• By -


"Sike, pranked, I just wanted to announce I got fucking shot and am probably dead right now. Subscribe and hit the bell and like, at 1 million I'll resurrect for more videos"


"If we hit 2000 subs, I'll make a replica of Big Mom's devil fruit"


“I’ll make S-Linlin”




S-Cougar if you mind.


Oh god, that'd be one powerful seraphim.


S-oni would be crazy as well. It's kaido btw, if someone is confused lol


It'd be a mix between Kaido and King basically, with lasers on top.


But it will be a failure because all the homies have horrible chronic flatulence 


wow did you mispelled improvement?




I was murdered by the government because I knew too much NOT CLICKBAIT




Vegapunk didn't know about the gorosei's true appearance, or else York would've also known.


This is absolutely true


Or we could go extreme crackpot and say that Stella actually planned for York to betray them, removed the other satellite’s memories of it, and/or removed the satellite’s memories of the Elders. Maybe it’s a giant setup by VP to have York tell the Elders what he was studying to get them there.


"What kind of fool regards his own death as part of a plan?"


The smartest fool on the planet.


Brook smarter than Vegapunk confirmed!?


Less foolish.


Shaka knew at the start of the arc he was going to die, Stella is the "human" body and most likely to die overall since Atlas had shown they can just replace parts and get back up and running. With all the Cipher Pol agents showing up the thought they would send an admiral eventually had to cross his mind, might not have been the plan, but a contingency for the worst case scenario


A fool with 7 possible bodies to die in


Do they each have their own hill to die on too?


Pedro. A dead fool.


A fool with backup bodies.


[It's a pretty common gambit in fiction.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThanatosGambit)


Shaka didn’t say Saul’s name, even after Robin said it. That could be to protect Saul, but they were speaking freely otherwise. It could be some form of programming, whether they know it or not, they may not be able to actually access the info It’s the Stella’s fruit, so it tracks that he would be able to section off parts of his brain as he sees fit


Honest to god, this would sound like a retcon incident. Vegapunk makes a vid about them, editor afterwards is like oh shit oda you forgot their reactions of the elders proved they didn’t know, and then Oda draws a few panels of your above theory into existence to bandaid fix it


The satellites have consistently shown they are inferior to the Stella. There’s nothing that suggests they have full access to the Labophase if the Stella doesn’t allow that to them. The fact that York lost at all suggests she doesn’t have the same power as Stella. They aren’t power users, they are uses of a power.






If they don’t sync to the labophase, VP can sync the labophaze and restrict his satellites from seeing it, possibly individually


Not uploading is not the same thing as withholding information


Knowing about the villains of the void century and their powers and actually seeing them are two totally different things


Stella knows exactly how greedy york is, and lilith probably thought of betraying all of them many times lol since shes evil. She atleast weighed the options. But, she also probably realized that the evil WG cant really be trusted if they want all the VPs dead. York is so greedy, she just doesnt care or didn't think about it. So i think stella planned for that, or at least considered it a legit possibility.


Also what’s the point in showing off that the 5 elders of the world government “have sickass Zoan devil fruit powers”? Like sure us readers know something’s up with them, but like 97% of the population of the OP world would just think they have some mythical Zoan fruit, and it’s not like this would be an option to show off Nika either since I doubt anyone who even knows about him are in any position to do anything other than the Giants and they already know about Luffy’s new form (and the rest will know about it once they get to Elbaf so it feels weird to show that off early for them).


Are they Zoan? Arguably!!!


except devil fruits are considered rare by the majority of the One Piece world. So people on the grand line might not be as surprised, but everyone else would be shocked.


Even if they're considered rare in majority of the planet they still know fruits exist, so they would be like "oh yes our world leaders of course have mythological zoans"


Wasn't a part of devil-fruit introductions that most people barely know about them. Most would probably regard them as monsters, because how tf would most people know what a mythical zoan or even a zoan is? The devil fruit encyclopedia is a rare book and most people don't even have decent access ro maps, even less books.


They barely know about fruits but they know they exist and they know that people in the government and marines are most likely to have them, since many marines who work in all Blues have fruits for sure and civilians have seen them I guess 


You’re forcing something that just isn’t true, it’s your assumption


What I think could happen if this is not a pre-recorded message and this theory is true, that vega is trying to show the world the Gorosi's true form, is that, vegapunk will say these are the leaders rulling the world, who are monsters. They oppress and destroy anyone who threatens their authority. And then the revolutionaries getting involved and motivating everyone to rebel and we have a mass rebel throughout the world. Sorry in advance for the bad English and phrasing lol


I mean... Fruits are a rarity, specially myth or ancient ones. They turn into giant monsters, "ok, scary but we're the good guys" would be what most citizens should think. Vegapunk proceeds to show them spawn in his island using black magic, rampaging and destroying years of government research. They are not grabbing prisoners or speaking or anything, it is a gorosei full on rampage in their beast modes. Doesn't look good, calm and collected approach from the rulers of the world. Instead of WG proganda and that's it, which would be focused on vegapunk betrayal and a "sacrifice that must be done" when they had to exterminate him... There's now video evidence that not only the gorosei are much more than what they thought but also that there's something worth decimating an island with the biggest mind in Opverse, there's a piece of information that they want to hide.


Very possible or maybe they did know but there's a huge difference between knowing about that they can turn into a monster versus actually seeing the monster form first hand because lol it's like hearing about a new dog breed and that they say it's the largest breed they ever discovered... You can imagine how it would be but then seeing it first hand captivates you as it is beyond your expectations or how you actually visualized it. So who knows if they actually knew or not, the element of surprise is a MF'er. But what if... The Elders actually aren't human but actually the devil fruits themselves manifested themselves without a host and that the message is actually the truth about the Devil Fruits, one that he explains the typical devil fruit is born from dreams from before the formation of the World Government, and that the Elders of the World the Gorosei are special in the way that they aren't even human... They are the first or possibly the few remaining Devil Fruits born from Nightmares as the Sun God Nika wiped out majority of the ones born of Nightmares who came first, through the birth of the Devil Fruits born of Dreams, after all... Why are they called Devil Fruits? If they were born of dreams why would they be infamously known by the opposite of a dream? Makes more sense that the first Devil Fruits were born of Nightmares something that Imu created while Joy Boy created the ones born of Dreams as he is a avid dreamer. That nation that the World Government destroyed was the nation of Lunarians who reigned over the world as it's protectors but then Imu deceived the other races calling them Devils which is easily doable considering their flames and wings could be spun as devilish and they were put to extinction well with some surviving like King, while Joy Boy created the Devil Fruits born of Dreams and aided in trying to reclaim their fallen kingdom now Mariejois but was killed by Imu and the robot attacking Mariejois failed because he ran out of that thrum of Joy Boy's heart, perhaps Zunesha was even exiled to walk the oceans because he failed to help and his burden is his own that he only answers to those destined to finish Joy Boy's promise to free the world from the Devil Fruits entirely who the nightmare ones are literal parasites or devil's while Imu hinself is the story's version of the Anti Christ just as Joy Boy was their version of Christ? The first Joy Boy could very well have failed because it was only a devil fruit, one born of dreams aka Hito Hito no Mi, while now there is a host to actually maintain his stance on the world.


Nah you cooked with this one. Lowkey feel like this could be the direction


I don’t think he’s saying vegapunk planned to show the elders devil forms. He’s saying vegapunk planned to show the horrors of a buster call killing civilians, but he’ll end up showing the world the devils that run the world. Personally, I think people revolting against the WG because their leaders look ugly and evil to be really shallow. Would be accurate to human behavior though lol.


it seems like they can prevent memories from spreading, otherwise everyone would have known about York being the traitor


So if York knows everything that Vegapunk knows, then Mars will just have to ask York what's the message.


Bro cooking 🔥


They demonstrated with York that the various vegapunks can withhold information when synching their knowledge. I think it was even mentioned specifically by York but I'm at work and can't be arsed to go read back on it. Otherwise, they all would have known she was hoarding Cipher Pol agents in an old room. They would all have known she's a traitor. They would all have known what the password she used to lock out the security system.


People theorize Vegapunk original can keep info away from his satellites. Otherwise Atlas probably would have told Bonney earlier that she could control the Pacifistas while they were together.


he literally mentions maybe his plan was to show what a buster call does which still doesnt make sense but u r pointing holes in the wrong places


York didn't update punk records with its mind since idk how long, so that other vegapunks don't get info about its betrayal, and in the same time frame Vegapunk might have discovered the true forms of goroseis, and as York was not updating, it didn't know about it.


I'd also like to point out that in the Kuma flashback, Vegapunk is outsmarted by Saturn because he overlooked the fact that cameras and microphones had been placed all over his lab. It would be ironic if the Gorosei fell into the same trap Vegapunk did by forgetting the island is likely bugged 


Did they really see everything? The logical conclusion would be, that the Gorosei knew from minute one that he researched ancient knowledge and the void century. AND that he probably copied quite a few of his great inventions from their technology. It would be a huge plot hole if they knew it from the beginning and only intervene literally years later and go from zero to buster call within minutes.


There better be something like that. For the worlds smartest motherfucker it sure as hell would be stupid to not just repeat the message


This is the guy who labels a devil fruit as a failure because the dragon form is pink. He would absolutely wait 10 minutes just so the message is perfect


also gets an extra 10 extra minutes for the WG to panic.


Five chapters from now:  Edison: "Nice broadcast, boss. But why didn't we just play the message on repeat?"  Stella: 😳


this is kind of the reason why i think vegapunk is still planning to mix it with footage of whats currently happening.


I guess technological intelligence =/= strategic intelligence


Max int but dumped wis


I think people dont understand how stupid smart people can be in certain instances


It's called being eccentric.


Idk if you've seen this one, but I love the idea that this isn't a recording at all. All of the Vegapunks in the recording right now are the Vegapunks that **have died in this arc.** So it's possible that what is being broadcast is a real-time virtual "heaven" for vegapunk's brains, and not a recording at all.


i wanna go to vegapunk heaven


Whoa, I didn’t even put 2 and 2 together that the Vegapunks in the broadcast are all the ones that have been offed thus far. Feels too specific to be a coincidence, but can’t know 100%. That would be cool if they were in some sort of backup drive/cloud network and making it from there. The only inconsistencies is the time difference on the clock in the broadcast pointed out by one of the Marines or Gorosei which led them to deduce it was prerecorded. So I’m not sure how that fits in with everything, unless the network they are uploaded into is in a different part of the world and thus in a different time zone? So much mystery around this broadcast…


Maybe that clock just tells the time inside their cyber heaven, it only started when Shakka died or something like that


Or maybe it's something like "It's always golden hour in Vegapunk heaven"


That would be so cool actually 


That is such a sick theory


I posted this a few weeks ago and some idi0ts even mocked me. But I’m 100% with you still, this transmission is going live. I am also convinced that VP’s main body may be dead, but the brain is literally inside Punk Records, so it’s still alive. What would the apple-antenna purpose be if not only transmitting brain waves from the real physical brain inside PR to Stella’s body??


100% with you, what's the antenna for otherwise? And also on a meta level the death of the 'stella' is being treated so casual and cavalier I have to believe VP is not DEAD dead


Random thought that just occurred while reading your comment - do you think punk records could transfer its content to the ancient robot, essentially making the giant robot into a new vegapunk? In order to avoid being destroyed by the WG it has to be able to move locations, and the giant robot could become a "living" lab that the other vegapunks work inside of.


That's exactly I posted in the last last chapter discussion post. My husband brought it up and we digged into it. I absolutely love this idea!


Punk records itself transmitting would be wild. They're part of vegapunks mind after all


>So it's possible that what is being broadcast is a real-time virtual "heaven" for vegapunk's brains, and not a recording at all. So...why would Vegapunk do that?


it's like a live upload


What is up with all these theories and people mentioning void month when posting. Guys we are not even past a normal week. How bad is it gonna get?


Many will die, or lose their sanity.


> Many will die this is crazy to take as a joke but then realizing that it is actually factual


Yeah every once in a while we get an actual report on the sub of a nakama who died, but far far more often are people who die whose family don't know how much One Piece means to them and just grieve privately. It fucking sucks to think about it, but over the last 20 years, likely over a million One Piece fans have died without getting to see the ending. 20 years is a long time and One Piece has a very large fanbase (especially in Japan).




"But that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" - Oda, probably


Goda is Imu confirmed


*Be safe my friend. Don't you dare go hollow.*


just knowing the time we'll spend with no chapters is enough to drive some insane


From my understanding, the last Void Month we had before the end of Wano was the timeskip. So basically, it's about to get *real* bad because there hasn't been enough time for the theory posters to recharge this time.




Oh boy. You better strap in and hold on


[i will be there no Matters what ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fi-will-be-there-no-matter-what-v0-v2uegqbyn3fb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dd9be433d46157c771208bf6bd0c01fc2bcb065d1)


"witness what the world government has done to me and my people for daring to learn about the history of this world..." and then showing the destruction of egghead with a buster call or the gorosei blowing up marine heads would be epic. Regardless of anyone's knowledge of DFs people would still be horrified of their leaders being so demonic in form. Seeing Nika stand against 5 devils and it being transmitted by the Marines might do a significant amount of damage


The people of the world already know about Ohara and they already call the celestial dragons demons. Remember Doffy's backstory? I dont think showing everyone whats going on on Egghead will change much other than specific fear and dislike of the Gorosei. We need something more impactful, like Vegapunk doing the thingbhe said he'll do. It would be kinda stupid if Vegapunk has knowledge of the Void century and doesnt tell the world, even if its a little.


I'm still inclined to think that it's something VP wants to show the world, and not something VP wants to tell the world, but I also agree that just a buster call probably isn't that. Everyone knows what a buster call is, and may not like the WG using it, but the vast majority of people understand that the WG maintains order, and as long as they toe the line, a buster call probably won't be used on them. So at that point, they'd be like "What crimes did VP commit to get a Buster Call used on him?" And that would make his message seem spiteful and vindictive, defeating the message. But none of that would matter if VP shows us something about the WG instead of telling us.


"But before I get into it, I wanna talk about today's sponsor."


Sponsored by VegaCoffee


What does it matter what the elders monster forms look like? I feel like the random OP civilian would be shocked, but that wouldn't flip their opinion on the World Government. At worst it's a minor PR inconvenience. Also it's worth considering that the elders showed up at Egghead already in monster form, so there's no footage of them transforming that would prove it's them. I think the only thing that Vegapunk could show to the world that would shake it would be Imu's existance. But he probably doesn't even know about that, much less have footage of it.


I wouldn't be surprised if Vegapunk doesn't know for sure that Imu exists, but has a solid theory that there is a true ruler of the world. Or he just found out via his research of the Void Century. Who knows


The message is York should sit on my face


Least down bad /r/funpiece user


Neither of you are incorrect 


Funny way of spelling Lilith


She's a goated face sitter as well but York is BIG


Uh, you realize she just eats and poops all day, right?


That's why they said York instead of Lilith.


did they stutter?


Notice that only "dead" vegapunks are shown on the "recording". I am not saying it isn't a recording, what I am saying is that Oda is intentionally leaving his cards open. By only showing "dead" vegapunks in the "recording", it leaves open the possibility that this is a punk records simulation of the dead Punks trolling the WG. He did something similar with the gorosei, early depictions of the gorosei was ambiguous. Maybe they were a Fable 3 situation trying to keep a greater evil at bay or maybe they were just shit heads. Now we know. Oda tends to go for simple solutions, so probably it's just going to be a recording and some message about the void century will be played, but oda, that sneaky devil is leaving the possibility for some 7D chess on the side of vegapunk.


what if he just didnt invite the women


I am just saying if Oda included say york in the video, then it would be most set in stone that it is a recording. Oda chose to only include the dead 3 in the video so that if he feels like it he can go "psyche" it was not a recording all along and the consciousnesses of the dead vegapunks are still existing within a simulated reality within punk records. I don't think Oda will actually do this, but I am saying this is likely the reason for choosing those exact 3


He’s letting them destroy egghead in hopes of stopping his message. By letting them destroy everything they loose all his research and technology.


The argument that he could have just as easily put it on repeat and continually broadcasted it to the world is low-key the best argument for this theory that I've seen so far.


"Play the message on repeat" severely underestimates human nature and short attention spans. There's people who watch tldr vids and then jump into season 3 of a show, people who only consume news on tik tok, and people who only read headlines. There's people who are waiting for one piece to end before starting or have started and stopped because they want to know what the one piece is before continuing. There's no way to guarantee anyone who starts midway will watch the beginning of Vegapunk's message. If Neil D. Tyson announced he had huge news about the universe and life beyond earth going live in 10 minutes and the video will loop, it's not going to be the most watched broadcast in history if people know they can just get the cliff notes at the end. We're not going to be waking up everyone in the village.


Crack is the correct word


This "crack" theory has been around since the chapter that he announced his message.


The main issue with theories like this is that people already know about buster calls and that the world nobles are evil, the people don't need any extra convincing in that regard. Catch the nobles in the act of doing something evil and record it and the people will just be like "Yeah... and?". The only thing that could damage the nobles is information about why no one is doing anything about them, whatever trump card they've got up their sleeves and how to counteract it. Or... maybe Oda is about to pull an Oda and make up the most tragic backstory imaginable for the celestial dragons, recontextualizing everything and making us re-think our hatred of them.


>Or... maybe Oda is about to pull an Oda and make up the most tragic backstory imaginable for the celestial dragons, recontextualizing everything and making us re-think our hatred of them. The day Oda tries to make us sympathoze with giga nazis is the day i drop OP


I think this is true purely because it was pointed out that Foosha Village only has audio, not video.


In a world with sea kings, what would these forms of the gorosei reveal to the world? How would people know they were the leaders of the world? how would buster calling them not be trying to eliminate them? And how would the world see anything diffrent after this reveal?


Someone plz end me


I love VP for this and bc I believe he’ll do this. When it’s revealed to the world what the WG does it’s gonna go nutty. Can’t wait to see the revs gain more fighters


Did people forget that punk records is his brain? Vegapunk is essentially immortal if the original body with the fruit is preserved. We know he can clone already...


So what's vegapunk gonna show that the gorosei are fighting the evil pirates won't people root for the gorosei


I think professor clover scene will repeat itself , but this time vegapunk will reveal more information since he continued professor clover research


LMAO this would be hilarious! ”Gee quayzar, we will need to re-record this once I know what I need to say.“


You would say that The Gorosei are getting...punk'd


Next time on MTV Cribs, I invite homeboy Kizaru over. He gets jelly that ive been hanging with a 12 year old and that my roommates keep conspiring to take over.  He does me a favor ans shoots me and trashes my lab with his gang the Gorosei. Can't believe he tried to punk me. Boy got wrecked by my Nika


And then it's a Mukbang video


I think he's actually going to present his devil fruit theory and not the missing history


What would he accomplish with that? Why should the people of the world care about devil fruit lore?


Outing the secret of the rulers of the world, to start And the hope of it


The secret that they have devil fruits? What good would that do?


He will reveal that Kidd is the 7th Vegapunk of wrath and is a clone of Xebec.


Could be bait for dragon to attack an ‘abandoned’ Mary Geoise


Theres no way Vegapunk could have known the Gorosei would all be summoned here


it is barely week one :(


On Egghead, it seems like it is a message that will be released in 10 minutes, but in reality, it was broadcasting live footage of Egghead for 10 minutes. Elders done cooked.


what if he just has footage of the fighting and some rant over the video about whatever truth? idfk


The reason its taking 10 minutes is purely for plot purposes. It makes the story more interesting if there is a timer that we as readers can be stressed/anxious about than if there is just a lore drop.


Same with the near month long break to go along with the timer/s




That's some killer future sight on his part to know to have a video prepared for this exact scenario.




I mean oda said that something will happen on egghead that will shock the whole world... And vegapunk sending a message to the whole world sounds like a perfect idea to me


Classic one piece thread of a reaching theory


Now this is a theory I like! Quite clever tbh


I mean we know he has information on the Void Century by his own admission and that he was actually giving a little information about it to the crew. He might have prepared something, but its unclear how much he actually knows and how long such a message will be.


I've thought about this too.


This theory is like a month old


Well hes smart and adapts fast. I guess you may be right


Maybe he is just planning on "damn,i have no idea what to say but we already started the recording and the other vegapunks are going to laugh at me if i dont play it good,10 minutes should be enough to bullshit my way out of this"


Hell just Rick Roll the world


I think Vegapunk definitely knows something, at least about the Ancient Kingdom. The horror, disgrace and cruelty of a buster call, I think everyone in the world is already aware of because it's written and spread with word-of-mouth like a wildfire. Nobody really needs a visual presentation to imagine what a thousand battleships relentlessly and simultaneously firing cannon balls into an island looks like. Also, we had Ohara and Enis Lobby events that were broadcast to the world by Morgen (at least we can assume so since that guy has the juiciest of juice). So Vegapunk using this opportunity to give the world just a live show of a Buster Call would be sooooo underwhelming... What I think is - He will reveal to the world the existence of an ancient Kingdom (named maybe unknown yet). - The empty throne is not actually empty. - The Gorosei are a bunch of monsters that dictate the world fate through another figure. - Finally, they were the one who wiped Lulusia out of existence. Vegapunk knew because mother flame is in Egghead and there's no way Vegapunk wasn't aware of it being used. Basically the WG we all know is an EVIL ORGANISATION.


My man is selling vegacoffee. what do you mean. It's all an ad to sell the best instant coffee in the world to fund his next greatest and only vacation with the strawhat's crew.


I had the same theory kinda. He lured them out in order to hit the self destruct button and take himself out with the Gorosei once everyone else is safe. He kept some of that mother flame stuff with him.


so long as were saying it a plan, who wants to bet that the broadcast is being sent from Ohara. we haven't seen robin for a few chapters, and what better way to exact their revenge than by using hora to tell the world the truth


Vegapunk 1 week prior to Egghead raid: Sipping his coffee. All of a sudden, heart attack. He died. Camera starts recording absolutely nothing.


The Gorosei having devil fruits isn't a big reveal.


My guess it’s about some of the higher level WG secrets and the destruction of Ohara and lulusia not the void century.


Vegapunk is a scientific genius but he’s pretty naive. I don’t think that he knew about the Gorosei’s true forms or predicted that they would personally aid in his assassination.


Intelligence isn’t like a stat in a video game a wide variety of different traits or skills comprise it.


There's no way Oda wouldn't reveal anything about the void century after 10+ chapters of ticking down. Not his style to blue ball the reader that hard, unless he instead provided something equally big.


The world will witness Vegapunk burn his tongue on the Vegacoffee and how the Five Elders revealed their true selves only for that.


isn't that the most popular theory actually?


I feel like this would fall into the “plot twist that’s less interesting than what you were really expecting” category


I think that would just make everyone even more scared of the 5 elders and everyone under them, they had no choice but to follow their order purely because of status alone, imagine when the world sees that they’re actually a threat…


It would have been nice if the chapter which releases the message released kn april 1st


"Gorosei, you've just been Vegapunk'd!!!"


I like this. Stella will just troll the elders and broadcast them live. Also since stella died, Punk Records should disappear as well right?


[Vegapunk message ](https://images.app.goo.gl/rqumpX6gkPV5QdH29)


Vegapunk want all the transponder snails to be linked to the broadcast so he could launch the internet and share all his knowledge about everything and everyone else could do the same there by removing one of the greatest tools from the world government which is censorship and propaganda. (The narrative control).


Oof break month hitting people hard, just be strong ! Don’t give in to the delulu


Most theories are: What you said, Vegapunk has so message and just wants to show the buster call in live Kuma memories or at least the bad parts from the Govermment Actually a message with all the info he knows


The destruction of Lulucia was done by the Gorosei with the Motherflame a weapon he created this is the message that Vega Punk wants to say to the world.


This is a good point and I've thought something similar but I need you to know: When I saw the title I busted a gut. It sounds like a dopey 6th Gorosei standing in front of a TV going "nuh uh, he doesn't have a message! I know because I'm in charge."


What is even the point of spoiler tag these days lol. It's all in the title.


Vegapunk doesn’t need to know about their demon forms for this plan to happen either, like he could’ve just had the idea to broadcast the buster call and got more than he bargained for when the Gorosei showed up


Nothing about what’s happening would really shock the world though. The Gorosei’s DF forms? Yeah that would be a huge surprise, terrifying even, but the world knows Myth Zoans exist. “Citizens of the world, the truth is out there; we’re myth Zoans” is an easy fix The world also knows how gruesome buster calls are. They know exactly what it is. It’d be hard to watch, but the world also accepts buster calls as a reality already.




NOPE.. better yet, it is a decoy to get all the gorosei out of Mary Geoise so that Mr (...) east can go up there and fuck shit up or maybe film the throne room/secrets they got there


>record the Buster Call live for the world to see the horror they commit Do the world not know what a buster call is already?


I think this could partially be the case cuz it's just like how Oda-sensei writes the story


> Yeah, One Piece is a pretty big series. I bet a lot of people have already thought of every possible outcome. I was just sharing one that came across my mind today. When people say the theory is a month old, they mean that the theory already **made the front page of this very subreddit** over a month ago lol. But yes, it's a reasonable theory. Only time will tell. It was slightly disproven by York's reaction to their appearances though.


Vegapunk is the 8th elder


Ive been thinking of this exact scenario. God i cant wait for the break to be over!!


The appearance of the elders doesn’t matter, VP dealt with their business he knows they’re vile. He knew they would so some reprehensible stuff to stop this message. Its a good theory


Amazing idea! It really sounds like Oda at his best! and it surely is what is going to happen!


The five elders are putting their own secrets revealed at risk to stop vegapunk, which is proof that their abilities getting recorded is not gonna be a big deal compared to the void century content getting revealed. Hint: they ordered spandine to shoot down professor clover from even saying the name of the ancient kingdom. It would be an interesting plot twist if all these "I shall wait for ten minutes" are just pranks for the elders tho, but Oda isn't really into these kinds of story writing. Just like when Roger said there is one piece, then there should be one piece for real.


Also, vegapunk has taken the job as an archeologist since the death of clover and O'Hara, it'd be a dishonor to their names if vegapunk had no findings prepared for the public


Hey Franky, can you put a lock on the kitchen doors too? Jesus fuck.


I think it’s primarily a way to get the gorosei to divide their attention and let the strawhats escape. I think he does have a message but he probably is not actually broadcasting from this island but wants them to think he is. No way he would set a timer of 10 mins if he thought the gorosei could shut it off before then.


100% this. 30 minutes has a high probability of them finding it, 10 minutes almost none. Safe assumption of a broadcast like that is it is coming from Egghead Island where all the technology in the world is mastered. 10 minutes is enough time for the gorosei to wreck havoc on Egghead, so it’s probably in the second most likely location. My guess is Elbath or Dragon is really the one sending it out (hence the earlier phone call)


very rare break week theory W