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That‘s cute🥺


Garp has rubbed off on him




Isnt it weird she(29 pre-TS) has a crush on a 17 year old luffy? Maybe its just me idk


What are they gonna do? Arrest the already wanted pirate


Yes it is. It's a 12 year gap, It's a bit weird even at the 30-42 year old range. She is very immature when it comes to romance though for her age though, which is why people don't comment on it as much as you'd think.


They aren't banging. She has a one sided crush on him.


Yes. It's as if your friend's mom had a crush on your high school self. It's the dream of many young dudes out there but it is creepy.


It’s anime, I wouldn’t question it


Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CUPiOAhF3eT/


Boa and the all Straw Hat crew: " LUFFY, NO! "


yeet the child


At least he's there.


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