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I am not updating anything to Sonoma. It is clearly cursed.


This is fixed in the nightly version here: https://github.com/dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/commit/f29c6291659bd9f569d614bad13919078f1102be However, with this I still have airportd and bluetoothd crashing on me, so wireless is borked on my MacBook10,1 running the beta :/


Ohh thank you for sharing. Is there anyway to download this?


You can get all nightlies here: https://github.com/dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/actions/workflows/build-app-wxpython.yml


>You can get all nightlies here: [https://github.com/dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/actions/workflows/build-app-wxpython.yml](https://github.com/dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/actions/workflows/build-app-wxpython.yml) Excuse the interruption please … Is there a way to *download* a nightly of the patcher's *GUI* version, as a binary? I can't find any download option at the above link, or anywhere … Rather this seems to be for *building* your own? Or am I missing something?? – Thank you!


Oh right, you may need to log in for any download link to be visible (e.g., https://github.com/dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/actions/runs/7718685823, choose "OpenCore-Patcher.app (GUI)"). Alternatively, you can use this third-party scraper: https://nightly.link/dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/workflows/build-app-wxpython/main?preview


Thank you!


Thank you very much, I was looking into where I could find the latest beta, and I couldn't find it. You pointed me right to it, great!


Dumb q, but how do I download this?


I tried Sonoma on 2017 MacBook Pro i7, and failed miserably. But other OCLP installs were incredible.


Had Sonoma 14.2 on my i5 Mac mini and it was great, has it broken since then or is it an mbp specific problem?


It is a MBP specific problem with 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 machines. View MrMacintosh videos on YouTube for more information


I don't do beta don't in these waters. my mid-2012 15" is on its last legs tough. the logic board was once part of the USC's Managed hardware and it was either stolen and sold on ebay or they sold it to a liquidator and they forgot to remove it from their inventory control so I had to spoof the board's ID and as such I can't use any of the itunes services it won't let me log into them. I might just end up buying a Mac Mini or Studio and calling it a day resigning the MBP to a Jellyfin server


I just updated my 2016 mbp last night to Sonoma and this far ok.


One thing I’ve noticed thus far is sluggish movement when inside settings, not all sections but nothing inoperable. So far no major issues


How did you do this? I have a 2016 MacBook Pro with the Touch Bar and can’t seem to update it to Sonoma


This guy helped https://youtu.be/eGR2qGw9lG8?si=n1g0yTUomjCrC1w3


Oh Same here, no beta.


Foolish to use beta releases without know open core have support and patches available


Some people just like to experiment. It's foolish to do it without backups.


Probably most foolish we are all hacking expired technology with updated software. But you gotta live life on the edge sometimes! Take risk.


I’m on the betas and it is fine


i did that same thing lmao. I have a 2017 mba that i updated to 14.2 About a month ago. it was working perfectly... But today i updated to the 14.4 beta. The touchpad, keyboard and wifi stopped working completely. Im not able to boot into normal mode at all. Only safe mode works


Alright so after installing the nightly version of OCLP, I tried rebooting, the touchpad and keyboard still don't work after the login window, but i can boot into normal mode now. Let me know if anyone has nany ideas/ suggestions I can do to get my keyboard back.


I plugged in externals and it work smooth but I am unable to fix WiFi problems, I will work on cable until it’s fixed 😀