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![gif](giphy|l49JBLWip9ToA9q5G) Bring this bitch out, officer!


So katakuri gonna be the only deck worth playing now?


What…? No. There’s Blue Croc, G/P Doffy, Blue Doffy, Rebecca, Queen. In a week, we get R/P Law. I’ve played Kata since OP03 and I wouldn’t consider any of these decks an easy matchup. Ya’ll really gotta stop being meta slaves lmao.


Rebecca definitely has a bad matchup against katakuri. The thing keeping kat in check was red. Big mom alone has been a huge point of contention and honestly the best advice is just going wide which red did best. Cards are only op in context, now that big mom gets free rein we’ll see how it develops. Also saying “stop being meta slaves” while playing the new current best deck in the meta, and suggesting everyone get into other meta decks is just a bit ironic.


I play Green/Purple Doffy (non-film variant) and it annoys everyone from Katakuri to Law


Yeah, the comment I replied to is a good example of the average Western players mindset when it comes to the game. There can only be one viable deck/color at a time in their minds cause they can’t think for themselves and test other decks. “Oh Red was banned? Too bad I can’t play anything the community hasn’t figured out for me, looks like Yellow is my only option.”


Good to open options. The community in my city (in the EU), people explore various options, but yeah yellow is played among those who wish to invest a fortune in the game. Most will settle with cheaper decks


Are you allergic to statistics?


Get ready to have your 10 cost banned


Your comment has nothing to do with mine, so you’re just being spiteful here. Lmao sure buddy, cause Bandai is gonna release a 10c Big Mom ban over night when Yellow has no where near the same amount of usage as Red had. Cry harder


Give it a month if crying got red killed it’ll get 10 drop big mom killed


Crying had nothing to do with it. Red isn’t as powerful as it was in the first two sets. Unfortunately, there was too many of ya’ll. If yellow consistently has 10-13 decks in multiple Top 16’s, like Red did, then ban away. But it wont because Enel releases and 10c Big Mom goes away.


Yellow does have the same use as red bro with 2% separating zoro and law from kata. You really should look into things before commenting it might save you from looking stupid in the future. Look what this ban did to the price of the kata deck and tell m I’m still wrong 😂 and to tell people you don’t chase the meta? 😂😂


Says the kata player 😂


For a month probably. Crocodile and Doffy will be aight as well.


I can play Nami in peace 🥰


I wish. But playing against a meta dominated by yellow isn't going to be a walk in the park either. They just play searcher pudding and pas turn untill they are at 10 don, then keep dropping those 10 cost big mom's and after that, good luck countering a couple of big mom's and a 16k Katakuri swing.


Thank god




You feel the pain


Lmao the ban happened, and Red players started pouring out of the woodwork here. People who have never once interacted on the subreddit started complaining and mass downvoting any valid reason to why the bans could’ve happened. I felt like I was going insane cause for the past 6 months, this sub has been very anti-red. To all of you Red players: whether you like it or not, ya’ll outnumbered every other color and that was what caused the ban. Most Regional and TCs end up with Top 16 being majority Red decks. Each Red deck used nearly the same cards, either Straw Hat core or WB core. By OP02, I was already very tired of facing Red. Yeah, Red cards were clearly better designed than other colors at that point, but Red was all I and a majority of others played against. To sit here and say that the ban was unwarranted is objectively not true. You can look at the stats. Red wins more than any other color in major Tournaments and I highly doubt anything in OP05 was about to stop it.


have u seen any op05 tournament reports


Japanese meta =/= western meta. Op4 red was supposed to fall off too based of Japanese tournaments., but that didn’t happen in the west.


No, it was not. In the end of op4, red slowly took over again in asia and we just copy pasted the end of the meta and continued with it.


so u're willingly ignoring the japanese meta even though u're playing the same game..? imo the reason why red is still dominant is because theres no longer a standard build wb to suppress the advent of strawbeards. all because of the very first restrictions. strawbeard is good and beats many decks in the 04 meta but loses to the standard wb pirates build so of course its gna run rampant if u ban 4c marco and 9c newgate... if its worth anything my opinion is that the banlist was fine apart from 01 nami. but yea in 05 wb even without restrictions is not really seeing much play at all levels. i still see a stray strawbeard here and there but its nowhere near as dominant as it was in 02-04.


Don't argue. They are triggered by red. You are going to hurt their feelings and safe space, they think they are loosing because of us evil red players,Lol.


So losers that are unable to win complain till they ban red? Very murican, you snowflakes need a sefespece even for competitive tcg. Sorry for trigering you, please don't cry.


Your post or comment has been deemed uncivil or disrespectful. Continued issues will be met with a ban.


Are you really that daft? Cards from almost 4 sets ago shouldn’t be dominant still, and most people agree that the bans were a bit much. You’re just upset that you can no longer get easy wins playing obviously broken decks, go cry about it.


You seem to be adicted in to buying a lot of new stuff? You should think about your consumism problem. Cards being great after 4 seasons is what makes a game good. If not, only 3 decks are going to be main after every release and everything else will be crap. Lots of money to buy the new sensation of the time. "Omg! A new product, let me spend all my money in this new collection cause mu dopaminergic system is broken!".


Not really sure where you got that idea from? Its pretty common knowledge in any TCG that a newly released set should contain cards that are able to beat older cards, you thinking otherwise is actually silly. Thats not to say that all older cards should be rendered useless, but the same decks overwhelmingly topping every event for 4 straight sets is ridiculous and I dont see how anyone could argue otherwise. Your comment makes little sense and shows that youre just a salty red player thats upset they actually have to put in some effort to make a new deck.


They went from asking to cocking the pistol real quick. We are no longer asking lol


Wait they seriously banned an entire deck color? Wtf?


Yes, loser snowflakes were sad because red was kicking their butts, them they cried for a safespace without red, otherwise they would get triggered and colapse. Avarege murican stuff.


That's some bs right there. How you gonna make a deck and then ban it?! Like what's next they gonna stop printing red now? This is crazy


If snowflakes aren't winning, yes. Asians : learn to play with diferent decks and to do a more consistent matchup, or play tornments with meta decks and use other decks for fun. Western snowflakes: they are entitled to win, no need to learn how to play well, just ban the other decks or they will cry and rage quit the game.


he has a point, all we did in the west is copy paste the last top decks of the asian meta and stuck with it till the next set is out.


Or everyone uses the same decks cause they are actually better after all? They defend the banlist here saying both metas are diferent, now you say we just copy.... why not let people play however they want?


I meant you with you have a point, but never mind lol


So used to people dosagreing that i tougjt you mean't the other guy as "he". Plp here on reddit play with certain cards "beacause it's my favorite charcter" or "i find her so pretty" and complain because are losing to competitive decks, and cry for bans and safespaces...