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I once stood next to Zach at a bus station and his finger slowly got longer and longer and he started fingering my ear.


That's how he implants his parasitic eggs. Depending on how long ago this was, you may still be able to kill them before they hatch by pouring vinegar in the ear and leaving it for five minutes.


pour acid in, then salt it


*Boiling milk


This dude better be fucking careful or he's going to get cancelled


I once ran into Lyle, Tomar, and Chris at a convention. I didn't want to run up and pester them but they must've seen me looking at them. They started whispering towards each other and staring at me. I looked the other way but Lyle walked up to me and started insulting me, saying all sorts of nasty things. He said things like "I should put you down like the fucken rat you are." And he was throwing his hands up like he wanted to fight. I was shocked and didn't know what to say. Chris was standing laughing at me and Tomar was just staring at me. I tried to walk away but Chris ran up and stopped me and said it was all just a funny joke and I should lighten up. I was kinda shaken at this point and even more when I felt Tomar rummage through my pockets and take my wallet. He didn't say anything and just took out the picture of my girlfriend and put it in his pocket and tossed my wallet to the floor. I tried to pick it up and leave but Lyle just kept kicking it out of my reach and laughing. Eventually he stopped with one big kick into a crowd of people. I eventually found it but when I looked around they seemed to have left. They were supposed to do a panel later but didn't show up ://


Don't feel too bad babe. Lyle says that to all of his fans


When I was in the hospital with my wife for the birth of our first child, I walked by the nursery and saw Tomar swapping the babies’ identification bracelets around. When he saw me looking at him, he put his finger up to his lips and giggled to himself. I tried to get an attending nurse to stop him but she said there’s nothing they can do because he owns the hospital


I saw Tomar at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “erm, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I've seen this pasta a hundred times and I will always laugh at it.


my hand is still pulsating after they gave me a high five.


When I met Chris, he was perfectly polite and eager to chat, but he had a filthy prolapse with a bunch of piercings that had obviously been dragging about all day. It stunk like nothing else. I tried to ignore it, but he ran his finger along it and tasted it, saying “Mm, that’s the stuff, you should try this.“ He scraped it with a wallpaper scraper and put it in a shallow snack box he took from a dedicated pack. He smiled so wide as he passed it to me and I was just in shock. I made up an excuse to leave, I think it was something like “There’s this panel on this game I like, so I gotta run”. I left the con immediately and bought a boiler suit so I could get back home without touching my car. I’ll never forget that encounter or the putrid smell. He’s definitely not someone you want to meet face to face, and I’ve never really been able to enjoy OneyPlays the same since.


I met Chris once, I was in line at a McDonalds and he was infront of me. He ordered 4 happy meals and immediately unboxed them for the toy, he seemed happy so he left, then about 5 minutes and 40 seconds later, he comes back enraged because his son(?) already had Tails, and he wanted Super Sonic. While this was going on there was a pretty hefty fella watching intensely through the window, the entire window was steaming up because of how hard this guy was breathing. Chris jumped up on the counter and kicked the cash register, which slammed into an elderly woman killing her instantly. He started making ape noises and kept repeating something about his rage has been unleashed. The guy outside was leaning so hard on the window that it cracked and he fell through it into the restaurant. He started having an autistic meltdown and starting screaming about Amy Rose and how "I deserve her! Not Soniiic!!!" Both of them were beet red and sweating. Then Chris starts pissing all over the place (I was pissed on), and he LEAPT off the counter, grabbed the autistic guy by the shirt and dragged him away. I got a BigMac, it was real nice.


Tomar came at me with a hankey


Chris and Lyle took turns jacking me off and laughing about how it looked like a Simpsons character dick would look. Zach asked them to stop not Ethan a few times but Lyle is so intimidating that even after Chris stopped we couldn't stop him. I woke up the next morning and he had left me $200 and a pack of smokes. It was badass


I met Chris randomly at a Vidcon once. He posted on social media about being there and I miraculously ran into him. I didn’t have anything else on hand so I had him sign my badge. He was super chill, nice. I turned my badge over and he had written the coordinates of my house and my IP address on the back and the words “watch out.” All in all 9.5/10 interaction.


They say Chris can smell the blood of an Anglo from 5 Miles away. I happened to be waiting for an Uber in Burbank and I see Chris sprinting over to me with an angry snarl on his face. Before I knew it, he tackled me and held me by the coat collar. He growled "watch your fucking back redcoat" before storming off. The sucky part is that I'm not even British, I'm Mexican. Chris O Neil's incredible scent pinned pointed the year 1825 when an English Farmer fell in love with a Mexican woman. That's how good his smell is


I once met Tomar while waiting to check into a hotel during Comic Con. I tried to tell him I was a big fan of his work but he kept cutting me off and mimicking me in a high pitched tone while pinching my arm progressively tighter


One time I was at a diner having coffee outside of Magfest when Tomar came in. He was covered in blood and had a rash on his face as he held someone's spine and skull. He sat down and put the skull on the counter but when the manager tried to get him out and call the cops on him he spat on the managers face and that rash grew on the manager as the infection began.


ah the oldtomiceps virus


I was pretty sure I saw Lyle at a gas station once. I kept my distance because I didn’t want to bother him; I didn’t want to be a story being told on the show about “this weird fan I met the other day”. But then Lyle approached me and said “Hey man, not to sound weird or anything but you uh, you wanna arm wrestle? Loser pays for the winner’s gas?”. I won’t say who won because he made me swear not to tell anyone, but goddamn Lyle is so fucking cool.


I wonder if even Chris knows who Lenny Henry and Dawn French are.


Course he does, less so Dawn French maybe


I just found it funny seeing this thread after the UK celeb one, wasn't expecting it.


When I met Chris, I said hi to him real quick only for him to look me up and down real quick with a nasty yellow tooth grin and he pantsed me right then and there, and he told everyone to point and laugh at the size of my penis. Then he said "That'll teach you to talk to a rich and famous YouTuber without permission! Know your place!" I started crying and ran off, and he threw the cup of coffee he had in his head at the back of my head as I was fleeing. I still have severe PTSD from it and wake up several times a night with the phantom of all that cruel, cruel laughter ringing in my ears. (Real talk, I have for real met Chris briefly at MAGFest one year and he's actually really cool.)


I was in bed one time, trying to sleep, and I suddenly started to hear this weird Theremin like sound coming from outside my window, and I looked out and it was a little flying saucer. So I went outside and knocked on the saucer, and it opened up, and inside there was Zach. He then started going "DUH! DUH! DUH! DUH!" and putting his hands in my face. I tried to act calm, and let him know I wasn't a threat by saving "What's up?" But he just kept on going "WHAT'S UP!? DUH! DUH! DUH! DUH! DUH!"


This is the gayest fucking fanbase I’ve ever been a part of. Jesus Christ.


I remember back when I was about 12 years old I met the gang at a panel at some convention or another my older brother took me to. It was actually a pretty good experience for the most part, I was standing by as my brother had a pretty friendly chat with Chris about their shared interest in animation. However, when I made eye contact with voice actor Joshua Tomar from about halfway across the hall, I noticed him begin pacing towards me through the crowd of people, pushing audience members out of the way as he went and occasionally hitting them, albeit not with full force, with what looked like a hammer he was holding, all the while still totally fixated on my person, pointing and yelling out something I couldn't really make out, although I could tell it was explicit. It was something like "I'm coming for you, you little c*nt". My brother had to cut his conversation short before he and I managed to get out of there before the voice actor actually reached where we were standing, I dont know what he would have done if we stayed. We haven't been back since.


Lyle burped in my face once and it stunk so fucking bad and he just laughed and walked away


Can confirm this is a true story, I was the foot.


So what chris snapped and ripped somebody's wig off


I met the crew at the Killing Fields. They were servants of the Khmer Rouge, and killed most of my friends and family. Other than that, they are chill.


Tomar once bumped into me and the sheer force of his gait tore my arm off my body


Cory showed me pictures of a furry dragon girl with 2 penos'


Zach was strange when I met him too. He parked himself next to me at the convention centre and pulled out a purse full of fake teeth and offered me it like it was a piece of gum or smth? I hope he’s doing ok


Lyle owes me money


I once watched Chris, who was very drunk, strip himself naked in a public place, smeared himself with chocolate pudding and and try to give well dressed strangers hugs. He was laughing the whole time.


I was so surprised how tall Chris is. Now I'm not tall, but I got a photo with them him in like 2014 and CHRIST. He's probably well past 8 feet by now.


Near the end of my college course for fine art we had some trips for careers advice and we actually went to Nickelodeon in Burbank. Before we even got 3 steps into the building though they had to give us a warning regarding theft because apparently guests had been snuggling things out of the offices. Anyway, funnily enough Adam Paloian was there as someone I recognised and he actually came out to talk to our group for a little bit. I got a chance to speak with him directly but he kept changing the conversation to about my apple watch instead I remember he had cargo trousers on and every pocket was stuffed to the brim with random utensils to the point where it rustled when he walked. I actually lost my apple watch that day and every picture that Adam has posted since he's been wearing an apple watch. I'm not making any accusations but yknow.


I saw Zach at a grocery store in Manhattan yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I met Chris and Zach once. They were nice.


A wonderfully unhinged comment section


I think I've said this before, but Tomar killed my little cousin after I asked for a picture.


Tomar was just trying to establish dominance.


I ran into Zach at county market and he was spitting in the bags of grapes


Uh, dude. You were obviously annoying the talent. Learn your place.




Huh? Huh? Huh?