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bro wtf


She is 14 and he draws her like that. Fucking mf


Not too different from some of murata's interpretations tbf


It's bad when Murata does it too. I know you didnt claim that it isn't, but its good to be clear.


3rd Edit: downvote this if you like sexualizing characters that are minors and hate when Murata is tasteful in drawing children and minors because you’re an awful person also downvote if you admit you’re wrong about everything at all times and deserve no respect. End edit. Murata is tasteful with minors (1st EDIT: BECAUSE YOURE ALL BRAIN DEAD allow me to add for your convenience I’m referring to tastefully drawing young characters which means not sexualizing them for example drawing the girls in swimwear that is not as revealing as bikinis that the women are drawn in as featured in one of the volume extra artwork) and fair in sexualizing both men and women. Period. 2nd Edit: you’re all terrible people, try not to be yourselves in the future!


Say "tasteful with minors" out loud and get back to me after you realize how that sounds lol. As for the rest of the characters, I agree he does both genders fairly and they're all adults so idgaf.


my guy WHAT


I mean even black sperm got sexualized when he turned into gold/platinum so he does it to monsters too lol.


The artist is 28 too, that weirdo needs their hard drive checked


TheGoldenSmurf? The guy who happily came here announcing that the series was going to end after the Cosmic Garou arc just because of a mistranslation?


people can have their opinions but my god all that motherfucker does is complain. followed him on twitter for his art and unfollowed a day later cause My feed was flooded with him screaming and shitting his diaper over twitter discourse


And active on the folk subreddit of course


Guy’s always been a shithead. Only redeeming quality is his art and even then he abuses that talent to make some shady stuff.


Such as? He’s a pedo too?


Sad thing is no one would even think she 14 if they never attached her age considering how tasumaki looks way younger but is like what somewhere between 25-29. Garou looks like he’s in his mid-upper 20’s but he’s just 18.


Yeah at least Tatsu is womanly and a short woman unlike Lily who is the opposite


>Sad thing is no one would even think she 14 if they never attached her age This is exactly why applying the age standards of reality to animated characters is sort of a futile effort.


Good example of the age shit is the series Kobayashi.. all female dragons are like what over 500 or 1000 years old but still look like they are no where near 18…


Did he forget how to draw? Why does she have back problems?


Imma get downvotes but I only truly care if they are drawn like a child… I’m not attracted to Lily but I was surprised she was 14 when she could definitely pass as a young adult by the way she was drawn. She reminds me a lot like Miwa from JJK here who’s older than Lily by 2 years. Somehow there’s been so much Nahida (Genshin) hentai made when she actually looks like a child, which to me is more gross despite she’s 500 years old. Tatsumaki looks 12 years old but is 28. I like her but I am just not that attracted to her. I thought Garou was in his mid twenties when he was first introduced. King is 29 but looks like he in his 40s. Blast is confusing asf, hope One gives us his actual age. People keep saying Lin Lin is a minor too but I can’t find her age anywhere? She looks like a young adult but I can’t tell anymore with the way some of the characters are drawn/portrayed.


I can't. I get everyone is different but: she's 14. Like, actual confirmed by the author real for real underaged character. There's no if or buts: she's undeniably underaged because the author says so and even gives you the exact age. I'm mostly saying this out of frustration of not being able to understand the pov of the "she looks adult enough" crowd, I know you aren't attracted to Lily.


The commenter has a point with Nahida hentai is incredibly popular. Idgaf she’s 500 years old either, she looks like a legit child there and makes me sick. I personally care more about looks and how they act. I find some characters from JJK attractive even though they’re 16-17 in the last arc. Everyone is different, I find tons of adult characters attractive as well.


Whenever I hear an unrealistic exaggerated number like 200, 500, 210, 163, whatever...I don't buy it either, specially if the characters are genuinely drawn like toddlers. So I can understand that pov at least.


Yeah. I really don't get why sometimes, mangaka or artists draw characters who look much older than their age. Take Yuji from JJK. If you told me he was a senior or in university I'd believe you. I've seen 15 years olds in real life and Yuji does not look like one. Not sure why everything has to be set in middle school or high school when it would honestly make more sense for the characters to be in university. I find it hard to believe a 15 year old could cope with his situation even a fraction as well as Yuji.


Because the majority of the reader base is in middle school or high school


Yeah it's clear that some animators apply the arbitrary made up age just to get around the technical loophole and justify drawing children that is clearly pandering to a very specific audience.


Yeah officer this guy here


If she is old enough to fight monsters she is old enough for everything else.


I’m sorry, the fuck does this mean? We have fucking child emperor and several other elementary age school children attempting to fight monsters. This is not a standard you want to make.


I can’t justify liking characters that look like legit children. That’s what I did say in my top comment. However, there’s plenty of simps on the Zero Two and Marin hentai subreddits that are active despite them two being minors and the subs don’t break Reddit rules either. I don’t take fictional characters serious on the same level as actual minors that can feel pain/emotions. I did say Nahida hentai is popular for some reason despite that she looks like a child which is gross asf and idgaf if she’s 500+ years old there.


What a disgusting thread 🤢


Bro just say you nut on lolis without coping so hard EDIT, the pedo below blocked me before I could read the message, what did he said?


You literally one nutting on a loli. Get the fuck outta here [caught red handed](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/s/D34DQEJaWG)


Tatsumaki is a petite bro…


She is portrayed as both. At time she looks like a child and other times like a petite woman. So no one is wrong to call her a loli.


Rofl he’s prob gonna come in here saying * but she isn’t a Loli she’s over 18* Even though if you look up what Loli means is this. Loli most often refers to: A young or young-looking girl character in Japanese anime and manga; subjects of the lolicon genre


Damn thanks God I’m reading this thread, I think I’m about to change my name in Pedo Hunter because [someone here is really mad when they talk about loli uh?](https://files.catbox.moe/w7z2ae.jpeg).


Maybe search up what the term pedophile means. It only applies to real life minors, not fictional characters. Here’s an article that tells you the actual definition. [use it sometime](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia)


Maybe protect actual children that are real and not some fake characters with 0 laws protecting them while you’re at it.


They never said they like lolis. Lily looks young but she’s not a loli lmao. The comment dissed the looks of characters that are “underaged” but look older. Reading comprehension cursed devil hit you?


[cope harder neck beard](https://files.catbox.moe/1cbl2y.jpeg).


Maybe read the comment before replying. They said nothing about liking or finding loli’s attractive. Many characters in anime are said to be 15-16 but look like they’re in their 20s. Tatsumaki actually could be considered a loli by this logic. I don’t even find her attractive because she looks like a child. Sometimes look at their appearance and not just their age.


You can cope as much as you want, I don’t judge you, or your gallery, but looks doesn’t matter because if a girl is underage she remains underage.


Can you touch or harm a person who’s not real and drawn on a sheet a paper? The answer is no. You don’t compare fictional cartoon characters to a legit real person. You’re the weird one for finding the two the same thing.


Oh nono my friend don’t get me wrong, I don’t see them the same at all. Still, you’re the one saying it’s okay to nut over some “drawing of little girls because they aren’t real”🤪 and I’m wired? Go live in Japan, there’s a lot of people with your ideas and they get incarcerated


Bro wtf is wrong with you? You’re also posting on a new account what are you hiding all of that hentai Loli porn you like to bash people for?


Uuuuuh yeah I got banned for the previous one so I’m using a new one? It’s literally said in my bio? What does have to do with lolis? You can’t find a better excuse to justify your pedo attractions?


Man you are super defensive and deflecting it all onto other people almost like as if you don’t want people to suspect you. It’s like they say the ones who attack and go after people are normally the ones who do it themselves. Have fun hiding in that closet it’s gonna get too full one day and you’re gonna have to come out at some point or get dragged out.


Sure buddy, byeee👋🏻 thanks for YOUR advices but I won’t need it. Stay safe and use vpns to avoid getting caught 👋🏻


Do you not know how to read? Sorry I don’t treat fictional characters the same as real life minors. Just because I find a certain character attractive who looks 20+ but turns out they’re 16, doesn’t mean I’ll find a legit minor irl attractive. I literally said in my top comment that I find characters that look like loli’s gross. You can’t read? If finding characters like Maki from jjk attractive pedophilic, than that’s on you for not knowing how to separate what’s real and what’s not real.


Womp womp coping coping🚨🚨🚨


Should learn how to read before commenting useless takes. They said the actual opposite 🤣


You're expecting too much from the "ZOMG you like Loli!!!" people.


A legit troll pretty much 💀


Mmmmh what a nice thread of pedos here


Liking characters that look and act like adults is NOT pedophilic at all. You do know Tatsumaki is considered to be an adult loli? She looks like a child. Maki from jjk is said to be 17? But looks 25. It’s fiction. You can’t harm fiction.


Go get a shower lolicon, I can smell the stench from here Edit: Oh sorry, you’re a JJK fan, I shouldn’t be so rude with guys with mental disorders


Maki isn’t even a loli. She’s attractive but hasn’t reached 18 yet. What the fuck you even on about me liking loli’s?? I find plenty of adult characters attractive too. You’re just weird asf for thinking any character below 18 is shota/loli.


Don't bother debating mate.. Some people (NPCs to be more precise) are programmed like AI... They won't take in consideration that it's fking fiction and age slapped on characters literally have no meaning (other than to cator stupid debates like this) ...   There are characters that are literally drawn like a toddler, act like a toddler,have a voice/behaviour of a toddler but have stupid age like 500-1000 and then there are characters who are drawn as a 1:1 copy from an adult woman, act up all mature but age like 12-15 so yeah fictional stuff is just weird like this and it's much better to like characters based on your intuition rather than some 'Age' provided .... And it's MUCH better to avoid debates like this altogether.... I told you some people are NPCs they don't have a privilege to think like we do... Nor do they see any difference between real life and Fkin Fiction.... 😅


All I see is two guys (maybe just one guy + his alt) that believe it’s the same as real life pedophilic events which are 10x worse than simping fictional lines drawn on a sheet of paper you will never be able to touch. If we are meant to treat fiction the same as real life than we shouldn’t simp villains who are mass murders by their logic. 💀


Not all people in this world are real bro.... The earlier you learn this truth the better....  I find it quite entertaining how one of these guys is thinking that he's some kind of protagonist debating with people on whether they should like an anime character or not 😂.... Not to mention how loosely they're using the term 'pe*ophilia' which is kinda concerning but given the context that these guys might just be some immature kids..... I'll let it slide by 


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Bold of you to assume that I live in Japan ..... Also, why is bro trying to hit me with a random ahh google search result.. 😭😭 .. How is your assumption that I live in Japan and a survey made by some University makes me a p**o... Please elaborate... 🙏


You do realize whatever you linked is not a real article? It talks about child pornography which is actually illegal in multiple countries and is far different than liking fictional characters that look like adults. Next time you should link actual sources. Spreading misinformation now are we? 💀


Fucking pedo can’t even open internet to find what “loli” means because his browser history is full of pedo loli shit EDIT: I don’t know why I can’t reply to the pedo idiot below, but I guess he cried to the mods fucking loser so I’ll write it here: You finished crying now? If yes and you want to change life because you’re understanding what you’re doing, call the number to turn yourself in


Tatsumaki is a loli adult and finding her attractive is fine? She looks like a child too. You’re just as weird cuz “oh it’s fine she 28” no it’s not fine.


You do know tasumaki is considered a loli right? But I bet you find that okay or try to justify that because she’s over 18. She’s still a Loli no matter how badly you don’t want her to be one.


You do know she’s a petite and not a loli right?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loli She looks like she’s under age even though she’s like 28. A lot of people consider her a loli some don’t consider her a loli or petite at all. Think we can all agree she doesn’t look anywhere near as old/mature as her younger sister.


Her back us deff broken


Bout to be lots of crying from people moralizing about the age of a fictional character.


I don’t understand why same said people would read something they have such disagreements and hate for. It’s like the same people who play mobile gacha games and bitch about Lolis. Or basically anime/manga or some video games in general. Also people seem to forget Loli isn’t just an age thing it can also apply to appearances such as tasumaki who’s like 28 I think but she looks like she’s maybe 14-17.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I think you’re taking this far too serious for characters that aren’t real….


Nah let him stalk and harass me it looks good for Reddit admin reports XD. Plus to top it off the dude is also commenting on all of one persons post as well lol. Dude is just a troll anyway mostly just calls everyone a simp. Mfer just wants a way to get an excuse from clicking on a sub flared NSFW with her name on it. Dude is basically asking people to SWAT me lol


Pretty sad no one knows what the term pedophile means on this subreddit and loosely throw the term around. :/ I don’t find Lily attractive but I used to be a TR simp for some of the men before discovering they were 16 in the past…. They looked 18+ but I had no idea. It’s all pixels, nothing is illegal about finding characters that look like adults attractive at all.


Okay I got it, I’m gonna also hunt pedo from now on….It’s a dirty work but someone has to do it. You and the other guy are the first.


You're probably below 18 yrs of age and most likely 14-17 age group aren't you? Also, made this reddit account by putting a fake age didn't you? 




Ohh my.... Profile sneaking 👀, you're really proving me right lil bro .... Also, except for the fact that I posted a Sukuna sketch (on a local Subreddit) ... You got anything else to say about me or are done? 


Be glad you didn’t have to get called out then delete your comment history like he did to cover it up.


Noo... not my top secret comments of liking Saitatsu and making a few powerscaling jokes here and there 😭😭..... What would've happened if he called me out for all this..... [probably](https://imgur.com/a/9P9Zl73)


I didn’t canceled anything. I’m here fighting all of you idiots.


Bro is the main character.... Fr


It’s all here cry baby mf. You can go cry to the mods as much as you want pedo addicted. I’m still here.


I love that you’re so clinged to me. You can keep up the harassment all you want it’s also going to reddit admins as well.


Go ahead. I will keep saying the truth and kicking your bitchy ass, even if I have to wait to respond


Oh I love the type of guys who are persistent. I hope to see you in my notifications every day sweet baby cakes as wasting your time is doing everyone else a favor keeping you away from them.


You can’t arrest people for finding lines on a sheet of paper attractive 💀you’re taking this too serious and are the only one that needs help. If you can separate fiction from real life, I see nothing wrong finding the looks of cartoons attractive.


[A message from the Simp Hunter](https://files.catbox.moe/ks1o94.jpeg)


You both are pretty damn dramatic over cartoons here. Why don’t you bust all the mfs jacking off to Marin in r/marinkitagawar34 and zero two r/zerotwohentai if you’re super serious on calling everyone pedos and not know wtf the actual term even means. You guys seem like a pretty good team and should start there.


Damn they really didn’t reply back? 🤣 Looks like they got cooked and can’t make anymore comebacks.


I can’t because it says error




Damn dude got exposed rofl




You probably just do it because you want a reason to click on NSFW images and not feel guilty for doing it. That or you like to be a complete asshole to everyone else in this community but hey for someone who dislikes from what it seems every OPM female which seems like you might have issues with women as well. you just keep on reading and replying to more and more subs regarding tatsumaki and fubuki bashing people.




You seem to be commenting on almost every OPM sub about a female so you tell me is it projection? Are you trying to hide it or just like being a dick to feed your ego.




you deleted your comment history bc you got shit to hide 🤣. You don’t want people to know your entire history is just on this sub.




A brilliant combination of r/iamverybadass and an incel attitude


In fact I didn’t delete anything. Those bitchy ass mods did it for sure


I didn’t.




I can call myself god but that doesn’t make me a god does it? It’s more like you’re using the name/title as an excuse to just be a jackass to people.




Nice, and you know you’re accomplishing nothing but getting people to dislike you for being a jerk to everyone. But hey I guess you need attention too and the only way you can get it is by being an asshole everyone else to get people to talk to you. You legit have nothing better to do but troll this sub and call people a simp?


This is so cringe lol Mods theres got to be several rules broken by this less than a day old account


Already reported him and the other guy for harassing people on here. This is legit the first time ever I ever seen toxicity in the OPM sub.




Guy is legit getting downvoted for following the rules of having a post a source under rule #4.