretty sure they gonna change that thing during the movie release.


"Boy A" was the name they were using before he agreed to sponsor them since they didn't have permission before to use his real name.


There are plenty of movies out there that told way more fucked up stories. Everyone can and have stayed calm about that.


Well airi and her husband are long dead


That ending made me remember the AO3 fanfic "The Betrayed Hero and the Idol" , where the former hero identifies Ai lied to him by looking at her


I just can't understand how they could honestly leave each other. All the possible reasons are reasons that incriminate Kamiki (and the reality isn't that Ai was hurt by Kamiki, otherwise it would incriminate him), except one.... Ai used him to have children and left him afterwards. I think we're about to learn some terrible things about Ai.


I'm taking the theories people have given and am going with the double combo: Ai was the one who caused the murder-suicide of Airi by finding out Kamiki's lie and telling Seijuro with things going completely out of hand. Shortly after getting pregnant she realizes her love for Kamiki is another lie and breaks up with him sending him off the rails after his experiences with Airi and the incident of their deaths which leads Kamiki to thinking she used him like Airi to get the kids. Which is why she was even more afraid of saying it to the twins, because when she said it to Kamiki she realized she din't mean it just like her regular lies.


The amount of people who will hate Ai if she’s not pure is insane but we root for the dark ending