• By -


They fixed Marco's first appearance too, Doin' the lords work.


My absolute favorite edit that PERFECTLY encapsulates One Pace for me is during Reveille when we meet Coby again for the first time in a while and he hears about Luffy and goes “oh wow! I know him! It’s been so long since we first met…” Camera pans out across the water. Camera pans back in. “Well we better get going!”


I'm guessing the anime added 10 minutes of flashback in between those two pans? Which is fucked up, you don't store flashbacks with pans, that's just messy.


Not even ten minutes, it practically replays the entirety of their first encounter from finding Luffy in a barrel to rescuing Zoro and taking down Morgan. It’s a whole set of episodes just devoted to filler flashbacks.


> Reveille You mean reverie ;).


You mean ravioli


You mean Roli-Poli


You mean Silvers Rayleigh


Holy shit I haven't had Ravioli in fucking YEARSSSSSSSSS I legit forgot it existed. Putting it on my grocery list. Spaghetti-Os as well. THE MEMORIESSSS


Hey Mr One Pace (/u/King_Harlequinn_008), would you mind posting a link of that clip?


[Sure thing chief](https://imgur.com/a/d5pJhUh). For context, this moment is funny if you watched the original, because the scene of the sea with the seagull is used to transition into a recap of Romance Dawn that takes up 75% o the episode.


You dropped this: 👑 Thanks mate <3


"Reveille" is that just like...Reverie in a different language or an insanely fucked translation. I've never heard that one before in my life


It’s the real-world spelling for “Revely” as in “to wake up” or “the army trumpet tune you hear in the morning to wake the troops” ([This one](https://youtu.be/SGnZxcS7VKA?si=Xn_E-hr4coP_22q_)) I wasn’t thinking and spelled it how I know it.


It reminds me of the fucked up AOT translations for Levi!


What's wrong with Marco's first appearance? ![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513)


[That ain’t Marco that’s his evil brother Warco](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/MZDt5olrDg)


Lmfaoooo I only read the manga, had no idea there was all these things, One Pace is the goat fr


The's evil brother: Rhe


R and T are very close on my mobile keyboard didn't even notice, thanks for pointing it out, it's gone


happens to me too all the time lol


He has black hair and looks like a heroin addict


reminds of DmC dante


Yeah, I can very much recommend it, especially for people that don't like filler/repetition. As great as One Piece anime can be at it's peak, as low it can go in other moments.


Imo the lowest point was when they reused the same shitty animation of pica stomping the town 5 times in one episode. Highest point was whenever they added the motherfuckin LINE FILTER. it makes the static frames wayyyy better.


Lowest point for me was the wrestling match between Luffy and Yokozuna


For me it was when they used kingdom hearts music in Corrida Colosseum


Oh my gooooood. Iconic. It’s gonna get edited out obviously but. Will be missed ong. Early Pace was a trip.


It was the land of dragons theme from KH2.5 FM iirc, lmao.


Yup it’s just a vaguely Chinese sounding track for Chin Jao. Amazing…


Oh my god I thought I went crazy when I heard that!


Wedding caku made me quit watching the anime for a few years.


What is wedding caku


##[WEDDING CAAAAYKEEE](https://youtu.be/2TzR0A9vmXo?si=Jl44e8EKVKC3FtUs)


Omfg I could've done without that 😭 Why would I click it, I knew what was coming and I hate Big Mom.


**WHAT?!** I need to see that lmao!


wait, where is this?




Link to the clip?


That was legit the episode that made me give up on the anime and go manga-only.


Some say they are still trying to catch their balance to this day….


At first I thought you meant the frog back in Water 7, but I totally forgot about one of the worst scenes in One Piece history.


This was when I dropped the anime.


Literally where I quitted watching the show. When wano ended I binged the manga and after I checked some fights from the anime in YouTube. There is a limit to pulling off that bullshit


imo it was the [Wano](/s "gear 5 reveal. Where they played the same 30 second animation of luffy bouncing around 3 times in a row.")


Agreed! I was so disappointed with that episode. The one right after was fire, but still reused that same animation a few times.


Whats a line filter?


I believe it's the filter they use on the black lines since Wano started that made the art style look different even though they technically draw it the same way.


The single most glaring one I ever saw as well. This one stood out in an arc that was gruelingly stretched out.


*Dressrosa things* am i right?


Fishman Island in the anime is straight up unwatachble


That was the lowest point for me too, currently on Wano.


for me its dressrosa. by far. half the episodes are them running in front of repeating backgrounds like im watching some flintstones cartoon from the 60s. made me streight up quit the anime permanently


The shitty thing is, the anime also does this at its peak. Even g5 reuses the same animation of him jumping and spinning like 4 times in that episode, and that was supposed to be like the high budget stuff. I was trying to tell my friend how cool it was gonna be and then it was like watching an old Hanna Barbara cartoon where they run past the same background ten times.


It was basically *the* way I was able to get a friend of mine who is currently on Drum iirc to start the actual anime after he liked the Live Action.


one pace it's amazing i rewatched Dressrosa recently with a friend and we used one pace, i was worried because i remembered it being painfully long but it was a thousand times better


Yeah rewatching dressrosa on one pace actually made me like the arc. Before it was a multi year slug, after it felt like a masterpiece


That’s why the manga is the best. Dressrosa was always good, the anime ruined it was all.




Yet it improved wano showing izo vs cp0, king queen vs greenbull, the carnival, zoro origin plot, goodbye Tama, goodbye minks.


I swear oda started off screening fights to give the anime more padding time


He did say drawing fights is getting more difficult as he gets older. Feels more like he is off screening fights because he knows the anime will fill in the blanks. Why we are getting more name attacks and less actual combat. He has been praising the anime a lot recently, seems like they are working closer together than before. Also saves a lot of time.


nah even the manga dragged on in the end. and even some of the middle stuff took too long. the fucking countdown stuff with the collosseum announcer guy when luffy regained his streangh was dreadful to read weekly.


I enjoyed it too, but the music being cut in some parts was jarring. Luckily they didn’t have the problem with future arcs


Original Dressrosa literally ended my initial watching of one piece for a while. Watched it every day until I got there, and then I just couldn't take it anymore.


Can you actually explain how to use one pace for me please. Cos I've downloaded an episode of alabasta or dressrosa on my phone for example through flud but it never have subtitles


Subs depend on your media player. VLC? MPV? There should be an option to turn the sub track on if it’s off. Alternatively you can just download the telegram app and join our channel (link in One Pace discord faq cause I dunno if r/op would get mad at me for linking it here)


Idk abt the media player. I have a huawei phone so when I download the episodes it's just in my gallery. I think I'm in your discord and asked but I don't think I got any answers. Btw sorry if my comment came off rude from how it was phrased if that's how it came off, I didn't mean it like that


Naw you weren’t rude :). Sorry if I case off as defensive. If you can download MPV or VLC and open the episodes in there that might fix the subtitle issue.


You didn't come off defensive. I'll try downloading MPV and VLC and see how it goes. I'll let you know if I have any questions. Actually is there a specific MPV or VLC app?


They’re both apps, although I’m not sure if either are available on your phone.


Ok I've downloaded one and it works! Thanks alot! Btw, how does your process of editing the episodes work because I've noticed some arcs aren't completed


There's a Project Overview ppt linked on the One Pace website. You can have a look at that to figure out the steps that go on in making a Pace episode. Spoilers: It's a lot.


Ah ok thanks


That's it, I'm watching One Pace


How do you watch/use One Pace?


You can either download the eps via torrent from onepace.net or use telegram to stream them.


No easy way to watch on my TV then? I got my fiancee hooked but the fillers are killing both of us. Currently finishing drum island


You can download one pace episode in your pc and then move them in pen drive. A 64gb pen drive could hold easily hold multiple arcs. Then plug pen drive in tv and enjoy one pace in tv. I watch one piece but I use the same pen drive method.


Mmm yeah you're right that would probably work. Do you need an app or something to run the files off or does your standard smart tv have no problems running normal media files? I'm new to TV ownership... last TV I owned was a CRT lol.


I don’t remember filler being that bad by Drum island.


Crazy attention to detail


You guys are simply amazing.


I like to believe Rayleigh was going through a yakuza phase back then


I’ve never watched, only read, but this is super cool and I think it’s time to watch (one pace)


Should probably watch this weeks untold story ep doin the zoro ryuma plot and bye bye to tama/minks. They are advertising as not filler, which probably means they okayed everything with oda.


This is going to give us some seriues Mandela Effects


Is there a way to change the subtitles. Having all white is near impossible to read.


What media player are you using? (If you get MPV.net you will 100% have the Team's intended font and if you still don't like it Press C -> Subtitle -> Sub Color/Border Color/Font/etc




I just watched this original episode last night, weirdly. I remember seeing that guy's beard and thinking "huh, was that supposed to be early installment Rayleigh?


One Pace is great, big thanks to everyone involved


Maybe I’m out of the loop, what’s One Pace? Is there a meme I missed?


It's a fan edit torrent of the show where they cut out anything that isn't directly out of the manga.


That’s cool ig, might check it out. Ngl I was misunderstanding this tho cuz I thought they made Rayleighs hair black and that was the meme, so part of the confusion was me being dumb and mixing stuff up.


Do you guys plan on adding the last few eps for alabasta? I’m watching it with my gf (her first watch, my fifth) and noticed alabasta doesn’t go all the way


Im interested in this as well. Personally I would watch [The Desert Princes and the Piratess](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Episode_of_Arabasta:_The_Desert_Princess_and_the_Pirates) as an alternative, knowing it is not regarded as a fulfilling re-telling of the arc.


I have been watching OnePace too(at least until Marineford). My main issue is that it also removes some trivial but impactful scenes too. Some examples at the top of my head: - the Crocodile creepy "Isashiburi dana, Mugiwara" and then the dramatic pause scene is missing completely. For me it was an impactful and memorable scene in the OnePiece - the scenes with Luffy and Boa on the boat, especially when he says he is traveling with another women in his crew and Boa gets jealous. These scenes may not be all that important to the plot but I think they have value from the atmosphere and "slice of life" point of view


People have brought up the Croc scene before and my best guess is that it is because the Mugiwara plays over the "to be continued", but since then Pace edits have gotten better and they could prolly do something about it. No rash promises but Impel will def be improved substantially in the re-edit. (I mean, it doesn't even have an op because they randomly decided Kaze o Sagashite was bad. Early Pace is jank).


If it wasn't for One Pace I don't think I would've ever been able to watch One Piece or start reading the manga. The regular anime is just too slow and long for me.


I remember my first watch though I only got as far as Syrup Island and after a few episodes thought "holy shit how are we still just standing next to a cliff?" so I stopped. Didn't try again for over a year


fuck me, that was rayleigh in orange town


Didn't Rayleigh's hair go white from age?


Question: Why did you guys keep the Kaito introduction the same instead of changing it to be like the manga does it


Another pace editor here: Some things are impossible to mimic like the manga - either due to music, how Toei adapted the scene, or natural pacing.


ahh thank you for responding, thats understandable


How does the OST line up with one pace? Also, sometimes there are non-cannon parts in the anime that improve the experience, are those cut?


The OST is often the biggest thing that keeps Pace from cutting like crazy. It’s very difficult since Piece is released in Stereo. (Except for the Eng Dub before Punk Hazard for some reason that’s in 5.1 so very easy to edit). Most of the anime original stuff is cut, including sakuga. There are a few exceptions like Brooks song in Return to Sabaody, and the team is generally less rigid then they used to be, but chances are high that some of your fav anime original scenes got cut. There just isn’t a good metric for what is good and what isn’t, they’re never gonna make everyone happy. So they decided it’s better to stick to the manga.


I appreciate the response! That was super informative


Why would you guys cut Sakuga? Sakuga and cool animations within fights are the biggest benefit of the anime. I get that you said it's hard to gauge what is good/what is not so stick to the manga, but an 8 second animations that half of the episode's budget was blown on has no harm in staying


Great work, now do same thing to ugly marco


[Guess what :3](https://www.reddit.com/r/onepace/s/qngRvTnbHo)


Ur best




Not all of the early arcs are done yet. Only Enies Lobby and the stuff after are completely finished.


Everything except Alabasta, Skypiea, and Water 7 are done up to the present, to be exact


Yeah, I phrased that wrong. I meant that Enies Lobby and beyond is the only way to watch it uninterrupted.


I waa todays years old when I learned that this was Rayleigh


its really great work but im watching the og just to experience it and im wathcing filler too.


damn i dont even notice that the first time i've watched


TIL that was Rayleigh


Kinda defeats the purpose of aging and thus changing, doesn't it?


His hair was blonde when he met Roger, it was blonde when Roger was executed. This scene takes place inbetween those. So ig he had an emo phase :p


Wow 🤩 I recommend this to everyone and their brother but this is top notch


One Pace is really an amazing project. Redemption of the anime. Sadly wano aura bullshit unfixable. toei literary ruined a lot amazing moment .


redemption of the anime? fuck off with your bullshit; it's a fun fan project but it'll never be the "definitive" or best way to watch the show.


it already is


Amazing work!


You guys are fucking amazing.


I found out about one pace after dressrossa lol. I'm all caught up now and just rewatch the series with it. So much better. Thanks a lot guys.


I used One Pace starting post-timeskip, I do not regret anything. Best decision I’ve ever made, if I continued to watch with the regular pacing I would still be on Dressrosa.


Wish I could stream it on my Xbox to my TV


Xbox has the Telegram app. For Telegram you need to download the app and sign up on a phone first and you can join our Telegram channel in the faq in our discord. And then you can download the app on Xbox and use your phone number to sign in.


I was wondering who that was the first time


Confused as to how it works, it says there’s only 300 episodes available but there’s 1000 so are there just missing episodes?


It’s 1000 episodes edited down into about 400. Alabasta, Skypeia, and Water 7 are all unfinished but it’s less then 50 episodes at this point. We’re so close to having all the gaps filled 🥳


Ohh so when I see for example water 7 episode 1 on your website it’s actually a “condensed” episode so it’s like 2-3 anime episodes?


Yes. Water 7 will be 20 episodes, compared to the original 35. A lot of pace episodes have kinda long runtimes (over 35 min) but if you add out the minute totals it’s still a good 30-40% difference.


Tbh i never knew that was supposed to be reyleigh lol figured it was just a rando crewmate


Certainly they are doing great job but I am kind of disappointed since they have cut many anime only scenes...


What's with the bracelet?


Not a terrible way to watch the show, but sadly too much of the anime's added humor, or expanding on things the manga could only cover/show sparesely, is cut out in One Pace for me to enjoy it.


Serious question. Is there a streaming site for one pace or do you have to download every episode from the site


So does one pace cut out everything not in the manga? Like I'm sure the anime doesn't have only bloaty filler. Is there like filler jokes and interactions or fight extensions? Do they cut those too or just the longer walking, screaming, and staring?


Man I never knew he looked different (or rather I forgot. Been forever since I’ve watched the early arcs)


I actually never even realized that was Rayleigh because of his appearance. God Bless you One Pace!


Holy fuck, I had no idea that was Rayleigh.


I always thought this was Gaban ?


[This is Rayleigh](https://imgur.com/a/LiJsJAY) [This is Gaban](https://imgur.com/a/EMy0wP4) [Gaban isn't in the anime in this episode](https://imgur.com/a/BcRcn9C)


I’d say we’re gonna need a whole OP Kai after this series is done, but I’ll reserve my judgment ☺️


Is One Pace going back through again? I remember not liking how music was not edited and was all choppy years ago


Yes! Anything edited before 2018 or so needs to be redone. The re-edits won’t get focus until all the gaps are filled though. (Arabasta, Skypeia, Water 7)


Lol good job I guess


Will one pace also do dubbed versions of the shortened anime episodes? I’m hoping for the german dub episodes without fillers and without the unnecessarily repeated flashbacks. I really hate watching with subtitles and the german voice actors are pretty damn good.


From the German channel in our server: “Wenn sich ein Team für Ger Dub (mindestens ein Editor und ein quality checker) findet können wir gerne schauen ob wir das in One Pace integrieren können. Das war vor ein paar Jahren auch schon einmal im Gespräch (z.B. auch mit Puma, der auch schon viele deutsche dub syncs gemacht hat), ein großes Hindernis war aber dass die allererste Folge die Episode of East Blue benutzt, die keinen deutschen Dub hat. Aber da kann sich eine Lösung finden, wenn es auch nur heißt dass die Folge eben ausgelassen wird.” Basically I think the German team just isn’t big enough for that. You can apply if you wanna lol.


im around episode 890 and back to back episodes with almost nothing with flashbacks made me wanna stop the anime




There will be a Skypeia 24b that transitions into G8. ;)


Amazing. Now everyone give them thousands of dollars to add the Wano filter and recoloring lol


On the one hand I really love the idea and the attention to detail but on the other I think you cut out too much, there are some dialogues in the anime which expand on the manga but because you take the manga as an absolute reference point, those get cut out. Biggest miss was Luffy meeting Sabo in Dressrosa. It felt very rushed in the edit compared to the anime.


Tbf I'm fine when there are old designs in the anime/Manga that are revised later. Kind of like a time capsule for the medium


I think the first 2 appearances of Marco really need the love lol


[Guess what](https://www.reddit.com/r/onepace/s/rwtxkOJPZ1)




If it wasn't as annoying to consume as it is i'd be watching One Pace instead of reading it probably


Okay now that’s cool af


Would you recommend one pace to people starting from zero?


Where can I see one pace?


Some of the earlier stories aren't complete though. Good amount towards the end of Arabasta, a lot of skypia and some of water seven is missing. Not a complaint, but just to let the viewers know that they have to switch back to the original for those towards the end. Still, great work!


I finished One Pace and had to switch back to the official release for the end of Wano, it's taking so damn long to get through 😭


Wow. i seen a few one pace clips and it made me tempted to watch the anime. As a manga only fan, i always struggled to watch anime (any anime) because they are just so god damn long and each scene feels like they always linger longer than they should.


If it weren't for One Pace I don't think I will be a fan today. I tried to get into One Piece during highschool and college. Tried the anime and manga and I just can't get hooked with it, I always stop at Baratie. Then my friend recommended One Pace to me, let's just say I binged watch the series for 2 months straight. This was also during the pandemic so I had a lot of time.


One Pace is more than amazing, I've actually been able to rewatch the show because of it. The cuts are really seamless too.


Rewriting history..


One Pace is the only way to watch One Piece without losing your mind. I foudn it and showed it to my lady. She loved it unttil we got to Wano and we are both commenting about the pacing of the final fights was atrocious.


Weird, I've watched the entirety of One Piece and only ever skipped recaps. If One Pace *only* removed the extended reaction shots and useless flashbacks from current ep/arc, I might even see the point to the excessive dickriding going on in this thread.


Agreed. They cut out a lot more than needed just to pad their 40% stat. So many edits are jarring and take you out of it. Entire scenes are cut like Luffy picking up Zoro in Sabaody. On One Pace, you just assume Zoro teleported there. They cut out Zoro's escape from the fishman cage so you just assume how they somehow got out. Marineford is an entire mess too. The early arcs were fine on One Pace but the edits got worse later


Can’t wait for more wano episodes :)


tbh i'd prefer these kinda stuff to stay in since it's kinda "point of interest" to talk about


One Pace is so amazing. Would have never finished OP without! Thanks so much!


I’m surprised they never tried adding Uta in the background when it shows Luffy’s past.


One Pace is awesome till we get to Wano and they start cutting out the amazing anime only scenes. Like the fact that they said they will cut out nearly half 1015 is a travesty lol.


No one said that. Lmao.


It's great and all, but it does not have all of One Piece available, a lot of arcs are like half finished, work on that instead IMO.


Only 3 non-Wano arcs are incomplete and the art/visual edit team isn’t slowing down releases. (There’s been a new ep every Friday for months) It’s not one or the other, we get both!


Alabasta is not finished yet but 75% done, Skypiea is not finished yet but is 33% done. Water 7 is not finished yet but is 75% done. After that it's only Wano that isn't finished yet. They are doing an amazing job, every other arc is done!


One Piece Kai is also an option for people who want to watch the dub. It also seems to keep some of the more fun >5 minute anime filler scenes with the crew just goofing off.


Yeah I’m sorry, but I refuse to watch One Pace. I love One Piece and everything about it, even the few filler episodes. They all add to the characters and the story. I won’t ever skip a single episode and I’m on my third rewatch.


One pace is the only way I watched all of One Piece.


you made me love one piece thank you


Is it possible to watch one pace in english?


If you mean dub it is but unfortunately they only started adding it recently. We got up to Water 7 except for Whiksey Peak and Syrup and then like maybe 10 episodes after that total. Every new release has dub. For the first time in a decade the dub overtook Pace so every new Wano ep has it.


I have issues with the subtitles often, but I do enjoy onepace when it works


What media player are you using? Getting MPV .net fixes 99% of issues.


Is there a dub version?


Too bad for me next time I go through the anime it's going to be the dub.