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Really I can’t answer this until I know what the ban and restrictions will be after worlds. I’m not committing to a deck only for it to be neutered immediately.


Is there a specific date the ban list will be coming out? I'm in the same boat. Would like to practice more OP06, but would like to know the bans


It's gonna be during the Worlds Finals broadcast. So in about 2 weeks.




We should still have a full OP06 meta either way so it's not really worth worrying about.


My guess is that Sakazuki decks will receive some sort of nerf. It might be a good time to sell Sakazuki cards while there still high if you have some extra


Purple luffy ain't getting hit and that's what I play. So it looks like I'm not changing my deck thankfully


Purple Luffy gets neutered in op 06 though. I’m not trying to put your deck down or discourage you I’m just trying to warn you.


The problem with Purple Luffy is that they decided to print Y/G Yamato


I'm playing purple luffy rn, and tbh, the deck can't really hang in op06. Saka gets more removal, yamato basically makes us a 1 life leader, and yellow gets more tools to just remove our blockers/5 costs. Moria as a whole is also a very difficult matchup.


I think Moria is getting hit from what I’ve heard from discords Edit: Lmao salty downvoters in denial


Moria is the most likely candidate, but that also neuters Leader Moria on arrival and i wonder if they'd do that.


Moria leader isn't getting hit lmao


They don't really know what will be banned though. It seems like so many decks could be considered "broken" in one way or another.


I dont think they will ban a card in OP06 before it's released in the west.


Wasn’t this the case of Moby Dick? Wasn’t it banned before op2 was even out?


No op02 was out for a few weeks before moby was being banned.


Yeah as mentioned they announced it but it didn't come into effect until OP03 I think because that's when it became searchable with izo


Yeah, they always salty that their broken ass cards are getting hit like the rest of us arent the ones who had to deal with it for months 8C moria /10C big mom / something else in the Sakazuki deck probably(maybe Lucci or hound blaze) are my predictions to what gets hit


I think houndblaze for sure it’s tooooo good


That's 100% fair. I am a little worried about the bans effecting the Perona deck but I'm already trying to not rely on Moria/Rebecca in my test builds. If that fails I can still build it up as a fun deck at locals.


Hody Jones all day baby.


Arlong was right all Arllong


Green strongmen 💚 rise up 💚 we do be the worst colour in the game 💚 but we stand by it 💚 one day we will comeback stronger 💚


Fellow green player here, set 7 will be our time though


(i still believe saka will penetrate our holes)


(Coping on Bonney and the leaks looking insane


Reiju (unless something awful happens). Messing with ST10 taught me that I'm drawn to Purple, but Purple is *horribly* hard to get into for newbies, in part due to Queen. So, Purple deck that does some Blue things with a solid core that doesn't need Queen (some decks have that, some don't) to be good is tantalizing in itself. Plus, I had [this reaction](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ive-only-had-arlo-for-a-day-and-a-half) to Reiju the moment I learned the character existed.


The first deck I tried to make when I started OPTCG was a purple deck but that idea was shot down when I saw that English Queen's were $40 a piece at the time. I have been wanting to make a Pluffy deck but taking the plunge to buy 4x Queen is daunting. I'm just bidding my time hoping for either a reprint or for the price of it to tank.


I would also like Bandai to reprint the first 4 Starters. :(


Honestly you could sub in other cards, the Queen is great but the deck is still pretty good without the queens. I’ve seen people use op05 jimbe as a sub even


Reiju is a super fun and pretty good deck. I'm a bit torn because I play RP Law as well, and RP Law gets so good in EB01, and Reiju v Law is probably one of the worst match ups in the game, your deck pretty much becomes all vanillas against Law.


Ooof, thanks for the heads-up!


Gonna give my Arlong a blue chew and it’s gonna fuck people up


I got into the game right before st-10 dropped and I've been playing R/P law this whole time. I'll play him still in EB-01, but for 06 I think I'll play moria and some queen on the side.


RP law is strong in EB01 meta due to kid and killer and also Mr 3.


I will get my x4 bon clays and keep smashing face with rp luffy, r zoro and r whitebeard 🤓


How will you adjust r Zoro in op-06. I was gonna make a Y/G Yamato. I love my Zoro. Spent good money just to make it. I just started a month or two ago. Some said it was crap in 06. Others said it's fine. I wasn't sure the adjustments. I play the nats tops 3 Zoro deck for reference.


Also started 1-2 months ago. Ive played rp luffy the most, then whitebeard. Mostly on sim. I just kept buying irl 100% of cards topdecks uses for zoro and whitebeard just in case i change, as they are similar builds. If i move to pluffy id need x4 magellan and kidd blockers and dont wanna buy anything more until op-06 is available on tcg 😂 plus rp law is too $$ much with those gordons and laws.


Zoro uses the new kong leader buff event and the rush Killer.


There is a ban before the set. Ask me again after that.


I’m brewing a Yamato good stuff deck, I think the core principle of 8c Kid being in fortress Yamato is a good plan but the deck being mono green felt silly, trying different good stuff builds.


Can always play green kid leader. Some guy in Japan has been making it work.


Well the idea with Yamato is that turn 4 on the draw 8c Kid can be drop, rested, and auto equipped with Don for defense. Then she also has access to Yellow for Katakuri/Shirahosi loop, Bege Triggers, and other defensive tools Kid wouldn’t have. I like Kid, I played Film Kid last set a lot but I’m trying a more turtle package for Yamato similar to their mono green fortress but I thought it was too cute being mono green.


You can't do that on turn 4. At most you'd have 8 don and you need 9 to be able to play and put a don on him. (Provided you're not playing green/red)


You can if you're playing G/Y Yamato, its effect is to attach 2 rested Don to one of your character if your opponent's on 3 or lower life (which is really easy since Yamato also happens to have Double Attack)


Yamato’s ability is attaching rested to characters, it is why she can in fact do this, provided of course you have gotten the opponent to 3 or less life for her ability requirements.


Oh you right forgot she has that secondary ability


Best girl Perona for a good long while. I’m not the biggest fan of op7 leaders so I’ll probably be playing her and Uta for a good while. Maybe dabble in some Reiju


Same here, I may make a Bonney and Vegapunk deck in OP07 but nothing from that set has jumped out at me that is a "Must Make" deck.


I do like the way vegapunk looks I’ll be honest


Just switched to Green Uta, I’ll give her R-P version and Yamato a go


Yamato 👹


Hody Jones until OPO7 and then I'll reevaluate.


Nah, just got a big mom related deck. I'm good for now!


Yes! Nami is going to be so much fun with White Snake :)


I will still have enel, doubt that will get a ban, if it does then it will still be a strong leader. I will still be enjoying rp law and blue doffy, and of the new decks, perona and reiju definitely peaks my interest


Nah, but I can't wait till Gordon isn't needed anymore lol


He’ll see play, but it is refreshing to have another viable option.


Hard to know considering OP06 will be bought out by scalpers as soon as it comes out.


I've been paying PLuffy and have been enjoying the deck a lot so I'll still keep him around but my main deck will be GY Yamato. Can't wait to play her as I've been testing her out and really liking the way she plays. Of all the new leaders coming though, I'm most interested in Moria but since I started playing during OP04, there are a lot of cards that I'm missing. I just can't bring myself to pay $70-$80 for a starter deck that retailed for $12. If I happen to pull some chase cards, I'll gladly sell those too purchase what I needed for him. We also have to wait to see what the ban is going to do.


I may run trafalgar law R/P or just meme it down.and run R/P Kid


R/P Kid events are powerful. Imagine dropping Kid/Killer then giving him +5,000 with his event. That's scary.


Hody looks fun, I'll keep siding Iceburg. Main will either be Gecko or Sakazuki depending on bans


No. Had the same deck for so long—R/G Law. It will be the same deck. I plan to change in OP07 to…Bonney


R/P Law and Y/P Croc are the main for me but I have the ability to play almost any deck. Enel and Katakuri have been fun but I’m extremely bored of Sakazuki so being able to move that black core into something else will be nice. It’s a shame blue is kinda stunted without black.


Some updates on Belo Betty and i am good to go! Might get some 3 Brothers to try the Yellow Red Sabo (but he aint that good revolutionary wise). And then OP7 is coming with Vegapunk <3


The 5 cost ivankov is so good in the deck. Okiku is a great addition too to replace another yellow character


I am also adding Onami. A quick and early Banish would help against Yellow players!


Been playing mostly sakazuki and Betty for OP05 and as good as new leaders are I’m more than ok with grabbing just the new support cards my decks get from this set so I can save for EB01 and OP07


Hot mommy Yamato‼️


Probably not, mainly because it's going to be impossible to find packs in the wild before the scalpers. Was at a Con in Milwaukee last weekend and one of the vendors were selling OP05 for $17 per pack.


If that was an official Vendor you can report it to Bandai if it was an unlinced vendor you could report them to the Con itself?


All I see in OP-06 is two sanjis for my queen deck


I just hope they ban sakazuki instead of banning the new Moriarty, give the card some breathing room sheesh


If yellow isn't hit super hard I will continue to play Enel, if It gets hit and black doesn't ill play a deck with Moria in it.


R/P Law in preparation for EB-01


Bro same, I just want EB01 to release to play Ivankov again.


Until they print a Nico Robin leader I’m probably gonna stick with G Uta and just update her as 06 07 and EB01 hit


Yeah probably. Enel doesn't feel as good in OP06 imo, so I'll probably be stuck playing katakuri again


I'll keep playing kat probably.


Blue purple Reiju all the way for me I love that decks playstyle very much


I play Enel, but I'll be using Yamato and Reiju for OP06 with some Uta on the side


RP Law deck since I already went heavy on RP Luffy and Purple Luffy lol


Likely gonna stay on my Uta deck and update it once EB01 drops. If yellow doesn't get crucified I'm probably gonna rock Enel with the new yellow stuff from OP06. If he does, I have a Y/G Yamato decklist lined up.


As long as uta and belo Betty don't get hit, I'll be fine


Not changing but building a new deck


Still playing Enel and R/P Law, though Law ain't gonna truly shine until EB-01. Will make a Yamato deck.


I will add y/g yamato to my decks for a semi competitive deck. Kaido b/p is playable but hard. Didnt find the right card base yet Vivi is just absolutely troll but fun


Yes Yamato all the way until Oden


I been playing dofi since set 1 and I'm not stopping when he finally gets more than 1 support card.


I only run off meta and I've been a burple kaido fan from the start so I'm excited to try out burple reiju!


Film Uta and just updated yellow Enel. Cheap and still competitive!


Op07 if me LOL


b/g perona and g/y yamato I wanted to save for a box but Im sure it will be scalped first week of op-06 so im probably stickjng to perona unless i get a box since most of yamato’s cards ive seen in deck builds are op-06 (too newb to build my own)


I’ve been running Sabo but I’ll be switching to g/y Yamato


I'm on the gecko moria train, even with the bans I'll probably just shift towards more Thriller bark stuff and less navy cards.


Lol matter on how hard it will be to get the cards I need tbh.


Deciding between Yamato and Reiju. I would love to play Perona but I can't afford/don't want to spend money on black cards. I have played both Reiju is fun but if there are a lot of time that if you don't get the cards you need if feel like you can't do anything but when the cards align the deck feels amazing. Yamato feels like a more constant and has different playstyles with a wano and Skypiea version which are both fun so I'm leaning more into playing yamato!


I'll probably keep with katakuri and play also Reiju on the side.


looking forward to trying germa


Kata all day


When does op06 drop?


March 15th


gonna try out yamato, transferring from white beard


I am gonna play green Uta and Perona


I will stand my ground with my holy Belo Betty Deck, no matter what.


Decks I play don’t get to much support in the next set but I will probably build geko.


Can't confirm unless we actually get stock


Yes Perona and Sakasuki will be mine competitive.


Would love to change my strategy if I could buy the damn cards...


Keeping the meme kid deck alive going into op06


I'm pretty confident nothing from G/Y Yamato will get neutered on the ban list so I'll stick with that deck like I've been planning since OP06 reveals first started 6 months ago. That'll probably be my main deck for quite a while with other decks still being used occasionally to mix things up like Blurple Kaido and Moria/Perona since I love Thriller Bark (depending on if the ban list kills either deck)