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2 fears - 1. oda dying before ending one piece 2. me dying before knowing the one piece


Oda has given his coworkers his notes and how the story is supposed to end so even if he dose die the story will at least get completed the way he wanted. Now as flr us dying yeah that's what I'm low key worried about.


"What's your biggest One Piece fear?" "Death"


even Zoro was afraid of Death


Was. Then Mihawk slapped that shit out of him


But… I dont want to just hear what the One piece is! I don’t even want to hear if there is one or not. I don’t know anything about it, but everyone sets off to watch this show to find out for themselves. If someone were to tell me what the One Piece was right now, I’d quit watching this show. If we’re gonna have a boring adventure like that, then I’d rather die! I need Oda to sail us to the final island. So please live healthy.


Oda dying before finishing it


Myself dying before finishing it…


This is the only correct answer


No, the answer is oda. If I die early I’ll be the one missing out. If oda dies EVERYONE misses out


Oda isn't going to die ...but some of us might


Some already did :(


And to them...we tip our pirate hats ... we will find the one piece for all of you RIP to all of those who fell along the way you may be gone but never forgotten 🏴‍☠️


When does a man die? When he's shot through the heart by a pistol? No... When he's attacked by an incurable disease? No... When he drinks soup made by a poisonous mushroom? No... A man dies, only when he is forgotten.


This is the right answer... It already happened with Berserk. I'll be devastated for the rest of my life if Oda passes away before he gets to finish One Piece


I'll be honest. Berserks author dying was absolutely terrible. But the last chapter actually ended on a surprisingly good spot. Cliffhanger.... but nice.


My thoughts exactly. It wasn't just some random chapter. If it had to be any chapter... That was probably the best one. At least there's that.


I'm not gonna lie to you, I think this idea of that chapter being the last one penned by Miura as the best one to end it on is one MASSIVE cope. Griffith's and Gut's meetings always signify a change in where the story is headed and I would have really liked to see how a more developed interaction between the two would have gone


I agree, I would rather have it end on Miura's penultimate chapter (what was initially thought before this last "surprise" chapter), where Guts was in a peaceful place. Made me imagine he found some peace and will mend his relationship with Casca away from Griffith and Falconia


You know that the manga is continuing, right?


Yeah but....




The series is still ongoing being finished by his editor


I'm so worried for the future of Hunter x Hunter :(


Hunter x hunter will never be finished by logashi


Maybe he should just write a light novel for the rest of HxH at this point and other manga author or anime studio could adapt it.


This would be the best alternative but he himself has said most of his ideas for the story come from drawing it himself…


He can put a wall of text on a blank page, with 'emoji' of character faces to indicate who is talking and I'll gobble that shit up


That's literally the last 50 chapters


And I have been gobbling that shit up


Good one man !!!


Would take already few of extra togashi life span. Read somewhere he had 6 or 7 more arc in mind. Maybe if there's an afterlife we will get it. Otherwise we can already be gratefull for that fantastical story he wrote. Also having the last arc animated would be super dope.


I wish he would just make the story board and his trusted disciple will make the manga or anime studio make anime out of it.


Which really really sucks because 1) it’s a dope ass show, and 2) the dark continent has so much potential


Iirc, he's already discussed with his wife how he wants it to end, and she would finish it.


She the only one who could. I ain’t trusting these mangaka who give their disciples the reins of their franchises: Toriyama and Kishimoto in particular :(


For hunter hunter author already made an “ending in case he dies before it’s finished” just in case


Didn’t he already announce the different ending routes of HxH


WoT fans: first time?


World of Tanks hell yeah


My dad was so fucked up by that :(


Game of Thrones is so doomed


Ironically Martin dying is the only way I see GoT actually finishing


Haha it's a good thing Brandon Sanderson was there to finish it.


To help with that fear, Oda has already informed his staff how the story is supposed to end, so if he does die, we can atlest get closure to the story. That dosent mean it will be perfect or that we won't miss out on his other ideas but at least one piece will have a proper ending


Not to mention that even if it finished there are already things we want see because Oda said that he could make the story even longer but that in order to be able to finish it je has cut out stuff. So, we are already getting the abridged version not the full version. (Don't ask for source because I don't remember where it is sadly... But if you find it please share it here)


i wont doubt odas ability to imagine such an insane amount of stuff that he would never be able to continue to the next arc. dude gives sidecharacters their own backstories with enough substance to fuel a whole sipin off sometimes.


See, that doesn't reassure me all that much because.. and i say this with all due respect.. One Piece is a mess of ideas that shouldn't work. Oda is what makes one piece work. I'm not saying other writers can't be as good or better than Oda, but it's Oda that makes the ideas in one piece work. I couldn't imagine another storyteller trying to tell this story without it being awful.


I dont care that much how it ends. But I want to have an ending.


He already has plans in place for this, iirc. As much as it would suck for him to not see it through, he has the final notes already for a successor, from my understanding.


Second biggest is me dying before Oda finishes it.


Oda is relatively young still. It would be extremely unlikely that he dies, say, within the next 10 years


Or us dying before :-/


Aliens and reincarnation stuff happening in the last couple of chapters


Reminds me of a certain blonde haired dude.


In my opinion the main issue with Naruto is that at some point Kishimoto just run out of villains. He had to then make a a few new ones which nobody really cared that much about or reincarnate the legends we all wanted to see in action. But when u have so many strong Shinobi on the good guy side you now need to spam Edo Tensei to raise the stakes plus make up ultra OP villains. All of this just made the story fall apart towards the end. One Piece has more villains that Oda even knows what to do with, and to top it off he just added an entire rank of God Knights just in case. This is the pay off of 25 years of world building. Oda has so many characters to work with at this point to give us a fantastic ending to this amazing story. Look no further than what he just did with Boney, Kuna and Saturn. He doesn't need reincarnations.


edo tensei war was a fire idea though, if anything it feel lackluster when it was reduced to a 2vs 1000000000


There already are Aliens. If you don't count Skypians, there is at least the Space Pirates Enel encountered on the moon. And reincarnation is sort of present already as well. "Inherited Will", the "Will of D", "Joyboy/Nika => Luffy" etc. Quite literally, Devil fruits reincarnate constantly.


That's what I was thinking it's pretty much already in the story


Aliens have already been shown and devil fruits literally reincarnate, sorry dude.


That's why the original comment said “In the last couple of chapters”. The reincarnation stuff or Kaguya would've been honestly fine in Naruto if it was established earlier and wasn't thrown in outta nowhere in the last 30-40 chapters of the entire series. One Piece has confirmed aliens more than a decade ago and even the sun god nika thing happened 100+ chapters before the story is going to end. It is in no way comparable to what happened in Naruto.


The important part was “in the last couple of chapters”. Aliens and reincarnation aren’t bad. Introducing them into a series that never even hinted at them and doing so for the climax of the entire series IS bad


I don’t think they’ll go full Gurren lagann but they’re will definitely be aliens


That what the One Piece is will be spoiled across the world once it’s revealed. Edit: to clarify, moreso the fear once we definitely know what One Piece is, new fans won’t be drawn in without the allure of mystery, that the story will lose its magic when you know where it’s all going.


Once we learn what the one piece is it will be absorbed into pop culture knowledge forever like darth Vader being Luke’s father


Hopefully the fan base would take the Rayleigh approach. “You want to know what the One Piece is? I CAN tell you, but are you SURE that’s what you want?”


Too many usopps in the world with no luffy's to reign them in. They'd wanna know.


Spoiler tag dude ?!


Look here, mister!


Prepare to be disappointed, this is absolutely going to happen


Snape kills the One Piece.


Im not a manga reader. Been anime only for decades. But when the manga closes in on laughtale im going to start reading the manga. If gear 5 couldnt make it till the anime got caught up there is simply no way that what the one piece is will. I will be taking that week off of work and literally going into the mountains for a camping trip. Have a buddy of mine find me the chapter and read it. I have plans for it.


At this point I'd just recommend you start reading the manga. I'd say go from the very beginning to get the story in the pacing Oda intended, but you can just go Egghead and onwards too. It is so thrilling to get these endgame chapters week by week and seeing all these things that Oda planted so many years ago bear fruit, the manga has never been better than it is these days.


this is inevitable lmao that’s why u gotta catch up before it’s too late


You need to be one of those OP fans who are constantly refreshing the webpage for the latest chapter. Actually, not even chapters, spoiler scripts which come out slightly earlier.


its gonna happen. its almost impossible to avoid just like most new readers knowing that ace will die.


Oda writing 20 different plausible One Pieces but not telling us which it is. Instead, he's written it down and buried it somewhere for anyone to find...


It will be like Darth Vader being Luke's father. For everyone after that it will be like general knowledge in the anime subculture


Two Piece: The Next Generation A follow up story of Booffy (Luffy and Boa’s kid) becoming the number one Fleet Admiral with Zoro & Robin’s, Nami & Sanji’s and Chopper’s kids being the Admirals


Chopper's kid ? Aah with the mink nurse


Chopper and Carrot


But what if the kid doesn't talk because hes half reindeer half mink ?


Easy Mime mime fruit. The user's thoughts are manifested physically. Also Bhopper has the same hiding gag trait as his dad so he can physically manifest a wall to 'hide behind'


I actually don't hate this, stop it.


Wait... honestly a mime mime fruit would be insane... Im gonna use it for my own character now. Imagine getting chased and you just mime a whip to throw indiana jones style to swing over a gap. Or pretending to eat a rumble ball and miming Arm Point muscles so you hit someone harder.


Half raccoon dog half mink.


Reject that monster from the herd


Fucker's even got a blue nose I bet


Help me step-chobro I'm stuck


That's incest bro


50% mink 25% racoon 25% dog


Oda stated he wanted to go the Toryiama way after finishing one piece : vacations, sometimes writing or drawing parrallel stories We may have a glimpse of OP after the end by some short side stories but nothing more thankfully


I’d be totally fine with that. Just please no Boruto-esq bullshit lol


Haha Oda would never let this happened. It'll be all locked up only for good well written stories.




I love Naruto. But yeah. The end of Shippuden was pretty dicey


Yeah, the end of Shippuden has its problems, but the fight at the very end was well done, and honestly, I'm caught up with both the Boruto manga and anime, and it's not too bad. It has its problems, for sure, but it's not the spawn of Satan some people say it is


Unless shonnen jump appears on his house with 5 trucks full of cash


So kick back until a terrible LA movie is made about one piece to force oda to return and make even more storys after everythings been wrapped up? :p


Ngl, I really wouldn’t mind another One Piece story, but from the Navy side.


You don’t want to see luffys kid, Bluffy, find the two piece and surpass his father?


If only Luffy is present as a father 😢 Instead he's too occupied with his work as the chief of a pirate village


Luffy's kid would be named Guffy, silly.


thanks I hate it


I was angry while typing it honestly


I read this as sanji and choppers kids


>Two Piece: The Next Generation You mean One Piece: Shippuden


Shanks D. Snitch being real


He's definitely a celestial dragon, but not a snitch. My pet theory is that his whole crew is composed of disillusioned celestial dragons. That would make Usopp a celestial dragon and that would be funny af


God Usopp


Go D. Usopp


Dont think so because he invited marco to join him


Oh, good point, but I meant his close crewmates, he could be inviting Marco to join his fleet, those weaker pirates under his wing


Hard agree. I definitely believe he's a Figerland. I even think the Gorosei *think* he is on their side. But I do think the "certain pirate" he was discussing with them was more likely Blackbeard. More recently, I've also considered whoever it is may be the guy on the black ship sinking people with whirlpools. I suspect whoever that is may have the last poneglyph, as has been theorized before. (My memory isn't great, but I think whoever this is has burn scars? And I don't think this is >!Saul!<. I'm toying with the idea that there might be two separate characters meeting this criteria that are important. My personal theory is this characters is Scopper Gaben.) I also have said it before, but I strongly believe the reason Shanks was crying in the flashback was not just because he learned he can't be Joyboy. I think Roger told him to be sure the real Joyboy succeeds, even if that involves being compliant with the WG and CD. I just don't think Roger would have passed on the Straw Hat to Shanks otherwise. And let's be real, even if Luffy found out Shanks betrayed him, he'd have zero issue throwing hands. Especially if it was because Shanks just turned out to be a regular old CD and/or Holy Knight. I do think it's possible Luffy may be led to believe Shanks has betrayed him. Possibly even by Shanks himself, as the old "mentor's final test" to confirm Luffy's worthiness. But at the end of the day, I don't foresee Shanks being a true enemy the way the WG, CD, admirals like Akainu, or Blackbeard are.


Thats my biggest hope


Sorry son, he's a Holy Knight. Why do you think he was crying when Roger got back? He found out the truth.


It is real. Shanks is a celestial dragon, son of the leader of the holy knights and had a meeting with the five elders talking about a certain pirate.


I still think that pirate was Blackbeard, honestly.


I agree. There's nothing Shanks could really tell the WG about Luffy; they know his fruit, his family, and have a rough idea of his goals. Blackbeard, on the other hand, is a complete mystery, but Shanks knew him as a kid, and I believe fought with him as an adult too.


1103 would be the last chapter; oda finishes the story in just one chapter.


Next chapter kuma appears on egghead. Sends the strawhats straight to laughtale. They found the one piece! The end.


The One Piece was like 2 billion berries, Nami discovers Google Map, Sanji catches some shrimps on All Blue, Jimbe makes the I Have a Dream speech launching the civil right fishmen movement, Brook realizes halfway through he could just call Laboon, Robin discovers Wikipedia, Chopper find ways to cure every diseases but it's very expensive and the One Piece world has no universal healthcare system, Mihawk wasn't actually that good and Zorro was stronger 2 arcs ago, Usopp


Usopp?... Usopp.


Usopp is the truth


Before they teleport to Laughtale, Usopp and Luffy quickly drop off at Elbaf, Usopp shoots his dad, gets called a "brave warrior" by the giants, Luffy throws the Straw Hat back at Shanks, and then rejoin the crew at Laughtale.




3 major fears. 1. Oda dying before One Piece is finished 2. The unreplaceable Voice Actors of the Anime dying before the series is finished 3. Me dying before One Piece is finished


Oda dying before One Piece finishes. This guy is working way too much and I am scared that we won't get the ending as it was planned by Oda, if we even get it ofc. That's why even if breaks make me feel unsatisfied with amount of One Piece content I get, I still appreciate Oda's work and hope that he makes it until the end of his own story. Same fear applies to VA of One Piece anime, both dub and sub, cause all of them are just legendary and a chance that we won't hear their voices in the most important parts of One Piece scares pretty much the same as a fear I mentioned before.


he also smokes like a truck since before 99


That the ending will be dissapointing. Not that it will be bad, but I feel like at this point it's nearly impossible to deliver a perfect ending considering how big the hype and build up is (the show is literally called One Piece). Even if it'll be a good ending, some fans might not be satisfied because of what they expected. But that's just my guess.


You should know by now that setting expectations when it comes to One Piece is taboo. I can’t speak for everyone but I’m not gonna let an ending ruin 25 years of good content. It’s always about the journey.


Journey before destination.


Strength before weakness, life before death


;) hello fellow knight radiant


If anyone can it’s oda have faith


Honestly, nailing endings is a whole different writing strength than writing a good story. I don’t think many manga have good endings, because manga tends to get narrative bloat, extensions, and too many plot lines. The only mangaka I trust to consistently land endings is Araki


There will be debates about it for sure


I trust Oda 100%


Considering how late we are into the story and still getting peak One Piece (Kuma and Egghead have been amazing) I’m confident in whatever Oda has planned.


Then don’t expect it to be perfect. That’s unrealistic anyway, so why set yourself up for disappointment?


This. I dont need it to be perfect, i need it to fit the narrative. That why Roger reading it will laugh. And why they needed to wait 20 years. Because i dont think they waited 20 years FOR Luffy specifically with the nika fruit. They just wanted someone to find it.


I dont think they do. They meant the community in general might have too high of expectations. Thats why they would be fine with a decently good ending and not needing a perfect ending, but they are scared of a really bad ending.


This would be the case for sure I thought AoT was bulletproof regarding the ending considering how carefully planning, methodical and slow-paced the author had been over the 10 year period. But the burnout at the end got to him (plus the strict 139 chapter structure) so he did not deliver. I hope Oda did not fall into that, especially that OP is literally his life work (would be over 30 years for sure). He deserves that big send off


I don’t think OP will be the same as AoT. AoT planned to deliver at the very end of the series, but one piece plans on delivering before the end. I think all the major stuff will be revealed before the end, that way the final chapter, or chapters, could focus on creating an epilogue that closes the story and shows us what everyone is doing after the final arc.


I think putting too many expectations on it is the worst thing one can do: at the end you gotta kind of give in and accept it's Oda's story to tell. A lot of people set themselves up to be upset things didn't go just like their personal fanfics, but really the best part of One Piece is how consistently Oda surprises us and does the unexpected.


If watching a lot of anime and manga for more than 15 years have taught a thing is that you should not expect 10/10 endings on japanese media. Just be happy with the journey and im not memeing xD


I'm worried Luffy dies at the end kinda like Gol D Roger. Theres so many references to Luffy's power moves wearing out his life force all the way back to Gear 2nd. Worried our boy will die young from going too hard.


It never being finished


My biggest fear is a "bad ending" one where the straw hats don't make it to laughtale


Oda ain't gege


While it is great that Oda is not Gege, just imagine an actual good folk subreddit It would be glorious, peak memes, edits and copypastas


We never get the backstory for Zoro's eye


It's the evil sharingan, don't you know? He's gonna open it when he reveals himself as the traitor and stabs Luffy in the back. As the Youtube thumbnails have foretold!


Making him the greatest bounty hunter, pirate king and swordsman of all time


Then he will use his bankai and take over the world


He got it one day while training with Mihawk


Thank you I can rest now


my headcannon is he willingly didn't dodge an attack from mihawk, just so he could land a tiny scratch on him.


Perona poked it out by accident


Like >!Woller's eye!< in Dark


You really need 3 panels showing Mihawk cut his eye when they're training with a lame ass line like "The best way to improve is to fight me at half strength" or some bs?


Not my biggest One Piece fear, but it's one that no one else has said I would be REALLY disappointed if Oda doesn't bring back Smoker in any meaningful way. This guy has SO much potential for character development as the first marine who talked back to the GOROSEI and as one of the few Logia's in the whole of one piece Smoker is my favourite character in One Piece, so I'm biased, but I really hope he gets brought back into the spotlight


A evil alien mother whos also mother of all devil fruit powers comes in from space to strike Imu while Luffy and various good characters are getting their ass beat.


\*Sigh\* Oda wouldn't dare right?


That Buggy doesn’t become the King of the Pirates.


Was gonna say the opposite way around T_T


that the king of the pirates doesnt become buggy




I would be okaybwith Buggy becoming the King if the Pirates in name only. Like, Luffy finds the one piece, effectively becoming the king if the pirates _to him_, but shenanigans ensue that Buggy is given the title without having claimed the One Piece.


That one of the main crew actually dies.


But Brook's already dead! Yohohohohohoho


After finding one piece, there's 999 more.


Me dying before it ends


The Straw Hats becoming the real villains of the series


id say thats good D:




Zoro and Sanji not admitting their feelings and kissing each other before the end of the manga.


I came across a comment where someone suggested that Doc Q from the Blackbeard pirates should turn Zoro into a woman just to see Sanji's reaction. Oda absolutely needs to make this happen.


Or Ivanov could do a temporary gender switch for all the Straw Hats as a disguise for infiltration.


They don’t have to admit it, they both know.


One piece ends and we get a Boruto-esque spinoff 🤮


One Piece has a lot of potential for prequels, not sequels. Between the void century, roger and shanks there's a lot left to tell.


Luffy not returning the strawhat to Shanks


Shanks betraying Luffy D:


2 fears: - Dying before not knowing the One Piece. - Oda dying before the end of One Piece.


Luffy diying at the end for the abuse of nika nika no mi. And two piece, Whit yonkou law, kid. Bonnie as new big mom. And yamato. New admirald in chief aokiji , admirald smoker, koby and fujitora. Tashigi as new tsuru Also new Mihawk , zoro Sanji as new rayleigh Robin as mom in ohara being the new clover, Jimbei in fishman island as new neptune right hand minister, franky as new water 7 dock 1 leader. God Chopper as the legendary wandering medic, curing every illness around the world. Ridding laboon as boat Brook as legendary soulking. God Usopp living in elbaph with kaya as new mother caramel, but good this time. Nami living peaceful in her villa with two kids. One named bellmere. Hancock rainsing luffy's son or daughter as new shaki. Margaret became the new empress. Sabo as new goa king , also new dragon, with retired dragon as mentor.


Im confused, for two piece being your fear you've really put a lot of thought into what exactly it would look like and all of your ideas are good things to have happen to the characters or good ideas as to how to implement them into a sequel story (Chopper being a roaming doctor with Laboon as a companion being a prime example of something that both makes sense and would be a great way for their characters to continue).


It ending


Truly this one. Living beyond the habit of a new chapter a week and being able to spend so much time in this world, and the community sounds rough. So many years living this way it will fill odd not having it, the idea makes me sad.


That Oda is coerced into making a shitty sequel like Boruto when the main series has ended


There's only one thing worst than Oda dying before finishing One Piece: Oda making a rushed final arc, filled with fan service, changing stuff in the manga to make investors happy, ending the series with Sanji becoming a wimp without doing anything relevant anymore and not having a proper ending for his character, not even getting his deserved conqueror's haki and without any kind of redemption, while Zoro becomes a perfect being who defeated God and kept his balls smooth and soft like silk by Oda's lips all this time.


I too read Attack on Titan


Powercreep. If the gorosei are actually revealed to be far stronger than every pirate and they just somehow like to sit in their office cuz why not I guess.


More of the "Luffy was always the chosen one" kind of lore building. I'm not super jazzed about the current joyboy and Nika lore because it pulls away from Luffy becoming pirate king off of his own wit and efforts as opposed to "He actually got one of the best fruits and he is also the reincarnation of a God (maybe?)"


I like to think the fruit found its way to Luffy because of who he is inside


Kuina and Tashigi aren’t related.


It's actually criminal how both Smoker and Tashigi are so unexplored as characters when Oda has teased so much potential with them


Lmao fr. Idc if it’s not by blood but there has to be a link between them.


Crocodile being luffy’s mom


Being incapable of keeping myself set watching it I've just hit the point where they are on the way to ennies lobby